xt70rx937t9n_236 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. General correspondence text General correspondence 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_12/Folder_12/Multipage11397.pdf 1916 April 1916 1916 April section false xt70rx937t9n_236 xt70rx937t9n IOWA EQUAL SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION OFFICERS HEADQUARTERS Additional Members Executive Board , ' en FLEMING BUILDING Mrs. A. .l MI'NL‘II - - - . - - PreSIdent ~ "e‘Ifi (‘ott'wv Grow- I)vs Moines Miss Flora Dunlap ~ - - ~ - * “ DES MOINES’ IOWA Miss Elizabeth Purliins - -’ - y- - - Rondslde bottlemunt, Des Momos ~ , A . . _ Viptmqa Hotel Des Moinns Vice-President * Mrs. U. W. SmeIdiIIg — - — GI'iuIIeII M's C Herin J. MacKfl , Dean - Amos - ~- “"3- ”'"m‘r A- Miller ‘ ' ‘ ' ' l S n 1 e y 1 - » - - 341.3 Grand Ave. Des Moines Recording Secretary Mrs. James A. Devitt ~ - - Oskaloosu Secretary Press Bureau _ , ' g ' Mrs: “use Lawless (laym- - - , - Correspondmg Secretary v r. .1 ‘ . - , , 112!) W. 9th St, Dos Mnines Mrs. J. D. Hmnes - - - - - - - » - - 2824 Grand A\'e., Des Moinos E t" S I: xecu Ive ecre ary Treasurer Miss Alive B. Curtis Ali-3.1411121 G.Caldwell— — - - - Adel Auditors Mrs. Hiram K. Evans » - - (fim-ydou 1913 Mrs. P. J. Mills - 225 37th St. Des MoiIII-s Alaska . WHITE STATES. FULL SUFFRAGE Advisory Committee SHADED STATES. PARTIAL SUFFRAGE Sen. A. B. Cummins. DARK STATES. NO SUFFRAGE Washington, D. C. Sen. Jos. E. Allen, Pocahontas Mrs. A. B. Cummins, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Francis E. VVIIitley, Webster City. President I. F. \V. C. Mr. George Cosson, DuMmmm Miss Laura Clay, A ttorney-Gen. of Iowa A. L. Urick, 189 N. Mill Street, L““$?$§m“' Lexington, Kentucky. Bishop Austin Dowling. Des Moines m:W.BSmw, ‘ My Dear Miss Clay: Waterloo, President Iowa State Medical SmMy I can not tell you how glad we are that you Thomas McBride, hwamw, will come to us. vIt is not too late by any means President hw,mMemm"my and we are all most pleased that we may count on Rafifiggggfmw so much of your time. It is very good, indeed, of m$wrmWMM you to come to us, and I am sure that Iowa peOple . Morrison. mewn will enjoy you immensely. We will plan for you to %§fi§fi$fi begin work on May 11, and will have your schedule President Im1ngTmmflr forwarded to you before that time. allege I.N.Tl, , . n. . onwfiXr We plan to have four or eight of1101al Lecturer MmSmmeue automobile tours starting from the borders of the Clifford Thorne, Ddemg state on May 15th, and ending here in Des Moines on Chairman “mm“ mmmflmn June 5rd, the Saturday before election. We shall probably want to.put you in one of these tours, with one or two other people perhaps; However, I will write you definitely about that later. Will you send me as soon as convenient, a photograph and some press material so that we may begin at once to get our publicity matter ready. Thank you again for coming. Cordially yo President. WMWS'L‘W I89 E.£ill street, lexington, Ky. April 4th, I9I6. 1“Xxxxxxxxx Ly deer firs.wncrp, Your letter of larch 29th has been forwarded to my home, and am complying with your requests to the best of my ability. I I am enclosing some neWSpaper comments; and a sketch of myself written mainly by jiss Alice Blacktell, which is long encugu for you to out it several times. Wnoer eno her cover I am send two photographs. I have no newspaper clippings about my affiliations with other socie- ties than the suffrage ones mentioned in the sketch. But for your infers mation, if you can use it, I will say that I am a member of the “retes— tent ”piscopal church; and while the discipline of my church does not al— low women to speak from its pulpits I have on several occasions been res quested to address the Diocesan Council of the Diocese of Lexington,onn church subjects. I have been affiliated with the club work in Kentucky since the or- ganization of the Federation of lubs work in the state; and was at one time a Vicewpresident of the state Federati