xt70zp3vt865_125 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Big Sandy Valley Association text Big Sandy Valley Association 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_16/Folder_2/0001.pdf 1945-1947, undated 1947 1945-1947, undated section false xt70zp3vt865_125 xt70zp3vt865 LAW OFFICES BIAS AND BIAS WILLIAMSON,WEST VIRGINIA V RANDOLPH BIAS 50-56 CINDERELLA BUILDING E.GAUJOT BIAS TELEPHONE 606 February 5, 1945. Mr. Joseph P. Harkins, Jr., Prestonsburg, Kentucky. Dear Mr. Harkinsz— Herein my notion of what our plan of organization should be. Of course, at present, it is only something for all of us to "shoot at." Read it carefully and be prepared to suggest modi- fications and additions when we meet here next Friday night. Very truly yours, RANDOLPH IAS. RB'jh Enclosure. 8’ ' 5 ad ‘Wd! 6? d 7 6% 24W (Incorporated) Herein is a brief statement of the aims and purposes of this organization. what it is, and what it is doing and trying to do. 1. The office of the Association is Suite 1010, Second National Bank Building, Ashland, Kentucky. 2. It is a non-profit Kentucky Corpora— tion, with members, individual and corporate, in each of the Counties in the valley of the Big Sandy and its main tributaries, Tug and Levisa. 3. The Corporation has one or more directors in each County in the valley. Its ex— ecutive affairs are conducted by an Executive Board. 4. Its officers, in 1945, are: President—Dr. O. W. Thompson, Pikeville, Kentucky. Secretary—Lewis Tierney, Bluefield, W. Va. Executive Vice—President— E. M. Merrill, Suite 1010, Second National Bank Building, Ashland, Kentucky. All communications should be addressed to the Ashland office. l i 5. Its prime purpose is to promote and f expand the well—being of all in the valley, its natural resources, transportation facilities, in— ‘ dustrial and agricultural interests. 6. Just now, one of its main purposes is to make seaports of Williamson and Pikeville and all of the towns and villages between them i and the Ohio River, by promoting a system of 1 locks and dams in the Big Sandy and in Tug and , Levisa which will render them navigable for ‘ steamers and barges the year around, with a nine-foot stage of water. 7. The Association is earnestly engaged in this work and, through its officers and direc— tors, expects to continue until the proposed sys— tem is completed. All those resident here and engaged in business here, who believe such in— stallation is desirable should unite in the effort by becoming members of the Association, and lending active aid to its work. 8. The proposal is feasible and desir— able. The Corps of U. S. Engineers has expend— ed $400,000 during the past five years, and has completed surveys and studies and has found that the Big Sandy, Tug and Levisa Forks, thereof can be made navigable as far up stream from the Ohio as Sprigg, on the Tug Fork, and as far as Russell Fork on the Levisa Fork. That, with the placement of ten dams and proper stor— age basins, there will be then available, a nine— foot stage of slack water the year around. 9. Other valleys and sections have slack water — some less important than this valley— ’ and we in this valley should vigorously seek to l bring it here. 10. For more than a half—century, the U. S. Congress, working through its Rivers and Harbors Committee, upon recommendation of the Engineers of the War Department, has been authorizing and appropriating government funds for use in improving rivers and harbors. Usually . public funds so employed are returned manifold , in the benefits and savings resulting from the expenditures. 11. Not to mention the other products which could use water transportation, if avail— able, this project has two and a half billion tons of coal within ten miles of the slack water, and a saving of only ten cents the ton would mean two hundred fifty million dollars saved in freight rates, on shipping that quantity of coal alone. 12. Water transportation rates are much lower than rail or truck rates and this alone will more than justify the expense of this system, To illustrate: the rail rate on a ton of coal from the Williamson or Pikeville coal field to Cincin— nati is now about $1.90. The cost for water transportation, with the completion of the system, would be just about one—half that. 13. Moreover, the streams would be beautified, there would be fine pools for fishing and boating and swimming in addition to the cheaper transportation afforded. , . 