xt70zp3vt865_203 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Edgewater Coal Company v. Stuffler, W.G., trustee, et al. [Part II] text Edgewater Coal Company v. Stuffler, W.G., trustee, et al. [Part II] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_21/Folder_6/2159.pdf 1919-1920 1920 1919-1920 section false xt70zp3vt865_203 xt70zp3vt865 Y. E. Gmljfilth, C. E.
Civil & Wining Engineer
Pikeville, Ky. Jan 7th 1919
, W.S. Rankine,
Preetonehurg, Ky.
Dear Sir;—
While in the Court house ans Surveyore office the other
day 1 mace copies of the record of the orcere and entries on
which the Gallup & Sowarie survey is haeei.
pg.67 County court convenea on 21st day of August 1865
pg. 78 Lane Greer No 404
oraered that the surveyor of Pike County eurvey two hunireu
acree of vacant anu uhappropriateu lane for M.C.W.Sowards, he
having profiucefi receipt for same.
hand Crier No.407 408—409-221 E8 410 follow on same page
after 405 & $06
pg 79 Ordered that Court aujourn till 9 C'Clock Taesflay morning
87 ordered that Court aigourn till tomnmrow morning
89 Adjourned.
pg 216 Bike County Count convened May 21 1866
225 Ordered that Court Aujourn ti118 )‘Cloch tomorrow morning
226 Land Crier 595
Ordered that the Surveyor of Pike County enter an& survey
200 acres of vacant land in rike County for N.C.Mors, Benjiman Young,
anu henry C. Sowarfle e William H. Gallup, they having paid §$,@®
to County Treasure '
following in consecutive order similar wa rants till
13g 266 ram order ’ 838 all to same parties.
Ordered that Court aujourn till Wenesuay morning 9 0‘C1ock.
pg 125 August 226 1865 M.C.W.Sowarie enters 1000 acres of lane by
virtue of five Pike County Lana Oriers Nos. 404—407-408-409-410
Begining at the Sounding Cap near the Virginia Line running down
to Elkhorn creek 0“osit the eao anu then runnino down Elhhorn Crr
J . ~-—‘.— -. V 1' C3 .
50 its mouth so an to incluue all the vacant lane on each side of
Elkhorn Cr and all its tribute iee.
pg 145 ( no date, previous entry dated apr 6 1861)
N. C. More Ben'iman Youn Wm H. Gallun anu Henr" C. Sowards
’ n 1 ’ . ”a." T"-
enters 4900 acres or land by Virtue of 2&0 noe 595—594— 595-596
pgleo 597 598 in consecutive order till 883—884.
Hote no iLte no ueecriyticn or lcceticn
The next entry intei Nay 25 1206
The date of the Survey was AUGUST 29 1865 '
I think th.t ;C»_LtVu t e ;; 01 file Patent ani from that can te111
when it was carried to grant
’ he 1 ge chance 1 am making up a list of junior surveys. .
f; / '-’ 1, . ‘..: .’1‘ /.,-,. ,., M ,f 1’ \1-‘) _ ', 1', l‘ ,1, .,,—‘ .1"
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121. 3.1.1., ‘43 {3 ‘.‘J..s.l 5.3.1.... ink. HIV-(3%.. in}! ’u;;,‘1.' “in... “3:: 1) e.fi;.a§j.‘::.‘.‘flLth Oi
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.2411.) l‘..L .1.. ..-:.r. U ‘ (,1, ’51.)...‘3. 4.1111113... L). g..§,.‘..L.(4 «631).LLLLLLL’,‘ _'_}. L .:z -1.-IL-LL1K1K.

- .1".. -.....’,_ .1,‘ ... .,-..."y‘.
Li; ‘j«..‘.L ELA; .;.-g ....‘LC ; ‘...; _.‘t3,fi=;lu.§.{:.
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‘I LIL"? L;.L'..E..Lu ‘_,-\.-La.3:‘....

