xt70zp3vt865_224 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Harris, R. W. et al. v. Middle Creek Coal Company et al text Harris, R. W. et al. v. Middle Creek Coal Company et al 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_22/Folder_12/0251.pdf 1924-1926 1926 1924-1926 section false xt70zp3vt865_224 xt70zp3vt865 “X . V
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urcer Lgruein. that JQAHML Afibtiyuum by an .
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uxgcr Unutaining vutiun an“ fireman; :3“ urgntnh‘
i.r:> Ii£2.; if}? i :.L :21; “t :3 ;.;:ifu3§7-i:::3‘¢ g ai'l‘f‘11uien : '
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instructions Sivan 15?:3Mirt ii 4
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urder tverruling _uulon uni druunds; ~
.nlnrgi;r Lire to irepmre rm, 111 .y
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we in: , l~1 .

 Appearances i
.‘e::tizmuqu 3.7 ;. _. JiffiViflii l
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1.9;: Li..;;,7ls:; x“ ..BIJIJ autxkiu «)3
legtiuofiy pf . C. fic:_a;wn {A} -
Ccfitimony a? C. h. pgwen :L. '
'56?ui;i;iwr1y o; '£wwig; ugfa 3:3 .
Iemtiaong a? Tangy Rarzih { ecalied. 1&1
-cueyyalng Fatima to luntrucfl Jury 105 '
ifie;eti:uorxy {¢f .. . Iielxuvla} lifié
Vent: any of .. L. Hargim 132
Taatlnony sf -9 U. ii Her 1&2
\ ' Taatiwony J5 J. a. ale. 151
, Teakiuoay of A. I; 312.. Jr. 193
. i
: ‘ TGHEiNOHJ 3f J. U. Mapkiag 1&1
,. T-aaiyahy of QBurwfi H. .ychcr 1gb
' :eeffii-w 1; . .. flal‘g'ia, 3m: . , t0 ~ ”Crank; 1:11:14
,9 ginéflfiau L. 4.. iLtswlle&!g Litc3.3 ta: .%11131{.r. fii,UJ.QJ
{it}: 3. -I' ;.;;:z;; {3:}x31;;¢;1‘y itfitk ’
.Eeh;£~»a'.1w~ifl»a.t:n.lc;r Ciufil ', Quamd Goajparur t0
,Aavid Molly 19%
,Smi‘fihyflt~wfimvig Lgxly, Trugtng, t: fiidgl:
Greek Coal Company 206
Tesaimoay mi 1. L. Hogan, 2 emailed} .07
f” Lvurruling Jutien tu Direct Fcydict 213
instructions uff red by wefemdant €10
' Instructionu Givew by Court 211
Verdict of the Jury 312 <'
EverrulEng Votion and firsund. fur new Erial 212 j
Apyrovai of the Cdurt to Bill 215 ;
' , Certificate af deportc: ‘ 314

 ’3 ' ‘ _7 :.I' ‘717Tf ““’W '“ "- . ;‘.“ ‘ '- [5433‘ "A‘ I ,.: ‘8: ‘2‘ ',,, “fly V- , 7::“ Vivi,“ ,,-. ‘ _..-I
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H gate tgin day the niaintiffe, by eouuxel, ng pram
I. gavel, m:ieh is ordered filled, 'enuatc 93 the unurt of
I I I’
0I fiwemivI revertinfi and re atpin' tulecaze Ink ;I-tfier V
I ernteeuimys Cflfieifififlfit JLE; tee OnlnlOU Ab Gifl Iain I
'7’ I" I ‘I
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II .ununte is in yofue umi iigure; a, i.iiafim, i ”Jlil -
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. III .IIII; uOUIl‘t Hui {31:91.}. it 16:71.1“ am) lizOIII , it :.; Stuns ’I. II;
IIfiI tme" tueju»yufut herein is urroneoum. It ir therefore .
jgw ennui cred ehwtagaim juxgmgnt be reversed, finfi cause re~ .
I My .‘
I I :I , , I ”I I. ,' .- ., I. l , t , . , ‘ _ .- .‘ .. - I ~ .
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 Lu, Linton 1,, orator-3.,: to ';:»: ::_:c33.‘11;iami to 3:13.; ¥.i;./A‘«.;:."£:.
{54;} :23.“ . «H» ”at ‘5 (75., ‘i, :
‘j_v__ 'n ‘I v; '.’_71.
iii . "'i'fi L . . {‘..
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‘- "‘.Lbii‘ulehL Poul. .3‘\,.!LI.-L1'.g “wifqi/v
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.G if j; i‘ L‘ ...
1:114 (31' . , a"; 1%"3‘36‘, ’ ;
it {113:191’13711'sf" that the com] oi“ 11.426; ‘1}.1 oi.’ .:-:.o:=)_'>-~ ‘
tic-m: hag be :1 ';Llspmcevz, can}. 131'}. <.)3;'i;1‘:»_1 ziszpu, ‘;: u:
,.,.w- ._ , L _‘,,. - , ,L _. - 1 .'. .V ALI ,,. .. ., .' ' L :_
y; lljta; , ate . , L 113va L. .1 ta a,“ r .‘ uml 1H c:,-1‘;.:, _L o .. :_,
::bl‘L-Jj deb).ex.~ t L {1110 Ulkjl'L, ()4. 1H”: VOLLLt 1):. iglg'J’LAilL; .
‘ > L L L L' ‘- , ‘- L,.', ,..'> . -‘< ,. L. .‘. .‘.’ ,

