xt70rx937t9n_478 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Union Signal text Union Signal 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_17/Folder_1/Multipage20696.pdf 1910-1912 1912 1910-1912 section false xt70rx937t9n_478 xt70rx937t9n Uh? ~ Huinn VOL. XXXVI. EVANSTON, ILL., MAY 5, 1910. m...»£..»m_._~ ‘ MADONNA OF THE BLOSSOMS Special Articles in This [Ssue Our Washington Letter, Page 2—The Political Situation in Tennessee, Page 3—Everyday Philanthropy, by Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp, Page 4—The Traffic in Women, 1., by Mrs. Rose Woodallen Chapman, Page 5——-'; Problems in Parliamentary Law, Page I4. - I I 2 THE UNION SIGNAL May 5, 1910: OUR WASHINGTON LETTER Dedication of the New Building of the International Bureau of Ameri- can Republics—Pians for International Humane Conference—Gfiree Women’s Patriotic Jocieties Meet— A Liquor J‘cbeme Tbtcmrted An event which President Taft has de- scribed as the most important interna- tional celebration which Washington has witnessed in many years, took place last Tuesday, when the new home of the American Republics was dedicated. This event marks the completion of a plan started in the winter of 1889-90, when delegates from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Uruguay, and Venezuela met in Washing- ton at the instigation of Secretary of State Blaine, to discuss with delegates from the United States subjects of politi- cal and social interest to the people of the Americas. Unlike the Hague conference, the meet- ing was not called to prevent or limit war, but was called in time of peace for a peaceful purpose. As a result of this conference the International Bureau of American Republics was founded. The new building has been described by one as a “temple of peace, commerce and friendship,” and another has called it a “capitol in the capital of the United States of all the American nations.” Its architecture is a combination of the clas- sical and the Spanish, and it is built en- tirely of white marble. The three-fold purpose of the building is a library in memory of Columbus, an office for general work, and a home for the International Bureau of American Republics. The architects have told the story of the Pan- American union, and striking events in the history of the countries forming the union. The building cost $475,000, and is the gift of Mr, Carnegie. The bureau which is to occupy the building is an official diplomatic institu- tion for world-wide influence, maintained by the annual contributions made in pro- portion to population, of the twenty-one American republics, including the United States. It is controlled by a governing board consisting of the diplomatic repre- sentatives in Washington of these Ameri- can nations, and its afiairs are adminis- tered by a director elected by the unan‘?’ imous vote of the governing board. He is therefore an international officer, and has the rank of envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. The important and practical work of the bureau is shown by such facts as these: It employs a large staff of diplomatic, statistical and commercial experts; it conducts a cor- respondence in English, Spanish, Portu- guese and French amounting to 60,000 let- ters annually; it publishes a bulletin each month, describing the progress and con- ditions of the American republics, which isagonsidered by some as one of the moSt instructive and interesting official publi- cations in the world; it distributes sev- eral hundred thousand pamphlets, maps, and other printed descriptive data con- cerning these countries; it acts as an agency to make the diflerent governments and peoples of America better acquainted {with each other; it holds various confe'r- Special Correspondence ences from time to time of the nations supporting it to consider ways and means of promoting peace and commerce among them all, and was directly responsible last year for a great amount of new busi— ness in the exchange of trade among the American republics. International Humane Con- f erence Preparations and plans for the first in- ternational humane conference ever held in the United States are being made. This conference will meet in Washington in October, and will be conducted under the auspices of the American Humane Asso- ciation, which is a federation of societies and individuals for the prevention of cruelty, especially cruelty to children and animals. There have been five held in different countries, but this will be the first which will include children in the scope of its work, the others being de- voted exclusively to the work of prevent- ing cruelty to animals. The American association in itself represents nearly 400 separate anti-cruelty societies, and in- cludes a great number of individuals in- terested in the work, but not working through an organized body. This conference is called to discuss practical problems confronting humanitar- ians everywhere, to exchange views con- cerning methods and policies now prac- ticed, to encourage unity and cooperation among humanitarians, and to promote hu- mane progress throughout the world. Then, too, in a broader field, the associa- tion asks that the commercial side of phi- lanthropy be considered. It is shown that if proper preventive means were taken to