xt70rx93bc1b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx93bc1b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-10-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1971 1971 1971-10-07 2020 true xt70rx93bc1b section xt70rx93bc1b \ V
O O . “
Limited numbers? “ '
o o - .
ommtttee studies future UK enrollment : =
By WENDY L. WRIGHT. Assistant Managing Editor “.1 , ’ If . ' .
in the face of a sluggish economy and a sharp support many increases in enrollment in the next prolcssioital \e‘lltuil\ Mai li-“L'tl thaw ‘ui1d, : ., ‘ ‘,
drop in student attrition rates, UK will soon be few years. their specialized Programs “Hi “up“. 1 ~' ‘. .‘
taking a serious look at the possibility of limiting “But it’s a bad year for everyone. what with the Ti 1 . , . _ 1 , . . _ 1' .“ - 1
its enrollment. inflationary trend and the current price tree/.e. M“ ‘1” “mm“ ”Hun” l'mmw‘“ I" ”“ng :' . '
u . . . . ‘1 .. 1 . , . . , . the enrollment dilemma too ;\c‘e'tftllllL' lit \\ill.:i‘d . “ . ‘
Rising enrollment has been a nagging question The economy is spurring a reexamination oi ._ .y 1 . 1 .1 . . . |._ -_ , _ 1 - ~ _ ,
ever since I came to UK in 1957 ” said Dr. William enrollment policies in many other institutions.” he H S 1"“ .‘U U“ i“ “‘“I “‘1‘“: WA?“ “1” ”I” 'A ‘ "‘- 1 1 ,
. . .‘ . . 4. the lieaviest ioad of new students Some «>t the ‘ - , . .
Willard, chairman of the committee PreSident Otis Sdld. 1 “_ ,_ } _ 1. .1, d . 1* t' 1 1. _ r 11 _ . s 4 't
Singletary appointed this fall to look into the “Another factor in the economic crunch is the 9” “g” “I“ “l ”1”” ”I ‘““ 1““ 5”“ ”KM“ ' '13.“
problem. Willard is Special Assistant to UK state of the job market-particularly for graduates Since their beginning Others in particulai Arts _, .' .9.
Medical Center’s Vice President. of the College of Education,” said Willard. “T00, and Sciences d" ”"L “nd ”1"” “”“mmc’m ”ll“ ~ .~ L - -'~
“You just kind of adjust to this problem from there’s the increased competition between fluctuate. . . ‘
year to year and hope things will work out. But we institutions for funds-which puts a squeeze on ('ontinued on Page 62. (‘01. 1 _“ . ' -
' see now is the time to really look at this,” said 1“_ z
Willard. ’ .
“Some unusual enrollment statistics cropped up ;“ ‘ 3: '
this year at UK,” said Dr. Elbert Ockerman, UK ’1 j. .‘1
‘ dean of admissions and registrar and a member of ~ -“
the committee headed by Willard. “These 5. '“ ..
' statistics,” said Ockerman, “prompted Singletary’s _ 1.. .'
decision to study the problem.” 3 . .
“We have projected a five or six percent increase ,. . ‘
in enrollment for the last two years,” said .- f. "
Ockerman, “But for both 1970 and 1971 we have . .f~ , 1
had a 10 percent rise. When you get double the 1- 1 .. _
. increase you had planned for, it’s time to do : . { "V
“ something.” " I
“What is unusual about these figures is the fact . . _4. - '
the increases came not from new enrollments but ., ~ 1. n
from a rise in the number of graduate students ' , :
along with a drop in the loss of undergraduates at “ . ; » . ~.
UK,” said Assistant Registrar Ray Cumberledge. “ . :
Added to the internal rise in numbers is the 1 '
enigma of just what’s going to happen to UK’s “ 'i 1‘ ‘.
biennial budget in the state legislature this year. _ , ‘ . | ; .i
“This is an election year”’ said Willard. “Unless an Independent newspaper published by students at the university of kentucky ‘
we were to get a significant tax increase—which is ‘_ K . ' -
doubtful, considering the campaign promises that Thursday. Oct. 7, 1971 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 W l L‘illl V ., . t . 1
have been made—Kentucky’s tax base would not ______—______—_____’___‘i 1 '
State grants Kernel corporate charter
