xt70vt1gmr7p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70vt1gmr7p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1937-01-29 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 29, 1937 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, January 29, 1937 1937 1937-01-29 2020 true xt70vt1gmr7p section xt70vt1gmr7p :UT79 03 3:12 UNIvfl “I Y 333315 ~ JAZUmAY 23, 1337 .._L H A“ ,A. k. I C C L C H *.J 0 ‘11 f) 1 h) ,1 ll 1‘; C 1 DJ (0 ,c 4 ,. Pa 1 u a '1 (I L l at Q 1: )v r ,. ’x 1.) L La“ kl ‘ «IV p“- h w‘» }._:u '. ,' ; . 1., n 3 " “W ‘ Toe nlvc1 1hr SC‘ 3: not 1n q~ecial seseion in L1: leCLo e ROD.“ 9i 9 "I ’t Toe 12L1;‘ 1'»c celluu to Co“: U11 IUMJIHuuts of CURd]CJ\to ' Ior cegrees. The follow1n' 9:"suns Merv TudaW'>“cc t; 1A Bezwu of mrnsteec Ior too a T688 lrcic tod: .,'r ‘ COLL 6; GE ARTS AND SCI-.mClS . . r- x,‘ A 311.1. 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Russell Lowell Qall AnatOLf anfi Physiology Pipgaoasq \;fl\ Jessee lhnciut horned Englisl Beston ' Alice Lou ise Ei:lcn Music Louisville Cheap Ligon Economics Lexinuton | Anne Hart Lilward History Lexington Frank Williams‘d Stargs, Jr. ArtemLow Leringtgn ‘ Morirrot O'Brweu Stewart Egglisn L ;t I Marion Lucile Thorn nt011 anlisn l _.l Isooel Frank Whitaker P Haroldl Dart Wolpo rt S Candi do see for the Degree oi Bachelor of Science Raymond Woodrow Conlee Anatomy and Physiology Teylo rs Jonn William Lancafiber Zoology L631 .in wt 1 Nam Major Subjcct Add MS 1 l Candidate for toe Deggre ce of Bacuelor of Science None .Address Louis Gordon Mt. Ste Mli .V‘ _, CULLJGS DE AGRICULTUnm Canoiuate for the Legree 01 Bachelor 0: Science Name Adovess Lu Eugene earloco Carrollton Ho or G“; Diih ,1nchester bell Ce jluwortn D1110ro, J21 LouiSVille 1 Charles 3g:ly WVTto Paris ‘ Czn 1d1dates for the Degree of Bachelor of Science , in Hole iconomios 1.; Name éggress I Billie Burns Irvin Lexington A o LOndon )Il’.‘ fork 3- y T T E i Rebekah x» minutfiS 01 toe University --1,.‘-- 1,1. . 3... kaolin]. Odor; iUi‘ tut? D;;i~"1“e lT- 11114-3 CDCi 1 TL ODF SRObcTSOH M _r_ .3 3 . x’.)€‘-lln-LU "' “31.; LA lliue Ll, 4"“ 1,?“ oi Bacnolor of Bachelor of "nu-w ,— n— ",‘L "I ‘ UC‘JLLKlfilJ‘ a)» , lbx)? 'r * T:)1')'T:"-‘1 "Hui. lTl £411,134. 1‘; \I Science in 1KLl Sin iine ei i1u M~-——-—- m—— ‘ ——-———.—4-—- ‘\ ‘j , _ ‘_ A11Lr‘xgbs Mm... 14:13 5 Li cl: “ 5' .‘ 45‘ l. V ., s“ _ .L. A LfifllulxflluC&3 i047 and: De 7 lTEZJIlEB _n__ A '7 . A - Viaronce Arcner “I n ‘v dilefr‘y Elmer Vlil: con Rev Candidates for the Degree _, of Bachelor of ScienC' in Engirunaring Address Atnens , 7051 Virginia Surifi‘ it l< Science in Iiecminir‘ i Engineer i [if Name William Louis Lovry Canc.iM tes for the Degree of Bachelor of Mining Address Nicholas ille Science in Engineering Name Vic 01 linville Hill James Ncrval Scudder COLL llarae A1161 ew Ward Cl;‘:rli Ray Michael Prall dsworth Salisbury Charles Logan Tignor 1 » - ‘Y. floorson ha Canéidates for EGL‘ UF Lil.“ m ‘1 COLLLJ‘UJ‘J ‘useell Liberty Degree of Bachelor of Lews Address Lexington Ge orgc town Charleston, H i I: dman West Virginia OF EDUCATION fine Degree Education in Name Henry Philip Bacon Baugh Eversole Erma Bernie. Martha Rae Edna Marrs Foe t1erston Lillie Bell Graole Bessie maurice Healine Sarah Cynthia Holladay J0seph Jenkins Huddleston Bertha Elizabeth Jenne Katherine Joanna Neuwirth Claifl ia Payne Ellen “yley n OI Bannelor of Arts Address Hopki lnsville W". no ":1 s t t: 1‘ Jackson Lexington Louisville Louisvill Lexington Winemac, Louisville Louisville Indiana Lexington U“fi10i33“‘ “an. all "' . w, 7 . _ . . z.) auludl J i321 lsj lid Hattie Nest s‘owl 1 , Chg la ills Gorion Hoover Sympson Banqst El.izabetu Naxins Wes lay LpfkflthJ F‘ "\ "“ ’" ‘ ‘ "\ “t {1 f“ -“ '77'3," 1 vaunq; a! VUMNLflvfl Canfliflqtss for ths Dogrcg4{i B Chelor o£VSCisrce in C n Yfli: e \ Nggg Address Gertrude Fer ris Clevela.nd LiFuay ngmas Hen} aitskill Paris Jmnosh Horr s N001 vell Pe;ryville 3‘s:wo j rusrtin Sheelan Greenéale Glenn Baxter Sheen Leesburg, Flrriwn Valter hack Woolum Lexinbton GRADUATE SC? 03L ‘ Cu.nui st85 for the Devree of Master of Arts History ~ Charles Verne Bo EduCa 1t;L3n m Byrl Benton Cox Economics ~ Thomas Uriah F Education - Norris Lee Gardner ,1 Education — Theodore Casper Hes: a? on ~ Carl Augustus EcCray Educ: ion « Virginia Harrison Marrs Political Science m Clifford nagnmond Radar Educe tion ~ Rsvoreni Charles Ambrose Towell 1 ) p 5 y“ l H n 51. {J ‘4' (3 1* ‘3 O ’i ci- H; H {D ”- Degree 1 Naster o: Soience Geolog“ - Robsr t N =Vman Welsh Candidate for tne D u ”l *3 0 Cu O I”? 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