xt70rx937t9n_89 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4.dao.xml unknown 13.63 Cubic Feet 34 boxes, 2 folders, 3 items In safe - drawer 3 archival material 46m4 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Laura Clay papers Temperance. Women -- Political activity -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- Kentucky. Women's rights -- United States -- History. Women -- Suffrage -- Kentucky. Women -- Suffrage -- United States. Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton text Laura Clay correspondence with Harriet Taylor Upton 2020 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx937t9n/data/46m4/Box_5/Folder_4/Multipage3878.pdf 1906 August 1906 1906 August section false xt70rx937t9n_89 xt70rx937t9n 113%“


 33.32111 5713 . ,

my dear Lrs.Upton,


have receive
quire answering. won for the "Olillele

60118.1 latter. It is very hard: to 11.?8:e 1:0 bear 1811.01:- :1

think, judging from your le iLer calling me 3:38.

more, that you are mistaken in L1hi1 ian3

WOWlfi not have the same things to Leer,

lexae etly to please yaus Shen.fio do not

frettei in Luis way.

I an in receipt of letL3~ £301 913

Memorial, which 1 an a little deuhtful how to answer.
to Lake any par“ in any pro Jest, Lhfi eegeeielly do net like Eihfiri,

help, until our gueinees Com. has 5"“
“he-Li; 510 you int-end Le 3’10 abet-1'11 8.1311113 e0r1‘“1b“7‘3:"‘

for that fiemorial?

Do not forget to look out for

I hope 31 settle the

Bruce legacy.

it when 1n

will write about i
Eove to all in Lge office, ineluu'

Cordially yours,


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony. Corresponding Secrelary, Kate M. Gordon

l7 Madison Street, Rochester. N. Y. ISOO Prytania Street New Orleans. La.
President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. 4453mm Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Street. Boston. Mass.

7443 Devon Street, Mt, Airy, Philadelphia. Pa. (waw
Vice President a! Large, Florence Kelley. 5 Laura Clay Lexington Ky

”)5 East 22nd Street. New York Cilyt . Audrtors I Dr. Annlce F. Jeflreys. Portland. Ore.

2 Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren Ohio.


Warren, Ohio, Aug. lst, 1906.

vs -.», .2 . like the pre

I me at; how things which no; .. :“ eoided upon.

letter file 1‘ < ....er day and ' , "cu said if I

you would drop your work mi cos I read on 9nd saw that you

w are fixing your house and V638 3 . ‘ and. gare up the idea of sending
for you.

com 5 from Miss Sin av toniay timt she will sail somewhat
earlier than (3 - "ewe" ma wilI leave there the 23rd. I shall be
gtai oi‘ this She quite disapproves of my navin: neloed out lirs.

L) "“'

Biggers with ' little clerk hire my: seq/s more is no use of being, in
such a hurry about the organization. She 8.1.30 does not like it

bet; 19:»? Miss- Gordon proposes to stand behind Miss Posse financially.
However, I do not think that she knows that the Oregon women went

back on their agreement to raise the money. Anyway, I am not
going; to w.~.ite her any more about it ntil she gets home mi than will
see her. Of ooors e none of th e ouostirw of which she talks need

to be settled now b :1 tie-mm people who are going to work in September
Want; to know it now.

However, i did not start to wri to you a general lettwual, " out
I wanted to tell ytm that Miss Gregg, or her Way home from Ore 3w
step-incl at Mrs. Marble’s and Mrs. Marble writes that 836- 3:1 ad 3-.
splendid visit with her. Nowltlrs. Marble waits to engage Miss Gregg
for organization during the mot-1th 01" October, mi: N 15:; Gr -gr; sayss she
does not wad-1t to promise that time to Nebraska unless the 3.1313183
Committee are willing. Now it seems, from what I can learn from the
Business Committee letters, that the majority of us :3: ink if it is
possible we would ~ite‘arter have some woman from the enfranohised states
to'help out in Oklahoma. That really gives Colt rain the preference
over Dr. Woods and. Miss Gregg. When it comes to a choice between
Miss sGregg and Dr. Woods I think the mljority of us think it is wiser
to have Dr. Woods go to Oklal‘xoma becaurzs 01'" Mrs. Woodworth. I have
therefore written Mrs. "Larble and. also Miss Gregg. I have told Mrs.
Marble if she 3.3103113.) Gregg can come to any termt for an organizing
trip f0? OCtOOeT toe-y better make that sort of an arrang glent. Miss
Grego has been in the campaign and has learned a lot oi“ things and. I
think it woui d be very wise f"01 her to go back into general organi—
zation work :or a lit le time. Then too, she is very fond of Mrs.


