xt70zp3vt865_134 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Hindman Settlement School text Hindman Settlement School 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_17/Folder_2/0001.pdf 1949-1950 1950 1949-1950 section false xt70zp3vt865_134 xt70zp3vt865 ,
march 23, 1949
Mr. James Goblo
75 Courier Journal
Louisville, Kentucky
Dear Jimmie:-

I am Just bone, after a few days at Lexington; and
while there, I saw Colonel Henry J. Stitee, an attorney
at law with offic«.as in the .'“truflzs Wilding. '

Colonel Stitos is Vice-President of the Board of the
Iiindman Settlement school; and during the course of a con-
feronce which WU hold, he inflow-zed me that the cortwnoenont
exercises for the school will be held on May 81, 1949. He
invited me, because cf the feet that I become President of
the Kentucky State Bar Association on April 5th., to preside
as Chairman of this meeting; and the principal apeelrer at
the commencemmt exercises will be Governor Clements who has
already accepted the invitation to doliVor the address.

Colonel Stitea informed me that there would be a largo number
of outstanding bfielcillCCS and professional men from Eastern
Kentucky and other sections of the state, invited to be present
on that occasion; further, thet there will be a general rc-
quoet for all friends 0:: the school in Knott County and adjoin-
ing counties, to be present and to provide food and have a
picnic upon the grounds on that day; and that it was onticipat-v
ed that there would be three thousand or more people there

for timt meeting.

It occurs to me that it would be an interesting; item for
you to home a special article in regard to the school, accom-
panied by photographs in your magazine section or the Courier
Journal some time about the first or second Sunday in May;
and that this should be followed up with 9. special write up
of the amazement exercises and of the address of Gov-wrnox'
Clements; and any other phase or the meeting on May Blot.
which would be interesting from a news point of View.

I do not know of any scho:l in Eastern Kentucky or else-
where which is doing: a greater work for people, then does


the Hindman Settlement School; and it attracts contributions
and support from many of the States of the Union. In my
Judgment it is well worth both a special article, which I
am suggesting to you, and a reporter and a write up of the
commencement exercises.

. I am sure that Colonel stitee neuld be glad to give you
any and all information which you would desire to have, in
addition to the general knowledge of the school, at any
time you would call to see him at fie office.

My best personal regards.
Very truly yours,
Joseph D. Horkins
JDHmba. '
CG: Colonel Henry J. Stites
Starks Building
Louisville, Ky.

 ,. . , /318
MARK F. ETHRII)GE, PM/zisfier LISLE BAKER, JR..7/?€:7)2’nszr‘}.7r(ws.
(but €011r1m-110ur1ml
March 30, l9h9.
Mr. Joseph D. Harkins,
Pre st onsburg , Ky.
Dear Mr. Harkins:

I showed your recent letter to Cary Robertson,
our Sunday editor, and he agrees with me that the Hindman Settlement
School will make an interesting Courier-Journal Magazine story.

We plan to use plenty of pictures, too.

Hence, a writer, probably myself, and a photographer
will visit Hindman in the next week or so--—soon enough for the
story to appear several days in advance of the commencement date.

In fact, I intend to phone Colonel Stites today to determine just
what arrangements must be made to visit the school, and stay there
overnight on what likely will be a three-day trip.

This story, of course, will be somewhat lengthy,
but will confine itself to what the school is, what it does, how
it does it, etc., with an announcement of the commencement program.
as for the news of the commencement itself, that will be covered
elsewhere in The C.—J. I will tell George Michler, our state editor,
about the commencement program, and I am sure he will arrange for
a separate story, perhaps through the Huntington associated Press
office or by telephone.from here.

Best regards to you——-and "Little" Joe, who no doubt
will hate that name, ani Scott. While you---and perhaps they-a—are
in Louisville for the State Bar ASSOCthion meeting, try to drop
around and see our TaJ Mahal.

K£':: " ,-
VX/l/LL x. v; 'LI’"
L,_,Jame s B. Goble ,
Sunday Department.

