xt70rx93bd09 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70rx93bd09/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1981 1981 1981-10-09 2020 true xt70rx93bd09 section xt70rx93bd09 1,323 a“; 5“; 'C:_f':.‘i:_lfl;.'..:~ 9.35:...“ = :. - « g 2- . . , ~ ~ , “ ‘ i «4 ~ ' ‘ ”lit“;‘tii%t§yfiaa fr .2 . .' '
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i”. i ‘ ' that; ’i I
g , 5 . _ ' ONE MORE ROUND i
‘ “it?"
3.! . ' Today will be a replay of the rest of Qiyiffiefl
; ' the week ~ mostly sunny and a little “aging;
, . warmer. Highs should be in the mid .. 3;; for,
. . 605 to around 70, with increasing ‘.'.:)92,-":LJ
. ~ . cloudiness tomght and a good chance - ‘ fr?"
of showers Saturday : s
“'l- LXXX“? “0-40 An independent studem newspaper since 1971 univerSl‘y 0' Kentucky ' ‘i‘ ,'
. ~ '_ f ‘ Friday, October 9, 198] Lexington, Kentucky » , ,
”‘ CHE ' I t' II t I " ‘
' receives 39 90 we enro men proposa ‘ ~‘
7, l W the financingcommittee for formal Taylor Jr. said the members of the tistry and medicine, "upon the state's f ' ‘
" l ‘ .. ; Bureau Chief recommendation 0f approval at the committee and CHE “have to ask need formanpower." . ; .
; . . , ;’ ; ‘ a“ ~. 2: N0V€Yhhef meeting. ; why these people are seeking a legal The committee also recommended i 3
. ’ ' i ’ ' . ——————-—————-———"——— Saying 'there is Stlll 3 strong arguv education. Are they seeking it only to that the CHE look at the system of .
. _ ; . . 3 ; ;. ,. . . , '; . _ ment for not haying three law practice law" ldon'tthink so," determining tuition levels. Saying i’ "
_ . . . g. , . a... . : A proposal to establish a selective schools, " Pnchard called for the Raymond M. Burse, _a CHE that the current benchmark system .5 .
u.._.,_-‘....£.’ I l , . 5r _ adlhlSSIPhS POhCy for Kentucky elimination of one law school based on member, agreed. "Not everybody was “outdated," the formal recom— :2- ' ,
V ‘; ~, univerSities was presented yesterday “criteria established by the CHE." goes to a law school to practice law," mendation that a new policy “might :3 '
3 I i l ' . . ' to the Council on 3’9"“ Education at After Stating that there are too he said. relate undergraduate resident tuition it i
f, . 5. , ~ g , its quarterly meeting. . many lawyers in the state. the com- Taylor, along with committee to per capita income as a percen- ”it
a? t ' - » , k. ... The proposal, Wthh would MtnCt mittee recommended that one of the members Betty Daniels, Helen page" :E
» , , “it” "’ ’ the number 0f students enrolled at the law schools should be phased out as a Hughes, Henry Mann and Lois The current system of benchmark 5’:
f ”316721;" ; freshman and sophomore levelsi was way to meet “the state's need for Weinberg, said in the statement that tuition bases UK's tuition on a scale g I
2:1,‘2' “fl presented by the Prichard Commit- manpower.” "the committee has only concerned comparable to the tuitiOn rates of
ré’ t ~ tee.chairedby EdwardPrichard.‘ “We don’t have three dentistry itself with whether there are too other institutions of thesamesize. f}
Aft-.3; Visas; 3.5. .2 M“; The committee 15 recommending schools. three engineering schools or many lawyers in the Commonwealth Under the new ro sal d te 5‘
..I:v=e3‘”“i"a.“‘~ t ~, - that commumt colle es in the UK ' 1' ' . . , . p po ' gr 3 ua .-
5.52.15 . . . .7 , r 3 __ _ y g . . three medical SChOOlS, Prichard . . . tandl has not demonstrated that and professmnal resident tuition 9.
. 13...: 53¢... .43.... ., 2 system continue an 09?." adMlSSIOhS said.“l.ogi‘cally. we could havea hun- closing a law school will remedy that would be a percentage of the '5
. .- {1...}; 5.39352; I. g policy, while UK would place special dred law schools with three students problem undergraduate rate, and non-resident l
, 323?. 5:21sz ; .. . emphaSis 1190" the UPPeI‘leISIOh each, but that doesn‘tmake sense." "Therefore," the statement can tuition would bea percentage of resi-
3't. i'ligézig“ . . undergraduateztyhe graduate and pro- A major argument has been that eludes, “this minorin report is filed dent tuition.
