xt70zp3vt865_106 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. 1943-1954, undated text 1943-1954, undated 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_14/Folder_1/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_106 xt70zp3vt865 .’ ,

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Hon. Joseph Harkins, Sr. and Jr.
Prestonsburg, Kentucky Confidential
Dear Joe:

I expect to be in your vicinity in the next few days and if possible and
convenient to you, I want to see you. If I should not be able to contact you as planned,
I want to see you at an early date, either there or if and when you are in Frankfort.

It is important that we get our heads together before you and I commit
ourselves concerning the Governor's race. There are many things which we should
discuss before any definite course to pursue is decided upon.

I want you to be for me for Governor. If enough of my friends are for
me and I have a chance to become a winning candidate, I can assure you that I will
make a decision at the proper time. Much ground work has already been laid in many
parts of the State during the past two or three years. Strong leaders and organizers
say that I have the best chance of anyone to win on account of my Eastern Kentucky
natural strength, and general connections with assurance of organized support in other
strong Democratic centers. I have told my friends and organization leaders in other
parts of the State that I might make myself available if assured of victory. By the
solid backing of you and my friends in Eastern Kentucky, we have the opportunity of a
life time to really help and serve our people. By organized promotion Eastern Kentucky
can place me where I can win.

I want to talk these matters over with you. You are an important fec+or
in determining my furture course. Now is the time to ”strike while the iron is hot“.
The favors which I would have to offer, should I run and be elected, are many and not
promised. I would then be in a position to really help my friends and our section of
the State. You would not have to deal with me "second handed" either. we must organize
to win, regardless of publicity and actions of others.

A letter from you will be appreciated.

Best wishes until I see you.

our old friend,
GGfisz . ‘

‘ Y ‘ V V

L ()UI svx L L E , KY.
February 2, 1943

Hr. J. D. Uarkins, Chairmen of the doard,

The Pank Josephine,

Prestonsburg, Kentucky.

Dear Mr. Varkins:

Since Pill Way was been located in Frankfort
as Commissioner of Agriculture, I have gotten to know
hin quite well and Lave.been with him a number of times;
have also become acquainted with his Urcle Jack.

After reviewing your year-end statement ard
noticing your very strong cash position, I inquired
of Bill if he had any suggestions as to how we could
best go about securing some of your business. I still
have not received any definite answer from Bill as to
the aoproach and, therefore, thought Iv ould drop you
a line as I know Fay Dorsey has communicated with you
and talked to you in tLiS reward.

We should certainly like to have an account
of your bank. I assure you that we should be glad to
cooperate with you in every way possible and I Wish
that you might give it your favorable consideration.

Cordially yours,
,_.-'2 >1 , {a y /’ .-
w‘mou‘lc no“
. ““- *

’:IJCniieh Sfiafez Socratic
February 2, 19A3.
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins,
Harkins Law Offices,
Prestonsburg, Kentucky.
My dear Mr. Harkins:
I have your letter of January 29 with reference to
the National Youth Administration.
I appreciate an expression of your views concerning
this matter and you may be sure that they will have
my earnest and careful consideration in connection
with any legislation on the subject that comes before
the Senate for action.
With all good wishes, I am,
Very sincerely yours,

EC. ‘ ..

l 9 4 3
Mr. lerle 3. Robertson, President
Liberty National Bank & Trust Co. «
Louisville, Kentucky
Dear Mr. Robertson:-

I have your letter of February and, and appreciate very
much the suggestions therein made.

The question relative to our corresrondent in Louisville
has for sev ral years given me a great deal of worry. From
the organization of the bank and during the whole time of
Col. Leather‘s connection with The Louisville National Bank,
that bank was our corresiondent. We continued this connection
with Dick Bean as Iresident and until the bank was in trouble;
then for several years we had no correspondent in Louisville.
and frankly, I was opposed to making any further connection in
Louisville. This for the reason that there is no one of your
larger banks there where I do not have several friends whose
iriendshi; I value highly, and I did not wadt to show any
favoritism of one towards the other. During my absence on an
extended vacation some three or four years ago, Joe Davidson
gave a deposit to The Citizen tnion folks, and this connection
has proved very satisfactory.

