xt70vt1gmm4q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70vt1gmm4q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-11-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1981 1981 1981-11-13 2020 true xt70vt1gmm4q section xt70vt1gmm4q . - .. . . . ~ . ‘ . - . - 1 a ,. .' .,. . .. ~ Li. et‘“£‘i';.'f‘i.rl”"’ , Wt'r-‘fahrL.-.lmi.”v5 "'6
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SUNNY DAZE Lg?! fit.
Despitethecool weather, itwillstill
be possible to have some tun in the l
slulthiaweekendltwillbesmnyand ‘1' "
mild today and tomorrmv. The high t . ,
todnywillbeinoiemidtouppcas. - .v
Tonightwillbeclearwithlminthe l‘
mid 3th. Tomorrows high will be in ft
’ theuppersmtolowws. 5'
__.______—.____________'________—__________ M g _
. . Vol. LXXXIV, No.64 An independent student newspaper since 1971 University of Kentucky i
. Friday, November 13, 1981 Lexington, Kentucky , .
: — .
I UK share of state appropriation‘ Percentage change'
(1%5 » 1%)) -
82.44 . ’
Gl 45 E
i Appropriation Enrollment ;
5' i l ' - -
l m es un mg I e ..
l t ' 52.08
-——-——-————-— propriations in 1982-83, up from $140.2 propriations to UK” Singletary said.
By {JAMES EDWIN HARRIS million for 1981-82, an increase of 16 “But CHE at long last has stopped the —
ASSlstant News Editor percent. hemorrhaging." “ 9‘
M The increase represents a He also implored the council to I u 65
“modest” 1.7 percent hike in UK’s make “a genuine effort" tomaintain ' I--
‘ FRANKFORT — President Otis share of the total higher education its support, asking that they not“take “'6' '10
Singletary scored an important vic- budget, Singletary said. a promising infant and strangle it in “-07 ‘09” ' I
l tory yesterday in the battle to secure If the proposal is approved by the its crib before it has a chance tolive.” loos L
l‘ more operating capital for UK as the General Assembly and is signed by Approval of the plan, however, was use was 68-70 7M2 72-74 7m; 7w: not) aim 82M 4,4,4
Council on Higher EdUCation approv- Gov. John Y. Brown, however, the resisted by the presidents of Murray, . . .
' ed the controversial “Bluegrass University will be allocated $182.5 Western Kentucky, Eastern Ken- ‘Flgures given In percentages. o - UK
Plan." million in 1983-84, a further increase tucky and Kentucky State Univer— [:1 _ .
Also approved was a proposed tui- of 12 percent. sities, all representing schools which '34'3 M'“’”“""""”
_, tion schedule which would raise next Singletary said the recommenda- would suffer reductions in their shape
. j year’s UK resident undergraduate tion for increased support is “a of state higher education funding The above charts, as presented by President Otis represents the bike for the 182-84 biennium that would
rates 15 percent to $406 per semester hopeful sign” that the regualar bien- under the plan. Nevertheless, the only Singletary at yesterday’s Council on Higher Education result if the CHE’s “Bluegrass Plan" is approved by Gov.
and non-resident undergraduate rates nial reductions in UK's share of the CHE member voting against the pro- meeting. represent, at left, UK's decreasing percentage John Y. Brown and the General Assembly. At riylt, the
by seven percent to $1,218 per total higher education budget over the posal was Raymond Burse, who bas— share of the total state appropriation for higher education proportionate percentage loss in total appropriation lost
semester. past 16 years may be coming to an ed his opposition on what he said was during the last is years, with the exception: of a .33 percent by UK and the regional universities in the recent budget 7
The Bluegrass Plan, as the media end. the CHE’s lack of “a broad council increase for the current biennium. The dotted line cuts versus declineandgrowthinenrollment.
dubbed the CHE finance committee's During the meeting, he illustrated policy statement” on funding for the should be giving input to the deci- Curris, who said “I feel I’m not in- The plan also mt“ “funding _
recommendation on the 1982-84 bien- what he said is the University’s plight state‘s universities. sion.” volved in this decision," produced his for faculty and staff salary increases ’
nial budgets for the state’s eight by Pl'OdllClllS a chart comparing a 34 Staff member William COX also pro— Murray State University President own policy statement and funding ,at realistic levels,"a postponement of .
