OFFICIAL ORGAN National American Woman Suffrage Association. PROGRE 1‘s. SUBSCRIPTION PRICI 25 Cents Per Year. Volume VII. JULY, 1908 Number 7 n. I L UREIS 1 MPO s s l B L 1:: — s u s a n B. Anthony PROGRESS PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT WARREN, OHIO, BY THE NATIONAL AMERICAN WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION President, Rev. Anna. Howard Show, Moylan, Pa. 1st Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmore. Pa. 3nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Florence Kelley. 105 East 22nd St.. New York City. Cor. Sec’y, Miss Kate M. Gordon, 1800 Prytania St.. New Orleans, La. Recording Sec'y, Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park St., Boston, Mass. Treasurer, Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio. list Auditor, Miss Laura Clay, Lexington. Ky. 2nd Auditor, Mrs. Mary S. Sperry, 2100 Pacific Ave., San Francisco, Cal. Legal Advisor, Catharine Waugh McCulloch, Evanston, 111. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERE, WARREN. OHIO. PRICE 25 CENTS PER YEAR OFFICERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE ALLIANCE. President, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt. No. 2 W. 86th St.. New York City. First Vice President, Dr. Anita Augsburg, Hamburg. Germany. Second Vice President, Mrs. Millicent Garrett Fawcett, London, England. Secretary, Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery. Swarthmor‘e, Pa. First Ass‘t Secretary, Dr. Kathe Schirmacher, Paris. France. Second Ass't Secretary, Martina Kramers. Rotterdam. Holland. Treasurer, Miss Rodger Cunliffe, ondon. England. Entered as second class matter ISL, 1906, at the Post Office. Warren. Ohio. HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON. Editor. Form of Bequest. I hereby give and bequeath to the National American Woman Suffrage Association, said Association being in- corporated under the laws of the Dis- trict of Columbia, the sum of 5.. .. principal and interest, to be applied by such association for the support and promotion of the cause of woman suf- trage. Signed .................................. Convention Dates 1908. National—Buffalo; 15th-21st (inclusive). Georgia—Atlanta, July 9 and 10. Indiana—Winona Lake, August 28th Friends’ Equal Rights Association. Vermont—September. Ohio—Columbus, Sept. 30th,, Oct. 1. New York—Buffalo, Oct. 13 to 15. Wisconsin—4Madison, September. “ ‘It is a generation too soon’. Who knows that? I suppose there were those who thought John the Baptist was baptizing too soon; that Luther preached too soon; that Savonarola was in too great a hurry, and all be- cause he met his death and his enemies triumphed; that Galileo and Hampden and Cromwell and John Howard were all too soon.” ' Never mind, would you not rather be thought too soon by this generation than too late by the next? There is something refreshing about breathing the invigorating air at the head of the procession. Several columns of valuable matter were crowded out of this number. If interest in suffrage continues we will have to enlarge our columns or become semi—monthly. We have so many inquiries for the addresses of our suffrage officers who are in Europe that we state here that anyone wishing to write them can do so by sending letters; care of Dr. Alet? , . N. Y., October ta H. Jacobs, Tesselschade Str., 15, Amsterdam, Holland. Dr, Jacobs will forward mail. Sufiragists seem to be more active in hot weather than other people. The work in Headquarters of most associations slows down in summer, while ours seems to increase. Mails are very heavy and all desks are piled high with work although all clerks are on duty. May this summer rush bear autumn fruit. Miss Bertha Coover, of London, 0., Corresponding Secretary of the State Association, is temporarily at National Headquarters assisting in the work. She has already proved herself an ef- ficient helper and a most delightful acquisition to our office force. She is of a studious turn of mind, is an able and ready writer, as well as a devoted suffragist. Several of the interesting items in this paper are from her pen, and we hope to publish her contribu— tions from time to time in the future. Truly, another optimist we have with us! National Headquarters has no pessimists. WOMEN IN NATIONAL REPUBLICAN POLITICS. 'It is a suggestive fact that women have been more prominent this year in national politics than ever before. and that the newspapers of. the coun— try have kept this point more persist- ently before the people than at any previous time. All of this special no- tice indicates that the compass of our Ship of State is pointed more and more in the direction of equal rights for both sexes, Mrs. Lucy A. Rice Clark, of Utah, was the only woman delegate to the recent Republican Convention. It is somewhat puzzling to many of the women of this country that in men— tioning her all of the newspapers con— sider it necessary to state that she was 58 years old and the mother of eleven children. Of not one of the men delegates has the record of his age been given, and the number of children that call him father. Mrs. Susa Young Gates, an alternate from Utah, is the mother of thirteen chil- dren. Of none of the other alternates mittee with the resolution, both mak— ing excellent pleas. One of the com— mittee remarked: “The two women said their say better than did any of the men who had planks to advocate.’ The resolution presented by the women was as follows: “Resolved, That we favor the ex- tension of the elective franchise to the women of the United States, by the States, upon the same qualifica— tions upon which it is now accorded to men.” Though the resolution was not adopted, the woman suffragists have the gratification of knowing that many newspapers commented favorably upon it, and more public citizens than ever before. Samuel Gompers, the labor advo- cate, in appearing before the com» mittee, urged that the Republican Party pledge itself to the enactment of a law to submit a constitutional amendment for ratification to the States for the absolute suffrage of women, co—equal with men. A committee of one hundred and twenty progressive Chicago women, including Mrs. Charles Deneen, wife Progress is indebted to The Crowell Publishing Co. of Springfield, 0., for the use of the above cut of Miss Jane Addams, one of our life members. This cut appeared in .the April number of the Woman’s Home