ES'ITABLISH'ED BY EVA (3. HULINGS. THE GREAT MENTAL BY lC\'.»\ C. IIULINGS. LABORATORY. The material out of which power is evolved in the great mental laboratory is 'l‘hought. As in Nature’s Workshop the combination of chemicals produce new substances and from them new force and power is created, so in our mental workshop, new thought combi— nations——new thought currents produce new conditions and added power—or the converse, according to the'quality of thought sent to this laboratory. \Ve have daily proof that our spiritual and mental possibilities can be demon— strated through the power of thought. Your thoughts of courage when com— bined with your companions’ lofty thoughts of doing and daring will often evolve a practical plan for establishing a humanitarian enterprise which would have astonished you had it been pre- dicted that such a work would come to pass. The same holds good in yourown business relationship; desires, purposes, ambitions, in the right direction, shall come. to success through right thought combinations and directed by the will. Associate with the physically well person, who discards all thoughts of sickness, weakness and inharmony, and DENVER, COLORADO, JUNE, 1898. unconsciously it may be, you will begin to think like thoughts, and these new currents of thought in the laboratory of your being will soon produce new con- ditions of mental quiet, and health and strength to your body; When we think the downward thoughts we cut off our supply of vital- ity; we disconnect ourselves from the universal supply. There is nothing so abundant as life. It is all around us, it is everywhere present. All nature proves this. Hang apiece of meat in the sun, in a few hours it is teeming with its busy colonies of life; and think of the myriads of bacteria inhab- iting every part of the human body— lifel life! everywhere life and yet mor— tality cries out death,everywhere death —disease, sickness, agony-Hmanufact— ured in the mental workshop. You may go into a decline by think- ing, “1 am tired;” “I am discouraged;” “I am not much of anything anyway;" “I can never succeed;” “To fail is al— ways my luck.” In this line of thought there can be nothing for you but failure, poverty and sickness. There is noth-~ ing truer than that you can be whatyou claim to be. Don’t depress your own stocks. ln-- flate and water them if you must, but always decree sure dividends. Be as;