14. It is estimated it will require several years to complete the whole project. Our job is to get it started. and then push it through. Your job is to join up and help. Don’t sit by and leave the work to a few. Turn in and help. 15, Soon, we will have danger of unem— ployment. The actual work of dredging the river and constructing the locks and dams will require the labor of several thousand men for several years — this is worth considering. 16. If you want more information, write the Ashland office. If you are ready to join, see the director for your County. Annual dues for individuals are $5. Corporate dues are from $25 up, according to capitalization. Enclosed is an application blank. Sign and return it. Big Sandy Valley Association, 1010 Second National Bank Building, Ashland, Kentucky. July, 1945 ‘ _._ _ .__-.'.: CGPY GI? ’ __.- WESTERN UNHGN TELEGRAM 2-9-45 Randolph Bias 2 . V _ Cinderella Building, . . ‘ Williamson, 23.2.73. , . Illness prevents my attanaence at meeting tonight. J .R. Hurt. and I nominate Bud White, Prestonsburg as director at large. ' ‘ JoDo Harkins, Jr. PAD) Phone 3701 , ' ' BRIEF O? RECOIIENDATIOKS To BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOE PROCEDURE Thken Fro: Remarks of E. H. lerrill hbmry 24. 1945 It is first necessary to educate the residents of the Big Sandy River Valley of the desirability of the project of canalising the Levine and Tug Forks. It is necessary to point out to then the benefits which thoy end the industry in the area and adjacent areas will accrue from the project. This should be done by preparing a prospectus to contain naps showing the Big Sandy with both of its forks and the proposed locks and -dnns thereon. There should he naps setting forth the districts which will be competitive to teter~borns transportation and outline of the coll fields to he served, with particular attention to indicate the amount of recoverable cool within s three ails sons from the developnent, and .3 tithin\a ten silo sons fro: the development. The economic survey, node by 1* tho Unitod States Engineers, indieetee that within a three wile sons there are in excess of 781,000,000 tons of recoverable coal and, within e ten sile sons, there are 1,957,944,051 tons of coal, or enough cool to Justify 125 years of s\ter;borne transportation in that commodity alone. The quality of the Big Sandy coals should be stressed, and the volume of the prospective ssrkets should be broughtout. The econosic survey indicated that in towns lying udgccent to the Ohio, Hisoissiypi, Missouri, and Illinois Riversjthero were markets which would absorb 30,000,000 tons per yeer. Savings from this moons of transportation to Cutletsburg would be 40¢ per ton; to Cincinnati, 81.14 per ton; to St. Louis, 60¢ per ton; to Chicsgo, tron 40¢ to $1.02 per ton; and to the Shin Cities 81.05% per ton; or o total annual sevings on freight alone of $3,270,000 — sufficient to Justify a $60,000,000 investsent. It should be brought out that in addition to cool the transportation of oil, lusher, end other products, would tend to greatly assist in the industrialization of the Levies and Tug Forks, and there would be provided an outstanding recreational facility. The steps required to accomplish the cenulizution of the Big Sandy are - 1. To obtain support in the ereee immedintely effected through ' the prospectus, personal contacts, the press, and Association meetings with good outside speakers. 2. Immediately upon the approval by the army engineers to identify the Association with the several river associations in Washington to become active with than. 3. To get Congressional and Senatorial approval from Representatives from Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia. 4. Contacts by strong delegations in the Senate, Congreee, war ‘ Department, Arly Engineers, and Rivera & Harbors Committee. / 5. than approval is obtained, apply all possible pressure to get 3 the funds made available so that the actual work of caneliaetion ,I’ my be started. i i i "t. t Gentlemen: ' In mailing you the extracts of the Engineer's reports regarding Big Sandy, I am assuming that you will not violate the conditions ’ under which we were given access to these reports. a In order that you may be fully advised the following communica— tion was received from Col. C.L. Hall, Division Engineer and your particular attention is directed to the next to the last paragraph, ’ key statement in which is underscored; ~ "WAR DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE DIVISION ENGINEER P. 0. BOX 1799, 1120 HUNTINGTON BANK BUILDING COLUMBUS 16, OHIO ORDER 8 June l9h5 Subject: Notice of Partially Favorable Report on Survey of Big