xt70zp3vt865_239 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Hunter, Ballard v. Floyd County Kentucky Board of Education [Part II] text Hunter, Ballard v. Floyd County Kentucky Board of Education [Part II] 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_23/Folder_2/3088.pdf 1935-1936 1936 1935-1936 section false xt70zp3vt865_239 xt70zp3vt865 FLLRENQ§_CRISP, being the next witness called for the
Complainant, after being first duly sworn, testified as follows:-
A 1 Please st te you? name?
t 2 ”0 you have any objection to stating yaur age?
A. hot a bit. I am 57 years old
‘3 8 'fliere do ypu live?
A. I live at hartin
g 4 Are you some relation of hr. John otephens, former
“uper:_tendent of schools of this county?
A les sir I am his sister -
a 5 Do you know hr. Ballard hunter, present superintendent
of schools of this county?
A. Yes sir
g 6 Are you acquainted with hr. J. J. fieynolds and Bev
Sturgill? .
A, Yes sir
o 7 'Jere you ever at a meeting or sitting at which Ballard
hunter, Bev dturgill and J. J. ieynolds was present?
A net altogether they wasn't. I was at his home once when
bev dturgill was there
g 8 At whose home?
A. Jill deynold's home
u 9 Jas that before or after the teachers were hired for this
school year?
A Yes sir it was before
Page -151—
.'u lO fliere is 1,..r. ;{eyncld's home?
A. Its at Lartin
a ll ”id you see these men there during day light or dark?
n, It was after dark
2 12 Jho all did you see there?
In. I saw John Jarix, Ballard hunter and Bev fiturgill. I
don‘t believe I saw any more men folks there at that time
a 13 did you over hear the purpose of that.meeting or any of
the discussions?
A I didn't only what Bev Sturgill told me wa; all
iv 14 That did he tell you the puruosevras?
(Objection, sustained)
a l5 Jhen did he tell you the object of this meeting?
A. fell, that night while we were there I
, 16 About how long din these men stay there?
A fell I don’t know, I would guess it Was nearlyien o‘clock
when I got home and I left them there
Q l7 ”0 you know the purpose of this meeting?
A 30 I don‘t know the puroose of this meeting, except what
Sturgill told me
e 18 “id you have any conversation that evening with hr.
hallard hunter?
a. Yes
% 19 JJid he ask you anything with reference to the political
influence of any of the teachers?
or anyone else?
I (Overruled)
(Exceptions for the reason that counsel for Resvondent
Page -152-
is putting into the mouth of the witness the answer to the ques-
tion which he desires.
@Y 1.;—"1. __1_;_I_J_L __:_
I withdrawi;he question.
Q 20 Pleasestate the substance of this conversation with hr.
A. fell, now do y‘u want me to go and tell the conversation
me and hr. Hunter had altogether, or why we had this conversation.
Yell, anyway hr. Hunter cane into the dining room where I was;
thpt is where I was when he first approached me, with my brother,
John Stephens, and he asked me to get my brother to resign at
”inwood and th at he wouldget him a better school, and I want
your folks to be my friends, and I told him we would if he wou;d
let us --———~ He goes on and says that that school wasn't good
enough for man like hr. dtephens. I told him he would have to
talk to him, and I said hr. Hunter, while I am talking to you
I want to know if you are going to hire my teachers at Martin.
lLe said he didn't know what to do about it. I have recommended
good competent teachers. no, he went on to say that he had to
'elect two Board members, something about his hoard nembers, and
that he wanted teachers that have a good political pull, and
I said I reco mended teachers that had a good political pull
and influence. I was/recommending the Erasure boy, as I thought
he would be satisfied with a school somewhere else in the
county, nndth t I felt he Was a mighty good boy and I went on
and mentioned arkansas and I rent on to tell him.this boy had
a lot of kinsfolks living in Arkansas (on.Arkansas), and I
;entioned it that if yo don‘t hire these thachers it will hurt
you and not me; and he said, ”I guess they will be hired“
Fare ~153-
ci; 21) 14:; way 0:: ref: :3.-.'; .ng ymzr i’iemory, I will as}; you star
or not Lr. hunter asked you about oonia Belle Greer?
n. I had two talks with him about donia Belle, and I stated
to him that he had turned down a and I stated to him that he had
turned downzas a good a teacher as there was in Floyd County, and
had as good o voliticcl pull as there res, and he said don’t get
raw, we miyht fix her a place yet
1, 2R3 J10 zieL‘e :rlti rzafeitrizrf 'to {it thth title?