uanel‘Sltl“. W85 50 named because percent dedlne in UK‘s total share 0t tested the plan, saying it appeared Constantine Curtis and Western Ken- plan at the meeting. The plan called tuition increases, separate budget ap
‘ opponents say the proposal favors UK funding With a 13 percent increase in “that the staff stretched the rubber tucky University President Donald foraretum to funding levels authoriz- propriation lines for the UK corn-
. and the University of Louisville. its enrollment from 1965 to 1981. band before saying to the council we Zacharias were the most vocal of the ed by the General Assembly in 1930, munjty college system and an 3
: The CHE has recommended that “Therehasbeenasteady erosion of need a policy consideration. The university presidents in their objec- whichhecalled “fundamental" tothe adherence to established CHE f
’ UK receive $162.5 million in state ap the percentage of general funding ap— universities should also be aware and tions to the plan. universities. See ”CHE" hue 1 ,
CHE ’s appro val of budge t plan represents a ’ne w direc tio ’
ByBlLL STEIDEN But the money for the increases NKU President AD. Albright will on any budget increases for UK, UL representsasignificant philosophical limited roles defined in the Cl—lE’s
Editor-in-Chief would come mainly out of earlier team up to campaign heavily for its and NKUfor atleastthecomingyear, victory for UK. The CHE has 1977 nussionstatementfu'theuniver— '
_______#______ budgetary projections for Eastern approval. possibly allowing slight ulcreases demonstrated that it is willing to re ships, rathe- thancompeting withUK
. Kentucky, Morehead State, Murray ———‘——“”_—"”—‘ during the 183-84 and 194-86 fiscal evaluate its priority-setting pro- for comprehensive research funding l'
The Council on Higher Education’s State and Western Kentucky Univer- anal Sis years. KSU and the regional in- cedures, which have led to a decline' and academic elitism. '
approval of the “Bluegrass Plan" sities, leaving them with average y stitutions would be cut off from any in proportionate share of the higher
yesterday represents a preliminary hikes Of only seven percent for the m increases foralonger period, perhaps education budget for the state’s sup- As Swain noted at yesterday's ‘
victory for UK in what may turn out same four-year period. Of the Ironically, with both sides prepar- until lees-ab. Top UK administrators posedly “flagship" university over meeting, the plan represents “a M ‘
tobealong and hard-fought battle. regionals, only Kentucky State ing for a shooting war when the have indicated they believe that the past 16 yearsAnd UL, while not damental new direction" for Ken- , .,
On the other hand. it may mean Unlvel‘Slt)’ would benefit from any Assembly meets in January, the unless there is a marked upswing in benefittingtothesame extent as UK, tucky’s higher education institufia‘s.
nothing at all. real budset increase. and Kentuclty governor may pull the plug on the en- Kentucky‘s economy during the near would be once and for all established Even if the present economic situa-
The plan, prepared by the Cl-lE’s State University wouldbeleft with no tire affair —— the CHE’s proposal, future, the CHE’s proposal, as writ- as a major center for urban studies lion forces it to remain onlv a pro-
finandal subcommittee, is a detailed increases whatsoever — a potentially although believed by many of its sup- ten, stands little chance of approval. and research. posal rather than policy, the '
set of budget recommendations for insurmountable roadblock to its porters to be a big step toward Still, while its effects may not be The regionals, by budgetary likelihood thattheplan will eventual-
thestate's eight public universities.“ futureasafour-year institution. establishing a truly coordinated immediate, yesterday’s vote default, would be relegated to the ly spur majorchangesisstrong. .
approved by the General Assembly Obviousolfy.ht0h3e administrators an; system of higher education in this . f'
and Gov. John Y. Brown, it would in- students t universi ies can state, is based on budget projections
«ease the share of general revenue expected to mount major lobbying ef- that may be more fantasy than fact. Sp ace Shuttle calum b Ia becomes a IrSt
‘ funds for UK and the University of forts agaimt the plan when it reaches While not openly planning any fur- . - n .