 L. C.)

Young nnd.Mre. Karble and I think it would be good for her.
told Mrs. Marble flnfi;Mien Shaw you an& I compose the sub—commitfiee
of fihe Business Conmfittee on Organization and that I am giVing her
my opiniez. That if you do not object to this she will not hear
from you, but if you think ih is not Wise to let Rise Gregg go for
October you are to write her, Mrs. Amanda J. Marble, Table Rock, Neb.,
so that she will ve+ it by August 6th. I amzvery glad to haNe Mrs.
Marble make this preposition because we will not have to appear to.be
upfifising between Dr. Wbods andluiss Gregg. Both.of them are good
v' and good workers and of coure all "~

of do are more or less
J sensitive.


Cordially ycurs,




' :7 Oklahoma.

' a




 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTHONY, 17 Madison Street. Rochester, N. Y.

7443 Devon Streer, Mt Airy. Philadelphla, Pa. ecording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWELL, 3 Park Street, Boston. Mass
Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON, Warren, Ohio.
Vice President at Large. FLORENCE KELLEY,

105 East 22nd Street. New York City. Auditors . {LAURA CLAY, Lexington, Ky.
' DR ANNXCE JEFFREY MYERS. 375 East 12th St. N., Portland, Ore.
Corresponding Secretary. KATE M. GORDON,

1800 Prytania Streer, New Orleans. La. Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABCOCK. Dunkirk. N. Y.


Deer Member of the Fu;i1.c;s Lonmi' v68;”
5 Shaw has sent a let her to Hean :28 which she asks Miss

Reilly to copy and send cui :ur her. It :ontains a number of votes. When
Mics Ffiam was in Europe before I did not send her any w01i .i ate off
business at all, but this time I know ”0 lgtrle axon: the Oregon matter

as if I ;.. .}.;'g7 3" z " other directions, 80 at firrt E
send SOmfi of the Busineas cm .mifiteel ettcrs. Her lefber,therefore, fie
reply to some of those, 121‘.
happenwd f2 E: me.r time.

Highers we ;.i.q L? .L:» ' 1 r‘,' was received

had '6 3v ve‘ the Mlan &c. I think maybe SB Show knew of

But several da gs la‘. er maybe a week, Err. Fihrers wrote me in great

1 A r. H...

Sn a-" H e nan car alt ly read the
her to cartr

made Pr re? ident of the State Asso-

bhe understanding that shexvas to be more or less of a

figurehead. She says she is .holly un115ed to that kind of work, knews nothing
‘Jfi and organized work and, although she was doing her owu work
and has very delicate mini; she would be willing to sacrifice a good deal
if she felt that she could. She was very earnest about this and I remember—
then that whatrshe said about the Presidency was 5.3i. In order to

.. 1 L . z; , _ ' -
encqrabe 4&3 I eLfered her, after you had voted upon.1t, $5 00 a wear for

'3 ,. .
Clfifh nlre and hadr oer begin in a very much'=mvi"” way. This seemed to en-

courage her and she ‘as Joni no work very well I thin . What Miss Shaw says

about the State of Oklahoma paying the bill for thin 016£1me1 service is true


but what yeople 011511 to do 53.11;": 1:11.31. they ”re two different things. I
am stat ing, this because it, may throw some l.‘ .31 on the lei/1:13.21. To me the
1302* im: o‘r‘+ 2371+ thing in Oklahoma 13 the WC": .1" questioning, the candidates
‘ Evert}. meent ion after the dietricting has been M :1; when
2% announce themselves. If We mi; My one kind. of work,
cerss‘fifr-g':hue/1 eomenhion with our forces or question
candidzxtes, I would think .L fer wiser +0 mes-110:1 the ca miigiitee bee
if We have not some sort of pledges: “Evert these candidates be for e the election.
we will have 1. 01.1.1115; w'imnever to pin to during, the cometit11t.i.r_‘1m.l convention.
The n will! 11:: go there, make our 3;: 3(361 es and {,0 home. Then to my mind,
the WC? km: who is to {3.10 to 011111103113, provided we so vote, the

her, to stay :1 t 13 6th. of I‘J'O‘Lnemfw-z' , 1:11et he chOBen with greet; care and.

