xt70rx937t9n_484 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Woman's Citizen text Woman's Citizen 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_17/Folder_3/Multipage20858.pdf 1894-1900 1900 1894-1900 section false xt70rx937t9n_484 xt70rx937t9n THE VVOMAN’S COLUMN.





Miss Minnie J. Reynolds writes to the
Woman’s Journal from Denver of the
biennial meeting of the General Federa—
tion of Woman’s Clubs, soon to be held in
that city:

One of the most interesting days will be
Sunday, June 20, when twelve prominent
Denver pulpits will be filled by women
ministers and speakers in attendance at
the biennial. Those already appointed
by Mrs. Henrotin and her aids are:
Rev. Caroline Bartlett Crane, pastor of
the People’s Church, Kalamazoo, Mich.;
Rev. Celia Parker Woolley, pastor of the
Independent Liberal Church, Chicago;
Mrs. Henry Solomon of Chicago, presi-
dent of the National Council of Jewish
Women; Rev. Anna Shaw, the noted
temperance and equal suffrage lecturer;
Rev. Florence Kollock Crooker, and'Mrs.
Cornelius Stevenson, of Philadelphia, one
of the noted Egyptologists of the day.
Mrs. Woolley will preach in the Unitarian
church of Denver. Mrs. Solomon will
speak on “The Hallowing of the Home,”
probably before the congregation of the
Temple Emmanuel. Mrs. Stevenson will
speak on “Primitive Religions.” Rev.
Anna Shaw will occupy the pulpit of
Trinity, the largest Methodist church in
Denver, and one of the largest in the
world. Then there will be an afternoon
meeting at the Broadway theatre for chil-
dren, at which Jane Addams of Hull
House, and some others of the finest
speakers of the Federation, will talk to
the children. At five o’clock there will
be a vesper service with addresses on


"'1‘he‘“St‘u‘dy‘ of the Bible in Woman’s
Clubs.” The great Sunday night meeting
will be held in the theatre, at which Jane
Addams and other speakers will strike
the keynote of the biennial in their ad-
dresses on “The Spiritual Significance of
Organization.” This is certainly a preg-
nant theme, when one considers how
tremendous an example the fourth bien-
nial itself will be of organization among



The Outlook is one of the most thought-
ful and well informed critics of public
events. Yet it givesso little attention to
the woman suffrage movement that it
takes a list of its alleged defeats during
the past two years second-hand from an
anonymous letter in the Boston Herald,
and frankly says:

It may be that there are some errors in
the list of defeats, and it may be that
there have been some victories for woman
suffrage during the past two years that
would counterbalance this record. If so,
we shall be glad to give place to them in
Our columns.

Now the fact is that the woman suffrage
cause has won more victories during the
past two years than in any five years pre-
vious. Two States, Utah and Idaho, have
incorporated woman suffrage in their con-
stitutions; two States, Washington and
South Dakota, have submitted woman suf-
frage amendments to the voters to be
acted upon next fall; one State, Oregon,
has by its Supreme Court affirmed the le-
gality of school suffrage, two States,
Ohio and Connecticut, have defeated


bills to repeal school suffrage, the Brit-
ish Parliament has given a majority vote
in favor of granting full municipal suf-
frage to the women of Ireland, and the
Louisiana Constitutional Convention has
given women taxpayers a right to vote
on all questions submitted to the tax-
payery. In eighteen other States and
Territories the question has been dis-
cussed in the Legislatures, showing that
in each of them equal sufirage has active
friends and supporters.




Rev. Francis Byrne, Canon of St. John’s
Cathedral, Denver, C010., writes in an-
swer to a letter from a lady in Jamaica
Plain, Mass., who asked whether the bad
and ignorant women vote more generally
than the good and intelligent:

The good and intelligent women are
largely in the majority among the women
voters of Denver. Many of the most re-
spectable ladies vote, and their influence
for good is generally recognized.

Equal suffrage has had no bad results
whatever in this city. It has had good
results in closing many of the dens of
iniquity, gambling and intemperance~
evil resorts, public and private, that ex-
isted to the mental and moral ruin of
young men and others.

