anmmnnmmlth nf flCanrkg.
@hirty iflirat JJuhirial Biatrirf nf iKvnturky.
ifllnyh (Ilirmit Olnurt.
__._.j,B_e.v-I-vflel,l,on ,, , ,, Contestaniend. ,_Plaintiff.

Versus Notice to take

. a Depositions.
,,, 331553 Goble, Cont 38?? e and? ,, , Defendants.

The _Agontestee and ©er 6 11.91%,‘9; 939113§§9P391w_,_
will take notice that on theJ_.clay of___fl@L19§§, ,,
at the law office of H arlcins 6' H arkins,-Prestonsburg, Floyd County,
Kentucky, the—09,313LS'1‘JQQLVWW...._k._herein will proceed to take the‘
depositions 0f___€3m.‘;_____ifiifiiw ,,Ae__-id
witnesses, to be read as evidence on behalf of the, Contestant ,
in the above entitled action pending in the Floyd Circuit Court.
The taking of said depositions will be continued from day to day,
Sundays excepted, until completed.

This_45imda,y of,,-,_m§eptemb£r» 1335;“, 191_.

. wBev MelldggLAm_W# __

Service Acceptedz- By Harkins ‘5' Huggins, .
Eli'ge Goble \ ”ma/‘5'