L «oneuok, trangwlt Lo moi/1&4 UL L521... L L L.,.C
LILLtigxti record, inclrgaij'}, -.U. 1431);}, 0121:: px‘lntL, etc. ,
L r: L

 O O O

in the as e s; riddle Area? meal Q0,pung again i a. J.
Bulfizthit , fits” in virgin}: an D,§S-iuion was 'LiEZliE’UiEi'Q'A My 1236;
Gout 9:." rap-inaction , Z‘C‘aj'ffiif'f-Ein‘ tizc ';LL£("§I“;LE‘H;; Us: this uomrt,
it: alarm, 192': .

it is. fut-that“ against-u that we Ulvrl: (31‘ 1:41;}: ‘:,;wzc‘t
,i‘LtijL‘v.‘3'i sat record sci-551:5 filler: on? EXEC: Court 01' 1})" 9.313,;
:21] 1k, 1, he Ire-wrist elf thit- «use in thin: smut.

.. . ',
~‘:,»‘.{.E{:'C‘ of the _L“l4:2;g,r-Ci, Liluui’n {10¢-"t.
f'lliz‘u-Z‘Ei . | (3;; [3'3“] ‘Jt’iifz‘l’t‘.
' (, ‘..3 (,.3'7,‘
(11159349. , i;‘::‘;'fi£f)~ "53. 53;; .51, 17721).
. ' ‘- a 3; , or m J ‘3»
J“ j : i: .
. ‘

[.L.L (In. . L55} 2 33.18., i'éza'fi"? ‘1:"43‘1.L.}

{1:11:43 this day attorney; for plaintiff; an; {.,i’itfll'fitii
a motion 2112:: «nice the (fourt that this 03:11}! 1;; new 1‘s»-
leuittfizz-ztes and. plr-zced argon ( desist in it; Ortigfjrnzi
2 3.2,;06; am the hurt, upon 01:33:,igieration tn .(r-rgf, .::::'i;:
it WNm £311.11; :LC 1:;.Lzzjnt'L'fjfs Law-iv haiuxto or: :i‘ilcd
Tim-that: of that" iiourt 01‘ ”gang-ale E'L' rum, {.1 yr: t 3:,

 O O O
::::_"i,:y?_3iu;2;‘., :vmi Eff-53.3 0:.-‘11,.th T307“ 7mg to in 1' ‘ T2266;
I, it; U:i;"3‘.§1:)QL 13.11131, ”gem xiii; .::.“nlzimuify {Admit misma-
‘J . ‘
.~ 1 :T , :::: . 1, 1",);39.
ii. a ‘ X .J. 9 1. \:.\ , 2141‘ 7
J 3' ‘,Jru 1;;! :...i‘: 5.3,, _..r ‘* U. 5 ‘ ‘..-J, '4
Jt is ugr ed by ufla between tbu pasticg “Lytt; that
ejxté'wcr u! ‘L12L1.:rwy at any Linn; 01’s {:11; L:r:.iaal «xi 1.1-.L:; ::‘é‘Jo‘Je
entitled cage nchuftxr ream in tax Him.”~ Era, in; AilL
oi cgceptions merctofurc fileu hircin, tnc teptimsny of
aay witne:he5 heretoforcgiven on the triuk 05 the came,
in lieu uf introducing the witnemu ow w'tneaxes, consid-
x::.;:in{§' such as; temtinzrmy tile Same m; if 5:332. witnew v.17
thfiesues mad begn introduced in FCTLON; sabge t tv has
fule; Li evidence.
This Jawuary 27th, 132G.

.. J 2.1%., f».t‘i;0gne_ fur Lleijfitéffis.

in A V - 7,£:1HT

IT. 17'. ’15) 9;: ,

ttovnsyz £9: :ofcndnnta.
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,_.-3.3.1” CL: \. {2 MC. .v ..'..4’ x. ’., ;: .1 x: 1 Liz. .- L ‘1, .‘, w ~.12_§._x t ',m U:
n = , .. ‘ . ‘ :- , i . ’ ~ ."' I ‘ ‘ I" ‘- '.
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'r '. ‘ V ‘ ' ‘ J. v' " A ‘ I '

;‘-u ‘_w‘vn : V .- ; —‘- ~, V. 32*v51 L~v;1;‘:‘; ;\ ..- {'.1-.1 ;. .. r-._-«o 1"‘1
».L’ ...;— Jw ,.2 5 {" .‘: Lu}. 3‘., “11‘ a , .'.. e 3. n. .g ~ 1‘. ,L ‘.,« .~ , f... L, i1)“
‘ _ V u I .. . ' .‘» ‘.’ . .. 7‘ ‘3 . .. 1 ‘ ‘3 ' 4,

