xt70rx937t9n_36 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Madeline McDowell Breckinridge text Laura Clay correspondence with Madeline McDowell Breckinridge 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_2/Folder_17/Multipage1534.pdf 1913 1913 1913 section false xt70rx937t9n_36 xt70rx937t9n @2n2ral Eflphprafinn nf 1331111121111 01111115 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. 1910-1912 PRESIDENT MRS. PHILIP N. MOORE. 3125 LAFAYETTE AVENUE. ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT RECORDING SECRETARY TREASURER MRS. JOSIAH EVANS COWLES. . GEO. O. WELCH. MRS. JOHN THREADGILL. 110! WEST ADAMS ST.. LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA FERGUS FALLS. MINNESOTA 922 NORTH ROBINSON ST.. OKLAHOMA CITY. OKLAHOMA SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT CORRESPONDING SECRETARY AUDITOR MRS. JOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN, . FRANK. N. SHIEK. MRS. L. L. BLANKENBURG. HYDE PARK HOTEL. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS WHEATLAND. WYOMING 214 WEST LOGAN $0., PHILADELPHIA. PENNSYLVANIA MRS. ELMER BLAIR. DIRECTORS Mns JOHN A, NASH, 445 WESTERN AVE.. ALBANY. NEw YORK . J. CREIGHTON MATHEWES. AUDUBON. IOWA MRS. DESHA BRECKENRIDGE. 315 BERMUDA ST.. NEW ORLEANS. LOUISIANA MRS. EUGENE REILLEY. LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY DILWORTH. CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLINA . C. H. MCMAHON. MRS. HARRY L. KEEFE. CAITHNEsS APARTMENTS. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH MRS. FRANK WHITE. WALTHILL. NEBRASKA VALLEY CITY. NORTH DAKOTA This 33L22m0nt, made and entarod in130 t1: 25th day 1915, 13 etmeen The Ks ntuckv jqualw R1»h Lkssocis.t10n, ' F1r9t part, and U. V. Estes, of E110a‘~ 3o Ills. second part, For the purp 96 of apple/1n0 the second part as Field )“Clmbir” for part; of 1uhe *IWSJ‘Q‘TH: 4“) V o 7-1 :1 l~5 1:: 1:? "“1” I"? 1': Pi 11“ H; 1.1: LJ J That 1h) duties of said part1 ' "- S, " jfrt Sha11 work, ntm '1'Spa g1er vork, ... SA£QF the r; n1eF_it of H} ” and such Caner nkgr 1oceswkrwr 1'hich duLje aha 12L.51 13111.18C be d1"vCT on of th« Stafie frefi :idP nt. In consj st ' ~ho ferv1ce rcmn‘ered fih: ;arty of 1art agrees party of ab: 0 econfl‘ 3(r1r a :o Seventy~f1ve ( r“ '1r Inonth and hjs neces sary 1 expenne es wHi the main ojfi 1hich is Ce, 3,01nwton Ky11:He Second fart figree1ng 1;o utznost 3ffo:rt t EECVMPHN mqmgs- an amount of cash 81 1ffi Giant to ”h1s avrocme Tu “a a “k” v 31?? L '1 ‘ IS, he311m1n” anorurrr 1 . n b uui_ufucto v 1a moth gm. '3 L 1 av ; 1 1: ~, o11111311 January 1, 1914. Signed in duplicate, RIGHT" J 1' 'CIJ , "SIGN, '. 'a‘;r1;;7 of 15:1: “FL: 'iC]ITA”}t 0.0IODOOIIOOQIIO..I.OOI.OIO‘OtIO. \l C-\4.'... .w—xvv LL. \ ...-... ..-; W“. 1'“ F1 1 I \vo ”_ J .1 1.54:-) e 1 126C («)7‘ mm...“ k .1. ' v- . LJ\— :7; ‘f‘ cnflre “ 77‘. LJ .141v4 A \ '1 1‘~w‘ P -,- , I... L‘-\.L’L T,‘ \. Wank» Qfmmfg Sumfinfmfimfi tiff afinhlitflxwiwfifin akawglt, N can Ars.Desha Brackinridge. Miss Laura clay, Lexingto n, Ky. April I5th, 1913. My dear Miss Ryan, Please find enclosed a New York draft for one hundred dollars. in payment for One share of Woman's Journal stock subscribed for by the Kentucky Equal Rights Association at the St.Louis Suffrege confer— ence. Please have the stack made out in the name of the Kentucky Equal Rights Association; and send it to the state treasurer, Hrs.larfield C. Bennett. Richmond, Kentucky, It is paid for by several subscribers, but I will myself make the necessary memoranfia for the historical record of gift to the Ky.E.E.A, I would like to have a hundred subscription slips to the T.Journal, if you keep them in stock. “e are going to make a systematic effort to enlarge the circulation of the Journal. Please give my kinflest regards to dies Blackwell, and believe me Very sincerely yours, Corresponding Sec.of Ky.Equal Rights Association. ‘a ‘I ' ‘ Afr. I (~- -.