xt70rx937t9n_88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton text Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_5/Folder_3/Multipage3812.pdf 1906 July 1906 1906 July section false xt70rx937t9n_88 xt70rx937t9n National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony,

17 Madison Street. Rochesker, N. Y.
Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw,

7443 Devon Sheen ML Airy. Philadelphia. Pa.
Vice President a! Large, Florence Kelley.

A d‘ % Laura Clay. Lexington' Ky.
'05 East 22nd Street. New York City. 11 (for: " Dr. Annice F. Jeffreys. Portland, Ore.

Corresponding Secrclaly, Kate M. Gordon.

1800 Prylania Street, New Orleans, La.
Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren. Ohio.



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 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony,

'7 Madison Street. Rochester, N. Y.
President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw,

7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.
Vice President at Large, Florence Kelley.

l05 East 22nd Street, New York City.

Corresponding Secrelary, Kate M. Gordon.

1300 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.
Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

A d' { Laura Clay. Lexington, Ky.
u ”0’5" Dr. Annice F. Jeflreys. Portland. Ore.


7-: Hm 3 L71 7 1/.) ‘1.





 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

President, Rev. ANNA HOWARD SHAW,
7443 Devon Street, MLAiry. Philadelphia, Pa.

Vice President at Large, FLORENCE KELLEY.
105 East 22nd Street, New York City.

Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON.
1800 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.

Recording Secretary. ALICE STONE BLACKWELL. 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass
Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren, Ohio.

Auditors' {LAURA CLAY. Lexington, Ky.
' DR. ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS, 375 East 12th St., N., Portland, Ore.

Chairman Press Committee. ELNORA M. BABcocx, Dunkirk, N. Y.

Is ‘J ,

f ‘






 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Corresponding Secretary, Kate M. Gordon.

Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony,
1800 Prytania Street. New Orleans. La.

l7 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y‘

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, % .r Egg Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
7443 Devon Street. M“ Airy, Philadelphia. P‘" 2 ) Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren Ohio.

Vice President a! Large, Florence Kelley. , Laura Clay Lexington. Ky.
l05 East 22nd Slrecl. New York City. Audrlars. l Dr. Annice F. Jeffreys. Portland, Ore.


Warren, Ohio, July 3rd, 1906.

Dear Member of the Business Committee: ’
I am enclosing a copy of a letter 1M.ch.Mrs. McCulloch

sent me some time since. I have referred to the matter once or

twice but now that most of you are home I hOpey ou will read this

carefully. It does seen as if opportunities were opening up in so


many directions that ones heao



 *7...“ pm fit/”Km







 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTHONY, l7 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

President. REV. ANNA HOWARD SHAW, - - _ S M:

7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Recordmg Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, 3 Parl’ tree , Boston, Mass

. Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren, Ohio.

Vice PreSIdem at Large, FLORENCE KELLEY,

105 East 22nd Street, New York City. Auditors‘ {LAURA CLAY. Lexington, Ky.

. ' DR. ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS. 375 East 12th St, N., Portland. Ore.

Corresponding Secretary, KATE M. GORDON.

1800 Prytania Street. New Orleans, La. Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABcocK, Dunkirk. N. Y.

m a

Dear Miss Clay- WM.

As you were not at the Baltimore Convention you never

July 6/1906

will knmvtheins and outs of it. hafore ”cine t ere Elizaheth and
I were quite well convinced that Mrs.Behcock was not doing as good
work as she had formerly done, and frow our clippinos we felt sure
the papers were not taking the stuff she sent out. We also felt
that the Association needed an organ very much. Miss Show had been
sayinfl this I“or years, but I felt that sis was somewhat yrejudiced
against t4e ”Gwen's Journal. 3‘ Hsvser one I If refore made a
calculation, and found that if we diSCOntinued the yresent press
work we coulo publish Progress as a monthly for about the same
amount of honey. I therefore addressed a letter to leading organ-
izations in the United States, asking whether they had .n organ, or
w ether they did our kind of trees work, and whether they Lid both.
I fliink that in no case mid we find they were ooinr both. The na-
jority have organs instead of doing grass work. I then consulted
the Business Committee in regard to abolishing the press work at
Dunkirk, and taking it up at Headquarters, Miss Hauser and I to
do it as occasion required, and to issue Progress monthly.