that sort of“ -1': 1115, met. be well done. Miss Shaw also says mm in her

letter that she under-5.1111115 Fires 311141.231: does not care whether it is Miss
Gregg. raw-Tr. ‘S'oods. Mrs. Biggers did 1; {,1 so, but, later she 53.35 15.31.19 feels

she ou’t ht to speak the truthand so she re. 5‘ . T’oods, v1-0 because

oi Mr s. Woodwortlz, The .,-. ‘. . 3:15 very well.
Miss Shaw also 13-9.:1195 8-16 1311111115 it wise for we not to be hav—
"u " enmmunicetiou with Mrs. Woodworth or take her into coneicie-etl0n at
The Headquarters has never had huh; (we. letter from Mrs. Woodworth since
she left Ore—.5011 end Lhat was about. the time fies Shaw went away, and. ‘13.. re
have been no letters page inf; Between us.

Mist Shaw 91:20 does not, know the latest in regard to Oregon. It

seer-‘5 that after the Oregon women had pledged, fly" we}: to raise Miss
I-‘ease s salary, a mis underst: andi b +0037 pyvace in an open meeting; which resulted
the;..e1 .om en withdrawing these pledges.
We he ve 1111-112“; ' ”ted on Mrs. Biggers $5 00 clerkship, 1311+ .11, might

be hast as well to vot 6 again after readmg Miss Shaw 9 letter.

00“” 11y Mrwmiuy/ZW Diff/Z034


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary Presidenl, Susan B. Anthony, Corresponding Secretary, Kate M. Gordon,
l7 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y. 1800 Prytania Street. New Orleans, La.

Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, ,.. a, , Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
7443 Devon Street. ML Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. flw Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.

Vice Presidcn! a! Large, Florence Kelley. 2 ~, - Laura Clay Lexington Ky.
105 Em 22nd Street, New York City. Audilw = l Dr. Annice'F. Jeflreys.’PonIand, Ore.


Aug. 3 ,1906 .

Dear Nissc lay,

'\ L

Since dictatir -_ the enclosed J‘s-LL81", the post man has come in


with your vote g. Hale-=21 Pond .Lndall money, and. I an replying to your
immediately, because you weak on the {‘mthon;I . ':i1'. Thereby
was dying, or in a very few hours after


fiend. Miss Mary Anthony, Mrs. Gannett and. z \ mmedia‘bely

r V ! . ' ~ ‘7... I V ' -
‘b};[:»m;ht it would he 9. very nloe thing to have a woman b Hullllflg

erected inEochesber in memory of Aunt Susan. I think, as Mrs. Garment. was
a local person, , -' 1‘ -ed this and rather led Aunt Mary and Miss
Show on. However, , y w '3“: .r: was hardly buried; liei‘aire the announcement
was made that the friends p .. .‘ going tobuild a, memorial of
nature. Hrs. Gannett is; a. lovel;y years n, enthusiastic and fill that sort
thing, and Miss Shaw naturally w as led away .33," it. As soon as I learned.

it, I felt verv noel“. harwmbled. I thought the memor in]. to Miss Anthmly should

be determined more calmly. But Mrs. Gannetfi, with her (3115.011. business sense
immediately made her orgmzirzsfifion, secured prominent women in theU nited

