xt70rx937t9n_540 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Incomplete speeches text Incomplete speeches 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_20/Folder_9_10/Multipage27052.pdf undated section false xt70rx937t9n_540 xt70rx937t9n Wjfi'u/’/ «1/4 [4 dzuw

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 And now théiaid of women, especially of Club women is lflVOde to help


. ., 4 \ :for 710.90 J oolit1o
vice; snfl whyre, necessary to reform ittin soon as aid from women is
2 MW,’
Emen tji onea, many think that what is ne23ed is influnnce, and EEfiEIY -tha
namaxnixinfizunxexx woman's influence to many miniszprgs 2nts-the id2a
13- t0 0

‘mouideuhlic opinion on thé lines of right thinking about 01711 ‘er-isi

Of an agency which sways the minds of men somewhat as the moon is:tho 1rh*:”hf h

-ar removoi ;"rom,Lhe turmoil of the V

“1" y 1"
.“af'. L." 1' 135,- 1

‘nCtlLEilifl to 1(u1eQLg tifias, any



them to 1’ 3 1'”'1*~1vr “9‘5'; 1‘ ”1, $83288. But the

:4- .f-. .- — 4- «‘- 1, - 1- ,‘ -‘--* ' v '- r , . ,.‘ (“11111-7 ‘- ” ,' .L
in 111 «3?qu igqu'EI'IEU 01. .1911 11193.11: 3. 10,1. 11-13231, 11:11.11ch1

,J_ar2 1nLa z~1 memb2rs of €12 :‘ "*" ‘ ,“. "Tif. opinion on;
'Civi1 Farvice which is to be E11“

Wha- '

hatzgxxinrxxxmnEmn1knxhxyF1a Riga . u-kynpinfisn on this suhjeot kha moo
. V I 7 /

2w: w anyxnnmh xxnfymthzxxyaxx . 2-:hx:«-¥$A?*a*‘¥thxi=2n- wnizui


3:310” 1a: axhi Ar. $.30: :I w..- \\:i:~ o: c”: - ‘ 1- -_/1 ::‘-;--S§ :.
"to~s ds ight - b c opin on, v. ther she ever can-es a lan‘f in

othe~«‘ opinian.



With whose money he is paid, and more to the political requirements

of the political leaders to Whom he looks for preferment.

The Spoils System, With all its attendant nnrxnpnin evils, con-‘

in almos operation
tinned fith unbroken inrna for iifty years after thaxinangnratinnxnf
i822. As early as 1869, however,Congressman Thomas Allen Jenckes,
of Rhode Island, introduced into Congress a bill designed to re-
place the Spoils System by the merit System; and his views were sins;
iained by many of the prominent statemen of the times; and inxifififi
fianxgfiy txiizamxfiurtxsxianamexthenfxxstxpxnsxdxntxnixtnnxixtxnnxi
dixiixfiarximaXfisfnxmxtaagnzx and Lhe efforts to turn the tide
resulted in the formation of the National Civil Service Reform.
League, in I880, with George Jilliam Curtis formits first president.
not only

The Spoils System had permeated all parties, and even factions of
party in possesweme torn by all the passions of greed and ambition 1;;

the Exmfixpxxxy; EEflXatXiESiXIkEXtXiEMFhXHfXXh§ET.i.uz, - $1 »
resulting from it. and in I881, disappointed

hrnughtxaknntxhxxxxgxantxnztinnaixtxxgafly. Guiteau, a fixxxppnintad
hal f- (13 fe at,
OffiCe Sea Ker of New York, crazed by d' ‘2 4 ‘z- I: 7' s 1-: ':
txihntingxhisx whizhxhexattrihntedxtnxthaxfxfixiflnnt , assissina-
tedPJresid ent Garfield. to Whom he attrihnxzd his ‘ailure.
immxmmxmfixfimifammmermfisxnfifmfine . in
iafiiXGnitenux a disappnintedxoffics Seakarxof fiew York; crazedrbx
greedxandxdefeay,nasstssinntedXPxesidenthzrfigld,th nhnm he attri-
bxtedxhisxdafeat. This national tragedy turned the attention of the
Which so far succeeded that
public forctbly to reform in the Civil Service.Congress passed a law,
in January, ,
signed by President Arthur dfl 1885, ixxitsxpxnxixinnxx entitled An
"Act to Regulate and Improve the Civil Service of the United States";
A feW of its provisions are :Acommission made up of three members,
called The United States Civil Service Commission , is appointed
by the President, With the advice and cons~nt of the Senate.They
. . . O n
aid the Pre31dent in the formation of rules under thgelaw. Compet-

itive examinations are provided for,



itive examinations are provided for, Appointments are to be made

from those graded highest in these examinations, the appointment
being final only after a period of probation. This system was to

ba extended throughout the service as fast and as far as the Presi-

dent should direct.














