xt70rx93b851 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx93b851/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 199802 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 1998 text GLSO News, February 1998 1998 2019 true xt70rx93b851 section xt70rx93b851 —-~"‘" 6,13,, GLSO NEWS 0115‘» ‘ " Vol. 1 1 February 1998 No. 2 v A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization Speak Out MCC [to ©ii1>setrve iPireettiicm To Marry Ditty Every year, the Lexington mayor's The Metropolitan Community ceremonies. They bestows n0 civil rights office organizes ”speak OUiS" wher e citizens Church will celebrated National Freedom on the couple. Heterosexuals are free to are invited i0 come together i0 express their to Marry Day, Thrusday, February 12th choose a religious ceremony or a simple Opinions one particular topic. This year the with a special service at 7 pm. The courthouse wedding. In either case, the mic l3 ’YOUihi' Wiih aefforttc include many service will feature gay hymns, prayers legal rights of marriage come with the youth groups in the discussion. There are for those seeking love in their lives, and a license which is not available to gay and four questions for an hour and a half special message from Deacon John lesbian couples. discussion, although there are ways to focus Outright, the Justice Minister for the A few of us have employers willing to on iWO primaw questions iOF ShOfief Great Lakes District of UFMCC. There extend spousal benefits to us, but most of sessions. will also be a Blessing Ceremony for all us do not. We can have legal documents One of my concerns with this those in relationships who attend. drawn up to ask that our health decisions process is that lesbigaytrans youth will not Everyone who longs for the day when we be made by our partners if we become have their needs reflected in most of the all will have the same civil rights as other incapacitated, but these documents have ‘speak outs.‘ LBGT teens i809 a lot Oi citizens are welcome to attend. been ignored in some situations. We can harassment and violence, family rejection. Personal action is also urged draw up wills naming our partners, but and isolation. ii iS 035i time iOi teachers and by Judy Dale, the District Coordinator of again, these are not uncontestable school counselors to receive training in hOW the Great Lakes District. Have you ever documents. We can not file joint tax to Offer help or at least safe Space to these talked to family, friends, or co—workers returns. Heterosexuals take these rights young people. i am therefore encouraging about the inequities of their being able to for granted, they come with being married. LBGT people to attend and LBGT groups to get legally married and our not being Does any of this matter to you? If so, hOid speak OUiS where we can express our allowed to do so? How are people to make plans to talk to someone, to write a Opinions and include the difficulties faced by understand this injustice if no one letter, or to participate in an event on LBGTvouth as one of our maior concerns. explains it to them? This Is an excellent National Freedom to Marry Day, Feb. 12th. (“0i that I“mtelling YOU what 10 say but...) time to write a letter to the editor, You can make a difference as we move The GLSO Board has scheduled a particularly since the Ky State Legislature toward attaining our basic human civil “speak out“ for Monday, February 9th, 316:30 will be considering bills that ban rights. Please join us at Lexington‘s MCC. at the Pride Center. Everyone is invited to recognition of gay marriages if they 387 Waller, Feb. 12m, 7pm. attend. We will hold our regular meeting at should become legal in other states. ——_—— 7:30. The MCC congregation will speak out other possibilities: call a radio . . . , after church on Sunday, February 22nd at station and have them play “your" song 51301;?ng [if thc approximately 12:30. on Feb. l2th, or send in a special love ‘ Other groups can schedule message to the newspaper for Valentines sessions by calling the mayor’s office at 258- Day, People listening to the radio or . 