xt70rx937t9n_499 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Woman's Tribune text Woman's Tribune 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_30/Folder_33/Multipage21534.pdf 1906 March-May 1906 1906 March-May section false xt70rx937t9n_499 xt70rx937t9n  

VOL. xxui No. (i,

For the \Voman’s Tribune,
UnSeen. twu angels traveled through the
world,. . .
\Vith sensitive soul, pinions wide unfurled
That they might feel each shadowy'breaili
Floating between the shores of life and
death, , _
Where man’s soul labored in its earthly
To doiis unknown God appointed task.

These two clothed in eternity’s sublime

Together visited earth’s isle Of time

To find for record on heaven‘s shining scroll
The noblest effluence of the human soul.

One was more vibrant to the waves of joy.

And one responded more to grief’s alloy;

But bound together with 10\e s willing Yoke

They felt each note that from man’s soul
awoke. '

They thrilled and *gladdened to each noble

That rose in answer to some crying need

And gazed triumphant on each gleam of

Man won through patient toil and prodding

For every note of his unsclfishness

The angels waited heavenward a caress.

On human pain in noble bravery borne

They gazed as on some promised spiritual

For every drift of love that wafted up

They gave man drink from the immortal’s

And as they traveled slowly o’er the earth.

Which seemed a nest of tangled tears and
_ mirth, .

A wofidrous melody came sweeping on

And then the angels knew their quest was
done. ‘

Grander than all the music of the spheres,

The rarest music the soul kingdom hears

Forgiveness that weighs not what it gin-s

That royal thing forgiveness that lives;

That pardons bitter evil from another

And renders golden service to that other.

The greatest greatness_that man’s soul has

To be emblazoned on the scroll of heaven.

—Caroline Renfrew.
Colorado Springs. Colorado.


Just as this paper is going to press
the word comes of the passing on of our
beloved and honored leader, Susan B.
Anthony, early on the morning of the
13th. Quietly and sweetly, surrounded
by her relatives and many of her
younger co-workers she fell asleep.

What lover of Miss Anthony could ask
more for her than was given as the
crown and close of her strenuous life.
She participated in the Convention at
Baltimore," went from there to “lashing-
ton, the city of her heart. where her
thoughts had- centered for forty years.
was honored by a reception on her 86th
anniversary, February 15th, congratulat-
ed by the President of the United States.
and by the distinguished of the nation,
from there to her home, to Sister l\r'Iary‘s
home in Rochester, where, surrounclEd
by her dearest relatives and loved c0-
workers she closed this stage of her toils
and triumphs.

Her last conscious thoughts were for
the work in Oregon and her last prayer
was for success here. Surely this feeble
voice from her death bed will be more
potent than if she could have taken part
in the campaign'with all her old-time
eloquence and fervor.

The next issue of the Tribune will duly
commemorate Miss Anthony’s life and
work. .


The late David B. Henderson was in
favor of woman suffrage, but he would
not allow the Judiciary Committee to
make a report upon it when he was
chairman. Preceding one of those me-
morable suffrage hearings there was a
conversation between the chairman and
those near him.‘ He said he had be-
lieved in woman suffrage for years, but
he was not going to have the Republican
party loaded down with it. He was as
brave a man as ever lived in point of
physical prowess, but he had no political
courage for his party. “Besides,” he
added, “my wife does not believe in wom—
an suffrage.” “She has told me she did.”
answered Miss Anthony. “Speak out
Mrs. Henderson for yourself.” to the lady
who was sitting near. Mrs." Henderson,
thus challenged, did not endorse her hus-
band’s statement.


It appears that a woman drawn on the
jury lately in Colorado, her initials only
appearing on the list sent her husband
in her place, with the excuse that she
had to take care of the children. This
should quiet fears of several sorts.


TheWOman’s ?

‘iEQUALIT—Y 1313126125 THE LAW.”


