E . . . . ’. . .. . . - . . . . THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1975 . . . . . 17
ss1e McCray 1S surprised Potato ranges from basw . dminlstratlon Wlthdl‘aw bl k 1
(Continued from Page 9) - ~ . ' , - S a c un S“ ort
R l . h . . d f glhght get some more snow. But End Islaufldomded to preaclh the t l t t, t By ALANBERLOW J h D _
aelg. . a seniot, receive irst i you know that lots of snow os e an a minister a t e . f ‘ - 0 h entr D-Pa., wh fr H - , V
glacte m‘lluivemlsingl-Tl Epithfstu- during the winter makes a good ordiiiances thereof wherever God 8 “P e 0 gourme 8 Bus WASHINGTON _ Advocates visibly shocked by the testimgii:s mi’fi‘iltenbcyl'etthghgiélfice :tf htdhfnalgagt isxpticrgttreiaghnent f0: one speCial A UMW SPORCSWOman said
en s M rav 9 ' ' ‘ ' . - . ’ ' —coa — ‘ '
week in April teo garticc’ipafe i); 2 mili'g'izi'med with sorrow of the i333“ Prov1dence may cast his The potato has proved itself a preparation and the speed at . of increased black lung benefits i?.}%i:h?se;%‘:ded hearing room: and Budget, which formulates and that ‘g‘eqiiity demgilzelestiual zgrfice’iI-fizdnflibliietr surprised nor
national competition. Other Stu- death of the son of an old school Mrs. Curt Caudill tells us that pOpular and highly humhohs which they can be prepared are ‘ were caught Off gum? recently ‘ were led to bzligosnfiog that we ’the AdmmIStmtwn's budget pro- compensatiOn for equal disabil- Administration OEfPi‘iJS'ltion from
dents receiving awards were mate of Blaine’s, Jackie Honey- they had some good preaching at food that can go from a baSlC bound to keep this market a When the .Ford Administration They never onve a or held. posals. ity." though she said th C311? al-
Diane Holbrook, who placed in cutt of Pine Top, last month. the Sandlick Church Sunday and staple to a gourmets feast. thriving one. Here’s a timely took an unexpectedly hard line debated the tru (t‘efuargued or A Labor Department spokes- But Perkins argued that Con' partment’s t t- e a or De-
ihe t0p five in DECA Quiz, and Jackie, 33, was the ‘son‘ of that about 18 people went home Dieters “0101111? shun it They dish to serve your family: against any continuation of fed- before. Idon’t ks nd- concept man Shld the black lung trust gress intended to single out coal “dire tl es “5’,“ had bee.“
Danny Stidham, who placed in Roosevelt and Lola Bates Honey~ with her and Elder Caudill after know that calorie-Wise, 1t equates POTATOES AND H Ab [H eral participation in the black the switch nchw what caused fund is unacceptable to the miners for preferential treat- ti til y hontrary to_the_p0sl-
the top five in f00d industry. A cutt. His funeral was conducted Church, including Elder Alonzo With-{in apple or a banna, and CHEESE SAUC I ‘ lung program. stepped on or-wl‘iv Elsie toes were Administration because coal mi— ment. ion gy ad fayored m discus-
totafl of 27 stufcrlents aganded) the at the Mallet Fork Regular aims, and Mr - and Mrs. Leland 3:31;: 5 Efflvi'nratlla-tsfrilrkcre'1m' l b b In the third day of hearings on the door." 0 “Rd down lhers fwould automatically receive Slons mm the “hmh- .
, con erence om ites urg Ba tist Church, burial in th ““th from Knott Count - She ' - a e I a t sp. utter or mar arine black lun le islation b I ene its whether the actua S . .