“. eonia Belle. 1 think that was about a week after that,
g 23 After that time did eonia Belle Greer get a school?
A. dell, it is not a school it is this Jelief business;
supervisor of schools; that is what she tells he she got
, 2d ”id you ever haveziny c nve sation with hr. John Jarix
relative to this hoard fiace?
A No, nothing to amount to anything
. 24 did you have any conversation with hr. farix pertaining to
a teaching yosition for this Greer girl?
A. I don't remember that I ever did. I mostly done my talk—
ing with hr. Zunter
, 25 how for is it from the home of J. c. Reynolds to the
Quoerintendeit's office?
A Jell I d n't Know, I guess about fifteen miles, that is
xy guess
FOE: £13.. 54311le 7T.
t 26 41d anyone else talk to you any time or place before the
election about the ocho 1 Board dace?
A Yes sir
Fore ~154—
27 .3110
A Lev Sturgill
Q 28 Jho else?
11L fell ---— ’.....-
g 29 Jid you talk to anyone else, or did you talk to Lenry
Porter about the School Board Race? '
A no I did not talk to Lenry Porter
a 30 ”id y'u talk to Yown hall?
u. i believe I saw Town hall et ”inwoodzat a speaking one
:ight; don't think he said anything abont'the Board dace, but I
did hear him
a Bl Town made a good speech?
:1. ".iell ----
g 82 Suited you pretty well?
"fies it s alright
e 83 Lambasted Ballard Hunter with a big stick, didn’t he?
“. I don't think so much -__: critized
fie object to this question.beceuse it has been heretofore
admitted that hr. Town Hall criticized the present administration
in some of his addresses to the voters, which was highly proper
(justained, exceptions
% 34 In that speech, in addition to criticising nr. Hunter,
did pr. Hall also praise and land the candidacy of Mr. thlders
and hr. Bailey?
Page ~155-
'A 8e didn't say so much about it. I tho ght the speech
was more based on the school children. 1 thomght he made a
nice 5 cech to the school children. 1 don't know
g 35 Did he say anything in thwt speech, or have any talk with
you a t any time or place about ballerd hunter being removed as
Jugcrintendent in the event hr. bailey and Mr. Childers sho ld
'be elected?
A. he did not
a 36 fid he say anything to you etih t time, or other tide
about his being elected superintendent of Floyd County, if hr.
Qailef and hr. Jhilders were elected?
A. he did not
a 37 :id he say anyth*hg to y,u at that time, or any other time
abort any other person being elected as county superintendent of
schools in the event that hr. bailey and hr. Childers should be
electedzas hoard Lembers?
A. No sir
Q 38 he did not HGHtiufl the name of yiur brother John Jte hens,
of yqor heohew, Slayborn oteghens?
A. No did not
333 FtREhgi jAlTE “QT
jQLIA_§§;;§_gg§g§, being the next witness called on
behalf of the Complainfint, after beihg first duly sworn, testi—
fied as follows:-
niagoiwggggggieiox 33 L3. 9: P. LZLL, 53$;R4Eg
303 COhPhglfth
‘_l Your name is Qonia Greer?
A. Yes sir
Pdde ~156-
x.2 .flwt Was yiur maiden name?
a “onia flannery
. 3 Are you a qualified teacher?
U. Yes sir
Q 4 Are you te_chiipjat the oresent?
4% l am_doing some type of work; it isn't regular teaching
a 5 fhat is the character of the work ycu are me: doing?
A I Cuess it is supervising york
, 6 fihat do you sufiervise?