Dr. Chas. s, Minot, professor of em- ,-.The belovedand illustrious honorary DENVER’S UNIQUE BOYS’
-bryology at Harvard-1 has been going

Prof; 'Osler 015 years better in that he
has lately stated‘in a. lecture that men-

.tal growth ceases with physical growth

and that man 'learns nothing after he is
25. Dr. H. E. Meeker, of 'New York,

thought thistime did not come until
some years later; “possibly it

D. o. SATURDAY MARCH 17, 1905

president of the Federal Woman’s Equal-
ity Association, Isabella Beecher Hooker,
passed her 84th anniversary on Febru-

ary 22, in better health than she has
,been for, some time.
formal observance of her birthday, but.
disputed this :with the assertion that he'f-‘the family and close friends gathered
:around her and many of her suffrage co-
might iworkers sent congratulations and flow-

There was no

be 38 or even as late as 45, before the iers. Mrs. Hooker’s daughter, Mrs. John

mind would reach the condition of “per-g

inanent fatigue.” All of theSe gentlemen-

0. Day, and granddaughter, Miss Kath-
,erine Day, came up from their home in

ought to have to read the strong papergNeW York for a Visit in Hartford. Miss
0n the Initiative and Referendum, Which fi-Day had recently returned from a tour

was prepared by Mrs, Emily P. Collins,


of Hartford. Conn, in her 92d year, and?

read at. the March 3d meeting of the:
Hartford Equal Rights Club. It is one;
of the strongest'papers ever written oni

this subject, and'when Mrs, Collins was!

45 years of age nobody had ever heard,"
of these reforms in legislation.

May Mrs. Collins long live to hold her§~

place near the head of the list of womenl
who in their sixties, seventies, eighties,

'and nineties, are initiating and helping

forward all good measures for the goozi

of humanity regardless of the dicta of
these learned doctors.

The world owes to the voting of Cold:
rado women the Juvenile Court of Deni—
ver, which is written about so interest.-
ingly in the March Review of Reviews,
and which the Tribune has largely quot—
ed in this issue. [It has an added in-.'
terest for the writer who knew little...
Frances Maule, when she was too small"
to leave at home and she used to go to
suffrage conventions with her mother,
Mrs. Maule, who was one of Nebraska’s
best suffrage workers in the campaign
of ’81—82.‘] Men run the governments of
cities for thousands of years without
discovering how wicked, how brutal, and

how productive of the hopeless crimi'fiai' "

it was to treat juvenile delinquents like
hardened offenders and confine them with
adult criminals. : Portland. Oregon, has a
most successful juvenile court, because
Judge Fraser heard of Judge Lindsay’s
court and went himself to Denver to see
how it was managed. Other cities are
following suit and soon over the whole
civilized world over 95 per cent of juve-
nile offenders will be saved to good citi-
zenship, and all because the mother heart
at last was allowed’to express itself in
political‘ actiOn, ’ ' ~ '

There will be a new'note of strength
hereafter in the appeal for the ballot for
the protection of the women wage-earners
of Oregon. While industrial condition.
do not press upOn women in Oregon as
they do in older States. yet as long as
one woman is prevented from earning
her living in the way she is fitted to do
it because she'is disfranchised, the bal-
lot should be given to the sex to prevent
such injustice." Everybody will see the
point in the case of Miss Emma Warren,
who was appointed to the position of
County School Superintendent by the
County Court of Clatsop County on the
death of Mr. Lyman, the elected incum—
bent. As a county election is to be held

next June, the question arose whether a

County Superintendent; would have to be
elected, at that time, or whether Miss
XVarren’s appointment would hold. The
District AttOrney has given the opinion
that there is a vacancy as the constitu-
tion provides that no person shall‘be
elected or appointed to an Office who is
not an elector of the office, and an elec-
tor is a male citizen. There will be no
election, but the County Court. must ap-
point some qualified elector to serve the
balance of Mr. Lyman’s term. and Miss
W’arren must clear out. It ought to be
easy to show the need of woman suf—
frage in a State where a woman may not
hold even an office to which she is so
commonly elected elsewhere.




