xt70rx937t9n_460 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Progress text Progress 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_16/Multipage20097.pdf 1909 February-August 1909 1909 February-August section false xt70rx937t9n_460 xt70rx937t9n  


National American Woman Suffrage







25 Cents Per Year.






Vqume VIII.




Number 2










President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw,
Moylan. Pa.
lst Vice President, Rachel Foster Avery,
Swarthmore. Pa.
2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. Florence Kelley,
105 E. 22nd St., New York City.
Cor. Sec’y, Miss Kate M. Gordon,
1800 Prytania St., New Orleans, La~
Recording Sec'y,
Miss Alice Stone Blackwell.
6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
Treasurer, Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton,
XVarren, Ohio. -
lst Auditor, _
Miss Laura Clay, Lexmgton,
2nd Auditor,

Mrs. Ella S. Stewart,
Chicago. Ill


Le a1 Advisor,
g Catharine Waugh McCulloch,
Evanston, 111.



President, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt,
o. W. 86th St., New York City.
First Vice President.
Dr. Anita Augsburg,
Hamburg, Germany.
Second Vice President,
Mrs. Millicent Garrett Fawcett,
London, England.
Secretary, Mrs. Rachel Foster Avery,
Swarthmore, Pa.
First Ass‘t Secretary, _
Dr. Kathe Schirmacher,
Paris, France.
Second Ass’t Secretary,
Martina Kramers,
Rotterdam, Holland.
Mrs. Stanton Coit,
London, England.
Entered as second class matter Nov. 1st,
06, at the Post Office,
iVarren, Ohio.




UPTON, Editor.

No member can deny that as a body
of professional women and as indi—
viduals we today enjoy privileves and
advantages which never 'li'O'il/(L liuzvc
Im‘n open to us had not Susan B. An-
thony and other far-seeing women,

imbued with a noble purpose, worked;

tenaciously and unceasingly to gain
for women the right and privilege to
use and develop their God-given facul-
ties—Nurses’ Journal of the Pacific


When the New England
came into the Middle West where the
timber was heavy, he first selected a
bit of dry ground from which he clear-

ed the under-biush and planted corn. j
The timber was so thick that these:

spots were very small, His next act

was to girdle the trees surrounding,
the cleared land. He then sought an-

other brush covered spot and repeated
the operation. In the fall he burned
the brush and decayed stumps and

wood, saving only the perfect ones”

Single-handed, or with the help of his
children, he did all this preliminary

work. When the snow came, and the ‘

timber was ready, neighbors and
friends for miles around who had been
at exactly the same work, gathered at
his homestead and, with bars, rolled
these logs together at a proper place,
The clearing had been a tedious, de-
pressing work, but the rolling was
really a recreation. Men sang and
laughed and drank the native whiskey,
while together they all sang, “Heave,
Oh, Heave.” Some one man usually
directed this work, but joyou‘sly they
all labored together under his direc-
tion, and when night came on they
repaired to the house where the wom-
en had been working for their hostess
all day, and where a hot supper await—
ed them, with dancing and frolicing

For years suffragists have been
clearing away the underbrush, have
been girdling the trees, have been pre-
paring for the glad day when the
things which had troubled their prog-
ress should be rolled away; when the

Senator Burrows

The Christian Herald of January
13th, has an able article by Lyman
Beecher Stowe on “The Battle for
Woman Suffrage”, which is really an
interview with the Senators and Mem-

oupyngm ions by Harris a- Ewing
' Senator French

These pictures appeared in

Sienator Sutherland ’ I

The Christian herald of New York Tannery 13th, heading an

Senator Borah Senator

article, “The Battle for

They are rcprpduced here through the Conrtesy of the editor of the Herald.

bers of States where women vote.
Universally these :'men are in; favor
and give diverse and excellent rea-
sons why woman suffrage is of ad-
vantage. Most of them say they were

not in favor until they had closely‘obh

right was granted them after a well

servedthe results. Mr.’ Stowe appar-
ently did not know that the tax-paying
women of Michigan have lately been
tax-paying suffrage. This

planned campaign by suffrage

IS IMPOSSIBLE—Susan B. Anthony

Senator Warren


Woman Suffrage.”

