Minutes of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Ker~ucky, Wednesday, LMay 18, 1927.

     The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
University met at the President's office at 11:30 a. in., led-
nesday, May 18, 1927.   The members present were: Mr. R. C.
Stoll, Mr. Frank McKee, Senator H. M. Froman and Mra. Robert
G. Gordon.  Meeting with the Committee was President McVey
and Wellington Patrick, Secretary.

     The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as publish-

     1. Report of the Business Agent.   The report of the Busi-
ness Agent was approved and ordered received and filed.

     2, Plans for Recitation Building.   President MIcVey report-
ed that th-eoompete plans for a recitation building would be
received from the architects within a few days.   Motion was made,
seconded and carried authorizing the President, upon receipt of
the plans and specifications, to advertise for bide.

     3. Audit of University Accounts.   A motion was made, second-
ed and carried authorizing the President of the University to em-
ploy auditors to make an outside audit of the University's ac-

     4. General Education Board Matter.   President McVey report-
ed progress on the request of the University to the General Edu-
cation Board of New York City for an appropriation for a training
school building.   The following letter written by Judge R. C.
Stoll to the Gereral Education Board was approved by the Committee,