\ I, UH “( x77: ‘J’A 1.11. w l) 5 7‘0”“ “1 Lil; . . . . ”ML 72L \,‘-xx ‘ : :""" _niallifl~ 3 '1. THE WOMAN’S JOURNAL TELEPHONE-*BACK BAY 4717 EDITOR-lN-CHIEF BUSINESS MANAGER ALICE STONE BLACKWELL 03%“, AGNES E. RYAN Any :4, 19l5 .Dear hrs. Brcclinridge: In accordance With my letter of may l we‘ are sending you under separate cover receipt blanks like the enclosed. These are to be used in giving a receipt to those suffregists in your S‘ate who pay any sum toward the purchase of a share of stock in The doman's Journal at $100.00 for your State Association, Our idea is to show this slight honor and aporeciation to those who are interested to have their State Association own stock in The Uoman's Journal Cor— poration. he believe you will find it fair y easy to get women to help purchase this stock if you use these blanks. Yours sincerelv cl, lentmkg Equal Eighta Afifinriatimt Headquarters: 726 McClelland Building, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. MRS. DESHA BRECKINRIDGE, President Fin! I/"z'a' President, MRS. MASON MAURY, Louisville. (.‘nrmx/roudzng Spore/(173', MISS LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Sew/Id I’z‘cr Pramlmzl, MRS. MARY C. CRAMER, Lexington. Norton/jug .S'ec‘rrtnry, MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, Newport, Ky. T/zim’ l’irc Prariu’ml. M RS. N. S. MCLAUGI—ILIN, Covington. Y'reas‘ln'cr, MRS. VVARFIELD BENNETT, RICHMOND. Sta/r [Hem/av [Va/{mull [item/HM COMM/HIM, MISS BELLE l-l. BENNETT, M13-/9/3. ”90% Mohzawaa.— . , «—.J m, 44...; W + 1.4/1 fl #4....“ 2m Wfiw/Zifingo.fh‘wwmflfl‘wfié Ma, $.44ng ' - . ”kw—I‘M... 1“” 4" ”1" W4, WWQ iKPnturky Equal {Righm Aafinriatimt Headquarters: 726 McClelland Building, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. MRS. DESI-IA BRECKINRIDGE, President Firx/ Via [’rcxz'd’aul, MRS. MASON MAURY, Louisville. (army/011(hi/1g Scurclmy, MISS LAURA CLAY, Lexington. C Second Mac Pmmlmz’. MRS. MARY C. CRAMER, Lexington. A’cuoru’z’ng .S‘etrclary, MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, Newport, Ky. T/n‘rd [/1-(6’ chxin’u/l \1R5.N..MCLAUGHL1N Covington. Trem‘un‘r, MRS. VVARFIELD BENNETT, RICHMOND. Slm‘z’ A/cm/iz‘r Nana/ml Executive“ (Tammi/Ice, MISS BELLE H. BENNETT. LE:;3-;c3n, Lay. July':E2, lfilfi ~’.- ,1. L. .‘3(::I“t .gji_)\) r63 ,1???) 13:1 4.63 Q'it- 01‘ ma '3 ‘ ’: 3‘. .L (.4 (ELL 1n..- 'im‘pujon of the K. E. ‘ RE;- 1 will :31“). gin, vofe ‘31315?’ 3?rucfiior I Ea .. J. 1 (53.1. DELI hi? “nut"? 59, uffra; CIfiLt, orgxn1 111::3 in r ":1 ‘ (LL (1 I rswumfi EEE* ore— for vcfie of EE; anrfl f necea‘ s _ 2 ~ . E. I S.0L.¢ EEVEr, ~ . vane aux fihe ex,2: E~s .' ”E .x; 3 -w “is -Jagfi' 13PEitutes 39$ Elfiajs EEG 4w: E.._7' a ; form leégves. ' infi "y-z 37:??3fi3: "v? . at fihe 1 avi— ' bef3re €:EE ulf'zc 1101’— €.~'E' EEC-8 c: ,Qp ,2 {319$ N we 7"" P4H4¢ ‘3)05-4 ELVE .. of EcEEOIS month or '7‘: 1mm) \_*.Jh.- , .AfléEEE I; ("a .L «I L ".1" 5.131. '15.!» ; .1 to: x'-». --x0 ~94 ,) E0 caunqy @3'1—5 ”A" ‘5 ”3C?! ‘2' 31‘ U E can be H as 1183953161; TI .m. a . lKvntmkg Equal 13mm Afiam'iafinn Headquarters: 726 McClelland Building, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. MRS. DESHA BRECKINRID‘GE, President R FM! Vim Fran/cm, MRS. MASON MAURY, Louisville. C'arn's/rann’mg Sam's/(173'. MISS LAURA CLAY, Lexington. Scwml Vim l’rcmz’ml, Mus. MARY C. CRAMER, Lexington. A’mfifln/ing Scari'r‘tary, M RS. EMMA M. ROEnUCK, Newport, Ky. 772i)'(l Vim l’rcxidml. MRS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, Covington. 'l'rcan/rvr. MRS. WARI-‘IELD BENNETT, RICHMOND. Slate Alan/(IN 1\"'{I/iomll [:‘xecmiz‘e Cal/unifies. 311545 BELLE ll. BENNETT. 11011113011, Ju'y 2516, 19123 Twp 1- .. —7 .~ , ~< e w " 7- ,rv '~‘-‘ .-,, .1 _ 1;; 1....- , . ‘. . * :JUCJ. L111: -. . F-.. _ . L. J- ,5 . , .. ,. .. ..'V _f. E) EJLJJDLl U1. d. ,. ’ ".- Q . ‘7 "1/ <'. “AX ;.'_L'-. 20 11\I: r. '1 ’i’ 1.- - -' .......-'.!_.:- . (1,110. 4 HINT/O _. u .. 10 L011 I enclose .,"';*1* If one (11:77 :311'1351 1701's. .. U U - _ -, .. .y. C‘C‘Cl’l J.1\JU "true 00 27ft 1:11;. He 9. rranrqed for 1.11 . d;r..1“0-1"‘ I 091-7- 1 GL7; ’57-: * 111.. r110 to. " :11; 215.171. 1 .1 w Jr. .. . . .. ,- , ,. ., .r‘ ‘r‘:. . . '1‘ 51110. - ' 1. L7. - 3:51.16, 1.11m. -UgflL—‘LL. 118 one t-O1‘:~:1.;::;.d 'j. t”:;“.;:2;1‘d.“;' [ 01-4, L7_\J f.) 2 20131011. 