(Continued from first page) that your organization is doing for the young girls and the women of France. They feel that it would be impossible to express adequately the value of the help you are bring- ing the Government in the solution of some of their difficult problems. “The war is being fought on French soil. As the fam- ily is so is the poilu. You are resting and refreshing and cheering him on when you do this to his women folk. You supply him with munition when you make the hard work of the women in the usines a little less of the burden that it must be. We thank you most sincerely.” This is the contribution that the Y. W. C. A. makes directly to the morale of our Allies. “For every fighter a woman war worker” is true in America now. When our army was a million and a half strong, a million and a half girls and women were making shells, filling shells, painting camouflage on gun—carriages, and a dozen processes in the making of airplane motors. There are more going in every day. Industrial hostess houses in America, as well as in France, are contributing. definitely to lowering the labor turnover, and increasing the output, just by making the girls happier. It would be worth doing if there were no other results. As it is the Y. W. C. A. can appeal to the women of America on every ground—efficiency, official standing, real interest in women and a real patriotic contribution to the winning of the war. Chairmen of Committees Social Morality, MRS. ROBERT E. SPEER Finance, MRS. HERBERT L. PRATT Co-operation and Publicity, MRS. LEWIS LAPHAM Work for Foreign-born Women, Work in Europe, MRS. JOHN R. MOTT. ' Housing Committee, MRS. JOIIN D. ROCKEFELLER, JR. The other members of the Council are: (‘harlcs Alexander Mrs. Howard Dunlap Robert Bacon Mrs. T. Coleman duPont James A. Baker Miss Gertrude Ely Newton D. Baker Mrs. J. W. Everman Stephen Baker Mrs. G. J. Fiebeger James 8. Bell Mrs. Holmes Forsyth Belle Bennett Mrs. Harry Emerson Fosdick F- S- Bennett Mrs. E.’ M. Fowler GU." Blackmer Mrs. E. R. L. Gould ”Wile” “”flmfln Mrs. Thomas P. Graham ll. 1. Bonus Miss Jean Greer “010" 1- “"1111“," Mrs. Edwin C. Grice Herbert J. Brown Mrs. F. T. Griswold lidwartl Buckland Mrs. LeGrand Guerrv Johnathan Bulkley Mrs. Frank llagerman (. L “”“Wk Mrs. Henry Halstéd ~ ”" ”MB‘WW‘EIHW Mrs. Wm. Pierson Hamilton iii-)«hclitj’ktf "‘5‘": Mrs. John H. Hanna l'mln) (‘l 3“,” Miss Katharine H. llawes \'. ' "my” . Mrs. Arthur G. IIedstrom \Vinston (.hurchill . - ll , Miss Jennie Hendrie elen Ladtl (orbett . . ‘ ‘ . , -, , Mrs. Robeit C. Hill . Josephus Daniels G. A. Davidson Mrs. Roy Hoffman Alice Davison Mrs. John G. Holmes Donald Dev Mrs. Francis deLacy Hyde . ' Mrs. Harold Ickes Mrs. Samuel M. Inman Mrs. Arthur Curtiss James Robert Dickinson \Valter Douglas Lawrence Draper Work Among Colored Women and Girls, MRS. HENRY MARQUAND. Hostess Houses, MRS. E. M. TOWNSEND Junior Council, MRS. FRANK LUSK BABBOT’I‘, JR. \Vorkers Bureau, MRS. DAVE H. MORRIS Nominating, MISS KATHARINE LAMBERT Land Service, MRS. ARTHUR G. STONE Alba B. Johnson Mrs. F. F. Prentiss Robert Lansing Mrs. J. A. Prescott , Robert S, Lovett Mrs. William A. Read J. T. Lupton Mrs. Harmon Remmel . William MacMaster Mrs. Charles W. Richardson . William M. Manly Mrs. Charles Richmond . Harris Masterson Mrs. Raymond Robins Anna McClintock Mrs. Willoughby Rodman Martha McCook Mrs. W. W. Rossiter Anne McCormick Mrs. Francis B. Sayre Emily C. McDougald Miss E. B. Scripps Mary E. McDowell Mrs. Gross Scruggs . Floyd McGowan Mrs. James Sheffield , William L_ McLean Mrs. J. Ross Stevenson . Frederick Mead Mrs. C. D. Stimson '. Van S. Merle-Smith Mrs. Edward Stotesbury , Owen R, Moon Mrs. Willard D. Straight . William Fellowes Morgan Mrs. Joseph Stronge . W. A. Moses Miss Helen M. A. Taylor . S. W. Mudd Mrs. John Thompson , Beverly Mumford Mrs. Chester Thorne . Edward S. Parsons Mrs. Charles C. VVebber . Endicott Peabody Mrs. George Whitney . Harold Peabody Mrs. J. C. Whitridge . Percy Pennybacker Mrs. A. L. Whitaker . Stephen Penrose Mrs. Otto Wittpenn . D. E. Pomeroy Mrs. Leonard Wood . Frederick Pratt Miss Mary Woolley Personnel, Education, The Blue Triangle Budget for War Work for Women Work among girls engaged in war industries and replacing men in service .................... Undertaken at Government request. Two million girls and women are now making war supplies. Club and recreation work in communities near camps. . ._ ......... . ............................. 