 1.4". ‘.2 . C-LQLIZQ. ._1. ' , 9.31}.
Civil & Mining hngineer, .
Piheville, Ky. Jan. Elet 1919 i '
Harkins & Harkins ‘
Preetonehurg, Ky. ‘ 5
Gentsz- ) i
I tried to call you up over the phone to fiay but was informed fl
that you were both in houieville. ¥
on account of my own eiehneee and that of my family l have not i
been able to complete the map aehefl for nor obtain all-the inform ,.
etion vow veoueetefi
4 A. d""‘ .:.VJ‘. ,_ ,__. ‘
leeteriay 1 met mr Moore and explainei to him the eituetion
anfi regueetea him to agree to your having more time to file your
anewer,or other pleading. He replied that he supposed he could ;
agree to it but that on filing an affiflavit stating the facts
it would be sufficient grounie for a continuance.. '”
hie worfling together with the tone of hie regly was such that
l Qifl not repeat the regueet, but leave it to you to either
‘ iraw an effiievit which you can forwera to me for my Signature
or an? other gleading that you think best So long as it holds
the ease in Court. ‘ ;
Yours truly
/" '/y L_ . '\ I I ‘ I AI I
. _ V , ” (,,,/:,{K ,’II I: ’ e ' I - ,.' I ’ ;/ I; . /‘
I . ‘ "r ,, v ,1: , ,4 “I, .,. "x ‘,, I y
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V. I_.) * 1 ' z / “l ,/ /
”'*', , ;(g, g (j ,o ~-'r’ , /-
f /{//I ‘ \n fl "1//'

 337631), 3.,}.
:.:;c. ;A-z’izi'fiih, '
Zii‘ikcvi lie , 121:," .
Xehr hirzw
L’. retur‘ncw’y from :011ii‘3?ill€2 12353‘: “arn'wziz’ugr a inw’e
,'J'Ulll’ loitr: of :13 :23:-rt,

' TL .;m~txiulcnin¢ ynlalufimiwith firmurraxg 2J1, order
«1 '..=;...:vg:,1 ;ITzicé'. 1:12:4-x‘ic‘; iii-1' =."§.'€1'?i the: :.,‘i"v"c'!1:_i‘ Gourt Clerk
or; Tuning, “333.132: :71 3'1'3.“*i"£"¢ the !:;=..zs:»::a effect at: filing; an ems»
user, car; 12?). give Eifi :i'izi‘iifnefc ‘1:-iris to :‘b3.‘(2gI‘-¢TH;“(Z‘I and file answer,

ready to his:
(::.ltzimgii 3 azairiie; ;-:~'fmul<3. "cc ;3frcngzzcau? 21ml iJllL’ by the "stilt
‘ any of yum,“ term of court. _

fjlez;=.:5»e write us; gm that we car: receive the erase Li.:.cnday

;;'ac;’:x3i3’;.;g, é“-u.1"v“;§.C-3ifl;; you will attend to 7133:1122 on ti'zzi": (late.
. Very truly yours,
J’Ej'ii. _
.‘émcls. "
l , I i"

 '.:» ‘V 3. 1 '51, {2
5K. I.‘J. u‘r‘a—n/e
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::', ,‘ ..,. ..
AVA. ," e .;,:‘K= 3.13

.’ 1m... ~ WI. ' .'-a. .‘ 4. ».‘JJ ‘, 1.17.. v.1. .{ .L..' ‘.. V; ..‘.‘ J.. 25“.»... \.:.'_-4.L.~'_'-1-_ -. 1' LJ _,'» , S..\.J-,“."’
. u .
L‘va . > ; . ,1, \. . ' ..- . .,...... ., ,. . _... .»; ,' ,1
gli; “:..-4. 3 ‘.(J- .. .1.,A,».\..-~./;: :.3.; (.;,-f ”xi ..‘.1, wk. -..3.’ii~,§. >-.r..~. 1.4.31; x 13”.; g. -.‘»:l‘u;
'hrai} '1. a .‘3"? 1; .3 “ ;‘ -‘ ',gll ' 2 ";.,.,:_._v‘ DC." 73“)?“ “J..?! .,." 53;! i ”."' .'LYC'Y
aw." .. ..: c .'J. t .. .. ., .z . 4,... .V
(:.Lafiln; ..‘} 1.1.3111; -> d1 miihig
WWW a‘» M ‘:.. -,”,Mavc-
1 L..». “1 ‘;:. Ll: v' v {asd.'\4 .
"boy; 5:,

Civ il 5' Iiining Engineer
Pikeville, Ky. Feb? 14 1919

Harkins & Herhins

Att'ys at Law

hreetonsburg. Ky.