3H9 and asking iO register fora “speak OUT" reading such messages will experience a Wll’ldV KnOll SGSSiOh- i have requested gay or gay friendly new awareness of what our love is about. " moderators when arranging the GLSO Yes, afew churches are willing Fartn session. lam also available as a moderator, to perform Holy Unions for same sex Mary Crone 266-5904.. couples, but these are strictly religious ————"’ _"'— Mature PeOPle - h t°ikit§itéii§§if§i§iflg ”“3 , ‘ '; Sin 9 on ge an “GAY& Make The 3351: Partners trust. One day she said,“iwonder how I'll find “saint; 3: ' first in a series by Kelly O'Ferre/l out the name of someone to call." My first RVI _ "I think mature people make the best thoughts were about possible'solutions to her .. "- partners...(among) several mature attitudes: diiemmal even though i didn't have the 036' l , they resist the temptation to offer solutions for slightest idea how to 90 about getting the i their loved one's problems or make decisions information. My body felt tense with l Lexi“ v ,0, them...” from Living With Sobriety uncertainty. Then i remembered, “I don‘t have I to figure this one out." We had several 1 Tammy (my Partner) and I were opportunities this week to experience the , The GLSD N e w s arguing on the way to “The Nude" art opening freedom of being supportive without parenting f Vol. 11 Issue 2 at the Loudon House Gailew last Friday my partner. ; . evening. Iwish Icouid have remembered the i am thankful when Tammy and l PUthth Monthly by the words "You can be right or you can be happy" are able to "resist the temptation to offer l Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services but I was too busy trying to prove my point. solutions...or make decisions" for one another. l . . One thing’s for sure. it‘s a lot easier to be ikheW. 0“ the way to the art opening that lwas l Organlzatlon happy when I allow Tammy to experience life creating my own unhappiness by believing l < 321 E 2nd Street at her own pace Fortunately, l have a knewwhat was best for Tammy. My body was Lexington, KY 40503 wonderful teacher to demonstrate how to do telling me this from the very beginning, tJUt Oid this-Tammy. habits are hard to change. l reached for her ldon't remember hearing Tammy hand as we walked back to the car and . offer solutions or get annoyed when I wanted apologized to her and reminded myself that t ‘ Editors: to learn how to replace the heating coil in the WOUid have other Opportunities to try again. ' Peter Taylor clothes dryer but took several months to Thank goodness! And thank goodness ‘ Mary Crone actually get the courage to ask someone to maturity is about DtogtaSSl hOt perfection. ' help me; or when I knew it was time to leave l L Ed. my job but took a year to get the courage to National Women’s ( ayout thI' - actually do it, or more recently, when id been Music Festival r Charlle Perklns ignoring somethlng I heard spoken in the , , , l stillness of my soul several months ago but D”? to plans at Indiana UniverSlty to , had been too afraid to take any action on until Close the" auditorium for rengvat'ons' the i just this past week. tl\rl]atti<')nal Wolmin:j ‘Mltlasllc Festltval rSNVléMF) a Is usua y e in oomlng on as een t GLSO Annual Dues and excitementésndl fifizgrg: Jjgflggifigflgé searching for a new location for the festival i NeWSletter‘ $15 idea, she has shown me the difference this year. , . ( Dues and Newsletter for between being supportive and being involved They have lust announced that they Will i by simply saying “i think it sounds like a Wmo‘img. to the.campt‘5 OinBa” State l COUPI“: $20 wonderful idea and I believe you‘d have a lot UniverSIty in MunCie lndlana. . Ball . State r of fun doing it" She has yet to come up with offers us a wonderful campus With bUlldings a solution