. ,» $4.35. .2... .“gffll .. « 1.. fessmnallevels. because there are so many law to call attention to areas not ade The recommendation concluded
- 5‘... a » fetal gr‘f} at...“ ‘. , .3. The committee hlSO recommend- student's currently enrolled, quately covered." that the council should “assure that ,
’ 335: @5139}? tit} ‘2. ”1:1,:- ie’. . ‘r _ ’5 ,. ed the pos31ble phasmg'out of general eliminating one of the SChOOlS WOlJld When asked which one of the law no educationally qualified Ken- ”
. iofif‘t' [‘23. 3%. .3? :31 3-"; ._ . 2 '. M: fund allocations for intercollegiate deter many students from completing schools would possibly be phased out. tuckian is denied an undergraduate 3: '
4%. "tight: 32.4 .12.": .... _ g athletics, ellmmatmghne State law their law degrees atone of the two re- committee member Robert Slone said education solely because of inability g" '
- vfi’vflg . I... .32.. tituifthcérfié ; ' school, and restructuring the system maining schools because of over~ “that is a qu$nqn for the COLmCll. We to pay." .2
21),}! r», git” than»... ‘3: . . used to determine tuition levels. ; crowding . did not feel we had all of the inf orma- The committee, formerly known as it" ,
i. V... iii “H “9.33“”.2 ‘4 r W», The committee Said all athletics But Prxchard said he feels that “the tion needed to make thatdecision." the Council for Higher Education in It? t
; ”311;...“ 2:. 3...; .5 1.5. .5.” . that wet: not self-:Llpptiggng or sup. number of law schools should not.de« The CHE did not make a. formal Kentucky‘s Future. was first €53" .'
’ lull". ‘l/r.’ :t. i.“ %‘.th fit, . porgled iofl'gafini"esrhouldnbien:;:- pend upon the number Ol students. dcclSlon on the proposal but included established in 1980 as a 30-member g f
, ;. .. pi? .; To. .34” . 3 i: ' ‘ ; :3" :99 P :3 'od P Five members of the committee, it me proposaldirected to the (HE group responsible for issuing recom- 3;... .
i ‘4‘ 2. g 3;“? i " . . . .3 ’.._ 0“ 0V9” our-year perl - ; however,_disagreed With Pnchai‘d. In staff to ”toeus criteria for profes- mendations to help guide the CHE it
fit 5: iwg.“ - ‘ .j. . ”Th9 report went 0“ t0 53) that a minority dissentv C. Waltman Slonal programs. such as law. den over the next decade. it
- ,3; J. .5.2 , I. ' f elimination of general fund support gig -
, 4- .53.. .. y, . f; for intercollegiate athletics should not g: . ,
. rt '5! - o i . be viewed as reducing higher educa- "pm or sa 9 ‘3;
. y '. , _ , , ' . tion's total financial need, but rather {is
, By mvn) COOPER/Kernel staff as a reagocaggjon of appgahons l0 - n :j ‘
‘ 1 r t otherhi er ucationn '
. nae. growmg In Senate count
'i - tion to refer the athletics proposal to .
WASHINGTON iAPl _. President and another seven others leaning seven of the Senate opponents to save
In 9 Reagan picked up more Senate sup- against it. the sale. Assuming all 100 senators .
port yesterday for his sale of AWACS It shows 21 senators firmly in favor voted. it would take 51 to kill the deal.
. radar planes to Saudi Arabia but an of the sale and another nine leaning However, the procedure requires just ;
R for“ off ' Associated Press count shows the that way. a simple majority of those present ,
ape m 9'3 ways to 8V“ amck lineupstillagainsthim, 57 to 30. The remaining 13 senators say and voting.
Republican Nancy Kassebaum of they're uncommitted. The $8.5 billion sale. the biggest
W for venereal disease and pregnancy details and get medical attention," Kansas met with Reagan and then Two separate compromise efforts single arms sale in LES. history, goes .3?
Staff-“Titer ‘ during an examination. Meyers said. became the eighth senator in two are under way. however. And Senate through Oct. 31 unless both the Home ;
‘ Martin said Medical Center person- Detective‘ Bill Allen of the Lex- days to speak out in behalf of the $8.3 Democratic Leader Alan Cranston. a and Senate approve veto resolutions ;_r.