~ l Louisville to much higher levels than the legislature. And just as obviomly, ther cutbacks in the higher education, as I t blasts In t0 0" bl t f or a second time
_ { previously expected for the next four President Otis Singletary, UL Presi- the Brown administration is for-
years. dent Donald Swain and (perhaps) mulating a plan that would put a cap celerated to its 17,400 mph speed, launch crew had put a huge “happy
' ' ' ' ' ByHiltRRYF.ROSEN11{AL Engle allowed, “Very Smooth." The birthday" sign over the shuttle’s en—
. Former Russnn citizen to give adulce for comrades Assocwtedrmswmer a... hours a no: we. a. o... ., do... n. radium so...
i ‘ _ ' . _~___________ smooth,howeverdoasrtl.l‘e crew Klorked breakfast zuhgaam Wlt‘lilec an :1;
‘ ' with Mission nt to 5 ve a traditional "rt y cake, are
l on best ways to handle Sowet Union s secret police .n..........,...-..... ......................... .. ... .o-...... .... a...
bill, a ship of Earth born for work in One problem, an errant fuel cell. designof theSTS-z shuttle patch.
, —— questioning by the KGB, he said, Otherwise they will torment you with space, catapulted back into the could turn serious. Theship needs two Their journey is officially
‘ By BARBARA SALLEE because Of a “Special Section" Of all sorts 0t proofs and face-to-face heavens yesterday, momentarily ofits three electricity~producing cells designated by the National
Stafanter Soviet law which says. “Before this confrontations. There is yet another flooding a blue Florida sky with light tomaintain the mission. But NASA of- Aeronautics and Space Administra-
W law we are all always guilty, so that advantage of the retinal ———it will pro torival thesun. ficials said there was no reason toex~ tion as STS~2 (for Space
the authorities may have the oppor- tect your freedom to maneuver at the The shuttle settled easily into orbit pecta second unittogo bad. Transportation System, mission two).
‘ deOV Vinkovetsky,an accomplish- tunities at any moment, whenever for trial.” 137 miles high. and as astronaut Eight days’ wait ended at 10:10 It is to end at 2:18 pm. EST next
‘ ed painter and former Russian any reason they consider desirable" Vinkovetsky said candor in Richard Truly tinkered with pro- am. EST when the shuttle‘s three Tuesday with a wbeeisdown landing
citizenhaswbllsboda “letter"to his Vinkovetsky said it is important to answering the KGB is necessary- blems, he dropped his businesslike main engines and two solid rocket on Rogers Dry Lake at Edwards Air
. Russian comrades about who! lo d0 conserve one's strength during the They use- a familiar statement. manner and told Mission Control: boosters fired with 5.4 million pounds Force in California.
when summoned by the KGB- the questioning becausetheintarosam however: “You are notbeins candid “You won't believe this, but this is of thrust. The 49-year-old Engle‘s The fuel cell developed high
Soviet Union's secret police. attempt to 8€t information by wear ' WlthlS-" He saida person should rep- fun." heartrate averaged 110', ’lruly's a alkaline content, indicating sewage 4
Vlnkovetskyy who 18“ Russia in ing a person down through ly.“No. lam being candid With no Columbia‘s second blastoff, a spec- leisurely soon. that was mixing oxygen and
' 1975. Will lecture on the subject at 3 psychological means and persistence. solute candor l "31159 to give tacular event after a plague of pre Launch control’s clock stood at hydrogen. At the same fime, there
3 P-m- t0t‘l8)’ inmsstudent Center. testimony." launch delays, made history. Never 10:09:59.887 when the lat-foot shuttle was a reduction of one~half volt in the
, "We cannolSpeakof avoiding the “Don’t "not. don't fear and don’t Vinkovetsky said an important bdore had a ship of any flag tasted lifted offon its 83-mbit, fiveday tour. cell‘s output and Mission Control .