I am enclosing you certified copies of E patents to

Isaac Saneers and one to Elesant ?oode which cover all the lane
we claim in the Eagweter lease.

The lssfic Sanders 120 acre is the only one involvefl in this
suit. hor do any of the eflverse fieefis that 1 have seen and eggegiglly
the discription set out in their netition cover any part of the
other two tracts.

Also 1 enclose certified copy of Certificate of Survey and Blat
of the Gallup & Sowerds survey ene a certificate of Auditor relating
to the warrants.

In the connection i Will say that L have looked up the warrants
on the order book an& the entry‘s on which all three of ggr patents
are based and fina that they are U.K.

Yours truly
W.T.Griffith »
Copy to ~
O.W.Evens .
Tell MT Combs that l hefe not yet been able to locate the
papers in the suit m.J.Bertley vs lease Senders

72”» a / 1r ‘1!~
. 4 1»,
.A. L», 4“,! —s’.u\’ -
‘ ~, 1W»; 4:
:34; o ‘1; ~ 11 u .2 .‘ 4‘ l 41.. ‘11::
"1}“ ~r~§ . ! va"
l Amy-‘..; _Lei’.’ 11,).
T1 .44.,
Jae-'Si .4,/.‘.L. e c’"
”M ‘ ~ .144 .‘,u "1 .' A . 1,, . 4 z »- . . ._., 4". .,e -4. ‘ ,. : , , _ '* 4 ..,,» ...
1‘ 1:4 ,v ‘ 44:1”; 4 .1.,r. 1.;. .. :1:, »z '7 41;. L ~.‘.’C,.‘, , 114.34 (“«ku”;
14 L ,4 .‘: 4, - 44 -‘ -
;..'r(.’..F4, .,’.1 . ,’T., ;4“ v'_ ”1.., A .,'K 11.41.“
L2 . ‘ ‘..": ,..o ', ‘.. 4. ..mt ‘..’ ‘11 ‘ " .1': ‘ .4: 4‘. it"; 7' ‘,A'UT
New ”'1 4 ', ,_ e - .7 . .. . 4.
r», f. Hm .’ " 1'.- 4' -: m < ' '1~ l4 ’ _' 1 .19-11'4 t" v.- 4 " '=
~.---. 4. ' .‘ (.;H, "In . , 4 .l . ~ .',.4
$321.. .:.'. , 1L,- u-Ha Ch ‘, u:.'&"4r 1., '15 u". 2'.'." 1..1 "T“: .’ .2‘;‘:.l:“ . l!“
{1.:-14:.“ . :,. .. I. V, 4--. ,& .-, .1....“4.4u4_.‘
4..s..1..;41 ." 1 :‘ ‘ .31.: 2.: :2’,‘ 4, :..4 7.4.?“ '43.“ -; 7.! ‘ ’ x 4‘ ’1 ".;1': ‘.. " ’L ,R’ if...
’1 _ _o ‘4 4.“ ,4‘ .- f. 4. .:4.4\, '44 3 I 444 4 ‘ 2 ‘ 4. ...,4 1. . ”4,41,. \ ,4.
\ Univ; '.v “‘.'. , ' x’; 4’11}. art: \11,.; 2.1.x; .' 1.4 4'. .1‘ . :4 41:;
mm; — .:.n‘.‘ \. 4_ .. j x ' 4: '1': ' ~44. 4 an 4”
(.,“.L‘ ,6.“ J.. '4... '6 amutjhj (,., '.: 4,: V,. 4‘4._:,_4‘4 .;? ‘.. ‘: 4: *2:- ,-4 New)
in !,_L.‘..‘ Vic-1 4.3: ;.‘41. 4.4:.)41, :H;~;¥,.;~4_ :'7 :1 “:1:“ 4‘1-‘22‘5 4': 2.3.1:. tried;-
ffiflj’ i?i‘-";.LO?3~ .11-43."? {,'147Q'.“;‘F’.‘$§(4‘ (.,",lihi, ""‘ l1 '1“.;c_l?,j’..31"§‘: {3‘1 ':"1‘£.>'."'Y_'L'.§'_C}:;'l. ‘.'1}: {Will
in.” “If 1‘.:‘.(.:‘v§’»3. '.L 31434" "'..: “Pin", 04'. ’..L'H“ {.4ch '3}: g 411’.‘-‘:~:,.t4;..‘
m .
. ..';«h‘nr '_I'vyn' ':r’x "11,11'
“? ~11 4