A. All the schools of Hleyd Uouuty
xc 7 Jhyt is ygur age?
n. 22 veers
C) U , n 1"«r a m —». ~~.+-f-'-" r» ~-9 3 11'2": ‘7
e u 0 you dive a ohdleloOiS CGLulllCdue oi eUUCnfllwfl-
a. I have a standard certifiCTte
C“ ‘7 Q 't‘m "" ‘1‘ r". '11“ ”’1' r‘ a": I‘ ' "0 . a: t "1 1T ' ”77' ’f ”A ’~ 1 i ”I '1‘ ’6 “"3 'V m t f
,1 .4 A—U _b a beepiicl L: Ce; LlJ_lC<,-L e Oi suoei Mlsoi S cei til lCo. 8
,v, I’m-Hwy. 4“ h at . t . mas-as..- , l
u Loot is a teacuer s CLiLliLLabe
, 10 but is Vuur f ther's mane?
. "I U
in “fin. flannery
a ll Jhere dose your f ther live?
A Eis yostoffice is lartin. He lives at Bucks Branch
2 12 J0 ytu have very “any rglatives in Floyd County?
‘L “xi' , . .., .- a
. ies very deny
' 13 Vere you r comneuded for a teaching uosition in the
partin doesolidated school last year?
A. Yes sir
», l4; By’ifiiomfi
A The trustees of Lartin
g 15 Jere you hired for that school?
Page —157-
a No sir
\, 16 Jhen did y u co nence this work which yon are now doing?
“. Septeyhcr 23rd. I
, l7 Ins thtt before or after the hartin school co nenced?
4*. zii“te1? I
, 1; how did you first learn thrt you could get to do this
work as supervisor?
A. Well, titer I didn't get thesacho>l at hartin I heard of
welief schools and I came to see hr. hunter, and he nid he didn‘t
know right at present about it, but he told me he was going to
put on some supervisors, so they didn’t promise me anything
definitely, and later on I got a call, and this is the type :ork
he assigned me
a 19 ”id you make this trip down here before you started sneer—
vising in Segtenber?
a. Yes I did
I 20 Jas anything said between you and hr. hunter relative to
the Board of Aducation race?
A I don't renember, I think not, the best I remember right
A 21 Has anything said between yon and hr. hunter before the
Levember election?
A. 1 don't think hr. hunter said anything to me hinself
a 22 ”id anyone else say anything to f'u about the Board race,
that is, any one connected with the school administration?
a. fell, yes
a 23 Jho was it?
u. Ed Jright, mentioned something about my work and about the
election, and I believe hr. Burchett said something about it
Q 24 Jhit Burchett is that?
’ea~e —158-
in I don't know his first name
Q 85 “0 you know JHBILG? or not that is Ioodrow Burchett?
u. 1hit is the one
-. 2:6 filers I.I-Jere you and t 1711;} t ti:‘c:e did you line this con-
versation with hr. Surchett?
:.. I came down to the office one Saturday and he asked how
; was getting along with My work, and he said 1 should not work
so hard with the work I was doing but to do more electioneering;
and hr. Jarix said I think you could get some posters at Ailen
and tack up adv:rtising Board Members
g 27 fhet‘farix?
A. John farix
} 28 Ahet office?
A. County ”unerintendent's Office
m 29 Ihtt oosters did he refer too?
A. Ehose that had Jack branham's and dooley‘s name on them
a 30 Jid y;h get some?
A. no I didn't
g Bl JhereVJas hr. hurchett at the time he gave you this infor-
A. he followed me out in the hell as ILIeft the office
Q 32 Jhet o fice?
A County Juoerintendent’s office
3 33 You love st ted heretofore that you were sent for and
advised that you had a nosition, how and by Whom was this word
sent you?
A Ly father told me; said that, I believe, Ed fright sent
word to tell me to coueti-::;n 1331.14.11; the ori:"i::13.l
'41:“ rm” ;rwmw ~:,-11' 4'“ “‘~- 7 '-~ (330—7 "1' m-F’ t- firJtv‘} <“€“— a“?! “‘3 01'1"" 1
L\,..)\).‘._ L; ,3 .Llu'; _'_“. bile 3.«FJSU1.:Q_2_U11 141. 3.1.6 -.;.I.. 1.81:»; (111.1. Exit, V1-14 ....CL
not be ::7:;<:;11'i1‘=e=:1 to file same. I 3:13 i; tie root: :..;113 Lezxrd 111°.