n. I have always been on the Board of the Hy.?oua1 Rights lsso. in va- rious offices. I an vice-president at- large of the Southern States Roman suf- frage Confengnce. I am a member of the ".C.".U., and was for a long time the state Superintendent of thernrnnohise Department. Occasionally I make tem- perance speeches; but aqu'ryml limit mysely yo the subject of suffrage. If I can aid in any way to make toe Miss.Valley Conference a success I shall be yery glad to do so. Very sincerely yours, Wmmtku 751211211 Rh 1 t5 agatiztfinn CJ <9 C" ] an HEADQUARTERS: 726 MCCLELLAND BUILDING LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY. MRS. DESHA BRECK’INRIDGEuPRESIDENT FIRST VICE PRESIDENT. MRS. EDWARD L. HUTCHINSON. LEXINGTON CORRESPONDING SECRETARY, MISS LAURA CLAY. LEXINGTON SECOND VICE PRESIDENT, MRS. CHARLES FIRTH. COVINGTDN RECORDING SECRETARY. MRS. ROBINSON A. MCDOWELL. LOUISVILLE THIRD VICE PRESIDENT. MRS. JACOB B. JUDAH. LOUISVILLE TREASURER, MRS. WARFIELD BENNETT. RICHMOND AUDITOR. MRS. CHARLES L. NIELD. LOUISVILLE STATE MEMBER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. MRS. THOMAS J. SMITH. FRANKFORT LEXINGTON. KY.. 119511-250 Lh'irfi Lazington, <3: 4.13; PLing‘svme‘ Taé. arsenal sizetc “ri 'long; but ymu Cum out it I gm vzy'r,‘y_‘g12,-Lji'- tncxft' ,_ K . L , m algn; and I.sn :bile tour; er otncrwihe, .’.Y1€‘Sfi'° LJ ‘.h . L 1.»: L lenjcyéd'it. If it inthrr JIV 1V JV)V KKPILV LllL Lné 5Lh 14:8 VJ ‘. “J liyfirt Lo ‘we OmOClthC ! ‘pfiefbfé‘that. ’ . JJ_ giveril s e§itLLQFLg . F'V 1“: ‘\ 1.50. F1 V JaffiLiazidnvaLdf T J SORVGnLibné zve jusL been .nnGIr; Valley QQV activities; wz‘. r2]. ‘3.”1‘11 53*1,’ I9I’L3. XXIX. XXXXKXXXXXX 'Lathu‘ of fist inst. is LL nanfi; and L am: :.12:i {11‘ £111L§t21E;1‘ L_u* }.ilO L:; 9 man. J A LLQn mqgtLyV j [183 Elucxu011,is entirely too L {J suit yourself. (xi L) LaLL De ableJto go to IOLu ta delpfin-your. all be gerfeczly milling to'goV on L10 automos A ‘urt \ , ° r. 513 r)‘ .1 to {LL best. VI travelled‘ Lf they .outaof- door speeches—prifieipullygfland“* qus‘yuuerkunound thur‘to ave me stopV beforeV TLime; but at “r 8 nt I R0 nCt think“ (3 “‘L1 L19 . J 0 f 311‘ ms; J 54.3 Lemma/Ly, 3 1‘ at homé a'bhort tims J/ ., .J V V",_ ‘ u’ 5 M Voff alter Thorn, to prLLfi ‘J' . r L Vforence; and 316 asted me t9 give mVy ohurcn J 1-“ J3 'aell Ls Luet withxclubs, etc.4 It has V , - 5‘ 4} rm (“:111 .4 I1 :2 “v” e: __ saff~ugg no; lfing"; $30 how'lony I ,« . "".s- faculfi;ba. You Wéeml’ "urnd as van IOWA EQUAL SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION”- OFFICERS President Miss Flora Dunla - ~ Roadside Settlement, Des Moinos Vice-President Miss Catherine J. MucKay, Dean « Recording Secretary Mrs. James A. Devitt - Corresponding Secretary Mrs. J. l), Haines Treasurer Mrs. Ella G. Caldwell - Auditors Mrs. Hiram K. Evans Mrs. P. J. Mills - 225 37th St. Des Mnim‘s Advisory Committee Sen. A. B. Cummins, Washington, D. C. Sen. Jos. E. Allen, Pocahontas Mrs. A. B. Cummins, Washington, D. 0. Mrs. Francis E. W'hitley. Webster City, President I. F. W. G. Mr. George Cosson, Des Mnines, Attorney-Gen. of Iowa A. L. Urick, Labor Commissioner of Iowa Bishop Austin Dowling. Des Moines Dr. W. B. Small, \Vaterloo, President . Iowa State Medical Society Thomas McBride, Iowa City, President Iowa State University Rabbi E. Mannheimer, Des Moines Bishop Theodore N. Morrison, Davenport H. H. Seerley, Cedar Falls, President Iowa State Teachers’ College I. N. Taylor, Oskaloosa. Lecturer Iowa State Grange Clifford Thorne, Des Moines, Chairman . . . ‘/ Railroad Commiss ,/ /’K.. [ff/K. M . . / / / I 1 V ".3524 Grand Ave, Des Moines -flany more than we can help. HEADQUARTERS 6l7 FLEMING BUILDING DES MOlNES. IOWA Additional Members Executive Board Mrs. .\. .l. .\lv.\'eil » - - , , EMS. ('mlage Grove, Miss l'IliMIln‘ilI l’vi'kins - - - - - - . - Victoria Hon-l, Des Moint-s Mrs. ll. \V. Spuulding - Grinnvll Mrs. llomvr A. Miller , - - - - , - » :HIS Grand Ave. Des Moim-s Dos Moim-s Am cs Secretary I’ress Bureau .