. . , . -2 .. neltry to spend at least an hour and a lngton Metro police said there is an 35 billion package. leading opponent. conceded this week against it b} then
, . . half with the victim to do a thorough percent conviction rate for rapists, “I think the assassination of Presi- that Reagan may be able to sway The sale includes five Airborne
» According to the statistics. one examination. There is a six-week Most of the convicted rapists dent Sadat makes it crucial that we several opponents tohlssidc. Warning and (‘ontrol System radar 7
woman in 24 will be subjected to an at- f0]]0w.up examination to test once receive sentences of five years to life; reach out to all moderate govern- Cranston said he remains confident planes. plus 1.177 Sidewinder missiles
' tempted rape. and one in six will again for venereal disease and Allen saidrere is capital punish- merits" in the region, the senator thesalewillbedefeated. and fuel pods and fuel tankers to in-
becomc the victim of a completed pregnancy. Counseling is also provid- ment for i'rstdegree rape. First- said. And the AP count shows that if the crease the firepower and range of 62
. rape. . ; edfor the victim. degree rape charges are brought She said the United States should president can win a stunning come» F—lsjet fighters
. ‘ lt is figures like these that spurred “You are all potential victims," when the victimis under 12years old. make the sale and “take a gamble frombehind victory. it will be a Reagan stands a chance of winning .
. the Socially Concerned Students to said Stacy Meyefi of Lexington Rape During a question-and~answer that it will be productive" in enlisting squeaker. over four Senate opponents and one
- " sponsor a rape forum Wednesday (‘risis Center. “To protect yourselves session, Trish Tooley, physical Saudi support for the US. Middle With House rejection virtually undecidedsenatorinone swoop in one
. ; . evening. The four speakers discussed you can use either weapons, martial therapy sophomore living at Greg East peace initiative. assured next week, the president will of the compromise efforts under way.
' various aspects of rape. including arts or psychological means." Page Apartments, said she didn't But the AP count now shows 50 have to win all 13 of the uncommitted althoughaSenateaide said that effort
- i. prevention and care of the rape vice Meyers said 50 to 60 percent of think the apartments had adequate senators committed against the sale senators and turn around at least is only in the discussion stage. ,
”ll” , . _ reported rapes occur between ac- rotection. _ 3
l " l h" ideal "'Ctlm l5 the person that quaintances. She said preparedness p “There is only one lock on the door. Dam Midli'gs, sum
Pr“5““t5 ”‘9 rapist Wlth an opportuni» and trusting individual instincts are The police say we should have
. . ty."' said Stephanie Bastin of the UK important. stronger locks, but they tell us we will I l I
. l’Ollt‘P lX‘Phrtmt‘ht Meyers suggested some precau- lose our damage fee,”Tooley said. er fl hts bUd et cum WIth Int -
. __ ' She suggested several areas on tions: Ann Murphy, another resident in
_ _ . ' campus and ill the surrounding com- thhen jogging. do so in pairs. the Greg Page Apartments agreed.
’ munity that students should avoid “Do not hitchhike. 5’ “Something should bedone, the locks .
bf’t'allSt’ the} are "potentially wWalk withasenseofpurpose. are not strong. I can use my meal W '5'
. dangerous l‘hey are. Clifford ,ch Strong locks on doors and card toget into my apartment." Staff Writer
Avenue. Pennsylvania Avenue. windows, Women‘s special interest groups in w
‘ W'dShlhtth‘" AV’Phllt‘. “058 Lane. Wat- ixDo not allow strangers into Lexington have made efforts to raise "or "' "r ’ " ’ ‘ ' l t "“f‘
SilnAlll‘Mthe BotanicalCrardensany placeof residence. public awareness about rape. and .. - - ‘ »
walkways between hUlldlth and any .zlf living alone do not put first plans are being made to hold addi- A group 0f 13 .‘Homosapiens and t .
. - heavily-wooded area name on mailbox. tional forums and rallies to em- college . itt‘dem' have claimed 3‘ ~
54'1th Martin 0f the UK Medical .thcn entering car or house have phasize women‘s concerns. responSlbility ‘for the recent Fits“ 0f
' ; (.‘entcr saldmOSt fit the rapes occur keys ready immediately. Donotstand “Women Unite Take Back the political graffiti painted on Universi- '
l ham?" 8 pm, and 2 am, 0“ Satur- fumbling for them. Night“ is the theme of a march ty buildings... . l' . ‘ 0 ,
.‘ . day nights, “After a rape has occurred the vic~ scheduled Oct. 23. Anyone wishing to The messages. most protesting ' . , ' 1
\ ' Sh" Shl‘l an examination l5 impor- tim should remain calm, remember See “RAPE "pages budget cuts to higher education, have , W
‘ tant for a rape victimTests are run ' appeared overnight 0" structures -
such as the Patterson Office Tower. , I, 2
I and have generally been removed or S a 3",
‘ ' unera e egat'on orme covered over by Physical Plant Divi- . . 4 ; ; 5.3.3...
sion maintenance crews almost im» ; 9. '5. " ' . 3%.?
