OFFICIAL ORGAN National American Woman Suffrage Associatlon SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 25 Cents Per Year Volume X. Number 5 FAILURE IS IMPOSSIBLE—Susan B. Anthony .PROGRESS PUBLISHED MONTHLY IN NEW YORK CITY BY THE NATIONAL AMERICAN WOMAN SUFFRAGE ASSOCIATION. President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw". 505 Fifth Avenue, New York City. 1st Vice President, Mrs Rachel Foster Avery, Swarthmore, Pa. 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Catharine Waugh McCulloch, Evanston, Ill. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Mary Ware Dennett, 505 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Recording Secretary, Mrs. Ella S. Stewart, 5464 Jefferson Ave., Chicago, Ill. Treasurer, Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio. lst Auditor, Miss Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky. 2nd Auditor, Miss Alice Stone Blackwell, 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Legal Adviser, Catharine Waugh McCulloch. NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, 505 Fifth Avenue. New York City. PRICE 25 CENTS PER YEAR OFFICERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WOMAN SUFFRAGE ALLIANCE. President, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, N0. 2 W. 86th St., New York City. First Vice President, Mrs. Millicent Garrett Fawcett, LL.D., 2 Gower St., London, England. Second Vice President, Miss Annie Furulijelm, Helsingfors, Finland. Secretaries, Miss Martina Kramers, 92 Kruiskade, Rotterdam, Holland. Miss Anna Lindemann, Degerloch, Stuttgart, Germany. Miss Signe Bergman, 10a Arsenalsgatan, Stockholm, Sweden. Treasurer, Mrs. Adela Stanton Coit, ‘ ' ’ TnnanL EnclanL . stiff!" «w, \w/ £\l/é§:I//:\\\=U4;\\aéll “egg-etc, _ - - - - ., \‘.i. ’ _ _ 21:». -a; :o’. -o I K4 , w”, \ww \yl/é gl/é pl]; .355. \w/ 9.! “ts/192'.-- \; \\\ \\l \i 7/\\//i 4=\\cgl/,=\c//, \\I/ _o awn w, \\I/4\ Qc/ \wll/ gin: gm, $11, Q's/é gw,’ 31/4 _\\l/// Aw, gi/é o"a’.~o’ 1: :2 \\I// \\I// \\I// \W/ \W/ \W/ \\I// .\\I// Wham: '0 egg $:!/4~_\.\gé ego, \WL steal/x: .\.\l/,/. «Sit/- Admitted as second class matter at New York City Post Office. ‘ EDITED AT HEADQUARTERS, Assemblyman Frank L. Young’s bill conferring the vote on questions of bond- ing upon all taxpaying women who live in‘ the towns and villages of the State of New York, has passed both Houses and been signed by the Governor. It is an extension of the vote on special appro- priations which was granted to tax- payiiig women of the towns and villages in 1901. by the Young bill. A straw showing which way the wind blows was seen in the cartoons during the \Vashington convention. One depict- ed the women going in great crowds with their petitions to the Capitol, out of which the members of Congress were fleeing in wild confusion. All the wo- men were fashionably attired, with hats a la mode, and a feature was made of little feet beneath a from frou of rullles. Another, entitled “The Suitragists Visit \\'asl1ington,” showed the Capitol with all its many pillars decorated with ribbon bows, vases of llowers scattered about and a woman’s hat, beautifully trimmed, perched on the dome. In other days the cartoonists never allowed the artistic or esthetic to be in any way connected with woman frage. suf- As the press work at the national suli'rage conventions had been largely managed for a-number of years by Miss Elizabeth J. Hauser, it seemed to the chairman of the press committee that it could best be done by her at the recent convention, and therefore she went to \Vashington, while Mrs. Harper remained at the headquarters in New York. Miss Hauscr’s report of the meet- ing will be found in another column. As space in Progress is so limited, only the barcst resume is possible of what was one of the most interesting and impor— tant of the forty-two national woman sufl'rage conventions. Their right to vote on bondi propositions under that act, which had: .. . . l been questioned, is now fully established 9’49 All/4“ {1 ages" MRS. CATHARINE IVAUGH McCULLOUGH, Vice-President National \Voman Suffrage Association. \SE/TT‘ were 7 II as some ”lire 71w 7/ 2.9, ”sane-An" ...' Ll. \ W‘s/array. re" SicI/l/ new rJ/fiiV’I/WWWVN Witt“ 73:; \, .\/.— I " «7- -- '- -- -: . .r . ,1. a '- SAF ani‘ 21$ alfi 5/“5 ’IIF fins ’llé “In 7/|\\ WWW??? 'ic VIE we are 4N “xiv file In are Ii". /.v';'-.