"redwood disaster. but only of who bee" ‘5 Vlnk0V8‘5kY'S “WWW part of the interrogation is to avoid spaceasecond time. The crowd at the launch site, sparse orderedtheeellshut down.
ins out the best possible behavior for confronted by KGB intenmm- being frightened. He suggests using Commander Joe Engle and pilot by past standards, looked in awe as Because of uncertainty concerning
, you intheeventof acompulsory con- The best road to follow when linked meditation to banish fear from the Truly, military test pilots who had the trailing column of white smoke Columbia‘s power generatim, of-
; toot with representative“ 0‘ the (WSW-“l ‘5 n°t ‘0 mm“ 0' deny mind. Relaxing and reading a book awaited space flight a combined 31 snaked through one lone cloud and ficials delayed an engine firm that
l KGB."hewrote- . 8n¥tllln8~hesold- can also make time pass during the years as NASA astronauts, were thenfar intothesky. would have raised Columbia‘s orbit l9
3 Many Rmsians have experienced “Boot of all is to refuse ‘0 nmwa- lengthy interrogation. matter-of-fact. As their ship ac. Truly turned 44 yesta'day and the milesto 157 miles.
' \M‘x "‘ 5' g. “2“.
l ‘ ‘7, as, I H 'N 152’!“ a I
i . N E a I. 3., 352': 1.;
. a. . - Teacher to retire
,. L ., fa. fa , . - '3 ~ in; ., .
4 - *0 = after 33 years
v 5 hi " ‘ ‘ ,- ’ ’ . 'l ' 4 —————-—— have been pleasant, and that's one of
'f . ‘ "31;.” ‘ “" V :ws-zén -‘ » ”JOHNGNWW the things I'll miss most: I‘ll miss
. , ‘ “a . . \ V , 232d- , . . “town” teachim,"hesaid.
‘ in \ \ ,._._ . ‘ 5 I ' .___._.________._ “I‘ve enjoyed my tenure here at
, ‘ ‘ UK." he added, “during its we and
. ' . Nathaniel Maxwell Patch ispr'eplr- downs. I‘veseenitgrowfromasmall ‘
. . 3.7” w ~ ing for his final performance as a unit to a Very large and complex ..
. “T" I. ‘, ' faculty member of the University's center." ..
_ ' music department “t“ WV“! 33 Oneofhis manwiminvolveaastu- 4;.
t " o my . » , yunontbemft- dmtwlnwutogivearecitalwitbdic l
/ «- ....—- mam... ,., him , ... .- ' Patch“: mppoood ton-ye played band. “One of my shtdents was get- 13;
- ' ' ' 3‘7"" avg-gr “1;; ' w;, . . . aflecebyRachmanimff N0“ 5» but timreadytoplayacalcertowiththe g
., rt '- , . had to cancel became of blood band in the Student Union marital," a; ~ .
‘ ' ‘7 pleasure problems whichbefeels can he recalled. "A. she wag gm ‘
beattributedtotheweesuresincur mQtoplathenarlegoftlc ,‘s'
. ‘ . red while he was a navigator born- grand piamlellonanduiepiamlall ‘3‘; '
, . bathe: in Wald War ll."lt was rim~ tothef'lomAndtheneahew-inm .'
. .W. ,_ ___. . , \ . ”.4" _ ed," he said. “i went on 21 combat oftlleaudcloeandtheuanowaajut L‘ «
" ‘ . I'm.- i \ minions and I lay the blame of the lmuugmuippugpf' "
young“: , . g " —.~...- -~... ._‘- . u _ . lowneaaotmyatreaatln'uhddtothat SeveralofPatch‘aatudultabave ..‘.E- V;
may.) , > “Tl; - .. ., ._ . N 3 expedeme." goneontocanpeteinnatltnalcom-
.. .. p... “w J ’ -.. " " ‘0 "Mo‘n-\-~..\..\.\ . \ lnhiayeanhere,Patchhubom ”dua- imludl‘ persuasion. 1'; t.
a 1000an m a,“ . "II-M. .. i: mm. n H t ,1...)
' . Md: ”near Nathanel Patch watches as Michael attain. a praetkealnpreparafl-ferblaaelandtal. y m M amyxnmfidmy mall: ' mus;"lt.tmaln." . .
. ._ . mule graduate who wll perform In New Y?“ Cur-none mu. «- ‘ t ‘ . 5""- . .4
_. . ' .. . ‘ . ‘ _ ‘ bitty;
if «if.