women of Michigan, who secured the
aid of- sympathizing organizations.
Suffragists who want live opinions
of live Congressmen should send for
this number, 2, Vol. 32, Christian Her-

ald, New York



fertile ground should be ready for
their use; when they could do the
thing directly as they wanted to do
it. That time is nearly here. So let
us all, with cheerful hearts and will-
ing hands, raise the loud; last joyful
cry of “Heave, Oh, Heave,” and roll
away the obstacles.



Never in the history of our move-
ment has there been such a general
interest on the part of the public in
suffrage for women as at present.
New York is thoroughly aroused and
scarcely a day passes without one or
more articles appearing in each of the



settler ,

many daily papers, and in almost
levery gathering this is the one topic
,of conversation.

i If we are wise we will not allow this
ipsychological moment to pass with-
iout taking advantage of every oppor-
,tunity which presents itself to bring
iour question before the people, This
is a work at which all can assist.

Some State presidents say they
,are doing legislative work and the
1 petitions must wait. On the contrary,
Ithis is an added reason for pushing
Ethe petition work. Very few of the
imembers are busy with Legislative
‘work—few leave their homes or take
upon themselves extra work on ac-
Iicount of it. It is not therefore neces-
sary for those who are not actively
engaged at the vaiious Capitals to
wait idly for the result. Would it not
greatly aid the Legislative work for
‘ the women all over the State to be cre-
ating local enthusiasm and interest by
‘ the petition work? Circulating the pe-
, tition gives each woman the opportun-
1ity ‘to find out who are the friends
and to urge upon them the necessity
‘of cooperation in influencing the vote
‘of their members of the Legislature.

Many letters thanking the National
Association for furnishing this means
, of service are daily received at the Pe-
tition Headquarters, as more and more
its value impresses itself upon the
workers all over the country. Before
you refuse to attempt this line of
work, try it, and I am sure that you
will find that it. is the best and cheap-
est means of propaganda known to us.
Do not fail to attempt it and.do not
fail to send in your quota of names.
It will be more than returned to you
in local interest. _

Reports of successful work are com-
ing to us from many States and I am
encouraged to feel that 1909 will be
a epoch making period in our National

Mrs. Emma Smith De-voe, President
of the State of Washington, and her
splendid corps of assistants, are mak-
ing preparations for a successful Na-
tional Convention in July. Let as
many of our friends as can possibly
do so arrange their summer plans to
include this trip, a full account of




It was one of Miss Anthony’s
dreams that the N. A. W, S. A. should
have a home in the city of Washing-

ton. Many times ‘she spoke of it to
those who stood near her in the work.
Many times she thought she saw her
vision about to be fulfilled, but it has
had to wait for 1909 to take an out-
ward and material form.

By vote of the Ofiicial Board the
large, old-fashioned house at 1823 H
Street, North West, has been rented
for the Association, and we entered
upon possession the first day of the
year, technically, but really occupied
the house for the first time on January
fourth, with Mrs. J ennette M. Bradley,
formerly of iVashington and well
known to the suffragists there, as

Care and economy are being exer-
cised in the furnishing and only such
things as are actual necessities are
being purchased at present. It is
hoped that many gifts of money and
some more of furniture will be sent us
for the Headquarters. Already two of
the Washington workers, Mrs. Tindall
and Miss Emma M. Gillett, have given
many need articles, the former helping
largely to furnish the kitchen and
laundry. Mrs, Avery has sent bed-
room and office furnishings.