0.11.1 ,1- _,J. -‘uO ,1 .V .‘r, » lKPnturkg Equal Eight/5 Afifinriafimt Headquarters: 726 McClelland Building, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. MRS. DESHA BRECKINRIDQR, President Firs-t Vice Preside/1!, MRS. MASON MAURY, Louisville. (,‘(;}'2'(-.v/1211ding Smut/(10'. MISS LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Second Vice Premiwzt, MRS. MARY C. CRAMER, Lexington. lx’cmn/iug Secrclary, MRS. EMMA M. Romwcx, Newport, Ky. T/z/m’ Vice Pram/ml. M RS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, Covington. Y‘I'KI'IA‘Ill't’T, MRS. \VARl-‘IELD BENNETT. RICHMOND. Sin/c Alma/1w [Val/mm! Exam/ire C(Illllllil/c’c’, MISS BELLE Il. BENNETT. "‘ " j ""1 ~" I" I "‘ 41"‘1'1‘ (" . "' 7 fl ;' ' - ‘ yaw a” . NV 4‘, ‘x 4: ‘— 1.181-109; 5.12.13 Cour. L. , . -_ _ . . _. - M l V boliQV" BO firm“-- .: 3___.z..— blunt- .L G _: L, . wig; . ‘v' I“ ,»,»-. . aturo T13 'W: ‘ T . ;= . ooooog you lluorouuro - - .v 1 _ _r_ W“'”~“ “”*" W': 'W': . ”T Tick uO Guilt, .43.. , Ln \' . .-. . . ._. J1 1 r J. _ lmfllbjo "n. J- “ 'z.rr~- " 1' m7 L; -. ..;.a.1.1_LL Qerfeoted liwt ._‘ .,.‘..$.’< ’v‘k J-»,_".,_ ‘ 1J1}; b _L oU. ox) o.” ‘ .L Layla county jnxtitutog 8b Danvillo "Qi'IO lllfil'lSlWl. 120T orooedlngs to us. Do you know haw I should address a lottor to #1710 .L . « lenturkg Equal Eighta Aganriafinfi Headquarters: 726 McClelland Building, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. MRS. DESHA BRECKINRIDGE, President R Fifi! l'z'cc Frail/CHI, MRS. MASON MAURY, Louisville. (”axnzvfwuz’i/Qg SHII'L’IHU'. MISS LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Sean/d Vim Pramlcut, MRS. MARY C. CRAMER, Lexington. [Varan/z‘ug Secretary, Mus. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, Newport, Ky. T/m-d Vim Pravirmn‘. MRS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, Covington. Treann'm', Mus. \VARFIELD BENNETT, RICHMOND. Sta/r A/cmfirr [Va/form! Exam/lire Commit/ac. MISS BELLE H. BENNETT. ‘ordiallv Tours, ao. 429, Aim/M? lKenturkg Equal flightfi Afifinfiatinn Headquarters: 726 McClelland Building, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. MRS. DESI-IA BRECKINRIDGR, President Fix?! Vicc Pre.s‘z'dc;zl, MRS. MASON MAURY, Louisville. Cornw/rmldz'zlg Scare/(173'. MISS LAURA CLAY. Lexington, Second Vice Preszdmzz‘. MRS. MARY C. CRAMER, Lexington. A’cmn/z‘ng Sedrfllflry, MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, Newport, Ky. T/n'ra’ Vice Prayir/ml. MRS. N. S.MCLAUGHL1N, Covington. Trcnnn'c’r, MRS. WARMELD BENNETT, RICHMOND. Sim/c [Hem/m- Nafimml [ixemzm'e Cowl/Milan Mlss BELLE H. BENNETT. July ;~, 1915 i)€171*ffi,iL:L<3 j_11f7135.i;1143€3 . Z£"t at. him whic 7.7.7 (—3 (3 ii If 0 u 7‘ .N— ~ p. 4 J- 81.10. <,:.I.‘ _L U eat 5‘. 1‘ (3 uh: Zinooln coun' gouuun . .L J.— ". 1 -... ‘_ _ 331107.; 1... C u u 1.0 (I. LL_;_.«);1 , address lKPntutky Equal 196131115 Afifinriatinn Headquarters: 726 McClelland Building, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. 1 MRS. DESHA BRECKINRIDGE, President Fm! I’z‘cr Fresh/cu], MRS. MASON MAURY, Louisville. C‘onm‘fandz‘ng Su‘rctmj'. MISS LAURA CLAY, Lexington. Second Vice Prawn/1:211, MRS. MARY C. CRAMER, Lexington. A’z’ttmvlz'ng Secrclary, MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, Newport, Ky. T/n‘rd Vice Frail/mi. MRS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, Covington. TTKNA‘III‘L’)‘. MRS. VVARFIELD BENNETT, RICHMOND. Stale [lieu/[my [Va/MIMI Exam/7'71 Connm’l/cc, MISS BELLE 1’1. BENNETT. :1. j- 1" J W ‘ road the , v _’ _(“‘)(j UL U'-3:'.JJ.L. Fichmonfi, Ky. July 29th, 1913. Bear Trs.Breckinriflge, ‘ 1 I answer first your circular letter of July 24th. (I) I chverfully vote for Irs.T.L,fiutchison, of Lexington, for vice- 1t in place of Nrs.fioury, resigned. Hy only-objection is that do would be the fonrth officer from the one city of Lax‘ngton. If othnns should make similar objection and 0. nomination I suggest Mrs.Charles Firth, of Covington, ‘regman, of ishlanfi. (2) I vote to pay ex ensas of speaknrs and literature for the County Institutes. {5) I am glossed that you hate Securqfi the services of Kiss Ora Linms. I hope she will pTOVe