.. .. . i...___,__ ,_,____,_ _ m, - . . :§§‘
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‘SH:\ _____~_._..fi_. __ . ___~ __ __________.___._____._._.____._—_ . —————__—__..__________.———— —-———‘ ———-—— ["
~ ‘. ‘ ' Bill Steiden Chris Ash Peggy lasck Anne Charles Lisa Wallace M. Chandler Bolln I ,
g . . unwound l-Jdmmal senor Jam. livi- m Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Photo Editor , V
ersuasno » mm ‘ ~
Judo Rudd Llnl Kadaha ms... at... Steven w. lpwtlier Leslie Michelson New“
I “mm“ "-""“’ "“9? Copy mitts , Assistantspoml-Jditor Assistant Entertainment Editor MW .
. . KrN'IUCKV Kirby We!!! :.
' ‘ Kernel ’ Ken Mllllt‘ ' Graphics FAilu' i
w- .t . = . Associali tumor \rus ~'
F 3 P L—__._.__._._______._________.. -_._.________-_._.___.__--___--- ._ :
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V . ‘ ; l O t i
’ Reagan administration should not puggte® :
t With the second flight of the Space Shuttle ing research if we are to continue to grow 0 C . :
Columbia now on its way, Americans can once technologically. O ' ere . . . . 1
again be proud of their nation’s technological Although it is true that delays and cost over-
], edge over the rest of the world. runs accompanying recent attempts to launch ma be now . 3
But the shuttle is much more than a the shuttle (the last delay cost the American Y ‘
showcase. With the Reagan administration people $1.5 to $2 million) have run into the . l _ 1
cuttim almost all funds for scientific resear- millions of dollars, it will more than pay for 1-1- I] ej- 1
ch, the shuttle could be our last hope for any Melt with the advancements that can be made 3 . ‘
technological advancement for many years to with it. a
come. Already, plans are being made to make pure al‘ i
vaccines and hormones which could presage i 1
Frank Clark, associate professor of great strids forward in the medical field. i ‘ I
astronomy at UK, notes that ”research has Other possible advances in communications, / er". i .
been cut back to the bone. Reagan is now star- transportation, asu'onomy, electronies and / .?
ting amputation . . . He is killing the sciences. other fields can only work to Our benefit. @ I
At the rate he is going, we are not going to be However, the president is planning to cut - 3
able to fund major programs and no new pro— $357 million in fiscal year 1982 and $1 billion , _, I . '
. grams will be started . . . He is doing his best more in FY 83 from the National Aeronautics x i n
to dismantle the physical sciences.” and Space Administration budget. Since most . W: ‘ 5i ‘
He adtk that the cuts have already caused of NASA’s other programs have already been ’4h' a; _
many of the top scientists in the country to cut, thesenew cuts will have tocome from the * BAND 31
seek employment in private industry because shuttle program. egz‘g% .fii’” gj St
they cannot get funding for their research pro- If we are to continue to advance as a people, .4 g; ‘i gjg “ AID '--- a _
jects — a situation that is also occuring at the we must continue to do research, and with the ’ g
university level, with professors leaving and shuttle program we have the capability of " Ewes? n
students no longer majoring in physical making unparalleled advances in technology. / 10v.
‘ sciences. Pmident Reagan must reconsider his plans © gm 3/ m" T
The effects of this process will be felt for and make the space program one of his top ‘ii’i‘:‘iiiii""‘iz"”ii':‘i‘i‘iiiii’i""W , W“
many years to come. We must have people do- priorities. ‘0“
An ultimate fantasy St d d ' ' d '
u ents [scavenng re 10, .