\lr<, th‘u Lawless Guyvr - » - . - , - - HZ!) \V. QtlI 81., bus Moinvs Oslialoosa Executive Secretary Miss Alive 13. Curtis Adel 1913 Alaska (lorydon WHITE STATES. FULL SUFFRAGE . SHADED STATES. PARTIAL SUFFRAGE Ap'rll DARK STATES. no SUFFRAGE miss Laura Clay, 189 North Mill Street, Lexington, Ky. My Dear Miss Clay: Thank you for the photographs and press material. Of course, our speaking will close June 3, but we shall be glad to have you as our guest until after the election day, if you find it convenient to stay. I note what you say about the Sunday meetings, and I think we will probably be able to arrange for your Speaking in churches on Sunday. The Iowa pastors, as a whole, have been very nice about that. I think "The Biblezbr Equal Suffrage" is the address to give. There is so much discussion here about preparedness that we are finding it safer not to mention preparedness 27/ Ve are trying very hard to keep Suffrage a single issue. The W. C. T. U. of the state is doing splendid work, but we have felt it was wiser for them to do it through theirown organization, and for us to do suffrage work only, so we would prefer that you do not link suffrage with temperance. I think I have no suggestions for your Speeches, except that the Iowa laws are on the whole very fair to women. We have equal guardianship of children and the inheritance laws are fair, so that the general arguments for suffrage of justice and fairness, and that Iowa women have done their share in making this a progressive state, are the best arguments to use. Also the antis are talking a great deal about Colorado, about the increased cost of elections and about increased tax rates, citing California especially in regard to taxes. They are trying rather secretly, to talk about Mormanism also. It is well to have in mind an answer to these arguments. fZ— Miss Laura Clay, Your longest speech would probably be an hour, and the shortest one fifteen minutes, the average being nearer half an hour. ‘ We are so glad you are coming and the newspapers of She state have already given the matter a good deal of publicity. I will write you a little later Where you are to begin. Cordially yours, / Q 5/27 M W , " ‘7 Pr sident. ifimturky Equal Eights Asantiatinn MRS. THOS. .1. SMITH Ahnwnrg $113171! state Headquarters. V SENATOR JOHNSON N. CAMDE‘PII, 111 - .. ersn es 403 McClure 3163.. I‘rn-nki'mt . . W J ’1 . HON. D. N. LAFFEBTY, Cynthiano First Vice President ; 1” .. A {17/ 7, _ A, 1" Master gegtuckIfinggt‘g (filings t . v ,- - 'I > ‘ v‘ ,/ MR. HARE LLI . , 'ewpor MRS' ROBINSOB A' MODO“ ELL ' , ' m; ,‘ '_ ‘, Pres. Kentucky Federation of Labor No. 6 Magnolia. Apts.. Lonisviiil- ’ .. ~ ‘-_ W- V‘ a JUDGE ED. C. O’R-EAR, Frankfort . - ' . . f ' ', - '.-,w ‘ ' MRS. JAMES BENNETT, Richmond Sewn“ Vi“ P'es‘dent ' V -, , . ; HON. CLAUDE THOMAS, Paris 31118. JOSEPH. ALDERSON W!" 4,; .. 7% ‘ Vi MRS, JAMES A. LEECH. Louisville mmdleshnm ‘ t; ' ‘ - HON. JOHN G. MILLER, Pnducah _ , MISS BELLE H. BENINETT, Mann-03.11 t - r-. ~ ' ‘ , , ' Pres. VVomnn’s M sslonury mm o Thu-d Y“?! President . I, ' '. ' -, ', Methodist Church, South MR5. 1“. A. ROTHIER .,;;, _ L1“ - ,- , .A, MRS. JOHN c. C. MAYO, Paintsvllle 185 E. Second Street. Covhlgtnn ,{éi .‘H . . g . JUDGE ROBERT L. STOUT, lfrankfort ‘ -' .. ‘, ,z " ' . DR. R. H. CROSSFIELD, Lexmzton Corresponding Secretary . ' W; 4'0 . - Pres. Transx'lvnni%P£iver%ity ' ' I “ " f" -- , -- DR. E. B. BARNES (2 mon MISS ELIZABEEH 8‘ PEPPER , ' , ~ ,, MAJOR JAMES BLACKBURN, Frankfort F'aflfflt REV. 11. G. TURNER, Danvllle - 5 GENERAL and MRS. J. B. CASTLEMAN Recording Secretary ' Louisville MRS. J. D. HAYS, Owensboro White states, Full Snflrnge; Shaded States, Partial MRS, MORRIS BARTLETT, Lawrenceburg Snflrage: Dotted State, Presidential, Municipal and , Kentucky Federation Women’s Treasurer i‘nrtini County Suffrage; Dark States, No Sufirnm‘. Clubs R I i t ‘ JUDGE H, S. BARKE , lex up: on MRS' J; 3‘ JUDAE . Pres. of State University of Kentucky ~115 Murray Avenue, Louisvrllc