Tie Baltimore convention was the greatest meeting we

have eVer had,in the way of audiences and in the external influence

which it created; the sponsorship of Miss Thomas and Miss Garrett

worked wonders, but the inside syirit was just awful. Miss Shaw
treated me shamefully. Now I have never said this to any other
National officer. Miss Gordon knew it, hecause she was with me, and

because she was treated in the same way. Miss Blackwell I think





knew it, because she was treated, it anyt inn, a little worse then
But the truth of it all was that Kiss Shaw was so excited over the
attention shown her by Miss .x a: and Miss flnrrett, and the yros-
pect of having a salary, and all that sort of thing, together with
her anxiety about Miss Anthony, that she did not pay much attention
to the convention, and somehow the ' 5- o ' get torether;
the love and harmony which usually exist we did not Fave at all.
Kiss Shaw (for s0me ree n'-: I have never known and never will)
scarcely mentioned Headquarters, or any of tle work which we had
done through the year. This was in such great contrast to the treat-
ment I had always received at the lands of Miss Anthony and Mrs.
Catt—--even when relations with.the latter were strained---,nnd
Miss Shaw's friendly attitude toward me the first year of her
presidency, that I was almost heart-broken. I was not invited to
the platform at all; once or twice when I was to speak I was out
down, and other unpleasant things were done; but I do not think
Miss Shaw intended anything personal; I do think she had gotten to
feel that the Headquarters was a very prominent and important part
of the work, and since her whole life has been similar to the atti-
tude of an actress toward the public, enmectinp and wanting at-
plause, and so on, she has a‘own into the habit of treating rather

shahbily anyone who rises to her height in the work. I may be all

wrong about this, I do not know, but at any rate she was not at all

fair to me. She was positively bitter to Alice.

The opening meeting of the Executive Cowmittee intru-
duced the question of the yress work and Progress. Atthat time I
was very much interested in the establishment of Progress. However,
Miss Emily Rowland, whose opinion I value, said she would feel it

to be a great mistake if the gress articles did not come to her lit-


tle town each week, and several others thought the same way.
flies Blackwell was very strongly in favor or the press work, and
tearing error of judgment on my part I did not press My side of the
matter. h0wever, hiss Shaw was most anxious to hsve Pronress es-
tablished as a monthly, and to do away with the press work, al-
though she did not hold to her point, and the question dragged
along, through all the executive committee meetings, durinr the
consideration of the plan of work, through the convention, and final-
ly a vote was taken on it. The motion was carried to make Progress
a monthly, provided it did not take money from the Orefion campaign,
and provided money could be raised for its maintenance. The mat-

ter of the press work passed in exactly the same way. T‘en

.Miss Blackwell—-~who was still advocating press work---moved that

in case we could not do both press work and Progress, that we do
the press work anyway. This passed.

As I said in the beginning of this letter, the conven-
tion was not a very businesslike one, people didn't understand much
that was going on, and when the vote was announced, and Miss Shaw
saw that the press work had carried in preference to Progress, she
was very much disturbed, and from the chair made an argument in fa-
vor of Progress aeeinst the press work. This created consternation
throughout the convention, because people wanted to please her of
course. Someone moved a reconsideration of this motion, but it
did not get a two-thirds'vote; so that, although it is my impression
a majority of the convention wanted Progress instead of press work,
the motion carried the other way. Then we found ourselves in a pe-
culiar predicament: We had no money, and we were to continue press
work; we were to continue Progress, provided we had the money;

the press work was preferred; When the only way in which we could



run Progress and make it pay for itself in tbe course of

montbs (we hoped) was to discontinue the expensive press

Ever since then Kiss Shaw has been wantins me to take up Progress
and run it, and let tau press work go to pieces, renaroless of tbe
vote of the convention. But of course I Mould not think of doing

Now then, as the convention voted on makinw Progress a

monthly, provided we could raise the money f“or it, we set about to
see bow many subscriytions we could get at twenty-five cents, to
plan a little about advertisin , etc. The Oreron campaign came on,
and we concluded not to no anything further in tbe wetter until fall,
thinkins that of course at tbe close of tbe camgaign we would lave

a business COflmittee meeting. Instead of this, Miss Slaw writes to
Mrs.Babcock to five up the press work and send all the stuff to
Headquarters the First 0? July; several of you speak to Mrs.Boyer
about coming to Keadqarters to no tbe press work, and Miss Gordon

fairly enmanes her. In the meantime, things “ave developed with

Elizabeth and myself. Our families are nrowinw older. Elizabeth

has had a great deal of sickness in ber family ttis year; Her father
has lardening of tbe arteries, and may never be real well; be bas
lived a long and useful life, working very bard; bevfiotber is very
much broken by the recent death of a younger sister, and is not at
all strong; Elizabeth, as you know, is a bundle of nerves--~ not
nervous prostration kind, but real live nerves, without any fool-
ishness at all--- she has grown thinner and thinner and tbinner,
until it breaks my heart to look at her; sbe does not say anything,
but I feel that on the least provocation sbe might go all to pieces
and have to give up the work, or at least take a long rest.