Yours in the faith,
1954 Pearl St., Denver, Col, March 24.



The cremation of Miss Willard’s remains
was only the carrying out of a purpose
long and deliberately held by her. On
page 693 of her autobiography, “Glimpses
of Fifty Years,” we find the following

Holding these Opinions, I have the pur-
pose to help forward progressive move-
ments even in my latest hours, and hence
hereby decree that the earthly mantle
which I shall drop ere long, when my real
self passes onward into the world unseen,
shall be swiftly enfolded in flames, and
rendered powerless harmfully to affect the
health of the living. Let no friend of
mine say aught to prevent the cremation
of my cast-off body. The fact that the
popular mind has not come to this deci-
sion renders it all the more my duty, who
have seen the light, to stand for it in
death, as I have sincerely meant, in life,
to stand by the great cause of poor op-
pressed humanity. There must be ex-
plorers along all pathways, scouts in all
armies. This has been my “call” from
the beginning, by nature and by nurture;
let me be true to its inspiriting and cheery
mandate even unto this last.



The Texas State University with its 800
students admits women to all its depart-
ments on the same terms as men. The
departments are now Academic, Legal and
Medical. The first two are at Austin; the
last is at Galveston. There is a fine corps
of teachers gathered from everywhere for
their fitness to the required work. The
University building at Austin is being
greatly enlarged. The only fees required
for admission are ten dollars a year ma-
triculation fee for three years, and a
library deposit of five dollars at the begin-


ning of each year. The library fee is.

refunded annually if no books have been
damaged during the year.

The leading newspapers and magazines
are on file. To all books and papers the
students have free access. These advan-
tages are open to any one from anywhere
on the same terms. “Texas knows the
world needs civilizing, and is willing to
do her share.”

The Boston remonstrants, a few weeks
since, sent a circular to the leading daily
paper of Austin. This caused the editor
to publish a half-hearted editorial giving
some of their notions. He published my
answer to it next day, and I have found
him willing to publish my articles since
then. The W. C. T. U., of which I am
not a member, took me to their district.
convention, where I talked for woman suf-
frage to the largest audience of the con-
vention, to people many of whom would
not have attended a suffrage meeting.
Thus we are indebted to the Antis for
opening a discussion where there was
none. There is plenty of kindling ma-
terial in Texas, and if these “well-de—
scended” women will only keep on send-
ing matches we shall build a big fire.—
Mariana T. Folsom, in Woman’s Journal.



Many of our cares are but a morbid way
of looking at our privileges—Sir Walter

Erskine College, S. C., is now coeduca-
tional, and at the coming commencement
will have women in its graduating class
for the first time. Misses Amelia Kennedy
and Zelma Kirkpatrick will graduate with
credit to themselves and the college.

Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Stetson has
just brought out a revised and enlarged
edition of her volume of poems, “In This
Our Worldfi’ Mr. Howells calls her verse
“the best civic satire since the Biglow
Papers.” The book is published by
Small, Maynard & Co., 6 Beacon St.,
Boston; price, $1.25.

Hartford Theological Seminary (Congre-
gational) has 64 students in the different
departments. Of these nine are young
women, mostly graduates of Mount Hol-
yoke‘ College. One of them took the prize-
for the greatest proficiency in Old Testav
ment Hebrew. The seminary has several
scholarships for women.

Mrs. H. O. Brun contributes to this
week’s Woman’s Journal a remarkably
interesting account of Stanford Univer-
sity. Other features are Women in the
Churches, With Women’s Clubs, Cuban
Women Help Themselves, From Kinder-
garten to Alumnae, Clara Barton in Tampa,
Fla., Mother Church in Cuba, etc.



The Woman’s Journal.




Sample copies FREE. Three

months on trial, 25 cents. Regular

price per year, $2.50. in clubs of

six or more, $1.50. Address
WOMAN’S JOURNAL, Boston, Mass.



















mom a (llolomn.



in». X1. , NEW

YORK AND BOSTON, APRIL ‘23, 1898. No. 9.