shield children from cruelty and neglect, and to assure to them the proper training in good citizenship, there would be fewer paupers and criminals. There is a large number of paupers and criminals that must be taken care of at the public ex- pense, and this expense is met by taxes levied upon the law-abiding and industri- ous citizens of the country. Another practical phase of the question is presented in the crusade against the wanton destruction of useful birds. It is claimed that this slaughter has meant that millions of dollars worth of grain and other farm products are destroyed annually in the United States by insects. Then, too, statistics have been compiled which show that the life of the average horse or mule is shortened by from five to ten years on account of poor treatment, abuse and stupid or ignorant handling, and as there are about 25,000,000 draft animals in the country, an extension of their earning capacity for about five years would mean an enormous economic saving. Lack of education in the care of cattle and sheep, and lack of humanity on the part of owners, loses the country large sums of money annually. The asso- ciation advocates the introduction into the schools of a course of instruction to train the children in the care of animals, and it is striving to reach with its influ- ence the three-fourths of the people of the nation who are not directly in touch with any humane society. Among the promi- nent Americans who are especially inter- ested in the work of the association are Dr. William O. Stillman of Albany, the president, Andrew Carnegie, Cardinal Gibbons, Dr, Albert Lefiingweli, Mrs. Caroline Earle White, Edgar McDonald, Mrs. Mary Howe Totten, and many others of equal standing. Women's Patriotic Societies The atmosphere during the past two weeks has been charged with patriotism, as we have had the congress of the D. A. R., and the meeting of the Daughters of 1812 and of the Colonial Dames. The latter decided not to have comment by the press upon everything which occurs at their‘council and so determined to allow only members of the society to appear on the convention floor during the sessions. Delegates from the fourteen original so- cieties, including those of the thirteen original states and the District of Colum- bia, as well as from the twenty-four asso- ciate societies of other states, were in at- tendance. A reception by President Taft, in the east room of the White House was one of the features. Members of the National Society of the Children of the American Revolution made their annual visit to Mount Vernon during the past week to place a wreath upon the tomb of Washington. Services were held around the tree planted by the children. The Daughters of 1812 held their an- nual convention, too, this past week, and had more than two hundred delegates from forty states in the Union. The Dis- trict of Columbia society, which has a membership of over twenty-five, all of whom are daughters of men who actually fought in the war of 1812, were the hos- tesses of the convention. The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution adjourned with good feeling “all ’round,” although they adjourned finally without amending their constitution so as to authorize the election of state regents and state vice- regents to be held in their respective states or territories. As the law stands now, the delegation which comes to the congress elects the state regent, here in Washington, and the congress confirms the election. The question has come up at various preceding conventions, but as yet the delegates have refused to change the constitution. Liquor Scheme Thwarted During the passage in the House of Representatives on Wednesday of a bill authorizing the sale of a portion of the Rosebud Indian reservation in South Da- kota, a determined effort was made by the liquor men to modify the stringency of the laws protecting the Indians against the sale of liquor, but owing to the force- ful opposition of Mr. Burke of South Da- kota the effort was defeated. Senator Borah of Idaho presented a pe- tition for woman suffrage from a number of the women and men of Texas, an un- usual thing to do, as the practice is for petitions to be presented by the senators of the states in which they originate. Senator Bailey of Texas remarked of Sen— ator Borah’s action, “That is a service the state of Texas is very willing to have Idaho do for her.” May 5, 1910 THE UNION SIGNAL 3 The Political Situativon in Tennessee- MRS. SILENA M. HOLMAN, FAYETTEVILLE Tennessee seems to be having more than her share of “politics” just now. Never in the history of Tennessee, since the early sixties, has such intense feeling prevailed over the entire state as now. Of course the prohibition question is one of the big issues before the people; but many other questions likewise are up for consideratiOn and settlement. These other questions are the primary and general election laws; the great power in the hands of the governor; the governor’s pardon record; an inde- pendent judiciary, etC., etc. These other questions are all more or less inter-related with the prohibition question. But I am leaving them in the hands of the brethren to settle, my chief concern, and that of the readers of THE UNION SIGNAL, being the question of re- taining