Vice Chairman of Campaign DEAN IRENE '1‘. MYERS, Lexington Auditor MRS. MURRAY HUBBARD, Fort Thomas Magus} Women Transylvania Univer— MRS. W. F. LILLARD, Lawrencoburg DEAN ANNA J. HAMILTON, Lexington Dean of Women State University of Chairman of Campaign Kentucky MRS DESHA Buncxmmpan 3m. HUSTON QUIN, Louisville . ' ,_ K k 111a L 1. A 80018- 726 McClelland Building, Lexington “”5“ “in“ 5’ C‘ a 0' 9 on )IISS LINDA NEVILLE, Lexington Sec. Society for Prevention of Blind- State Member Executive Committee )IISS LAURA CLAY “RS Ane‘sis HARRIQON L ' t . .. . . . . . exmg on 189 N. Mill Street, Lexington MR. R. A. McDOWELL' . - Pres. Men’s Suffrage League Louisville Chairman of Congressional \Vork MRS. SAMUEL HENNING ’ MRS- EDMUND 35- POST: Paducah Cold Spring, Cherokee Park, Louisville JUDGE GEORGE DuRELLE, Louisville MR. “'1“. MARSHALL BULLITT ‘ FRANKFORT.KYHAPI11 15, 1915, Louisville Dear Board Member: Congressional Meetings: We are trying to arrange for Congressional District meetings in our eleven districts. The 7th District meeting was held in Frankfort February 5rd. Miss Rebecca Averill, Chairman of the 7th District, called a meet— ing and arrangements were made by the franklin League. A "Dutch Treat" luncheon was given at the Frankfort Hotel and Miss Walker, our National organizer, was our guest. Mrs. W. F. Dillard, Chairman of the 8th Congressional District, will call a meeiing in Lexington at the Phoenix Hotel next Wednesday, April l9t . Mrs. Breckinridge entertained suffragists of the 7th District at luncheon yesterday,and made such successful plans that she suggests that welhave a get-together luncheon (at the cost of 55 cents) at the expense of the State Association. We think it will pay. Are we authorized b the Board to make such expenditure? The Congressional Committee and airmen are 53w at the work and have no,finances at their command. We hepe, in the future, that the Congressional Committee and the District Chairmen will be able to _. ’ finance their own work. Mrs. Ed 0. O'Rear of Frankfort has acceptedLZl/tflaui~ Zoomnaof the Committee to get a suffrage plank in the National Republican Platform at the Chicago Convention June 7th. -2- Appointments: The President has appointed Miss Emma East of Louisville, Chairman of the State Poster Contest Committee and of the National Poster and Slogan Contest Committee. The President has asked Mrs. John Sower of Frankfort, Chairman of our State Publicity' work, to also serve as Kentucky Member of the National Publicity Council. She will ask Mrs. J. B. Judah of Louisville, Miss Anne S. Baird of Paducah, and nrs. Abbie Meguire Roach of Louisville? to act as members of this committee. It is the purpose of our Association to co-operate in every way practicable with the National. In this way we gain much inspiration. Please suggest names for our Church Work as Mrs. A. M. Harrison has declined to serve any longer in this capacity. Organizers: As you know, we have engaged Mr. Millard for a month. Shall we engage mrs. Henr 8. Jeffrey of Chicago, experienced organizer and speaker, at $100.00 per month and traveling expenses, she to pay her board and room? I wrote and asked her if she would be willing to come for $50.00 and expenses. She would not do this. The rates before mentioned were what she received in Ohio. She had neVer gotten less. She comes highly recommended. Shall we engage Mrs. Harriett Stanton Blatch for a lecture for ~50.00 to Speak in Lexington or Louisville, in the early fall? If Miss Clay has heard Mrs. Blatch will she please write her opinion Of her a L We expect Mrs. T. T. Cotnam of Arkansas, to be our speaker at the Federation in Maysville. Dr. Shaw and Miss Jane Addams were not able to accept. As President of the Ashociation I took the liberty of offering a $25.00 prize for the best suffrage poster through the Art Chairman of the Federation of Women's Clubs. Please state what dates you think will be the best for our Convention this fall and what place you prefer. If no reply