(the Woman’s (tolumn.
Published Fortnightly at 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass.



Advertising Rates .

. 25 cents per annum.
25 cents per line.


Entered as second class matter at the Boston, Mass.
Post Offite. Ian. I8. 1888




In Louisiana, tax-paying women have
obtained the right to vote upon all ques-
tions submitted to the taxpayers. Art.
1, Sec. 7, of the new constitution reads:

Upon all' questions submitted to the
taxpayers as such, of any municipal or
other political subdivision of this State,
the qualifications of such taxpayers as
voters shall be those of age and residence
prescribed by this article, and women tax-
payers shall have the right to vote at such

\' elections without registration, in perscn,

or by their agents authorized in writing;
but all other persons voting at such elec-
tions shall be registered voters.

This is now a law in Louisiana. Mrs.
Evelyn Ordway of New Orleans writes to
the Woman’s Journal .-

“While the women were disappointed in
not getting more, they realize that. this
recognizes the principle of woman suf-
frage, though in a small degree; and it is
more than the women of New York
secured with all their previous organiza-
tion, and petitions bearing 300,000 signa-
tures.” ’



Next week our country will be engaged
in a war which many believe might have
been avoided, but which all recognize as
now inevitable. Women have had no part
in bringing it about, but it is upon us.
What will they do about it?

When the war for the Union broke out
in 1861, no sufficient provision was made
at first for our sick and wounded soldiers.
But it very soon became apparent that

' disease would kill more than bayonets or

artillery, and that nursing and hospital
supplies were as necessary as food and
ammunition. In 1862, women heretofore
active in suffrage and other public work
were among the first to supply the needed
relief. Abby W. May in Bost0n, Dr. Eliza-
beth Blackwell in New York,Mary A.Liver-
more in Chicago, with scores of others, co-
operating with Rev. Dr. Bellows, Frederic


”Law Olmstead, and other benevolent men,

rganized the Sanitary Commission, with


branches in every city, town, and village.
As a result, the mortality was reduced to
one-fourth of its former frightful percent-
age, and tens of thousands of lives were

saved. In this noble work no distinction

was made between friend and foe. Con-
federates were cared for equally with
Union soldiers on every battlefield, and
relief was as broad as human suffering.

General Weyler is reported as saying
that “several hundred thousand Ameri-
cans will be needed to capture Havana;”
that “yellow fever will kill half of them,
and the Spaniards, already partially accli-
mated, will take care of the rest.” Doubt-
less this is an exaggeration. “The wish
is father to the thought.” But it should
serve as a salutary warning. The fact re-
mains that hospitals and nurses will‘be
needed on a far larger scale, during the
summer months, on a tropical seacoast,
than under the more temperate skies of
North America. We have more to fear
from the climate than from the Spaniards.
The duties of nurses and physicians will
be far more arduous and more necessary
than in any ordinary conflict. Are the
women of America ready for the emer-

Let the suffrage women of 1898 emulate

the unselfish, patriotism, ofgthehsuffrage,

women of 1862. One of the most dis-
tinguished of their number, Clara Barton,
president of the Red Cross, has set them
an example. Let them show the country
and the world that ,politlcal self-respect
and public spirit are synonymous.


Miss J essie'E. Parker was elected mayor
of Kendrick, Idaho, at the recent election,
after a spirited, contest. The opposing
candidate, it is said, was one of the most
popular men in the city.

In Delta, 0010., “The straight business
men’s no-license ticket was successful.”
Ella Ruby was elected city clerk. At
Rico, 0010., Miss Mattie Hicks was chosen
town treasurer on the Democratic ticket.
The despatches say, “The election passed
off quietly.” At Burlington, 0010., ‘two
women were elected on the city council,
Mrs. Anna Newell and Mrs. Charlotte J.
Godsman. The Citizens’ ticket was vic-
torious, and the result was hailed with
“anvils, firing and bonfires.” At Granada,
the women turned out in force and elected
their ticket, at “the warmest city election
ever held in Granada.” No women were

At Buena Vista, 0010., “An unusually
heavy vote was polled, and the reform
ticket elected by a good majority.” Laura

‘Holtschneider was elected an alderman.

