xt70zp3vt865_142 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Porter Mining Company text Porter Mining Company 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_17/Folder_10/0003.pdf 1916-1928 1928 1916-1928 section false xt70zp3vt865_142 xt70zp3vt865 “' 'v. I .' . 3 .' ' ' 7‘. .:. \‘\.\‘~\E"\P V . ‘ ‘ ‘-‘&\V\‘ (\B" MINUTES OF THE PORTER MINING COMPANY /~ ‘4 Q /// ' kflfv>y/’ Lackey, Ky., Feb 7, 1923 i “d/ - M'INUTESAOF A DIRECTORS rrrrrzrc O F P O R T W R F I N I N G C O Y P A N Y. A-rceting of the Board of Directors of Porter Mining Corpany having been set on sore three or four occasions and notices hlying been woiled and delivered to the various officers of this Conpany and we have tried to hold reetings at our Ashland office at Ashlanl, Kentucky also made efforts to told neetings at the Collins Vining Corpany's office row being also used for Porter Mining Conpany's office for the purgtfc of transacting such business as is necessary of the Conpuny to be transacted pertaining to the ranagrent of the Porter Mining Corpony of Lackey , fieflmcky. The last agreed time for holding a meeting for said Company by an urgreenent mutually agreed was at 9 o‘clock A.N. on Feb; 7, 1923 at the place designated above. All the stockholder and directors being present except Sam Porter and it is now ll A. M. and Sam Porter being absent apparertly not willing to participate in a resting, we, Er. M. N. Collins, President of said Corpany and Jonas Collins, Vice-President and Fred Blackburn iirector of said Conpany ice proceeding to hold a resting for the above named Conpany for the purpose of transacting such business as is rec- cssary ir behluf of said Company. A motion having been rude by Jonas Collins and seconded hp Fred Blackburn that hereafter and so long thereafter as the Company selects Fred Blackburn to act uh general Manager of the Porter Mining Corpary fill this offic~ for cold Corpeny, this action having been duly notioned and seconied and Fred Blackburn having beer placed ir noninaticn for said office and said notion hrving been accepted by the Presiinnt and a vote taken which one unans- rously accepted by all stockholders and officers present, Fred Blackburn is unanionously elected as General Nanagsr for said Cowgmny ty all the officer and stock holders except San Porter. A notion was made by Jones Collins uni sedonded by Fred Blackburn that Sam Porter hereafter does not not in any capacity for said Conpany except as Secretary und Treasurer this Y"oticn hiving been - duly seconded and boted upon kw all the officers present and una- nimously accepted and that he can act in that capacity so long as the Company beleives he taking care of seid office and affairs intnueted to hir in a clean. decent and creditable «anrcr and so long as he displays good business judgrent in the handling of the affaits of the Corpeny which comes under the heading of secretary and Treasurer but not otherwise and that he he allowed to write checks and rude deposits for said Corpany and sing care but said checks signed by him as Secretary and Treasurer are to be singed the tag Iresident or Vice—President of said Conpuny in this event checks so signed :re authorized to be paid. otherwide the checks are invalidated vrd the Covpany does not authorize the paynents of sane and in the event the checks are accpeted by and Conpany or individual they accept save at their own risfi.and the Corpany selects not to pay it inless signed as stated above. It is firther authorized and accpptel by all officers of said Conpany to continue to do their banking business with the Second Baticnal Bank of Ashland, Kentucky us long as they continue to indulge and accoroldte Porter Mining Corpany in the future or at least until such tine us the directors will on cause to change to save other Bank in that event the Second National Bank shall receive notice of such decision. A motion was made hy Jonas Collins and seconded by Fred Blackburn and was accepted by the President that hereafter the Conpany will Pay Sum Porter for acing as Secretary and Treasurer as above stut- ed such salary us they beleive that he is entitled to this will depend upon the arount of tire and attention given to said duties pertaining to Porter Mining Company“: business, out he will not be allowed to give his own perconal check to defray any expenses of said Company