is received before Wednesday the 19th, I will take consent for granted in regard to the luncheon in Lexington. Very cordially yoggg ,, _ 7%“ ' ’/‘/)¢ /4fl92, ifflf Lhfltdééé/ ./5Lav¢4aflaifi a as sident In regard to our Convention this fall, we have had invitations from Louisville and Frankfort and have thought of Covington. It might be best to meet in Frankfort next year or the next Legislative year as we have done so much suffrage work here during this year. 71ml Cm seeefih. LL. L C 1 '\ \ m; .L i; L) MRS. W. E. BARKLEY FLORENCE BENNETT PETERSON. Chairman MISS ANNETTE FINNECAN I827 E Skeex. LincoIn. Nebraska 1320 CIenIake Avefine, Telephone Edgewaler 4574 .. Hotel Brazos, Houxlan. Texas lcago, IIlmom Mississippi Valley Suffrage Conference Minneapolis, Minnesota May 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th, 1916 ALABAMA IOWA STATES REPRESENTED NORTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE ARKANSAS KANSAS MICHIGAN MISSOURI OHIO TEXAS ILLINOIS KENTUCKY MINNESOTA NEBRASKA OKLAHOMA WEST VIRGINIA INDIANA LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI NEVADA SOUTH DAKOTA WISCONSIN .T—w—I .. _‘_..’., a .‘iszrJ. i. U '61) II: .< H" A; (‘52 H z w Ir; .7 L. :iiJ. i.: $2 ”1 1 e :1, J .-+ F“ '"S Li) w ’5 if 3:5 Q“ . i O I“; {T} (F Lu MU CI" ') imJ: 7' nv k. Fi‘ m |.J- {-4 a 'II ("D H m< va we» I-\ M g In. ;- if; not pr, -;1 _" the state to coma " " ”' ~ % I ) U“. o 3" a H U:- H: M m (r. C:3 hr: {L‘- :3 (I. 93 Q. 9 return m' »ampaign. Chairman. MINNESOTA WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION HEADQUARTERS, 403 ESSEX BUILDING MINNEAPOLIS CHAIRMEN STANDING COMMITTEES Press, Mrs. \Valter Thorp, 403 Essex Bldg., Minneapolis Honorary Press Chairman, Mrs. Eugenia B. Farmer, Old Cap- itol, St. Paul National Council, Mrs. J. C. Holman, 557 Dayton Av., St. Paul Congressional, Mrs. A. H. Potter, 2849 Irving 5., Minneapolis Finance, Mrs. S. T. McKnight, 2200 Park Ave., Minneapolis Periodicals, Miss Florence Monahan, Minneapolis Legislative, Miss Mary McFadden, Duluth, Minnesota Publisc Dlemclmstration, Mrs. L. C. Bacon, 737 Fairmount Ave., t. on State Fair, Mrs. C. R. Boostrom, 1642 Rondo St, St. Paul OFFICERS Mrs. Andreas Ueland, President 403 Essex Building, Minneapolis VICE-PRESIDENTS Mrs. George M. Kenyon 442 Summit Avenue, St. Paul Mrs. David Simpson 1508 Harmon Place, Minneapolis Mrs. Harold Crassweller 2016 E. 6th St., Duluth Mrs. C. L. Atwood, St. Cloud DIRECTORS Mrs. A. II. Bright, 1004 Mt. Curve Ave., Minneapolis Dr. Ethel E. Hurd, 710 Pillsbury Bldg.,,l}/[inneap0.lis . Mrs. Peter J. Schwarg, Dodge Center, Minn. Mrs. Luth Jaeger, 615 James Ave. No., Minneapolis Mrs. H. G. Harrison, 1112 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis Mrs. A. M. Burt, 1073 Lincoln Avenue, St. Paul Mrs. A. B. Jackson, Excelsior Mrs. C. A. Severance, Cedarhurst, Cottage Grove Mrs. Edgar H. Loyhed, Faribault Mrs. Eva W. Morse, Recording Secretary Excelsior S. A. Stockwell, Corresponding Secy. 32J4 East Slst Street, Minneapolis Mrs. Victor H. Troendle, Treasurer 1636 West 26th Street, Minneapolis Mrs. H. L. Tomlinson, Auditor 696 Grand Avenue, St. Paul Mrs. Harold W. Briggs, Office Secretary 403 Essex Building IVI rs. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ST. PAUL Senator Moses E. Clapp Adolph O. Eberhart Ambrose Tighe John Mitchell George M. Kenyon Grant Van Sant J. W. Bennett Rev. L. R. S. Ferguson Thomas McDavitt, M.D. Julius A. Schmahl Rev. H. N. Wilson Rabbi Rypins Rev. P. P. Womer Joseph Elsinger Albert Schaller Otto Kueffner Gilbert Gutterson Rev. John A. Ryan MINNEAPOLIS Dr. Cyrus Northrop A. H. Bright S. A. Stockwell Rev. Marion D. Shutter Prof. Carl Schlenker Prof. F. L. Washburn Ernest Kennedy Stiles P. Jones Frederick B. Snyder Horace Winchell James Gray VViIliam H. Eustis W. A. Frisbie E. F. Mearkle C. W. Dorsett James A. Peterson Judge A. C. Hickman Rev. J. M. Cleary S. R. Child Rev. Anthony F. Elmquist, PILD. Prof. Frank Nelson DULUTH Andrew Nelson L. Mendenhall W. E. McEwen Robert Eitel, Marshall J. A. Du Bois, M.D., Sauk Center Alson Blodgett, Farihault Alvin R. Hunt, Litchfield C. P. Howard, Freeborn Ole O. Sageng, Dalton J. W. Andrews, M.D., Mankato Judge W. M. Comstock, Mankato Julius E. Haycraft, Fairmont H. C. Miller, St. Peter J. \V. Daniels, St. Peter E. A. Brown, Luverne Nissan 3 «411.391.; i Mrs. Albert McMahon, State Organizer, 403 Essex Building, Minneapolis Mrs. Rene E. II. Stevens, State Organizer, 403 Essex Building, Minneapolis April 19, 1916 . E0. 