our prohibitory laws. As all know, the governor of Tennessee is vio- lently opposed to these laws, doing every- thing possible to prevent their passage, and refusing, absolutely, to do one thing, or say one word to secure their en- forcement. Joined with him are the liquor men and anti—prohibitionists in an endeavor to elect him governor for the third time, and to elect with him a leg- islature that will repeal the state-wide prohibition laws passed at the last ses- sion. The Democratic party, as all know, is the dominant party in Tennessee. It was expected that in the selection of the nominee of this party for the governor- ship and other state offices, there would be held a primary election, to decide the matter. But Tennessee has no law regulating primary elections. Such a law was passed by the last legislature but was pronounced unconstitutional on some technical point. Not having such a law, it has been customary for the candidates to get together and agree upon the manner of conducting this pri- mary election, This year, Mr. Patterson, without con- sulting the other side, called together the state Democratic executive commit- tee, which he .dominated absolutely, and outlined a plan providing for a primary election for all the state offices. The plan outlined is so utterly unfair in every respect, that it is not even re- motely possible for any other man than himself and his friends to be elected under it. Because of its unfairness, not one state-wide man, running for gover- nor or supreme judge, or railroad com- missioner, or state treasurer or any oth- er state office, will run in it, one and all absolutely refusing to have a part in it. It now looks as if the governor and his friends, one for each office, will run in the primary without opposition, and so become the “party nominees,” probably without the farce of an election. This does not, by any means, indicate that the “state-widers” have given up the President Tennessee W. C. T. U. fight. They will put out their candi- dates in the general election in Novem- ber, to be voted on by all thepeople. Whether this means a “three—handed” race, between a state-wide Democrat, a. liquor Democrat, and a Republican, or whether the state-wide Democrats will unite with the statewide Republicans (all the liquor Republicans will vote for Mr. Patterson) and elect state-wide men for these offices, has not yet been deter- mined. Many believe that the latter course will be pursued. The governor’s unfair primary plan has created such a storm of protest over the entire state as was never heard in this state before. The governor’s friends are leaving him, I think it might be safely said, by thousands, and lining up with us in an effort to defeat “Patter- sonism” in Tennessee. Among them are many prohibitionists who were deceived into supporting Mr. Patterson in the last race, thinking he was, as he said on the stump over and over again, “as good a temperance man as Carmac '.” But there are also a great many anti-prohi- bitionists, fair-minded men, who are leaving him because they know his scheme to get possession of the whole state for himself and the liquor crowd, to be one of the most pernicious schemes ever devised to get and retain complete control over the affairs of a great state. They believe Mr. Patterson’s policies are bringing the state to the verge of ruin, and that to retain such a. man in power is a greater menace to the welfare of the state, than even a state-wide prohibitory law. Several of the strongest liquor papers in the state, big dailies of importance and power, have likewise lined up against Mr, Patterson and his policies. Among these papers are the Nashville Banner, the Chattanooga Times, and the Memphis News-Scimetar. None of these are in favor of our laws, but all are lined up against Mr. Patterson, and de- nouncing him and his methods in no uncertain terms. Indeed, there is no big daily in the state, except the Nashville American, that is giving him a hearty support. The Memphis Commercial-Ap- peal has not repudiated him, and I sup- pose will not. But so far it is giving him a half-hearted support. There are, besides, about a dozen or so of the coun- ty newspapers, of the “me, too,” variety, that follow the American in its fulsome adoration for our governor and all he does and says. These, with a few unim- portant dailies in the larger towns, con- stitute the support he is getting from the press of the state. But I think even his warmest admirers would admit that a very large majority of the state press are lined up against Mr. Patterson. Another thing that has turned Mr. Patterson’s friends against him by thou- sands and disgusted hundreds of thou- sands of people throughout the United States, was the indecent haste with which he pardoned Cooper, the murderer of Carmack. The pardon was written before the judges were through reading their decision, and was sent to the of- fice of the secretary of state for tran- scription within two minutes after it -was read. Mr. Cooper knew before he left the building that he had received the pardon. The governor said he had kept up with the trial, read all the rec- ords, was familiar with the full history of the case and knew of his own per- sonal knowledge, that Cooper was not guilty! He said he had not had