At Leadville, “The city election passed off
quietly, and about 4,100 votes were cast
out of a registration of 5,300. There was


no trouble. The day was perfect, and
many ladies voted.”

At Bloomington, 111., the Chicago Inter-
Ocean says: “An enormous vote was cast
at the city school election, the women
taking a very active part.” H. G. Bent,
B. S. Potter, and Mrs. Sue A. Sanders
were elected members of the school board
by about 200 majority.

At Newton, Kan., Miss Lena Smith
acted as clerk of election in the second
ward. She is the first woman in Newton
to serve in such a. position. At Beloit,
Kan., Miss Chico Pace was elected city
clerk by 286 majority.



The next meeting of the Fortnightly
will be held at the rooms of the Massa-
chusetts Woman Suffrage Association, 3
Park Street, on the afternoonof TUESDAY,
APRIL 26. Hon. George A. O. Ernst, coun-
cillor-at-law, will lecture on “Law as It
Affects Married Women.” Mr. Ernst is a
member of the Suffolk Bar, and is the
author of a very valuable book, “The Law
of Married Women in Massachusetts,”
which should be owned by every woman
suffragist in the State. It is a complete
guide to the ,rlecisinnsnand statutes of.
Massachusetts, and is written in a most
readable style. Its value is enhanced
by an excellent index: “A wayfaring”
(wo-)“man though a fool need not err
therein.” Whatever Mr. Ernst may say
on his topic will have value and interest
to women, and we bespeak for him alarge
audience. The usual social hour will be
enjoyed at the close, when light refresh‘
ments will be served.




“Sister Edith,” of thelWest London
(Methodist) Mission, was nominated as
Poor Law Guardian for the great parish
of St. Pancras three years ago. She was
elected by a large majority, and has done
such excellent service that she has just
been reelected without a contest. Encour-
aged by this, the Civic Committee of the
Mission nominated “Sister Katherine” as
a Guardian for St. Anne’s Parish, Soho,
at the recent election. There were fifteen
candidates for six seats. Sister Katherine
had the largest vote of all, and when this
result was announced at midnight, it was
received with cheers by the crowd of men
in the street. A curious and pleasing fact
is that the candidacy of the Methodist
“Sister” was warmly supported by both
the Episcopal Rector of the parish and the
Roman Catholic Dean of St. Patrick’s.
Her colleagues on the Board of Guardians
will be a Methodist minister, a Roman
Catholic priest, a Church of England
curate, a parish doctor, and a prominent


.. -a.».-£.






The Massachusetts Single Tax League
gave a reception to Mr. George Fowlds
and Mr. Wesley Spragg, of New Zealand,
at 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass. on the
afternoon of April 19. These two gentle-
men belong to a party of merchants from
New Zealand now travelling in the United
States. An interested audience assembled
to hear them speak of the institutions of
their far-off country.

The two New Zealanders, one Scotch by
birth, the other English, gave extremely
interesting addresses, speaking with a
plain, straightforward simplicity that
commanded confidence and esteem. A
report is given in this week’s Woman’s
Journal of their remarks on New Zealand’s
experience in taxing land values. They
spoke also Of equal suffrage.

New Zealand has 750,000 inhabitants,
about 47,000 of them Maoris. The Maori
districts elect four members of Parlia-
ment, two Of whom generally sit on each
side, -so that they do not change the polit-
ical balance of the House. National suf-
frage belongs to all men and women over
twenty-one years of age; municipal suf-
frage to householders only. Auckland,
the capital, has 70,000 inhabitants, and
does not contain a tenement house. It is
made up chiefly of small houses, each
surrounded by a garden, and extends over
a large radius.

The women, both married and single,
vote as generally as the men; no bad re—
sults have followed, and no one thinks of
~repe~aling the equal. snfi’ra’ge law.