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44,444,444 4 44,4, 4,4, /1744,,, 444,
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[bald 24445// 4%; ”f/Lfltm éZ/fl-ML 477%
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1 f ‘11A



I/{f’v ":l1L//((1( f

1// //

\/( ,
. I (Q, / . " ‘>, If} a _,’t f (

/ 7/ fl /K'
/ fl ’/ ‘
’ 1('1(¢/11147I((/ //Y t f'//{L 1/


15 / <1 [7 lifi‘uk/ /14 } [1‘/ éZ/(L 1/{c/(j érsils
=mge, mast ,rfi~“
evil flush ewion“Wipx
’ i'ruwj‘::\?sa _J2 e r:1 62 ,
an only by

one flesh

{me fiiv2éig4gLfi/ /$7'nothing in sex, either the male

1 e

or the female, which predisposes one here then 1he the :thnr tc e711 er
in seed. All that can he said is that the diPPerexoes 1: their ncral life

follow the di?ferentia1 characteristics of the sexes. But when both stort

‘v ‘ Q"

in tne 1ifht of the co ...tennnce of the Father of lights there thfixe
7“J5;”1*‘€ Churncter?stics

nexfi‘ faxginn in the fatal effects of sin because of these Xifiiernxxexx
Ihe mabculine characteristics make the sinsiof men more evident;
tare qu’ckly come into judgment. It is


single standard of more ls used with the sole intenf:
thnyrirtxesxinxwhizhanmnnxaxnni upo§25gp

in which women excel; whereas the phrase wi1_
meaning until it means one ideal of righte~.sLC;s 3‘ 1» L sexes, and

an infraction t area?
uneq1iv10u1 teaching that axfinpztinxnxxxtr xrnfixsm is
cjnnitt ed by men or woman.There is no rhoe Fer a: *;

perfect law IUr either mxxxnxanmxn;
ulutirn between men and women , each
them on to a hi_3her excel lencc. It is

Virtues in greater degree than women

degree than nen.Tomen as a sex are citq“

‘ 1‘ .1 .:l {1‘11 :t‘I-' ";‘d qu
’3 courage they fall far below wsifieiqu grvaxg,xy rp» f


“C"es to , despised e


 KW ., .
w.» 5:;25"

,' 4.:

y Pa'e 7.
f"// _ :to ’08. ‘5 8

to the example of men where men have achieved greater excellence as it is WM

14‘“? ‘ ygy- cc/és‘f‘f '51: {4:4wa '
acnleved‘fifiééa Any thing less than i

S neither a Single stuxdurd of

‘.e enemieo of
gay 18, no ‘i_y j' 5 av e;Jecf1ve obgfet uLd conquer tr u
t f t 0'/n~ r‘a e ‘h'c‘ 0 nfr nt' 16 Church and society,cfiggx,fi¥44g.‘
rue sumo J J” WY ¥ L i V W
W, mew. we #4 ye
‘ ‘ 4.,

wen to altain to t9? example of “amen in examples there thev have


 7%éy ¢41AQ»& flfihfifikzdl ?¢i;>¢42 fészg/

3/. , . r A”
, 3W Mfiflmfi
' 1 f“ '5' y'f ,. ‘ ‘ ' 1

.So iety recognizes marriage to he the most importentkreletionahip into

which human beings can enter wiiEZEEGEZe¥Her.Primerily effectingxzxmzx
the men and the vomeh who $hter it, through tie children horn it becomes

H. _ » I... 3
f - ‘ F f . x; f .l' k 12,1111, ' ; if: .1 3’

the t undhtion unon which the State end the Church ere huilt. Both being
, r‘ -1 J i*' ‘~~wv'”f fihes fo1lofi ed that both should and do
so vi telly concerned it dunsrnatxneedxxhxhnvazgnedxhnxs thatvheihxshankfi
. 41 r, ,fié3 r“;g§?§h
wetcguggegrigs p eq§¥VL 1ohnh1tn\never ce using v1gilance. EEEHKHRXHIYIHXS
aaaeixnxexaxx In the akvrse of this vigi lance thaxxaachgxpukixaxkxs
there have been
XBéeEQEXMEfeXerllesQVWelliinfermed-of”therxesukta of investigations of
compilations nei nel
social conditions ._ escajpe are

)>wr . a'vtp, to? ‘he ‘v~;»= at and the wayward alike are ixixnn
'heir destruction almost as helpless es efiaEafitiszésstnn:$e£x
, tiartexthexshamhixxx,, the cattle driven “' "y
. 1:1 4
It is imFossihle to sup? - that Jfidnfi human “93533,


love if life, cheer fur 3ts joys, “"i' 1.14nterily choose a e nrse which


‘estrogs all true happiness and leads to 9 quick end miserable death, if



their minds were not so imweture or dr” wt?”e or 0/«roorne DJ adverse

unstences us to be greatly f; x»»' of the nrotectirn which society is


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