an im- partial trial. Such a slap in the face, I suppose, no supreme court ever had since the foundation of our government! I think there was no newspaper in the United States of any importance that did not speak of the pardoning of Cooper, and only three in all the land have been found that praised him or apolo- gized for the action. These were the Nashville American, and two other liquor papers, one published in Houston, Texas, and the other in Mobile, Alabama. The others denounce Mr. Patterson unspar- ingly for his action in the case. Both sides are making unprecedented efforts to elect a legislature, and the liquor men’s money _by hundreds of thousands of dollars will be spent in the state in the effort to elect the state of- ficials and the legislature. I do not be lieve that they will win, but certain it is that we have a desperate fight before us; for whatever the money and the well- known unscrupulous methods of the liquor men can do to win the battle, will be done. There is talk of calling a meeting of all Democrats at Nashville in May to reorganize the Democratic party and get. things in better shape. But in the mean- time no action will be taken by the state- wide Democrats to put out a candidate until after the August election. In this. election, those judges of the supreme court, and of the court of appeal, five. of each, who refused to run before Mr. Patterson’s unfair primary, who want to keep our state courts clear of factional politics, will run for election before the people against the judges who will be pronounced the “party nominees” in Mr. Patterson’s primary. This election will be a pretty fair index as to the way the November election will go. For it is as certain as anything under the heavens can be, that every Patterson man in the. entire state will do everything that can be done to bring about the election of the- Patterson judges. After this election, the state-Wide men. will nominate and announce their other candidates who will be voted on in the. general election in November. May the Lord give us the victory. 4 THE UNION SIGNAL May 5, 1910 EVERYDAY PHILANTHROPY MRS. JENNIE M. KEMP, Evanston, Ill. It was an early spring day at the noon hour on State street. The pavements swarmed with the hurrying throngs of shoppers and work people who were hast- ening to luncheon. The lunch hour is so short and the necessity for haste so great that each one rushed along seemingly heedless of anyone but himself. Just in front of one of the leading stores, where the crowd was thickest, there was a sud- den congestion. I pressed toward the center, as did others, trying to see the special object of interest. It proved to be a tiny boy, seemingly but three or four years old. Evidently he had invested his money in a paper sack of gayly colored glass marbles, and in some way the sack had become torn and the marbles were scattered over the sidewalk. As I first saw him, the plainly clad young mother was comforting him, telling him not to cry. He stood with quivering lip, the pic- ture of distress. And the crowd—every- one was scrambling about, picking up the marbles. An old lady a familiar street vendor—with her basket of shoe strings and collar buttons, was elbowing her sis- ter in the carriage gown and sealskin coat. The young men could not have been more interested in a boys’ game ef “keeps.” and I saw one elderly gentleman of dignified bearing slip something which looked like money into the pocket with the “glassies.” The small boy and his mother were kept busy putting the mar- bles safely away in the tiny pockets of the trousers and reefer. The last marble was secured, and the crowd disappeared. Not a word had been said; the action seemed a matter of course. Here was a child in need of help, and everybody near responded. it * * Each beautiful summer morning as I go to my work I plan to pass a certain corner upon which stands an artistic gray stone building. It is not the house c':fl—fl:m which attracts me, but the narrow strip of vegetation which lies between it and the cement pavement. This strip, per- haps forty feet long, is a magical carpet on which my mind drifts away to the isles of long ago. Here are the wild lady- slippers in bloom, just the kind I picked forty years ago in Michigan. The wild strawberries recall the hillside near Mound City, Kansas, where, in the early seventies, we school girls filled our tin buckets with the delicious berries. The blue violets remind me of the violet-hued pasture of my Franklin county home. The wealth of tangled ferns brings to me the canyons and mountain slopes of western Oregon. That little strip of luxuriant green, brightened with flowers, sets my heart in tune for the day. In the city directory, the owner is listed as a photog- rapher. To those who linger as they pass, he is a philanthropist. His wildwood gar- den preaches its own sermon. It bids us each endeavor to brighten other lives, to make someone else happier and better because we live. The field of everyday philanthrOpy opens wide to our view as we consider it. Not everyone has the opportunity to stand as a leader in temperance or social re- forms. But each individual can practice total abstinence, stand for the “white life for two,” and by personal influence ad- vance every good cause. Worthy of