on how i might get it started or much Closet together and With "a better date . Views 0’ opinions expressed in the whom I might call for more information. available (June 25'28' 1990' MunCle '5 GLSO News are those of the authors and y Gourd easily Newer this as total located one hour NE of lndllanapoils. If you i don't necessarily represent those 0t the disinterest in my idea, but l don’t. I know how want details on the ”999“”? festivalr put t GLSO Board OtDtteCtOts- much freedom Tam‘s maturity in this area your name on the malling “Si by writing t Submissions are welcome. All gives me to make my own decisions in my own NWMF, PO Box 1427-1427. lndlanapolls, IN, ( SmeiSSiOhS become the property 0t time. After hearing and feeling the idea over 46206 i GLSO and must indicate full name and and over in my body, l began the process of _ _ address of the author. The staff reserves gathering information and l have had the Pride Planning t e right to edit submissions and ads to wonderful 0 ortunit to create rn own meet publishing requirements, 35 W9” as solutions. l’rrripgratefui she hasn't takén this Tues' FBI] 3rd the “9m to teleCt any Sme'SS'OhS- part away by telling me what or how to do, to Pride Center 7:30 pm i be. or to believe. GLSO NEllJS FREE 2 - MWMHg ~ Pride Planning in date '50 35 not to conflict With Pride start off by producing a play for Pride Month A pride planning meeting has been Planning and Networking evenings. next June. Homer, who is a professional set for February 3rd, at 7 pm at the Pride Our ”9X1 luncheon Wl” be Sunday, director and professor at Eastern Ky. Univ.. Center, 387 Waller Ave. The dates for February 8th following the ChUlCh has agree to direct this endeavor. Anyone Lexington‘s Pride celebration are June 6th 59M“? 3‘ 12330 pm in the Fellowship interested in helping with this production, through June 21st. Several groups have House. Please bring a (“3h ‘0 share. (props, lighting, music, etc.) should come to already begun planning their pride events We Will be having a “speak out" while we the meeting or cali Bill at 255-5469. and previous participants will be available eat. For more information about Looking ahead, Pink inc. hopes to to help other groups get started. We are lnterweave, call Davina at 2716174 Q produce an old fashion variety show in the particularly looking for individuals fall. This promise to be great tun and interested in working on advertising or on Images Of Blackness perhaps the most successful fundraising planning the Pride Picnic. Please join us in The fourth annual Images of group our community has seen. Join us! Q creating Pride 98. (fig) Blackness show sponsored by Ebony Male will be titled “Snap Divas.“ it is to be 8 pm PINK PAGES Networking Meeting Wednesday, February 25th at the Bar The Pink Pages Task Force is meeting Twenty one individuals gathered on Complex. A $5 donation is requested; the regularly but at the time ot printing their January 20th at the Pride Center tor money will go to Fayette County Health February meeting had not been set. Call networking and a great potluck. These Depts' AlDS Medication Fund. Some of Charlie Perkins at (606) 389-9352. He can evenings, which will now be held every the pertormers will be Miss Ebony Male also be reached at charlieky@hotmail.com. month on the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30 pm, Rayna Starr, Angel front Dragn' for Jesus . provide organizations the opportunity to fame, Miss Cincinatti Pettoi Pout. that MEI”: C/Zows ”2 9)“? . connect to the larger community and Bubbling Brown Sugar Miss Mary For eight seasons, the Lexrngton Men‘s newcomers to Lexington a way to become Christmas Latoya Bacall, and many more. Chorus has managed to maintain a certain part of our lesbigaytrans community. it is Be sure to be early the show is always sense Of dignity and grace. That '5 about to also a fun social event for all of us. standing room only and in the past couple change! On