without fist dbpositing sane to the credit of the Company and that all debts and accounts paid by the Company shall be paid over the payroll or by check as above mentioned. I ! A motion was rude and seconded by Fred Blackburn that the Vice-President can write a check on said Cowpany but BLre ruat be coactersigned bb the President of the Corpany in the absence of the Secretary and Treasurer inn the absence of the Genwral Manager can sign checks rich with the Vice-President to take care of such accounts as needs imrediate attention. A motion was made by Fred Blackburn and seconded by Jenn: Collins that Renae Collins is to assist the General Nanager in looking after the Corpanies affairs at all tires when such is necessary or exzeiient. It is also unarinously agreed that all the books belonging to Porter Vining Corpany are to be roved fror Ashland to their new officc in Lackey, Ketucky, a rotion was wade by Jonas Collins and secvnded by Bred Blackburn that this wheti“g will be adjourned ani spre accepted by the Presiient until further notice. ‘ / . A )5 . 4400 President t, D/ . fizap W .‘Iice President / w r ”43iyé;¢¢4x ALx LA/ Secretary andTree /"~\ 44 iUALGenerul Nanager Lackey, Kertucky Fab 7. 1923 The Second Natiooal Bank, thlond, Kentucky. Gentlewenz- In as much as tn: Porter Niniog Corpuny has changed Presidents ex well an practically 411 of the officers I am advising you to the following; You or! to accept no checks whatevor signed by the Secretany uni Treasurer unless :igred also by the President or Vice-President of the Corpury. In case of emerge"cy we have decided to let the Vice Etnsifieot Jonas Collins signs checks when countersigned by the General Manager, Bred Blackburn in case of the abneoce of the Presilo“t of the Corpany. In no way is the Corpahy liable for dry checks ’ unless signed as above stated. Very truly yours, PORTER T’II"I."G CU] RWY, BY, PINESI ”WET NIJFLI'FT‘JS OE? 711%?)31‘0'6 T’TTI'PIVG, POR'L‘WR T’IE\YI""G CUT li-AIW‘Y, //\‘T hm JAWJARY 31, 1923 V/A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Iorter Nining Corpany Was held at Ashland, Kentucky at the offices of the Company, Room Number 420, Kitchen Building at the hour of 7-00 P. M. on Wednesday, January 3lst, 1923, the follow- ing waiver of notice oeing thereupon executed bh all the Directors to-wit; We, the undersigned Directors of the Porter Vining Company, herepy call a meeting of the Board of Directors of said Company, to De held at the Conpwny's offices, Room 420, Kitcehn B1dg., Ashland, Kentucky at the heir cf 7-00 P. M. Wednesday January 3lst., .923 for the pur- pose of transacting such business of the Company as nay cone before the Board of Directors. All notice of the calling of said resting, and the purposes therof otherwise required by law or the by- laws of the Conpany, is hereby waived by each of the under signed, who are al the Directors of aid corraay. @272, 212. Law; C .4 Mém/o' / (’ a ( ___...W 3 v\ 9 o e' V July 24, 1923 KB? Porter Mining Conpany having called a meeting to toke place at its office at Lackey, Kentucky at 2;OO B. M. and all the stock holders being present and directors ex- cept Sam Porter of Ashlnnd, Kentucky, the meeting having been called together by its president Dr. N. N. Collins there also being present Fred Blackburn and Jones Collins, a motion was wade by Jonas Collins and Seconded bb Fred Blackburn to notify The Wells Elkhorn Coal Coroany that any fervor contract which they row hold as being wade pertaining to the up keep of the bride across Beaver of which up keep they Clair to be in charge of, this bridge being near Operation Nb. 5 of Wells Elkhorn's mine also the sane bridge acrossing Beaver leaiirg to Porter Vining Corpany&s operations on Jonas Fork. At a =itting of the Directors of this fleeting it is agreed to cancel any forrer contracts or ogreenents nude with the Wells Elkhorn Coal Corporation for the up keep and agreed that the Porter Mining Company consult with the Wells Elkhorn Coal Conpany and rake a new Controdtias to the up keep and nainterance of this bridge for the future. Also at this neeting a motion as nade by DH. M. l. Collins and seconded by Fred Blackburn that Porter Mining Corpany go to work and figure odt plars to put screens and a picking tsble at the Porter mines and that arrangrents be rude to make at least three grades of