men- tion is the Baltimore woman who wrote a volume on Italian literature and carefully omitted all mention of or quotations from drinking songs or anything of an immor- al tendency. We can do our part in help— ing to popularize all books with whole- some standards. We cannot all write books, but each one can be a philanthropist of the pen. The cheery welcome letters to the shut-in, which beguile hours of sufiering; the prompt reply to the friend who seeks ad- vice; the unfailing letter to our own from 3 FLOWER MISSION DAY IN PRISON MRS. J. L. HILL, Jackson, Mich. Flower Mission Day in the prison at Jackson, Mich, is always looked forward to by the prisoners with pleasant antici- pation, and by the white ribboners of the city with prayerful interest. Under the leadership of Mrs. Julia Al- len, who has been Flower Mission super- intendent of Third district for many years, this occasion is a great success. Last year the Jackson unions prepared 750 button-hole bouquets, each with its knot of white ribbon and a card with helpful sentiment or Scripture text. It is a never-to-be-forgotten sight when the prisoners, in couples, march upstairs to the pretty chapel and take their seats. Some are gray-haired, others little more than boys in years, fine of face, and with no trace of wickedness. All ranks and professions are there, as well as the de- generate. As the white ribboners look at these men, and realize that most of them are in prison because of strong drink, they are moved to pray and to work more earnestly for the removal of the great curse. Visitors crowd the chapel on Flower Mission Day., The services are opened with music by the prison choir. Reading of Scripture and prayer by a white rib- boner follow. The chaplain gives an ad- dress of welcome. Another white ribboner speaks briefly to the men, assuring them of the sincere interest that’ the W. C. T. U. has in their welfare. A Varied pro- gram of music and readings is given. Last year two men, on behalf of the prisoners, expressed appreciation of the kindness of the W. C. T. U., in well-writ- ten letters. Each/ man wore his little whom we are separated—these indeed add much to the sum of human happiness. * * :8 Each returning May brings us to the day when our floral offerings pay tribute to those whose lives were gladly offered for the preservation of an undivided country. On this day the highest honors are paid to those who sleep in unmarked and “unknown” graves. In the same spirit, let us today give our tribute of grateful appreciation to the unknown and oftentimes unappreciated philanthropic men and women who seek not for praise but toil steadily on for the uplift of those among whom they live. It is much more inspiring to work for some great object in the dim distance, or while you are cheered on by the plaudits of the multi- tude. We all know how much more inter- esting and picturesque is the heathen far away whom we cannot see, than is the dirty—faced urchin who appropriates every- thing we forget to put under lock and key, or the overworked laundress whose many delinquencies are a constant means of grace. Do you say “This is all so common- place?” Granted. “But the sun and the stars are common- ‘ place things, The flowers that bloom and the bird that sings; Yet sad indeed would be our lot If the flowers did not bloom and the sun shone not.” And God “Out of commonplace parts makes a beautiful whole.” The everyday common duties and pleasures make up almost the whole of our lives. The great single opportunities ' come but once in a lifetime—the common ones are multiplied around us every day. As we do them in the right spirit, remem- bering the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God, striving to uplift humanity everywhere, we are truly every- day philanthropists. bouquet, and who can tell what lessons of faith and love spoke to their hearts in these tiny bits of God’s beautiful out of doors? I have seen the bent head and quivering lips of even gray-haired men at the mention of “Mother.” May every mother who reads this, sow good seed in the hearts of her children and hedge them ’round with love and prayer so that outside temptations may have no power over them. BRING FLOWERS Bring flowers to the captive’s lonely cell, They have tales of the joyous woods to tell; 0f the free blue streams, and the glow- ing sky, And the bright world shut from his languid eye; ‘ They will bear him a thought of the sunny hours, And a dream of his youth—bring him flowers, wild flowers. ' . —Mrs. Hemans. ”1.7—: —.