Wednesday, March 11' at 8 pm Organizational representatives at of years people were turned away. LMC wm take the stage at the Bar Complex ., V . . ® for a benefit amateur drag show. There may January s meeting included Bluegrass . . Belles, Ebony Male, Lexington Men‘s PINK INC. ' ”Qt be enough makeup and Wigs in all oi Chorus, Metropolitan Community Church, The lesbigaytrans community has more Lexrngton to make these men pretty but Dignity, GLSO. Lexington Fairness, and than our share of talent. The creative arts they are determined the audience WI” not be Department of Justice Pride, (DOJ Pride ooze out of us like hate from a right wing dlsappOInted, I . . . , This show Will mark the drag debut for has lust been added to our directory). fanatic. Lets put our talent to work for our I Mark your calendars for Tuesday Feb. community. On Thrusday February 12th a many DUI certainly not all chorus members. 17th at 6:30 and join us for networking and new committee of the GLSO, tentatively Sisters Tuesday and Sundae De La Rouge potluck at the Pride Center. Bring a dish named PlNK lNC., will meet at the Pride are ”men?“ penorme's and W'“ '8“ a and a friend and come discover that there Center at 7 pm. to discuss how we can use cast that WI“ include the members Of Fourte . . . . as the Supremes. A portion of the $5 door are many ways to be involved in our our talents tor tundralsing. . I I . community. Come out and join us!, For We have many community groups W!” benefit the Lexmgton Prlde Center. @ more information, contact Mike 2254828. including Fairness and The Pride Center that GLSO ONLINE @ have an ongoing need for income. Health _ . Interweave issues including the AIDS Medication Fund Peter: Petef@“kY-93mP“5-mCI-net lnterweave will be showing a video and breast cancer are also in need of money. Mary: Marycrone@aol.com on Tuesday, February 10th, at 7 pm at Homer Tracey and Bill Chandler have Terry: misterb@gte.net the Fellowship House. This is a change agreed to cochair this meeting and plan to GLSD NEWS FREE 3 Gay Themed Movie especially after losing a brother to lung . ‘ . . . T b F.1med .n I .n ton cancer in |993. With California adding bars to Wilhngto provrdelheirservwes o Alew b; d et lndel n dent a gthem ed the list of public places where smoking is not Some 0‘ US With, HIV/A'DS have comedyo is 5318de dpeto beg fiimed in allowed, he thought it wouldbethe right time benefited from usrngservrces or treatments Lexington in the near future. The organizers for him ‘0 do ”“5 if you don't like make but “mm are alternative to contemporary are looking for rooms in private homes for like going out for a drink, YOU now have a medical treatment. Mani persons “”1“ secondary cast and crew. They will be place right here in the heart of tobacco HIV/AIDS use these alternative treatments to needing sleeping space for a two week stay country to go. compliment standard medical care. Some, but all their other needs will be taken care of. Harold is also holding auditions for live like myself use alternative treatments As an added incentive, hosts will have shows to be held on Saturday night. He is exclusively. My health insurance, Medicare the ODDORUWW t0 be extras in a couple 0* looking for singers, drag numbers, does not cover these types of services in iceoueséénigéggg :23 igflin: 2193?; comedians, male strippers. etc. So if you many states, including Kentucky. 