April 15, 1949
Ar. Ralph E. TirOy, President,
Indi am State ’i‘e ache :3 Bulb {59 ,
Terra Haute, Indiana.
bear 5311‘:

fit a trustee's meeting or Hindmgn Settlemnnt School,
hold here last Tuesday, Agril 12th, @188 Elizabeth flatta,
Executive flirector, mantionod that one of ycur dcpnrtmantl has
been making a study of dindman Settlement Sunool'a work as one
0f six or seven institutions whieh are doing an outstanding work.
Attached karate find letterhnad of fiindman Settlom‘nt School,
wnlch innntifioa both mils watts and ma.

um uay 2nd and 3rd 5r. Jam»: Gable, a foaturo writer
on the Louisville Courier-Journa1,r111 visit Hindman far the
purpose of writing a factual history for incluaicn in an early
isaue $1 the Caurierbaournnl, Sunday mngazinc. It is anticipated
that met: will be made of this story and copies forwardefi to tha
nindman Settleuwnt fichool mailing list which exceeds three thouaand
friends of the institution.

It will be appreciated if you will farward ta ms any
records which may be uvailasle which unuld show any comment on
nindman Settlement Schocl work.

(2 _ Very truly yours, ;
© 7/ 4
\7 vt/Ldadxb7 x
P mm}; ( 7/

 I J ’ A: 2' ' - n

April 18. 19‘9

Era .L.” Shbnlt. 31%,

Lafayette Hotel.

Lexingtan. Kentucky.

Dear 5r. abnuae:

This letter supplements ear converratinn yesterday in
the lobby when I told you that I tauld want twn rooms and two
baths for firs. stitee. H153 Anne Stiten and no from the evening
of ?r1day. any 20th. through Sunday afternoan. May 22nd, when
no plan to attend the eeamcnoemont exeroiaaa at Handnan Settlement
School at 3:00 P. x. fiaturday. any 219%. n- oXplainud in tha
attached earbcn copy or letter to fire. Margaret Frischkorn.

Mr. and rrs. R011 Garct I111 also want recervatians. as will
possibly be the case with Mr. and Mrs. Friochxnrn. You will
recall that fire. Frnahkom‘s Father. Captain Charles F. Huhlien,
headed Hindman Settlcment school for many years untll hia
death in 193?.
Thanking yau for your usual courtesy. I an
C sincerely, W

 I t 4“: ' I . -
April 20, 1949
Colonel Henry J. Stitea
Starks Building
Louisville 2, Kentucky
Dear Colonel Stitee:
Copy of your letter of April 18th. to ur. Shouee
at the Lafayette Hotel, Lexington.
I am just wondering what your travel plans will be
' from Lexington and the time that you plan to reach Hind-
man on Key Elst. I had thought that possibly you might
drive from Lexington to Preetoneburg and then we drive
OVer together; on the other hand, I have just checked the
mileage and it is approximately 142 miles from Lexington
to Hindman - coming up the Kentucky River route; and
approximately 178 miles coming through Preetonsburg. Which~
ever way you may go, I will arrange to get to Hindman at or
before the time of your arrival, unless you come this way;
and in that event, we can drive over together.
You might also advise me as to what information you
may have as to the plans of GOVernor Clemente.
My best personal regards.
Very truly yours,
Jbseph D. Harkine

 April 20, 1949
Er. Ke Jo Day
Pikeville, Kentucky
Dear Kelley:-

Colonel Henry J. Stites at Louisville, who is Vice
President of the Hindman Settlement School, has advised me
that Governor Clements has accepted an invitation to deliver
the commencement address at the school on May 21st. at three
o'clock P.M.; and I have been invited as President of the
State Bar Association to preside at the ceremony that day.

I understand that it is desired on the part of the
school authorities to haVe the friends of the school in all of
the adjoining counties, to bring a picnic lunch with them and
to serve it on the grounds; and it is hoped to have approxi-
mately three thousand people present at that time.

It occured to me that one of my good friends who is on
the staff of the Courier Journal could arrange for a most desir-
able publicity for the school; and it has been arranged. On
May 2nd. and 3rd. a staff writer for the Sunday magazine section
of the Courier Journal, accompanied by a staff photographer will ‘
hr in Hindman; and in one of the issues thereafter, on either
May 8th. or May 15th. there will be sevaral pages of pictures
and historical write~ups of the school.

I have been asked by Colonel Stites to furnish him with
the names and addresies of people in this general section who
should receive a special invitation to be present at the cere—
monies. I well know your interest in the school and I would
appreciate it very much if you will send me, in duplicate, as
early as convenient, a list of persons in Pike County, in Knott
County and any other section of the State, who should receive
a special announcement or invitation.