An opportunity had presented itself in
advance of the addresses to question Mr.
Fowlds in regard to Sir Robert Stout’s
unfavorable remarks on equal suffrage in
New Zealand, which the “Antis” have
been so diligently circulating. ~Mr. Fowlds
says that Sir Robert Stout is “a disap-
pointed politician.” He was at one time
the leader of the Liberal party in New
Zealand, but managed the government so
badly that he lost not only his official
position, but even his seat in Parliament.
Some years later, the Liberals came into
power again, with Mr. Ballance as premier.
Mr. Ballance was obliged to resign in con-
sequence of failing health, and he wished
to have Sir Robert, who was a particular
friend of his, appointed as his successor;
but a caucus of the Liberal leaders chose
Mr. Seddon instead. Sir Robert was in-
tensely aggrieved, and great bitterness
exists between him and Mr. Seddon. Sir
Robert is now completely soured, and
opposes everything. He has lost what-
ever influence he had before, by the child-
ish way in which he has behaved about
this disappointment.

In regard to Sir Robert’s specific com-
plaints against the women—that they
voted for men of questionable character,
and that no-license had not been substi-
tuted for license—Mr. Fowlds said that
the general tendency of the women’s vote
had been towards the election of candi-
dates of good character, but it had not
yet been so completely efficacious in pre-
venting the election of bad men as had
been hoped, and as he still thought it
would be in the future. The general
tendency of the women’s vote had also


been against license, so much so that the
liquor interest was thoroughly frightened.
The women had caused a majority vote‘to
be given for no-license in a number of
towns, but by New Zealand law it takes a
two-thirds vote to change the existing
status of the liquor law, whether that be
license or no-license.

Mr.Fowlds said that suffrage increased
women’s interest and intelligence in re—
gard to public questions, and that wom-
en’s clubs for the study of political econ-
omy now existed in every centre.

Mr. Fowlds said the report that in New-

Zealand persons neglecting to vote were
disfranchised at the next election, was a
mistake. The names of those who neg-
lect to vote are dropped from the regis-
tration list, and they have to register
afresh in order to vote at the next elec-
tion; that is all.

Mr. Spragg was accompanied by two
pretty daughters, Mary and Muriel,
pictures of blooming health. The New
Zealand girls said they had never touched
snow until they reached Denver, though
they had always lived within sight of
snowcapped mountains. I asked one of
them if women were treated with less
courtesy in New Zealand because they
had the suffrage. Her look and accent of
surprise, as she uttered an emphatic neg-
ative, were much like what an American
girl’s would be if she were asked whether
Americans had tails. Her sister said she
thought men were more polite to women
in New Zealand than elsewhere, for no
New Zealander would think of keeping
his seat in the “tram-car” while a woman
was standing. As the special threat of
the “Antis” has been that no more seats
would be Offered to women in the street-
cars if they could vote, this fact is of es-
pecial interest.




Hon. H. V. S. Groesbeck, ex—Chief Jus-
tice of Wyoming, speaks of woman suf-
frage in that State as follows:

“From a residence in Wyoming for over
sixteen years, I can testify intelligently as
to the effect of extending suffrage to the
women of this commonwealth. They have
been entitled to the franchise here since
1869. Few attempts have been made to
divest them of the right granted to them
nearly twenty-eight years ago, and these
efforts failed, and have not been renewed
for many years.

“The women generally vote at elections,
and take as much interest as the men in
the‘questions of the day. As large a pro-
portion Of the qualified voters among the
women vote as among the men, and I
think the few who do not vote are becom-
ing less in proportion to the mass of
voters every year. They vote intelligently.
Their action is generally more independ-
ent than that of the men, and they un-
doubtedly have more regard for the per-
sonnel of a ticket than their brothers. I
see no reason why an intelligent woman,
of lawful age, is not as competent to vote
as a man. The extension of suffrage to
women has not caused domestic, strife,
and has had a tendency to secure excel-
lent nominations by all political parties
for the public oflices.