Another object lesson has just been
given on the need of equal suffrage. The
Mississippi Senate has defeated the bill
to forbid child labor. by a vote of 20 to
8. The womenof Mississippi have work-
ed hard for this measure of protection
for children. Is it likely that it would
have been defeated by a vote of more
than two to one, if the mothers of Mis-
sissippi had had the ballot?—Woman’s
Journal. .

around the world and Mrs. Hooker great-

ly enjoyed a recital of her experiences in
foreign lands. Mrs. Hooker has been
president of the Connecticut Woman Suf-
frage Association since its formation. A
host of friends will be glad to hear of
her improvement in health.


The Antis are offering a prize of $25.00
for the best essay on the subject “Fe-
male Suffrage not Desirable in Oregon,"
written by any resident of Multnomah
County under 21 years of age. It ought
not to be at all difficult to show why
“female suffrage” would be very unde-
sirable in Oregon or anywhere else. Since
there are females of every species of
creation it is customary among those
who regard their English to use the
term “woman” when speaking of the
adult females of the human race. The
first thought that suggested itself after
reading this announcement was that it
ought to be prevented by the Society for
the Preventionof Cruelty to Children,
but on noticing the wording the case ap-
pears to be covered by the State law,
which prevents cruelty to animals.



Correspondence of the Sunday Orego-
nian gives this interesting amount of
the banquet in honor of Miss Anthony’s
86th birthday in New York:

It is safe to believe that there was
never a more thoroughly disappointed
body of women-than those who assem-
bled to celebrate the 86th birthday an-
niversary» of Miss Susan B. Anthony. who
was honored by a luncheon at the Hotel
Astor attended by 380 people. The
guest of honor. however, was not there.
Miss Anthony being confined to her bed
by a serious illness, of which many of
her friends are apprehensive. In her
message to the Interurban Political
Equality Council. -Miss Anthony said:
“I promised to come. but the word of
a woman of 86 is not always as good as
that of a girl of 16." The real birthday
anniversary was February 15, but it was
decided to wait and give an elaborate
affair on the 20th. A strange coincidence
is that the affair was to have been opened
by the Rev. Phoebe Hanaford, a noted
suffragist. but she too was prevented
from appearing on account of illness.
Mrs. Phillip Carpenter. president of the
State Federation of Women’s Clubs, was
to have been in the lead of 21 club presi-
dents. She, too. was unable to leave her
home on account of a throat worn out
from making too many speeches. How-
ever, the largeballroom at the Hotel
Astor formed a brilliant spectacle and
there was much merriinent. The tables




. Not the least interesting of the many
interesting rulers in India who are grew-
ing the Prince and Princess of \Vales is
the Begum of Bhopal, for. it seems at
first sight a curious incongruitv that a.
Mahomedan State should be ruled by a.
woman. Bhopal is the only State in the
world where the ruler must be a woman,
and the present Begum has donea great
deal to vindicate the principle as one of
practical advantage. In former days the
husbands of the Begums occupied a
most curiously unimportant position in
the State, and were freely changed as
the fancy of the ruler or the supposed
necessities of her polities happened to
require—South African Jewish Chron-


Mrs. Martha. Orr Patterson, of Green-
ville. S. 0. died recently. She was prom-
Inept in the South Carolina Federation
of Clubs and the various clubs have com-
memorated her life and will take up her
work for a State RefOrmatory.




Judge Lindsey’s method of holding
court is unexampled. He has taken his
place among the boys as one of them-
selves. He talks to them in their own
language and makes free use of their
slang. His method of examination is
fraternal rather than paternal. He even
fosters in the boys the idea that his owu
tenure of office depends upon their good

“It’s just this way,” he says. “I’d like
to keep you fellows out of G01den”—the
town where the boys’ Industrial School
is located—“but I’m afraid if I do I’ll
lose my job. People are always saying
that I’m too lenient with you kids any-
how, and if I do let you off you’ll go out
and swipe something again, and then I’ll
get blamed for it, and, like as not, I’ll
get kicked out of this court.”

The consequence of this is that Judge
Lindsey is often earnestly assured by
the boys that he “needn’t worry about
them getting him into trouble”—an as—
surance which Judge Lindsey always re-
ceives with grave thanks.