\ on" As these lines are written we can look out from the windows of our lofty head- quarters iii-New York and see the crowd gathered in front of the church on Fifth Avenue, where, for a brief hour, rests the body of Mark Twain, the much—loved humorist. He many times expressed himself in favor of woman sull'rage; was one of the first signers of the national petition last year, and not long before his death he said, “I should like to see the ballot ill the hands of every woman.” In his beck, “Following the Equator,” he devoted two pages to woman sutl'rage in New Zealand, and gave the ollicial statistics showing that the women vote in quite as large a proportion as the men. He applied all the favorable ar— guments to the situation in the United States, and declared that it was time the women here were enfranchised. In the death of Dr. Borden P. Bowne, Professor of Philosophy at Boston Uni- versity, during the past month, the cause of woman suffrage lost another able and eminent supporter. 'He often made ad- dresses for the meetings in Massachu- setts and published a very comprehen- sive article on the subject in a recent number of the North American Review. One more must be added to the inim— ber of distinguished friends who passed away in April. Bjornstjerne Bjornson, the Norwegian poet, was a strong be- liever in woman suffrage and used his influence for it when the question was pending in Norway. He was deeply lll- terested in the Congress of the Interna- tional Alliance at Copenhagen in 19013, and sent an original poem suited to the occasion. In the future a Hall of Fame will be provided to immortalize the names of those who declared for woman’s po- litical liberty. =7 - > vet's-n..- .. HR" [1'0 /i‘\‘ [h ih‘ //)\\ I.\ ’.;\ ' “xx" \W’Fw acted/if 7/ THE PRESIDE T AND THE CONVEN- TION. In a matter which elicited such uni-. versal comment as did the Illl€X1)CCt-. ed incident during the address of I’i'esi- . dent Taft to the National Sull'rage Lon— vcntion, it seems advisable to print the full It may be said, however, that address in and refrain iiient. the audience were entirely unaware it, had happened. The room was over- chairs insist that and Many sitting, moved. the was simply a "sh” for silence. being sound was done by the “antis” through pre- arrangement. Still others claim that it was a protest by the delegates from the States where women vote against being classed as “undesirables.” One ollic‘er says that she heard a man beside her make this sound. , “'hatever the facts, neither the asso- ciation nor the convention could justly be held responsible for the occurrence, and the manner the ollicial board made reparation and President Taft accepted it was highly creditable to both. He stated the thought which had been uppermost in the mind of every sufl'ragist when he said in his lot- ter, "I regret it because it may be used in an unfair way to embarrass the lead— ers of your movement.” in which from com- , Others 5 " ‘ ’ ‘ i . . V 1 'Jr‘.( J : I" '7‘" i _ believe that it there was any hissing it . lllglll)‘ appiumtc the ‘Inut Of Piesnhnt This unques- . tionably will be the case, but unfairness ‘ and injustice will not be new to the ad- . vocatcs of woman suffrage. Nothing, however, could better illustrate the changed attitude of the public toward ll would have been only sweeping con- 2 demnation for the sufl'ragists, singly and collectively. Now, for the most part, the ‘ subject has been considered temperately and judicially, and indeed there have been suggestions to the ell'ect that the speech was not entirely without provocation to some expression of resentment. There ion on the part of the sufl'ragists—that . . . . - ‘ ‘1 0"nest of the convention. whether the the "hissing” was so slight that many in - ‘ D . ' ‘Presidcnt of the L'iiitcd States or one of the least distinction, was entitled to . ‘ erfect courtcsv and they (IOC'JI * regret crowded, almost as many standing as ' p " . I) D constantly . that there should have seemed to be a lack of it even by those who were prob- ably not a part of the convention. They Taft in welcoming their convention to \Vashington. In Austria, the Diet of the crown province of Ix'rain has adopted a new sufl'ragc‘law for the capital city, Lai— bach, which gives women the right to vote. They will be entitled to cast their ballots in person, and not by proxy. May __other provinces soon follow this good example I In Italy, the Chamber of Deputies has i given women engaged in trade the right to vote. The report in