xt70rx937t9n_397 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Unidentified roll call list text Unidentified roll call list 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_31/Folder_5/Multipage17688.pdf undated section false xt70rx937t9n_397 xt70rx937t9n Roll Call Absent!Prs’ent Yes ‘Absent’Prs’ent Absent Prs’ent 102—Akers ...V ......... 93—Allen ..o .......... 12—A1derson O ......... 25—Asp . . . .l .......... 81—Baker . 73—Board 41—Bowers 77—Brewer .0 .......... 47—Bryant .V. .......... 34—Buchanafi . . . . . 7 4—Gain . . .O .......... 36—G‘arney M ......... 54—Garr . . 56—Gaudfll .v ......... 105—Ghambers O.‘ ....... .O .......... ._. 23—010ud .1]. ..... . . . . 67—Cobb ...v .......... 98—Cochran V .......... 62—C'opeland .......... 4—Govey . M ......... 57—Cur1 . . .\f .......... 69—Da1ton M .......... 44—Deering v ......... 53—Edley ............. 66—Edmondson 14——Ellis ...O. ......... 84—Frye . .o ......... 39—Fisher ..V. . .... 91—Gardener Q . . . 106—Graham O ......... 90—Hanraty .\/ ........ 9—Hiarned ..\/....... 71—Harris 45—Harrison, J. B. o. 88—Harrison, B. F. a .. 76—Haskell 70—Hausam V ......... 85—Hay‘es 24—Helton . .V. ......... 10—Hendricks V ....... 07—Henshaw .0.. . . . . . 46'—Herring . . .V ....... 63—Hill ...... v ........ 43—Hogg . . . .O. ........ 75—Hopkins ,0. ........ 21—Houston . .V. ....... V 79—Hudson' ..v ........ 28—Hughes .O ........ 58—Humphrey o. ._ ...... 27—Eunt ..... O ........ l—James . .\/. ........ '26—Jenkins C?......... 17%JohnsQn .O ......... 101—J ones .0 ......... 37—Kane . . g ......... 40—Ke11y . . .‘ ........... 16—King ...O. ......... 59—Kornegay Cl ........ 65—Lang1ey /. .......... 94—Laéater V 99—Latimer .V. ......... 56—Leahy ..O .......... 110—Lee ....V ......... .96—Leeper ..o ......... 03—Ledbetter Q ........ 83—Liedtke . .0 ........ 78—Litt1ejohn S. . . . . . 32—Littlet0n 5—McC’ance \/ ......... 86—Mc01ain 7.1-. ...... 111—Mc01ure .O. ........ 7———Ma.jo\rs .\l. . ' Tiov’ual Yea. Total Nay Total Absent IOU—Mathis . . .0 ........ 31—Maxey ...O........ 82—Messenger 29—1Vfitch ..o ........ 13—Moore . ..L. ....... 104—Murray .0 ........ 68—Nelson . .0. . .‘ ...... 19—Newell .\./ .......... 35—Norton .V .......... 109—Parker .\/. ......... ll—Pittman .S ......... 56—Quarrles v. ........ 30—Ramsey ........... 38—Rice ...s/f ......... 49—Roberts \é‘ .......... 64—‘—Rogers O. ......... 15—Rose . . .O .......... 22—Sandlin .O ......... ZOASrater . A? .\c’ ....... 48—Savage .V. ......... 92~Sarrfalls A? ......... 95—Stowe ..V. ..... ’. 61—Swarts 52—Ta-sh ...C .......... 42—Tenen 2—Tracy . 55—Tucker .1./. ......... SO—Tturner Q ......... 87—-Weavér ........... 3—'—Williams, E. R.‘/.. .. 97—Wfllliams, B. IDS—Williams, R. L. 60—Wfillis 8—Wood,Geo. WA)” 89——Wood ........0.... 33—Wyatt ............ 72éWy1y ....... in. . .. No. of votes cast ______________________________________________________