JUSt another PerfBCt day TV as communications tools
0ftat,lhavebeenaccusedofbeiig Television that night mists of Wlntimagebu'estedofthesui- periomisnotadequatelypresentedto 3 Y‘
negative. Way too negative. This _ sportaandgteatmovies.llanewtrk? dent body for consumption by the thepublicasitisdevelops. "
chargeismainly leveledbymy O Anywkiddingnatasomefrimds generalcommunitystn'mnxiimthe 0 ‘0 | u the idea of m these ‘
relatives. More specifically, my close drop over and we discuss literature, University? Are we perceived as ' fadflfiq fa- snident mum ‘
relatives. suit edition. This is odd, since last movie and the recording imw- Walt VOW-ll. Wilt“! the tax petitivewlththelocalpapers." seemalikeapipedresm,thinkagain. '
Whenever I complain, which is week brouytt a different version of They each pay me for my opinior‘n, payer’s investment with self- Yet rarelya thygoes by thatsome Amnittedly, FM Cable Radio’s S
-\ usually at anytime about virtually the same edition. A: did the week then leave at just the right moment. indulgent and frivolot- lifestyles and shtdentleaderdosn'tgivetheedim citizenaoce. rightsane estnhttipin ‘
anything, they are «pick to respond before. Each better than the one Mthtiutmeevenhavimtoask. half-hearted efforts in the gridoveralackof coverage. a quagmire of bureaucracy l
with some constructive criticism of bda‘e.’l‘hereisalsoalettafmThe Iretiretomyroomwhereilook damm?0rsreweviewedbythe Moreover-,manyactivitiucan‘tbe downtown.’l‘helikelyresultwlllpro- r
theirown.Abwtme. New York Times. For weeks they over a piece mitten by Norman wblicusimdandmotmted diod- enecovelyerpieuedinptint.mn bahlynotfava'flieeampme‘lUK's <
Acnnlly,theirchargesareatleast havebeenaskiminetojointhestaff. Mailmflemailedittometheweek tetmtrmteesandapprenticesofthe increasinglytheease,asmanypeople WBKYispai-toftheschool'spublic t
parfiaflymte-Tobestn.lunhardly ’lherestofthethylwatehrenmsof berm asking for a critique. At state’s top preparatory inhuman, pl'efa'tobespoon-fedbythenlghtly relations when, over which .
theeternaloptimist.ldomy bestto “MaryTyla-Mm”onmyfiem precisely 11:00, my girlfriend calls. with legitmate concerns and valid newscatsratherthantakingtimefor suidentshavellttleprogrammlngin- ;
look at the bright side, but life's bar- and read a little. Intel-"wag come An hour later, I retire to bed and flip quatimabmflmrfuture? papers and journals. The electronic fluence. .
rage of had esperiences uneasy only in the way of Wfialls. One on Johnny Canal. Rodney Bauer- l’mnotsune. media catainly dominates theinfor- However, ft: the past tlree years , ‘
momentsandscsrystnisnmshas mfmJoeflau‘W-imifl fieldistheguestandthejokesare Butitdoesseemprobable that mation flow we receive from theOffieeofImtructimalRuoin'ces
slightly warped my psyche. Now. I could stop by mcfice tomorrow. new. He ’5 the only guest. Finally. although we have a great weekday Wasldngtm andwhatwelearn about has allowed the Studmt Aleciatiou .
often yell at the television and toss Seem. he’s having Newman“- ‘Tanorraw" comes on and Tom commuflcatnr in the Kentucky local and state news as well in the topmtbeeamonthly inlf-lmr public ‘
magazinesandbookstothefloorin fennemeotherismwmywm Snyda-isonvacatimJtisthepei-fect Kemlandfairlygoodaccesstoother largermetropolitansreas. affairs program (known as ‘UK
dsgutJhaveahardumuder-am HewantametoflytoNewYa-knext mdtntheperfectday. localmetla,acampmtheslaeofom_s IncentralKentucky,most radio suidentsPiesent...')fu-WLEX-TV.
theme-able. Maybe mystandards weekandviewhisnewfilm beforeit's “Amitoonegative?”laskmyself. certainlyhssamultitudeofinta'ats flstmersintbels-aiyearddestegory Um,adivisionof0m.hasprovid- .
mtoolnsh. releasedliewantsmetop'ckatitle. “NW" I "link thntsimplymwiflde-nminsmd minioWKQQ.accol'dinstoAr- edthefacilitiesandtechniealexpu- ; 1
-But1candieam.Andmymostpro- Mmmymm;mtmtny? andthenrollover. timecommingtofitindiepsgesof bitron’s most recent ratings. But usewhileSAlesdashave selected ; ’
hficdteamthesedaysseemsto Atabotits:ao,mymotherrettn-m Idriftotftosleep.'romorrowis evenadailysmdentpaper. GaryDIMprogi-amdrectafu- thumpiaandthepsnelistsforthis-
center around a perfect thy in a fromthegroceryandlhelphercarry Saturday. Bill Stdthn, editor-inchief of the Q, said his station domn’t esta- smdmtprothction. ’
perfect world. Pure fantasy. the bags from the car to the house. Again. Kernel saidhis paper coves-scamm- strictly to the camptn “ova: thouh 'l‘hisyear, manabit different. ,
Especiallysincelhaveyettoen- Sherewarmme with twoairpiane andothcnews“ssthosoughlyaswe weareobvioulythedominsntstation mmupecudmdexpandngthese
coutereven a semi-perfect day. There tickets to Florit‘h and a Visa card. John Clay is ajournallsm senior and a can considering our limited in that age gm. We do try not to he W toUK’s eableclnmels m.