By GREG HARTMANN, Assistant Managing Editor that will be publishing the Kernel after this publish the Kernel after University funding ends in ' “ ' » .
The Kentucky Kernel moved a step closer to semester. December. The group will become a corporation ‘ -, ‘
independence Tuesday as Secretary of State Ken The charter was issued to the Kernel Press, mm bylaws and a board of directors later ”“5 .
Harper granted a corporate charter to the group Incorporated, a non-stock group organized to semester. A , “ T -
' The Kernel has been embroded in controversy 1 ' _
. since the mid-sixties. Major figures in Kentucky . '
“at"? if” M's. a... . a. v; s z; a. :5" life including former governor A.B. “Happy"~ A~ -- .
' ’“ ‘j 1 Chandler, have criticized the newspaper‘s policies, .11 f
w$~ .. . ‘ _ 2 Chandler. when appointed to the Bond of '1'
3’ m “ ' Trustees. vowed to “abolish that stinking dieet." " , . ,'
17‘2”" {fizfifiw During the first year ot Governor loi'ie B. 1' -. _
. .“gf,”vm:~ n. ‘ " - j, Nunn‘s term of office. a state trooper w.» \ent 1 - ' .
if ““H‘; g WM” .- _ 1 g: 3!":- froni Frankfort each day to pick up a cop); mt tl‘c ; ‘,
. " .. . g _ (‘ontinued on Page 5. (“‘ol. 1 . ' .
,, fl 5:» i“ " “z, “i A q o ) . t 1 ) A. 1 '“ “
: _ to & i (1] [11] t nu ii is p a
,1... ’ 1 ' 7' ‘w , . "
e may lose 8 hours ,
, s s. ~
' _ ’ By WENDY L. WRIGHT . 1 .
. .. 5 i s 9 . Assistant Managing Editor “ -' ..
«a. .. 3F ' A lowering of the Arts and Sciences College‘s - ,1.
' g . : lZS-hour graduation requirement “is definitely in ‘1, ' “ _'
‘ g 1 the air." said Dr. M. K. Marshall. head of the . ".
“ I “ , . ' University Senate ad hoc committee on scheduling .-
’ 1 ' and credit Wednesday. ' . ’ f
y“ . .11“ " - : “ “Though this problem seems to belong to the ‘ .'
' ' 1. ' :2. ' .. - . 1 Arts and Sciences College at this time. we plan to “ . r.
.__ 5 fig. , 1 ;.._ 1 make a recommendation to the Senate for ; --'“ ‘2 ‘
_' '2. t w w “:3 ”.27“ . ' . may so... Only a handful of students and professors ' ‘ 5 .
1;: “ “1 ,3“ ~33; ' “ 1-“ a. :e 1;, " showed up Wednesday afternoon for the ' ‘ f
a. W 1 , figs}... committee‘s open hearing on scheduling and the '. “ 1 ‘ .
» . ,_‘- ., “ credit system. , . .
2 g ’1 . _. 1‘} a W The meeting was called to “gain student input" a , ' .1 , .
a. .‘t .. f .. " into the committee‘s study of scheduling and .
. ' ' . “ W . x . course credit systems. - - “ . '
t , “‘“uig' ‘w“““‘ w “fig Th ‘ ' ,0: f‘ l ‘ s d’ ' . l . ' . “ '1 “ .“
. .3- . _ t, A ”A. gs»... . e committu s ina- recommcn ations to [It .. 3 1.
A. . . — f, Un1VCl‘Slly Senate may include one which would ; 1 = .
,m , ‘1 -- 1, a... “' “W supplant the present standard three credit hour .- » '1'; . - .
I» f . " a“ _ ‘- . Course. This would leave credit hours to be . ~ . ‘
g “1.; . 1 “ l" "‘ V “ assigned by some other means. perhaps by the “2“ ’ -“
» . . ,. _ professor or even by the student. depending on the .; . _ '
. “ 7 “ 5 y“ “' -'- amount of work he put into the course. ' ~ _
. r .1 One of the first problems the committee and ‘
1 k those present :it the hearing tackled was just how “ . “
_..-- ‘4... those ciedits would be .issigned. should the system -
1 7 - change. ~ “
.-.,. '=‘3'<““-~>“~:: “I see this variable credit idea as being very 1 »
_. ; " “a“ " dangerous," said Barbara Sailer. a student , ‘
ff . committee member. Ms. Sailer said she based her 7 “ 1 ~
No, the depression hasn't struck again, but organic apples have. UK student Shotsy Faust 3pm.?“ 8““ d “01“.”? that “ student "ugh-t “0m“ » .
. p s ort a few creditsnist before graduation. .
sells organically grown apples in front of the Office Tower. The apples are from the -
Sunflower Organic Farm in Michigan. (Staff photo by Kenny Wilson) C°“““‘“'d 0" P‘" 2' 0°" ‘ ‘ .