Dem causal... as... was {with cemetery s. Pine Top. W n... she enjoyed "3mm nah... a. all n he... mhflw e nous. fibers Msmfiiifee“ Asfiffifériflfintesthonyl er the suffered from an... nig_,,,..‘.',y_ enate approves strip bl”
their advisor, Bennett Welch, Pine Top is near the head of Carr being there. enjoyed cooking for t d‘"‘ the advent 0f frmssed ltsp. salt spokesmen for the Department of main issue confronti cm 181 the m°c°ni°5is‘°'n°t- '
who was one of Six teachers Creek, several miles down from them, and was happy for such a foo s, a Who” new “'0' d (gpened pepper Labor opposed continued feder 1 panel was wheth "51‘ e Dent Rep. John Ehrlenborn R-Ill (Continued from Pa e8)
selected to attend the nationals. the Omaha Post Office. Besi d S wonderful day. or the potato. Almost 0 per lcup milk . . . . _ a , b er ack ‘lung rose to th d . ., . _g _ other amendment. sponsored by
A _ . . _ e . . cent of the total t , 1 parthipationin setting up ablack enefits should be automaticall e efense of the standards over stripminln of Huddlest d
tdschliththanvmg til? smgfms 1‘15 parents he ‘5 suervcd by two Mrs.Curt Caudill,_ Sandllck, being used in varliguastof crop If A cup shredded processed lung trust fund to be financed by eXtended to miners who haw); Department Of Labor position, coal and requires that lanfi be Ford wliirchanr lcosplonsored by
Welch"lsfl is 56 5:22;; W'liitakefe: 9:315hiZihegnfnilnggosfigéfsnd Mllillirilss feiffiierllfg f whiten??? processed potatoes. “23:30 313:: diced potatoes apEr-tonctarlr on all mined coal. gvsorhed in strip gr lgeep mines for giggingi thattit hafs:l cgnsistently rotutnid to' it: approximate ori- standards so thitage (Egg/2‘53
- . .' _ . , . h __ i is even 5 illi . - . e _ ar D. Perkins, D. ” ears, w ic ent has _ e e rust n conce t. gina s apea er minin . of Kentuck
-. ..www W w... ......r Mm and as a"ss'°s alas ...
. drove the bus for the students. Last week. after attending the Miss Martha Jane Potter is Processed potatoes now em- blend in flour and seasonings. fiClals by saying, ”It is difficult kii'ilstfid Mm; Workers and Per- pnginal 1969 Had lung bl” was Infidaii‘lmodl 0f abandoned strip- 'mmmg research funds contained '
All students of the DECA Organi- Thornton Gap Church Elaine and still home and was doing fine brace frozen FreiiCh fries and Add milk slowly and cook over for me to see how you can run Th re pus {mg for. - ' - 2r states to‘ take over financrng onnlfothan rtfo be funded bya tax m the ML Another Ford
zation are to be commended for I stopped by the Eamie Collins until Saturday night when she hash browns, chips and shoe low heat until thickened, stirring away from a provision that would tesfi e surprise Administration 0 the disability benefits through coal S“ ace and deepmlned amendment would allow the uni-
. the wonderful job they have done Restaurant for a good dinner had a little flair up and has not strings, dehydrated as instant constantly. Remove from heat save the government between to mony set the hearings back their own workmems compensa- A.H versity‘ to hire coal research
this year. The organization We love eating here for the been feeling so well this week. "135th or in flakes. Other and add cheese. Put alternate $650 million t° 51 billion ayear.” eraslqum-e one—whether the fi-fli- no" programs. d UddICStqn-SPOI‘sored a- Spec'alms from Otherinsmutes'
would like to say Thank You to people are always so nice. 1 Mrs. Maudie Fleming of Pound, processed products would in— layers of potatoes and ham in a The program is presently funded ate ggvsmrrhelznt should partiCi- But Dent retorted that existing 3:; ment which passed allows .Huddleston and Ford . voted
. the merchants of Whitesburg especially enjoyed this day for a Virginia, is with her, and Miss clude canned potatoes and by- greased baking dish; Pour by the federal government. Eation ronya ack lung compen- Workmen 5 Compensation pro- how ”$31133?“ ft‘f drechommend with 'the Senate majority . in
i Who helped SP°“S.°" the StUdehts g00d friend that I had not seen in Potter felt‘ glad that Mrs. products 0f starch and flour. cheese sauce over the top. Cover Perkins heads the House Edu- A p . gr m. - grams d.° “Gt prov1de for occupa- doned coal 3:! n shorlaban- hejemng two other weakening
f and made 1‘ POSSIhle for them to a long time, came in to eat, Mrs. Fleming was with her. She was Processed P°t3t°e5 are more and bake at 375 degrees fahren- cation and Labor Committee n aide to Dent said _the mom} diseases and that funding spent Within tlinsarS s on d be oor_almendments to eliminate a
\ attend the conference. Nannie Duncil and her son, also very glad to hear from an old acceptable and more popular as heit (moderate oven) for 30 which will later review the sub: gongtressman. had seen prevrous black lung through that mechan. although the Secféta 0V"; Istates, Epsom unemployment'compen.