—'———-—-——--— then it comes back again. It's a time in recent memor thatacurrent mediately. _ ‘ ’ 2 3 ~" he
2:.ertxg:e:b‘xg?efit\c tragedy. How useless, how president and three prsédecessors had In response to a series of written ‘ ' _ 'r._ w .5: . {To fit _
. ‘ ‘ senseless." gathered at the sameplace. questions provided by a Kernel - " 1'; ’f‘t *4 .; 7. .“ i.\_.',
. . » . . . .2 Wm In a meeting also attended by The top four congressional leaders reporter. members of the responsible » fr 3 v' ~ »‘
y . .5 . Secretary Of State Alexander M- Hais each decided against attending the group «who .W‘Sh t0 “‘mam . , ” .13“ t) a W ' ‘2“
.~ ' WASHINGTON - AS a delegation Jr. and Richard V. Allen, the presi- funeral as did Reagan and Vice anonymous) said the group has no . , ." ' W. a , it“ '
. , thlUdlhg three {Oi‘mei presidentsand dent‘s national security adviser, Prosideht Bmh, whose aides cited name because "names are labels" .. ;. , .1 g . ,wfii‘i .
a Hyearold pen Pal 0f Anwar sadat Reagan also stressed that the United security fears as the reason. and labels will limit its range (if ll 'l ' . .61; l "" -,. 3,: ;" .2" . .:. 31:45:?
' ' .l’repatt’d t‘,’ deliver a mournt‘“ Statw' relationship wtih Egypt “is The Reagan administration stood capabilities. said group members '” "it; ' am" or lift, .
- American tribute to Cairo, President from nation to nation," an indication by Haggis statement Wednesday that who wish to remain anonymous -_ ‘ a. :iwi " . a...“
-. ., IRoeiiza‘n inwted the slam Egyptian that it would not be affected by he was encouraged by the continuity ~.. . “gr '5' g, gov
__ eaders successor. Hosni Mubarak, Sadat‘s death. of Egypt‘s policies. Their goals are “to voice and ,1. 5 ,. ,fiam... 2 . .-
” ' onastate visitearly nextyear, With Haigincharge, an officialus. organize protests against budget cuts . to ‘ 5 ~ ‘l: *1" .5:
' . Reagan issued the invitation delegation that included Richard M. “There is every indication the in education T0 8” people thlhlilhfi Ll t" V I”? 5:
through Ashraf Ghorbal, the EEYP' Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter Egyptian government is moving for. about the cuts and their detrimental ‘h- i ‘ "‘t I ”y; y. .1. ‘45;
. . . tlan ambassador here, when the on- and Henry Kissinger prepared to ward in its constitutional process,“ effects And to do something about " m; "‘ {I " g. “ l‘ ‘3‘
, '. . , voy v151ted the Oval Office to receive leave for Cairo and Saturdays said David R. Gergen, Reagan‘s them " Eventually. they would liketo ., ,— -_,‘: . ., “ ‘ 32 ~
' . Reagan's condolences on the funeral of Sadat, assistant forcommunications. see a petition organized and a strong “fivw‘m -':~ , 1 ' - ’ . «2...». 5m 3;
'2 .' - assaSS‘Mtlt?" The three former presidents plann- “He was very kind to reminisce movement against the cuts . ‘7 . 5 .— 3 5... f'
- l The Prfildeht» "1 8 ml“ barely ed to meet with Reagan at the White over the recent visit of President and developed» ' .swimmm. who: .. m2. . 2
. ' ] audible to reporters. told the am- House Thursday evening and then fly Mrs.Sadat,“Ghorbalsaidoutsidethe Group members said they think the ByD.-\\'ll)(‘00PER/Kernelstaff . ‘ ; _
. g bassador that Sin?" Sadat‘s death by helicopter to Andrews Air Force White House after the meeting. “He Oct 14 rally planned by the Stud?!" Pl‘l) employer nod Stone paints over a message protesting higher other I ' - , 2 ~ "
. .« Tuesday, --depressmn settles on me. Base to board a presidential jetliner assured me that the relationship ASSOClathn to protest budget Cuts '0 tion budget cuts left on the t'lassroom Building by a nameless vigilante ' 4' ' ' "
‘ You get busy doing something. and for the flight to Egypt. It was the first (between the United States and higher education is “great." They group. ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘
I . . Egyptlsolid as it is ...will continue to also said “there is no excuse not tohe . _ . .
