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liAPliIlES _ £1 915;; ‘_'}3 " TBA 01‘ WEDGE}; l '7 .
LT_1;%E;f—g;-iilu ELL— .i-f} LIT-1191?“. fiééflfit ij_:_ -
Ti 53 CHI, F37116G< CG? LEE}: {}C931;f ITTLAETC}: (3 . lLTT”' ’JCiifi
I .
* OF SAIEIAfiflflXfliPnALflI,CE fiOfoihh, I. LOX:
‘, -————n.———..-\.-......-..._
3 This tract or land was once owned by John E. Farris,
; who gossibly made the first entry or survey on the greater
‘ DOrtion oi the whole tract. John 3. Kerrie was one or the
‘ early settlers of Mloyd County, anc married a daughter 01
‘ John Graham. While the surveyor's records 01 lioyc County
ShOW'nO surveys made for said John b. narris in the Vicinity
of this tract, yet the deec recorcs speak oi surveys being
made for him; and he owned this land ana also a large surrounuing
territory for many years before his oeath.
On June 9, 1856, Deed Look "s“, yage 150, in consioeration
of $2OU paid, John E. Karrie and his tire, rabitha, conveyuc to
William Goble 159 acres of land on the hawrence Iorx of Gov Creek,
being a part oi this tract heroin abstracted. This fined as;
acknowledged June 9, 1656, by John 1. lorris, and on October B,
1850, by Tahitha harrie, heiore J3 es Trimhlc, Flory, and rccorcec
October 9, 1856.
On August 9, 1858, need hook “F“, page 590, iiliiax J. ,nyo,
as sheriff or filoyd Founty, conveyec to atrium LKVCU, in concfucrw—
t1011 oi ~.lC) as yyultfitasc/ggrixze zinc ;;.errice:; LCLL oirt ll (iecé-, 15c
acres or land, being an old survey or John B. Lagric, on the Lomrencc
york of Cow Green. This oeeo was acknowledged Cctote; 8, icon,
beforraigdwir1ifrinflflxa, Ge «ms? for Jannes thhnblcz, Clei :, one iréccrucc
harch 30, 1865. Elie deed was mace it "ursuencs to revy ano sale
under execution in favor oi said haven against John L. Lerris, at
which sale haven became purchaser at yrice or '10.00.
. hOHE: This deed is dated at the beginning as AuLuet a,
1658, ano at end as September 26, 1560.
On Iovember 28, 1866, Deed Boon ”h", yage $38, in
consideration oi :120. 39in, latricx haven and his wife, .arthe
conveyed to Jillian Goble, Jr., this same 150 acres on leniencc
fork oi tow Green, acouireo by raven uncer ioretoing phcriii's
“ deed. Achnoxledged by both grantors Lovenber 2c, 1660, ociore
John G. Johns, Clerk, ans being Sbymyeh as recuireo by law, was
., recorded January 6, 1869. v
j . EOTE: This tract, together with the iorepoing tract ac nircc
'f by Jilliam Gotle irom John E. Harris, mare up the whole oi the tract 1
29‘ herein abstracted and known as the Killian Gotle iarm.
3” L ’Iilliam Goble owned ano lived on and occupied this lwihl ;
ijfipni _from the time of acquiring same up until his ceath, whicfi occurred _
ggfififi about the year 1682 or 1885. He died intestate and lejt his Wioow, L
:%figfi__ Eartha Goble, and the following named chiloren as his heirs-at—law: g
- I it