the press does not say for what officers, but it is prob- ably for members of the trade councils or judges of tradedisputes. This right had already been given to women in France. this question than the way in which this ‘ incident has been treated by the preSs editorially and by those who have spoken through its columns. Formerly there i At the recent municipal election in Stockholm. Sweden, two women were elected City Councillors; one was a Con- servative candidate, the other a Social Democrat. Swedish women can vote for all municipal officers. , mediate activities. can be, however, but. one general opin- THE NA TI ONAL ‘ PRESIDENT’S LE T2 ER The National Convention, the closing and beginning of our year of service has come and gone, and it was best described in a single sentence by one of the dele- gates who had attended many previous ones: “Its spirit throughout was one of enthusiastic consecration to work, and there was not a dull moment from be- ginning to end.” IVith the close of the convention a new year of service opens before us, for there is no time for delay nor waiting, and al- 1 ready the inquiry has come, “\Vhat is the next step to take and how can we best serve our cause?” The important things for us to know are the present status of our association, the outlook for the fu- ture and the plans proposed for our im- These we shall learn from the printed proceedings when they appear. It has been the custom to close the year’s work in our clubs with the ap- proach of summer, as indoor meetings would be no longer practicable, but under the changing conditions of public senti- ment towards woman’s enfranchisement, it is believed the summer months will fur- nish the best oppqrtunity ‘for propaganda by means of a great variety of out-of— door 'meetings in parks, camps, chau- tauquas, picnics, summer resorts, auto- mobile and canal excursions. In fact, we might well follow the example of our Eng- lish sisters and utilize our entire vaca- tion in holding out—of—door and tent meet,- ings. This method of propaganda, as well as the practical use we make of the opportunities offered, must depend upon the initiative and the number of workers each community can furnish. Out-oE—door meetings have the great advantage of being cheap, and 'they‘ai‘ford opportunities for utilizing a variety of talents. Altliough‘no rules can be laid down to govern all cases, a few sugges- tions might beiof assistance. We should never hold a meeting without securing immediate practical results. All speak- ers 'or workers should not sit upon the platform, or group at one point together, but they should scatter among the peo- ple to sell the best literature, our oflicial organ and our badges. If there is cheap literature for free distribution, a careful selection among the audience should be made, and the leaflets given to those only who really desire them. The eEect of promiscuous distribution of literature, which may be thrown away. is harmful. Believers and members should be enrolled at these meetings, and, last but not least. a collection should always be taken. The question is frequently asked why the English women are able to. raise such vast sums of money while our contribu- tions are comparatively so meager. I think the answer may be found, in large measure, in the different manner of apt peal. “'e ask for financial assistance as if we were begging for ahns, while the English women take the attitude of giv- ing to those who have neither time nor talent for work the opportunity to serve the cause by furnishing the money to en- able the work to be carried forward. ‘iVe need to drive home the fact that it is the duty, and should be considered the privilege of every believer to serve our common cause in some manner. and that those who do not or cannot work for it should help in some other manner, and that financial assistance is most needed. A committee was appointed to consult with Miss Blackwell in regard to making the “VVoman’s Journal" Our National or- gan, under the management of the Na- tional Association, with Miss Blackwell as editor-in-chief. If this plan is carried out the official orgail will be issued weekly at a subscription price of one dollar a year. To make the paper self-supporting, will require the active and hearty co- operation of all suffragists. As soon as ,the negotiations have been satisfactorily it is decided that the Na— tional Association has adopted the “\Vom- settled. and