182‘ committee by giving out the information that this movement. was

enclorsed by Miss Anthony and flies Lhaw, which it. was. Right away 01; 1er
parts of {216* oountr y wished to have memorials to Miss Anhhong, 3215 1' was
asked to be Treasurer of two or three of the .5 I tried to get Miss Shaw and
the people in the Oregon l“:.m3..gn to give me some idea of what to do, but
of umzzzfse they could not. .=_ at. their minds off the terrifi: b‘ilfiineBF they were
in, ami so I kept writing to people telling; them when the campaign was over

we would hats '» - ‘iness Committee meeting and doc ide the matter“ Then you


 ”this; and. when I asked Miss Shaw show it, she said the-TC
was. plenty of time to b ‘ 't in the £9.11. Now I hex-"e been able to
quiet two or * 0f the onganinatjone until after our business meeting,
bu. this Rochester business has gone right on and *;31,L:‘r=. is hardly a. d,“
that some of the State Preside: i: do notwrite me asking whether or no
they shall cozsfiribute and. allow their Clubs to contribute to the fund. In
the meantime, Mise Gordon has gotten the idea, :1" the memorial fund for can,


paign prosecution and tl:«‘~ national Council has gotten the idea of rebuyim;

the twists: of Wise Johneorx for the Capitol 'nd all of them are going to de—-


tend upon the suffragiste "(W 1:352:63“. I love Hrs. Gannett so much and think
.31“ husband is one of 1‘1'atur-e'5 noblemen, but on the other hand, the States
have hard time to pu-l along with their own work and if each member of the
Velnfl to be asked to give a. dollar for this fund, it 12:53.“ cut
into our resources greatly. * ‘ f ' that “Liv:- peoile who are to have
charge of the memorials would. try to get their money from other sources bee
udei: our Lt 1e inner band. I do not know whether they; have written to the.
O-.,io Clubs or not, but if I learn they have, I shall ask the local clubs not

to contribute to Aese funds at present. W o, are trgiw


to do some organi-w
Zing work in the state and we are 1.;crji‘ectly streamed for money. Of
course 31' on knot: what is heat to _do for Kentuclqr.

a, ran ‘ on me yesterday with a. $2000 investment. He

in a few days whether he will want the money.

atyou s end your love to all in the offl. use zmrl the girls:

are always {glad to hear from you.


”2111;; your-e ,

V er};


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary Presidenl, Susan B. Anthony, .- Corresponding Sccrelary, Kate M. Gordon,
l7 Madison Street. Rochester, N. Y‘ l800 Prytania Slreet. New Orleans, La.
Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. figmi Recording Secrelary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
7443 Devon Street, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Qfi’

Vice Presidcnl a! Large, Florence Kelley. . { Laura Clay, Lexington. Ky.
l05 East 22nd Slrccl, New York City. Audrlors ‘ l Dr. Annicc F. Jeffrey’s. Portland, Ore.

Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren, Ohio.

Nr\'l‘I()Nr\L IIICADQI'A R'l‘ERS. \VARRI‘IN. ()lll().

-—L :-;1:-r,-:
Jab Lil/lau’»

.L Licxu ! 5-; up” WVJA‘JIL Ul ‘~,I,\..LL‘.L. Us:

J _ " 3 ,_ .,,‘V , . ‘7‘ 7‘ ._.,_, '. ‘ .1. 3'...‘ .g
mechQ .Ln, .' Gr-xnltu'fi U'K; lmmu “mum“;

“—11 r“: -'. .7 ..,V,._. .1. - . . -.1,'.‘ r .1. 1,».
wall , :MLL. 14:94:! 613.; ‘ 1",: no (Ivy! .L M) 1’10 l: Alma!

CUBS,” Wi' some: out; " '~:.1:"'=IJ?3«.V; ’ em. lu-Lariciiflf' éflv’elfi’ 311-.3r:“=v‘


Lflat ulrection.

"014,513.55: 3.30 -L IUC‘LC’ ll} USU? (1} U,"C.l.l7b‘lli)llll751 11'?)ch

Ingresented the lyporraprical Juion, was
at file court EOUSe in Chickasha wfien cerfiain

were up, and 1”e Sfoke in favor of


initiative 5 neferendum and also for an einht—huur a
all‘work done under tWe ulrecuion of bk: State. As the
national TryofiraLFical Onion Wad enuorsed our Suffrage Question:

.5 ihe uo—operahion hetween the 7armers‘ Alliance and Lulun
Labor in the twig rr”turies is going to make a great deal 0‘
Terence in our afiirs there, I brought 1% nuula be wise

someone who knew fir.Beavers tdlk with him and sec wrere

Of course I exfecteu he would he a suffragist.

have such soliu sense in reaara to all 'Z‘~‘ ‘Viva and she

writes me anal Mr.5eavers is very much opposed to suffrage, that he
came frow Arkansas, anu that the family all the way through is
opposed. fine says it woula do no Coon at all fur the 10031 suf-
fragists no see him, and it has occurred to me twat you might write

11m a nofie, enclosiny the resolution which the International Typo~


{repricel onion endorsed (I Snell send you copy), and reason a
little with him Prom tre southern stendyoint.