2,700,000 The Patriotic League and Girls’ Reserve Will enroll girls for patriotic service. Emergency Housing ....................................... _. ............... . ............... 1,000,000 Where girls are called to Government work Without proper housmg. Hostess Houses in or near camps ........................................................... 2,400,000 One request a day is being received for Hostess Houses. Work among colored girls affected by war conditions ......................................... 400,000 Colonel Roosevelt allotted a part of his Nobel prize money for this work. Work among foreign-born women........................:.... ......... . ..................... 4 30,000 The Americanization program includes home servzce interpretation and translation. Bureaus ................................................................................ . . 1,885,000 Building and Equipment, 185,000 Social Morality, ........................ 533,000 .................................... 3,000,000 Educational and Information Service ............... War Work in Other Countries ..................... Europe and Asia Minor. Administration, including salaries and travel ................................................. 552,000 Large numbers of trained war workers will be needed. $2,100,000 $225,000 500,000 975,000 $15,000,000 Special Number Entry as second-class matter applied for under Act of Aug. 24, 1912, by the National Board of the Young \Vomens Christian Associations, 600 Lexington Avenue, New York City. September 10, 1918 The Blue Triangle and the War HEN the war came to America, the Y. W. C. A. was ready. It had the workers and the money and the experience when the first Hostess House at Plattsburg was needed, and it made good there. Wherever it has seen a need, since ' then, it has walked in with a plan and workers and made good every time. It has enlarged its regular program, based on the experience of fifty years’ work with women, so that it is now the one woman’s organization in the group of seven working under the War and Navy Com- missions on Training Camp Activities for the morale both of the troops and women in industry. FOR WOMEN IN WARTIME. - The Blue Triangle program includes all women affected * by the war: girls in munition centers here in America, girls ionrenchgpowder works, wives and mothers and sweet- hearts ofour soldiers in camp, women war workers abroad, ,Red Crossnurses in American base hospitals in France, as ‘ ’ ' ,{wcll asthevrank and'file of self-supporting women at home W .23. , f“ ' "“fi'fil‘ffifivv‘h‘and appreciated4thej.ghekrmofitfie’ ” YE'Wirc.‘ A. are all of them the present concern of this great- est of women movement. ‘ 7 :- The Blue Triangle works very quietly. It is a national institution with a net work organization Covering the whole country,- and as such is pretty much taken for granted. Not "un’cil'one sees it at its war work—three thousand soldiers and relatives .f‘efdiievery Sunday at the Camp Upton Hostess House, for instance, or two thousand war-tired French mu- nition women at Lyon swarming into their Foyer des Alliées for their luncheon and rest time, does one realize the place that the Blue Triangle has taken in the world of today. Its horizon blue uniform—smart and trim—with the blue Y. W. C. A. triangle on sleeve and black