xt70zp3vt865_311 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. Towell and McFarland et al. v. Weddington, Ballard and John text Towell and McFarland et al. v. Weddington, Ballard and John 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_28/Folder_4/9183.pdf 1899 1899 1899 section false xt70zp3vt865_311 xt70zp3vt865 W Genera: 35$:handise... O O .
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«L: -p. , , flé/fl/éflm, wéng‘i—f » #009. .

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ngw M/ flz/WW ”7;, L fly
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ifllb/ w/ farm /M/I/LL/ 7%; fl/Mflt Jfl’zfl
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7” ZW—J ZZW M WK fi/Wwv WWW/ya
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may fie @a/L4d/Lt/I/L/Laé7ll/ 7/L/{MZZfl 76
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70‘“ MI. 414/17 Ala/f W , - ' .L

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 E‘A ? T' C I F C U I T U C U R T .
J.F. Towel; and Dan McFarland, uaruhants and yartrqrs,
_ tradinfi in the Firm name and style GE Towei; ¢ Acflariund,
Joaeih h. Iaim gnu John PGHDLQV9 »““13h3?? “Nd 5*VfiP‘T9a
trad1n1 in the YLWM name and Style of Helfi and Peebles,
'"' 'V’ ' T "‘ ,‘, ,_ 7V ~ ”a ‘,‘. .» P 1 V {‘7' ..'; f. '.:‘ . r, ‘ . ,1
Gnu C.L.Huual¢, quw;‘;w u ffi~ ”mini? m' v.h.mlb33, :ia1nt1ffia
. ,’ ~ , . . .
Agalnst / Petition fairy,
Ma;;urg Weddington amfl J::a fi9fidju ton, Defendants.
The fi;a1ni1st, J.F.Tewel¢, an» wan Acfiafiand, herahauts and
mm“... 1 ,,‘ ,.,;.‘,. . ».,._ ~ m;_ .,. ,, 4,. , ,, - ,‘ ._45- f: .-. ; “ '~‘«- “ r. H"
rqrbLQTb, icnu¢ug 1M fine Lifm ndme and style 5L Lowell u mcflariuhu,
«r ..”—“n v ifi- v: .7 .‘ ,..“ x \. f ‘ "'Y flywml xi ,,.”,1 “‘v, a. “Hymm -.( r '
(TUQ’CJ-pl; a. \343. i .‘L , it}. s . H ‘i , " ‘ z. i . , f 41.1.», ‘1’»1-1111:
in the fivm numa'mnd style of Reid A DaaLies, and 9.0. Mcu¢i*,
-‘- - «w ...." v. 1< H. nan « " ~‘ _'r' n . ' I t — ‘- -:.
awn;Aan Lu; to? matuuw g? J. h. g¢nbg, deceased, say: Thdu on tun
8 (Lay af‘iFatflhxaxfil. t}uzy ;ve:x> +73% “*Wifi“fi%? {ari fi11 tlwa 1mstesvjioxl 0;? a
, ., , ' , . . ..,,V, ._ ~ ‘, .,. ~ ,V: g L ,. '. ‘ ~‘-r,. :.N. ,. ; -‘ ..,‘v.
certdln tr&c+ u? pa¢00l bL L&nu, sitauuid in Pine mughty heatwuny,
an the “afiavn a? flhé '1? Sandy River, uni bouniai urd m%3CTlUBd
folLym; iL’-»*:'L::11;i.':I, .- a :_; r‘ (11".?- 1. ._Lf.11-9 ‘Lmtvreen
??,437-Inolds 2.17m; Jam: Steal; '.:':mli.:j..:1gi ‘1: {use $1.1; 5.1111; "33"." '
" _'irav'an <2 f‘nr—r baa}: _Lilm; memm :‘r‘uzznilw 1211-4 1.13:: {7:41-1:13}
"LiV'n9, 1r¢1fl1 451% 1M;C:i 11114 (‘V TCA;;;;4; ”:3 y:.@ u. is: ’tg= utxuijfluiaruil
3.11:2» betvmxm M. «ii . TL—wyno 1-6m {and (Fiona? 'L'ey)":,o_l-«;1:2:; ‘rh‘wcr .:‘1,1:;:;i:.,: ._:
:Cfi- fTA flLiis t¥*h 213‘ confiifilonai line to the Tiv#r; +1>ncw
p); c 4: )1: ‘ -~ ~ .v +1.; +-;~.- .‘ r' +13. 1.0 3 2 - 4.-‘::~.~.~,w-.v.x ,
w ».-~«,.Lu ml» iva J. :..».a'. ‘-.».4.V..,._.. __ an; W, .-f --‘ ..,L-...-, “.’.ruw‘»
dawn the River to the Mouth of Trq wig Thcui branch; théLC? rurslf;
«A n». u - L‘ » ‘1' ~ ._. -: ' n 1*. ,.r',~ V ,nwrw : ~..' '1
‘ ',‘-\‘TOCC‘ filth 11’1” .I....hIl'.l '.:‘ ‘L..L..L,._LL1"1 WHEY’HOlKLD, to the CLIILU.J.TuLOlA-Cli line
between J0?J1:Yiael and K. C. Efiyucids; +Eufimxa TuhfiihG with waid
; - , . ; . , :
:v R - " n ’
‘ , 4
'. 4‘