~.v.. u 4 ; ...mm.i ' 3 May 5, 1910 THE UNION SIGNAL THE TRAFFIC IN WOMEN I. What the Immigration Commission Discovered ‘MRS. ROSE WOODALLEN CHAPMAN, It is hardly necessary to state to mem- bers of the Woman’s Christian Temper- _ ance Union that there is a traffic in women, of all colors and all races. As an organization we have been familiar with these awful facts for years, and we have striven to do all in our power to have the nefarious business completely stamped out. Today, however, so many new facts are coming to light concerning it, that it will be well for us carefully to review the situation as it is at the pres- ent time, that our information may be authentic and up-to-date. We will not turn to the newspaper and magazine articles that did so much to make the terrible situation known to the general reader, and, therefore, did so much to bring about the present note- worthy activity on the part of those officers who have power to deal with the evil. Rather we will turn to those au- thenticated documents whose words bear the stamp of truth and cannot be dis- credited by being ascribed to the imag- inative writers of fiction. The most thorough oflicial investiga- tion of this traffic in women has been given by the special committee of the Im- migration Commission, which began work in November, 1907. Its researches were necessarily limited to the questions of the importing of women for immoral purposes and the leading astray of immi- grants within the legal limit of three years after their landing. The report upon this subject was transmitted to Congress in December, 1909, and a por- tion of it was printed as Senate Docu- ment No. 196. A few quotations from this document will make clear to every one just what the situation is at the present time. Says the report: “The recruiting of alien women. or girls to enter the United States in violation of section 3 of the immigration act, or to live in this coun- try in violation of this provision of law, is carried on both here and abroad.” “In the judgment of practically every one who has had an opportunity for care- ful judgment, the numbers imported run well into the thousands each year.” “To secure entries into the country contrary to our law, these immoral wom- en or the deluded innocent victims of the procurers are usually brought in as wives or near relatives of their import- ers.” “Many of these women come through the port of New York. Of late, many come by way of Canada. On the Pacific coast, San Francisco and Seattle are the chief ports of entry.” “The prize ofiered to the victim is only that of higher wages and better eco- nomic conditions.” These authoritative statements show that a traffic in women does exist; but, judging by the questions raised by some of the newspapers, the real question to be Superintendent Purity Department, National W. C. T. U. decided is the extent and character of this traffic. The paragraph_that seems to be most widely quoted by the news- papers from this report is the one which states that the commission has been un- able to learn of any “great monopolistic concern whose business it is to import and exploit these unfortunate women, trafficking in them from country to country,” Yet the report goes on to state, “There are two organizations of importance, one French, the other Jewish, although as organizations they do not import. Apparently they hate each other; but their members would naturally join forces against the common enemy.” And again: “In several cities there are French headquarters—that is, a meeting place where French importers, procurers * * * congregate, receive their mail, transact business, drink, gamble and amuse themselves in other ways. Through these mutual acquaint- anceships, sustained by common inter- ests and a knowledge of their common affairs, they assist one another in' the business. Sometimes small groups Of individuals are organized to assist one another for a time, each going abroad in turn to send or bring girls into the United States. One combination discov- ered was formed between a fugitive from justice in Paris, a man in Seattle, and another in Chicago, the man in Paris supplying the girls to the Northwest through Seattle and Chicago.” The report is very conservative in its statements, which should :make more convincing the facts which it presents. “To guard against the sensational be- liefs that are becoming prevalent, it is best to repeat that the agents of this commission have not learned that all or even the majority of the alien women and girls practicing prostitution in the United States in violation of the immi-i gration act were forced or deceived into the life. * * * They have learned * * * that alien women and girls in considerable numbers have been so de- ceived or taken advantage of by procur- ers that they have found themselves in conditions which practically forced them into practicing prostitution; and that all of those engaged in the exploitation of these alien women and girls use every means of degrading them, in order to keep them in the life as long as they are able to earn money.” The next question that seems to call for consideration is as to whether or not these unfortunate women are really kept in a condition of slavery. The most prevalent notion for many years has been that practically all of the women in the life, whether they went into it of their own free will or not, remain in it of their own volition and therefore can- not be called slaves. Turning to the report, we find that it speaks in general terms of “many girls brought here innocent, betrayed into a slavery rigid in its strictness and bar- barous in its nature.” And again, “Most pitiful for the women and most brutal on the part of the men are the methods employed for exploiting these women im~ ported contrary to law, both those com- ing willingly to lead a vicious life and those lured into the country as innocent girls by deception and by their affec- tions.” “The procurer may put his woman into a disorderly house, sharing profits with the madam. He may sell her outrigh