Companion in connection with Miss Addams’ article on “The Working Woman and the Ballot.” The editor of Progress calls atten- tion of Club Presidents to exceptional program on Women in the Ministry, by Rev. Annistord Eastman of El— mira, New York. Few, if any, of our programs equal this and it’ it is too heavy for warm weather, advise your members to do the reading for it and be ready for 'the fall. Mrs. Mary McHenry Keith, of Berke- ley, California, has sent $500 to the Susan B. Anthony Memorial Fund, whichhas been saved through‘ self- denial in many directions. She says that instead of celebrating their 25th anniversary in any Other way, they are sending this amount to us. Mrs. Keith is one of the people who never ceases in their work for suffrage, and it‘ seems that she has more di- versity of action than any of us. One Sunday evening a few weeks ago she spoke in the Bethany Congregational Church, her subject being “The Ethics of Woman Suffrage; What have the people, the church, religion, to do with Woman Suffrage?” have we been told the number of his children. _ Both Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Young declare that woman suffrage has been a success in Utah, and that they wish all their sisters, everywhere, to have the same privileges 1_)olitica.lly. Mrs, Clark is not the first woman to enjoy the delegate to a. national political con- vention. In 1900 Mrs. W. H..Jones was sent as delegate to the National Republican Convention in Philadel- phia, and Mrs. Elizabeth Cohen to the National Democratic Convention in Kansas City. Both were from Utah. and served through the sessions, This is the first instance of the kind on record, although women was sent as alternates from \Vyomiug to the Na- tional Republican Convention at Min- neapolis in 1888. The Committee on Resolutions at the Recent Republican Convention was asked to insert a woman suffrage plank. Mrs. Charles M. Henrotin and Miss Jane Addams were the speak- ers for the. delegation of well»known Women, and appeared before the com- distinction of being a, ' functions is over and'thc next is Buffalo. of the Governor of Illinois, Miss Jane Addams, Mrs. Ellen M. l-Ienro- tin, Mrs. Gertrude Blackwelder, Mrs. F. I{.v'l‘racey, Miss Ellen E. Foster, Mrs. Iva Wooden, Dr. Anna Blount, and others arranged for elaborate en— ‘ tertainments for the visitors and dele— roorns of the Chicago Woman's Club. One of these social were in special honor of Mrs. Clark, the woman delegate. Altogether, the question of equal suffrage is assuming such proportions that the great political parties will be compelled to realize that they cannot afford'longcr to ignore it. . B. C. gates in the The program for one evening of the Buffalo Convention will be arranged and carried out by college women. We remember with pride our college night at Baltimore when professors from the great colleges of women paid homage to Miss Anthony and her work. The International Suffrage Alliance It is none too early to make your plans to attend. INTERNATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE ALLIANCE. The great congress of the Interna- tional Woman Suffrage Alliance open- ed in Amsterdam, Holland, June 15, the first session being given over to the appointment of interpreters and committees. Delegates from 23 na- . tions were present. At the afternoon a session a cantata composed by a woman, Catharine van Rennes, was sung under her direction by a chorus of three hundred women and eighty children. Addresses of welcome were given by Dr. Aletta Jacobs, President of the National Dutch Woman. Suffrage Association, and others, with responses by prominent women of fourteen na- tions, Rev. Anna H. Shaw representing the United States. Mrs. Carrie Chap man Catt, President of the Internation- al Woman Suffrage Alliance, delivered an opening address that is pronounced logical, eloquent and profound. Among the reports of officers we note that of Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery, U. S. A., as first secretary, and Mrs. Stanton Coit, London, Eng, as treas- urer. Mrs. Coit’s husband was former— ly a resident of Columbus, Ohio. At one of-the evening sessions the topic was “Woman Suffrage in Prac- tice,” addresses being made by noted women from Australia, New Zealand‘, Finland and Norway, Mrs. Helen Grenfell, oflicial delegate from Colo- rado, and Mrs. Harriet L. Shieir: from Wyoming. At a meeting for young chpxe, Mrs. Ella S. Stewart, of Chicago, was one, of the speakers. “Woman Suffrage from a.-._Chri‘sian ‘ ' 'rfumvor'VIGWannjet, ("ifait address by Mrs. Catharine WaughMc- Culloch, from Illinois, and Rev. Anna, H. Shaw. Miss Elizabeth Hauser, U. S. A., Spoke one evening on “Why Should Representative Governments Enfrano chise W’omen?” On this same subject addresses were made by women from Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Swe- den and Switzerland. Three days before. the opening of the conference one thousand seats had been sold, at 5 fiorins apiece. Dinners, receptions, excursions in and about the city, visits to the mu- seum, etc., added interest to the stay in Amsterdam. ' - When the International Woman Suf- frage Alliance was organized at Ber- lin in 1904, six countries were repre— sented. At its first biennial held in. Copenhagen in 1906, there were dele- gates from 13; and at the international meeting which has just closed in Am- sterdam, delegates were present from 23 countries. I It is not possible to give a detailed account of this splendid congress, the largest yet held, in this number of Progress. Thefconvention is just clos- ing as this issue goes to press, and we have not yet received full official reports. B. C. We are taking orders at National Headquarters for Volume III. of the Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony. Price $2.50. General Federation of Women’s Clubs. The Ninth Biennial Convention of the General Federation of Women‘s Clubs has been recently held in Boston. Several thousand cultured, earnest women were present representing five thousand clubs with a membership of over eight hundred thousand women. Some of the measures discussed, all bearing on the progiess of our nation, were: “Child Labor," "Mortality Among Children." “Public Health and Sanitation," “Education,“ "Civics," “Parks and Playgrounds," "Protection and Help of Imi’nigrants," "Conserva- .ion of the Nation‘s Resources and Nat- . iral Curiosities and Prehistoric Places.”