You know exactly how I am situated. Father is almost entirely well

as far as his paralysis is concerned; when alone with me he talks as



plainly and as well (esyecielly in the early part of t7e day) as
before his illness, but be will be eighty-tbree years old on Sun~
day next, and is liab e to have a return or his trouble at any true.
The consequence is that I am never many hours out of his sight, and
seldom leave him with anyone but Hr.Upton. I go to the onice be-
cause mr.Upton is in the house part of tbe day, but we never leave
him at night, as ueitbcr of us cares to go out without tie otter.
I "ave n very inefficient young girl, end do not seem to be able to
get a better one. NOW then, if somethinn should come to Father
at the same time ttat something comes to Elizabeth, or i9 I should
be more strained ttan I appear to be---to all annearances I am per-
fectly well-—-, if Elizabeth should vo to pieces witb all sbe bas
had to endure, both mentally and pbvsically, wtat would become of
the machinery of tIe Assooiation? l ‘ave t tréct
Now Miss Reilly, who was with Miss Shaw all last winter,


came to Leadquarusrs, as you know, to Pelt us out tbrounb tVe summer,

so mucb extra work bavinc to be done tere on account of the absence

in the West of the majority of the National officers. She is an
unusually good stenograpber, fits right into the Headquarters, end
is one of us; in fact we wonder that we ever were without her, and
we don't know how we coulo get along without her now.

Elizabeth has a sister, Miss Winnie, two years older tken herself,

a most competent bookkeeper. After thinkinv the matter over, both
from our personal standpoint and from the standpoint of tbe Associa-
tion's good, Elizabeth and I earnestly feel that we must make con-

ditions at Headquarters a little safer for the security of the Asso-

ciation. I therefore wrote the Business Conmittee,eskinfi if tbey
. , /W¢£1
were Wllling to nave Elizabeth and Q edit Progress monthly and do a


certain anmxnt of the press work, with Miss hinnie Hauser to take
entire charge of the commercial gart of the orfice, lies Reilly and
flies Andmws Hoe etenorrs,hic work, and Kiss Ray to do the office
filing, PTOQress work, and all the necessary odd jobswkich teke
so much time and which a stenogrdgher cannot stop to do.

After taking a most careful calculation, and decidinv to
dismiss one of the stenorrephers we now have, we found we could
this arrangement, and the expense would he very little more,

than the Feadthters is costing now, ylus Mrs.dahcock's

When we came to look into Mrs.Bahcock's methods, we de-

Cided we could do the press work quite as well n, ,~ rec heen doing
it. I think she did sylendid work in the beginninr, hut I believe
now that conditions are very much changed we could do just as much,
less expensively and much more effi otively. For instance,“ s”e
night lave a list of twenty newspapers in a State to whom ste sent
little articles, and we do not know how many of them were yublished.
Now, hOWGVer, the his city dailies are paying so much more attention
to our cause; all the Hearst newspapers have regular colunnSdevoted
to suffrage; meny of the city papers have a Women's Page which no
longer consists of sleeve yetterns, barrel chairs, etc., hut real-
ly gives space to our question. HOW then, we can keep in touch with
those papers, furnishing them articles and information, and they

in turn will reach thousands and hundreds of thousands of readers,
while the papers of smaller places reach only a few hundreds. Then,
too, we rlan to discover, if pessible, the papers that are syndi-
cating SOme of our articles,- in other words, to go at it in an al-

together different way.

When we had this thoroughly planned, and felt we were do-

ing exactly tie right thing, word cane from Miss Shaw, Miss Gordon,


 and most of the Business Conwflttee, especiallf Kiss Tlackwell, that

we Can get firs.Boyer to cows to Peedquerters ye must “ave Fer.
firs. Boyer stogped off here for d few lours on her way frow Oregon,
snd.ve talked the matter over ith her. She does not know as yet
gbether she can acme or not; she seemed to think she could, and I
believe ere wants to ceme; but I rather think wlen she vets rome
and consults Er.Boyer s16 will find are cannot. However, in case
sVe doe. acme, she is not 00minr to Veadquarters to relieve flies
Veuser end me,nor to do the thing which we feel is all imyortant,
but is coming to add another department on an elaborate scale.
In other words, instead of relieving us end helpinn to let down the
strain a little bit so that if either of us wanted to be away for
a half-day with.a little comfort, t'is arrangement will make it
much harder for us.