‘1 ."‘ ‘1 ‘4.....» —. . :.. .r 1,. ..,.1, .- '1 ..,..1, 'V‘, . .' ., , v_ _' .1. ,1
1...L_Il.-I.!S Ebb-1. LC;.;.G1;t7 '.'.‘;L__C.L,1. 2:711:17 . €3-11- L1:-.1161. Julie '50.]...th 81L 1:91.16
13 ”133:“: ”L: the .1ies;;>ez1:1e;1t shouid not :.‘larv’e the j;.-l‘1v;l.1eg;;e 0:,“ 33111115
'5- “.'w ”a 'Nn'fl“ -I 1“, * j. {‘1'“ ‘1 r»' *.: 1":5' "“b/A "? "‘ cg '.‘.M 4‘ 1W1)”: ‘,"v" 4‘7} '11] WE fl. "2 ;C‘.
11:16 .’.e‘ 14.1. La .-1- (£109.: Luau/D., 2.1.3.}. LJLmV .1e11eue 11.er l¢|.,_,ifi b11e L1-.S ‘1...-(,’._1..n
.:. ,. _ .. . _ ~1,.~, . '1 1 -,..~ - . .._-"1 . ,1. . _.. . ., ,,
0;. that 3:.-sort 1111.11 no 1132.111 31:11:33.1; 1.0 .L-;e 3.1.119 c.1111 we <11; not
.. .._, ._. 9 .
7‘9”] '7 ~‘~ fi -'4 sz‘y ‘.q-n ;1;,-3i-rrv' 00.“ _l < 4- -,v> (1113?: 4-‘n “2"? tm— r1,“ .1.],1‘ 1" '~ "-
.J./.._-Le Je ._. b 71.19 »cJ. 9 ..1u.\l J.»w.-»1z.)_1.C b0 ... e _‘_1..;.-_ 9 1.1181,... ALL—301;) bu :11“ LO
..1, -. ,. .. .. .1. ..1-.~.: “y .2 . . ..,.
L...e 9.11%.1se of 11.1.1113 sage.
.371? ...'.F: . 3:. . 3-11333 :
1e 16 111': t yet ans-3:53:31. ::.e ”'..“:tgzesa to t ’1:; e e11: Case
of filinr‘s a evzajti51‘1ed 1:21;? att :3 ate-'.;. 00:33: 0:: title :9e_;ert
'.';‘f‘f 1.31. ZIILL:
Page ~133-
‘ £3 :d; t tth tlis 30 n3 lady visited @ll of tie oeiools
e:braced fiithl; her re,ort, but Lop qualificati as, 3“ he do, is
L101; 3:171 i t ted .
a 77 Does thus re ort also Show tle witflfe aid extent of the
investigwtions or recormenfietious made by you at every school?
(Objection,eusteinefig excepti-ns)
; 7- Tot far do y~u live from lrestCLSEHEQ?
A About l8 Miles
v 79 ”id 70$ say you l've a C097 of tats rejort at hofie?
A ’ Zes sir _ the :0 :1: so 0.99:”: to Ere 11:79 is the Juice}?—
Lryte;xie::t':3 O'tfsze ‘too
1?? .;i. Zuojogllls:— .
as 3 watts: of e gseiv hf tige l a iiillisf For gigs
tree? t: be not Titisretn fro; steni and rec lled tomorrow Jitliu
JV'CQ ti 0 she IO ld :;7e the op ortunity to yrooure he: Cng from
hon of this re art, and will say th;t I an advised to t due co
confusion of ?;cords in the SuperigtendeLt's of.ice follofiiog the
fire at the couTt house, that until tggs time we have not been
able to f;nd the origisel reports filed by her of tee: chogls she
visited and the nature of he: reoox;endetions as to each school
BY l3. ;;LL:
If the witness hefi no objection to Jortixg with her co.y
of t;*s resort, we have no objections to is: filing the sale, and
if she filed the same we will ejTee that all the items and contens
of seifl re ort a:; true.