Another impression among the boys
which Judge Lindsey does nothing to cor-
rect is that the police of Denver are
against the court and in favor of putting
all the boys in jail. Therefore, it is be-
lieved that every time a boy on proba-
tion is caught in a new offense the “cops”
have a joke on the judge. The result is
a universal pride in “fooling the ‘cops’ ”
and “staying with” the court.

An unforeseen outgrowth of this sym-
pathetic understanding is the voluntary
delinquent. This is a boy who comes
to Judge Lindsey of his own free will
to own up to a fault or a vice which
he cannot overcome by himself and to
ask the judge for help. There have
been nearly two hundred of these in the
past two years. Often the boys under
probation bring them in, and the judge
himself is always careful to let it be
known that: the court is as anxious to
help a boy who has never been arrested
as a boy who has. It is partly due to
this that the boys in Denver are not
ashamed of having been before Judge
Lindsey, but speak of themselves with
pride as “belonging to the Juvenile

Commitment, with‘ludg Lindsey, is
always a last resort. So far, out of the
hundreds of boys who have been in court,
only eighteen have been sent to the
Industrial School. The method of com-
mitment is all Judge Lindsey‘s own. He
simply gives the boy the warrant and
tells him to go out. to Golden and
lock himself up. Not one boy has be—
trayed the judge’s trust. although the
trip furnishes numerous opportunities for
escape in a street-car ride across the
city to the railroad station. a train ride
to the Golden station, in the foothills,
and a half—mile walk to the institution.
The superintendent is not even notified
to look out for the boy’s arrival.

Although, as a concession to possible
attacks upon its constitutionality, the
Colorado law has provided for a jury
trial and representation by attorney for
juvenile delinquents when demanded. no
jury has yet been drawn, and no attor-
ney has yet been appointed in the Den

ver court. The principle upon which it

is operated is that. the court itself is
the best conservator of the child’s in-

For results, the Denver court boasts
that 95 per cent of the boys are treated
successfully without commitment. and
that out of 5 per cent committed. not one
boy is considered a. hopeless case. On-
posed to this stands a record of 90 per
cent convicted and 75 per cent. to jails
or reformatories under the old criminal
system.~From the Children’s Court in
American City Life, by Frances Maule
Bjorkman. in the American Monthly Re-
view of Reviews for March.

Mrs. Craigie. in the London Chronicle.
writes that while American women do
not take that interest in politics that Eng-
lish women do, yet they are so adaptable
that when they marry English husbands
.and go to England they generally come
to the front in electioneering. This is
encouraging because it shows that indif-
ference to what is considered worthy of
the most serious attention of the best
men is really not incapacity but sim~
ply custom.










[Entered as second class matter at the
Post Office at Portland, Oregon, under the
Act of Congress of March 3, 1879]



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West 57th street, New York.
’ First Vice-President, ANITA AUGSPURG, L.L. D.,
25 Paul street, Hamburg, Germany.

Second Assistant Secretary, JOI-IANNA
van Legherstraat, Amsterdam,

Secretary, RACHEL FOSTER AVERY, 5 Rue des
Communeaux, Vevey, Switzerland. ..

First Assistant Secretary, DE KATHE ScntR-
MACHER, 53 Rue Notre Dame des Champs, Paris.

Second Vice-President, MRS. MILLICEN-r FAW-
CETT, 2 Gower street, London, W. .

Treasurer, MISS RODGER-CUNLIFFE, 45 Albert
Palace Mansions, Battersea Park, London. ___________


Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTHONY,
Madison street, Rochester, N. . ‘

President, REV. ANNA H. SHAW, I743 Devon
street, Mount Airy, Philadelphia. Pa.

Vice-President at Large, Florence Kelley,
New York.

Corresponding Secretary, KATE GORDON, New
Orleans, La.

Recording Secretary, ALICE
3 Park street, Boston.

Ohio. _

Auditors. Laura Clay. Lexmgton, Ky.; Dr.
Anice Jetfreys-Myers, Portland, Oregon.