is ”my! MN m every muddiciom. formersports editoroftheKernel. I'm. 1 m we're very com- 3W 3 g W “do m- “'8 the m m, SA h- , .
cornerbentonminimitfletJhereis tion.” wtop-oaicethepmgramsln T .
always hope. Dickson claims not all oommunica- canjunctim with the Omnmunicatiom ‘ i
_ .My perfect day usually starts late. that nest of UK student are being Students Society’s tele- I '5
Like right beforenom on Saturthys. I fulfilled. “I've heard (from shtdent mummy committee, Blue f 1
Except. afoot-1e on school thy: I ets — aux map-Hintthexcmlesn'tcover Grummme.BGDwillalsopro- ' l
wheniwakerightbdoremyalatm thecampmthorwgfly.Weshoget Mmmfcuneable' * ‘
clock nngs’lhe hot stats from the mac requests (for PSA’s) from UK enumcanpleteiyonitsown. l\
shower- is nut right. Jane Pauley thanwecanhandeJ‘hereneebtobe With critical decisions facim the » B
blows me knee on the “Today" unthu-mtletmeampu. Waning);- mtimuflfln ‘ I
slnw.RouaBarrettistheguotw “ltmaybeborimh'omoommer- mflmuythatwillaffect_ ‘
”,"Doualue but luckily I have to m.um,”mcnm said, “htiti ux'. future, these with. add a _ 'r,
leaveforschool. .‘hiititwotildhepeattohavew visual dimanitm to Wig. t /
Mycarstartsorianemptytaitln gramsnmbystudentsanddevoted Ahudyontapefortldsyearmln- ‘
my perfect world I have not bottom Overdrawn departmalt it wu decided that as a worth nouns that the artists named totallytoUKevmts." tel-views with UK vice palm on
gasfa' my 'I‘rlunphsinceltradedin subjectareawewmldnotoffaitthis byMs. Harrlsaremostmtedforbe- The inception 0f ”willy- the impact of the Prlchard Repu’t '
myhonthweeksagonwitchonthe Ananswstothepoint columnof lastfall. W painters and sculptors. not'schet‘hled amt-pm televi- anathedqithoftheanmtflnancialj ‘
‘ radmtoanamonWKQQwho Ms. Lisa Harris MW in the ContrarytoMs.liarris‘opinionthe dram. slonp'ogranuandradloshowsfrom mmeh.0th¢scheduledproramin-' |.
uiniormingtheaudencethstby ”mlmmj: Wmuhaveeverymtodo Manhuueddi-awingasa‘permansnth'ammlttimstudlosand Minter-views with President; J
_, populardemantheBreakfsstGub Asanartistandasactingchairman with what wecsnofferandwben. mean it: developing thdr ideas slatims (90.1“! 00 UK" W1)“ Singletary,EdPflchaldandvlsitlng i
_ hasdsbandedSmilusllammd.At ofthedeparuncitofsrtlmmtagree Recently,asaneumple,wehave abuttpalntingandsculphn-easwell buddli' cable television and FM UKlectm-er'l‘olecka'. '. ‘ é
sclnol,lparkat myt-uslspotat witthhai-rlsregardmtheimpor- beentlnestmedwiththelouofan usedngtlntdrawimisamediumof radiochamdslshouldcomplement lndfect,SA’smlewillevmhnlly: ; é
‘ MaxwlelacewheretheBingill tanceofdrawing. m... hu- mpsrt-timeinstmctonwlfldiwium. existim‘sotneesofcampuinfwma- hetooflacomecduu.informstltn‘ fl
‘ have surname w-h my car and wholesale condemnation of the meantheclosimofsevenmoresec— Whtwomattanptlngtodolnthe tion. anddirectimmptdillcaffaintwla. ; .