EHCCOSSffllg.BRd We may fina colstyno amploymnnt for her as an organizer. I vote to accept the invitation from the Coanntion anfl Public League 0? Iouisvillo to hold our annuai meeting tiara. I res tfion to select the ‘. between‘?lection in; :ni Thanks— and I further add that I I it will not be necessary to take th, which is-the time Miss Kate K.Gordon, of flew Orleans, hopes ”ave a Governors' meeting in :iat city. She writes me that she has written to ‘ou to join in this call for Kentucky; but that sh; has not yet had an answer from you. I heartily approve of this maeting; and I know Kiss Gordon has great ability to work up a meat ing successfully, and in many ways such a meeting as she contemplates Would give our cause an impetus in the South.Thare is going to be a division of sentiment about the present preposed Uoman Suffrage Lmendnont to the fictional Constitution, and it would be just as well 2. for the southern suffragists to know before the fin. .s.n. convention in Hashington the 1st of he center that out southern politicians think of the gresent form of the proposed Amenndnt. 1 I vote for thnr proposea committee on program and Jrrsngements, ans .4 that you shall fin date nfter corresponfling with speakers, etc. I am not able to suggest what expense We should go to, as I have not been keeping up with the state of cni treasury; but in thi use am Willing to cast Wt'vote the same as yours, afte' ‘ . haze ons.d~ “2/ ered the matter. is ior program, I suggest that you will have no tine for any thing but business in the any sessions, and therefore you'h should be careful about promising shy time to any one for adfiresse on any subject in the day. See that each officer and chairman has a time assigned to report, and allow sufficient time for discussinn of the form, etc., of our own propOSed Ameniment to the Ky. constitu- tion. Also, the committee on revision of the ‘.E.A. constitution must have time for report and fliscu sicn of some revisions on the first igzm, as it will affent the election of officers, which must. take place the morning of the second day. (5) I am pleases at the prospect of work done at the t- . fair, and at the Blue-grass Fair in Leiington. I shall coriially vote W th you What you think is necessary expenses. And now to the a nnty Institutes at which I an to speak; I have just received another letter from Hr.Thomss Pettit saying he had maae a mistake in stating the ante of the 1dncational,$sso. in Owensboro as October 18th. It is the Teachers' Institute , and the fiate is .. August 18th. In the meantime, I fluVe accepted the invitation to Lawrencehurg for August I8th. It is hteir County Court day; and I think it better not to try to change that. I think if you have wrttten anything to Owensboro after receiving my answer to you last letter, we had better let that arrangement stand. It is a long way for me L“), to go to Owensboro. However, if you have not made other arrangements , I would go, but not for the 18th. I ooulfi go for the 19th, start- ing after my engagegcnt in Lawrenooburg. Hr. Pettit says they would giVe me time in the evening, which would epable me to get there in time on the Igtl. 1 shall not anSWer Hr.?ettit's last letter till I hear from you again about it. As to the date 3 fit.Sterling, I Have no choice of dates; but I have not yet receiVefi any lettgr from Kr.Gooflwin, the County Eup't. I have no cards nor literatyre. You baa batter send some to the Post—Office, General Belivery., at Tt.$tqr1ing. I wrote to fire Bennett for some lfiainbow Flyers, but hav9 not yet received '»nd a good number of the oarfis, as I "1. _ o s elsewhere. Carrie 0. 