,~ “AWN.“ ,‘ -‘h‘4r;‘ ‘.. “9.. - m - ‘ ”:v ,
r. .'. ;.L'..'L.s}\:u.;, :.:? ;‘pr \4.‘.« .. MU .»HVVJ“. , 31‘. h‘ . ’.7 «b
‘.‘ v ., LI): m— w ‘n7,,~~, = L ' ~ ‘ n, ... raw" 4‘ , :., A,,.. .' H
.'. (13. :..s. a); .1. L).{.'J-:.._ (‘.L L I; (A; ,; ,-.v.:’. .m :'I 2 ,’.L,‘, V:. w '* ,7 2 .L.:
L: my“ : via-..1. i. ’:.;.‘_1..‘L fir“, _ f. ;.,. . x i:,. 7 if. : ,3 k, a,‘:\.t€.,
. ‘_ ' ~.‘. w ' \w m» “.13!-
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y ,f. ,1
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.1. .,., ; H ( .
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 <.‘;~‘.<—: thin iirkg ‘EUC 321,125. »‘K‘éj'jiii‘: WM”) 71.13 EL§A~1E...- CQUL‘L»
i381; :{3.5"
w, . . w.» CEC' , ._l‘ke. , C .1.; ’..L 1131‘ "‘ ,
V I: = g
‘r "L '~:V:‘1 ‘v.
.'«CLC I,
“ . ;V _'V'TI~
I. . ‘_‘JCM‘H.
- m r my, ,»r ,_. . .- 'v r >'.,'"v‘« '~
_L,, m, :,.-L . ; mu. 7 . »,U. , . 3),»,3 . j
"C C .. ., L C ,. ‘ .':.r.‘ '2“, ,V. . -. . w L . ,...
«03:62 age Lu‘i‘ phunt3¢CLg “.,V lt:z:VC Cf is.» not)???” «‘1?
-» - :m «..‘ .' ,.‘ . ,r. .r C ,. C .. -,z 1"-“ .,.. ‘...
wrung: LLL- 1:. 0J.l_ 171(1L petutmn harrgin, Luna, L L: (3‘;
... .7., C , C ..',» ' .1 C. ,, C 1 ,C_ U ;.‘L __ J.'_.,C
:<»n-L.L....;nt, Ctr-:te twat ..rllle Lu"; ULiCLC l 1’3,‘G‘ (. mt LL 1:
.. 3. C.

 O O O

(::Zji' taz‘ (:;:) :1" 2’43) 1 i'fli i‘ 577:" ‘ 3 {3.1 .., i :i {36, 'nw‘i: iti s37:
mingEa; max t Vii 3f1f*1lf; wantofll; THJ knnfiin'lj;
;vt; t1; y1a7ntif7i 9a; that in #12 c~ at ft whoald be
f’nwllj adju:fiafi CLHt ibe tnTin” win nfif filfiuf; 3 ma,
in that Event, pluintEETu are entitled tn yecnvvr fray
tVC defefidanfi : juu*trnt Twr fibu rfimwmw~31r vag_1fg
le;e 35 1&3 can” t? can an} plainfififif: no: at H”: and ,
5317133.: 4.3;}? ;. 7:3» ['fif'3‘11iff ’xjpls‘ggj 1;2::.ri:'/“L '17“?! Ht '51:“ 1’5 0:"
;J:; fizxk:in;* of’ t7‘v Gifflifi, tkué min“ ex? . ,3‘}3,()g; v;- L31“ 3"
ngant plaifitiffu are my: cwfiitlfii fie r50flvav uyginxt
the defe dant, , bkiic Creek Uflml .eruwuu' Mg: L 9 l‘ {ziner
31th inte est thcreon £30m as: ting a? t.g tntinfi.

ji,mg;uxn, plaintEFE; pray flu in tmfl Ori'iu»; ppm
i tion, anJ fgr all prgpuy fifii a? y print ygligf.

. 7' ‘, i ‘I , . ,
i; , n V ‘ L, ,

LTxT; Of 5 ETJ« Y,
CGWJTY *‘Vfgffli..........“ct.

Eta affiiunt, i. ,. Earriu, says that tic State"
cents antuined in twe foreyninr armmded pctitjnn are
tru axhe belicv u.

H.. .c 1:Ll .