shame its dl.lwavehellotol"ran Wheat-euthehckofa timofcotmfmlngoucolecm- mW.andlmweando- Many pin-poem could be saved mmnwmwwytakem ' /
ctr-cloumnyoutmdhudaiito meeda¢Wn rlculalnthestudloam. institutiatodmlopinfln withwdamodlaveflclaundarfln u'olofteelmicalpotkictiaiandalso' i
danlsmthsnkfulforalotdm. mug. that even w an lftllseventshouldtakeplsceitwill m an mum fit an staple. of shithuts. snidents in legumeMonaoau-wa,m " fl
btitiifiitnowlamth-ikftdlsmnot mebeclearinitsp’resen- ouneontopofhsvinglmtmepoei- mdtheflltoryofafl rdstedmajtrscancanpletemquired mmmauietaimtfuac-: i3
MM- tatlm,ifthefactsarefalseflsecon- “NMMOUM-ndduhct “wwh'WwIOWM- wu.W-m-end whining-Jihdia-thanntume, : {g
'l‘haeisnocla-Asbionihedoor “003.”. thatwehsvemoreshflomajasnow modhmamw- and!!!“ “Hum!!! WMdeSA ; /,
oftheclsmrounwhaemyhardut MMofacultyofthsdepu-t- Muhamhmwsmadthimmunmathacmm. .whmedta'ialandflnalprothictlm‘ 7,
subjectmestsreat “eancslsd.' A multimawareoftheimpwtanee listory. andmmofartlstsofflispsstand am. since suidmts have a Manna“. ~ y“:
pesua-lptattl-bstttnismsreln- ofdrawiltbothusmsamand- ltbofsomeintcuttomethatlls. hM-mmhhltmflcfl KUWIMWMMM Speech senior Jim Griffin, ‘ ;’r,’
W.“Aschanay:Ysusn Cid-D’IMXIlsssuibyallofi-asa Hal'l'ls points to noted srthh as dflnsndm-lndd-nuny.hw- their comm-fly. Mus m mammmw'us " («a
, herebymionscnesredtosttoo mmmmm mmm.m,kodn,etc. loswillh-oflndtorflnmm muons-mandolin mmmfluid‘rm_ 5-:
sud-.Youhmnsutnmticm mathmnm_ mbohtchcpointtiutthuemah 198- Mmmmwam unmanned-moth“!- __ i
. formatting-tn. _ Drawlnaisabothsooredou-ln- "mhltafewartlstswhowishedto aluminium. » “Mammal-tans; HT 4
. Withnotflqtsduspcfeetworld Wan-unbeaten“. fmanartisticidsaonpsperinstesd Whisks Mmthvastwsalthderuuse mum-mandamus ‘9’
neverhsstssnsaynflrunsats).l wummmdunvm ofalwaysmesnvssorihclayxutu mugs-heliu- Whtmmmofl- nthspngnmissvidmoe f,
’ Magnesium I‘m “HA-8m) :“ln- d“ h “um am with ”teases I ~ I:
’. ~ -I 'mmwnm ”We” I"- i‘
' ,: favuitsfthswflehMis abuscumtllngavarlstyolhadc macaw seem . j .. 1,, - todisuuvI-utyosmuasltymnshs - ;;
.- “.mh‘wm- mfltthhandm."lh I \ MM...” ‘ gy/ ”Ghent-twenties“ (;
4‘ dluamuhm'tlt Mel-UMBI-sd-msam KY, mm” \, WW maltyaudhmpfllc. f‘
Evéféfjfirg. mmwflhmhm. w m m M MW “Imam” MI 1 an u '0‘ m M . . ,' b I ff
“gs WDIWMlfl-l! thlmJthahsudun Mm, 353375" mu! , ' MM»... Mhhflflmwhfia - 5;
3 wt- st c- 1 Hr III- sI-Il 1 genius-manudth- mew t mam; \ [ Wm”-""'""¢""*“ ‘ z. i
egg“ ante-fistsflluflhe mmbmfium . \ , ' j N mead the We mods. . l ;
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g g: “III!"- III-Iliu- mom can there unit a} sat-7‘ - 6 ME = " i’ " . ' Ev .. '. my
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