 ‘ Z—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday. Oct. 7. 1971 __________—_________________—————-———_——
. K m ..
rq . t .
A&c 1 equn'emen ... i. _. ;
. . .,_ “ , £25.”: -' * '
- . v c anges stu le »-_ — z
y 7 , .. , , v. i Hg § fit. ;:
Continued from page 1 up tor discussion. Altlioft‘ cited . . _
Several faculty members felt the! ”2:; 0“ it‘lemgelmgg 3; I I- Q its.“
- ‘ the Independent Study Program pu ‘0 -Q, L‘ t, . 5 5‘
_ might better make up for what “fluidly? Lgllmug‘ both “affix“ ' ' " _ " m :Q» :33,
' ~ ‘ they called the ”lack of lilnlixl'frtssitin m 0t er (”“150 t e ' , .._ .. s 1 ,. a“
. flexibility" in course credits. 7 ‘ ' ‘ _ 51$ ,3 Mg - .. .. . .
" . _ , O n e p r o b 1 e m w i t h cher problems scheduling . W3: *
Independent Study‘s dtten‘pt to ralSCd centered around the '1- 5, .5:
‘ . _' - . fill the gap, said student evening school program and the -, . . ‘s
-~ . ' a committee member Mark Paster. fact many courses are offered in i 1
’ 3'. was the fact “one can‘t take an alt;}rnatFe years. S h l P " s .- x
' exam covering extra material . 1e svening .9 00 .r ogr am, ., fig» .. “WK
i . he‘s done in a standard course. 531d Ptanstiel. '15 administered » «If -"‘~> --~ .. .
' Variable credits could make up separately and ‘5 ”0t otficuilly ;_ ” i ~
g . .‘ _ for this." open to students. though some '3 _ 3 g . “{Ql‘z
. .‘ . Earl Pfanstiel. director of douta‘ke night courses. ._. .‘ . .. vgwes
‘ : _ ~ . Independent Study, brought out H 100 students and no ’ - ”$4; . g?
. . .' ”I find the requirement that a evening course, the course would N“ a :. ; . _ "If “23% fine ' , 33$?
. ' g 1 student must take the last 36 bk‘ cancelled, he said. 3“ ; t “'5" \»»3’?§f _ :th -, g . Wag»
, ' _‘ _V ~ hours of his course work on Rebecca Wt‘stertield,’ student “‘ »Q =. 3;}; ..
' ' l ‘ campus confining." Ptanstiel biog-l Y1.“ lgl€51d91l1E~ril5ded tor :1 Staff photo by David Rose
,' . -. ' said. “The Universities without ‘ ”Hg“. m .1 “5 'po 1“} an greater
' . < I . walls are breaking down the idea Pl‘l_l_llm.t'\. tor night courses. 0 t h e r ”gum discussed
‘ , that it» get a degree. unt- must I Tthlé15atmflProlblhgmtdrttjuilld lmhdcd the” 1‘6“}.me of a
‘. " ‘ ‘I ;ll\ 1 , , “.1“ fit It]. tiie .niversi y. sait es er ie t. L ‘ » . ‘ - 1
_. methiuimn M [rt t i s ..“C‘R being told w often. changlc to a tour‘dayi'tllasslwulk. BEN SNYDER DEP 1' STORES
,‘ . ~' ~ ’ .7 .' g sin . . I“ to We accomt isiet ‘y .»
. . ‘ .- Anoth ei reconi niendaiioii {m k' m? ‘ an .‘ ”A: $11,111:? : lengtheninu class K hours and For Your ComPlete One Stop Shopping
' l . V ' discussed was the establishment 0” can to m or "L ‘1 e ‘1 C _- b ‘ . i~ 5-. . x -
; . ,. H... ,, , .. ~ ex iaiision oi )urse o term 's tor In The Ben All Gore e
g . . U! a “Jan term“ .11 L‘K a ”NW at your Yeltsin anagram. But 1h." new “Elmo, immiwfl l-HOUR FREE PARKING . 9
~ ~ _. i .. . . . : , students inst don i get the wow _ , - ‘ wrth $3 Purchase
.‘ . , . WLLA St\.\l(,)li l‘LlVVLkJ ldll tllld .‘ .. lnfcrgvgglon
’ « spring semester “llic‘ll would ”n ‘m-\ thing i H '
, ,, , ernphasi/e independent stud}.
. _ Opinion at the hearing was MWSEASONSFOWSMSOMSFo
.’ . ' Q. 1' _- generally t'ax'orable though one /8/ Séggéfigfifl AVA/6)
. . 1' professor mentioned a concern \ Q m (It/W5 I
1 . ‘ that such a program might not Q) . (Q 9’ a j
.g . ; . draw large numbers. § ABlg warm Thanks to all 0? 0‘ / 4}
~. “ '. .' , “We‘re not out to entice the N , r 2) /\ I ’
‘_ ‘ entire student body." said Sailer (1) our great Customs ”.y’ou ve /‘ ) /
. - V' ' to that objection. h} %
r . . . ' Former student body vice , $1 \I
‘ ’ " Q ‘ president Skip Althoff brought x mac. 1t p033 e to ITLOVC to a. < LL,
" ‘ . '. the problem of class Scheduling <1: 1 tt t'on
_. Q arger,l>e er local ...ancl. Q) --
. - 2. - . s m 7” #57 COME AMA/p
. Q 'i‘ I ll{ Slze £2. Increase our Selections to Serve KEG/5727?”