Now do not understand for a moment that I do not

Hrs.Boyer at Headquarters. I cannot think of anythinn pleasanter
than to have her here in charge of the press work and Progress.
It would be magnificent! But we hare made a calculation, and as
she now makes, without any errort, $100. a month at home, she surely
would not come here for less; and as she will *ave to have a clerk of
her own, and the expense will be about the same for pestage, etc.,
we cannot make this new department cost the Association any less
than $2500. a year.

We have exrausted all the funds which were in the general

treasury; we have also used up a large part of our interest-bearing

money;- in other words, at this date (I am dictating this at home,in

the evening,and have not the books with me,but am makiny the state—



went from memory) about f5,000 at interest, and no otter money.

Of course if tbe Business Conmflttee voted to rave
Mrs.B0yer come, and they feel we can afford to do it, I shall try
my best to do what seeds right; but somehow I fairly tremble at the
thought of doing this, because it just seems as thougb I cannot have
one more office burden added to what I alreeoy bear; neither do I
feel that we ought to incur any such expense at this time.
I worked nearly all tbs forenoon on Oklahoma, trying to plan for
wks.Biggers and to decide what was best for tbe future, and it did
seem to be perfectly awful for us to start out on any elaborate
press work COSting as much as this will,wnen :e bave a chance in

This is a long letter, I have tried to make it concise,

but I wanted you to have the details before sending out my F.C.
letter which will go soon after I hear definitely from Mrs.Boyer.

I left several letters on my desk from you when I owns
away from the office, which I will look over to-morrow and answer.

I am much concerned about Miss Shaw's affeirs,sbe went
away so burriedly,snd I had not seen her for so long and had no
communication from her in regard to the work, tlat I am afraid tlings

will go cries-cross. hen,too,Miss Gordon is not to return until
December,whicb will leave a good deal of the ante-convention work in

my hands.

I hope this letter will not seem to be a compleint,for I
do not mean it so. I think the younn women in my office feel that the
Association does not realize how much we do all the time,but somehow
I never expect them to realize it. You know how much we used to do,
and we are now doing nearly twice the amount of work we did then.

At that time there were four of us regularly,snd now there are six,
und we are busy every minute.

Cordially yours


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street. Rochester. N. Y.

7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Pa. Recording Secretary, AL1CE STONE BLACKwELL, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass
. Treasurer. HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren. Ohio.
V1ce President at Large. FLORENCE KELLEY,
105 East 22nd Street. New York City. AuditorS' {LAURA CLAY, Lexington. K.
‘ DR ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS. 375 East 12th St, N., Portland, Ore.

Corresponding Secretary, KATE M. GORDON,
1800 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La. Chairman Press Committee. ELNORA M.,BABCOCK. Dunkirk. N. Y.







 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street, Rochester. N. Y.

President. REv. ANNA HOWARD SHAW. Recording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass

7443 Devon Street. Mt. Airy. Philadelphia. Pa. T H
Vice President at Large. FLORENCE KELLEY, reasurer, ARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren, Ohio.
105 East 22nd Street. New York City. Auditors' {LAURA CLAY. Lexington, Ky.
' DR. ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS. 375 East 12th St., N., Portland, Ore.

Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON,

1800 Prytania Street, New Orleans. La. Chairman Press Committee. ELNORA M. BABCOCK, Dunkirk. N. Y.




 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony. Corresponding Secrclary, Kate M. Cordon,
l7 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y. IBOO Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.

Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, «err-r Recording Secrclary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Street, Boston. Mass.
7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Pa. @§%m‘§ Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

Vice Presiden! (11 Large, Florence Kelley. ‘ ‘ Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky.
l05 East 22nd Street, New York City. Audrlars W Dr‘ Annice F. Jeflreys. Portland, Ore


Warren, Ohio, July 7, 1906.
Dear Miee Clay:

i received your long letters of July 5th on the 5th. I

wrote you a very long letter last night at home and this morning, as

I am at my desk I am reading your letters again.