GoVernor Frcntz, or Uklerome, were a speecn the otPer

cay, and 32 did talk so silly about women! Uh, it just Aauseetes

me! i *2 ked about our heinr annals, not meant to mingle with
tre human, and all twat kinn of stuff! It is pretty hard to be
yetient all tre time, isn‘t it?

nrs. Biggers' letter wricr I received ttis morning is
very, very encouraging. I no not mean now as to the result of
tee work there, hut ste seems so willing to talk matters over and
to act Where she can and as she can. Mrs.Bailey, their press
worker, who has been dormant for sons time, t s recently picked u.
and is writinfi some for tfie papers Perself. Really I think there
is a chance for good work out there, and as it looks as if the
Initiative a Referendum would go tkrough, it behooves us to yut up
as strong a campaign as yossible I tlink, because if we do not win
now we may a little later under the initiative & Referendum.
Yesterday we made calculations as to how much it would cost to rave
Dr.Woods go the 1st of September, Hrs.Heredith NOvemher 7, and
Miss Shaw and some Colorado women before the Constitutional Conven-
tion, and I think we could do it all for about fl,OOO.

I am sorry Kiss Shaw does not approve of my offlerinfl to
help Mrs.Bi;gers with the clerk hire; but I think it was a food
thinfi to do. It encourea d her, and now she is not askinr for
the money, but says she is savinf it. I do not think ’here is a
particle of use trying to run a cwnpaign in a State, unless tke

local people are willing to help a good deal, ant I would rather


 Hational peoyle to



7.; *1: . ~1
yonebt aha


.sy or a

food dea

:0 in and no tye work.

National press work 15 cominr on

faacinated with it.

Uordially fours



more, For our



 National American Woman Suffrage Association



Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony.

l7 Madison Street, Rochester. N. Y.
Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.

7443 Devon Street. ML Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.
Vice President a! Large, Florence Kelley.

11' {La u ra Clay. Lexington Ky.
105 East 22nd Street. New York City. A" (Ion: Dr. Anmce F Jeflreys. Portland. Ore.

Curresnondr’ng Secrelaru. Kale M. Gordon.

1800 Prytania Street. New Orleans. La.
Recording Secrclarg, Alice Slone Blackwell. 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass.
Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren Ohio.


A16. 3,1906.

1 have been h'w'mg quite axilaxteuded torres‘eonu 1-, v.1 th :1 vex}.r

11+. woman, Mrs. L.C. Hill of Hills Prairie, Texas, and I find that she

a suffragtst all her life and, 3.0115 .25: , wroue articles for the Dam

pers and is] (31.31110 enthusiastic. I have asked her to become 01.1.3“

chairman for 1. er town and I think she will If you have time: and Gamblease

v.11“. be her 0 letter, telling her that re1'10roed to you that I had had

onw‘respondence mth me}? .nd that you re so to Ant-re the woxnen

‘ "‘8an waking up, as they sewn to he in different .. 131.1","15 I know that

a lett . from you to a yer-eon like 63‘ will do a. good deal of good. She

lives 1.: a country mansion built. by her 1111313:1:1d'::~' trike-3‘ when he

located a home there in 1885, so she 30111531191311 through and through


Dear, dear? 113311 121:"; 71055 ibilitjes do Open up all the time. I am in Christ.-

mas frame of mind all 5-46 time nearly over 1.11: 107311, unless I get too tired,

and then I hams. a 613131 1‘5 Mr» bristmas feeling.