“’ . _ 1 ”5' d grow." there anyone concerned at all before he \Hll become involved Herc tects will touch many aspects of our . . ~ ‘.' ‘53.,
about the quality of education and is a problem vthc hugi-t cuts in cduca daily lives " _ ‘ - fa. :, 3‘53
‘ a: He said the relationship "is the cor- getting their tuition's worth“ should tionl now affecting a lot of In- The group said they are respoqible jg; ;_. ‘g‘t
~ Th R .. - H - UK” 1 l h St heistone 0‘ all 0“" efforts to bl'lhfl betherc divldlials.e\'ery pcrsonattendmg this for pouring red paint overthePatter- .mrgrg...
. . » '. . . e "‘ “a" "“3“” 80" y “mum" ouse‘ ory 0" page l‘ peace and stability” to the Middle l‘niversny and every other school In son statue in front of POT and hang- 1“.i&,2§.t .'
‘ ‘ ”s. . ' _ East. In response to a question about stu- the nation It is a cause and an oppor- ing a sign around the statue that read, _£f...';§lvé€:% it? .
.. . 1 b ' Liehiempl rotgrnltoth‘enerlandJEXt wet: and :urfwmt" .Magty MCG" Ghorbal confirmed Reagan‘s int dent apathy. they answered. “It's tunitytohelievcm " “Budget cuts. they're fucking with ”hiflftéifi
_ . ‘ “(“8th m mms pm, do" 9 m" we“ or 3' 99 pa" 7‘ vitation to Mubarak but offered no always been observed that an issue They added. "Thcc11ts,however.go oureducatlon. Demand change!“ 5&5“:th W223
.' immediau‘ mly. must directly affect the individual far beyond simply education. The of See“PA|NT.“pqea 95.53%
. ' 13.24;»; " ~
i "at "- . ' '-
‘tl «:91 . — . » ,._,,, -em-w--v ., ~ ~- («1' ww- . . _ 2- ,2 "7-.- 5. v w' ”no...“ .. pm - 4.2;... "x: . ll‘
‘ ‘ w 4 ' ' W " .. r” i - " *‘ " .. 'fii; 2:, ’agitafi"? a“; ~.
if ' -' « a “fitiw it ea. c . r ,2 '* . 1,. .2. . ~ .. . - - .
tiniest “dragonflies “is 5339...?” iii: “Me- In [- eu- nnnu A‘ l- I I A n- 1- its W» [.13‘.’ ‘ .- ' ‘ .2 - ' . We '_ ~ .

 I, m ”I." , . k... 1:".3‘" , .7 . hIIEW—i ,, . ,Wwfimaqfwiim *er.§i;I r w'ni'wI'I'Trjit “35:5
" , traih‘rl’mgifigg‘fw‘x” - 7' ‘ . 4~ 'H “with HWJMULL“? ‘; " ‘. =2. - 3f is
« ”‘nv ” L334“ ~‘ . ‘ .‘ , ' v- ' 4”*.L. ~444< L‘L " "Zi~~- : j“: t»
._ t. “Ht 4...» . . 4 ~ ; “LL ”3..., ~ a
If"; 34¢ , .. I, _ . , . ._ . . 4., . . . , . . . , . . .. wt. ”1.1"“? ”Viv", ~I ,z-f'? :‘SI'L .ggILfi-g {L 9.13;: :7.‘ , ‘2‘”1‘fl; 1;“? ‘ 53- _ L. . . .1 I .1‘1 . “-55%.“ Magi; , - ‘4'}:1'1‘ 1.2;:
4 .. .3] .. "““""""“'M g... a..- »~ We; .- L-WQL~¥L§ELM4 . .-.-...".’7¥’§7~‘1‘T‘ “f-"w '* ‘
L :iififiiir ~ ,. .5
L... «Lift . ll“!- MA-I- l-Alhe AIIerarles LhaWaIaea moi-shrub
that, set-m mu- Janeeflwhllarrh meat-r hue—unat- neonat-
my , cl '5“ 3510” . balsa.”
.. ”I ma Rudd must- a...“ sieve-wanna use“... ”'4'“ ~
_ ‘f - mm mm mucu- ”wees: WW
., _. -' . 4 master
L" . "l ' ‘ .“
5‘ .2 . - j I u e . I:
.. = Armed forces poor educauon ® 4‘
f . . ' . _ 4. . * ti
f . ._ ' o
- f is vantages weaponry ..