, «scribed and strn ta bafuru LG by »«~~~~u~wu

, 7 u

 ’ ,', ‘." " ‘7‘ ‘1W. 'r'*.’~ ‘-
L. :.; 2.11;. ML . 'rIJl; .L.».L'ky ;. l. 1 ID. j
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.. .1...- ,
. ._...f.;.,. .3;". ,
."2' .51 .(I . '. "'CL.‘
iiifi; ., L;-:}‘/ ..L 1..-11:4... ,
e ~ l
:J. i ...1 g - . .,1 pf. i
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-. .L, ‘.' .L.”.- ;J '.L_',)_;..: .
..‘: .1., .., ..lwf? 3):. ‘., MALL...
. . “'.‘.L', 1. . i .1, -
I. ‘
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‘\1Vr,'..l..‘.w J. / . .,1”; -
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». '.,-'.. L, ,..L: .7 ,~ .L. ;. , . ‘y .
!11;..‘,_ ‘., U. .' _ ,,. {.’. ..., ' : ,. 3., V, ...1 .'_ - I ". . ,.
.»..LL. (36.24.41-63 (3.22.213 m, 4...: Mimi, o, L- WLH i4.;.{a.L.«tl:\/fv .
., .‘: ”I" .1,. . . _ , .,,«4 . 1 ,.., L1 :‘ », » -‘. ~' 4;: .. .1
ljyu ‘.:.flhk.ECqugl’jtiaiLf‘.'. :;.-.JNGL‘LI’HJCL. Linn-..‘,‘ 4.2.»; ti‘lul'ej-a «gals»- Lu Ll‘L“ —
. Liiuu c, L LLL ioilLJ... Jon.) , to-..tt: : 1 LLLJLLJJL», .
- L-. . . - 71-1- N z “1 .. (‘.., ‘.,. . -,
11.34.. .rm, J. .:huwu‘e, :.‘r._._:-:LL«..-, «no... L: whiz,»
.. A HP 1... . .* :;., L .' . T.. 1. '.' .. ‘7." .1: :, . .
Low-o, ,1 “.._.leert, .11]. . ,L‘eVLtL, .:.:ci . .:.LL. 1‘, ..1- -. “mom, 1
" “ V.. ‘1 ' f. \l'. 1L F. ,. .. f "1.‘....,».' ‘1 I ‘, N r ,‘, .,_! .,.- r ..,, 'Y“ J i
.. . .-. . ;.L:.:, 6. Mao-9.- (.‘3/w». 'x'x,1:i.‘.£l5.}€,.--. ULLJLOL‘ ., ..L-ME
. . C‘- » « . 1 ~ I- ~ ‘
..’-.1..1“. 1.14151 :10. ., 8L; ;'.(LCE’ Lil-1:10;; :;., note. Elmer) ..1L;.:.‘.= my 7
1.27., '=r,.._.'~ ,
$4.... «vex! L. .
"‘r'---.- ._.» “1. h ;‘\,v_,, " 1 .A’:_ ' A.‘..;""" .A. l
Jungffi ‘.Apifli CL:2_..'\., .'.Ltbn, .L.” . 1.131. 1: , Lu. :1'331LJJ... , Y1. ,

 \.;<_r,..e.«.su:-:.rst:,,, (luv. st.._tC-pi wz, nature .2..:. tr.» 0.4823 to tan» Jlily,
13121:. t..ac::....r:, upon Lg \. trial *- ty; 1 man. ems, m.,—y an. J n
~ I '. l' W” ‘ ;‘tr wwmw 5'11” v‘s'rC'J‘i ‘.‘,»v. ‘i '" 5' " l" '11“ "’3" “W? '7‘!"
',x) blC. , ..~ d b )4. ,,,., U , t cit. L ... 25,1” 5 it; ,‘. Owupik. ., '.‘J: .L. but,
, i .1 ' . ..,_ ,. 1" 4.1,, I. .,.‘ U . J~ .6.t_:; _. _ ‘ ,.._ ..,,H, ., . ., :.,.
jig. .. (; £.: .1 0,171.; Gm “ii-‘.:. as. it”). C) ..1. din... L.. 2);: .,1. ,. ‘.2, 5A,: “J
.‘ . '_" .. .-tz;f;he,:n:: , " ~ prycéizil L '2; {21", 2.925“: t- 1:335 1‘ 2,2 .21‘
. ' ‘ 11’ ,., ,_ , ,1 if. ~,- ,. mu.- 4», ,,., 1,,
”2,,:le s, 1 mi ,~.-mu. J3: s do) A 23,; s 40.x. .
,',). .1 ',’ '- ’ w; 7 ~ >=‘-:~:
Z . 1,75 e _ '1. \/.. ‘ ‘t ;- r
...1, ,9; f1 :.; ,
‘ , ..:”...z. .2. ‘1 t ; .‘7 , ‘rlfl, 3 likab.
‘ . . , :5 I 1’31 . , .1..1..7. I}. ».Ll; ,
. _ s, . ,.i , ,. z . . ,, .
a ,_JLI.11,‘J‘.‘»L‘_ ’,’. o J A .:. WE")
a; . .:- ... ‘.‘ , {.3 "-. . ,1 , .-.L 2,1. .5..:‘ i-V, 7
{5 .i'l (3.‘ j E’ 1‘. ‘ , .
,' .‘:? _ ' J‘ " ', "J‘ '. 1 ”'7' ‘v
.3, .2 ( ~-~.1. . ‘w . , k; . .. ; 1; .':l.‘,- .’...i, 1. . ,.r
-, ,. .w .'. 1, .. 1,4 ,. , . L,‘ , ,. 1.. _,. ,r . '
p112. x; Lilli; (1,25,! tne L: «252.0 pill! u ii,» um (.4. 1, ,_J ux'c‘f' :.zE;
3.’; Justumidy, :ziz-A ,,25. btl' ,1 :.zllzxg. Ali Liv, VikiLHCt ; 121-
' . 1., ‘\ , .‘ .,' ‘..l ’.‘.L“. ,‘ 3‘, ,‘, , . .7 ,; ;'., '" .1., ., .'.
{,‘, 2.2-y COLA PM: L ht , l.L ;, :4,“ : v.83. C :1'.,i(?.}lt gnu my; Ln tract J. 1.1m..-
-. ‘ J" ‘ ...,, ‘... .',‘..y. ' ,3 (,‘,; .. \, .,,i‘” 7,, . ,v, ,‘
’ v.2. Elli? aloud , Lieu Jury retired and presently 3;. but 318:);
' ,. m2, 1“ , , ' , , , . : , A. _.: .. . '5 , ,~_ ,, _~. _
i..t3 smut bile iollv.,.~1in, venues, to~...... t. .‘:, the». __j ‘.11‘” ,
..v .~-, ‘ v, _ ,,. .. ,, -. ','na. L1, . .. " !I‘ "
:.,actl’e.‘ with; ..lrE-.: i‘J.’ Law pl:.1.=..:ltilifa one (.13.. UL :. .3. ~1m~
1., - ; -.' - J * "-, ‘l’ .. ,- ‘ , « i , .,,..
;.;J.'£.u {jil’uf's . ...' «J y. Ki , nun: ..-. tut. 2.: 2. Lu’ . ,
' ‘ ’.‘, ,.,! .3 '.:.1 . ., .. , H
t .‘: :5 Eli‘; rel order an”: add i}.\.ar,el b, ti». mm}... L
... x; ..