“It must be conceded by every man who
has studied this question thoughtfully,
that this great home element in our
politics has done, and will continue to do,
much to purify our elections, secure up-
right and moral public servants, elevate
the tone of public discussion, and tend
strongly toward an honest and efficient
administration of public affairs. With a
large floating vote in this State, it has
seemed almost a necessity to invite our
sisters to participate in the elections, and
no one in this commonwealth would think
of overturning the system now. It has
recently found favor in three of our sister
States, and has been imbedded in their
fundamental law. It will not be questioned
that women as a class are morally superior
to men; they are rarely charged with
crime; and in all religious and charitable
work they constitute the mass of the
membership. The sooner the home and
the family enter the domain of politics,
the better it will be for the Republic. The
home, therschool and the ballot-box are
the trinity that shall rule the country in-
telligently and well.”


Mr. August W. Machen, head of the Free
Delivery Department of the post-Office at
Washington, D. C., in a recent address on
“Women in the Postal Service,” published
in full in the Woman’s Journal, paid a high
tribute to the ability of women as postal
clerks. He continued:

My remarks would not be complete with-
out reference to the woman postmaster. I
use the word “postmaster” in this con-
nection, because the Post—Office Depart-
ment has discarded the use of the word
“postmistress,” and it no longer officially
recognizes the sex of its postmasters. All
are postmasters, and are addressed as
such ‘

One of the most efficient postmasters in
this country is the woman postmaster at
Charlott'esville, Va., who, for twenty
years, has ably managed that office. The
history of her original appointment is
quite interesting, not to say romantic.
She is the daughter of the gallant soldier,
Major General E. V. Sumner, the first
commander of the Second Corps of the
Army of the Potomac. Her husband was
the brave and fearless Confederate Gen.
Armistead L. Long. One of Mrs. Long’s
friends called in her behalf on our great
soldier President, General Grant. He
urged the appointment only on the ground
that she was the daughter of a great
Union general, saying at the same time
that he did not come to ask favors for
rebels. The President at once replied:

“Mrs. Long’s father was indeed a very
gallant soldier, and I am glad to help her
on her father’s account; and her husband
was a very gallant soldier, too, and I will
help her on his account also.”

This is one of the many instances of
General Grant’s magnanimity. Mrs. Long’s
original appointment is dated March 2,
1877. It was the last one made by Gen-
eral Grant. Since then she has been
helped on her own account, or rather on
account of her merit as a postmaster, and
she now holds commissiOns signed by six

Presidents. In both of President Cleve-' ‘

land’s administrations Mrs. Long met
with very strong opposition from the
politicians, but, thanks to'the President’s
good judgment, she still holds the fort.
She has given a most satisfactory adminis-'
tration, pleasing alike her townspeople
and the Department. Her executive abil-
ity, attention to duty, and energy in




obtaining improved service for Charlottes-
ville have done much to convince the
Department that women can and do make
competent and efficient postmasters. She
herself is much interested in woman’s
work. When asked the other day what
she thought secured success in business
for women, she replied: “The sum of my
experience is—believe in the dignity of
work. Take pride in doing it well. What-
ever claim a man or a woman may make
to birth, social position or education, in-
creases their obligations to do well what-
ever work they undertake.”

West Virginia also lays claim to one of
the five women postmasters at free-
delivery offices. Charleston, the capital
of the State, has a most capable post-
master in the person of Mrs. Kenna,
widow of the distinguished Senator.
After her husband’s death she found her-
self and her little family dependent en-
tirely upon her own resources, and she
became a breadwinner in earnest. Her
friends secured her the appointment in

> June, 1893. _It has been my pleasant duty

and privilege to witness the transforma-
tion in. the postal service of Charleston
during Mrs. Kenna’s administration. Her
business sagacity, energy and constant
devotion to duty brought order out of
chaos, and gave the people of Charleston
a perfect service. Alive to its interests at

all times, she has by intelligent persistw

ence secured for her town improved postal
facilities that are more nearly in keeping
with the importance of a State capital.
Hers, I think, is the best managed office
in the State. She has made the post-
ofiice building and its surroundings a
haven of neatness and cleanliness, a
marked improvement, I am told, over by—
gone days. She has given the people of
Charleston a most satisfactory service,
and, if their prayers are efiective, she will
continue to do so for many years to come.