I look forward with pleasure to s coins you at Hindman on
that day.

My best personal regards.

Very truly yours,
JDfigmba Joseph D. Harkins
CC: Colonel Henry J. Stites

 mum DAY, ' . ' _ ~ . K.J.DAY, - r ’ 5.1321)“
“iffy: um“... 13 Exclusively Wholesale Grocers -1
’.‘f‘fi‘m PIKEVILLE. KY. :..:
April 21, 1949
Hon. Joseph 5. Harkins,
Trestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Judge Iarkins:
Replying to your letter of April 20th.
I hasten to reply to tell you tnlt I will
work up a list of individuals who should
be invited tc the commencement exercises
of the Hindman Settlement School. I will
get this to you in the next few days.
/ /’,' f ” 7
I , , l v ,
r helly s. Day J

 FRANKLIN DAY, ' _ ' _ x. J. DAY, . ' ‘ s. F. DAY
x ”n, "um“ 13 Excluswelv Wholesale Grocers «“0501
mmn. N DAY 9???“ {5&6
.. ,. ..: PIKEVILLE. KY. is... 2:. ,
>' #2
r W...
non. Jose h u. marking,
frestonsourg, ny.
Dear Judfe HarKins:
I had come DbfilfleSj in nindnin yesterdiy and rin on
4133 watts who i; in onirge of tne nindnin :ettlement
Senool. i told nere tnqt I and i letter from JOU loout
their comnencenent plans ind tn:t you Lnoognt Lnere
mould tossiblg as two or tnree tnotgind people tnere to
Heir tne JOVenor ayeiK. one seemed to tnink tnzt A
eroni liKe tnet wotli 06 hard to ninire, ind i told ner
l Wis to write you toil; 1nd fIVE jOU A liit of name;
to as invited JG .weciil goeete and i no}; -tei tnat
ene write you icott their plin; for Lne 14;.
I have thlyo Been interested in the school and nave
donated 5nne money to tuem in 4 email may ier their torn.
I am very nappy to Know tnit you plin to ca L.ere ind
tnet you are to introduce tne lovernor. it 1. my idol,
but i maj be Arong, tint me only invite geople nno are,
or miy oe intereeted in tne fine work tnyt the nindmen
Cettlenent i; doing. i can see no IEJQOQS ior lUVltlng
lot of 10011 pOlithiiflé one would be intercited in see—
ing tne iovernor, Jfld not in tne _ettlenent ionool.
I am inclosig; A iew out tiniing, generate nen nno would
oe interested in tne pcnool.
IhfiflKiflQ you for writing he nooet tne netter, i am,
Sincerely yours,
V/Kf 73M
- ‘0 I (I/ / ' f /
Ko/VJ. AJJy //
// /’ /%
(/ U
D / d

JAMES E. DURHAM, Louisville
April 22,1949

Judge Foseph D.Harkins

Prestonsburg, Kentucky

Dear Judge Harkins:

Colonel Henry J.Stites has written me of your
willingness to help us with our plans to entertain the Governor
at the time of our Commencement and I want you to know how much
we appreciate it. We are looking forward to your bringing a
group of 50 or 60 leading citizens from surrounding counties, and
would like you to Send us, as soon as posSible, a list of the
names, if you can , and surely the number, who accept. Mr.Kblly
Day of Pikeville came in to see me yesterday and showed me the
letter you had written him relative to getting a list of names
from Pike County who should be invited to the meeting. Mr.Day,
as you doubtless know, is a very good friend of the Hindman
Settlement School and I am sure he will cooperate in any way that
he can. He told me that he was writing you)and that he was send-
ing you some names of people who might be interested to come.