Sandy River and Tug and Levisa Forks, Kyo. W. Va., and Va., for Flood Control and Navigation. Dear Sir: It having come to the notice of the undersigned that you have expressed an interest in the pending proposition for the improve- ment of the Big Sandy River and Tug and Levisa Forks for flood control and navigation, you are hereby informed that the report thereon, authorized by the Acts of Congress, approved June 22,1936 (Public No. 738, 7hth Congress) and June 25, 1936 (Public No. 815, 7hth Congress), and by a Resolution of the Committee on Rivers and Harbors, House of Representatives, adopted January 19, 19LO, has been made by the District and Division Engineers and is partially favorable to the improvements desired. The report is wholly favorable to the navigation improvements desired, in that it recommends canalization.to obtain a 9-foot project depth from the mouth of the Big Sandy River to Sprigg, West Virginia, on Tug Fork, and to the junction of Levisa and Russell Forks on Levisa ' Fork, by the construction of two locks and dams on Big Sandy River and four locks and dams each on Tug and Levisa Forks. Local interests would be required to construct adequate terminal and transfer facilities for utilization of the waterways and to main- tain all relocated railroads and highways and all bridges and, utilities affected by the project. The report is unfavorable to the construction of any improvements for flood contrOl at this time, except for Dewey Reservoir on Johns Creek; a project which is authorized at the present time. The principal reason for not recommending any additional improvements for flood control is the lack of sufficient benefits to justify the costs involved. You are further notified that all interested parties have the privilege of an appeal from this conclusion to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, a permanent body sitting at washington, D.C., to which all examination.and survey reports of this character are referred. Parties desiring to present any statements or facts concerning the proposed improvements may be heard on appeal by the Board either orally or in writing. Written communications should be addressed to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, No. 2 New York Avenue, N.W., washington 25, D.C., and should be mailed in time to be in the possession of the said Board within four weeks from thetiate of this communi- cation. II, however, you have important data to communicate to the Board which cannot be collected and put in shape for proper presentation within four weeks, the Board should be informed of this fact without delay and request made for an extension or the limiting date for submitting information. If Oral hearings . are desired, dates for the same may be arranged for by corres- pondence With the Board. Any further information needed may be obtained by application to the U.S. Engineer Office, Huntington 18, W. Va., or to this office, but attention is invited to the following regulation as to the manner in which such information may be furnished. "Where interested parties desire date necessary for the preparation of their appeal to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, they will be afforded full op— portunity to examine the contents of the reports of the District and Division Engineers in their respective offices, subject to the understanding that no part of the contents of these reports Will.h§.EUbl shed in the newspapers or otherwise until the re orts have been submltted to Con ress. copies of tfie reports will not be furnished or loaned for use outside of the office, but interested parties will be permitted to make such notes of the contents as they desire." You are requested to communicate the foregoing to any persons known by you to be interested in the improvements and who, not being known to this office, do not receive a copy of this com- munication. (Signed) C.L. Hall C. L. HALL Colonel, Corps of Englneers Division Engineer" . . WAR DEPARTMENT ‘ OFFICE OF THE DIVISION ENGINEER (} 5%” -P. 0. BOX 1799, 1120 HUNTINGTON BANK BUILDING . ,' _ COLLMBUS 16, OHIO ' ‘ 'ORDGR . 