xt70zp3vt865_232 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Honaker, Nanny J. v. Honaker, James text Honaker, Nanny J. v. Honaker, James 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_22/Folder_20/1050.pdf undated section false xt70zp3vt865_232 xt70zp3vt865 ?jhffialY JthE mg 3533\35 .
Eid??fif§f. ;flfiifii 15 f; “Li? ifi.
-1r- // 1;
Kain afiwfihl is wrusacuted from ans Lu reverge tafi judg~
mtut oi 3&6 bloyd circuit court, in “ case lute weaning there”
in atylea rs amuva.
{111g nlaintii‘i‘ #21121 moi'encimzt ware 1:22;);‘n’ia2d Lu 62.21031 unner.
1 Eat Quienumnt, Janis ;unnker, man Dfififl wrevioualy harried,
med una cuilu and Nos a marcflnnt in a small way. Juan «i~
tartLeir marriage, James Lunakar'a creditura Dugfin LU urge
nnyment of finely mills, and-iinally, Tacl & juuwmny mmae
gm usnignment iur hue Luneiit of their cramitara. rue
wasiguee, after dimwusing of m good many of the g00m$ in
the mtmre, Balm Lye remaautg in a lamb ta Tawny J. canker,
t;l(: z,:.::>rwaL1.l:<:-nt arm Disintil‘i‘. 1 1.31m: wmm 1;:» EMILE?» asyxazil oe—
gimfling irom nine to tima nhg thus anlvrgea 15% business.
in Lnusa days, as non, it was alien the CuSC ant mercnunts
'engageu in lughing ousinass, in aid wnu in furtaevmnco 0f
flue atore. ”3 the cuutom was, r3. Quaker cuntrncted and
gang (or 80mm timber treefl, Afid than out, hfiulfiu HUG market-
ed, raying the bills mun 01 the stare, and Wfifin the timoer
NUS marketed, from tag wrwuceus oi Lne timber, hue "Jobbem”
billS‘ware maid. hue Quaineus &1l tgis finile was in tne
name oi’;£gg§;§w ;fifigfififlb Later on Kmnny a. .Ofibkfir wur*
cuwfled iram flue wiuow of x. 3. Jim; a tract 01 lmna on iLLle
iud wreak, {grog grunch}, at the price Of T , fine

 ; ,u:. .WW
gunurum Hullmrw mum DLLQ at tut Liam the muga IUS wrua and
nutum, sigugu by nanny 3. nunmhcr, 1H3 gnuuubag lay the
uflihuue a: LEE vuxungaa muney, an Ema Luau, find wage wincyw
' taJngm wrxiu. ltkggughgfié Lula 01 LJA: :3ttxve, m casrt <21’ eH4iC§A ii)
iilau in t4& rmcuruq
The uueu F53 ngc mat in and in the muse u: fanny fl,
:finmkur, wears gate _MMMM_duy Oi.flMMwwfi-WWm*MWMwflu liww,
i:»')"i£2 “3:21,; wimuggasau‘, my .' I'.?“ ,'i‘){i€f1‘x€§37, ‘iu..L=:1: twirl-vitamins;t, :a'muallv
uni gerfi. kns accu was racoruafi, an; tau alaintiii and
‘ umimnaant cantinuea Lu live unuu Lgc land, Euruing it and
‘ residing unun it until a Line came tunt tufi firm 0i Aonwker
and Layne was lwxmmd ior hue wuyvusa of running e awfi logn
aing Job 0n Lara grwmk and r hfiibil eLoru in cunnefition
Lngrewitn at Ema jwunh 01 «mg firaak nuke few wilas GiSw
than iron where 3r. anu Ira. ionmhm? raaiaad. Year the
Stare u! onuker u Layuu was Luu I$DidéfiUE mi 1. 9. Layne,
flue suniar partner, ung nearby LnQ Lirm uonmtruutau a log~
fling camp figure Lmfi amnlwgea'mara ind mum fled tueir sleep~
lug accommaation. bniurtunwtcly, uwtu ‘unmker mad Layna
I uranh Whiskey, and ideir huuita ui urinking increaseu from
time to tima} that it gut 50 baa twat Trs. wunakar left may
none and mava umwn to Jonahar and Leyhfi*u fiture, and aid
fill aha Guuld Lu save it Iron Lhfi ruin Luau invenuing.
fittizira iAAi.a ww¢1¢icni, téxo ms LEngwgn ‘vc re: ugxrr: ta: tha
marriage and ware groviug under the influence of Lat sur-
> rudndings uisclusau in 3L9 racurd; Que racora discloses
' that, when not urinkiug, .r. aunuhar qua reasonably kind
to uis wife and aniluren, out HS we arogresued in uiu drink—