Fort Worth, Texas, Cortland, N. Y.,

and Selma, Ala, are the other free de—

livery offices with women postmasters.
These postmasters are also giving eminent
satisfaction to the Department and the
people. Louisville, Ky., is the largest
city whose postal service has been man-
aged by a woman. For thirteen years Mrs.
Thompson, the daughter of the founder of
the Campbellite Church, held the fort
there as postmaster. Her administration
was marked by much business tact and
sagacity. She proved a good disciplin-
arian, and retained the respect and good
will of her subordinates. Although her
services were entirely satisfactory to a
large majority of the citizens of Louis-
ville, she at last fell a victim to political
pressure, and had to give way to a bene-
ficiary of party edict and party rule.

Of the 70,000 post-offices in the
United States, about 7,000, or 10 per cent.,
are in charge of women. Of the three
thousand and odd presidential offices, less
than 4 per cent. are presided 'over by
women, and of the 650 postmasters at
free-delivery post-offices, only five, or less
than one per cent., are women. It is evi-

dent from these figures that, as the im-

portance of the office increases. the
chances for the woman applicant de-

crease. This I attribute to the fact that

political pressure becomes more exacting
in the large offices, and you know where
political influences control, the voteless

citizen has little show.



The firstwoman to win the diploma of
pharmacist in Russia is a Jewess, Mrs.
Levitine. She passed her examination at
the University of Moscow, and, by virtue

~of,her degree, has the right to practise

her profession in any part of the empire.
Mrs. Levitine had to overcome number-
.less difficulties before she was allowed to


matriculate at the College of Pharmacy,
and to take her examinations. First,
because she was a woman, she stumbled
up everywhere against opposition and
malevolence. She resolved to lay her
cause before the minister himself. And
only after a patient wait of two years,
during which time her petition was sent
from one department to another, she car-
ried her point. Thanks to the courageous
persistency of a Jewish woman, her Rus-
sian sisters, of whatever creed, have had
opened for them a new path to profes-
sional honors and activity.—- Chicago Legal



At the recent school elections in Ohio,
women cast a large vote in many towns.
In Toledo, during the two days allowed
for registration this spring, 3,793 women
and 2,394 men were added to the list of
voters registered last fall. Dr. Mary Law
was a candidate for the school board, and
was defeated by only 53 votes in a total of
more than 5,000. In the little town of
Wooster, more than 600 women voted. In
other places, also, the women turned out
in large numbers.

In Warren, 0., Mrs. Harriet Taylor Up-
ton, the treasurer of the National Amer-
ican Woman Suffrage Association, was
elected with Mrs. Carrie P. Harrington,
by a majority larger than had ever been
given to any candidate in Warren.


The New York Tribune of April 6 con-
tains the following letter from the secre-
tary of the Massachusetts Association
Opposed to the Extension of Suffrage to
Women: ,

To the Editor of the Tribune—Sir: In a
note in the Tribune of March 1, Miss Alice
Stone Blackwell charges that the Massa-
chusetts Anti-Suffrage Association printed
in “The Remonstrance,” a reputed in-
terview with Mr. Hynes, of Colorado,
“months after” it had been publicly re-
pudiated by Mr. I-Iynes.

The interview in question was pub-
lished in a Washington paper, and there
was nothing in it which could have sug-
gested to any one a doubt as to its authen-
ticity. . It is true that Mr. Hynes, in a
paragraph to the same paper, on Decem-
ber 10, disclaimed the interview, and said
that the views attributed to him should
have been ascribed to “a friend” of his,
whose name he does not give. “The Re-
monstrance” was itself printed in Decem-
ber, and Mr. Hynes’s statement had not
come to the knowledge of the Massachu-
setts Association.

I beg leave to say, in behalf of the Ex-
ecutive Committee of the Association,
that they would never print a report
which they knew had been contradicted.

ELLA G. LORD, Secretary.

Boston, April 2, 1898.

“The Remonstrance” was sent out in
February, and we had no means of know-
ing that it had been printed in December
and held back for two months. However,
the M. A. O. E. S. W. is of course entitled
to the benefit of its explana