.g ' fl . % you even Letter. Hanks again- , / MZ/xf’SC - 5W. - JWZ
: _ studied >» come see uswe ————~—
. _ . ‘ « ‘- P , cc ” -——-——— W
.. _ . . ,, . (‘ontinued from Page 1 m Ilke our Old. ——-——-—-———-———-— m E mg ._____ 15? PRIZE
. ‘ f . i .. . Fabulous SONY Compact
‘ -. Another probiein with 1 .
l " I I " ' Ph:: 1:: FM Str 3
~ . .W i Qfi youngriends. FASHION TRANSPLANT , Fr» T... if...
‘ . Y ' hllUVHl‘iL'. w‘ict‘ stiitcnts \iii ~ , 7
. - r. t C»l¥‘.YL' high fidelity ‘ivUY‘Id
. “ .' .~ dcldfll'. dl‘itl \H'} 1". st‘llitfli'. stilt! “NSF-0 £55” DOWNTOWN ;x.:t(‘rw* for \:-i_ir mini:
.‘ ._ ; , . ’ Willard. (I) cwpymgnr . two
a. '1‘.“ "  “We do need more detailed Q 3([;.:Fattl SOLakCr; and
‘3' llllk’rllltl‘li‘fl on this l‘c‘lfli’c ue E in?” ‘0" Cf>n"C"C?iC>'t 0f
. " ; "~ can sa} e\iittl_x what's grim}.y to ‘fIE'l file“ 3‘ ’030'50’
I ., . l _. ‘ be done. It is not our desire to STORE (’3 W W ”49 95 \Jalt‘C‘FREE'
_ ‘ , " .‘ put numerical limits on HOURS W
, ‘ " . enrollment it we can possibly <3 I! , ”£51,513 7'0 JU/V/ORS'” 5—2nd PRIZES
; f . : ~‘ d\’()l(t)l it.“ said Willasd. Op3en daily 9:30 ’til § I P l Five Gift Certificates will
. ‘ 1 . ~, . - “ ur two over-r1 mg concerns 5: O ’cept Monday & k be given away, redeem-
‘ ' ' ' -‘ ~ _. . are that ()ng‘ we [3951 insure an Friday nights ’til 9:00 IN A BEAUTIFUL NEW BODY o able on anything YOU
" ' 1: ‘ educational opportunity to (I) want from Four Seasons.
I, qualified Kentucky youth. and m '
'_ two, we. insure that those who $ \ $3 10—3", PRIZES
. . ., . are admitted here get the best m T Alb
tA. . : . . we have to offer.” m if/Zntop ”m: to [Se
; '. fl" “whatever happens. UK will majS‘NQMWSEA Q igf norawjg’orexfhoaizga at:
. ‘I ', probably have to begin to \ Barney Miller’s
. enforce some kind of quota h (:5 n S!‘ M M N '
; _ .. , system tailored to the needs of h‘ 3 (Q Do com . d 't
. . ._ _ . . e in an regis er your
. g , . .7 “ file'separ‘ate ”colleges Within the § Q 9” name . ' . drawings will be
. . .- Q . niverSity, said Registrar 0) 0", § made Sat .
t . . . - urday night, Oct. 9th
. ’ , - -. . Elbert Ockerman. Q a D;
. I . _- .‘ ‘4 “1 think, however, there‘s :1 § mm W‘M’. M”KSE 0” mu m
-. , ' positive note even within our (I) [95’ 3 P5! M
, ' , present dilemma.“ said W+Q6 605W 2 ‘1)
g '- .1 I ’ :{ Ockerman. N i g
'. 1‘ , I, '1 g “The lower attrition rate Q m SSMS v THE ONLY WAY WE CAN COM.- Q"
y means we’re getting a better Q W PETE WITH THE 8‘6 STORES §
, j . '. , g. r..' ' quality of students," he said. N ‘ N
_ .’ .. . . . Q 6“ +0.; amél .0 is ro GIVE voummes THEY v;
V‘i . Thcl'knluck Hand "1 m V) I o D‘
.. ’ ' - . sgi’lfin “539333“.if’i‘ci'am‘c’flwiifil p3 . . 3 §
' I -‘ . ington..Kentucky~40506. Second class m w m ONAL SERV'CE BY FR‘ENDLY) to
“ . - ~ Merit threatens?"-Jtirsgcat g ‘6 0 Q
‘ . 1‘ n e 7 ~ v‘ v
. ‘ ‘ . i ‘ , softlool yeardexcept holidalytshand exam ' s YOUNG SALES G'RLS_COURTE. §
. ' i y ‘. ' periods, an once during e summer
., ., .. . ,é‘kfl,(”'e\aj m a,
. 9 " s(‘E’qi‘ithrl‘ished b1}. trif- Boa}? of Stusgarét a g ‘ OUS TREATMENT EVEN IF ‘1‘
.' " I. . . , Publications. K osto ice Box . ‘3 ” N
' , - .s h~ :( 1894 d #
4. . ‘ .' ' ~ . puitxjiilhrrld 1(‘nn'tll‘lutfulliftillnthf‘ varfl‘l QWfiflSOIS OMS! Yw kE JUST LOOKING- N0 §
l / ,‘ ,1. i . \‘HH‘O '19”). W V .
~ ,' . ,1 infant HASSLE OVER EXCHANGES or? §
4 _ ' ‘ _ (also or InlSlPfldan nrfi‘xr'io‘rtising should ARKING NEXT D R REFUNDS A
, .' ‘ , . , he reported to The . iors. 0° —
‘ Yearly bx mail i1!) 30 .
,. ‘ i . ’ '. Convenient parking right next door, l Hour I
, ., e ,r {i $.10 __
' ‘ . , . [gagih :‘qulgpijofls Free with $3.00 purchase. It’s easy to shop Q WHE“ YOU CONE IN TRY US . N
' ‘ Editnr. Managing Editor 2574755 at Four Seasons. § %
'1 , Editorial Pagofiditor. 257 l ‘0 §
. - . Assocmte Editors. Sports . - 7 ‘n
. ‘ _« Ad;¢:tising Blusmoss.‘ Grown-258.4646 mmsmmsmmmsm