613253 soon She will want to visit your home haveatalent, give himacall. If you‘re not the i was fortunate '351 year ‘0 meet ‘0 Check out the accommodations. “on stage" typeI come for a drink] Karokey of Reverend Charlene Han Of Herbs PlUS In The producers of this film are in to see the shows on Saturday night. Nicholasvrlle. Charlene is a very talented negotiation with the agents of Dolly pamn‘ and capable health care professronal who Naomi Judd} and Richard Simmons as HIV/ AIDS THERAPY OFFERED has been practicing for over twenty years. possible leads in this movie. When by Eric Richardson She is a master herbalist, an iridoiogist, and completed, they hope foratwo week run at Finding adequate, affordable and areflexologist. the Kentucky Theater. accessible health care is important to us all Rev. Hart has been providing the herbs these days. For people who are living with that I require at no cost to me. She is now The Watering Hole HIV/AIDS, the search can be quite a accepting applications from other HlV/AlDS- The Watering Hole has become the challenge. Even today, nearly twenty years affected people with the intention of providing first non-smoking bar in Lexington, Owner after the disease was identified, there are therapy for five people based on need. For Harold Hamilton says that he dislikes smoke very, few professionals both capable and more information call her at (606) 881-9022. KRIS IN /'4’ , Visrt us on the web! SMI I H ,' 7 w i http://www.come2kentucky.com 2.1.: ’1 ,I-‘r'fv-J, v—:'- \ \ m” if r-‘fi are '~... 294-2523 e». 4 A MRE LTY Making you a. ‘ e... ' [I’IIIWOR LD © SMLE © > .. *’ - h- I. I BROKER NETWORK .2 -- .. ...‘ .‘ g ._\?,~.a}}‘.‘,{'xr-.}I:-,‘-.j 2;, . . ‘ ‘—"—'—"—‘_— ‘1 x . MAYS & ASSOCIATES, INC. 011, the my home! 13.1., i: .‘,§§;‘§3§E"f:. , '\ wmnmmmvmwmrm "fix-1,." ‘ ‘ 459359523535, - The Right Agent Makes All the Difference e ° ® warm-=2 l n the W0 rld. __________—————————-—— ELSE] NEIIJS FREE 4 Rediscovering Our African American History ttte time came, Dumontwoutd not honor this , agreement. 803011111161” Truth lsabeiiaworkedsixmoremonthsforhim and then picked up the youngest of her IZI’JWLZIJ'CI’ONH herself more sensational. in one public children and walked away from Dumont's Most of us know her name, or at least appearance she was harassed on this point farm. She sought help from a local Quaker this name she choose for herself in her mld- so much that she bared her breasts to prove family who were abolitionists. She did not forties, Sojourner Tmth. But how much do we that she was indeed a woman, and managed want to go far because she believed she was know about her life? We remember her for with her sharp wit to embarrass her accusers not running away but had earned her freedom the ”Ain't l a Woman?“ speech, although the rather than herself. and wanted to force Dumont to acknowledge version we know is probably a misrepre- Truth was referred to as exotic, as black their agreement. sentation. Truth seems to live within our as night, an Amazon, native of Africa, With the help of local abolitionists, consciousness more as a mythic figure or Ethiopian, Libyan, and once, even to have lsabella remained free and within a few symbol rather than as a human being who tribal markings. Sojourner was a dark months was taking legal action against the lived an interesting and noteworthy human woman, but was clearly born in this country, in extended Dumont family. Her son Peter, age life, upstate New York in about 1787. Named six, had been sold to a cousin and To discover the complexities of Truth’s Isabella, she grew up speaking Dutch, living stavehoider in Alabama in direct disregard of life, l was excited to read the biography as most northern slaves did at the time, New York state law that made it illegal to sell Sojourner Truth, A life, A Symbol, by Neil Irvin isolated on a small farm with few other African slaves into states where they would not be Painter, an African American and Professor of Americans with whom to relate. freed. The legal process took a year but American History at Princeton University. l Painter suggests that Truth's dark eventually Peter was returned to New York was particularly pleased to read descriptions complexion was one of the reasons she was and set free. of Truth that confirmed my impression of her so frequently marked as different and that the How did lsabella develop this ability to as a strong trangendered woman. (i use emphasis on Truth‘s blackness, in act autonomously, how did