con, nut, slack, and lump and that sane be made efficient to handle at least a hundred to two hundred drd fifty tons of coal per hour or in other words to 10 so that the above arrangrents be made at a very early date, it is further agreed at this nesting and by the consent of the Directors present that it hes be- come nexessart for the Porter Minin g Company to raise finds in sufficient quanity t) pay debts and running expenses of said xonpany and to do this We authorize that the President of Porter Mining Company may negotiate with sore loan conpany a mortage against the Porter Mining Conpaxy fbr sufficent money to pay debts and running expenses of said corpany.a The Direcgors agreeing to take a part in the said negotat— ions in giving nortage for such a loan as its president nay mrmmefmu A motion was wade by Jonas Collins that We adjourn and = sane being seconded by President and all voting in the affir- rative this neeting is called adjour ed. / L) . // . 1 K ‘ - 0). 2L'771- lie/$444 Jib/2e- %; éééw-me < /Ei/Kxé4éflag44¢ _ ________.______~_____________ A! <::/ The Porter Mining Conpany ' Minutes FIRST NEWTI“G OF SUBSCRIBERS TO CAPITAL STOCK OF THE PORTER “INIVG COTPAFY HELD AT THE CCVPANY‘S OFFICE IN ASHLA“? KENTUCKY GK THE 25TH UAY OF FAY, 1920. At the first meeting of subscribers to the Porter Mining Corpany, there were present the following subscribers to the capital stock of said conpany, viz; Dr. M. N. Collins, Fred Blackbur, J. E. King, 8. S. Porter and J. W. Kitchen. The following waiver of notice was therejpon executed and filed viz; The undersigned, being all the subscribers to the capitfl stock of the Porter Mining Company, hereby call a resting of said subscribers at the office of the Conpany, Kitchen Bldg., Ashland, Kentucky on May 25th 1920, for the purpose of organizing the company, electing Directors, opening the books fior further subscriptions, and transacting such other business as ray properly cone before said meeting. All notice of the holding of said neetign, or the purposes, thereof, otherwise r-quired by law or the by~1aws of said corpany, is hereby waived up each of the undersigned. ///e) [Kaye 721/. 2%. 2 ”ix/L451.) : Z-Ef- i: 'z N. »ZZV 2k1¥7ic. .LAA/ The following assigner it of subscription was presented and filed biz; In consideration of the sum of One Dollar cash in hand gaid, the receipt f0 which is hereby acknowledged and the further sonsideration of his assumption of my respons- ibilities and liablilties under said subscription, I herby sell, assign and transger to J. W. Kitchen one Hundred and Fifty (150) sahares of stock of the Porter Mining Company of the par value of fifteen Thousand (315,000.00) Dollars, and consent and direct that he be substituted to ny rights as a subscriber to the capital stock of said company to the extent of the said stock therein assigned. Witness my hand, this May "5, 1929 412:..{212114u . . .__... (ii kai Porter Mining Company, minutes of subscribers \3/ Meeting of May 25th, 1920. (Page 2) {/// The meeting being called to order by S. 8. Porter, on t/ motion duly seconded and all boting in the affirmative, M. M. Collins was ibected chairrar of the reeting and S. 5. Porter elected Secretary of said meeting. On notion duly seconded, and all boting in the iffirm- ative, the assignrent of subscription to stock, to the ex- tent of One Hundred and Fifty Shares, of par value of Fift- , een Thousdand Dollars by S. S. Porter to J. W. Kitchen, and the assumption of said subscription by the said J. W. Kitchen, was duly approved and accepted. 8. 8. Porter produced and filed the Charter of the Porter Mining Corpany which had been theretofore received frcr the Becretary of State, and reported that the original articles of Incorporation had been filed according to law in the office of the County Court Clerk of Boyd County, a copy of same filed and recored in the office of the Secretary of State at Frankfort, Ky., and theorganization tax due the State of Ken— tucky and recording fees required by law duly paid, whereupon said articles of InCorporation were read and adopted. The election of Directors being declard in order, an election Was thereupon held, on notion duly seconded, there were pladed in nomination for the office of Director the following, viz; S. 3. Porter, M. M. Collins, J. E. King, Fred Blackburn and J. W. Kitchen upon talking the