8 June 19245 Subject: Notice of Partially Favorable Resort on Survey of Big Sandy River and Tug and Levise Forks, Ky., T. Va., and Ve., for Flood Control and Navigation. ' Deer Sir: It heving Come to the notice of the undersigned thpt you hevc expressed en interest in the bending orooosition for the improvement of the Big Sendy River and Tug and Levisa Forks for flood control and nevigetion, you or: hereby informed that the report thereon, authorized by the Acts of Consrcss ' epnrovcd June 22, 1936 (Public No. 758, Tuth Congress) and June 25, 1936 (Public No. 81}, 7hth Convross), and by a Resolution of the Committee on Rivers end Herbors, House of Representatives, edonted Jenucrv 19, lQhO, has been medo by the District and Division Engineers end is oertifllv fevoreblo to the imorovomonts desired. The ronort is Wholly favoreble to the DPVlgfl— tion imorovnnents desired, in thEt it recommends cenelizetion to othEn a 9-foot uroject depth from the mouth of the Big Sandy River to Sprigg, fast Virginia, on Tug Fork, and to the junction of Levise and Russell Forks on Lovise Fork, by the construction of two locks end dams on Big Sandy River end four locks end dams each on Tug end Levise Forks. Locol interests would be reouired to construct edecuate terminal end trensfor fecilities for utili— zation of the waterways and to meintein ell relocoted rrilrocds and highways end all bridges and utilities effected by tho uroject. The resort is un— fovoroble to the construction of eny imnrovements for flood control et this time, exccut for Dewey ReServoir on Johns Creek, a project which is ruthorized 9t the present time. The orincinel roeson for not recommending eny edditionel improvements for flood control is the lock of sufficient benefits to justify the costs involved. You are further notified that ell interested pertics hsvo the oriviloge of en eopcel from this conclusion to the Board of Engine rs for Rr7ers 5nd MM Herbors, r nermenent body sitting 5t Washington, D.C., to which ell 3X“mine- tion end survey resorts of this cherrcter are referred. Perti s desiring to present any stntomonts or facts concerning the proposed imorovmnvnts m'y be heerd on epoool by the Boerd either orelly or in writing. written communica— tions should bo addressed to the Boerd of Engineers for Rivers end Harbors, No. 2 New York Avenue, N.W., mes‘nington 25, D.C., end should bx mailed in time to be in the mossession of tho ssid Boerd within four Weeks from the dots of this communication. If, howavor, you hrvo importent drto to communi— cete to the Borrd Which cannot be collected and out in sheoo for oronor orosentotion Within four weeks, the Borrd should be informed of this feat without doley and roouest made for en extension of the limiting date for submitting information. If orel heerings are d'sired, drtos for the some mey be errenged for by corresoondoncc with the Boerd. - 1 _ Any further infonnstion needed may be obtained by Poplicrtion to tha ‘ U. S. Engineer Office, Huntington 18, W. Vf., or to this office, but Pttontion is invitod to the following regulption Ps to tho msnncr in which such informs— tion mPy be furnished. ' myhero interested norties-dosiro data necessrrv for the nronsro— tion of their apnosl to the Board of Engineers for Rivovs Fnd Horbors, they will be affordmd full onoortunitv to exomino thw contents of the reports of the District 9nd Division Engincors in their résnectivo offices, subject to the understsnding thst no nort of the ccntents of these riports will be nublished in the newsnspers or otherwise until the reports havo been submitted to Congress. Genius of the reports will not be fhrnished or loaned for use outside of th: office, but interested parties will bo normittad to msko such notes of tho contgnts PS thoy dosiro." You Pro requested to communicpto tho foregoing to any persons known by yet to be intorgstid in tho imnrovcments Pnd who, not being known to this office, do not recoivo a copy of this communicstion. ‘ _ ' i ,R’ #1, i 3‘ ' . . LL/I-‘HKJF if “Eli/v QM] . C. L. HALL - - Colonel, Corns of Enginssrs Division Engineer » r (Extracts taken hurriedly from The ma; District Engineer and Ohio Division Engineer reports on The Big Sandy River Naviga~ tion project by Ernest M. Merrill on June 26 _and 27. More comprehensive notes could not be taken on accOunt of lack of time. It is interesting to note that four representatives of The Norfolk and Western Railway had been screening these reports for four days before Merrill arrived.) Subject: Transmittal of Report of Big Sandy River and Tug and Levisa st., W. Va., Va., and Ky., for Flood . Control and Navigation. H. 800.92 (Big Sandy R.) - 2 H. ORDGR. lst. ind. Office Division Engineer, Ohio River Division, Columbus, 0. 