1111 St., Lexington, inn hr hiss Clay:- I wont to tell you h w delighted I am at the prospect of seeing you at th fiississippi alley Conference. I have talked shout you to our fiinn sets women a great deal and th y are looking forward with pleasure to meeting you. I know we are to hesr you during the conference but I vrite specially to ask if you will sneak the banquet, Monday evening, lhy 8th. Our Toast mistress, ids. David F. Simpson, is aw y for a few day and asks me to write in her place. Instead of her signing topics to the speakers, she thinks it would be better that each speaker choose her own subject as she knows best what she would like to talk about. Will you please, 'hen, send us some sort of subject that we can print in our programs, which you can speak to or use-as a point of d parture, just as you like. The speech should be five to seven minutes i length. , cl. as— n Cordially yo 3, --..-§;%éEfZLé;égéoezfif;ii- iKrnturkg Equal flights Aarnriafinn President MRS. TIIOS. J. SMITH State Headquarters, 403 McClure Bldg., Frankfort First Vice President MRS. ROBINSON A. McDO“’ELL No. (I Magnolia Apts., Louisville Second Vice President MRS. JOSEPH ALDE RSON, Middlesboro Third Vice President MRS. F. A. ROTHIER 185 E Second Street, Covington Corresponding Secretary MISS ELIZABETH S. PEPPER Frankfort Recording Secretary MRS. J. D. HAYS, Owensboro Treasurer MRS. J. B. JUDAH 2115 Murray Avenue, Louisville Auditor MRS. W. F. LILLARD, Lawrenceburg Chairman of Campaign MRS. DESHA BRECKINRIDGE 726 McClelland Building, Lexington State Member Executive Committee MISS LAURA CLAY 189 N. Mill Street, Lexington Chairman of Congressional \Vork MRS EDMUND BI. POST, Paducall Ahmanry illnarh SENATOR JOHNSON N. CAMDEN, Versailles HON. D. N. LAFFERTY, Cynthiana - Master Kentucky State Grange MR. HARRY ALLINGTON, Newport Pres. Kentucky Federation of Labor JUDGE ED. C. O‘REAR, Frankfort MRS. JAMES BENNETT, Richmond HON. CLAUDE THOMAS, Paris MRS. JAMES A. LEECH, Louisville HON. JOHN G. MILLER. Paducah. MISS BELLE H.l BENNETT, Richmond Pres. \Voman’s Missionary Council of Methodist Church, South. MRS. JOHN C. C. MAYO, Paintsville JUDGE ROBERT L. STOUT, Frankfort DR. R. H. CROSSFIELD, Lexington Pres. Transylvania University. DR. E. B. BARNES, Richmond MAJOR JAMES BLACKBURN, Frankfort REV. H. G. TURNER, Danville GENERAL and MRS. J. B. CASTLEMAN Louisville MRS. MORRIS BARTLETT, Lawrenceburg ‘ '. Kentucky Federation \Vomen’s WHITE STATES. FULL SUFFRAGE: SHADED STATES. PARTIAL SUFFRAGE: DOTTED STATE. PRESIDENTIAL. MUNICIPAL AND PARTIAL COUNTY SUFFRAGE: DARK STATES. NO IUFFRAGE. Clubs. JUDGE H. S. BARKER, Lexington Pres. of State University of Kentucky. DEAN IRENE '1‘. MYERS, Lexington Dean of \Vomen Transylvania Univer- Sity. DEAN ANNA J. HAMILTON, Lexington Donn of \Vomen State University of Kentucky. MR. HUSTON QUIN, Louisville Pres. Kentucky Child Labor Associa- tion. MISS LINDA NEVILLE, Lexington Sec. Society for Prevention of Blind- ness. MRS. A. M. HARRISON, Lexington. FRANKX§¥§E“§Q, 1916. ',..._ {f1 49.. ,-. V _w. eulfrage Worker: ' Pr‘r r~;-. L4_m. H on . .JERSHIP ORGANIZERSit as soon as LITERATURE: uSed fl 1nd fieylston St., PitY. or, if Wlll be glad oration 3f furtho erotic of any wom to make a donat firginia and urer. The We have 16 , Please ,585 enrolled rolled during the year 1916. We have two or ts.” _- field; Mr.) . iminry S. .TaffT‘ _‘ 'Lw - Clufler of these possible. We haVe on hand, Flyer”‘1 ~ eaf . for canvassiny lots 1 .ram for study Events Department enable