 5' ' ’ :.'=¢ ...11.‘ .w. ,.1 > ; .~ 1
{...’c: 1:12., V2.1: 3.11;,1,...,1.:, 1'1;<.';:I,";..:, {,:.z- :..;.;J.£;z\::.=»1., 11
1f ‘ :3; , .. 1 . 1, ’..l .2. “Li? 11’... 11.1.1. .1,; ,
" » .' .., .. ,2! “3.3,... -"’1,.\. .'.‘,, .‘- .., 1; "'.‘.3 1. ‘_. -,,~
. 371'} z: 1115.1311 3.1331,»:3,” an 2.11:: 41,1, t _1 1. 12y ,
MET; avail}. 13> 1.51., ‘i:~:>w:t‘?;}1:.r :..i'i ‘ 3.}. 11.1.1" :1 1::. 5: ‘; "-. ..‘1’ in
t;3s::::(..=,; 12.71:}: '1‘; {1111.1 15:: {::~:cc::'1.1zi>za. To
”31:1'3'1'11'2‘2; fish's Czi’criuit'ni’i: 17” {137661; 11.74." l {L'c-r 71.12;; 01w
» “ I {.._ :-. v 1r'./~'1-~.-r: ._ 751 Ta?“ LN"? ru'y-p ’_ ‘74:. 2' " ‘ "7 -;'
A) ‘.,. n». :11. 3.1.1. ".:1 1,”: ‘2 v?“ .i.’--'-"-a.-' 1‘, * . 1,. ..u ”.1 ., -. ,1 1..
- . ‘ ‘. ‘ ;
‘ 2.53:5: , 3:; 1'311‘: .
‘ 1 1’., -12."
111.: 14,111.31. .1. “yaw-111191;] 311111133; but .I.-.1 .1....1cz1in-
. V. ..1-' ,, ..A',‘.»...L 1‘. J :,I,.'
i.;;.;' LVN?! (1.1.9 ::crr: c;zcl._ar_,1r=11 ;.:r3a.'1.1c..-:1-:». 1.1 1.1.5. 1...: ,
.“ . r. ‘ '.~ J 1.. I 31.3. ., 3 “.3. 1 1.113 __ “ .. 1.;
Luz. :21.-(mm 111m 0;. 1.11.1311]... 1: 311:. 11.11. with“
:.?i.<:;'.‘::1 121 t3‘:(2:‘::3§> 1.2.191: 1;;, t;;..:,. .(1Lm. 1.1.x, , . L». ”111:1“.
("‘J 49
':1‘:,,-_ :1 , ,. ' 33.. .L .. .3 .A.‘. . ‘ (u .1,. '.,3" ..‘” s‘!‘ 3. 03.3.,
.0411 3.1.1; 13411.1. 1.15.; 3:11.91 L...:..;t 3.1 Ly.“ ..;.» w..:
. -‘ .- 'fvc‘ :, ,' .c-s > .;, .;,2. '9 .1 131,137, *
11.31.: 113t11.1:.., tgmy 1.113. 3.1m. L21; .'HlLdLZ.‘ .;1 ton; by
. ._
r31 «311:;th .
”('1 J
rfin ‘ -, -‘ ' , 3.1 ‘ .' ,. I" 1. 5‘- 3. "5:;. M.’...
heart 1.;11'1,.ct.>.. L11... ,1111. L.., .111. 11.. 11-3.1131,
.H '_L V‘-‘-.

 .q q , ; Coal Company; an agaflnst defenitui, flnrriuv V
lfluic treEg,
Strfilag “oai & nand Conpanyu for the amouni a? coal
,. ' ~ .: , : ‘ ‘J a ,; W ‘. >- v; '.‘ ..‘ .:.. , _ ' ,Q ‘.. ..,- .‘7, h
Z Int-.2. 03/ LAC: Gin-{..HE; -- liualu x:.s.'(}€;‘a {11B}, 5.20,.»1432 My, {.2701' {..:}.G
evu:ltx;lce1, sat fifx: In is: o: H eeaztu ;éax: ti n.
2‘ ("11* ,
‘1. ‘12 "~14. 3,.. ,v i
‘. . .,flfig ..L»; T 9 qlf'<,1<_i{-“::~: .
'2 L; j‘i-vitg'z’l’ftfu “Ski/..;; (ITS-£23
' ‘1
Eh: Ewart lmuiffiLifi alt jury thut tEaJ xiii U1n¢
fur yéaintiffm agsiflut thv Tififile Orcg“ Gaul 50?§mflj,

- .‘3 ‘,.. .w. :.V as, .'; "‘1” "‘.-
EUCLE ’3, £13151 0? £10023}, 3;}; izsCty Air'lliWJKJ «‘.; r L. .1 r.‘ v.1;- 2,1.
GVidGUGL wan uL the £13“ 0; the leOle tugs-t , LNG
reasonable royalty value 01 the 0031 rcmoveuhy 1t, 1n
-‘ w - -~ ~ In WM ' a ‘ _.«n a .. ..-:' xvi 1.» A
yigcu, ”UL fiACGCdiJK 15 all Lbs huh u; 4,;uu.uu, tag
amiunt claimed 1n filaintiffb‘ fluefiQEu yet tiun.