-3- ‘

ing, 3% become unkino amd abusive Lu hifl wire and two sons.
the ottantion of tufi court is invited to fine consideration
oi the mooosifiion of each of inoae young ooyo. ?ottere
grow irom bad to worse, unu irom tho wrooi in tho record,
ufi, Lno wowellee, ogumnuoroa his gong; in Visiting lefld
Women at none, and at Jutlettauurg, Jontucky, and Punting~
ton, 'est virginia, one or whom, _ruooy ;oro, ilivo Votes,
in callou as a uitflesu for Lao defendant.

in this. aromatic-'51, ’1' :15. Carnalier SUU£:jlat and :.‘o'taineaai
omvloymemt from a molooalo louse, to sell gooua my smmwle
Iron onion flab derived a oommiaoion, mum Liter waying her
Lrnvelinu exuonsos, gag a little Sum left, toot enaoled “or
Lo ouy MEX Children Some clothea, and to way their tuition
;mu ocnool, ad;: orenewau Eientuckyy

Tue roooru oizuloseo that ir. gonuker, the aorolloe,
oismwmroved or Lia Jiio'o action, 33 a Hmioalaoy, ono oidn‘t
want fine boyo Root in school, and "rs. yonakor oisamwroveo
oi mfi? nuubanu’o urinking gnu relationo with otmor women.
;inmlly tflfij senfirnied unu suit :or oivoroo woo riled in
too yloyd circuit court by jrs. uonmker.

_ her nusoanu riled unaveo ono nooo his anawer a counter—
claim, seeking to nave the title to tho land restored to
him upon the allegao grouno taut the firuoorty Gone to Era.
tougher my reason or tne marriage.

to tho uefonownt‘s nnaver the olaintirf filoo a reoly
oenying the nvorrmonts in tho “mover, and alleging owner«
ship oi tho lama in our own rimht, one olemuing fine statute
of limitations.

Aug 8180 wakes ol&iu that tho laud uion't come to her

 W _ ,umwwbni
' by reason of the marital relation, hut by dead at bargain '
and male from another; and that the deed to the land, haV*
ing neon made to her and witnessed hy i was Moswksr, is
an autumnal against aim, and tfiflfi tno period or time irem
the date oi tua HUGQ, and iiling hid answer, ”«MHM years,
‘ u~w~wwwm_msnonths and my ‘M days barred any clamp oi
- right that he and to the luau.
She court, upon Lne trial oi the case, adjudged that
plaintiff, Tansy 5. speaker, he divorced iron the defendant,
James monster, and upon the subject of has land, adjudged
, that the ulsintiii and defendant seen on entitled to have
onovnalf oi the land.
3min was error. This property was not obntined by
Lrs. Lennksr, from or thru her husband, flames L. ;ommker,
but my her from are. limo, my dead of narfiain and sale,
and the integrity oi the deed is vouched ior my ir, honu
aler, she signed, as an attesting witness, and who acquiv
eased in the dead for more than M years,
in the meantime, rhea no, James 9. onekar, made an
assignxent, he made claim that this land was not his, but
that of fianny J. manager, and when shaker and Thyme went
into bankruptcy, as, Santa L. Lonaker, not only refused _
to list this land smash his assets, but swore tflflt it was
the property or anny J, honsksr.
the nutnority ta udjudga a restoration oi any draper-
ty, obtained irom or thru the other, during marriage, in
consideratien or by random thereof, proceeds upon tne au—
thority or teetion 425, of divil Jade, is a summary pro~
seeding. I I
This Court has held tuflt property, conveyed by nus~

band ta Vila; Iar tma purwwmc oi acirmuding hifi creditura,
will nut um raatured.