I meant. to say that. 111‘s. Hi3} 113:1: zontribumdf o the Galveston

.ijS n

Ver3 tr yo 111‘ s,



 ISI H.Hill St., Lexington,
Aug.4th, 1906.
My deer firs. Upton,

L Today Ireoeived your letters of Aué.lst, and the cepy
of Miss Shaw's letter. It seems it is not necessery to answer hers today,
so I shall defer it a short time, except to say that I shall certainly vote
again to give clerk hire to firs.Biggers. It seems to me the safest ans
cheapest way we can get that necessary preliminary work done, and insures
our always having a competent and interested person to keep us in touch
with what is going on.>

I am glad to have Mrs. signers oecide for us between Miss Gregg and
fir.Woods. You know T think Miss Gregg a valuable women, and do not wish to
fiisoredit her usefulness to us; but whether she is able to shake off firs.
Woodworth as much as she ought, I so not know. It is just as well to let
Dr.Woods~try her hand; and indeed I think Er. Woods has a larger knowledge
of the world. Therefore I shall not write to Mrs. Marble, and you have told
her then gives my consent to Miss Gregg's staying in Eebraska for awhile.
I am fleeeed with Miss Gregg’s loyalty in waiting to hear from Headquar-.
ters before making'en engagement.

Dr.$ooas. In the same way I an pleased with Er.toodsl inquiry. In her
case I think it not Wise to consent to her making another engagement. I do,
not believe anything can be properly done.in Oklahoma with a very Snell f

force. Dr.fioods is the only one of whom we have definite knowledue that'
, 0

she can be in Oklahoma in September ana stay there as long as we need her.

Miss Meredith is valuable; so are others we hope te set. But we have not
. _ J


 yet got anybody except Ira ”Big ers, and we need some one to help her . I

therefore vote to send Dr. Kooas back to Oklahoma in September, and

oer go to work at once. I have written that I do not approve of put-

mork ‘: :EL ,33. oro campui n manager; therefore sending fir.

Woods back at ihis tima 33;. not i( hinfi us not £0 employ others in any
capacity we -hink best, isozrh i' ga. ? ¥. rn GXjresvion of our confidence

that her advice is value’ 2 4;; ,k ,, . “at“pv "e moot nofi forfet

tho: no had an enormouu J ’u- 35 Cregon aonc montas before e].eotfon, and

“gre W38 work enough 32; mrrf fikei exou¢5 for all of fhem. It ceria nly

now too much to Lgve 1J0 $333~sa I4 no? clerk anfl Tr.Woods to start

Soon as hue weather_

I notio d (HTJU ‘3 ‘ik t youhafl not the courase to pTOpOSB any
more work for me aftvr my you: 3‘ Izofion. I hope vou will not have an fears
about 330 Using any suffrage ' -L m ‘ ya . is one of the satisfactions of
my life 'aafi I could and did 3 . xufii n r_ I am foofi free, Without outies

thfit grovent my workixg a;T w*oi. in,the the cause to 5hinh I
1:111 the wt of‘fic‘bober. After
LO be au/o L WC” r. :3fnization in Kentucky, if my most use-
fui field Seems to Z. .; my.‘;\uu -, IO mnftrr there I am, suffrave work

will no my prinoiyaI occupation during 179 vintor,arfi I yhall he contenfi

..-' om», .., ” . .-.. ' ,._
vuleuiu11 .; .V. .3/.oz' ejflse. ‘3 10.



'lQV”G have a 903x 9” Jao figlt:1orm afinvenficn minutas sent to me. In

Love to all in one office, inoluTiw; yourself.
Always oorfllully gun:~

a.) '


 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary Presidenl, Susan B. Anthony. Corresponding Secrelary, Kate M. Gordon.
17 Madison Street. Rochuler, N. Y. l800 Prytania Slreet, New Orleans, La.

Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw. . 2: Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Street. Boston. Mass.
7443 Devon Skeet, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia, Pa. » ..

Vice President a! Large, F lorenoe Kelley. . Laura Clay Lexington, Ky
l05 Earl 22nd Street. New York City‘ Audrlors. l Dr. Annice F. Jeffrey's, Portland, Ore.

mags: 4/1905

Treasu rer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.