1 do not know Hrs.Catt'S present afldrgss. i letter oirected in care of the Eational fieafiquarters, 505 Fifth -venue, will no doubt reach her pretty promptly. Very simcerely The Woman Voter and Newsletter 48 EAST 34TH STREET NEW YORK CITY my flea? Mrra Brflc%ea “edge: Many months ago when his yen far an article on fihe V‘nfiucky, I expected $0 But we Began tha seriea spec; 1&3 numbe rs and my areiclea of Leemeral infieregfi accumulafiefia I still flak. southeim movement aiscussed in fihe Voter anfl I am Seading yen you? article ithafi yéu may , --, F .' e' , or maké any changes thatr " . “ = yam than retuxfl 1% to It is ‘ a'splendifl3article;aafl 33 we have aeva ma anything about the movememfi in your part of'fihe country; I feel that.it will be 0f great infiereSfi t0 our reafiexgc 2JFaithiully yoursa aware: wfiyfifiérm , iKmturkg {Equal Eight/5 Afififltiaiifln Headquarters: 726 McClelland Building, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. MRS. DESHA BRECKINRIDGW, President Win] [921' Pm.vi(/t/1/, MRS. MASON MAURY, Louisville. C'0rrvxfmu/mg- Sz'vrcfmjv. MISS LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Second l’m' l”)‘€.<‘/(l’wn'. MRS. MARY C. CRAMER, Lexington. /\’m‘an/z'ug bhnw/my, Mus. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, vaport, Ky. ’l‘lm-a’ I'y'rr Prav/zz’mx. MRS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, Cnvington. ’l'rmxm-m', MRS. \\".—\RI"IELI) BENNETT, RICHMOND. Sta/r JIM/Mfr [\QI/imml [5.x cal/7’76 (Tonlun'I/a’, MISS BELLE ll. BENNETT. - \'\-. . ~"“ ." ' {:1 U ‘0‘ .. LU ya "' v iKPntm'kg Equal iRighta Afififlf‘iafifltt Headquarters: 726 McClelland Building, LEXINGTON,“ KENTUCKY. MRS. DESHA BRRCKINRIDGR, President FM! I'm-v Fruit/cw, MRS. MASON MAURY, Louisville. ('mwx/mn/wcg Sam/(Ir). MISS LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Scan/(f 17w Pram/mi. M RS. MARY C. CRAMER, chington. /\’n'on/z‘//;,r .S'cn-r/my, MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, Newport, Ky. Thin! [We l’rmv‘dmi. MRS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, Covington. Trz’m‘I/n’r. MRS. WARHELI) BENNETT, RICHMOND. Sin/r Alvin/m- Nu/imml Exam/7'! (‘aunuizzra MISS BELLE H. BENNE'H‘. my 02 7% “31%me wcam @— Wé M: fm 05990102334 ’49 m My my; w MW w— éwwzaw flea. 5% m: WWW m fiai?’ I? ”C; W [gm/b .. Richmond , Ky . Aug.4th. 1913, Dear Mrs.Brsekinridge, As I die not get a letter from Mr.Goodwin, of Mt.Sterling, I telephoned by long flistance; anfl made an appoint- ment for Thareflay morning. I went, was very cordially received; nae - permission to form a neague. 1 got some names, which I enclose to you. However, I was not able among these to get any one to serve as Chairman.Mrs.Hary E.Schlegel was thpught to be the best person, and she saifl she was interested enough to he glad to do it, but she w as already overburflened. Then Hrs.Emma D.Walker showed much inter- est, but saifl she was now in the country, and was going to move out of the county soon? She took some cards and promisei to get more names anfl try to find a suitable chairman anfl send to you. My expenses were; Long distance 'phone—~-~---—~~. 25. Ticket to Mt.ster11ng $1.12 Return): --------- 1.12 'huses going ang coming -------- .85 Dinner ).\\ .50 ) . Total "1"$~ET§Z" I receives your literature and earns. Mrs.Walker took charge of the literature left over and eaifi she would distribute it. In sending this account to the treasurer you might also O.K. the bill for the printing of the cards —————————————— 3%.50 amfi about What my expenses were over donations in going on the southern trip. I lost MJ memorandmm book, but believe for the whole trip my expenses must have been fully 2. I note what you say about my engagement with the Cynthiana Club for October let. I have just written to Mrs.Rudy that I would come to Owensboro for Eugust Igth. I will keep track of the Institutes where I am to speak. Fuur of the Richmond ladies offered to vote at the Primary on August 3nd, and were refused because no preparations for the woman vote had been made. Also, I offered to vote in the rural district, and was refused on the same gr.ound. W; did this in order to'have grounds for a test case. My understanding of the decision already rendered is not clear. It seems to me it left a chance foffiiillffwfifis§“When a women was denied the opportunity to vote for a test case which would in- volve the right of voting at the November election, and would apply to the whole state. As you have talked with Mr.Allen, and can see Judge Kerr, had you not better inquire about this point at once? If such a test case would