National Headquarters, Warren Ohio.

"""""" i%'EDER.L{L"'wO'I§iANis" EQUALITY

Hartford Conn. ‘
Honouiry Vice-President. Ex—Gov. LUCIus F. L.

Gan-1n. Rhode Island. ,
President, Belva A. Lockwood, (imsh‘zngton, _D. (I.
Vice-President. Rev. Olmpia Brown,W1scousm.
Vice-President, WM. CANEIELD LEE, \Vashmgton,

N Ann, 5




D. C.
Recording Secretary, MARTHA MITCHELL HOYT.

Washington, . . .
Corresponding Secretary, CLARA BEWICK COLBY,

Portland, Oregon.
Treasurer, DR. CLARA W. MCNAUGHTON, 1235

Auditor, Kepler Hoyt, Washington. D

The Tribune home is removed to Tre-
mont, a pretty suburban station on the
Mount Scott car line. It is a grey cot-
tage with green roof and situated half
a block from the station on the right
hand side. All mail should be addressed
"Portland, Oregon.” Business communi-
cations may be left at the office of the
Gotshall Publishing Company, Room 55,
Union Block, Second and Stark.

An incident of life in Portland which.

occurred this week sounds like a
leaf out of the history of Massachusetts
or some other Eastern State before
the woman suffrage movement: began.
Mary Cunningham, the mother-of thir-
teen children, eight still living, .was
deserted by her husband a‘few weeks ago.
The other day he broke into the house
where his wife was trying to make a
meal for herself and her family out of
5 cents worth of meat; and terrified them
by brandishing a revolver. The patrol-
man says that. although the man earned
$3.50 a day, the family never had more
than 15 cents a day to provide food. The
man has been before the police court,
but was always let off with light penal-
ties. There seems to be no law that can
adequately deal with the father of a fam-
ily who so wantonl'y neglects his natural
and legal duty to provide for wife and
children. Perhaps when women are vot-
ers they will give their minds to solving
such problems.

The True Life Church of San Jose,
founded by the late Mary Hayes Chyno-
weth is continued by voluntary service
Of members among whom her sons are
leaders. A recent San Jose paper says
that preceding the main address by J. O.
Hayes, Mrs. Elizabeth Spencer Flosback
spoke on “The Value of Hope,” taking
the significant text “For the law made
nothing perfect, but, the bringing in of a
better hope did, by which we draw nigh
unto God.” '


The Pure Food bill having passed the
Senate by a vote of 63 to 4 it is unfortu-
nate that the Foraker amendment was
rejected. It read: “In the case of
liquors. an article shall be deemed adul-
terated if it contain any ingredient of
a poisonous or deleterious character." It
was. defeated by 24 for to in against.

(Continued from first page.)
were decorated with yellow jonquils and
there was a great soft knot of yellow
ribbon tacked to the flags which hung
above the President’s head, and, of
course, the candle shades were of the
same color. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt,
who is President of the Council, presided.
At her right was the Rev. Anna Shaw,
and at her left William Lloyd Garrison.
Besides these were Edwin Markham, the
poet, Mrs. Charlotte Wilbur, president of
Sorosis, and following these were many
of the best-known men and women in
public life. William M. Ivins, the re-
cent Republican candidate for Mayor,
came out strongly for woman’s sufirage.
All who spoke paid special tribute to
Miss Anthony and the wonderful work
she has done in behalf of suffrage. Mr.
Garrison said that it would be aston-

ishing it Miss Anthony did not look back'