conditional iin%, between iteal dhfi veyhciés, ta tLe Letiurinfi". It
teiwi fha land “illiam Reynolds purchased fyofi c. Feywoiju, 314
5.11“ .‘ -. a 1 t'fl‘u‘ "r’wi 'ri::' mum?
particular aLd hattflr flescripilon GP field beanie?v $5 i016, réfferw
a,“ 1n A~fl€ __ A, #3 wwafi MCGQ by G. Weynol4fl uLd Life to Kiliium
-rVWfii-u, Ham Cf yacsri j; 1‘: gilt Scarf? -0u“f¥ 110: ”EAwE iaLH
FlalntiYTS have a 19in For fevt, ¢3Lazaft aux cont.
flint Q: 9¢ix u'v, tkrfid h 33%;? A??Qfin1YW, halter 7.
Harkins avg L. E. uaotan, they asiE 13;} Land 1; .pm Weremnanfiv,
gmiLfiYC Wéédi: fan ERG ucku Teddi; ion? at ihe awréba Ligoa Q3
4 % ISCCfig rLific i1: .714 yuliuTA aidifiafcv sax John Wadfiihyton,
agreed and pwami1éi fig pay is f}: 331% Alfiiflfi: A, A; 3‘ anJt fni
E iav a? HAT,§889,bxt have failed to &0 as, and said gma¢ufi, is new
3L1311, g atxt '1;si, :1: f Tu1sj.1v gzgg’,3:a, '. 1.: %W§Aia1x?a i cg? £119 no} t: {ct
in firiflnj, uflier SRiJ flats, which is in ”3:i5 nu" fifigvaé a: VGL»
lQUT : ” Goai Run, Ky., Feb. 8, 1885.
This arfiLfila :7 Affieauent, made and anféfiéd Lats, on the
. 3130173 .XQitflEZ
:LLtlzecuarytE1: 'T}Mif‘ u'éifiteus 57. F311G111.:; :u1 L 7:. ‘-. 'aCu:+»?IL, .fl+vT(DIW79E’Ca
iL f;3+, F09 Towel; a NCParlahf, J. L. Fibha, aufl iafid g iafiui a,
lxnre +J113 «lay, 120153 *0 3;. 31ml 9. ldfixfiliflfifini, ark? fmlun 01' 111101 01’
lzu10., 11‘0Tn; {MI fit? ‘Eilgiisig ixafiw;c_LLn 'Pafinu. lji;:r_ :1- f5; »; f1"fi‘, #1;
Pike figufity, Tenfucky, for the sum 0? Fifteen Hunired collar ;
‘fi-J,G. :;J. 1“ +4‘ ‘ 'th‘i =. :;"S*2uf.‘@ A ¥”krr¥ (iii a; Zme, liwrtfl
at Thich time, tr? u“Lwte a; Gle i0 d, ri¢i ”21% fr tr: 5“» In :;¢,
:1 jQQJ any: *uaiflu:iev‘ Irwai fie sajgi Farng lult, 131 the :xnnwf that
1‘? an x ;:;,y' :::axm:3¢c, f lilvi. i'iflur ~J 1 (,2 j I t n % 1;:A can 2"?in;.fuj73*u', f.IA? 13(11‘fgleaca 12f”
the Second part, agrma anj bind fi»g¢4;v*w, +0 yr? FmL‘ :C3‘1{Lfl
31:1, tr +61; 5%3?1 th YJM is b? paid as rental fie be ievfii?v -;”9
HJL-H“‘, W‘ ;. *,q '»¢: fi‘fd af.u ‘1‘“ t>>*1- "5, .1 . u? ”f?
icuructvéumn+'; oz: *fi};i EYLULW ;:: %‘-= ‘fni ::' " , i~m2 g xi: Ot1FiVT;.T', L

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» .2 2 . .- . .2 ~ L 4. 3.2 2' .2152mm auwmed and. 7152;; \2’6521‘92LL to :J.3’3"s.
f'. ~L¢ ; .‘....a. .'...“... . . 4 .4 _ . _ , ..
1.1712); .».2; r2..1.~.'.w L-JL'; ’ . : .'. 1 .'.. .." . .._ .4 2 =.' 2 '
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Lu..-“ :..J;..,-, .27, .L. 2. . . 5 .1: ‘ _‘. .' ’,'; 2.9 .
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