Since you first talked with Colonel Stites, the
plans have changed somewhat. At large a group as you and Colonel
Stites first considered could not be entertained Comfortably in as
small a place as this. A crowd of two or three thousand could not
possibly find parking space near enough the school to enjoy meet-
ing hereJand the auditorium is limited in size. Last week I called
a meeting of a number of the citizens of Hindman - the County
Superintendent of Schoolqb the High School Principal and their
wives, the President of the Town Council, the President of the
Lions Club, the President of the Women's Club, the President of the
Alumni Association, the Cashier of the Bank, and the Grand Master
of the Masonic Lodge. We made some plans that we hope can be
carried out so that all our guests will enjoy the occasion. The
idea is this, - the citizens of Hindman, personified by the groups

represented on the Committee, and others who may care to Join,
will be co-hosts with the Settlement in serving a Buffet Supper
to the Governor and all cut of town guests. These guests will in-
clude the group you bring, of course, and others who may be invited.
by the Committee. Many of the citizens of the town will be present
and there will be a goodly crowd. Instead of a picnic, it will
be a buffet supper served by the Settlement and the Citizens of
Hindman to all invited guests.

We hope you will like these plans as well as, or
betterd than, the old ones. We feel that we can make the occasion
one that the Governor will more thoroughly enjoy, with a crowd
more commensurate with the size of our facilities. I am looking

 forward to meeting you and the guests you bring with you, and
am anxious to know how many we may expect.

We also appreciate your having interested Mr.Goble and his
photographer in coming to Hinflman to get a feature story for the
Courier-Journal. We are expecting them on May 2nd and 3rd and
shall enjoy having them as our guests.

Your spirit of cooperation in connection with this meeting
and your wish to help the Hinflman Settlement School have been
very fine, and we are grateful.

Sincerely yours,
7' ~ «7 \ -
wk 40%

 v . - . , .
r' . (
I an inclo;igi the follomifig names 130m i think
Enabld be invitad from tnij :eCtlfiu to the Com—
mencemeat addre,¢ of tfle Aindmau Jettlemtut Scnool. .
, ‘E. H. Price “heelmrlqmt, Ly
‘ « Harry LQVigr fgiutgvijle, Ay
' j. 3. Reed ' Jrifts Ky
- Zack Justi@e fikevilie, my
. xglter P{ HaltETS Pikevigle, Ky
,jr. & “To. 3.9.Qiller fiiKéVilie, 1y
~»Lr:. Linfon Irivette, Bikevilie, Ly ,
.NDr. 4: L471: 5,. -ix. :..st. 3E3 , Pge S. firie‘v i1 1 e , GO l 3 6 'Te
Pixevillea uy
Iz'fir. & Mrj. Fletcher inarp Pixeville, Ky ,
.1r. g wri. J. C. Codel Hincnebter, Ky
n Dr. J. E. Janason Sieme, 4y
~ Sir . “en-r}; Hie-ha]. 3, 11111131}: .;on, Er". h . '
> . Er. John Yost . PixevlJle, 4y
. . .
I p
g i

 April 27, 1949
Colonel Hem“; J. Stuns
Vloc ?roaidont,
Illndnan Sehtlment School
Starks Building
Louisville, Kentucky
Door 00101103. Stitas:

khan I saw you a few weeks ago in Lexington and aocoptod
your invitation to prooide at the Commencement Exercises at the
11111me Settlement School, you than mentioned the plan to have
a picnic Lilmxor on the grounds and that. it was hoped to have an
atoondanoo of approximately throo thouaand people who would be
eating; 11.31021 at. that time. The food to be brm‘fh‘t in by the
difs“orent people who come to amend the Exercises. You also re-
questod {no to ii‘urnioh you. a list or peopla from the adjoining
counties whom I thought; shoals; be invited to be there on that day.

it 00011er to me that there were: othtsr's of the fridf-EIC‘B of
tho. sol-11:03. wlm mold ho more familiar with film names of the por-
sono who had been interested in the school, than Wald I; and.
that I. would boat secure such list by making inquiry from some of
my friends in the counties adjacent to linott County.