2D ‘
“I a: v -‘ ) 1"” ~.2- 3, .-- .H ..,..,, . :--A:v-‘ ,v ..4 .
rlufl or MOLG 0; tax JWLJ L¢¢ ”URL a VquLCt, but
v «a ‘. ._ ... , .‘., .'r , ., 4“. .‘.: a an, r ,. m “,....m ..‘ ,V .,.
ll lC. $1135.30}. t,(.}..v.-.h mm «.1033»; yang 1 “3.,..1 1a.; ”J‘s/WU VL..; -
g;ut, tnoac agreelng ahoglu ;iym the verdict.

 '.z‘ ‘3 .;3-r3
V,.’..H, ‘..:_\.r 3. »
3:;-p 137.: 33333.?” 3531‘: :1 1 1.322? ‘31?»‘3 721:). ME"
1, ':fi. .L .L .. :i‘ '31 _. ; .._..g .. .
u 3.13... {mag a}: .- :,1 J. l _, 5331.3. :3, .:. u, 3.3 . .
:‘I 1'33"? -_.
, , _ ...3 .1
\. ‘3 ‘1‘ “ {'.'5’" ,-« r ..I‘mg 3' ‘ .‘: M3":
.1 L_ i.. n .3.! '.‘..: V,.I.1,.VL\,I .r L .— ~' \.. n
:1:?!1‘; (if ..
."1‘i.‘-=;:JI'~=."‘L" '.E Ti. . i") ‘12:;‘73, ‘_3.ri‘}:i~_‘:._".
. if 3 , zine, ..1. :.....”g -, \
I y ‘3 *-‘~w;-:w :‘5 ,
,~L\:,¥u,.3.. .3. I , . . .. .
.'L . ,. ‘:, .L.... . ,.3; L..; L”: ..:..1. L. L ,
- u, L- -7 "“."." A -“;~-.--, .2: ”..L...-
fxr. ti'UL-L , 4!: ussmmy ‘..-E:., 1212..., CHLL i... 3L...a32,vL..-..3L5
’77.. L '~ ', L ":.” 3.“. -“'-.L . - .V. w .3,. A ,3 , :3 ’2
n.t; .:.-lzidlfi: men-Lt, 3.95.1 ha..-13.1.13. L323: i31'oLxu(....-.LL.nL 3.1164
' —.. 1 «..4 . ~ ,. .. .- -‘ :..L, ‘ M ‘= '3“... ._ ..,.
zest 1:.»: an; {133.933.13qu £133.“ net..- erl .‘LL-rein, Lu: 1..1, gauge,
1... .‘. 3,313-33; 3.6.3, )3 3.153,}; ::'.=;.t:z.;;rr r 5221121230533; .
— 1.."; .-

 V.' Y {H '.:. h ‘(., '1»
~- 'r a 3 - ,‘11' _V: 7» ,_‘Xu. -
.. . ‘..' . 41053.54. :.:.» , “...-._1 . , J: -. .J 3., ..L ; .
, ., ( .’~, 1 .:.:.
"' -. x * #43:} '« “pa :"z' '1; 3: '_l1 ‘7 ‘ “fry, ‘
V ;.:.r' m; '.ULLALLV. LA} ..-.x L’.; ..:IY. ‘;u: 4 I,
::‘-u ,. ::’-“1'. 5!. - r 4.11 n w H .» " t“ .- "
.'. r H1; (4 E25. EJ- kiwi}; 1.: 5 NHLUAAJHL' \—'j.135_..‘~, 1300.}. k/{Jh '1‘..1i3"j ; ('_U .’ '.:M ”5:36
/ ‘ . v H .x. .L ,_ ..‘ f- _, ,V .1 . .._”... 3 : A . * .’,‘ .3 _, ’:. ,. ,, .1 ‘ 3, 3
t.:»SLAz. ‘L 1.0 .1) L. L Ir; :5- J.i.Li:} in}; V‘JJ.(_1,.L(.;ir of ab. J £14.27 55,1»; (:.71, 12.31“
,.,,.,.,¢. 7,. ,, ._ .‘.” J..—,.Y,,'; 1" " J, .1 . ~ — ..‘-:.:., 4.1,,
{:::.} .L’m.) k, ' L at Lj<,.»‘ (:.L'Jnj. Una. 1“: urn CEL..C; ’.l‘lwié 5.x .‘. 3 J.. 1.1.2 UriLc:
, J
,- .»; .mmunu L Litm L112. “.~.: 3 L Wu b may I” :gmmfg. 3.1 L“ _.;
.3. ,‘,
Jul-."- .;_.':_,(,I.L ,v . :.-;u . {.L.}. .. .2. TL
1 _L‘}. a‘ . ‘ub‘ .',‘» .3;-Ln
'2‘ ‘ ';: .:‘». ..»
a ,.rn .L.“, -L.;,g:.«..;t,,g‘,fi.
,, .‘,wiél; ., {J {3“ - L?) iiill'fl.’ t
‘g ' “r' ,€,i .; 1’ ‘ w
1 1.:nv,,i. J. .‘.I- .4 Ar. mu. a
-,~‘r \l‘. u, "mu-M 1“ r.m ‘
«..,..1 » \, "mat-ill: {,(Jhai .
x - :r‘ 1 '1' ,‘rn' 3:- .»‘m w ‘»
3‘.-.- - ::‘-.131“ 7 .»;.L' -, Manx-um; 4M 3 ;
5’ ..1fi11x’l4"! ‘ .C L
It - *' ':H 4", ‘
\[ .L j
j 1‘ _. “;:-u ..
. , . ' 3"‘-. w H 1‘ | V " ,4 ‘ 1* "E-‘-"‘.‘:' ’H'".'“-
, .1 7.3 ..2 . Laura. “(L-Lu {..1(Ji..!'l ,.n‘i 3 ,i.3.»,‘s:.‘.",;l~i guru). . ,
.., .14.”: w