 ———.—.__________________—__ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Thursday, On. 7, 1971—3 I I ‘
I ON CAMPUS Hrs: 9:00-5:30 *
395 S. Lime 277-5733 7
\ I \
.. / [\I I I I l \ I I l \\
FIrst Come, F Irst Serve
“ads 6 CRU-NECK SWEATERS $2.00 . 
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I7 KNICKERS....................$2.00ea. .
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36WOOL SKIRTS................$3.99ea7 \l p7.
Regular $22.00 I : I.
4 WOOL MIDI SKIRTS .......... only $6.00 . '.
. SWEATER 8: SLACKS . . . . . . . $6.90 ea. ; . - ‘ ‘
PANTY HOSE-Reg. $2.50 ......... only 99c  ‘ * ' _

 4—11": KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. Oct. 7, MW] ____________________________
F iffer
e to) newer HE. tr MAKES H6 €(CK r wléll 900 mm A MINUTE. WmTiiegAhor ALL
. . i TO LOOK AT #00. were DEAD! '
"-‘ ”a //~~Q: , P ,a '3: f" 13‘ ‘- /§ / A
' f N i “”5 fl \ - it «ill Q. til
'- ' \CW 3 ‘R 1: hung) Q‘z X C v”, ”x . ,,
l . / i, i l ‘l l I { \fi
. e \ fix! (will ' [v t l - ll l
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. - ‘ ' ‘ h ”l l r g \ ‘ i\ i Q)
. - » . in FACT rages ABE MORE treleoe NO-THAT‘G W WV “00 “”00 ”AW" THANK not)
. , , - flMES want V00 1701 VESP/SE TRUE arHee. ME ALONE FOR ALOHILE .
' 8068059 on n15 VOW new I (002K THIS OUT
‘ .. ' ' 7599f“- r/\ \- at wear? \_ \
, V' " ‘ § l [I , \ V 1 :2
. . . , . A Q- } ! 3 0 . fl 1?:
, . . - Q“, Q“
. L W l\ Eta, !
_ I) . J . 4 _ ‘ \ l ~
V' i o o
.. _ , . , VD Swallow the foolish pride
' ' '   * TII Henluck Kernel and g” see a doom '
i I. - l -‘ e 9 Recent statistics showing that that amorphous condemnation .
'. ‘ ' . , _ ' ”HEW,” 0]. ”Hum, ' the incidence of venereal disease is “permissiveness”.
~ ' , , ' ‘ _ ES'I'ABLISHEI) 189i LEXINGTON, KY. particularly high among college age No doubt they will conveniently
' .- . . [xiiitoi'iulx n'prwwnt the opinions of Hip Editors, not of the l'nizlr'rsity. peOple WI]! prObably brmg a moral forget as they SO Often d0. that VD
‘ '. * . W outcry trom a great many is not new. It has been plaguing
. I . . ’I ‘ lum- Brmm. litmttlinfl I’di’tor Jerry Lewis, Associate Editor non-thinking adults. 1760p]C Of all ages and life Styles for
' 1- . . . omit A. sir-u. netting» iiamm- John Gray, Editorial Page Editor They will claim that the statistics hundreds of years.
' _ Militia]"illiiiiiftliwillinlil‘ili’f'“Till?" 15317215} iii11:71:11.rkiiyilrffils Jr" move the basic immortality of We are not particularly disturbed
3 , , , g . vii.» ”Lem-l _\, s} , m- mm in” litl\.i.h(‘(ll‘timni\[ "Rain Roberts, Am Editor t0da)”$ youth and g0 on to blame it by the apparent high incidence of
K . ' .' ' on sex education in schools, dirty VD among college students.
’ _ - K 'f movies, the Supreme Court and We are, however, disturbed tliata
.. . 1 I-.' X . great many young people who
I. ; 1 _ ,. g ' c w . , '1 i ' . " ‘r’ .
{ , ._ -- A e1 nel Eiorum. the readers write , «mm VD m to m It a 9w
. . . ' . ~. Most people who get VD keep it a
f -}r,-‘._.‘.,,m.{III/4, f-‘ih‘li’tll-L'n presittt law \we constitutional and l prisons. As the Kernel noted. the secret out of some sense of pride.
‘ . _ A}; a “mum“ of hm”) ; hm; hhhflmhwonmrhdhmf'ihiirggihhiéshhcriti; Llertil‘lV]: metinu that the :lClllt.ll:lSll'LiLL.ll; They are ashamed to have a disease
.' obvioush been guilty of the use of . ‘ ' L . g j . L ‘ , 5‘ wou a L su led to arrest 0’ gomg 0m” that connotes filth and immoralit .
. - further stated that if the law 18 declared rison pro ertv (the only alternative to y
s.‘ '- , . .9 hvperbole and sweeping generalization. . . , . p . . p ' ' - 1' ' '
> . .- . , unconstitutional by the appropriate standing in the road at the FYC). While these people maintain thelr
. ' bl“ my thought and speech have never court. I then would look at the situation The demonstrators to m’ mind 'd t} , ' l e d' n er not