Page -lQ7—
131’ 1 _iF-i . EL _- :13 :
4 ....- .?.4.. . ..:;' ..‘ .7. 1.. . '! A.‘. . ”1444.4 ,4. ,—
Are you ELll-u; Lo fille .11N the Swarm uLe c«ruuL 01W;
07: t3.“ is re 0‘31; 171’}? cl“:- ymg. .:.:e‘p‘t at" 3210:1163 not .111419- 'tgzzazl t0»
" 27:3: 3:1? ow :
A 1’. 1.111113: I have do 119 :‘1y “cart. I 13146-11491”; 1.:"; two ‘30 arts
iiiglclil-1.3211111121“ 0L1 ile 178.;1‘0851
'4 ‘4: 7 4 . :4 4 .4: .. .4 4.. 4.. , 44 4 .. -, "14.44.42! 14.- -- "- ..4-4,
‘.O .1;-.14- 3! U. .I.U.:.‘.:.z.-r.E~,11 til;- t -‘.—37.10.81, to 1..-e Luann, .1101. Lam-31'
.r .4 .. “1 ,. _ .,.4 4, Jo — (*7 .4
than LO:...1C>.‘1‘O‘~J, JLlie 53:11.13] , d (411111421177 :05 .1;/3’0?
A. les 11’ L 0:111 11‘13’161 1t; .4 :e 110 - ect 11711
BY 1 i . .113.Fi..1;11»}5:
STE 1.3-..2.? -
—- ' ' 4... .:; “444- .4... 4'.: 4.. 7,44,41,44 '4 .4 '4 ‘-. -- 4 . 4’3
1t lb Stlfluimtem u; LNG ,aru1ea N4.c1n LL L hue ye ort 31
1.1183 Greer shall De 1.5156311 :18 t1‘ue and '13:...1; witness 1.'..rou_.i..c1
v . :..? _ .. - .... . 4L. .. . .'. -' .. .,- .
131313 1113/ to al.. mama's set 0111 1:. 1.1.9 renurt.
"’ ‘A ‘ ’ .'II‘.’ 7'117 '- ‘A’T‘i '” » '- ‘ v, " ‘ '.'“."I' “
, 3.2114441 4444-11L4-LL4LLj-L4ELJP.
Q 23.1 131111111 the 5:11:41? 21:) .U‘IS UG:‘:§.QCE ‘...r113'1ch V 7.: 11:"..78 been :10 him
a" by) Rwy/"3001’: ..V’~‘4‘~.*e "‘ "1 t’:"r’7-="' 5‘ 9
'..:- Q L‘- v.1- . ..:...) . 9 ..J-.'; J 14‘” L, “Hi-”b $0.16-
- '\' 4 “ ,7: . “r 4.4.4 - .. 4 - 2: 4 .414. ”44.2.. " 4 .1
“'0 16;: .L \LLLd. _L hadgflt C; I":; (ll-1:33 (3,111.1 J. t-*.1‘J..4_.LJ.L SC); .‘e
—'-’l . “ . [4..—x
omen (311333968 too
3‘7 ‘1 ’ 44' : 44... . .. ‘.. .. ..’.M. ;. ‘ ‘1..444-.4 --
‘11; '1'-:2 ’JLd {‘;I'JUL {363.1011 3.11:; 1.1).? .1.. (44. 13d1‘118tL?
... Ker; maro- reeks suiaorrlirgte nor}; for 115.11
PM .4. 4 .. 4. ‘- 4- 4. 4‘ ”\f“
.. 1.113.511; ‘.f:;.{:.) 119 (if-I'LLILEDB
“‘ ‘ 4 .. 7... ..- 1. . .1 , .1... 4 .- ".-. .3. '. L. . LL 4..... ;. , ,.
n. J. duA' t 4.110.. 11s ..;,1.-4.....L ..;..:.\,re 46.4.11 1::.-1.11;. L); 3e 0.:. word.