decide for the Whole state, we in Madison are provided with data and are Willing to bring suit. But if we can get a decision for Madison County only; we would probably not think it Worth whilef I imagine this is a favorable county to try “in because Judge Benton will certainly decide in our favor, sag he wrote a public letter saying that is his opinion. In spite the clerk did not provide ballots. If damages are accorded would induce the clerk to carry the case to the Court of Appeals, es- ‘ pecially if we held out the inducement of not insisting upon damages ’if he did so. Please let me hear about this as soon as you can cone gsult our legal friends. On another sheet, I have made some comments upon your newspaw per atticle, which I re)enclose. Very sincerely yours, I think this article is excellent. Especially the point about how much women are already in politics is fine. You will observe that I have nado one interlineation. including_ the W.C.T.U in the orcflit for improvements at the State university. It is impossible to leave them out; for it was their Legislative Commit tee alone which obtained the grant from the Legislatkne of money for the Girls' Dormitory. For personal reasons the Committee from the E.R.A. did not go to Frankfort that year, anfl notreprosentativc from the Federation of Women's Clubs, either, acoorfiing to my memory. If this article is printed in Kentucky, the omission of the W.C.T.U. from this importrnt work would certainly cause unfavorable Laura Clay; MflWM ’/ (ML/MM Wait M@Mzmm@”m Wf4m mew/{AQM‘ fifwwmflfiéw Mi MW 247/0 M/ykflk éZw/pé, WLA @MWW Miss Laura Clay ------- —2 whether to pay Miss Adams and let her use her pass, or pay the traveling expenses of other people. ‘She says she could go for two weeks to Mrs. Hubbard in October, but not for a whole month. Hrs. Hubbard is again not well and I eXpect that two weeks of Miss Adams would probably be good to start her with. We might take her for one month mgre and just ulet ger count 1n the time as she gives daysf mrs. Harrison telephoned me this morning of a letter she had from Miss Lloyd wanting her to come and speak in several places in mason county. Mrs. Harrison is writi €Jher that she can not pay her own expenses. 1 have asked her-if she would like to have Miss Adams. In a case like this it is prohably a good expenditure mm a few dollars for the State to send Miss Adams Miss Lloyd has spent a good deal of her own money, and hasn't any fund of the organization. I am almost beginning to believe that it is good policy for the State to help to the extent of a few dollars any person who is willing to make local effort. There are so few such persons that we don't want to puur cold water on them. Cordially yours, fl President. Znfia. 1&1» %/Z::%;Z:7~‘ AZ casx,éo/ Efjf 7$ké:; J7 €4Lbflk’ Caz/i . 25 Maj; h“ 331‘ PM {fen/L27 lam/€59.21 lflL W .Q- A l f L"... / L7 7K $i::::;;’i 842% ;$ C>0 , #aaan_ AQAWO éhnflrmxjg_ ‘F7z’aacés7 62Ha4414yi)‘ 9&24Léfiaagg_ ;;u44/ yup QLZZLL ’a/éfiji, $522 ’fiwulnaZZ_ Agjlg7 7%LQ4/él @W:«}WW l r}; 3;: ‘4 K . \«V i —.. i1“). (J. '4 h V r’fl .u '7 a)? 4. 7 -.'V .mnnfl, If») "a ‘ 47’ ‘ ()1 5'1 m. “Iii M) "1] '. ”I “I"; 1“!" ‘(‘2_ n 1 .I WIT-r a ”4 WW; 9 "03"" as T . J J :1“ \ “ In at: i V after I x" h a .t I an -V. ’- 1afi w .L. " L' H)? '1. .'. G: 3. 2'1 7 x 31 (.1. “hi 7 “7‘ i‘\ .1. '1; 1,, (T‘ ’ 5 k. L {v.4- ‘S . ‘:. :fi {‘11: - lj‘il -w,‘ 6.0).,“ 3 4%.. l b .x’ 713'. "i. L; x x 31 O W, ‘LV ‘9 1 .15 x..; to senfl the Short~ term Woman's Journal. If you orfler them. menfiion u. that it 's for the 49 ialP,¢re as T believe they make even a furtner 7') reduction in nrlce ;or fhat purpose. “ Hrs ugmgmirs 0 sum; and at her request I ' 9 : i‘srm company the gift f unfiersr that in e_pre$ae that in mus u cumpmijv for ve the money note :3“ {-2.15}. 1 "1‘1 ' I name i%””flh* “ - . a w :H' gnnafiri 1> .,. ”I” notzzoogy of “name of my made of +£30.00 hafi no imm;dfi O1 ’ , ‘x; .3. ‘ f .A 4;. 6 O a A ‘ ndESaR mm A 1 .1. -- «a a i ,1 '3‘ r~ ’nw x’L‘Y r! \V)'?C?.‘. .,1’ . -r 1k..-"..{2 Vs: 1 ”Etc“ ‘.1 five V\ .‘- T909 Iexi b6 1 r‘ If a." the gar: \ a ,f Eear HicEmond, if. v .