25 May l9h5. To: Chief of Engineers, washington 25, D.C. For SPEKW. Omit l, 2, 3, h & 5. Paragraph 6. The engineering plan presented by The District Engineer for the navigation project is considered quite satisfactory for the purposes of this report. It does suggest, however, the desirability of further consideration of the following comments in the event the project is authorized and more detailed planning is done: a. The location of some of the locks and dams might possibly be improved for better foundation or approach conditions and for equalizing lifts. In the latter regard Dams Nos. 7 and 8 appear susceptible of improvement, which would include an easing of the water supply problem. 3. The location and type of Dam No. 1 should be studied further for danger of flanking around the abutment end. 3. The proposed clearance at 5 feet between dam gates in the raised position and high water seems rather small in view of the narrowness of the valleys and the steep character of the watershed. Q. Further study of the water supply problem should involve: (l) Adjustment of lifts to reach the minimum requirement. (2) Study of small reservoirs which may supply a part of the ultimate requirement and produce incidental benefits. (3) Possibility of deferring installation of at least some of the pumping capacity until such time as the actual traffic re— quires it. C.L. Hall Colonel, Corps of Engineers, Division Engineer. 5 may 19h5 Subject: Transmittal of Report on Survey of Big Sandy River and Tug Fork and Levisa Fork, Ky., W.Va., and Va., for Flood Control and Navigation. 1 To: The Chief of bngineers, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.£SPEKW) (through The Division Engineer, Ohio River Division, Columbus 16, Ohio (ORDEP). l, 2, 3 & h omitted. 5. The Governors, or designated representatives of the States of Ky., Va., and W. Va., have been notified that this office is forwarding the subject report to the Div. Engr., Ohio Riv. Div., for review. In the event that any expressions are received from these agencies they will be forwarded for appending to the report. ‘ Harry Pockras, Lt. Col. Corps of Engineers District Engineer. Paragraph 121 - pg. 13§. Total Market demand for water—borne coals. Table E in Appendix C, presents a detailed analysis of the questionaire returns, showing the relationship between normal annual reouirements of the several . types of coal from sources now used by firms and persons contacted, and the prospective tonnage which they would obtain from the Big Sandy, or other southern fields, in view of the reduced cost result- ing from water transportation. Paragraph 122 - pg. 136 Since conditions with regard to prevailing rail and water freight rates, switching charges, and accessibility to waterways are consider. ed to be analogous, if not identical in the canvassed and uncanvassed markets. The relationship shown by the partial canvass has been ap- plied to the known normal consumption of each type of coal as given in detail by the records of the Solid Fuels Branch of the Interior Department, and included in the total tonnage of 80,33L,000t. The prospective coal tonnages thus obtained are shown in Appendix C. to be 3h,700,000t. of high volatile and 11,300,000 t. of low volatile; in all, h6,000,000 t. Paragraph 122. The foregoing tonnage would produce a savings much greater than necessary to Justify even the most extraordinary expendi- ture for an adequate, modernized navigation system, and exceeds the tonnage which the contemplated facilities could readily handle, in towing units adapted to this waterway. 0mmission. The annual prOSpective movement for both the canvassed and uncanvassed markets, as used for computing benefits, was, for the above reason, reduced to only 15,000,000 t. of high-volatile coal; a tonnage which would neither overtax the waterway, nor exceed the average annual tonnage capable of being maintained for 50 yr. by reserves directly accessible to the waterway. The prospective movement of low-volatile, or smokeless, coals has been totally disregarded, because it is dependent upon the establishment of a proportional rail-rate not now in force, although there is apparently ample precedent for its es- tablishment, and the smokeless producers claim they could and would obtain and make use of it for large shipments via Tug Fork. Paragraph 12g - pg, 132 - River cost estimated at 33¢ per ton as age nst 2¢ per ton .o.b. barge cost by rail. , 15,000,000 t. at average savings of 29¢ equal $A,300,000 on Big Sandy only. - 2 - , Paragraph 125 - pg. 132 - Total savings to destinations estimateg,to be ¢ oer ton on high volatile or total of $13,350,000. The dif— ference of $9,000,000 per annum could be applied profitably by im- proving such,channel conditions as chain of Rocks, etc.