- . . been as confused or ridiculous as the as it then existed d d 'd l t h d 'd bl ‘ . .3 ll' ’ p“ C lty scnousy n d g

'. 1- f . . . Kernel review of mi Tuesday night _ ' an em 6 Wia s owe COnSl era e courage 'ln ca mg onlv their health, but of the others
_. . g 1 ,1 _‘ . l ‘t ) uld lead theyreader to believe posnion I would take. the government’s bluff by gomg to the tl " in cont ct with

' -.. ' sftcuh” Y:reless and irres onsible Michael R. Moloney prison anyway. In doing this they were icy come a
. ‘ :-, - ' ' - . ‘ . p admirabl far ahead of the “leadershi " This represents a truly immature
. -. 4 . reporting—to say nothing of sloppy . y . . . p ’ . .

. ; : ' _ _> writmkmems censure. Ashlflml ,lpmonstmtion myself InCIUded, m Judging the amount of attitude about sex. The UK Medical

'V . ‘ The review not only distorted the During the past week’s stories on the {10523: entire group WOUId be prepared Center and the Lexington-Fayette '

_ . . ' _- .v -' structure of my remarks but also Ashland demonstration, I’ve been The sad art is that in Ame icat (1 health center will both treat cases

. '. -‘ _ ' -§ . -': attributed to me statements which were consistently misquoted by the Kernel on p . r O ay of VD confid nt' 1] A t d t’

, .‘ - , - , t . b t . t t t' f h . l l ‘f . _ one may have to risk arrest to exerCise e la y' S u en 5
i g 4 ‘. ‘ _, , no mine u were in erpre a ion 0 t e two pomtstiat warrantcari ications. freedoms of speech peaceful assembly parents need never know that he

- a: _ > _ thought of revolutionaries l was 1) Concerning the Federal and etition As lon, as we have 't' once had VD

' I describing. (No intelligent historian government’s statement about p d t ' k g} 'ks f Cl 129m ‘

‘ ".- -_ .: would have made such a simplistic “fermenting” insurrection, my phepare 0 ta e sucr “Sh or 50013] It seems to us that StUdentS Who
' assertion as that cited concerning the mountaineer friends have asked me to Criigii’ :1: "3:: 1:03:65]: day Whit] have VD would be better off to

‘_ _, _‘ _- .-; United States and Russia.) remind the Kernel that we’ve generally Ebolished m can e swallow a little foolish pride rather

.' , . - . Encapsulation, verbal or otherwise, is fermented corn .mash and fomented ' David Walls than risk permanent injury. Getting
- p ,- . - ' bound to lead to some distortion, but not revolution—each in its own place, of . . . . .

'- ' ' a" of the form taken in Miss McCarthy‘s course Graduate Student VD ls no crime bUt keeping 1t ls

. .. ‘ '; article. Here is an obvious instance in 2) More seriously,the administration of Socrology downright stupid.