I know that. my good frigid, E. J. ray 0: Pikeville, refiner-
1:; from Kilndznmz, Emu. always been interested in the school and. that
he had at. wide acquaintance mmnggjtmut 1’1ch and other counties of
Maison Kentucky. Witt; that one: in View, I wrote 331’. Lag-r for his
suggestions and mentioned the general plan which you 12.9.91 3112336813.-
ed 170 mo. 2311. 5213* sent me a list of eovcmtoen people, mo copy
01‘ wide}: I am awding you herewith. or. Day makes the suggestion
that only pooylo who are, or who may be interested in tho fine
work that the iiimltmn Settlement School is doing, should be invit-v
ed; and that. he saw no reason for inviting lots of local politicians
who would ho interestsd in seeing the Governor and not the E—ilnéman
Settltmozlt School. ‘

I also have a latter from Miss Elizabeth Watts under date
or: April 22nd. in which she tells me that Mr. Day came in to see
her on April 2181;. and showing her the letter which I had written
him relative to the list of names from Elke county who should be
invited to the meeting; and in the letter, B5188 Watts indicated
that she was looking forward to my bringing a youp of fifty or
sixty leading alumna from surrounding countioa and would like
for me to send, as soon as possible, a. list of the names and the
number who acoopt. She further advised me that. since you first
talked with me, the plans had been changed; and that she had had
a meeting with a number or the citizens of Madman, as a commit“.

incident to the exercises, who will be oo~hoab with the Settle-
ment in serving a buffet supper to the Governor and all out of
town guests; and that instead of being; a picnic lunch it will be
a buffet supper.

3: e130 tmvo reached your telegram or April 22nd. in
which you advise me you are writing me details as to the 21111de
Comxcncwmnt plane, as well as several other matters referred to
in your toleypm, but to this date I have not roceimd such letter
or letters.

it {goes is:it‘.lzz>11t saying, that I an materially interested in
aiding: 2::-1c: helping; to do whatever {my be to the beat interest or
the eofizaml; and it oooured to me mint poeeibly friends in the
difi'ermt adjacent counties would wood; to be there; (and 3; was
wo:::.".;.7.ngj to 51:33:35; 1.50:5. wit}; 9. lint { -- mach ixzp-orinazit people)
whom :::; '.::le be advantageous to have ;nvltv:-«; for the: mating; and
I WC"‘-ld not want to make- the mietuiie of felling to lmve on the
liet people who had heretofm'e evidenced e eubetmiiefi interest in
tin-.- :595'1‘301, 3:03: (1:5; 1 sm: any micnmtage of lmvirqg mam; the .:nviteol
those who might «tome out as“ idle mxriosity or to new a. lsmgge meet-
in: 30:? jiblit;<}fil 12123330508.

In the light 011‘ the letters 0;“ 32:21“. Day and 73.83 flutes and
the suprrestion in your telegpem‘a {shot you were writing me? ::walaflV.
to 5.2m (hinterchrutmt plans, 1‘.; 00 121.133 to me thin: i-Zise "gotta and you
one the other mmbers of the Board in Louisville, {tum-:16. Imow
better than I. {no names 0:.“ firm p-s-meone who should be sent special
invitatiatzvns; 5mm“. that those of you, Supra, won]... “we sure to include
all 01’ those who previouely nave evidenced special Lumen-net in the
30351001. There in, however, this thnght: There may be mm}? others
who have nevzcr exhibited any special interest in your» success who
might; becomo moons: stool materially in the school by roaeon 0.," their
having received a special m".!i‘é;at§.011 to the Cerezsmoexrzont.

'5. End not oontmplatoei the sending out 01‘ any invitation:
on :::r mm accord or in my own name, since more: are such hes-m2?
amends upon me all the time and upon the office here that it
would be a moot bur-demons situation to undertake to prepare
letters to eomo fifty or sixty people told secure their aeooptanoo
and wrange for them to either .530 with me to Iiindmmz or to meet
me at; Handmade. for the “Xeroisea; mld I believe that all such in-
vitations should be sent out, either by $15,255 ‘mtta or freon your
own office.

my boat personal regards.

very truly yours,
CC: Miss Elizabeth Watts Joseph D. Hawkins
”I" K. J. Day

JOHN V. COLLIS, Louisvflle
JAMES E. DURHAM, Louisville
April 27,1949

Mr.Edward A.Farris

Adminisvrative Assistant

Executive Chamber

Frankfort , Kentu cky

Dear Mr.Farris:

In planning our exercises for Commencement Day, we find
that, due to special features we want to introduce because Governor
Clements is to be with us, the program will be fairly long. We want
to end the festivities with a buffet supper,in honor of the Governor,
served to invited guests by the Settlement and many of the citizens
of the town, and are anxious to have this part of the program at
least well started before dark.