she become so transgender as a broad term that includes comparison to the brown shades of some of sure of her right to freedom? in the Narrative individuals that challenge our culture’s her abolitionist contemporaries, reflect a of Sojourner Truth that she wrote years later, definitions of gender by exhibiting racist assumption that free Negroes of mixed Tnith says it was in part her conversation with nontraditional gender behaviors, appearance, parentage were more likely to become God that provided her with the self- and/or other characteristics. leaders and public speakers. i agree with confidence and strength. Painter does not use the term Painter on this point, but i also believe that In 1828, lsabella moved to New York transgender but then, not many historians Truth was impressive for those characteristics City and joined the movement of Methodist would. She does , however, discuss how i term transgendered: a tall, masculine Periectionism, a religious community that Truth was repeatedly described as “other" by woman, a forceful speaker for whom the term emphasized experiencing God directly her contemporaries. Being one of the few Amazon was fitting, not simply because of her through feeling the presence of the Holy public black women at this time in American darkness. Spirit. Unlike most religions of this era, history made her noteworthy then and is one At the turn of the 19th century, the state Perfectionism encouraged women to speak of the reasons we remember her today. of New York passed laws to gradually and to preach. in l832 lsabella became a But Truth stood out for others reasons emancipate slaves. Slavery legally ended in follower of the Prophet Matthias who claimed also. She was almost six feet tall with an New York on July 4th, l827. lsabella (Truth) to be the "Spirit of Tmth.’ No longer allowed imposing physique, sparse and muscular. made an agreement with John Dumont, her to preach and again subjected to beatings, She was said to have a masculine voice and “owner,” that she and her husband, Thomas , she nevertheless gave money and years of a forceful style that demanded attention. She were to be freed a year in advance of this in hard work to this community. Painter was also noted fora beautiful singing voice, a exchange for the large amount of work suggests that her allegiance to Matthias can sharp wit, and a style of preaching that was lsabella accomplished. For years Dumont be seen as Isabella's unfinished work of powerful and electrifying. bragged that lsabella did a full day of freeing herself from the effects of slavery. She was more than once accused of household tasks and then worked in the Painter also reports that lsabella had a brief _ being a man pretending to be female to make fields, outdoing his male slaves. But when sexual encounter with comm 0" P099 9 GLSU NEws PHGE 5 :I‘MWWWWWW “Wilt".i WWW'WWW W“: i” WWW 5-. . 1W ”WWW W ‘r W ‘W’ .33.: ‘2. ”WWW”: W “i .‘ 1M”. WW. i'". . .: WWW “WWW WW2 .WW‘W‘WW‘”: WWW , "I" '1“ '1 :W .11: .-. ‘5 ‘ 5 W H W" ' 3. 1...”: ' W " WW. 2‘ W [WW "3 :Wil'ii “WWW ‘ ”‘i ii: WW : El.. 353’”? ‘ It 'i I; “W“ . . W ‘W' -‘ ' .i. W. WWW... W = WWW W ““th .. i .WWWii':t ' ..,- ' WWW WW3 .i vii-.W'WWWW‘ WW WW ”WWWWW WWW. ': WWW : “WW" 5 WW A‘i’ WWW “WWW: I; 3W” WW1 it WWW? {WWW .thg‘ifiI-WWWW'IEWW‘WWWW, ithWWMWWWW. WWW "W' ' 'WW 1 .. W! pf." W‘W '1 i‘ -: W: 55‘. m ,"r‘i'ti . ... '7 WWW W... W WT‘. .Wi'“‘"li‘i‘w-ii.':.. W .‘E/ WWW 1.2 W ‘W ....-‘Wl‘.i“ WWW WE 1‘. .t W. W .. . , . . . .. . . . . WWW WW WWWWWWWW WWWWWWW‘ WW. WW 7“ WW 'rW.‘.W«‘W N WW. WWW WWW WWW-W W3 iil‘ilt:l:iWWWW’1 WWWWWWWW W limllW‘lWL W W "W i ll 3‘: 15: i” ii. ii 33"": W 3‘ iii. ’93."? l W' W '1”:th ”it ...rW.rt;W i. WWW W WWW [W W; '1 i... .‘W . WWW W W. W: “1:..ii.‘i‘.ti.i.‘1tf ‘13:. t. W ilW'i. r;::i.W.