ballots, each of field noninees received the bots of all the stock of said conpafiy Where therppon declared duly elected as Direct- ors. Upon motion duly seconded and all the stock being voted in the affirmative, the stockholders resting was there upon adjourned to Conven when called as the By—Lawyn way provide. (QV‘AA/j:::;:) -—Chairran of Me tingm.a‘0.". Mi: ecretary of Meeting {27f \ (fiw y ////’7NINUTES OE NEETIJG OE DIREDTURS OF THE PUHTER TIMING "J/ COIU’PATJTY EBLF AT THE OEFI 3E OF THE COE'BANY “T AXSIfl‘JIZG, KY. ON FAX 25th, 1920. The directors of the Porter Mining Company wet at the office of said company, in Ashland, Ky.. on May 25th, there being present M. M. Collins, S. 8. Porter, J. E. King, Fred Black- burn, and John W. Kitchen by proxy helfi by S. 5. Porter. On motion iuly seconded and all voting in the affirmative, J. E. King was elected Chairman of the Meeting and S. 8. Porter Secretary.'Thc following Waiver of notice was thereupon produced and filed, Viz. ‘ The undersigned, being all the Directors of the Porter Mining Company, hereby call & recting of said directors at the offices of the Conuany at Ashland,mcntucky, for the purpose of electing officers of said corpafly,auth- arising the cxecutiow of a lease by the President thereof on behalf of the Corpany, frcr the Beaver Creek Concol- idatcd Coal 00., and such other business as ray properly come before the Board of Directors. All notice of the holding of said wcctirg, and the purpose therof, otherwi c required by law or the by- laws ofi said corpany is hereby waived by each of the undersigned. ; L 19 d ' , , I / , ‘ g 4 . 42¢»qg/zcEZL/y« Upon motion duly seconded and all boting ifi the affir- mative, J. E. King was dccigwatcd as the Procenn Agent bf the Company, and the Secretary iircctei to certify such decigbation to the Secretary of State as rnquire by law. The proxy of J. W. Kitchen presented by S. S. Porter 5nd duly filed, in as folows to wit; THE PORTER MINING COTPANY I HEREBy authorize S. 8. Porter as my proxy to cast ry vote as a Director of the abovr Company, at the first meeting of the dir- ectors of same, to.bc held May 25th, 1920 at Aahland, Ky., upon all matters voted on at said directors heating. ' Signed, J. W. Kitchen \\\ "7 , V “1% / Minutes ‘ ' * . ' » , ' "V“ 9 PW /< . . ox Direcoors rooting of hay Lyon, 1919 ,M . Page 2 €g<:/ x: . 771i // l ' r" *' ' //’ AAJICLE 15, / . Vice-President 'Thc Vicc~Ptesidert Shall perforr such igfioa a; shall be occigoed ti? by ihn Board of Directors. - In 0:39 of dontl, absonce or inability of the Prasidsfifi, ho act, his powvro shall he mxnrciocd 3rd his duties perforved by the Vice-Presiicht; In can! of danth, absence or iruuility ihe~§ of both Preoiiewfi and VicD-Preoiiort, the lutiec and powers of the Presidv“t shall devolve upon of of tho fiiyectorv is up appoiwtel lg the Esori of Directors. ARTIZLE 14. _ GRVWRlL TATAGFH DR SUPEXITTETUANT ‘ | The chral Nucagcr or SipcriWJaclc?i shall hove charge of . the iglo‘r‘t of tho cooper; , Wploy amrkr‘ er . fix. tI-Lci : macs, Lam'— chncfi material, fix the E ATE of work Lyvi ;chSLlly to er359 ¢“i cipervioc the business of the corpnry at itr plant, cubicct alswzgs to the oriers ¢nd dirnctionc of tEA Board of Directors. ARTICLE 15. SEAL . The Corjoration cool of tliu cor;¢r3 sEall be circular iv form, the core cod oddrena cf tho ocrgorotior hs'“; i? the outer circle ;“i the words "Incorgoyatcdfi owl "SEAL" withi“ ike inoer circle , as Follows: "THE Rod'l‘fllxl I‘ll-TING 3133 i‘l'AVl', “SAMSINB, KETT’L‘ULJKY. Incorgorated, SEAL". I This seal shall be affixed to all certificates of stock, ‘. ' deeds a“? such other writings and dccurorfr to be executed by the ' Corporation as orderei by tho Bonri of :irectoro. ARTICLR 16. ' Cop cal Stock, awn how Difiiied, - Isaued, Transferred, Etc, 1. Th: capital stock chull be lividefl into Shores of the awrant prescribed i“ the charter of the corp0“ntion; uWi every chzre shall be of the so?