Inc caaa 3f fifihjknfi v. SLLJKAE. 14? Iantucky, 383, i5

’ a Ver mtrang case finerain Lna lfictfl Mara vary aimilmr 33
L593& were. Tum Smurt 31 Amwaals, in Ffiirmina the
snag, fiaid: its mated in hue agllabus.}

”Tn3gc ungannd mnm wifa «ra divoruaa,
tge nmmunnd 15 nut emtiLled, under
fiactiun 425, ;ivil Iads, Lu 3 r3“
$Lormtifin Ci wrunwrty ”HiCh we comm
veyfic tm n13 3118 during tmfiir mm?»
riuge mar tag WHYQOSE m: chrfiuuing
bin creditora,”

:ijtirqg fiJAEO YALE (Hi863 Ui’ if Htgaruz V‘, TJJI?:YW£D, in
which last named came tng cuurt gala that,.wbarm the hus-
uwna, afney divwrceg yum aeckimg m restoration oi cur»
main nruvertg, upon age gruund that 13 convegefi it to

I his wife in consiaarutiun 0f mwrriagu, reliei'waa fle~
uied,b&cauae it fiwhfiflrfifi taut tam conveyance wag made
by tag h¢3b3nu Iur the garbage 0x defrfiuaing uis eradi—
Lura, altnuugh name of 513 areflit0r$ were wetumlly de~
Iraumfid, 1n aimuu$sin5 tha CHSE, tum Court geld:

"muia court has geld, in a long lina

GI aficiaiwnm, tnat “ruwmrty £111 Hat
be raaLorfim L0 w drmuhuy vgo miuanlf
canv&y@u it zur tna iraudulant mur»
0:36 {Ji' mui'asxtin‘re, airs armiitora. 2122.6
transaction is one unicuinvolves moral

.? ‘_J

; » -
turpituue in hue inhentiun with .
which it 13 uvne. ”Hat actually
haumenfi Hflj he inwutfirial. it
mattara not waatuu: Lhfi creditur
'r'ur2x7 e:c.:1;u:>3.ly_,7 “1217.2.272322‘2 2.2.27 222.22., 11, 222 3
fl anther mi 23gb, L32 ¢uwtur make&
a gumvaxu62 may Lae.burwoue mi 325
', irbuding his creuihwrs. ‘;e wno
- Guahh_2rmud may not umyror flue gang
01‘22ue .nuanculIQX' Lu dmwwv eéuity ilwxa .
I a fountain hie awn nuth polluted.'”
' . ”umraon ital. V. 2211123, 121 31.. ‘
7 {22-7324, £27,; “.., 27:32; 3. {227.3,}
lists’f; :7.2:..2‘i..‘-.:77u2:27::2 v. :‘22221‘tr2'2mmz, C2.
2 LS 74; 3 ‘3 .’22’. I new. .2! “‘
in 2&2 wuae 7: uwr, an; wruvfirty #35 not umnvaed my ‘
flue uuabunq Lu age 211%, mu: Wflfi unavayea by anathey to
may, from vucm SHE hfid puruhanefi it, an& Lu fimum aha mafia
rajwfint Eur tLu purchase nrioa, mag tug titlu t0 th& myow
pérty ramminad unuigturafid in gar Bar car: than tan {lg}
ywfirs, which would our the aarenamnt, Bfifiéllmfi mére, 0i
, any ralief umon 2L2 trauma cf Irnud UV miutmke. Tt is
Evident tnat Lnera VHS no mi$tnhe, macaugm tux mrflof ELQTS
that‘mugfl the glerk, 240 wranurau 2&2 322:, cnma to Write
3.2, 719 vell—

' gent here. This mecca was recorcavd, and tin: r1:'tsintii‘1‘ and
ategi‘egzz'mzht cmutinued "LU live mum the. land, i‘:«i‘="‘:ing it and
residing umn it until a: time Gi-i1"':¢::: tight LIA?) i'irzz: ui’ nomaksr

. and 1:3,.”33‘170 ‘22-wits imam-3Q i‘ur the ':i11:r\.’rcrsc 01‘ running; 5': SW! log- .
gix‘xg ,‘jub ch :.4-Ere Creek mm ex hetswil :‘.izbrs in connection
there :1 th at the _zeuth vi 1 are Creek sol-:5:: rev; 3: 1.1.2123 :.;-is—
tenht Irma where } ii”, and firs. ;om-zker resided. Wile-552c- the
store «121‘ unmker Mayne ivy-e the residence 031‘} Layne,
tne semis); x.u-11~1:.r’1er, mid x‘zse'zrby the lira; constructeu :4 loge
ging camp "were the snmloycs xere: i'ered and had their sleep-

-. ing z‘wcsm';.udt»xti011. Unlux"turza:tely, both ,ox‘uslimr and ,iyzrayne
drank r'misksy, and. their imbits oi erg-inking inure-Heed from
til-me to time, ‘k.§..'.zt it got. so bad that .:rs, none-alter lei't her