‘=.W W... W: t. :1. W . r W W W: W.» ‘ 5 10:45 am. 8:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 6:00 pm Frontrunners (WPk) 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am. “'1'“ Unitarian Universalist Ch. AA Step Study Pride Flaming 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Support Men’s Chorus Rehearsal Gay/Lesbian AA Frontmnners 11:30 am. (Pride Center) Group (Pride Center) (Arboretum) Lexington's Metropolitan 7:30 pm. 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 7:50 pm. Community Church MCC Board Meeting 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Gay/Lesbian AA 6200 pm. 8:30 pm. 8:00 pm 2 Step 8( Swing SisterSound Reheasal Rainbow Bowling League Dancing (Club Mi) ‘ (Park Methodist Church) K v v 7:00 pm. . 3 5 ‘ D.gn.ytp..dec8n.e.. B E S 'l‘ A I, II A N T — P N O ‘ ____ _ _ mp7 8. Limestone WW W531i: “"ii 9' i 'ii "ii 23:” “W 17:1. it. WW v v "t...“ ... .i....: .il :1. 'lt:,.., z. is ~l.v Le xi n g ‘0“ . K ‘ 10:45 am. 6:30 pm. 7:00 pm. 6:00 pm Frontrunners (WPk) 6:00 pm. 7:30 pm. ‘3..." WWW W” t'i.‘ ’:I W '~. W . _ . Unitarian Universalist Ch. Speak Out Movie Night 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Support HIV/AIDS Support Group Gay/Lesbian AA (mo of”, 2JJ-(NH I 11:30 am. (Pride Center) (U.U. Church) Group 7:00 pm. Frontrunners Lexington’s Metropolitan 7:30 pm. 7:30 pm. 6:00 pm Dept. of Justice Men’s Chorus Rehearsal (Arboretum) . . Community Church GLSO Board Meeting PFLAG Pride (Shoney’s) (Pride Center) 7:30 pm, i 9;] 1 I] r I n g 1 I. o 12: i5 pm. (Pride Center) (Chapel Hill Presby. Ch.) 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 7:00 pm. GW/Lesbign AA ‘ ‘ . Interweave Pot Luck 8:00 pm. 8:30 p.m. 7:30 pm Fairness (Pride Ctr) Pink ink play meeting '4 a m ‘. II S ‘l i a] t a (U.U. Church) AA Step Study Rainbow Bowling League 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 pm. ‘ ‘ 6:00 pm. 8:00 pm Ballroom Dancing Bluegrass Colts members V g . Skiemdreheom. (or... .4.) 9.00pm. Weekend Ilrunrh: (Park Methodist Church) 10:00 pm Miss Gay Cotts non-members __ Valentine (Club 141) serv1ng blueberry t i. buckwheat pancakes. 10:45 am. 7:00 pm. . 6130 pm. 6:00 pm Frontrunners (WPk) 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am. ‘ Unitarian Universalist Ch. Pink Pages Task Force Networking Forum and 6:00 pm HlV/AIDS Support Men’s Chorus Rehearsal Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners e ggs b e n e d 10 t ar n Old ’ 11:30 am. (Pride Center) Pot Luck 7:00 pm MCC Study Group (Pride Center) (Arboretum) - Lexington's Metropolitan 8:00 p.m. AA Step Study 8:30 p.m. 7:30 pm Fairness Elections 7:30 pm. 3 p an 1 S h 0 m 6 16 t t6 S 9 Community Church Rainbow Bowling League (Pride Center) Gay/Lesbian AA 61510pr dR h ‘ GLSO NEWS DEADLINE 3:83 pm faygfibritan AA gourmCt desserts , [S e un e BOFSCI ALSO SUBM” ADD‘TWONS, I pm "19 (1 her (Park Methodist Church) UPDATES AND Dancing (Club 141) an d m u C h m 0 I' C . . . 7‘00 9-!“ CORRECTIONS FOR Digit“! MARCH NEWSLEiTER (Pride Center) 273-9649 . W. W "W- "W it W3; "SW- ..it: “:W 3 A II 0‘ 0 II " hrea" S and iii. Wit.- .r... ..Wi .W: "W: :2. ..:i‘ WWW... WW- ..WI. W .W: . 10:45 am. 8:00 pm. 8:30 pm. 6:00 pm Frontrunners (WPk) 7:00 pm. 7:00 pm. c2:00 am, ‘I asserts are bake‘l daily Unitarian Universalist Ch. AA Step Study Rainbow Bowling League 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS Support Men‘s Chorus Rehearsal MCC Games Night Frontrunners . . g 11:30 am. Group (Pride Center) 7:30 pm. (Arboretum) I ll 0lll' k] tellen . Lexington‘s Metropolitan 7:00 pm MCC Study Group Gay/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm. Community Church 8:00 pm images of Gay/Lesbian AA 6:00 pm. Blackness: Ebony Male SisterSound Rehearsal Black History Month Show rp...r..e...od.s.c..u.c.. mes...) FREE EVENING 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 pm Open Dancing . to... .4.) PARKING. i C“. 