“ arciht. ‘ 2. The holder of stock shlll be ewtitled, VfioV coy share cf ' . «took cf said holler is fully paid up, to a certificate thcrfor under the corporate seal of the corporatiofi, uni oigned'w; the President or vice-preniiewt and secretary, stutin the capital I stock of the corginy, the nuvoer of sharcs irto which it is div- ‘ iied, iflze par value of each share, the arouht ruin on each share, '” the number of shores for which said holder has paid, and tho corner in which the certificate is transferrohlc. All certificctes shall be issued in order fror a certif- icate book; it shall be the duty of the Secretary to enter thp ‘ more and residerce or place of busihcss of the owwer thcréof; and in case of the transfer or cuflccllatio“ of such certificate, the date of cancellotion or truwsfnr; cod at the tir- of the issue of any certiiicatn it shall be receipted for on said rnrgin by the . person to whor issued or by hie inky authorized agwwt. R TRANSFERS. ‘ , _ 3. A stockholder to whom such certificate has been issued, shall , ' ~ _ _ not be allowed i0 transger the shares thereir rentioned, or any f ' part theceof, Witnout delivering up the said certificates to the . g . corporaiioo 30 be cancelled unless the same be lost or destroyed ' , o? flufflCleflo cause be shown, to the satisfaction of the Board of 'VT -‘ _ Directorf, why it cannot be produced. A tranfer book shall be '3 >1 4- . - . . “.55; K k’Pt WY ”“9 COrPOLRDiOH. 1h which the sahroa shall be agaigned in _Jfli «‘ . , .‘. o _ a“ _ .'>‘ _Wfigl.n CW ‘ J»: Minutes of Directors Nee-ting of May 25th. 1920. l I the ranner prescribed in the stock certificate book. Transfer: of the stock shall be node on the books of the corporation only, in the presence of the secretary, ly the holler thereof in person or to his duly authorized agent or attorney, on surrender of the original certificate. The transfer book Fwy be closed, by order of the Board of Directors, for not exceeding Thirty Dpye next crexceding each annual meeting and renoin closed until after final adjournnnnt. Slaee uni Pledges. 4. If any person, for valualle considerption, pl-dq- or other wine dingoce of vny ehcrr=z Jelovgina to hir to another, and deliver to hi? the certificate of such shares, With go or of ottorney authorizing the trhnsger of cure on the bockn of the corporation, the title of the forrer shall bent in the letter so far is nay oe necessary to effect the Sale, pleige, or other . dispoSal of the said shares, not only as betweor the parties then selves but also is against the cerflitors of, and subsequent ptrzhanera fror, the forner, but subject nevertheless to the pro- visions contained in the next Gelcc’icn of there tw—laws. Outoiie Purchasers. S. The person in whose nave the shares of stock stord on the books of the corporation slull be defined the owner thereof so for as the corgo ation is Conce:nel, and no stock ohall be sold or franaferrei by a atockhclier to one not a stockholder until the conpany, uni all stockholder: thereof, shall have first been given the opportunity to purchase such stock at the sore price which is in gooi faith offered :hcrfor by such outside purchaser. (Lost Certificates) 6. When a person to whon a certificate has been issued alleges it has been lost, he shall file in 2mm office of the corporation, first, an affidavit setting forth the tire, place and circurstan- cee of th- 058?, to the best of his knowledge and Deli-f; second, proff of his having advertised the save in a newspaper of general circil'tinn, cnce a week for four week; and third, 3 beni to the corporation, with one Fore sufficient eureties, conditional to indennify the corporation an! all persons agoinst any lose in conseqwnce of a new certificate’s being issued 4“ lieu of the Torres. And thereupon the Joard of Directors nhall cuine to be issued t; he“ I w-w certificate, or implicate 05% the certificate alleged to hLVS been lost. A (Payrenfi of subscriptions) 7. At least ten percent of the pa" "zlue of each shore shall be paid at the tjr: of the subscription, and the resiiue as re- iuired by the Boar; ,3 Directors, and no stock shall be re- garded as taken or the person subscribing therefor considered entitled to the sore, until thw firct install”nnt is paid theron. (Stock owned by the corporation) 8. If the COprTktiO” acquires shares of its own stock it ray either extinguish or sell the care; If extinguished, it shall operated to that extent as a reduction of its cxgital :tock, no vote shall oe given on any stock while owned by the corporation ncr atoll any stock so held be entitled to arw dividend. (Dividend: on Stock) 9. The Board nay, fron tire to tire, declare diVidends of so ruch of the net profits as they deer it prudent to divide. If any stockholder be inde