the of :ha Woman‘s Journal Bop ter at 25 cents ton, Mass., and th you will mail.us the 0 order them for you. :‘7'77‘ ', w—y 5 ._, 5 J - FR. M. NEWS: : 7“” ,- Wmens‘ -hg every effort to get on who are going Q ion to the 6 fl south.Dakota state Associatio suffrage curds signed (1.: . , L w ‘ wend me a llst of the new members ea You can keep the cards at home. r H ganizers hr. Walter J. N fly of Chic1go. spemkerS, T‘cmd Speakers now in the Millard of Cincinnati, and 1 If you Would like to have p ease notify us at headquarters 90,000 WNahy . th23 cents per thousand to be onelosed you will find a pro- s otudy Course of the Current at the office, ‘ purposes. We think that {gill help-to hold the 1 genes togethar . :Estgo do better work. Order at ones < e prlCe of $1 00 a year fxrm 585 . e Headquarters News Let- Madison Ave., New York SubscriptiOn price, We a year from 171 w: ,~ .. dfiriiil here a large suffrage mass 01 0 the ooavention of the Kentuv‘ ubs at Maysville, May 16. , weeting H ,y Fedv We are maks- , , . It won. , ,- .. «T fiktens1on of Suf 1n guffrafie plank asking forbe platform in c . frogs in the Reuubli. hlcago and St. Louis. eggnyzgdkig$o- please notify us.) If you wish ampolgn States of Iowa, West please Send to the State Treas- n 3&6 Just forwarded $100 00. _2_ Tow» mampaign. (Miss Clay will make campaign «a c: w for one month in Iowa.) Conferences are being Wrrlfifled in the eleven congressional districts by the iarjouS'chairmen. The Board has made out a budget of @?OOQ 00 for this year’s expenses. Will you help? ifiVQ You ordered your yellow silk suffrage banner for your lealue? Fayette, Frewviin and ngi; " -- . 1" ' , c: “Li-ea.“ 11 £10.11} ulp‘w 4,- ' theirs and we hope to use them in the suffrage ~e ix Lexington, May 6. Attend this parade if pos— bctify us and we will order the flag for your xiolflt The Lexington Herald has, for several years, published the best suffrage news of any~news— r in Kentucky. Many editorials have been written in ’ the enfranchiSement of the women ~- and, during 'illture the services of the Herald were invaluable Amendment was pending. We have a plan to show geiation of the stand the Herald”has taken and to 6 popular paper for the extenSion of our prepoganda Please read the following plan and fingfi at once how many subscriptions you will secure. should publish once a week, probably MOH5”f F ,= u- , of which two columns should be devoted “ the worfi of the Kentucky Equal Rightstssooia- tion, 7‘ ‘.e to the Women‘s Christian Temperance Union, It was SUEgGSted by one of the members of the patriotic Societies 'huld take the remaining column, but it will prob— . to hold it. The copy is to be furnished the * some one appointed for that purpose in each err ", The weekly issue will be furnished for $AJQQ__ _ia;ggwiogwghree 0- “j“ Each organization being V': two thousandfinew subscribers for the weekly six months. This is the approximate pland” M st cord‘fi’L flours-7:7 4/ / 774) a W Wf/Z/lf/ZZ’.» fi7’Wf’X . ”0&7 1/, ‘Z Z [i724 WWW/,j President. l” :3 . ‘._.4 I) 11le V . | « . iKmturky Equal liighta Aaanriafinn President MRS. THOS. .1. SMITH State Headquarters, 403 McClure BIdK., Frankfort First Vice President MRS. ROBINSON A. McDOW'ELL No. 6 Magnolia Aptn.. Louisville second Vice President MRS. JOSEPH ALDERSON Middieshoro Third Vice President BIBS. I". A. ROTHIER 185 E. Second Street, )ovington Corresponding Secretory MISS ELIZABETH S. PEPPER Frankfort Recording Secretary MRS. J. D. HAYS, Owenshoro Treasurer MRS. J. B. JUDAE 2115 Murray Avenue. Louisville Auditor MRS. WV. F. LILLARD, Lawrenceburx Chairman of Campaign MRS. DESIIA BRECKINRIDGE 726 McClelland Building, Lexington State Member Executive Committee MISS LAURA CLAY 189 N. Mill Street, Lexington Chairman of Congressional Work MRS. EDMUND M. POST, Paducah Dear Aunt Laura, - / éflWWWW/3f7fl .. mm“ fling/,1 M AWW‘ we 4‘ . fl?” ., White States, Full Suii'rage; Shaded States, Partial Snflrnge; Dotted State, Presidential, Municipal and Partial