The house has rooms for receptions
or meetings and also for much office
work and this latter Will receive on
February first, the work of the Na-
tional Committee on Petition to Con-
gress. The chairman is Mrs. Catt, but
her inteinational work calls her
abroad and Mrs. Foster Avery will
then become Acting Chairman and
will supervise the work at 1823 H

It will seem like the days of the

first attended national suffrage con-

’seventies to Mrs. Avery, when she

ventions in Washington (there was
one annually in that city) and petition
work was done. She will feel that
Miss Anthony must surely be' there in
spirit, overseeing the work and the
workers. Mrs. Avery says: “A word
to all the suffragists who read this;
will you not send a small contribution
of money at once to the! National
Treasurer marked for the Washing-
ton Headquarters? You may feel as
though you were giving a little per-
sonal gift. to Miss Anthony. for that'is
the way she would feel about the fur-
nishings of the new suffrage home.
If you have a nice towel or a pretty
table doiley or bureau cover that you
would spare, mail it to Mrs. Bradley
for the Headquarters and be sure to
put your name and address on the
package so that it may be acknowl-
edged. There will be a bed-room in
additon to those of Mrs, Bradley and
the maid, to be furnished, for the har-
boring of a national ofiicer when there
to supervise work, and perhaps you
could supply a good pillow cover even.
Send nice things if you do send any-
thing—otherwise send the money as
your contribution.

“There is much to be said about this
new departure of the National Ameri-
can VV. S. A. but the rest will wait.
The main thing now is to let you
know that we need help for the un—
dertaking and that if each one will
help even a little, it will make it easy
for all, and also to inform not only the
workers but all those who are doing
the petition work, that on and after
February 1st the address of the Na-

tional Committee on Petitions will be
1823 H Street, N. “7., Wiashington,
D. C.”



which will be given when definite in-
formation can be secured from the

I am at present attending a series
of meetings in the cities along the
Hudson River, under the direction of
the New York State Association. The
indefatigable State President, Mrs.
Crossett, Miss Mills, Miss Drummond
of England, and Mrs. Henry Villard
are among the speakers. Miss Caro-
line Crossett is being initiated into
the suffrage field work and is showing
herself most successful in securing
local co-operation. There is no great-
er joy in the present status of our
work than in welcoming to the ranks
of‘our active field workers so many
well equipped college women.

Let us be encouraged by the aroused
interests of the people and be thank-
ful for the larger opportunities for




we are greatly distressed over the .

sentencing to prison of our friends
and allies, Messrs. Gompers, Mitchell
and Morrison.

iVe can only hope that what they
will have to suffer unjustly will work
for good to the working man. Prison
for standing for the right in 1909 A.
D. Just think of it!



The date for the Natonal Conven-
ton has been fixed, July 1-7, inclusive,
and a ViFoman’s Day at the Alaska-
Yukon—Pacific Exposition will be had
during that week.

Send 15c to National Headquarters,
Warren, Ohio, for a copy of the An-
nual Report of the National Conven-
tion held at Buffalo.



It is none too early to begin to
make arrangements for the trip to
Seattle for the National Convention
to be held there July next.

On account of the Alaska-Yukon-
Pacific Exposition, a round trip. rate
has been authorized from Chicago
and St. Louis, $62.00 and $58.25 re-
spectively to Seattle, Washington.
Tickets have a good return limit until
October 31st. Although round trip
rates have not as yet been authorized
east of Chicago, it is promised it will
be announced in a short time, and it
is the supposition that this will be
about one and one—third fare.

. If 0.. sufiicim‘t “umber dofwdolef'flfe-M“. ' e

and visitors will plan to start from
Chicago at the same time, we will
have a special train from that point
and be joined by other friends all
along the route until we reach the bor-
der of Washington, where we will be
met by a second special train and es-
corted across the State, stopping at
Spokane and other points enroute
where meetings will be held.

There are two classes of sleeping
cars, standard and tourist. The rate
in the former through to Seattle will
be $14.00, and in the tourist sleeper
$7.00. As we are promised a prac-
tically new tourist car, for summer
traveling it will be quite as comfort-
able as the standard sleeper.

ln order to make the best arrange-
ments, I would like to hear as soon as
possible from all contemplating the
trip, as to which kind of sleeper is

The return ticket will be issued
over a choice of several routes; the
Canadian Pacific or via Portland and
San Francisco, with an opportunity to
stop off and visit Yellow Stone Park
and Denver. A circular will be issued
shortly giving full information regard-
ing rates, side trips, including a visit
to Yellowstone Park, etc., etc.

