gig; I ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS GENERAL 4*" ‘05”ny P: 56 Ff? fig) ~ COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY OVERTON S.HOGAN 32.7 ~,A,§'i\’5 ., s. H.BROWN K\T=L?j// ATTORN EY G EN ERAL S ')FFICE GARDNER K.aYERs \filffiB/ FF'ANKFORT, KY. WILLIAM R.ATTKIS$0N “ FRANCIS M.BURKE BA::::N:’Y szoNtil‘ION December, 20, 1952 H.HAM|LTON RICE . b Messrs. Harkins and Harkins Attorneys at Law Prestonsburg, Kentucky Gentlemen: Enclosed herewith is carbon copy of brief for appellee in the ease of Bertha Burchett v. Commonwealth of Kentucky, appealed from Floyd County. I am, also, sending copy to Messrs. James and Hobson, Prestonsburg, Kentucky. Very truly yours, xix" - g a ' ) ;7‘ u 7 _¢ ' /{,// «t {L¢¢£§1.d /9% /D”" L' ‘" , FMB-NC Assistant Attorney General