******0mmission, Paragraph 125 - pg. 132. Division of tonnage between Tug and Levisa orks. "It is therefore assumed that river traffic will develop on Tug Fork more rapidly than on Levisa. An accurate apportionment cannot be based on present production or market demand. Total prospective river traffic creditable to each at the forks, on the basis of a 29¢ reduction in transportation cost to the mouth of the Big Sandy River, would be as follows: Levisa Fork: 9,000,000 t. @ 29¢ « $2,610 000 Tug Fork: 6,000,000 t. @ 29¢ - 1,740,000 TOTAL 15,000,000 t. @ 29¢ m h,350,000 Paragraph 182 - pg. 155 TABLE XXXVIL Elevations Lift. Lock_& Dam N0. §tream Miles from Lower Pool Upper Pool Ohio River 1 Big Sandy 0.71 h9§.5 52h.6 26.1 2 Big Sandy 21.29 52a.6 555.0 30.h 3 Levisa h6.29 555.0 585.0 30.0 L Levisa 70.36 385.0 615.0 30.0 5 Levisa 93.39 615.0 6h0.0* 25.0 , 6 Levisa 111.92 6h0.0 662.5 22.5 7 Tug 38.65 555.0 590.0 35.0 8 Tug 63.39‘ 590.0 610.0 20.0 ‘ 9 Tug 71.28 610.0 637.5 27.5 10 Tug 87.21 637.5 555.0** 17.5 * Allowable drawdown for increasing low flow 2.5 ft. *# n n n n n n 5.0 ft. Paragraph 122 ~1pgg 156 - Quantities of dredging required ~- Total 4,310,000 yds. Total estimated cost tu,007,000.00 or 45¢ to 60¢ per yard. Disposal is a difficulty at some points. Paragggph 125 - Navigation structures. Vertical lift. double—leaf gates, 100k dimensions 80 x 500 ft. Additional width provided per- mits h- 35 x 195 ft. barges or 6-26 x 175 ft. barges S-abreast. Lock walls 5 ft. above upper pool elevations. * Paragpgohwggg - Capacity of Project. High water losses 60 da. per - year. firedg ng and repairs 7 days , net operating days 292. Minimum yearly capacity 10,100,000 per year on each fork or total of 20,200,000 t. Egpggpgph 211 - pg, 152 - A summary of total project costs by individual dams and navigation pools: Item Big Sandy Levisa Fork Tug Fork Total Dams h,l22,350 6,698,500 5,771,8h0 16,592,690 Locks 5,100,220 10,886,770 10,625,760 26,652,750 Pumping facilities h96,510 577,510 533,550 1,607,570 Removal ex— isting Structures 75,670 --~—- ------ 75,670 Bridge Alter— ‘ ' ations ----- 773,500 952,500 1,726,000 ..3. ' Paragraph 211(continued) Item Big Sandy Levisa Fork Tug Fork Total Lands & ' ' ' ' ' damage 3,925,000 5,965,000 5,737,000 15,625,000 General ' ' Items 55.780 109,550 109,550 273,880 Aid to Navi- ' gation 8,860 52,250 32,020 85,120 V TOTAL $15,214,390 $26,259,070 $25,181,220 $65,654,680 Paragraph 212 - Operation 2 Maintenance. The annual cost of operas tion and maintainance is estimated to average $55000 per lock and dam, and provides for a permanent operating force of 17 employees at each lock and dam, etc. The annual cost of channel maintainance is es- timated at $100,000. Annual pumping cost estimated at $u3,3uo. Cost of maintaining navigation aids $10,370 per year. Paragraph 215 - pg, 128 - Ratio of annual costs to annual benefits. The total annual Federal carrying charge on the proposed project is $3,537,820. The tangible benefits derived from conservative analysis of transportation savings amount to $5,350,000. The ratio of economic cost to economic benefits is therefore 1 to 1.27. Paragraph 325 - pg. 162 ~ "A lost time factor" of 50% increases estimated tonnage cost to 5.0 mills per ton mile.?? :21 ‘ L. Conclusion. Paragragh 225 - pg, 168 - From the foregoing investigation of the B g an y River and Tug and Levisa Forks in the interest of naviga— tion, The District hngineer concludes that; provision of an ade- quate navigation system from the mouth of Big Sandy River to Sprigg, W. Va., on Tug Fork and to the confluence of Russell Fork and Levisa Fork is feasible from an engineering stand point; the pro- ject will produce tangible benefits substantially in excess of the costs, deepite a most conservative analysis; the entire cost of construction should be born by the Federal Government; and that the project is justificable and worthy of adoption as a Federal projecto Paragggph_2§§ - Navigation. From his investigation of the Big Sandy River and Tug and Levisa Forks, Kentucky, West Virginia and Virginia, the District Engineer finds: (a) Development of an adequate navigation system is practical from an engineering stand point. (b) The project would produce benefits in excess of costs, having an economic ratio of costs to benefits of 1 to 1.27. . It is, therefore, recommended that: (a) The existing antiquated navigation system on Big Sandy River and Tug and Levisa Forks be replaced by construction of 10 new locks and dams so as to provide a channel of 9 ft. project depth with 3 ft. overdepth having minimum bottom width of 200 ft. on Big Sandy River, 150 ft. on Tug and Levisa