I think your vote on the Joy «04 business is right. I an
glad you feel as you do about the Eddy picture and I want to thank
you fo your careful consideration of the question of Mrs. Boyer and
{eadquarters matters. I always appreciate your tender, just treaunent
of :3 pert of the work. I am also glad to notice in your aiiitional
letter that you say you think I have done splencinl; in the management

of the funds.

not think there will be any trouble about investing


reworteug‘ here. I will attend to it on Monday.

appraised to high because if rir~'rninteu you.


Eaithfully yours,


 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony. Corresponding Secretary, Kate M. Gordon,

l7 Madison Street. Rochester. N. Y. l800 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.
Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.

7443 Devon Street. Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Pa.
Vice President a! Large, Florence Kelley.

l05 East 22nd Street. New York City.

.4; -: , Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass.
mg on gfix
"‘ 91 Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.
4 d‘ _ { Laura Clay, Lexinglon, Ky.
‘ u ”0"' Dr. Annice F. lettreys. Portland, Ore.



 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony, Corrcsponding Sccrela ry, Kate M. Gordon,
l7 Madison Street, Rochuler, N. Y. l800 Prylania Street. New Orleans, La.

Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. ‘ -’, Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
7443 Devon Street. MI. Airy. Philadelphia. Pa.

Vice Picsia'cnl a! Large, Florence Kelley.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.
Laura Clay, Lexington. K

. Y-
105 Em 22nd Slreel. New York City. Andria”: l Dr, Anmce F.1efheys. Portland, Ore.

NA’1‘1()NAL HE;\DQ('ARTERS. ‘V;\RR]‘JN. 01110.



 . ‘52. x .








 National American Woman Suffrage Association

I‘lonarary Presirlcnl, Susan B, Anthony, ‘ Corresponding Sacrclary, Kai: M. Gordon,
17 Madison Street, Rochester, Ni Y. 1800 Prylama Strcel. New Orlzans. La.
Presidcnl, Rcv. Anna Howard Shaw. _ _ , Recording Sacrclary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
L P d L 7443 Dcvon Slrcel. ML Any. Philadelphia. Pa. ‘z‘l a . Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.
Iice resi en! (I! urge. Florence Kelley. . z ( ' K .
105 East 22nd Sum. New York Ciw. Anew“ ‘5 ijiiiigalye' £51133? Poyniand om.


Warren Okic July l3 lOOS.
} 7 ’


You will be gettinu plenty of letters fron me these days
am sure and I on not troubled over the Oklahmna situation; I roan
vow tksi.l am not rattled over it, but I an rather troubled about
‘ " 5hings. hrs. P'f are, however, has recc Ted ny instructions
a secretary and 5’ t» vork with great pleasure and I have
her that no matter what comes she is to say to everybody
stands at the head. of the if I have told her
she must say that outside; i: she wanted to ay to herself that
- was not fit and all that, she could do so, but she must know
that we were right back of her. Whatever may have been the history
f State ri “ts in the past 't is demonstrated all the time now that
in the West ” i in the If t there is a great deal of feeling abOut it
and surely when it comes 0 t ~ question of Oklahoma this feeling will
prevail even more strongly. lrs. Kelley thinks we ought to s,nd a
Colorado woman to assist Hrs. Biggers when the proper time canes.
I am looking about for soreone, but have made ‘p my mind not to send
Miss Gregg, for several reasons, the princip reason being that
Mrs. Woodworth must be kept out of the campaign.





However, I started to write this letter to ask you if you
would be willing to write letters to certain people in Oklahoma,
provided I gave you the names and you erployed a clerk for dictation.
Mrs. Biggers saws that the prohibition question and the Labor question
and nany other questions are going to work parcl; for us and partly
against us, but that the worst thing they have to battle against is
the Southern sentiment, which is so opposed to us. I have written
her to send me the names of some of the prominen+ Southerners,
together with any infornation she may'haye in regard to them and that
you will write a letter to each one of these. If there is any special
bit of literature in the office Which you think would be good for them
let us know and we will send it to you. Then I am writing Miss Gordon
to the same effect and she will frame a letter-for us to copy and in
about a week from the time your letter reaches than the Gordon letter
will reach them. I think that a letter from a " Clay " will do a great
deal of good. I know this is quite a burden to put upon you and I
would gladly write such letters and sign your name and Miss Gordon's,
but I cannot see the question, as you know, from the Southerner's
point of View and the result would be just the same as When men try to
do things for women. They mean all right, but they have not experienced
the real thing.