I , > ’

 Pi eville Ky. Feb 19 1‘19
Earkins l Barking ‘
Prestongburg, Ky.
I am sending you by registere£ mail papero in fihe case
~ .14 — " n- . T' m' r r --.-x -~ m .7 '
M.E.Baroley vs I.B.Sanoerg. sleawe tQLe 500a Cale oi tnege
es T %ava wivan mr U8T00“91 “609‘“t f0“ *%PF
4 “g. d k; t) .u ; J. x) LLL» .1. p414 v _ I. U.-.- .1.
I algo call your attention to the case Combs VS Aaams
aeoiiefi Jan 16 1919 and Sacketfi v: Jeffries Jan 14th
both in Jan 25 isoue Advance Sheets Ky reporfig.
or stratton lookei aféer ihe cage thio morning.
The Ju&ge over ruled the Demurer and fiho answer stands filed
a -- fig 1 P , ‘Mflsow
next motloofi haul comes Saturoay.
Yours truly
. l f :q 1"
f _ x ,w ’fig
p A ( Z; "a, ’.',“ A, .m’ ‘ [L/ {‘11.}! : ‘7!"
(“D \7 r I 1’ Z ,n )1?!“ I '2 ‘ : 1 A, ,, .,,.
, w! ,- ,. I " ,,"v‘,_. (E l; .. .’ .
i?‘§‘ifif£&~ {ifiécox Curff ; “3 f: V/bw
I , ,1“, K . ‘ A /:‘ 5,“. if."- ;‘ ,( ('.Agd
,1." "g A? {7.4, .‘ w r r. a“ r',” v {‘5“ L '
7, j y / {,:ij ‘Y‘e/bfiraflana U ’ ~"' “ ' ‘ __i
lye aua/ ? i v' Qk“ W
" f ,4 v.5)».fl- {z‘ {YIJWH/‘L‘ 6“ 73.7?" 4’ é» Kr ‘ {3;:
u - x»: ”14,413? ‘. f "‘ fl ” A .