County Suffrage; Dork Staten, No Suffrage. Vice Chairman of Campaign MRS. MURRAY HUBBARD, Fort Thomas FRANKFORT.KY.. April m: Ahnianrg finarh SEl'ATOR JOHNSON N. CAMDEN, Versailles HON. D. N. LAFFERTY. Cynthiana Master Kentucky State Grange MR. HARRY ALLINGTON, Newport Pres. Kentucky Federation of Labor JUDGE ED. 0. O’REAR, Frankfort MRS. JAMES BENNETT, Richmond HON. CLAUDE THOMAS, Paris MRS. JAMES A. LEECH, Louisville HON. JOHN G. MILLER. Paducah MISS BELLE II. BENNETT, Richmond Pres. iVoman’s Missionary Council of Methodist Church, South MRS. JOHN C. C. MAYO, Paintsviile JUDGE ROBERT L. STOUT, Frankfort DR. R. H. CROSSFIELD, Lexington Pres. Transylvania University DR. E. B. BARNES, Richmond _ MAJOR JAMES BLACKBURN, Frankfort REV. H. G. TURNER, Dlnville GENERAL and MRS. J. B. CASTLEMAN Louisville MRS. MORRIS BARTLETT, Lawrencebutg Pres. Kentucky Federation Women’s Clubs JUDGE H. S. BARKER, Lexington Pres. of State University of Kentucky DEAN IRENE '1‘. AVIYERS, Lexington Dean of “’omen Transylvania Univer- sity. DEAN ANNA J. HAMILTON, Lexington Dean of “’omen State University of Kentucky MR. IIUSTON QUIN, Louisville Pres.i Kentucky Child Labor Associa- t on MISS LINDA NEVILLE, Lexington Sec. Society for Prevention of Blind- ncu MRS. A. M. HARRISON, Lexington MR. R. A. MCDOWELL Pres. Men’s Sufl'rage League, Louisville MRS. SAMUEL HENNING Cold Spring, Cherokee Park, Louisville JUDGE GEORGE DuRELLE, Louisville MR. WM. MARSHALL BULLITT 1 9 l 6 Louisville Lt." We are thinking of engaging Miss Florence Wattles, of Kokomo, Indiana to speak at the Federation meeting at maysville. she writes me that you heard her speek one yeer ago Ft the Lississipnl .A. Valley Conference at h-3‘.nne?;«polis. She also spoke at Indiana, Kev Jersey and flew York. Kr. Millard reco.mended her to us but we Go not know whether we want her or not. If you remember her please write me rt once. otherwise 1e will have hr..millard. Which do you think would be better? Yours with love, ML and EB S/IM MRS. MRS. . MRS. MRS. MRS. MISS MRS. JOHN LIVINGSTON I.O\VES President GEORGE GELLI’IORN Ist Vir‘c T‘rosldent HERMAN L. \YICI—IMANN 2nd Vice Presldont DAVID N. O’NEIL Corresponding Secrvtm‘y ROBERT L. SANFORD Recording Secretary LEONE ROBINSON Treasurer A, C. MOYER-WING Chm. Speakers‘ Bureau BOARD OF GOVERNORS MRS. \VILLIAM BLODGETT MISS MARY BULKLEY MRS. R. I". BURCH MRS. \‘VIIJJAM C. FORDYCE MISS MARIE GARESCHI‘} MRS, GEORGE GELLIIORN MRS. E. M GROSSMAN MRS. CHARLES KIMBALL MISS MARY LIONBICRGER MRS. .IOIIN LIVINGSTON LO\\'ES MRS. FRANK MPFARLAND MRS. R. MORRISON FI MRS. DAVID N. O'. ‘ MRS. CHARLES PASSMORE MISS LEONE ROBINSON MISS CHARLOTTE RI'MBOIJ) MRS. ROBERT L. SANFORD MRS ERNEST W. STIK MRS. LESLIE THOMSON MRS. A. C. MOYER-WING MRS. II. L. “'ICHMANN @112 Equal fiuffragp Erma? nf St. {Ennis April 26th, 1915, Mrs, laura Clay, 189 North Mill Street, Lexington, Kentucky. My Dear Mrs. Clay:- Your letter of April 22nd, with reference to accommodations for the National Democratic Convention in June, has been handed to me for answer, Inclosed herewith, you will find list of the hotels which still afford accommodations with the more centrally located, marked. In making your reservations, please state the extent of your stay in St. Louis, as some of the hotels reserve rooms only for the entire time of the Convention, Kindly notify me promptly of your plans, so that I can make the best arrangements possi- ble for your convenience while here. Sincerely yours, .. ’ i. ‘ / /" .v’fl‘ O ( ii Q {/g7gz :7.¢74. t vfiw34fidkfiwfififlz_. Chairman Hospitality BKP-EBK COmmittee. MRS. W. E. BARKLEY FLORENCE BENNETT PETERSON Chairman MISS ANNETTE FINNEGAN I827 E Street, LincoIn. Nebraska I320 GIenInke AEnue, Telephone Edaewaler 4574 Hotel Brazos, Houslon. Texas lcago, Iliinois Mississippi Valley Suffrage Conference Minneapolis, Minnesota May 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th, 1916 ALABAMA STATES REPRESENTED NORTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE ARKANSAS K