upon the stress of the early days as
more inspiring than the popular ap-
plause of today. Miss Shaw told with
deep feeling of Miss Anthony’s devotion
to the cause, and recalled a big meeting
at which they had both been speakers.
After Miss Anthony had finished she her-
self joined in the enthusiastic applause
that followed her remarks. Miss Shaw
leaned forward and said, “This is not
your turn to applaud, Aunt Susan, they
are talking about you.” “Oh, no,” an-
swered Miss Anthony, “they- are talking
about the cause.” There were a great
many flashes of wit and wisdom, indeed,
every speech that was made, no matter
how short, was worthy of repetition. Nor
would it be possible to tell of those pres-
ent, because there were so many of equal
importance. Edwin Markham read a
poem expressive of his sympathy with
woman’s suffrage. There were also in-
teresting remarks from Miss Alice Hen-
ry, who has a vote in Australia. Miss
Adelaide Johnson was received with spe-
cial honors. She is the sculptor whose
bust of Miss Anthony was placed in the
Metropolitan Museum of Art as the gift
of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Ferris, on Tues-
day. Miss Johnson will leave for Europe
very shortly, and at the present time her
works are being removed from her stu-
dios to the storehouse. She is an inter-
esting and very unassuming little woman.

A telegram of greeting was sent to
Miss Anthony from the guests at the
luncheon, to Rochester, where she is con-
fined at. her home.

An International Congress of Cooks has
been held at Vienna under the patronage
of the Grand Duchess Maria Josefa. The
idea was to Show the people of Austria
what change could be made in their diet
with advantage to pocket. and health.
There was cooking by each nationality,
one day being given up to each particu-
lar country. Prizes were given for sin-
gle dishes. and samples were given to
all visitors with the recipe by which they
were made.

The Journal of Political Economy says
that. in the absence of a rational basis
for division of labor the only plan com-
patible with the continued self—respect
of working-women is evidently free com-
petition between men and Women in
those processesin which both can en-
gage, which means that women must
enter upon industrial life in a work—
manlike spirit, have opportunity to ac-
quire necessary skill and overcome the
obstacles to practice of a craft after it
has been acquired.


ln presenting the petition of several
thousand women of California, asking for
the expulsion of Senator Smoot, Mr. Per-
kins while taking occasion to state that
he considered religious belief should be
no bar to a seat in Congress, yet co'm-
mended the women of California for the
interest in public affairs which their ac-
tion in this case demonstrated. He add-
ed: “I think it would tend to the bet-
terment of politics were the earnest in-
telligent and conscientious women of the
land to study carefully great. questions
and give to the country the benefit of
their unselfish opinions." That's just what
women will do when they have the re-
snonsihility of citizenship laid upon them.
The ballot box is the place where citi-
zens. most effectively give to the coun-
try the benefit Of their opinions. But
what. does Senator Perkins mean by say-
ing that he has the honor to represent.
in part the women Of California? No
woman had the opportunity of voting for
him. They are not his constituents, and
his according to them the inalienable
right. of petition is not representing them
in any political sense. .

D. K. Pearsons has given to the
American Board of Foreign Missions $50,-
000 to form an endowment. fund for
Anatolia College, Marsovan,‘ Turkey, in
memory of his wife,

Dr. Cora Smith-Eaton is: on the point ,of
removing from Minneapolis to Seattle.


An executive meeting of the Interna-
tional Woman Suffrage Alliance will be
held in Copenhagen, August 6-11, 1906.
The National Woman Suffrage Associa-
tions, of the following countries, being
affiliated with the International Alliance,
and having paid their annual dues be-
fore January 1, 1906, viz: Australia, Den-
mark, England, Holland, Hungary, Ger-
many, Norway, Sweden, and the United
States, will each be entitled to send six
delegates and six alternates. An espec-
ial invitation to send fraternal delegates
will be extended to all societies known
to be in sympathy with our movement.
Individuals of whatever race, nativity, or
creed, who believe in the right of the
woman citizen to protect her interests
in society by the ballot, are invited to
be present.

The enfranchisement of women is em-
phatically a world movement. The un-
answerable logic upon which ’the move-
ment is based, and the opposition which
everywhere appears to combat that“ logic
with its array of traditions and preju—
dices, is the same in all lands. The
evolution of the movement must proceed
on the same lines among all peOples.
In Union there is strength. Let interna
tional co-operation, organization and Work
be ourwatchword. ‘
International Woman Suffrage Alliance,

Per Carrie Chapman Catt, Pres.

Any American friends of the cause of
woman suffrage who desire to attend this
meeting, are requested to send their
name to the undersigned. Steamer rates,
hotel rates, and other information con-
cerning the details of the ’meeting will
be sent to all such addresses as soon
as possible.