 - . a -, 1" .._ ._~ ;5
1"“ '7." ,~ 3::, -'
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.46: ,.. .. 1:
” ‘ ‘ ' A v _. -. 2- "”15"- “53:1 .'; ~ 3.663.413.0{1
‘ ‘ U ‘ V 7 r i h V ' ' ' ' ' , .~. v! v, .V U l ,y at
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‘ ‘~"" " “ v - - (41.. ..- m .. .«g...
0‘5 U.~v\- ' ,‘,. ,.4‘ v. . > -~- I“ V” I, H“. ‘4‘
_‘ . J . . av , J .afV , 2’, -}.",,' :\ .’.‘, 5. “HIV 17.14“qu 111‘ :.gia'C-ZL ”‘1;th Q
314‘ ’.,”: A » i . i , v- .. H M ““,‘-iv...
J J I I ‘ ~ I I H ‘ '.‘ .5 IMANII ‘.‘ I '. - 'I 57'! :‘ ‘_ ‘.L
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" w .. . .. q. a a, ,.-A i V 5 ‘
H ' ' ' ' “”"’ ' ”I "= "- 11“-“”1” "WT-17.57 L.‘.»“l‘flhvlm. .4 ‘_. ..‘; .to u .
{Alri- . . VI , ., ‘ yin“: , ‘3‘; v, V .. V ’2 , x . A - i J i n s
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I ".‘I “7‘ ‘“ ‘1 "J :V' H175”? "EU? '1 .1./p: §J,.‘.. \ft1.:,,'V‘!x(_5 a. a. L. L;\4v,.(..
“’1!“- v ’1‘/H " J 0",", .5. .2. ‘ .,’ : f’ .: . . .V‘r J.‘ y ,, ‘1‘/J.‘. , ‘,, . . V .,
I “I I I", I r ‘ ~ ' “v ! ’ ' " 7 i u - n . .- ,. 1 r »,,“. Lazar}
V w I ‘1' I, I”: 1 ' ' A I 1 " .‘.'" l " L "' ' ' v .i, L; “av—xii
w ‘ I ' ‘ ‘ “ I “ . \ ’. 9 ..,V: . , ”.L.“. ., 5
.-I'.-.V. w L V-w , I- ~ _ , .., , ‘ ‘ A ‘ . ., _, 7V A?
I ‘ I. V" i 1" I’ '1‘ I I 2t 5'. ,.‘:flfillx. .'.; {‘.-”J , ‘_ :. (V. n
”‘4‘" 5 D ‘1‘" " " “a ‘»». ‘ '. " .,‘.-tr" " . .,, a. _ 'i ,. a: . .: (invade
. _l w. ”,3. .'. was]. V 1. -; I my not -, a” ,,,
vn‘ ‘ .' " , A ,‘ . .1_ , J , :\ L as. ~ , .... a .r .. . .
~.1“ 11 -. n. w . ‘ ‘l i V ,,., ‘g‘ l. ., ,_ _, ., V l, “4 .. V ~ ‘ :-
‘J... . ,A.; . 1.. x, r k. ,, «..‘. . ‘ ‘ , . 4 V) , ._ ’1", 1 M a
.V 1 . '1 , .«,V-. .. 7 . ,., > r ,,‘. ,1,., ,,, ‘. ~’;.
' t ‘ H '1 , * ”’2 “ ,, ME _ ,1. ;'x «~V .'; s V- . ,. ( i}
'\ Jpn-.‘., ”..-MI. I.» ,, V
" " ‘ "4" '; ‘ ,‘.,
blizz, .A‘. u:.': . '...L‘o J‘. 2a.. .., _ .4, , . . , 4 '7 ». . [I W}
' ‘ - '1 r»1y"'-17"':;' ‘34, ‘ 2‘:, _: '.c;
'i'?- . H u Mn Vol.30, *.V. .Vs ,
\V. a ‘, “l" . .. ..- . i H ., , ..; ' I . ‘,. . ‘ 11:.
${»'£'{E* A 7. Ii. .3.; 4.3; t ., 12.1. a,_ . .. .2 ..o 3.,... .. ,.:. L; _. 2‘ m.,. V , A. . '.‘ ~ . r
‘., e - , _, . V-n-s 7' 1;., ‘-_.V.‘ zit. h; ,\
._1. , , -. .3, ..,,» ;_ ,1 -—; i , 14‘ ‘>‘_ . ’,V' J'- ..-.~J.Vu T) 32,1? .2: 318'.
Lilkx- -r’V‘.- .. .~., . t . - . .V _
"v“: ‘ ... ~" " film-.».“
’ i " f ' . v. w. 1' _
r. . t all , ‘ t 5
Simmb . ‘ a
’ .

 l I '.‘
I “1::; sisi;;:..z'I'P must.
AiGMLIEEE 3.”; :3:};gr, _Tn‘iJIlEF.
Us” MBTEJL 59 {“4; 7”“';i“;fig5. j
1a 2, druid tag, Jruetee, st £1, M:”1y12.§3.
‘ rho deJcndente; :o J, “toeffler, Irantee, C. ,,
stuns, .a ** Griffith and uybil a. sneer, 2111 this
notice that 0?”: .Elttkrdfly the éiilra (in; of .:',U‘If‘uet, 1919, 521*, ,,
the affine of :roetor n. aniin, in the city of ishlend, '
Saudi}: Oi." :ioyci, state; 0.1" “17mm: (2 (y, the 1:.»: ain'tiff in the I
atone styled ease xiii graced to tene the degusition of
Lenard $0113 to he read as evidence on its behalf 0n the 4
: exile trial of the stove styled ease, and the taxing or
refine till be confirmed from :3::3 to (£2123, eightiyys, (;Xf’fiffil'hed
until £?niehed.
the t-xins 01 eeue will be gin at one o‘clock f. n.
3'11 0: thinh ;cu till tiflfi notice.
;hie the 13th day of Luetut, 1919.
l§€};’,{“'€yi§tter 30:113. (3 01713536: {57,
/ T
L// / .