“c “1;. aeur fi.s.b aakinridge. Your letfierg of fihe IOth anfi TIth, with '~ __ .1 - _ v? .1 .3 ‘ , ‘P \r v. ‘- 7 ._ 1,. v n recelJaa tnla uoxn¢ig. _ answer my ueads. F {yum ,sz AS vcu hLVQ 0.] wet “Int, ». .. .. “I. Du .. ' 0111121” (3:1 a - .,,, | . k: 0V .11 L531: 011 . in any not to 4 ’3 '_d I" l, 1" nun“: can rwufl‘W \. ,--_e" sfirefiab a {Oififi a l:*‘ .L ‘1 34.5"; g 4., . :uhEQ . A. {a ( at 3... .t 1':— yr .15 4.1; .3«. My 3;"- TPH l l 1“qu ‘ \ harfl F 01 .3) '!”‘ I .J avenh i 3.8 'V GT3 - . . X I ing flates 1 v .. . 203.1}: .1 V r C. [41 1.x: ‘3 [v 0‘, it would not cost me any more to help tglem than to hzme had a my own. The '4 . he that I oculcl nave I .‘ .a-L a 011152-01le 1wl‘2a’a: the " : . ., '. a. large extezfi: "7“" 0 ..~.. not 3.76337 anamerea m1? letter, T?” ma wrims n.1r15:”%:;:.ing; “a” you know. he ueful to encozrrfiw ""L) r. 3." 1 mg mama. mmzs #113. t s: '\ 'rr‘ Q p. .Ufi. : K; g. «a. . .m ,_. ‘Am. usual: . . . . . . (v..- . ‘ .. , . - . . . , , .. n. . . o «J. U . x ._ :. : »N_ m .- '2. .‘_. .' . 43’! {3‘1 T. w > v" -‘A ¢-.-‘.“‘...N 4- -- ,2 I. iKPniurkg Equal flightfi Asenriatinn Headquarters: 726 McClelland Building, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. MRS. DESHA BRECKINRIDGFC, President First Vice Pram/1211!, MRS. MASON MAURY, Louisville. Carmv/omimg Sucre/(123'. MISS LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Sew/2d I’irr Prev/dun], MRS. MARY C. CRAMER, Lexington. /\’(‘¢‘or(/z'llg Sacralary. MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, Newport, Ky. T/n‘nl I’z‘rr Prat/(#111. MRS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, Covington. Treasurer, MRS. WARFxELD BENNETT, RICHMOND. szc AIM/{Mr [Va/Mun! [fray/ire (ennui/[nu M155 BELLE ll. BENNETT. Lexington, Ky, Sept. 12, 1913” Dear Sirz~ There will be introduced into the coming legislature a bill providing for a constitutional amendment to give full suffrage to Kentucky women. The subject of woman SHffrage is, of course, a :;36 issue everywhere and one which presumably every member if Kentucky legislature will want to consider carefully. The Kentucky Equal Rights Association, enabled so by the generosity of Mrs. S. M. Hubbard of Hickman, desires to send you the Woman's Journal for four months. his paper founded forty years ago, is today the best publibaEiOn on woman suffrage in the country. It gives the world New: of the women suffrage movement: we believe that you will 31.: interesting reading, and ask that you give careful attention to the facts and arguments presented. We trust the' . confirm in you what We hope is already a favorable " jféhfiAb’Z toward our cause. The Woman's Journal is a weekly paper; should the issues fail to reach you regularly notidy me at Otce. I‘ Cordially yours, 9% fit? President, Kentucky Equal Rights Associatlfih. lKvttturkg Equal Eights Aarnriutinn Headquarters: 726 McClelland Building, LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. MRS. DESHA BRECKINRIDGE, President . . ,. First Vice Preside/ii, MRS. MASON MAURY, Louisville. Corrav/wua’z'ug Secreimj', MISS LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Second Vim Pre.s7dmzl, MRS. MARY C. CRAMER, Lexington. [Recording Secretary, MRS. EMMA M. ROEBUCK, Newport, Ky. T/zird Via! Presidml. MRS. N. S. MCLAUGHLIN, Covington. Treasurer, MRS. WAREiELD BENNETT, RICHMOND. Sta/c {Vern/rm [Va/rand] Exam/lire Col/121177166, Miss BELLE H. BENNETT. Lexington, Ky. Sept. 5, 1915 Miss Laura Clay, Richmond, Ky. My dear Miss Laura:— Thank you for your letter, which I am in receipt of on my return from Shelbyville this morning. We organized there with Hrs. Luther Willie as President. Counting the cards that you got signed, there are in all now about thirty-three members. I spoke both agternoon and evening. It is certainly up-hill work in many of these Kentucky towns. I have Just dictated a letter to Mrs. Firth explaining that we can not pay eXpenses of the other two ladies to the fair. I have also dictated letters to some of the Cincinnati peOple, whether the right ones or not I am not sure, to see if they would take Max Eastman. I