On July 16 Xian Faase wrote me a long letter, zivina a
gremfl de a1 6? informatien L1. r03:ard to fire SET said UUUU

flrg.Du:11wmy Uaé cold at Una (Ufa. U ) was wean” to stand at $39

head of UUU nexfi campa gn, that fiUe Uational could furnish money and

literafiura, but she was to Uavs the Uonor, ctharwiae sUe wculd kill
1%; that Urs.Duniway Ugoka at 13:33:: a racenfi Chautauqua meeting,
Una when she began the Prohibifiianists in the Undienae left the
hall, etc. ”'fifl Peaae make; a re;aor¢ Gf t'e qumzcr cf 39 tars she
has written, tha numk;ar of “txulelfi saw Uas want aufi,
done, all of ’ cU seams tn ma

“ea UPS ' UnsU «; U U811 UU firU.Uuniway3 UUU sycke u;
the suffrfifa day, 58 EA' ¢'“ ,3 a? ngf'undrea names; aha £130
Upnke on the W.U.T.?. day Una. rad a talk witU‘Uias Bellé EUarney,
an expressed Parcel! as leinU displeaaed wit? UUU aitituda Urs.Dun-
iway had takan, but when sUe learned frem Uiga Pemaa thafi Urs.D.
15 a free lance-wfiom we cannot central, Ufie UUid sfis thorcughly


understodd tfie aituafiion, becauga tley bad Just such geopla in i: air
society, and 33% wculd de all ska could.to keep the Uregon V.
in line for guffrage.

Uias Peaae says afia Uaa begun in ofganiae suffrage asso—
ai-tiona in tha a unties wfiere they have aaUBd far purmm mat 0r-
ganizationa. UUU sayg tkat Ut this ahUutauqua 353 did somé very good
work in film Mnthert' Congress and in the Grange; thafi Urs.Ualae,


ems Utate lacturer, Uaa yramiaed t0 T&i38 money for suffrage, and ts


, -

V 6



 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President, SUSAN B. ANTHONY. 17 Madison Street, Rochester. N. Y.

President. Rev ANNA HOWARD SHAW « R i .
7443 Devon Street Mt Airy. Philadelphia Pa . ecording Secretary, ALICE STONE BLACKWBLL, 3 Pan: Street, Boston, Mass

Vice President at Large, PEERENCEZIEESLEV, N Y k Ci iL C L i K
as! n treei. ew or ty. Auditors . AURA LAY, ex ngton, y.
‘ l . A , i . .. .
Corresponding Secretary KATE M. GORDON, DR NNICE JEFFREY MYERS 375 East 2th St , N Portland, Ore

800 Prytania Street New Orieans La. Chairman Press Committee, ELNORA M. BABCOCK, Dunkirk. N. Y.

Treasurer, HARRIET TAYLOR UPTON. Warren. Ohio.


August 4/1904

'i': 1 :3 ‘t

.1131]. ‘C‘vaft I would.

“Chi-ES, at C. ,
P315363 ' :5 s; r:.1u.1‘y


,»i’01‘t’iiTi j

treasury “Go fiii‘riish a.
CalBY‘ODi—‘t to ‘ . . ‘- "v' I " act upon my S'iLg‘TBStiOn,
“but says *‘ , ‘; .s. . <2. ‘ i‘reer salary, as i-iiss Gor-
er 3‘“ _ ~ .1. r ‘~'~.' \xr"*eri Wigs Siam» rating“? 5
mte ugor: it.
I aorta-ii 2'13; am in was t delicate jiikaitiOflJ
",v'r‘jflzterz ‘. i Peaise t} Eit I run] 19' lave no authority to «not in

matter, (LY-U yet I know site wrist have an (answer fr'uni sotrmozie,

izcli‘i "war I would be gorse 11211,," I’t‘.“iJO¥iSifile For for salary until


 Miss ll” 11'?» h ;3 mac nil ¢:.;;1 .' a Vbrself; also
l,r tTat ti: :‘nn Association acted as if they fore joiwfi

:he salary for lar; ~.r- Hui no way a” all of knowing

1'3” 7””S'Ih‘njfl“aYa 7”1£ *'~ ' -*r =, r ‘J ~l-SOY1iPCT _;.r fioilui

?m1t xxx i vvaexi +?2=


* -

TZ‘WiaY! advised :‘z-z' " ,. TC”. _ ,7 ‘ r: l “5.7:: (363';-

sewt out from

a“ C x t, H 7‘

V- (lg-VT, (w.
_,_-. m» ,M
L/ ‘ ‘,.' e a! ! Cb" ' 1

01-3;'0r‘ ‘30,qe!1

DO you


Will you kindly return the Oregon enclosures at your convenience?