I , ‘f A)“, , _ > .-' 2 L,
(L ’ -.. I < I ' F’ .I I
..,-” /. \ ~. . " V. V - \
c; / \ - 2 , ,« ~ -
. 2‘0 IL] '5 {1" xx”. 2’ '/ j
., . , . , « » / ‘ - " M [22’ , .2 / I I I
r'_ .« '
/. ; IIIIIIMI‘" ‘ _ V r .
.,2 . f / x ' -’ I ’I
kw; {‘ , , ' > , '
. - I I I I/l
. .. x,” I ,- 7' I 3 .4‘ , ,2 «2' -- , ¢_/ “mu—.._-” / .»
I \\ ~ I\./I-" . V ,. » ’1 . / I I
_' ~K > / > ,2 , . .
r _.r" ,' , L“ \ ’7,» r“I :2 TI . , .. N ,I'I
, ("J : I I (I I )- V » r' ‘, ' ‘ . A
‘. \ ‘ V :71 I ’I ,. II I - :I x ‘
. . _ I ,/’f , :2, ”./I (I v 2L1.
L ' . .2 _,/’I , ,- ' ,‘ J

 .\ 1
iii. G. Stceffler ’g‘rustee etc.
i ’
, to
3152;21:1an “;- Ifmkins, "Jr.
("7 - t. r‘ 'i v‘n ‘ i'n- ‘1‘. (-.‘ 4' I» ~
10 expense.) uoeegu 2). maximum to, 210m.
and. 22.2; Ashlnud, 722}. M: taxi-22.3: 01'"
deposxrlon 01 Edward. molly, 23.0.40

 ‘ August 30, 1919.
Dr. 0.11}. Evans,
23 i t y. I
Dem: Sir:-

1~1erewith statement covering expenses
incident to trip to Bahia-1.3m. taking: deposi‘him; of
Exclward liolley. '3; will be: plvensed to receive
Voucher covering tnis expez'aae item at gal-31:11“
_ convenience .

JDfizG. Very truly yours,

C .
’ ,1 4
_ . V I
‘ r
. ‘ ,1
. z
9 . ‘v ‘ ' v .-
'. L
' E
- 1
.- .
A . .
. 1 ‘
, > , I

 Sept. 3, 1919.

12$. 9 . §:. ZTVSIIS,
C i '1'. 3
:3 my 12:10 c to 1‘ : -~

Th; 12:33 mire of the Like ijiz‘fiuit amuri,
Lia 3 Lay E.HE iyrpfifif V“. 831? it? ”0., it wuui: ls
meca3“try £0? 3% Lo trka tfl? degaa1tiun 9f ‘v. GrLffith
fivre 3ND fir? this WP¢?, and Ofl iha ncnraann of Lnking
n1? fie csiuicn, it wiii h: nenessfivy to SEQ“ tbs tifle

I 133.3429};- xvr1ic'jj'r we; 337213; “iii”: 151231, fi2"5IZ!‘l‘v.‘n’-‘li?.‘=fi 01"}.{1117‘21‘3 01"

V capias cf HLE dasds thff T? b 39 an; tna firtchlfi from
nus uuamgnweaita a? Ewntmnkv “ifih WHICa w» fire confleoted,
gnu 1k #111 also 5: hsccrdrrv f¢ EA)” law: Lnovc titFe
p-ggy? CQ?C“ ‘?c 1315 in {30?‘i'h. ;ier¢e cgrlunioate
-.E.“}:'! (f-ii‘ii‘ii‘tfr} ‘t I " ': if’ 53:";1: r 50 amine ISIan
x 111:»; 1'111’7 311115;:-