 1. James Goble,
, 2. H. J. Goble, (or Jeff.) '
3. George W. Goble,
‘ 4. Jacob Goble,
5. W. J. Goble, known also as A. J. and Jack.)
' 6. C. C. Goble, (or Lick.)
. 7. hartha, wife of I. J. oizenore.
, 8. Jane, wife or I.J. harris
‘ 9. Eliza, wife of Cain Keith
10. nary, wife or James hurchett
ll. lrancess, wife of R. l. Horald.
On July 25, 1885, heed book "L", page 265, in consideration of
$100.00 paid, Jeff Goble, (or H. J. Goble) conveyed to A. J. Goble
and C. C. Goble, ”A11 title and interest he has in the land on
Lawrence Fork of Cow Creek, in Floyd County, it being his undivided
part of the farm and land owned by William Goble at his death on the
said creek. The deed contains no warranty, and sells grantor's
interest in the growing crop. Acknowledged July 25, 1885, beiore
G. R. Davidson, Clerk, and recorded on October 20, 1885.
NOTE: The "A. J. Goble" mentioned as grantee in this deed is
the same heir of William Goble set out as "W. J."
On June 25, 1886, Deed book N, page 71, in consideration of
8100. $50. paid to each female grantor, hancy Jane Harris, (late
Goble) and T.J., her husband, hartha Sixemore (late Goble), and
T.J., her husband, conveyed to Harmison & Richmond, (a partnership)
the undivided interests of the female grantors in the lands owned and
occupied by their father, William Goble, on Cow Creek, at his death,
and their expectancy in the widow's dower. lhis deed was signed only
i by the Harris's, who both acknowledged same on June 25, 1886,
_ before G. G. Davidson, Clerk, and was recorded on April 50, 1887.
l On August 50, 1886, Deed Book "N", page 142, in consideration
of 360. paid, Martha Sizemore and f.J., her husband, conveyed to
harmison & hidhmond, (a partnership) her undivided interest in said
estate. Acknowledged by I. J. Sizemore on August 50, 1886, and by
hartha bizemore on April 15, 1887, before G. h. Davidson, clerk, and
' recorded June 50, 1887.
On December 25, 1895, heed Book "T", page 595, no consideration
expressed, but says same is paid, Isaac nichmond, as surviving partner
of the firm of Harmison & Richmond, conveyed to John a. Harris the
two foregoing interests in William Goblc's estate set out by the two
_ immediately preceding items, being the undivided 2/11 interests.
f Acknowledged December 24, 1895, before G. h. Davidson, Clerk, and ‘
’ was recorded on march 20, 1896. This deed recites as follows: ;
‘ "Contracted to A.J. Goble, but by contract between him and said John
i Q. Harris, the said Harris paid us for the two shares, and the said
Harmison & Richmond were to convey the said two shares to said John Q.
Harris, and the said Harmison having departed this life without :
. having made the deed to the said Harris, Now, 1, Isaac Richmond, as
surviving partner of the first of Harmison & Richmond, do hereby &c."
On June 16, 1890, Deed Book "P", page 151, in consideration ,
of $400 paid, C. C. Goble, K. P. Herald and lrances, his wife, James '
Goble and Lizzie, his wife, and Martha Goble donveyed to William J. :
' Goble their undivided interests in the William Goble estate; and C. C.
' Goble, in addition to his individual interest, also conveyed the '
f half of Jeff Goble's interest, acquired by him and A. J. Goble, tA.J.
‘ Goble being the same person who is mentioned in this deed as the
l grantee William J. Goble.) Acknowledged June 16, 1890, by C. C. Goble,
Eartha Goble, widow, K. P. Herald and Frances herald, before E. T.
7 Riley, Notary Public, for Republic County, Kansas; and on July 5,
g 1890, acknowledged by James and Lizzie Goble before G. B. Davidson,
gin . Clerk. Lodged for record July 5, 1890, and recorded July 12, 1890. L
“x“nah" . ~ .