 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary President. Susan B. Anthony, Corresponding Secretary, Kale M. Gordon.
l7 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y. 1800 Prytania Street, New Orleans, La.

President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, .‘ . I17 I Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
7443 Devon Sheet, Mt. Airy. Philadelphia. Pa. I‘gfl/ Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton. Warren. Ohio.

Vice Presidcnl a! Large, Florence Kelley. . Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky.
l05 East 22nd Street. New York City. Auditors " l Dr. Annice F. Jeffreys. Parkland. Ore.


u ,. l A
August n/loO6
Dear Liss Clay:—

9lao you feel

I was so gled to get your letter, and ’
as you do about Nrs.Biggers, ”iss fire 5 and Dr.Woods.

I note what you say about your suffrage work in future,
and I am so glad. If I eVor arain get in such a tight place as I
did last week, I shell certainl; telegrayh you. There is no use
for me ‘ g ** I; * 1 a strain.

I Eiz-we a nice letter from .:‘.T.iss Show this morning.
is much rested, and things look hriyhter and better

For sews reasons, I wish you wcro Pore now, especially

on account of the yress work. We are just gettini

f iUUO it,
is yerfectly fascinating! I know you would be pleased on go
principles, hut particularly because of t%e answers we
Southern editors. In many cases they send special messages,

and make suggestions, sOMe of whidh have been very rslpful. I am

goiNQ to send-you one or two, because thev need answering from your

We sant your copy of the Baltimore Minutes to your

Portland address, as we did not know yOu were in the field, aid
of course it was not forwarded. I am sending you a copy to-day.

We were all glad to get your lOVe, and everyoue in ihis

office always speaks kindly and tenderly of you. I shall write vou

more to-day, but this is in tmswer to your letter.

Coroially yours



 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary President, Susan B. Anthony, Corresponding Secretary, Kate M. Gordon.
17 Madison Su'cel. Rochester, N. Y.

I800 Prylania Street. New Orleans, La.
Presidenl, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw,

(3%! 1% Recording Secretary, Alice Slone Blackwell, 3 Park Street. Boston, Mass.
7443 DCVO“ Sheet, ML Airy, Philadelphia, Pa' Hugs”: Treasurer. Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren. Ohio.
Vice Presidenl a! Large, Florence Kelley.

A d' ‘ { Laura Clay, Lexington. Ky.
l05 Easl 22nd Street. New York City. 11 '10” ' Dr. Annice F. Jcflreys. Portland, Ore,



‘3 7"



 National American Woman Suffrage Association

Honorary Presidcnl, Susan B. Anthony, Corresponding Secretary, Kale M. Cordon,
l7 Madison Street, Rochester, N. Y. 1800 Prytania Street. New Orleans, La.

Presidenl, Rev‘ Anna Howard Show. Egg-3g Recording Secretary, Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Slreet, Boston, Mass.

7443 Devon Street. Ml. Ain'. Philadelphia. Pa- "72 ‘ Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren, Ohio.
Vice Presidcnl a! Large, Florence Kelley.

‘ _ { Laura Clay. Lexington. Ky.
l05 Easl 22nd Street. New York City. Auditors. Dr. Annice F. Jellreys, Portland, Ore,


‘ ,

r3 we



to drs.Boyer ana sunk

}{TIJ o ”R.


 National American Woman Suffrage Association


Honorary Presidcnl, Susan B. Anthony,

l7 Madison Street, Rocheslen N. Y.
President, Rev. Anna Howard Shaw.

7443 Devon Skeet, Mt. Airy, Philadelphia, Pa.
Vice Prcsiden! at Large, Florence Kelley.

J' { Laura Clay, Lexington, Ky.
l05 East 22nd Street, New York City. A” ([015: D1. Annice F. Jefireys, Portland, Ore.


Corresponding Secrelary, Kate M. Gordon.
~ , IGOO Prytania Street, New Orleans. La.
«.7, -: Recording Scctetary, Alice Stone Blackwell. 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass.
@fii‘fi" Egg.
& 2“" Treasurer, Harriet Taylor Upton, Warren. Ohio.






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