I will be very glad to receive the
names of all those who contemplate
going to Seattle that I may send them
one of these circulars.

Chairman of Railroad Rate-s.
Moylan, Pa., Jan. 20, 1909.



Mrs. A. A. Lafferty, the only woman
member of the Colorado Legislature,
is chairman of the Educational Com-
mittee and a member of the Commit-
tees on Criminal Jurisprudence, State
Institutions, Enrollment, Denver City
Affairs and County Lines.

Mrs. Lafferty has already introduced
two bills, the eight-hour day bill and
the‘bill for the physical examination
of public school children and the care
of defectives. The appointing of a
master of discipline in towns where
there is no juvenile court is another
of Mrs, Lafferty’s bills.

Mrs. Lafferty was assigned to desk
23, but says she is not superstitious.








The person who said “there’s noth-
ing new under the sun” ought to have
been present with the woman suf-
fragists at the Astor House Luncheon,
January fifteenth. They would have
seen something new, at least for this
country, namely, a society leader tak-
ing her first plunge into the mael-
strom of public work for the hereto-
:fore not popular cause of woman suf-

The guests of honor were Miss
Ethel Arnold, (sister of Mrs, Hum-
phrey Ward), Rev. Anna H. Shaw and
Mrs. Clarence Mackey. The latter
made on that occasion, her “maiden
speech,” and it was a good one, too.
Mrs. Mackey is an attractive young
woman, tall and slender, with a viva-
cious manner and an excellent voice
for public speaking. For myself, I
thought some of her tones resembled
Julia Marlowe’s voice and I truly be-
lieve that if she continues to make ad-
dresses she will soon be a speaker
calculated to hold the interest of her
audience, entirely apart from her‘ posi-
tion as a social leader and a woman
of wealth.

Miss Arnold is a delightfully cul-
tured English woman whom it is
a joy to listen to; she evidently
likes this country and was as
much pleased to see the
of well-dressed. eager, interested
women at. the luncheon as her sis-
ter, Mrs. Humphrey Ward, would have

been to meet such a group of “antis” .

if they could have been gathered to—

gether, which I very much doubt.
Our National President. was at her

best, and that requires no comment;

crowd ,
‘ C., writes:


she paid her compliments to “our
friend, the enemy,” though she
“named no names,” and when she
talked as they do of “home, sweet
home” being destroyed by us suf-
fragists, her accent and intonation
r. ere indescribably funny and brought
down the house.

The other speaker was Professor
_ ewe.y_.c.f Columbia University, who
gave a most thoughtful and interesting
address from the man’s standpoint,
which was well received.

Mrrs. Chapman Catt presided de-
lightfully and introduced the speakers
in a way to add interest to what they
had to say,

A unique course on the menu was
the ice cream served in ballot-boxes.
I do not know whose idea this was,
as the entire Committee-of Arrange-
ments shared in the praise which it
called forth. When the waiters ap-
peared with them, those who first saw
just what they were, began to applaud
and the rest of us followed suit when
we saw the ballot sticking out at the
Lop. I am sure every ballot-box was
carried home as a souvenir of this
most delightful occasion.

Though they started out to have
four hundred guests, the pressure for
tickets was so great that fifty extra
seats were provided and even then
offers for sixty more tickets had to
be refused. I wondered whether Mrs.
Lillie Devereux Blake (who_sat at the
guest table which was slightly raised
above the rest and afforded a view of
the gathering) remembered the be-
ginning of her Pilgrim Mothers’ Din—
ners and thought of the contrast be-
tween then and now. These dinners

have become an established custom
now, but when they were first tried,







it demanded a stout woman suffrage

heart to take the risks involved and
secure the patronage necessary to
make the dinner a success. Now we
are able to turn away sixty people,
eager and anxious to spend their
money to attend a woman suffrage
luncheon. Truly nothing succeeds like



One of the most inspiring meetings
ever held in Chicago was that of Sun-
day, Jan. 17, when the Men’s League
for Equal Suffrage had a meeting in
Handel Hall. Long before the meet-

, ing opened there was not even stand-
ing room. Jane Addams presided.
Maud Wood Park made a telling, ten-
minute speech. Ex—Senator McMillan,
President of the League, gave a short
address, following which Catharine

Waugh McCulloch asked for a collec-
tion, securing $147.