Essie McCray is still enjoying Melvin Duncil. Mrs. Duncil friend, Mrs. Edna Bentley nevi; uses and improvements are minutes. Remove cover and bake committee’s draft version of the Dray s of testimony by the Labor ism would not work. would still have mfg Ofinglerlor outlochf provltstpn for miners put
the nice day he had last Sunday. looked so nice but says her health Grimes of Romulus, Michigan, ma e regularly. The case Of 10 minutes longer. 4 servings, V3 black lung bill. epartment Whmh supported the Ehrlenborn‘ alSO argued that about which reclamation r ' scary and t Wor ecause 0f the in“
When his daughter Imogene had is not at all good. She says that who had called to see how she cup each. Subcommittee Chairman Re trust fuiid concept. He charged the black lung legislation before would be approved p Ole s a ains? rtemoye the restriction
worked hard all week to surprise she was just out Of the hospital in was doing_ Also another good WM
herhfatlggrhwith a happy birthday Lexington and would go' last grililend, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cau- ' one s. aplta Hill News SerVice)
on is t birthday. She had a week to Johnston Cit Veteran’s i had come U from Hazard B '
delicious turkey dinner ready hospital for eye surggry. to have and ViSlted With hit for awhile. Joe rewers return ' - l " ' I ’.' ' W
with all the trimmings, and two cataracts removed from her eyes. Mrs- George Adkins and son, ’ i . 'V , ' ' i c dl . l ‘; PW?
girthtilay Cilikes, one by his Mrs. Duncil is a fine person. harry h Deanh dhove to Blair . o . . , (In CSiICk A???" any
aug ter, mogene, and the When I first met her several ranc to c urc Sunda , and f Fl d ' ” ' Nostalgic reminderot metlapperera, : , - ” '
other by his granddaughter, Sis- years ago, I was impressed by then drove to Wayland 3:) visit rom or] a vacatlon ‘ AWNWM lmed'DIWCK'Whne'S‘arsand smeee I i . ‘
syt Besides Mr. McCray, those be: friendly, entle nature, and] her ill sister, Mrs. Cleona Sam- - a*”“ RomWd'fllonly. . -%
enjoying the happy occasion were noticed that afi her old neighbors "10th Who has been very lll- By BEA CRAWFORD and Angela visited Martha Ann’s a WM” 'i' 3‘: i ' g;
. MrS- ESSle McCray and Mr. and always gathered around her and Mrs. Sammons was not much grandmother, Mrs. Anna A- . ’ W” , ' ' “I’M.~
Mrs._ Allen Evans and sons, spoke kindly to he, and well of better but two of her daughters Frank Frazier and Lee Frazier dams, Friday. . , W
Jackie and Tony; his grand. her. From then on i‘féh‘ proud to had moved in to her home to take Spent a few days at Cumberland Mr. and Mrs. Danny Burk- , ‘.. s; ._ ., -
daughter, lva Jones (Sissy). and call hel- my friend. care of her and Mrs. Adkins was Lake. . head, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair, - , .1” as. ' 77f”- _ - ‘1 3 ~, ..