In view of this, we thought we might schedule the
Commencement Exercises at 2:30 on Saturday afternoon, May 21st, in-
stead of at 8:60, so that if Governor Clements could get here by that
time, we'd be ready to begin at the earlier hour. Do you know yet
whether the Governor will be coming directly from Madisonville, breaa-
ing the drive at some point on the way for the night, or if he ex-
pects to return to Frankfort from Madisonville and then come to
Hi n6. m an ?

We hope that Mrs. Clements will cOme with him and would
appreciate your letting us know whether or not We may expect her.

Will there be others in the Governor's party?

Thanking you for any help you can give in arranging

these matters, I am,
Sincerely yours,
W paw,

ELIZABETH WA'I'I‘S, Treasurer - Hindman KENTUCKY
JAMES E. DURHAM, Louisville
April 27,1949
Judge Joseph U.Harkins
“ear Judge Harkins:
Enclosed is a copy if a letter I have
just written to Mr.Earris, Administrative Assistant to
the Governor, explaning why it would be convenient if he
could arrange to get here so the program on Commencement
Day, May Elst, could begin at 2:30 instead of at 5:00.
We, of course, do not know that it will be possible for
the Governor to get here at the earlier time, but we are
schedualing it that way, knowing that we may have to begin
late if the Governor doeSn't arrive.
I wanted to get this word to you at once
so that you could make suitable arrangements to have your
party here in tine.
Looking forward to having you with us on
Commencement fiay,I am,
Sincerely yours,

 April 29, 1949
Miss Elizabeth Watts
Executive Director
Hindman Settlement School
Hindman, Kentucky
Boar Kiss Watts:

I am in receipt of your letter of April 27th. and a
copy of your letter to mr. Farris, Administrative Assistant
to Govwrnor Clements, relative to the time of Gormencoment
Txarcises on May Slat.

I hope to drive over to Hindman earlier in the day
and to see you and Colonel Stites in advance of the time the
exrrciscs will begin. Whether I can make it in the morning
or will have to get 0V6? in the early afternoon, is now an
Open question.

Ve3y truly yours,
Joseph D. Barking
CC: Colonel Stitee

ELIZABETH 3?:1‘5; 'Ih‘ezialslurer - Hindman KENTUCKY ASSISTANT
fiLI-EIIA‘IQ ngsgfirijuisvflle ELIZABETH CO’l'l‘LE
JAMES E. DURHAM, Louisville
.April 29,1949
Judge Joseph D.Harkins
PrestOnsburg, Kentucky
“ear Judge Harkins:
The copy of your letter of April 27th
to Colonel Henry J.Stitee reached me yesterday afternoon.
Let me hasten to assure you that if you will send us a
list of the people you think should be asked to our Commence-
ment Exercises, we shall be glad to send them invitations.
I can readily understand that you are too
busy to write so many letterSJand am sorry that I misunder-
stood your plan. I am sure, however, that you can suggest
many potential friends for the Hindman Settlement School, and
would be very grateful if you would compile a list of su:h
names. You know many influential people whom we should be
glad to welcome to Hindman and to number among our friends.
My only fear is that a letter from us might not influence .
them to come as word from you would do. Would it be permissible
to say that they were being asked by your suggestion - or will
you just add a Spoken word to them if you happen to get in
touch with any of them?
We appreciate very much your cooperation in
our plans for Commencement and should be glad to have any list
you have compiled as soon as you can conveniently send it.
Looking forward to having you with us on
Saturday afternoon, May 21st, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Copy to Colonel Stites


April 29, 1949

Judge Joseph D. Harkins,



Dear Judge Harkins:

I am in receipt of your letter of April 27th regarding
Hindman Settlement School commencement, with carbon copy of your
letter of the same date to Mr. Harned. I have delayed writing you
further about the Hindman commencement since I figured that you
are in position to accumulate a group of some fifty leading East
Kentucky business and professional men to meet Governor Clements
at Hindman. Apparently the civic clubs and leaders in Hindman
prefer to have a large buffet dinner for a crowd of approximately
one thousand than to include a larger crowd with a picnic dinner.

I saw Governor Clements last Tuesday afternoon and fully explained
the plans, as well as your assistance and co-operation in arranging
the group of East Kentucky leaders.