. ’ f ‘_ P
In his speech here last week, George through more sophisticated technology _~ s
4 - McGovern concluded a lengthy spiel against rather than attempting to compete on the . .-‘- ‘II
4 conservative plans to increase defense spen- basis of sheer numbers (necessitating a . i. 7 H
ding with the statement that “education is draft), is to have personnel capable of main- h +he I 3 . h
defense." taining and designing such weapons. . . . 1 Sure. 0P6 rev 3 2 .”
While his phrasing may have been a bit Those who see the Soviet Union as a grow- . ii 'I{
elliptical, his point was clear: in today 5 ing threat have missed out on one of the ma- an a¥-}er]‘fc . . . lI A
. highly technological world, the ability to ob- JOI‘ pomts they could be making — the . \i
tain and use the tools provided by knowledge Soviets maintain a rigorous educational I d
- - is essential. Any society thatwould maintain system from kindergarten to college, par- ih 1 b .F l n
. a competitive edge over another must de- ticularly emphasizing scientific fields. ' ls Ones Gen aw \l e . . LI :1
pend on a highly—educated, innovative Students are given a solid base in the fun- - .I ,‘
citizenry. damentals and have ample opportunity 5 ,,
. . through state-funded institutions and . ' .i
As McGo‘vem polluted out, brute strength '5 research projects to advance their ’ P‘
‘ “0t enoug ' Muc 0f om- weaponry 15. $0 capabilities. Teachers are highly paid and k 5'
sophisticated that we are unable to keep it in well respected. ' \ ' l"
3 working oxf'derlm:chfof the time — not only While state-subsidized education in the , .
game of a :c 0 spar e~parts,l ”933150 United States may never become a reality . g
' .3958 o a s ortagc; 0f ”gong; w1t the and a rigid curriculum set by government _- ’
training necessary 0 ma ‘3 needed standards is not in keeping with the long . - Q ;
. repairs. t . bl tha th d l' . ba . tradition of broad-based liberal education in \ -
. uin '5 argua e t e. cc "‘9 m 5“: this country, a definite improvement in 0
Job skills plaguing our military is not so educational quality is needed. \
. piuch the regultrof gmng tlo an alt-volunteer . Money, as with all things bureaucratic, is
orcle as the ec me in qua ity of e nation 5 the key, The Reagan administration has set fir _
pub ic primary and secondary SChOOlS ‘— a a precedent of selling education short, both ‘ . ’ .-
pomt made by Army offic1als on all levels in the funding provided and the estimate of \\I‘
, when interviewed for a recent CBS-TV its value \t‘
documentary on military preparedness. If the new “conservatism” in Washington
Money spent on the armed forces is sup— is truly as concerned with countering the
posedly an investment in the future — an in- Soviets as it has repeatedly claimed, it ' .
vestment in our safety and security. But should heed McGovern’s warning — the Brown! IagISIatura mUSt be CONVIHCOd I
planning is essential to any “portfolio” if it is mental preparedness of our people could be . a . I
. 4 to show a decent return. as important a deterrent to conflict as our 10 restore adequate Education mndlng '
Part of that planning, if we expect to con- physical ability to unleash the final I
tinue holding an edge over the Soviets holocaust. This week two seemiigly unrelated I
. , _ activities involving public higher m But even if theserecommendations ‘ 4
' j __4__._._._. .. mama education in Kentucky should capture 3 t vi. I lead to assistance from the
‘ ~ / ,3?» M the attention of all civic-minded peo— Legislature, it will probably be insuf-
J BRW ‘ . ' . (TE/£53: ple. The notion that citizen will rise to ficient and the remedy merely a tem-
IT U9T 5 . , 9. / 3;:%3:; The first, the beginning of a series the occasion and support all levels of porary solution. As Pritchard bluntly
' I WW, EDI-{HAT I m p: l 1;}:2/ 33?; of rallies scheduled for seven state education if simply iiu‘ormed of the remarked to the Council on Higher
MAY mm m -- A f ‘. ;'§i 2%;5’33, university campues, commenced magnitude and pervasivenass of the Educatim in a personal letter
14_ TH056 HTTLBEWES ’n ‘ ‘ ' “ " \ Tuesday withalukewarmshowingof fiscal problem is not necessarily proceeding the final report, “we
* IND .-. ._ W support at Western Kentucky Univer- naive. In fact, about a decade or so realize that additional financial sup-
.. AND TeILL HIM THAT . '»'__’.‘.I_.:I 3 . 4 FENS sity. ago many Kentuckians were rudely portc'anmtbeattainedinsinglefiscal /
\\ VB CAN Twp": ‘ “‘3‘“. I,” i The second event, the Comcil on alarmedtolearn tlnt elementary and year or a siigle session of the
. _ :45; Higher Education’s first formal secondary public education in dis legislature; it will require a long-
, ’ _ , 2 ; ,. /< V”; DG E T deliberationonproposalsby theCom- state ranked in the lowest 10 percent term commitment — perhaps a
‘ =é‘7/ ‘ n.7,? l H . “4 mittee on Higher Education in Ken- ofstates. decade."