Allan s brother. Glen Evan‘s. Enough was not said last wéek glad for thiS- 1 Jewell Breeding was Supposed Robby, Jeanine, Mr. and Mrs. Stowaway i ' ‘ “E25313. _;' I ‘ ‘
Everyone had a wonderful time about the ordination of the Now is the time to read Revela- ‘0 be h°me from the hospital Harold Ham ton, Melinda, ' The h , . . . " 3
. and enjoyed the good food. Regular Ba fist minister. The tions 16:12. Then you might read Thursday. . Tena, Mrs. 83y Frazier and Medal-$2313: gig/1:283:23? its fO'n'ethll'tl; . , t .',:; ,
Happy b'm'day ‘0 3’0“ 555“? first Paper that was filled out was’ Genesis 2, verses 10 through 14. . .Danhy Flelds Spent W0 weeks Patty, Reathia Blair and Bea trim—Orcontemporary Oiled szl-ilrllStlfleii/(laergvsiigl ' ' -
MCCray. and may you have many a record for the Presbytery and Now the only of these rivers that whh hls grandmother, Mrs. Bea- Crawford enjoyed bowling in ' silver-coloredtrim,ToD drops back outolsight. ‘ ’ . . , FEE l
more. . . , the church. The next was his we read about, either in history trice Parkerson, due to the illness Indiana Sunday afternoon. ‘ lvoryorbmkmemos—WWW“!reel‘TéUCh- " WE“ medi'err to
Our children, William Harold credentials, which was signed by 0f the Bible, is the great River of his mother, Mrs. Susie Fields. Mrs. David Adams (Tina) is T°“e'°"°tarydla'-$79-95- ,3 . -' ., j? >_ “flea“
3"? his Wife. Sue. _and their the moderator. the clerk of the Euphrates. and now through the Mrs. Anna Adams visited her out of the hospital and staying ‘ * v ,. ’ sf“? “admona'F’emh C’ad'e phonemas‘m‘l‘a‘ed
Children, Pamela, Michaei and Presbytery, and the clerk of the news media we learn that water granddaughter, Mrs. Anita with her daughter, Mrs. Charles 35”.? is; . ag/ g (31:2:Vic/’clicpgfllmshdgold-colored mm. and black ..
Timmy. were up from Loulswlle church. The credentials say in is being'piped from this great Jones; who is home from the Gilley. I saw her son at church "3W” MW WW , crad?e decgrgiieon 2238:; "gwesa wrought-"on
over the weekend, and we enjOy- part, ”We the Elders and Dea- river over the wastelands of Asia. hospital. Sunday; he said she was feeling 2 1 $3”? . V ' . V 35... . . V
Pd them so very much, The cons of our respective church of I; is food for thought. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brewer have some better. . 5.2% f. ,_i . Mafia . I
hhildren tare growmg up and Old Regular Baptist faith and ~ returned from a few days’ vaca- Mrs. Beatrice Parkerson and . 3’3 , . . t. M
Have no little baby. ways no_w. practice having been called f0r a Aren't we glad when the tion in Florida. June is the MrS. Mary Hale visited Bea- - h”. ,
owever, we do enjoy them just Presbytery by our sister the children of our old friends make daughter 0f the late Mr. and trice’s daughter Mrs Susie { ”f N“ 3(7th " Li 1W ~' ‘I ‘
as much as .when they were Church... for the purpose of good? One such is the daughter Mrs. Haste] Adams. FieldS, in lndiana: She is still in 5, ,1“? gfi-w§7f¥ .. _.