Kentucky's educational program is reaching a point where
leading business men should participate and Hindman Settlement
School is a good meeting place. It is my suggestion that through
telephone and letters you contact the people who you think should
be present and after acceptance Miss Watts, if you desire, will
supplement your invitation, but I personally do not regard any
invitation other than yours as being necessary or appropriate, since
your wide diversity of activities does not need any explanation.
However, Miss Watts should have the names of all of your guests,
so that seats can be reserved for them.

It is my recommendation that you, as a Kentucky leading
citizen, designated by me as Acting President, make some appropriate
remarks about Governor Clements, Congressman Perkins and the Hindman
Settlement School work and name the business men in attendance at
your invitation, then you introduce Congressman Perkins, who is both
a resident of Hindman and a graduate of Hindman Settlement School
and following further remarks by him he can introduce Governor
Clements. This formula would provide recognition for the leading
citizens, give you an opportunity to emphasize the good points of
both Governor Clements and Congressman Perkins and further outline
the business men there. It will take a little time to epitomize
the leaders present, but it is suggested that you should talk at
least ten minutes in commenting on the several items above outlined.

 Judge Joseph D. Harkins,
April 29, 1949
Page #2 .

Your designation by me as Acting President had no
connection with your State Bar Association activities, except
to the extent that my Bar Association travels have emphasized
the fact that you have assumed a dominant position which extends
from Ashland, at least, to Harlan and from West Virginia to
Lexington. Realizing the educational development, it seemed
that you could gather the type of East Kentucky leaders who
should meet Governor Clements and Congressman Perkins.

I agree with the sentiments contained in your letter
to Mr. Earned.


;JOHNT.-E.STITES April 50, 1949
Judge Joseph D. Harkins,
Dear Judge Harkins:

After writing you yesterday, I talked with Wilson
Wyatt, who has agreed to make the conferences in August and
September. I also received written confirmation from Clyde

This morning I received a letter from Miss Watts, who
does not fully understand the distinguished East Kentucky guests for
the Hindman commencement. Of course, if you want her to send
invitations okey, but I think that your personal letters and
telephone conversations will suffice. ‘

Sincerely, (j?é£;;uagq

 May 2, 1949
x158 Elizabeth Latts
Executive Director
Hindman SStthHLnt school
Hindman, Kentucky
Dear miss Kntts!
0n yesterday I received your letter of April 29, and by the
same mall I received a letter from Colonel Stites.
Colonel stites requested that E personally invite a number of
the important Business Hen of Pastern Kentucky to be present
at this meeting, and that they be introduced in the co rse of
the excrclScs.
having in mind that in trying to help your school as best I
can I Canld unintentionally do Somfi injury by fail'ng to in-
vite Some ptrson or persona who had evidenctd a special interest
in the school. I am writing to suggest that you write me and
giVU me tne names uno addresses in Floyd, Enott, Letcher, ano
Rage? in Counties, whom your judgment would tell who should
be invited by no; and if there or others you woula wish me to
personally invite living in any other section, we snoulc add
their names and addresses to the list.
1 will be out of the office until Thursday or firing“ of this
week and I hOpe you haVL this list for me on my return, and as
Soon as I return I will take pleasure in writing such invi-
tations or calling some of them by phone, so as to be in position
to give you a list of ihoae accepting the invitations as early
as possible.
very truly yours,
Joseph D. Harkins
JD}? : be
0.0. Colonel Henry Stites
Louisville, Kentucky

 May 2, 1949
Miss Llizaboth Latte
;xeoutlve Director
Hindman Settlement School
Hindman, Kentucky
Dear Miss Watts:
Furthering ny prior letter of this cute I would like to have
the names of some of the outstanding graduates or stuoonts of
your school, to whom i can refer in my talk on Commencement
Day as illustrative of the work wnlch the school has done for
the boys and girls of the mountain section.

Very truly yours,

Joseph D. Herkins ‘

JAMES E. DURHAM. Louisville
May 4,1949

Judge Joseph “.Harkins

Prestonsburg, Kentucky

Dear Judge Harkins:

Your letters of may 2nd reached me yesterday after-
noon just after Mr.Goble and Mr.Miller of the Courier-Journal had gone.
Both Mr.Goble and Mr.Miller were very kind all the time they were here
and we are looking forward to their feature article very much. It was
exceedingly good of you to write Mr.Goble. I am sure it would