.igzi. EGCY 3T>7f £03V“,

 r' ‘
napt. 5r, 1919.
__- w I”! " .' - - , ..
m. '..-J. J . £11211“: um,
:91 kev; L19. , .:2;.“ .
410.: 1' iii?!“ :w
r .h:.’ ~ ., . , ':.. ,,
Can‘t-13.1mm guy I,u.ax‘f';t.:‘:5f4 awn Lg 'ge‘onc
\ t‘ «7 n , -rsv‘~"7>- '» L-. 9~ Ag'w : ('1. '-'.y...-; ir ,,,-'.2 '1 1,. -:. b
(I‘. ; moaunaniu .L wag; uU «.h 1.1241, yum“; ..n .9 ‘..-9.117» 1m.‘ ,1 e
mac:-3:::=-.1"‘-;,-' 11:: 3.2 u Lu «same: (..;an on fizz/gure‘zaj 13mm,
. L‘Lfi <,,=._. :M "£1 é:g_1’Jn H) m Lin. .LMpUi L:3J’_¢,L.'-," DI SUTV‘JJlUg-I
.:.:.. 9. t . "..‘ .1 , gm «,.‘»1-’—‘, n «,~ ’. ,. q, ,. 5 ‘. gm‘.
Um.) 3.x:11'u 1mm. “'2 .;.}; £JU}.V.,J?L)*~/t3):‘i;;;¥' yrs-13mph 51m 451.9,:
2— . 9 2 fl —. g. .1-‘ .~ ., . , , _n . .9 ,_G x." 12., > _
-.»f“:.2;,fi-.f,7 (Ali-(...: v, ‘ {.‘.{gnfr »Li,)=.;;2vlt:_3’ mm}. _.yU w wand}. , 44.1% TKVI‘n‘E},
,1 .9 ! .§-\,.. a... ‘ In? w - in % «,,,. .. ».J , v ’< -¥ ‘- x" {,9 ‘. 1 “,.‘-.V. _
I“- 14C. (1 Juk. t. ‘.: . My!» (,1 I: Q -) '3.-5933'LI1 211911.59 LU l2’q JJL‘XUV‘ LIL i w .3 C
”7‘. .9“ 1 J..-pp .r ..--, «4+4 ‘~ ‘,(~ 'J‘V'\v‘t um rm» i 'V'a?
J .1 1; 3.4. '15- J U L4 .1 \15‘i£.'-..m‘)-L Le ‘14:: a I»! .J‘J'LKZV‘ Er a: J u L. #3.“ u
.;. .., _ ,.V J... _ : V .‘. ..1 . \H .« '.‘ .y ,‘ ,..__, VV. 1 I“ w
fin: fivx‘iia.;;,rh,y.9 (mm: . .. :.uw, 3:12. . +3. 21:23:43; 1.35
‘ » ..'-. ... 9...." 9 m, .,,*'.‘.= w... :~, . a: - . »‘wtnh
53$ LLH'E: 225-; {.‘.Ealf 543,5" h.,..{cxl =4 ,1“. ’.; n, f . ,'-..Ju3'.t7 11”.", L “1:..2:
”,.‘ w. _,.2 ~ ,.,,. 5.. .: 4.: 1.. r" 9. 'w ..- .A .,,-~91. a Law i 9.
3".» Lu. at mvnlxl 2.24- %.; J x) u “Cl 5.. ’ t:;l-ul u '49.. (_fo
" ‘1 - 1'": ife~fe\v' 1‘1-”14.1." 17()jvz‘;~u.’3 '
ugly, ,9. ‘I ..J’ .9. J J ~91.9‘
(3'ch {1‘. T'ivflnig. ,
E 5

 / .
/ sept. 4, 192.9.
hr. V. T. mriffitn,
1 1:55.! 311?}- , '.
435:; c‘ '. :‘. 3M firi‘t .:-"*
Y hair" 25.“; 1-1-"'I.I"€<;:.«;I: My). T 22:52; :.i, "313i;EraatI-vagiz; ‘