 O O O

The defendant, “idale flroek Coal tomfiany, UL ground;
for new trial Lerein asaifins: '

hinge: fixcaonive damuyeo, unpenring to havebeen
g;VUn ander the influ RC! of panuion and yrcjudic .

;. coax; rte; in tUm nofiflnhwont of the nnhunt of
recovery, the recovery heroin boin: too large.

Tmlfin: Ego verdict in not tuetaiied by emf ioitnt .
eviuenct, and it contra y to law.

JVJifh: Arroyo of law occarcing at the trial, HHS

. r excepted to by thu uefendant, no follows:

' (of THC uonrt erred in admitting incoup Lent eviu
demo , ofiferdfi by the plaintiff ovef defendant“: ohjoo~
tion, undendd OfigtgtiOfi being oVGrruled. hxcoptions
were at the time, and otill are, reuerved. 4

{b) The Snort erred in efagin; ta ad it flOQUUQCWt
and relevant toetimgng; offered by tho defeedant; t;
W}1Ch rulin; f the konri the defendant at tin tirwa nnfi
Still exocgtu.

(a) The Court erred in refusing ta inhtrwut the

, jury to find fey tha defendant at the Conclumion of "

nil the teetimony offcieu by the yinintifif, tn w Trh the
defendant at tifl tim_ excepted, and stilt executx.

(a) Tb; Court erred ix overruling the otfundant’x
motion, at the conclunion of the teatimony h r if, to
a root too jury to find for the defendant, to w 10h rulu
igf o, the heart the defendant at £3 time, an» Ltili,

,.. 11} .u

 I“ I 3 3‘ ._ 3. M. ,1 .‘ M .. " , =“, V " ,
g \e, the U01.1_,'t erred ..,,3 4.111.;trmzbln um 312.3, 1::
3'31'112'33-5 l','2;;'i.'1't?;<:tiozx:; 1 an»; 23. in; 11.1.16}; iiutruatimm the
, v" 3 ['.3 , «r . ,. 1 .:'; 1 ,. .... .
tifilezidaflt at tw'i: buss QMa(2.,_ggteu., 1:1..JLJ 11.1.1 CilaCifj‘)LL:.~
. I ,, \ '"E' , ‘1 . _,3‘. V. ,z ' ,, P.‘ ' ‘.,. ,. .’ “,., , ‘ .,_ . .,." 33
3 1i we bout (3.1“.r.€L‘-, 1n J.'€lli:,;l:..!,';3 Lo 1:31.133, ‘..-31;?» Lu.
36 311.13; 5:.» met 31:31; in li‘}::fi1‘i,1c3tionss [5, 5.11113. 3:3 and; 4,3, :1. 3,3331
tar: :.iei‘em‘i:a: 1'; herein, to which ruliny «3:3 titae curt 1;:-323
Li.u.i‘zmaiaan’c at ”air; time exuejgmew- Liam Latijqit. c:;>:c;«::j;;€::_a.
' 3'01" “with few“ ~~ " 13M w" 3
.3 .;.... , LM>QUU 1.31.1 Lfl,J,L-Ll,.lx.tm; “L. x] (3.1. Btfi‘ritijEJ JxM {‘.:
titmad to, 5.1m ::sagvczks the Sioziiri: t0 r'ramt, t 1:131:11
’ ?Qzfifllig cams.
73.30353, {RT-9.2;; {'31- "f -
1:11." 23. 7". CU E'BL
1: 5339’? ‘1 a 3. ‘.t‘immneg'szs.
;Jli. 3.98ti- 13, 1:326.
HM»; 5.;"J.".,L»:i..?,,.;a”, Lt..n‘.a,:.: .
Elli-flit . ,.‘IH 371:7 (3:3? 2331,73? CC'JUJ‘Q.
a: . Will. (J .
,ga",iv%.*i:U L172? Tyil , ;s"£:‘>%ilu"1§€'§f 6'33“, 1026.
3115;:‘21-2513”, .TC., 33:11:92“ , )
NC; \ .1311? ') <1. 1 2" {~51 .
{Ir-9'3; 1‘. CV {.Ii‘fv,.21"’f;,.2EY, wfsliia‘jfié'i‘r”1;:".27. ,‘
— lb ..