There is scarcely a month passes when I do not have either
a personal call from some of my friends connected with the Louis-
ville banks or letters, such as yours, seeking to have our
account in Louisville. I value highly the friendship of Fay
Dorsey and yourself. I,likewise, value highly the friendshits
which I have with the officials of each of the Louisville banks,
and in the light of these facts you can attreciate the quandary
in which it places us.

Should we at any tine desire to make any change of corres-
pondent in Louisville, or to open additional accounts there, you
Can rest assured that your splendid bank will be given every

My best tersonal wishes.

Very truly yours,
Joseph D. Harkins.

 Xarch (

l 9 4 8

Ir. icFarland,

university of Kentucky Radio Studio, ‘
Lexington, Kentucky.

Eear Dr. charland:- '

CCming heme from Lexington on Sunday 1 heard over the
radio your most interesting address relative to the mineral
resources of Kentucky, and enjoyed it very much. Such talks
as this will 50 Lar towards bring the natural resourses of
Kentucky to the attention of the outside world; and it is an
unfortnnate condition that so few of our grople show any inter-
est whatsoever in bring to the attention of the ;ublic the values
which we have in our own state.

' Fe frequently read the news paper criticism of outside
cagitalists trofiting the nest iron our resources, but tKCeEt
in very few instances it has always been difiicult to interest
our hentucny teople in the development of these things which
are at our backdoor. 1 Know these things by exterience, since
it took me two years of hard work and a tremendous am;unt of
money in expenses in obtaining the funds with which to build
a pipe line from Sitka, inibhnsmtounty, to Maytown, in Floyd
county, which resulted in maxing eastern gas fields a commercial
proposition and directly or indirectly has brought into the
State probably $50,000,000.00 of permanent taxable property.

I sincerely trust that you will continue the work which you
are doing in bringing to the attention of our people the natural
resourses of the State and their values.

I am enclosing herewith a check for $1.00, and will apgreciate
it if you will have the studio send me one copy of each of the
addresses which have thus far been given, as well as copies of
the other addresses in the series.

Very truly yours,
anzmeh Joseph D. Harkins.
Enclsure-ck $1.00

 LAW omens
July 1, 1945

Mr. Joseph D. Harkins

Attorney at Law

Prestonsburg, Kentucky

Dear Mr. Harkins:

Enclosed herewith you will find the
agreement made between E. J. Evans and
Clinton M. Harbison, Trustee of the Carbreath
Gas Company relative to the sale of approximately
35,000 acres of land belonging to Carbreath Gas
Company for the sum of $105,000.00.

This is the contract which was dictated
this morning and has been executed by Mr. Evans
and Mr. Harbison, but, of course, by its terms
it is subject to the approval of the United
States District Court.

I would be glad if you would acknowledge
receipt of this contract.

Yours truly,
. a /
/ 44/4“ 4“, :2 ~

 ’ v" I
fir. E. J. Evans
Paintsvilie, Kentucky
rear Ir. Evans:

I on today in receipt of a letter from Judge dtoll sending
me coyy of the agreement dictated at Lexington on July 1. 1943
between yourself and Clinton Harvison, Trustee of The Cerbreath
Gus Contany, which copy has been duly signed by you and by Mr.

I an sending you herewith such original co:y.

I have from the office of mr. Rouse, Clerk of the court at
Lexington eogy of an order of Judge Ford showing tflgt this matter
is set for hearing at 10.00 A.M., on August 4, lBefi at Lexington
on the guestion as to whether or not the said contract should be
aggroved and carried out.

I do not doubt but that the court will aigrove the contract
and do not at this time see any reason for me to go to texington
for this nelring, in fact I seriously doubt if there will be any
necessity for your being gresent and on the other hand it might
be well for you to go down. Of course if you should deem it wise
and desirable for me to be tnere I can arrange to do so.