I went to Ashtabula the other night to form a suffrage
club. We are beginning work in our part of Ohio, and I was astonished
to find nearly a whole audience who were willing to Sign enrollment
cards, but not willing to do active work. I began organization for
an adjourned meeting, at which we will organize either a working or
a nominal club. I t ink it will probably be a working club, with



as:».ocir—.ate linembers. I know you would want to know this because
we cey‘talnly have got to follow the new methods. By the way, last
year we advised the doing away with county organizations in Ohio
because it complicated the machinery and this year I am going to
ins‘st upon it.

How I wish you could be here for a little while. I am
starting negotiations with Mrs. Boyer about press work. I think she
would probably come but she seems to want to denaand a solar; entirely
out of our reach. -»Tliis is just between you and me. When Miss Shaw
first talked of her coming to Headquarters she said that Mrs. Boyer
earned $360. a month by china paintirw. When Mrs. Boyer started
to go to Oregon she said she wanted. ’75. a month because tl-xat was
“at she made with her china painting. When she was here t»e other
day she said she could make easily $80. a month in her own home; now
she has written me saying; she wants $120. a month. Mrs. Babcocl;. had
a, salary of either $40. or $50. and tnat makes Mrs. Boyer afling for
nearly three times as much as Mrs. Ba‘ccock received. We haven't
a cent in the general treasury and with all the extra work coming
from Miss Gordon and Miss Shaw, on account of their absence, we have
got to have some relief for ourselves and I do not see how in the world
we can pay any such salary as this. I have written Mrs. Boyer a long,
frank letter and as soon as I hear from her I will report the same
to the Business Committee.

How I would like to tell you hundreds of things which are
in the office this very ay, but I cannot take another minute.

Te ‘0 der ly your s ,

mm, W ivy/2V Wflw


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTHONY. 17 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

President, REV. ANNA HOWARD SHAW, w . a
74-43 Devon Street, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia, Pa. Recording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELLr 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass

Treasurer. HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren, Ohio.

105 East 22nd Street, New York City. {ILDAURA CLAY, Lexington, Ky.
.A , _ .. -, " .
Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON. R NNICE JEFFREY MYERS 375 Fast 12th St N Poiiiand, Ore
1800 Pryiania Street, New Orleans, La. Chairman Press Committee. ELNoRA M. BABCOCK, Dunkirk, N. Y.

Vice President at Large, FLORENCE KELLEY,

fidflfifl -






 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

744-3 Devon Street. Mt. Airy. Philadelphia, Pa.

Vice President at Large, FLORENCE KELLEY,
105 East 22nd Street. New York City.

Corresponding Secretary, KATE M. GORDON,
1800 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.

Recording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass
Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren. Ohio.

. , LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Ky.
Auditors. {Din ANNlCE JEFFREY MYERS, 375 East i2th St., N., Portland, Ore.

Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABCOCK, Dunkirk, N. Y.





 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street, Rochester. N. Y.


7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia. Pa.

Vice President a! Large, FLORENCE KELLEY,

105 East 22nd Street, New York City}

Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON.


1800 Prytania Street. New Orleans, La.

Recording Secretary. ALICE STONE BLACicwELL, 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass
Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTDN. Warren. Ohio.

. _ LAURA CLAY. Lexington. Ky.
Auditors ‘ {D1}. ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS. 375 East 12th St., N., Portland, Ore.

Chairman Press Committee. ELNORA M. BABCOCK. Dunkirk, N. Y.


I shall





 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y.

7443 Devon Street. Mt. Airy. Philadelphia, Pa.

Vice President at Large, FLORENCE KELLEY,
105 East 22nd Street, New York City.

Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON,
1800 Prytania Street. New Orleans. La.

Recording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, 3 Park Sireet, Bosion, Mass
Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren, Ohio.

. , LAURA CLAY. Lexington, Ky.
Auditors ' {DR- ANNICE JEFFREY MYERS, 375 East 12th St, N.. Portland. Ore.

Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABCOCK, Dunkirk, N. Y.




 National American Woman Suffrage Association



Honorary Presidenl, Susan B. Anlhony, Corresponding Secrelary, Kale M. Gordon,
17 Madison Slreel, Rochester, N. Y. I800 Prylania Street. New Orleans. La.

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. _4 TAD Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Slreet, Boston, Mass.
7443 Devon Street. ML Airy, Philadelphia. Pa. WW Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton Warren Ohio
2 ' ' ‘

Vice President a! Large, Florence Kelley. Laura Clay, Lexington. Ky.
I05 Easl 22nd Street, New York City. Audi/om " { Dr. Annice F. Jeflreys. Portland, Ore.

July 14/19