yesterday looking aitnr some matters in Federal Uourt,
am”; Treal'jé‘. {..I'ar::“.< I"£:.«;':7""_?.I:':=‘TL yawn" II-” to ic'm'azrs‘;t:;;wite
tne record in the case in onion you are interested in
twaf (1.51.214. , I‘2II3 :....c-II. :.t:.:'.::,.?3t.;.‘-..f=::i ‘I;.L".:
_ ‘;::{tle‘éttggrfg’ #1,!-
' .'.)163‘191‘ 341:1;—
‘ L3" 3’39 W‘“ 5-1‘1 i74131$3~1113 93/ frag ”sail-uni. .:.
OWE—$190315"; ”3’3 :11/1“: 3513539115? (Hill to .»1'i‘r.:ii~;1=2 iux' us €11. airman 0:292? I
O: tile 0690 55:11:31; Of hi”- 1.01‘.j ill Lulu: Q8551}: {hf “‘.‘-CM”)?
tion.}. (.‘:Otzwany vs. é;oifi.-':‘ler, Breezes. ii." 130 ;’ net
“11"‘551 «37 t €177.11'5fl3i1r‘ibs-323. _‘Jarmf notes, 5.1l¢5.1_;~3r-'; minus: ::2 '."Lm’Jfl copy '
~ of tum-:1 3:414: In! 1.11: ::.‘nu semi: Le L1:-31,23 CEJZ‘LJ =12: ;g-xvzareijeiiie.
1'1." fist: 52111:? -:i{;;’;;i;i.£.t!:3(; mm; 15153231: ism, '1.:.(;;.::. u "11?)
‘ 13.615; 82.11;!) 0:113:11. 31; “bad, '.‘-:1;. 751-}; 1;; a... £31 1'3: 5. 3.113;; f3.::1lL,_‘f
9‘3 1*- "-‘-1‘3 absiu’J-Al‘ujy' 1‘11:- 9161311 his.
(211‘; aims"; ‘1.:;2'2‘jlgzi'5.
I v ’5 1-‘1 V' - ”2151217: in»? ;,-’i‘:~1.'?‘1:iv


Sept. 10, 1919. ’

’ fir. fiarry D. Kilgore, ’4 I

fifihlani, fly. :),

agar fiarry:* S41

I I receiVed year cogy 0f depositions in the ff:

635% of Edgewwter Coal Company vs. Shuffler, Trustee, yfl

_ tggetxer with m3msrag§4 of hill taereon. The notation I;

4 mafia an fihe bill is such that T du not care to present I;

this ta my cliefits, but beg ta request taut you make S

and send me ardimfiry gfiatement cavaring the same, and ‘ 9

‘ I will have kucher fient you pramptly. -

- With best wishes, '
Jnfitfi. Very truly yours,

 1325131}. 1?}, 391.9.

2 3,7-'11. ‘7. "rimrrzs‘s

litter?» «‘2': :11-v- '

3:31 ”ziv‘fliif; aimi-fih ;rJ 2531;:3‘crt’: CGVW‘img

; as”: ”3611»? rte?" “3::-£334?tion“: Large (:3: m1 of .,.7;:;<‘ n1: MEI"
I $91313 W3, U'ic.f37'_‘,z:-,~:', ‘.L‘I'Lgé'iirei‘f, 301' 1:410};

“”1 '1.:: 57'? 63:11:19. ‘1:? r 5:: 1,; f‘Llrum-ti‘ w; 1:,1‘L:::r~;t‘r' ‘ '
: ~113.‘s:%01'1 1'3; ‘;"be‘m'i‘ OE" its“. 1":1'191231'22, :.1" (€138. waif: "zine

11117:? dire cf. 1:,- sr‘E"; 1:. 4131-1"; w‘.i. .j., C.‘<.E;':=;‘Iiul .::,::s,‘;~;;u~,_1

432112: Eilrirz.’ afivie‘ihgt :15: tint: 215132163.

,‘ififiixrfir. Very truly ymmz,

;if'nezlo sure 3 .

 Sept. 2.6, 1919.
‘ Mr 2mm 22. Kilgnra, '
‘ 2282215222222, fly. 2 '
139222..“ Harry? .
:ierewi‘m check at. .':‘sZVzms .. “9.5M, ,.
coverimgz your statement rmuiered fer aeggay' of ,
(3:390:31 him; of Eitdwax‘d 3.201.193! if"; the caste 0f ‘2Edgg'ewater
{foal Co. 73. 22 G. Muffler, "Ex-Mtge, etc.
J'.E;‘...:u, Very tru'iy yours, ' ' ,
. anl. ' ’
2 O
, . , \ .
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Sept. 23, 1919. _
:STg h. T. Griffith, -
1"13’icfivi} 3.1-3, Ky. ‘
’neer dirzw ’