Very truly yours,
Josegh D. Harkins
Jllrzgil '


‘1 ~

. .‘ ..
Judge Richard C. Stoll
60; Bang of Commerce Building

. Lexington 31, Kentucxy
Dear Judge Stoll:

Receirt is acknowledged of your leLter of July lst, in—
CLOSCQ agreement Lade between E. J. Evans and Clinton ngbison,
Trustee cl 2;; Carbreath Gas Congany relative to the sale of
digroxi-at:ly of 35.00» acr.s of llnd belonging to the Curbrelth
Gas ConLany for the sum of 135,146.
I 4“ also in receikt of copies frum tne office :y gr. Reuse,
Clerk bf U. 3. tistrict Court, showing that this acti n i: set for
nearing on August 4, 1:43.
fiest Lersonal wishes.
Very truly yours,
Josegh D. Harkins


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 0 9. J1
(Grank L. WC‘Uey
August 4, 1943
Mr. J. D. Harkins
My dear Mr. Harkins:

We have a larger task before us this year than we did in
1942 when we raised in Kentucky the money for the U.S.O. This
year all of the civilian war agencies are united in what is
called the National War Fund. Each state is to be organized
under its own War Fund Committee. Thus, the citizens will have
the Opportunity of contributing to all these agencies at one
time and the campaign workers will expand their efforts on one
campaign, giving every man, woman and child an opportunity to
give to the support of our fighting forces and our allies and
their people.

Last year you served as campaign chairman of the U.S.O.
drive for your county. You were successful in your undertaking
and as you know you did much to enable Kentucky to more than
raise its cuota. I am asking you to serve this year as chair—
man of the War Fund in your county. Also, I am asking you to
put aside any inclination you may have not to serve in this
campaign, because I know that you agree with me that it is a
job that must be done. In accepting the state chairmanship of
the War Fund I depended on you to be county chairman.

The war is not over, as you well know, and the War Fund
is much needed to give aid and comfort to our armed forces as
well as to assist those in dire stress who, too, are working
and giving their all in China, Russia, Greece, Norway and other

The Kentucky War Fund organization needs you and I rely on
you for even more effective aid and leadership than you gave to
the U.S.O. campaign last year.

A State office has been opened at 480 Hernando Building,
Lexington, Kentucky. Please send your reply by wire collect to
me at that address.

With much appreciation for your help in this important
wor for our country, I am

. Ver sincerely yours,
0W M%‘
Frank L. Move¥, Chairmén/
Kentucky War und Campaign

~ —-II -

__II CGPY (0)]?





d-red; ammo: the III—[e In]! be

transmitted no weir-mot
- Winery ablegnm.
. August _ ‘
hon. granh L. McVey, C.airman,
Kentucky Var Fund $######## Campaign,
éao nernando suilding,
Lexington, Ay.
will accept chairmanship mentioned your letter August Fourth.
Jose h D. Harkins. ,. _
Straight Telegram. -Q
I . . ‘


Dr. Frank L. McVey. Chairman.
Kentucky Jar Fund Campaign.
4&0 Hernando building. Personal.
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Dr. McVey:- .

This letter is for you personally, not for the far Fund

i have just wired you 1 would accept the Chairmanship for this

jhen your letter came last nightmy first inclination was to
decline. Last September 16 hrs. Harxins received a serious back injury
resulting from a fall received while going into the ladies' entrance
of the Lafayette hotel, from which she has but partly recovered. and
is still Practically heltless; since May 10 we have been without a
maid. and l have everything to do at the house, including cooking and
dishwashing, etc.; since about this time last year the government has
had my two competent and efficient stenographers. during the past two
months i have employed and discharged four. and at the present time
we have none; between now and october one of my boys in the office
with me will be in the service. and trobably the other one soon after
bctober; as special Judge 1 have one case in Knott Circuit court. four
in Perry Circuit Court. four in Harlan Circuit Court. and three in
lagoffin Circuit Court. all to be disposed of between now and October
15; and a very infortant Wage-Hour case. involving many employees,
before Judge Ford. which will trobably be in line for trial in October,
taking many days for the trial.

When you mentioned that in accepting the state chairmanship
of the Jar Fund you depended on me to be county chairman of Floyd.
1 decides that notwithstanding the special demands upon me as above
outlined. in addition to regular routine of the cities and business.
i would do the best i could in connection with the War Fund also.

Very truly yours.
Joseph D. Harkins.