' . " g. ' which it would have been better to the Federal Youth Center quite naturally
. ' . . . “perish" than to publish. never agreed to a demonstration “within Si 16 r 9
, ' ‘ - Raymond F. Betts the prison walls." What we said, and what I I t

_ the warden at first agreed to, was a g a S C 31166

‘ ': ' '- ' - ) _ . - _ demonstration on prison property but
. ' . v t . I“ "n" A) 3 abortion 1"" _ outside the walls or fences of the prison. .
'. 4 " .. -* - It has been brought to my attention (Two previous demonstrations in to u l a romlse
.. = " . , that. in reporting the events Of the sympathy with the 24 draft resisters at
'3 - - ' ' '5 candidates' Forum Wthh was held the FYC had been held,without incident, . . _ _

.l '. 1' _- ’ ' ' Monday night. SCPt~ 27th. by the Sierra next to the cyclone fence that separates The Senate Councfl 18 currently S C 1 e n ces contains m ore
, , , .1 7 " Club. I have been quoted as favoring a one of the mm, yards from the prison consrdering a replacement for Dr. undergraduates than any other
' J} ‘ . ,. -' ' liberalization of Kentucky sabortion law. parking 10” The Nixon-Agnew-Mitchell Wimbcrly Royster as Dean of the college at this University.

_ .‘ ‘ . ’_ .1 S Thtmulghout Illgeggllédnf? 32:21:11: 32:11:; (girdeetilvc banning deiifionstéatiorhs onI College of Arts and Sciences. Several weeks ago PreSldCIlt
. " .0"?! C 3V9 1‘ , e era prison )ro erty orce war en lr ' . ' , -

.. ' _ . above 8“ others. That is. l have attempted Day to retreat} “gm his earlier position. .We understand that. PreSident Singletary promised to make

‘_ ‘ , m be consistent in my answers to every This directive, as Saturday’s national Singletary lS constdermg a undergradute education here a top

1- .- h . group and not try to play the pohma] events showed. was related to no clear committee to choose Royster’s priority. He can go a long way

I“. ._I- . '. game of trying to satisfy the particular and present danger of insurrection and successor consisting of six faculty toward fulfilling that promise to
. g ,' - EYE-Uh Ilkam ”1°31 hfgosrgtm: 3“ answer was probably unconstitutional. It was members, one graduate student and UK undergraduates by increasing
' ‘ ' , 3 W W “OWW P a - desi ned, obvious] ,to inhibit the raisin
.' . h, f Therefore, I feel, it is incumbent upon of qgueshons (as th: Alderson women, tbs onefuhldergradhiate student.f 1 h the number of undergraduates “on
. me to state to you that at the Sierra Club Berrigans and others had done) about us. 18 6 case, we ee t at the committee and by choosmg
. " meeting I stated in response to Dr. Philip reforming the parole system and once 383-111 UK undergraduates are faculty who have shown their
1 . '. Crossen’s question concerning the status upgrading educational, vocational, getting the short end 0f the sthk. concern for undergraduate
. . , ' of Kentuckys abortion law, I felt the medical and psychiatric programs within After all, the College of Arts and education to undergraduates.
. l

 THE KENTI'CKY KERNEL. Thursday, ”it. 7, W7] —5 ' ' _
UK ° t d t l t It I I I ‘
By EDWARD GARDNER prese n t ed a nd relative get another chance to fill out the employers bet!” (“Uh-{Nd J‘Jh “”1 lnaxmlum ”umh“ "’ ' -
Kernel Staff Writer importance was to be placed on questionnaire. “It is hoped,” WPIIWMS. It was started last WIPIOWTS ‘4 . “Nd?!” WUld be . ,

The results of Grad ll, a these by the participant. Jones stated, “by that time they Year . at 17 schools as all matched" With is 25. This ' _ '
computerized placement SYStem, Students at fault Will have reconsidered, and have experiment, and ”“5 year "V” “match numb” ”lwsmm - ~ . ' , -
have been received by the “For the most part, a lacking a belt” idea Of What they want 100 3” ““F‘g the system. “mph-“i.” that ”.16. student V . l ' '
University, but the participating was found in the students’ to do.” tThe serVicels‘open to students could find a position anh. , _. , , 3.
students are not likely to be ability to place importance,” Two years old we willt1 rtcltl’VL‘ degrees this Often the student linds listed. ‘. ‘ ‘ ‘.
pleased. Assistant Placement Director (‘rad II is a two ear ld {Edge “:11 1 1.!“ ”FT“;E,Q¥ names 9f companies hf: ”Wm . ~ ' .

The reason for displeasure is Harry W. Jones commented. “It ird'ect created to y rovl)d . begau J (glpx‘ml I“; ”in 1.". .15 ‘5 never have “on“dcmd‘ I‘m“ , 5 ., ' '
the minimal number of students was the tendency of most to :tudJents with a free 0 ~, oritun'ttl e ISL, . I“ ‘ “Hparticilpatlng reported. '1 '- p. . .
that were matched by the place equal emphasis on all ‘ I? ..l y mp oyers “0mm 0” y or - . '