Forks, said project to begin at the mouth of Big Sandy River and extend to the N. & W. Rail- way bridge at Sprigg, W. Va., on Tug Fk. and to the mouth of Russell Fork on Levisa Fork. _ ' h - (b) The project be adopted substantially in accordance with the general plan presented in this report, at an estimated first cost of $65,560,560 with $593,3h0 annually for maintainance and op— eration of the project, exclusive of costs for aids to navigation. (c) No local co-operation be required in initial construc- - tion at the project, but that local interests be required to maintain all railroads, highways, bridges, and utilities affected by the pro- ject, and to construct adequate terminal and transfer facilities for utilization of the waterway. (d) The locks and dams on Big Sandy River and Tug Fork be constructed during the first three-year period, with those on Levisa Fork during the next two-year period. \ (9) Funds totalling $65,560,560 be allocated in annual amounts as follows:- $1h,000,000 for each of the first, second and third year, $13,000,000 for the fourth year and $10,560,560 for the fifth year, to provide for efficient prosecution of the work by continuing contracts. Harry Pockras, Lt.Col.Corps of Engineers District Engineer. Subject: Report on survey of Big Sandy River and Tug and Levisa Forks, Ky., W. Va., and Va., for Flood Control and Navigation.(Ltr. fm. Hunt. Dist. to OCE. thru ORD.dated may 1945) ARD. G.R. 1 Office Division Engineer, Ohio River Div., Columbus, 0., 25 May 1905. To: Cheif of Angineers, Washington 25, D.C. For SPEKW (1) This report is a very carefully prepared document and in fact constitutes a distinct contribution to engineering literature. (2) The Big Sandy River is a type of stream common in the mountains south of the Ohio River, in that it is subject to flash floods and has a very narrow flood plain. In the nature of things, it is very difficult to provide any method of flood control for this narrow flood plain except at a cost entirely disproporfiionute to the benefits conferred. After a very careful analvs;s o? the flood problem, the District Engineer finds no economical method of reducing the flood damages in the valley other than the construction of the Dewey Reservoir4uhich has already been authorized by Congress and for which engineering plans have already been prepared. The Division Engineer concurs in the findings of the District Engineer. (3) The report contains a very well prepared plan for the canalization.of the Big bandy River and its two forks, Tug and Levisa, up to prescribed heads of navigation. Undoubtedly there is a large potential waterborne traffic in high«grade bituminous coal from the ._ Big Sandy fields. There are tWO factors which determine the total ‘ savings to be expected from the movement of Big Sandy coals by water: (1) The unit saving per ton over the alternate unit cost of transs , u' portation; and (2) the tonnage which reasonably can be expected to move by water as a result of the reduction in transportation costs. (h) The District Engineer credits the Big Sandy River im- provement with a unit saving of 29¢ Per ton, based on the difference between water haul cost of 33¢ per ton on the Big Sandy River and ‘ an existing, but presently unused, proportional rail rate of 55¢ per ton from the coal fields on Levisa Fork to Catlettsburg plus 7¢ per ton transfer charge from rail cars to Ohio River barges at Catletts- burg. He estimates the total average unit saving from origin on The Big Sandy tgliestination at points on the Ohio and upper Mississippi .'- 5T-i ' ‘ I . I ~ 0", River systems at 89¢ per ton. If the total average unit saving of 89¢ per ton be credited to the Big Sandy River improvement, a move- ment of only about 3,860,000 t. annually would assure sufficient annual savings to balance the estimated annual cost of the improve- ment regardless of the possible future establishment of a terminal at or in the vicinity of Catlettsburg to advantage of the existing proportional rail rate, it is believed entirely reasonable to expect the improvement of the Big Sandy River to result in an average annual coal movement during the economic life of the improvement well in ex- cess of 3,860,000 t., in addition to any rail-river movement which may develop through the Ohio River terminal. Such a water movement of 0081 by use of an improved Big Sandy RiVer would constitute an entirely new waterway movement with respect to the Ohio and Mississ- ippi River systems, which could develop only by reason of improve- ment of the Big Sandy. Therefore, the