6 ‘ ' ' ' tucky’s Future, attracted fewer par- Fortunately, dirilg the last crisis William McCain, chairman of the
’ r.» I“. ticipants, but greaterstatewide atten- the good citizens of the Com- council. said Wednesday that some
i .' I. :i » .I f ’ tion. monwealth rallied to the came and recommendatiom will be considered
l 2‘ -. ~ ' , Both activities are endeavors of paid increased taxesasagood invest- for action by that group before '
I ~ 4 7/51“ ._ in,“ ‘ . “a concern about the quality of educa- merit in the future. This time, smack January‘s session. McCann also said
\' ‘. _‘ 5 " .. fi—i‘ ‘ tionformw,aswellasthefuture. inthemiddleOfthedaysofBeaganm- that “the matters of funtk for this ‘
, \ __ _ , i m “a ,, .
I , .j \ E; . = l 2.. \i' 7;; , £ 2 . . However, therespometotherallies mics and with taxpam demanding year‘s budgets will certainly receive ‘
.~ § a; »- . . , . l . 0 . , , \ may indicate (not mfily ac- tax relief, educationiscomideredby promptaction."
. Ha") . i h.— ,'. , I, ".:I "a, _ v.‘ ’l curately) whether to public officials many as just another commodity. So for now, we must resign :
, 3‘ V I :5:- g L (”I )L/ 4.4%" II , . the degree of “hung; with which Tax increases are no longer popular ourselves to peacefully protesting the i
51‘4”“ It. .. x “.5 M 1/..." ~. 7 a -. l I I most cum view the currait finan- fiscal alternatives with state cutbacks until at least January. No l
, -_ , “L . {.X 4 LII—IQ ,3} v , 33;: I, .. g; ‘ M‘W . i \\ cial phght, Indeed, iftheofficials are legislators. matter how successful Wednesday's
.3 I: >3 'fi‘k‘)! «bk: ,5.“ . , " . .~. 7.1, ', t ‘ (. not aware of or sensitive to that Rallies like the one scheduled on rallyappearstobe,don'texpect Gov.
,1. egg -— #7173 “a ." st, . I“ “h ’4 \ / flfl’ / plight,theyshouldregtamredthatit campus fornoonWednesdsyinfi-ont John Y. Brown to race back to
L 34:5 .‘ ’FKJ'“ - ‘k 2 “v; A . . “\\ _ . v iscriticalacrogstlnstate. of the Administration Buildilg may Frankfort inhisSikorsky and issue an
, . e . ‘x , - v %
> . 3'? i » ’ ’- ‘I . i, . I133; , " l At UK alone, dirirg the last fiscal help persuade the governor and the executive order to restore the ap-
{ ‘f _ . '~ . ’garg «,« ‘ er year, $20 million was slashed from General Assemblytobitcthepolitical propriations he rescinded in 1980 and
j _, 5." ,. - . . ,_II I“ it . II I} T ' L “'7’ 3mm) vital state appropriations. As Presi- bullet, swallowhardand facethetask this year. «
t - “hijnimliah' .; we“, ., Myra. I, . 'e .5; dent Otis Singletary has repeatedly of fiiidilig adequate hind- for educa- We must tnidge amen the next i
l \i \qum MK /, a", I ' '5 "",. I ” ~ warned, since any fat existing in past tion. Weneedan immediate economic months with a renewed same of stu- "I
-, i... L's/«wot JW’TLI, a,“ budgets has already been cut from fix and the only relief in sight is the dent activism. Students are tax- _ s.
_ ' the school’s bucket, any further upcomiig sessionoftheAssembly in payers. and politicians understand Pl
reductions will definitely undermine January, butthecommitteeonhiyier the wrath of a- taxpayer ignored. , M
l I I theqtnlityofeducatimUKcenoffu. educatimalsorecognizestheurgency Pocketbook issues such as payiig ; V‘
"O to “089th extenSIon Accordiig to UK sailor Dean Gar- of higher education’s neIerh. more for an education while receiviiu :‘II
ritson, vice president of the Student Unlike many comprehensive increasingly lower quality can be the -
_ . . , _ government Associatiai of Kentucky governmental reviews by special in- salient concerns that arouse enough '
.. . Although Urban .County Government. of Cther options. should be explored. As It,” “\.‘_ the mmfim which is sponsor- dependem “amt are filed away attention in mm for the eduw
_ ficials are domg their damnedest to convmce Stadium Road D is rarely the scene of hea ~ - _ - - ~ - - ~
, _ _ . mg the rallies the theme to be forusesometimeintheznt Century, tionlobbiestospeakwithauthority.