16f WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES lirst realize they were in love? When they l )9 BEING A GIRL MAKE? were boys together in school? When the ‘TJTLITLS metered god/612355 By Jon She/ton other became a woman? Does one at them veryone recognizes the being a girl really make a dilierence? When valentine symbol of Cupid, the chubby baby Different f0, Girlsls the first screen you‘re Willan ‘0 accept 3 person it” exactly ready ‘0 ShOOl arrows 0' love ”"0 romance in recent memory written about a who they are and you're m love, JUS‘ what unsuspecting hearts. Did YOU know that this transgendered person tor transgendered difference does any ofthat make? figure originated as the intersexual offspring people. Made in England, it tells the story 0' Different for Girls IS the him that should of Hermes and Aphrodite? Cupid was a two pals from a boys school who reunite as make a dtfierence in the way transgendered Greek god/dess born with both male and adults. As kids, the tough one always people are portrayed on the screen. lemale anatomy, and is the origin oi the term defended the more etleminate one from gay Hopefully more films about the lives of these hermaphrodite. lntersexual is the term that bashing. When they meet by chance many remarkably gifted and versatile people will has replaced hermaphrodite for individuals years later, the tough guy is only slightly begin to surtace. And hopefully more people born with genitalia of “both“ genders. Could surprised to learn that his boyfriend trom will see Different for Girls when it comes out it be that our two category gender system is school is now a girl Naturally he asks her tor on video or plays again at the Ky. Theatre. too limited? ' ’ 1 a date. . . , , ii is "0% unusua' ‘0' 93”“ based All this is told within the first five minutes Lexmgton F 31111655 religions to have Intersexual god/desses tor of the movie With such an abrupt premise Sengfgj ogoreggagy tfiggeofilgnjugg one might think the film would begin toloose Fairness needs committed people to . . . 1 . . , on others reflect the sacredness ofall beings “in t l f it i it? t in t name 0“ our phone “9‘3 0’ write your between” male and female. So, this afin rat ocus. . ‘ s cehar at E W? legislator today. Call the LFC Hotline at Valentines day, send Cupid cards to your fi fr??? deg 13:91“: 9 fiUd'figceFigl (606) 296-7812 for more information. The friends and lovers with wishes for a less 6: illJVh is”? t? mey lg? 09: :rénm e LFC Website is: http://lextairhomemlorg gender rigid culture. Blessed Be. on ‘ a porn m ereaions 'p ' ey 1-, . 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One of these days I will contact her for more inaccurate but popular article about Truth by Information. Harriet Beecher Stowe, “Sojoumer Truth, the Matthias was eventually accused of Libyan Sibyl,” in which Truth was portrayed Actors' Guild murder, which was not proven but prompted as a native African who spoke with a a change of residence for him. Isabella “barbaric accent" and was quoted as saying Beast on the Moon will be opening at returned to Perfectionism and spent years ”Honey, I h'int heered much bout Jesus." Actors’ Guild on February 19th and will run developing her evangelical preaching style Truth herself responded to Stowe in a through March 15th. Set in 1921 Milwaukee, emphasizing the joy of spiritual faith. letter to the Boston Commonwealth in which this is the story of an Armenian immigrant and In I843, on the day of the Pentecost, she corrects her place of birth, suggests that his mailcrder bride who find unexpected love June ist, she was “called in spirit" to become her Narrative would be a better source of and tenderness in America after surviving the an itinerant preacher. She left New York information about her life, and says “I don’t Turkish massacre of World War l. Call 233- abruptly, changed her name to Sojourner make use of the word 'honey‘." In spite of the 0663 for tickets or for more information. Truth, and committed herself to leading inaccuracies, Stowe' piece was popular and people to God. She was a middle-aged resulted in increased attendance at Truth‘s Keith Henn