, :mlall. Our children really live in examining, and if found worthy of Mr. and Mrs. Webb Adams of Happy birthday to Sammie and the hospital but feeling some _, . , 1,. W? ,, . / ..
a ley _Station.1ust the other side of ordaining their beloved bro- Pine Top, Ky. Mrs. Adams was Vada Caudill’s grandson, Jeff better. . . . ...,
of. Lomsvrlle and about 25 miles ther to the full functions of the the former Larcey Mullins, Jones, who “’35 “V0 years old Mrs. Danny Burkhead and 'I i ' i " ”” * _,
east of_Ft. Knox, but 1 always say Gospel ministry, and possessing daughter of the great lady, Mrs. M3f0h17- Mrs. Sammie Caudill are en'o _ . - . ' _ , .- '
, J; Lp‘ulsvuleh for all of you know the scriptural qualifications of an Wyonta, who died last fall, whom Mr. and Mrs. Frank Repass ing having their mother Mr: - . ‘ [hf/w , ,, .l
~ - W ere LOUlSVlhe lS~ elder, or a Bishop, we proceeded we children all loved sowel], The and Bea Crawford visited with Anna Adams from Isom 5, nd .1 ‘ ”Sh/W“ I ' Ell‘l'e
. My younger brother: Edward to ordain him to the full functions Koung Miss Donna Adams, ___—___ , few weeks ,with them pe H ,a/W’W ' ClaSSIC Simollcny In dark green simulated V
Adams. called from Milan, lndi- of the Gospel, by prayer and eshman at Morehead State grandchildren are en' i eetr ”w % _ leather. gold trimand dark green handset ~
ana_. about 100 miles north of laying on of hands to the Presby- University, has received a L0 . .ll tin to see her Joy ng g . '. ,/fl: ,. Orwnh simulated Digsklnwnh Silver-colored
Louisville, and said that they had fery_,, we pronounced and certificate from completing a five “1801 e . 'lg‘hose atterid' th An . _ -. . ”’fe Wefii’glz’w. mm, and “m"? handset Touch-Tone" or
:10, 9 mehes 0f snow, William deClare by these resent that he Week non-credit course designed _— ‘Re ular Ba tist mClEurcli3 Satutrl-ggh ' i . / ”f'e‘V/yfé’gy ro‘a'ydia" 5" 95' .
ab‘brgiihiiis (thatéufipticstyélslewhgd g a dullytifidainegi;I minister of the to sharpen socilal skills and M2. and Mrs. Hansford Whitaker nigiit and Spunday enjoyed hear): . Early AmeI'ICflII" 41% W) 2? EW '
. n ospe o esus rist of the 01d lmprove persona ualities as a an erna Caudill Sunda . - ' - - - - — "as”. W '
they left Frlday afternoon. so we Regular Baptist Faith, and order. social worker. Prqesenting the son Lelander has been onythelgfgl: vaeE‘PtiiihimHiim 333a": 2n: QEQ'SEZESEEZfl'NenWJLZ? 333:? ' 3“ wife Functionally modem, Basein white, dark green
award “’35 MYS- Doran,‘ wife of “St- ’ Elder Howard Caudill as ygis'rt'n and cord. And gold—colored trim—with mash? - "a .°'da"k °'°‘”“'A”P“q“es'“ Si'Ve'ee‘med e‘ehed ”mat
the MSU president. Mrs. Mrs. Rankin Caudill spent a preachers Buster Ph k .193 American Eaglecradle insignia. Rotary , ”a?” ' s'mu'a‘ed MW" a"'ga‘°"darkgree" s'm‘t'a‘ed 'eame'
Ad . . . _ - Jom- . - dial onl 584.95, - - -. . - _ .34 7 or With clear removable template for your tabncorphotos.