(.:.-Ove to strlfie)
- 1," . r 4., 1" ml".- “" *1 run. 4' '.. . ' '
.31.- J...'_'?.n 1101.40le ‘»JV‘.A;J’Q:— QUEELHLC—L 1T2
kage -m68-
Q 84 lflmvvms R. C. Barnett for in the seheil race?
n. he electi,neered on Luek‘s Branch for Palierd ?uuter's
g 85 ihe were tney?
A. breuheu and Cooley
e 56 gid y u have any conversation with ;r. A. C. barnett as
to yeur substituting for him?
“. Yell, he came to see me abeut it
3::: A :1 . ‘.4: (Obj. e e tion )
Q 87 fihere wexe yo; HXEK at the time hr. Barnett came to see
yeu about this matter
A I was ii the restaurant my husband 0 eretes
e 85 Jhere?
n. Lartin
f 83 tht, if anyttieg, did Mr. Beruett say to you relative
t0 year sup lying or substituting for him?
(Objecti n, evegruled, excepti:n)
A Le said Lr. flunter had ordered me to go u there and suid
but had lost it
Le had exiritteu erder in his ;ocket,/s0 I theug t he aid, efld
just went ahead
L15 ,JR. Ziegt;;;'5:
Love to strike the answer of tee witness a; the grounds at
her assumption.
(Overruled, excepti us reserved)
a 90 ”id hesaey‘ghese he obteiuefi this writing?
a he suii Jr. ?unterg;.ve him a note and he said re had
lost it.
Page —169_
£'::¥L:;J___C___1_., being; the 1:263:13 Witness ce;jJ..le
if LR. HILL: ‘
a 31 In as much as L?. Lobsrt Loore has been igeioted for
@erjury in testiHOey, I Uondef Whethey or got you no id like to have
the Ariviiege of withdrawing tbiswrriting and filing it Water if
A Yes I rouid, if needed
LY LE. 7.: ~.f:{1‘§f<[1§;3:
3e abject to the iithdrawing of the original writing
filed as evidence herein
BY 43. IELQ:
Q 32 at the tige this belting was thded to you, 5?. Hoore,
was anyth mg skid between you age fir. iunter, or betteenizmneueebz
Page -l78-
hr. hunter and Eoburt Loore, relative to the Board Jase?
u. fell, not any more tren gr. Lnnter gicked up some ;andi-
date cards and handed them to us and said that was his men to
be for them
Q 38 Jhose names were on those cards? if any one?
A, Brennan and I disrenenber at the present who else's none
was on then
3 34 In order to refresh your menory, I wil; ask you if was
'i. J. (Bill) Cooley?
A. Yes sir
Q 35 Jid Lr. Zunter give you any instructi ns an to whet to
do with these c :qaign cards?
A. Le told us to scatter them among our friends u; there
a 36 fee the e enyth.ng said as to how long the girl vorlfl
te oh the school?
A. not any more than that writing shows there
Q 87 By way of refreshing your memory, I will aSk you whether
or not Hr. hunter at that time said, in substance, “If everything
was satisfactory she might teach another month??
A, i don't remember
Q 38 Had hiss Anderson taught s,ne before you obtained this
A. I don’t recall whether she had or not
FOR 3133; CETJEQE, '
a 39 £0 refresh your recollection, hr. Moore 2 will ask yr:
if hiss Anderson hofl not taught ten days before?
A. She taught sane, I don't know how neny d ys
Page -l75—
«g 40 JLJicl you tell Mr. Hunter there at that time that hiss
Anderson had a certificate?
A. No
Q 41 do you know 3. C. filliott?
A. Yee sir
Q 42 Had you talked to hr. Elliott about hiss Aniersou teach-
ing as a substitute
A No sir
Q 43 Did you tell fir. Elliott that hiss Anderson had a certi-
A He sir
Q 44 iid you tell him she did not have?
n. J"on't remember that I told him she did not have; don't
think we talked on that q