' home and moved (,ic'fim to :cz‘lc-al-cer and Thz‘y'r‘le'za store, and did.
all she csuld to save it from the ruin than imifiss'ldirlg.
"i thin this neritm, 'z‘.x‘-'.ro CIWIlQI‘EiH yore-2 burn to the

~ sauerrimge and ‘.::ez‘c: groving under the: influence 01' the sur—

, rounding-gs disclosed in mm: recwrd. -rc .I‘QCOI‘G dis-closes
that, ‘2v.rher': not drinking, 1:1". ..urmker ms reasonably kind
to £1155 wife and children, but as he crogresmed in his drink-
:Eiffiiéff ‘- Y a .

 , H” “w“_
E J n
/ 4P
:: . -3- ,
J ing, U3 bscame unkind and nbunive Lu n13 wire and two sons.
' inn attention of hue ceurt is invited to tun consideration
, OI tne nemosition of each 91 these yuung pays. fiatters
brew frum bag to verge, mnu iron inn proof in tn: rucard,
HE, 1H6 finfifillee. squvnneran n13 HUNG} in visiting lewd
vomen wt MOHE, Hnu «L Jntlettsbnrfi, Funtuuky, and Xuntingc
ton, fest virginin, one or Wnom, Mrucay tore, Alias Yates,
is callEd n8 a witness fur Lhfi defendant.

In Euifi situation, 7113, fannker snugnt and Obtained
amnloyment frnm a “nulesnle ivuse, to sell goods by snmmle
from Which Sue Gerived a cammiasion, and nfter haying ner

' ' traveling Exncnses, Mac a little sum left, tnut ennnled her
to any ner Guildren some clothes, and to way their tuition
in scnool, at woreheac, Lentucky.

wne recoyd discloses tusfi 1r. Lonnker, the annellee,
uisnnnroved oi uiS wife‘s action, as a anleslnuy, and didn‘t
want tne Days Rent in scnool, and yrs. honaker disanproved
oi nar nnnbunu‘s drinking and relatiuns with other women.
finally tney senarnteu and suit 10? uivarce was filed in
the 1105a circuit court by “rs. ~onaker.

‘ her nusuann riled wnsmey #30 made n13 nnswer a counter-
claim, seeking to MHVG tne title to the land rentored to
him upon the alleged grnund that the nrunerty came to Ira.
nonsker by reason or Lne marriage.

I To the deiennnnt's answer the winintiff filea n renly
denying tna mvcrrments in the answer, and alleging owner-
ship 01' mic: 1mm in her mm right, Jana ‘Dlezming tne (statute:
of limitations.

Jne also makes claim that the land dian‘t Come tu her

1 ' ‘

V }

 33"” /


3::» '

. -4...

* by reason cf the marital relation, but by deed of bargain -
and sale from another; and that the dead he the land, hav~
ing teen made to her and Titnesaca by Jrree Ecnmker, is

i . an autumnal against him, and that the uericd cf time ircm

T Lac date of the deed, and filing his answer, _WWW“ years,

' m$m~*wwwu_nuntne and ”w_iwwww days carted any cient of

i right that ¥3e use". to 13.25 lend.

ghc court, mean the trial of the Cree, adjudged that
slaintiii, Nanny J. hunaker, he divorced Ircm the defendant, 1
James ncnaksr, and neon the subject cf thfi land, adjudged
that the sluintiif aha defendant eacn be entitled to have
, one-half of the land.
Knis was error. This trencrty'was not chmtined by
re. :cnakar, from er thru her husband, James L. yenaker,
but my her tram Era. find, a; dean of hnrgain and sale,
and the integrity of tflfl deed is vcucnec fur cy Zr. Men»
I eler, WLO signed, as an attesting witness, and the acqui—
esced in the deed far more than years,
in the meantime, when MC, James L. ponakcr, made an
~ assignaent, he made claim that this land was not his, but
that cf fanny J. Lonaker, aha when .cnaker and isync went
into bankruntcy, he, James L. honaker, net nnly refused V
t0 list this land Hflufib his ecsets, but swore that it was
the archerty of innny J, ponaker.
The authority to adjudge a resturution of any 0100GT“
Ly, obtained from or thru the other, during marriage, in
coneiueraticn or hy-reaecn thereof, rrccccds unon the su-
. thority of Section 425, Of Civil dude, is a summary wro—
ceeding. b
This cuurt has hfilfl that mrcrerty, conveyed by'hus—