feel we must, if possible, have a distinguished Speaker from the outside in Luuisville. The weakness of our organization is going to show pretty plainly then and the Louisgille papers, both mr. Watterson and Mr. Knott, are going to be quick to call attention to it. About the only thing I can think of to make the meeting impressive and to make our coming legislators believe that we are to be reckoned with at all, is to have sufficiently attract— ive evening meetings to draw a large crowd of Louisville people, using the Opportunity, of course, to get members for the Louisville Association and strengthen it in every way possible. Miss Laura Clay ------ 2 Do you know anything of Helen Ring Robinson as a Speaker? I had a long talk last week with Mrs. S. M. Hubbard, of Hickman, at Monteagle, Tenn. Mrs. Hubbard, as she wrote me before going to Honteagle, wants an organizer for October and is willing to pay all expenses of having her in her section of the State for a month. I have not been able since my return from Tenn. to take the matter up with Miss Adams, as she has been out of town every day that I have been in town, but I doubt if she would be able to leave her school work to go there. At present she is going back to Harrodsburg for Saturday and Sunday usually. Also, I think we might get someone for Hrs. Hubbard who would be more effective, as I don't believe she minds the cost. Who was the woman that you spake to me about last Spring, who you said was going to Oklahoma, and how would I address her? Can you suggest anyone elese? Would you prefer Hrs. Stewart or Miss (grimm, if we could get either one of them, or is there someone else in Chicago that you think better? I should like awfully to provide Hrs. Hubbard with an organizer for the month of October, which might insure some sort of a delegation from that end of the State at our State meeting. On my return last week I found a letter from Hrs. Hubbard, of Covington, wanting us to finance the following: A recent issue of Collier's, it seems, has a very excellent account of the Illinois fight. She and Mr. Hubbard believe that it would be well to send it to the legislators. They would be willing to do all the work, and calculate the cost at about $50. mr. Hubbard is the best friend we have when it comes to real aid on the political end of Miss Laura Clay ------ 5 the job. He is at Frankfiort a great deal for his railroads, and afian>’ already thinks he has a line-up on the Hesse? Seeing Mrs. Hubbard's interest in the work and her anxiety that we do something, I wrote her last week inmediately on my return home asking her if she would finance the trial subscriptions to the Woman's Journal for the hold-over legislators and the candidates. This would cost probably a little over $50 also. I believe it the mgfigfvaluable of the two things. But I also enclosed Mrs. Hubbard's letter and asked her if she would likewise be willing to finance that. In case she declines either or both of them, what is your Opinion about the State Association doing it? Do you think our emergency committee has power to vote either one or the other, or must I have a vote of the board? There is no time to be lost now on either job, so if you think it must go to the board give me your vote on both propositions in your reply. The Collier's article will only be particularly valuable while it is fresh, and we can not now get the whole four months of the Woman's Journal to the legislators before they reach Frankfort. Knowing the press there,I don't think any one of them will ever look at it except before they leave home. Mrs. Hubbard was surprised to learn that the $1,000 she had given was not to be used until the bill had passed the legislature. She evidently thought it was being used right now and was anxious to find what we were doing. was there a written statement of the way it was to be used accompanying the gift? I believe it is going to be many years before we are a campaign State. I have absolutely no hope of it passing the legislature this year, though I am going to work as hard as possible for it, Miss Laura Clay ----- 4