. . , . . to see where they might tlnd busmesses and government ' ' ' .
proiect which informs three. This 15 one reason . . _. ,
. , . . . employment, and to give agencres. . -' '
partiClpants of employers who employers tailed to conSider _~ .. , . :_. .
could utilize their talents. Only them.” ‘- g . . .
. 2 2 3 01” 0f the 894 Another reason for failure r . ' ’ . .
questionnaires processed showed cited by Jones. was the fact that l t h f . d , . .- «-
POSSibICJOb opportunities. some students did not make ones 0 6 en 01 CG ’ ‘
The manner in which students . -. ‘ . ' ~ , _ , " . 2 f '
‘ l h: . , practical relationships between Beginning Monday, Oct. 11, The handicapped zones are .» .V .. ‘
comp eted t c (rrad ll the type of employer they h‘ . 3 . _ desi n't‘d f t"' It "Ft“ d FOR . _ , ..
questionnaire earlier this year desired and their chosen type of t L UK P011“ Department WI“ ' g d t or dw- y, Std‘ an H4 ‘ . ~:‘
was blamed for the less than work tow a‘Nuy all unauthorized cars Students WhO qualify and hold % ND/C . .‘ ‘ .4 .
overwhelmin success Of the - ' , . . parked in handicapped zones. passes. . App ‘ ? _-_ ‘
g . - .1 . .. Enfohra glng to, ”“3 The Safety and Security Any cur parked In these zones 1* [O
procedure. Three main tactors. partlLlpdnts‘ however, 15 tht . I with at h d'“ ‘d ‘ "l- g _ _ .-
function (type of job), “sccond~cycle” that is offered department re-eased a Statement . 0 a an icappc SIIL .er "f g,
). ‘ ' that a 24-hour control will be Will be removed at the owners 'A . .
geographical preterence, and by the program. In early . . . B : -
. strictly enforced CXPCIISC. p M » -
type of employer. were December or January, they Will ‘ a $95 , » g, ;

Kernel moves toward independence 5" are“ a:

Continued from Page 1 becoming a corporation.’ said protection for individual writers professor of Journalism; Dr. . or __
_ UK Legal Counsel John Darsie. against libel suits. Herbert Drennon, ”50¢”th dean lntormotlon -' . . 1 .g .
T Last year at the April 30:qu 0f “We have to file the articles of The charter issued by Harper for instruction in A&S; Dr. coll _ ,l - -,
' rustees meeting, a reso ution corporation With the county provides that in event of Robert G. Lawson. acting dean " ,1 - " . I
was passed t9 cut 9” the Clerk’s office and in Frankfort. dissolution of the corporation of law school; James MISS RENNE 257—2846 , ' K Vi. g": ~
. $40,000 subsidy which the Then we need to set Up bylaws any proceeds will be used to Ausenbaugh, Courier-Journal After 5:00 p.m. . l‘“ j ,
‘ Kefnel. received from the telling how the corporation will provide scholarships for the state editor; David Walls, MISS SUZANNE FULK _ .
. UniverSIty. ‘ . operate. School of Journahsm. sociology graduate student. 254-1286 ~ .1 . ‘ g ' . ;
’ President OtlS A- Singletary “Finally we’ll have a meeting The board of directors will be .- , . 1
proposed a compromise at the of the incorporators (three composed of; Dr. Stuart Forth, “ _
April meeting asking the subsidy Kernel editors) and the board of director of UK libraries; Tim Department of Theatre Arts presents ‘ , _
be cut in half for the upcoming directors and adopt thebylaws. Gu'ilfoile , administrative Rodgers and Hart’s musical ‘ .. g » .
fiscal year. He made no The board of directors Will ratify assrstant to the Student .
pr0Visi0nS beyond thiS. the actions of the incorporators Government; Mike Wines, Kernel THE BOYS FROM SYRACUSE ‘. .
Board member Eugene G055 and only then do we really have editor-in-chief; John Gray, Directed by Wallace N. Briggs ‘ .
a m e n d e d S i n gle ta ry ’ S an operating corporation.” Kernel editorial page editor; Musical Direction by Phyllis Jenness " , .
- recommendation $0 the Kernel After incorporation Lincoln R. Lewis Jr., president g "
would become independent of According to Darsie, after of Sigma Delta Chi; Nancy GUIGNOL THEATRE . f _‘ .
University funding 35 0f JUIY 1, incorporation the Kernel Press, Green, director of student October 6'7‘8 8-30 p.m. ‘ . -~
1972- Inc., will be responsible for any publications; Larry Kielkopf, October 9 2:30 p.m. only M .' , I, .
. Charter firststep debts incurred, rather than Kentuckian editor; Dr. Bruce October 10 730 p.m. _

“Getting the charter is only individuals. He also said Westley, Journalism department Reservations 258-2680 from noon m 4.30 daily ,, >-
one step in the process of incorporation will provide more chairman: Dr. Lewis Donohew, ' ‘ I, . .
% ‘ ‘ E 1

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(i—THE RENTYCKY kERNEL Thursday. OH. 7, I9“ ____________________________———-—————————— _
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