Hotel Marie Antoinette.
66th St. and Broadway, New York.


Thai: women should have equal suf-
frage with men seems so reasonable to
the unprejudiced mind that it has no
need of argument. The burden of proof
surely ought to be with the denier of
this contention.

"It is a universal proverb that no great
man has ever been born who did not
have a great mother. And yet the wisdom
of the centuries must find its Waterloo
when the ballot takes this field.

The old stock argument, that woman
ought not to have the joint privilege
with man' of making the laws which gov-
ern them both. because after these en-
actments have been made she has not
the power to hear her part in their
enforcement and defense, has reached
such a condition Of senility as to be
listed along side of “Kipling’s “Man Who

When Madame de Stael was banished
twice by the haughty Napoleon because
her pen was mightier than his sword:
when Harriet. Beecher Stowe could say
the last word word in her immortal “Un-
cle Tom’s Cabin” that was vitally in—
strumental in changing the civilization of
centuries, freeing both slaves from their
masters and masters from their slaves;
when that. great martyr to the cause of
vice annihilation and race emancipation,
Frances E. Willard. could accomplish
what no man has been able to accom-
nlish. a world federation for righteous-
ness. it is too late in the day to talk
about the helplessness of femininity.

With women predominating in our
high schools and hinting at it in our
colleges it is high time to allow the edu-
cated mind. without reference to physical
markings, to rule in the realm of govern-
ment. ' ‘ EVERETT M. HILL.

Baker City. Oregon.


Bishop Doane, at the meeting in Al,-
bany the other day of the “New York
Association Opposed to the Further Ex-
tension of Suffrage to Women." proposed
that the association change its name to
S. O. C. W.——Society‘0pposed to Cruelty
to Women. Now let someone organize
an S. O. C, B.—Society Opposed to Cru-
elty to Bishops—for the purpose of re-
lieving Bishop Doane of the burden of
the ballot. The reasons commonly given
for denying a vote to women apply quite
as strongly to bishops. They are ex-
empt from military service; they have
more cares already than the average
mOther of a family; and their high and
holy sphere is not in keeping with the
filthy pool of politics. But imagine the
wrath of Bishop Doane if anyone se-
riously sought to relieve him of his right
to vote! He would rather a highwayman
should relieve him of his watch and
purse. 'And the bishOp professes to be-
lieve in the Golden Rule.



Four important State organizations, not
woman suffrage societies, have reported
to the California Equal Suffrage Associa-
tion that they have oflicially endorsed
woman suffrage at their annual conven.
tions. Attention is called to their reso-
lutions, which follow:

California State Federation of Labor,
January, 1906.

“Believing that a square deal for every
man should be accompanied by a square
deal for every woman, we pledge our-‘
selves to work for the political emanci-
pation of the women of California, as a
measure of justice, an aid to education,
good laws and good government; and
as an essential step toward the improve-
;nent of labor conditions. Furthermore,

e it

“Resolved, That we pledge our sym-
pathy and support to the Equal Suffrage
Campaign now pending in Oregon,- which
has been made possible through the en-
;ictment of an initiative and referendum

California Teachers’ Association, Decem-
ber, 1904.

“Resolved, That we, the members of
the California Teachers’ AssociatiOn,
heartily endorse the» movement toward
equal political rights of men and women,
as founded on justice, and as tending to
advance the educational interests. of the

California State Farmers’ Institute.

Passed an identical resolution, Decem-
ber, 1905.

California State League of Iroquois Clubs
(Democratic), February, 1906.
“Whereas, Many State organizations.
including labor organizations, economic
clubs, and educational societies, have
adopted resolutions favoring political

equality of men and women; and

“Whereas, The State League of Iroquois
Clubs believes that a question of such
moment should be submitted to the peo—
ple of the State for their decision; there-
fore, be it ‘

“Resolved, That we favor the submisr
sion to the qualified electors of the
State, of_a Constitutional Amendment
providing for the extension of the suf-