 ~ ,‘, «. men-:ry’vx-o;'Iwwfiv"N-Neawm‘kéN‘YK»'WW."TVWW'Ji‘.'HWg :LwaMeruw-vwa-FWr-‘sthWfiwgesWWu." .mf' -.>
1 On September 17, 1890, Deed Book ”F”, page 316, in consideration
J of 850 paid, nary Burchett and James, her husband, conveyed to william
I J. woble her l/ll undivided interest in said estate. Acknowledged
; September 17, 1890, by both grantors before Jo. n. Lavideon, deputy
§ ior e. h. Davidson, clerk, lodged beptember 17, 1890, and recorded
. September 20, 1890.
' NOTE: The foregoing conveyances are all found on record rrom .
' the heirs of William Goble, deceased. firom these Conveyances, tO'MB i
I last date mentioned above, we find that Tilliam J. Goble had legal 1
- title to six heirs( shares, being 6/ll; that three or the heirs, .
Jafiob noble, George H. Goble, and Eliza Keith retain legal title to
their shares, each being l/ll; that harmison & nichmond (a partner—
ship), hold title to two shares, or 2/11, which later was conveyed a
John Q. harris.
On July 5, 1890, Deed Book ”I”, page 281, in consideration or
$189.60 paid, Hilliam J. Goble and hate, his site, conveyed to Halter
S. harkins the minerals, rights and easements, including the oil and
gas, in, on and under 465.70 acres of land on Lawrence lork of Cow
Creek, being the William Goble farm. Acknowledged July 5, 1890, by
William J. Goble, before U. n. Lavidson, clerk; and on August 27,
‘ 1890, by hatie Goble, before Jo M. Davidson, deputy for G. 1.
Davidson, clerk, and lodged for record on same date; recorded ,
September 8, 1890.
MUTE: This deed makes no reservations or exceptions and reads
as ii conveying the minerals, etc., on the whole tract, but at the
consideration of 50c per acre, which was the amount being paid by
W. b. harkins for mineral rights and easements at that time, the
consideration as expressed in this deed pays Ior nine—elevenths
(9/lm) of the whole, and this is what dilliam J. Goble claimed to own
at that time. However, as stated before, the records aid? title in ,
him for only six—elevenths (6/11).
REEARKszAgain, the contract spoken of in the deed made by lsaac ‘
Richmond, surviving partner &C., to John .. Karrie, as being made ‘
between said Larris and Jilliam J. Goble was made arter his E
conveyance of the minerals to harkins, it may be this contract ‘
' provides for the title of harkins in these two shares or 2/11. '
As the records now show, the title of harnins is gooc ior é/ll V
, and. bad for 5/11. ‘
_u-ur———————rv~—a—m l
1-‘ 1
‘ On May 19, 1891, Deed Book "Q", page 95, in consideration
of $150 paid, william J. Goble and Latic, his wife, conVeyed to
1 John Q. harris this tract oi land, making no reserVations 01 the
' minerals sold to harkins. Acknowledged by both grantors on hay 9,
T 1896, before 0. B. Karrie, deputy 101 o. k. Lavioson, clerk, lodged
hay 11, 1891, and recorded August 27, 1891. This deed says that
= it conveys all the land except the interests of George z. doblc and '
f Eliza fieith being l/ll each.
John s- narris and wife sold this same land to a. J. harris
and hebecca harris; and they sold same, part to h. h. and busan foods,
, and the rest to Lee and rilton Woods. h. L. Joods and wire solt a
f snell part to James A. hall, who has solo sane or a part to one or his ;
4 sons. Hoods also sold a part to Lhomas banders. Zhese are present ;
3 surface owners. ‘
“‘.“-.- - . , “m.,... _ > 7 , fl” ,,“ _ ,._-,.-,..,, .77 .., “nae.“ . - ~ WV -- ......u..." .....-_.

 -. Know all men by’ HM se presents: that [WWW/Muldw Floyd
C'oz.lnt_y, Kentucky, have this day contracted and sold to T. C'. It, T".4JV'UE (3’ ('0, the
following described traet of land situated in Floyd County, Kentucky, on the zeaters
of W.W...L.....Creelc, a, tributary o/‘Big‘ Sandy Itirer, at the priee of‘.-.}%.’t(/}& 5%;

’ dollars per acre. The same is bounded and described as follows: //
0n the ’East by the lands of _J/% WMW. V ., . .
0n the South by the lands of ém-.. .__. “@O’WLQ-
0n the W” est by the lands of/‘Zt/U’Ve/V WOW . ,
Containing about //00 acres more or less and which I represent that I am the
owner of free from all i n07wnberanee.

I hereby undertake, promise and agree to eonrey to said THAT/’1'] (3’- F()., or as-
signs, the title to the foregoing described tract or pa reel of land at any time within
gongoonths from this date; or if not made then for any reason as soon thereafter as
the lands are run out, area aseertained and title examined, and oonveyanee ma dye;
which I agree to do and have done at the expense of said VflJWYE 6‘ (70.

Should said land be not conveyed to said VZ/LN' CE §~ ('0, in eomplianee with this
contract then the same to become void at their option.

Witness my hand the 262 day of ”@Q‘zfifét 1891.

Wit ess: . I ,, A;
y M 911%
Cit/(”0M ‘

M. T. Greene, S.R.Frazier Jr., F. J. O'Connell,
Frost. & Treas. Secretary. V. President &
G012, 3.2'g'r.
Yellow Poplar Lumber 30., .
Seal Grove, Ohio, May 28yh '02.
I hereby agree to deliver to you at the mouth of
Jones‘ Fork into main Beaver all the legs I now have in that creek,
and to be put into that creek, com'hg from the trees purchased of
Dingus and other parties, and any other such trees that will pro—
duce good merchantable timber. Ho logs to Te under 30". In
Other words, all logs to be 20" and up regardless of lengths, and to
be measured as is rulahle in :easurihg timber in Sandy Valley.

I The percentage shall not exceed over 60% of the smallest
sizes, which would he 25" and up. Payments to be made with roux
maiths acceptances when measured and tillies sent to your office at
Coal Grove. With a distinct understanding that in case these
logs are not out owing t: want of water in main Beaver, such paper
as you have given in settle shall be renewed in four months.

Measurements are to be made monthly, and each month's meas—
urement to be settled for at once with a four months acceptance.
Price per cube lS—l/b certs.
witness: J. F. Daniel, and Stephens.

John Finlayson,
T. J. O‘Touuell, V. Pres. & Gen. Mgr."
. 2 .

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