ams is the me e of her few days in Letcher County With ed the church Saturda n ht d y T°”Ch'T°”e'°”°‘a’yd'a‘ 3‘“ 95
B R EW E R ’S I mother, when I knew fier over 40 maids and relatives. was baptized Sunday y lg an i C 0 * C i i O V A
. . years ago. r. and Mrs. Bee Crase of Frank Frazier and. Dura Hale I A De l Ph 2 ha
n c . gharlleston, lnd., enjoyed having spent Friday night and Saturday ' 5'9“ Inc one s a rlng a Its om
Part' Id . f0azef s c‘liilldren ViSit With them at the Cumberland Lake in their
Cam pton, KentUCkY la rylng th'aile1:thalalli‘isihnp’ton is going to neMigaflgzul Frazier visited Je Here’s a great “ne Of as always' I“CI—PI” ___—d—_T-_—_—’1
. improves quality try out for Talent Show April 9 at well Breeding, who is in the telephones you 9a” talk Pay a one_ time_ charge l brim? me a uumor l
R d . . t ~ ThT. Knight Middle School where Methodist Hospital. about as well as into. for your Design Llne I D lam interested inthe Design Line I
econ Illoned Used Cars 0f mea _ s :1 attends. . _ We are sorry to hear Mr. and . Desngn Line* Phones. Phone, or charge it to your I mneolchecked below Please I
t _ _rs. Anna Adams is still Mrs. Charles Fields’ daughter is ‘ Exciting new tele- * h n b'" ' - ' callme at ' ' -
When you bring home fresh staying With Mr. and Mrs. Danny still in St Jose h Hos ital d ‘ " p 0 e I overaSlx I «le I
f 23 ggEVELLE MALIBU sPoRT COUPE Small vs Auto .. Gray. meat from the; supermarket, it Burkhead. She talked with her not feeling too ggod. p an phones asdlfferent, as month period. Ofcourse l Bear'ymeficann | '
70 PLYEbzgl‘JI’l‘ElllblitngU 4-DOOR SEDAN 6-Cyl. Std. -- Green. flimtfie Plocod in the refrigerator sons in Michigan, Evan and Mrs. Anna Adams and Mr. InleIdual as YOU are: one regmar monthly service I D gigaaway I
69 PLYMOU ADRUNNER Sport Coupe 4.5M .. Red. 1 e ong'hal _wrapper if you Jesse Adams. . and Mrs. Danny Burkhead visit- for every room or office. charges Wlll continue l D Mediterranean"
-- 69 nsncuri“ni‘d’n’s‘r‘is‘é%”s‘ls%’is¥’é’" “wetness - Orange. 33;: ‘° fif.‘3.§.§.“’l‘s"rfize °' 3” .1332“. “Site? r34... e" M" a“ “'5' Ga“ 15°“ ‘° ‘ When YO“ buy a *0 apply I D Em '
- , mea is o ave en a ' . ‘ - - -' - ‘ r
68 FORD TORINO FASTBACK COUgEIPCEoJriggtgrfofl: .GT‘u’q- . kept longer than this, loosen the LeEllen, and grandal‘ighigi: igriirlrgdialtfl'ge‘il‘rilgssd):yiii (hltlarles- DeSlQn Lme te‘ephone ' ' DESIQn Line Phones l D cahd'eehekl’. l
reen. :rapper at the ends, UK Exten- Wendyhvisit them while her hus- Mrs. Anita Jones, dalgighter of housmg,_y0u o.wn 't' It W'th personality NOW | Name A ' ' ' i '- ' ' i I
,' SALES D EPARTM gggigeggispeghahfi’és suggest, f bah]: 15 1H Texas. _ . Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Caudill, is comes With a Six-month avallab'e for one and-two l Address " . ' ’ ' " ' I
A, ENT 0 PEN SU N DAY meat tncreasgs its keeglhgagfihi Musics”nsirfiidniiifipéié‘mz‘jéf“ aortic {tom the hospital and . warranty. To assure you of party customers. _. I Home phone number , . . :
i- l 2:00 NOON TO 5 P . M . ty, .so storing meat in the §chool where her daughter Teri; > ti3lotbgBlaziitiifls'pent a few da s i quahty SGI’YICQ, a” workmg l V V i" 7 I V U ‘
"it . fefrlgerator “hwrapped or loose- 15 attending. Letcher County visiting fri)endrsl parts remalnour preperty Mall-to South Central Bell. I I
,3 1yh.1ler(a;lfp'p(el