 -5- ' ,
bend to vile, for the ournosc oi urirnooinn his creditorsn
will not be restored“
lne case of col RAH V. ouh;}nu, 147 Tentuoky, 3%}, is
a very strong case inerein the recto were vary similar as
those here. The Jourt oi genesis, in efiirming the
case, said: ins noted in ime syllabus,}
”There unsound and tire ore divorced, *
the husoand is not entitled, under I
Asotion 425, jivil lose, to o re~
etor tion or property onion ne con-
} Vfiysu to his Wife during their war-
riage Ior tne nurooss oi ueirnuoing
his creditors,"
_Uitina also the ease of Lani; an v, ;A1?;ouh, in
Which lest named case tne court held that, where the hue-
band, after divorce, Whfi seeking a restoration oi ccr~
Lain nropsrty, upon the ground that me conveyed it to
his wire in consideration of marriage, relier was den
nicd,hecause it ennenreu that the conveyance was made
my the husoeno Ior the purpose oi defrauding his credi-
tors, although none oi his creditors sere actually use '
irnuued. in discussing the case, the court held:
"Zhis court has held, in a long line
of decisions, Lust wruusrty will not
me restored to m greater Mno himself
conveyed it ior the Ireudulent our"
nose of usfsmting his oreoitors. Que
transaction is one unioninvolves moral v

turnitude in the intention with
which it ie done, ’nmt actually
E'ics'c.'»:'re-ns;x May 1; <3; i§i!t"";$-: t {-..-131;“: 1. it
':':;:'at.tsre1. not i11=gre'i.;1_«ez: the creditor
"aw-w. ect‘u 531111;); injures, «1)_:)_ not, ii, :3
e Let“ 2.)) inn-i, , the 11:'. 2332.11,).71‘ .)-,1.‘~:_".~;es
e. c«..:):1w'eyi'-a:u:):;) 1' or the a')':nr‘;1(2:'3e oi 4.2;»;-
' i'rsudirxg his c.xre:-':)ii.or:s, ‘ e “mo
- til 135;): {Mi 1.:-)3; net Trayrij‘crr the? hand
(3.:)? tim 2_,:».nesl‘:..IL):.-r L 1.1.) {.:is’ (3:-1w. by 131': or":
i 1L'r:n:12"ii..-f-:in 11:31:; <.=‘1t«"‘r; :3 :14 ti; nolluteti‘. . ‘ "
‘1’J1-'11.'1::3.:3n')..==l.v. -.-'~;‘-«lilee, 11:31 3,51,,
' 211134, u a, ma; 1 L. (227.5.)
huff; t e o )1), i) . _,oni;ij«,1).‘v=:.)e.c.l., “5.12:1 .; ,
7., «4 3<"1;)1'.’517€) 3)
A .
.1 n the can ':': ()1) n u;- 3:1 , the o:1:~o31:w=;5)::1ty "VF-363 not r.‘:<,:")')f€:.‘;60- US/ «
L‘ :mshsrzd to me tire}, rout *ms cangivnyexd by :))'mtiz').er to
her, firm-3; hum": sure Mind ‘ourchesed it, mm to “1ri:)c;121': she er
g1)€)5‘:‘ns.;~‘nt i‘or the 3.‘11'I;'u,xl:’ftfie twice, and the title to the ru'on
hertz); raisins")fined midteturmed in her i'or :‘r‘rore than igen {11:}
years, ‘irnioh *1':0':.1ld oer ‘:‘...ne dei‘endamt, armelleehair's, 01‘
any relief." neon the ground of 11111:)le an: rusted-1e, '3 f, is
evident thet triers}, 111:4; ':'); z..itt;:)he, because we nreoi’ shuts:-
the t when the 3.1 51131723, Who 2'11“: were: the 1:.1} e mi, cmree to mite
it, 1px": usfii’eai tee; detainsrmt, .;?:,=;;';)':Ezs 72,, fionnke‘ry "vim the
Gee-d «J tn be If'x'f‘WJG to: 1"“:(51. the dei‘endeant, i,,.c.m;;),l;er, ens-v-
tieu, ”to .’.J'enny,” the aruwallee 1.i?E;I'€liZ'1, and he. himself he-
cz'):;ze subscribing: ")~'it)')ess, zil‘, as claimed by him, he
' . \ .. ‘21.);