Mayor Brand Whitlock, of Toledo,
gave the chief address. Mayor VVhit-
lock is so earnest and so interested in

woman suffrage that the audience was . .

perfectly delighted with him. At the
conclusion of the meeting the League
held an Executive Committee meeting
and started the. work. This move
seems to be in the hands of earnest,
active men, who are not content to be
honorary, lifeless suffragists. This
League is receiving applications every
day for membership

Men in different portions of the
country are making inquiry as to the
formation of these leagues. We have
always said this was not a woman’s
movement but one of men and women
for men and women.


The women of the Rochester rod-
tical Equality Club are working dili-
gently for the petition. So is Susan
Thurston Cooper, President of the
Longridge W. S. Club, at Stamford,

The colored people in three promi-
nent churches in St. Paul are much
interested and will work for it.

Mrs. Jennie C. Law-Hardy of Tecum-
seh, Mich, says in a personal letter,
“It may interest you to know that l
have interviewed 246 men and women.
Two hundred and thirty signed the
petition, 14 refused—only one a wom-
an—and two promised to consider it.
I ought to get at least 1,000 signatures

Emma M. Gillett, of Washington, D.
“The petition work is fas-
cinating, I could easily get one thou-
sand names if I only had time.”

Michigan has its petition work very
well organized. Mrs. Rowe of Grand
Rapids has general charge and Mrs.
Clara B. Arthur, President of the State
Association, is personally looking after
the organizations of the state. The
labor unions of Michigan are co-oper-
ating with the suffragists and every
union in the state has been requested
by the president of the State Federa—
tion of Labor to circulate the petition
among the members. There is a spe-
cial chairman for work among the
Maccabees, the women’s clubs, etc.

Among some of the important peo-
ple who have signed our petition to
Congress are Governor Brooks of Wyo-
oming, Shafroth of Colorado, Gooding
of Idaho, Cutler of Utah, Julia Ward
How’e, William Lloyd Garrison, Rabbi
Charles Fleischer, Sarah Platt Decker,
Judge Ben Lindsey, Miss Garrett, Mrs.
Clarence Mackay. Colonel George Har-
vey, Hon. John D. Long, Mrs Burke
Cochran, \Villiam Dudley Foulke, Lil-
lian D. Hollister, Samuel Gompers and
John Mitchell.


The Duchess of Marlborough, nee
Vanderbilt, has written a very force-
ful article for the North American Re-
view It is said that the nobility of
England are fearing that Her Grace
may sooner or later become a suf-
fragette. If she means what she says,
their fears are undoubtedly well found-
ed. She may not be a militant, but
she certainly believes in woman‘s ad-
vancement. She says: “Why should
women have a standard of right and
wrong adjustable to the moral stan-
dards of the men to whom they may
happen to belong by purchase, as in
earlier days—-by marriage, as in mod-
ern. In nearly all the Oriental na—
tions, faithfulness is the only virtue
extolled in woman, the only one ex-
pected of her or seriously impressed
upon her consciousness.”


Women, Etc., By George Harvey.

Mr. Harvey’s treatment of his sub-
ject is both interesting and original.
The first half of the book is devoted
to a discussion of women, and their
relation to society at large. It com-

,prises a series of brief essays, bril-

liant, humorous, and serious, giving

the reader a comprehensive idea of
woman’s position, in domestic, social,
and political life.

The last half of the book treats of
that always elusive expression, “Etc.”