tricorne, is well known abroad and will soon be better known in this country, as the visible reminder of the quiet but neverthe- less”m“o'st effective work that this once everyday organiza- tion is doing. WINNING THE WAR. Labor turnover must be kept down if output of shells and airplane meters is to be kept up. And girls cannot stay at hard factory work if their living conditions and leisure hours are not happy. ‘A soldier who worries over his fam- ily is a poor soldier. The Hostess House makes the good- byes more cheerful, and the visiting days, even when they are stormy or miserably hot—really happy reunions. There is no way of measuring what the Y. W. C. A. does except public opinion—and public Opinion is making itself felt. Everywhere you hear what employers, com- manding officers, head nurses, returned travelers have to say about the Y. W. C. A. From Clemenceau and President Wilson down to the rookie who loves the rocking chairs at the Hostess House,_they all have something good to tell. The mountain mother who tells the camp hostess that she has made bearable the loss of her boy and the army officer ‘ bl:.tional-Boaa‘tl..n£ theXquQ. A2714: 4- . m ., ‘ Mrs. James S. Cushman, of New YOr',"‘is Chairman; “N " . in the field, who wrote of the Y. W. C. A., “My observation in France after six months, is that the best investment of charitable funds is made by the Y. W. C. A., and they are doing the most creditable work with the lowest expendi- ture,” have different angles on the work, but they both tell the truth. It is a good, hard working business organization, which gets wonderful results for its money. Major Kelly, who wrote of what he knew, and Brig. Gen. Semple, who 0. K.’d his opinions, appreciated the kind of results that come from a happy mind and a quiet heart. That is the kind of quiet courage and persistence that the Y. W. C. A. calls morale. ' THE WOMEN WHO PLAN. Nothing shows better the place of the Blue Triangle today than the people who form its War Work Council. When the Y. W. C. A. went on a war basis, many of the strongest and most earnest women of the country, looking well ahead and banking on its personnel and achievement, formed the Council which directs the War Work of the .-t.-:~...v 'XrN _. “”4.“ Mrs. John R. Mott and Mrs. William Adams Brown, Vice- - Chairmen; Mrs. Henry P. Davison, Treasurer, and Mrs. Howard M. Morse, Secretary. The War Work Council has frequent meetings in dif- ferent parts of the country. Last May a meeting was held in Washington to consider especially the industrial and housing programs. Mrs. Thomas Marshall, Mrs. Robert Lansing and Mrs. Josephus Daniels helped Mrs. W. H. Bayly, President of the Washington Y. W. C. A., in receiv- ing the guests. Later Mrs. Woodrow Wilson received the members of the Council at the White House. In August the Council met at Portland to plan their fall campaign for war work funds, $15,000,000 this year in- stead of $5,000,000 as last year. Among those at the meet‘ ing were: Mrs. James S. Cushman, Mrs. Warner Leeds, Miss Florence Simms, Mrs. Robert E. Speer. Mrs. Herbert L. Boardman, Mrs. William Adams Brown, Mrs. Endicott Peabody, Mrs. Herbert Lee Pratt, Mrs. Henry P. Davison and Mrs. Coleman du Pont. “Morale ,Will Win the War” Morale, of course, the Blue Triangle is working for. That word sounds well, and sounds important. But morale is an indefinite sort of good at best. Only when one sees a letter, such as one which M. Lalleman, Chief du Cabinet of France, brought from Premier Clemenceau to Mrs. Cush- man when she was in France, does one see how direct and immediate in terms of shells and soldier’s stamina is the work of the Blue Triangle. Here is what the Premier said: “Mons. Clemenceau knows that I am to see you today and desires me to convey to you not only his own personal thanks, but the gratitude of the,French Government for all (Continued on last page)