.4 opponents of the proposed Rosemont Garden traffic except during football games. Is it real- mists; “higher mum Ken- thereportofthecommittee, which is If Blown doesn't get cold feet
5; extensmn that their anxiety is a bit ly necessary to build an extension parallel to tucky’sfuture.” chaired by Frankfort attorney Ed- baton the rally. don't let him femt T
i; premature. there is still valid cause for con- theseldom-used Stadium Road? 08;:“0; Points out that :9” we“? 33:19"? ”I“! 80¢: tanwglmlgokwimdamim in
cem. p posed “gra tes anyltentucky universi- Irec y o e ans 0 r ‘ . our at lice at .
‘2: . . ”hat" the money allotted for the pro. ty may very well find timualves in manyproblems, includiig tln's fiscal the rally is My important, and w
., While the proposed extensmn would save a extenSion would be better used to repair the an awkward mum tellins an crisis. if enoush We participate the SL
few minutes in driving time, itwould also plow potholes presently plaguing StadiumIRoad. employer that the mm from Siigletary, a man who rarely goveniorwillgetthemeusage: Ken- *—
II: straight through the wildlife preserve located Those who have had their cars and bicycles which they graduated no longer ex- wet-states a sittntion, was quoted as nioky’s {titan-e camot afford anything Si
between Nicholasville and Tates Creek roads. swallowed by these craters would certainly ists.”lnevitably, as graduates saying, uni: mu most important lessthanarededictaIted financial com- . ‘
' ' ' ' ' - - dem t tel levdsd icien- nt t bun nted in mittmenttoeduca al.
s forest is one of the few remainin w a ress “'5 "I m N “mm In”
fig Th1 . . g OOded 3".“ that this prom?“ ls "m." P . mg than cy, Kentuckiamwill belatdly realise this state on the plight d higher
I... areas in central Lexmgton and cannot be trying tosavea few minutes drivmg time. . . - - ..
.5; , their lostinvestment. education in my time here. Brod Sturgeon is on us senior and
. . allowed to succumb to the Urban County .Another side effect of the proposed exten- But we don’t hue to W this Singletaryhagaflqj managing former president of the Student
Government s bulldozers. Sion has been grossly overlooked by the Urban gloomy fa-ecast. since lees. Association. .-
' At Wednesday’s meeting, the Urban County County Government. Many of the married - n It
. Government explored other alternativestothe students who live in the Greg Page Apart~ m m t T
4 7: proposed extension. One idea calls for remov- ments and in Shawneetown have small
ing “only about 50 feet of the forest and children who play in the open areas surroun- 1!! swfliittins letters to this me. write: Md ad- with UK. lattasthelimiwdtofiowordI.
f relatively few hmses,” but this is still 50 feet ding the apartment complexes. If an extension $323me . aim ‘° W ““9 W ‘° mm“? a.“ “PM“ mm"; '1
. too many. Another option is to eliminate the is built, the children will run a greater risk of m. °"""""‘ "" ' “’5“ W ”W” ““5? °' “‘ WW "‘°"'
4 ., . . . . , contactClrisAshtrBi Steldulatmmheforesib-
. . . Rosemant Garden Extension and construct a being hit and mangled by oncommg cars Students. University WW and other "Iterated minim MW. .
, . . corinection of Alumni Drive and Dantzler speeding between Nicholasville and Tates mmuflfimmmflaflmm “3° "m" m a” nun ” “m f" V"“’“‘“4 i ,
.. I _. I , . , Courtat Nicholasville Road. Creek roads. rmaja's,claesi tiaisorcomection clantysiidlalgth,sndtodiniimtellbalou material. 4
I mm" “mm [syncs-he Bmthed
if” m N 1 LM m t
v e4 .44,;z'i A m. Tmfi'flfin wax in How WT If!!! a an. we 3' mm W ‘5 m ’ 3
at... ”a? ' aw m"m 33"., I We rmm mu. an item
”We 4 \ "R 957'" Max I must? a» or main ”M W mo ' M? . §
. We... 3%.”. m m m w m. I I r »
“bye ‘3‘” 4% ~ m m“ I "t mm M ”(£8 ~) ( . .‘ 8
. thrite‘hg . i. I 1“ ”NOW MW"