 O O 0
Cu can ideflfition 0f flue motimn an; gruumdg fur
new trial herein filed; and the Yourt being auf‘iciemi~
V 1y udviuem, maifigmwtion mfifigrxunMS far new ‘riai are
.32‘.’.'.i}'2"':> 21.11 v.12? 1",}? £32: 2337?.
\ 19:2,;1; , 19:33:43; Us (:0 my, .Li‘eiwget : _) '
12.13512? §
'1. LEEJZHLL , "TC . , iii”?[i9133331;33‘3’Ti‘.)
fim LA‘, tne appeiiamt, middle Cr,¢? Oval Company;
is about to take an appeal from a 343;. it of the
Floyd Circuit Caurt, rendered at its Iabraury, 192 , {
u 10 - v

 O O 0
term against ii? in favnr 0f the appellecu, J. -. Ka$”}u
and otherfip for.TwelVé Hundred {£1200.QU} inllmru; jith a"
infiexamt £30m Jfibraury £tnp 192$, aux 0533» of LH: actiomu
and ihe appellanfi desire: t9 unperfieée amid judynémt.
£01, Gee. L. Arcner; -uyet2; hereby covenanta wiah
£33 t0 the upyelleea, H. J. hay in, sud atherw, that the
_ ayfiellunt till yay a; tha appellCEg all cunta and damages
thai nay he adgaugea agglmgt tmc aygaLLanh ea tba ag;cal;
alum, tflufi HG will satimf; and perfgry the $uld ggfiguant,
or the part above reciteds if it ahould be affiruei, afld
' any order or judgment which the Court of flpyflalr may rem»
-der, or ordsr ta ta rendered by the inferior Cmurt, th
exceeding 1m amount or valwe the original in gmvnt, uni
also 3mg all damage& fihe upgelleeu may flqgtmin by remasn
mf the ayyeal.
‘ 1'1” .2 our hands, this). Lay 16.33, 1571253.
5317"?"3 C?%i§;;i\;.,, (KEV (if?!
if $9173? 3. fiii,2;5, fiiorney.
bill}. 33'. "<9 :u::*ety.
31...,uséik’. 1‘; , {‘:lex.‘E-:,. _.
.,i'k’ .. :., SavagjjfL, 13.6.
e l? u

 0 d o
{34.}. ,3 Iiigxfljilf _V 11*}? I :
,".»{'.'}"‘.‘(1.‘< (3371431 EI’I’ CCU ‘ .
5 7g, L; .3 gang Cu :13 , gr; , 31?, ,
,C,INFT 3 iflfi5753' Li;
I ‘ :5
113', ,
1 do certify that flfl 333331 ha& been granted by th
7 Flcyd Circuit Quart fror the jmrgwnnt:fE;£J AL: V] ; Xi‘w C311)“. 1.1.4 ‘.'-,(JQAL. i..:: o .., yin-JV ’
.3, ., . ‘ .1 w ,2,...“ . .2. . . .. ,. ., I. ,._..U- W 1,, :. ;‘.»; .,
styleu dbtlUn, .ficept one subpoeu Cw did stumah Onto it:
‘ -. . _ ..,; .. ' ...3'...‘ A, , _1., , .,." _.{.‘ . .,.,._ . ‘ ._ l,
132;:eesses £231-; the Offlulml sperm; ‘c 1.12.3. .:.». except _ one .
1' ha Cfiw a C52 CU P‘HY
if JC 3“ m, ixaflrfi. “tiornal.
.:.' ‘ ‘ . -" ,.‘ i“ '
riled nay cots, lggc.
"3.‘ . 3%.?! ..'/.513"; 3 .' ;
s {w ' . ,i;a ‘. f“
iii 2 I w. -,'\.r.!.L«‘.L;7 ‘e‘no
.. 21:: a

 o d 0

Cir. :,.{,,;.Z-i' 2.,...‘2‘2‘3'. .- . 7 , .
73.37 SLALU71 iOGiw..,,....‘Gt.

3. Henry Jtephenas clerk 9f tbfi ‘10,; viycust bum t,
40 Hereby ccrtif; that Rho formgmin7 twcutg {‘0} pagec
;f tynexritfian matter 'a a true was corrert. full nnJ
Cuflylfite €03; my th. cxtira rmcuxi, mxcevt the aubymcn
uwcw and attauhy at. for nitne; ea fiYd figu wrigimal
ofifici l ycpofiter7p .111 sf .xucpaiwnu) in t a notiwn
late panning in fine filogd Uiyuuit unnvt. yterein a. ..
.exrriiezmuz aifiaxm were gigginti.ffi. ::21. is ix; Greci,éfi ml '
ngyafi; wan defendant, up aguun h; age rcccrim an. Eileu
.2 my oificc.

.‘i‘vi-ii . 27:23,! 312.1412; ::E-a {films}: 03'? tilt 91037.52 4.3;}.3i‘2tuzit
{20.3. t , tlsi;. t.:c l it12 (iagf :)i‘ 3 xxx}, 1%)221.

:iyw ..~...» ‘...,2. .. A.” v ......v- _..", ,. .,...,"... ....-,.,...- I; . .‘:-2.
_ 27231—1 .,

, , 4‘... f. ..‘.p .’ {... , “I, :_ ‘.‘ rm
grid}; ~ Limit-'...L' 5M n
1 ' _
. ' “'| :..; . '1"-':.:
.- S. a o 5. .3 ’..' 1].. .. 9 . : .‘.. b u 9 .. 1 '. J. 3 ., y .
_ i . 3
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