xt70zp3vt865_42 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. January-August 1907 text January-August 1907 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_8/Folder_1/16000.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_42 xt70zp3vt865 L; h ', l . . r
" H.H.)L\Y. /fi6
A'I"rnu.\'l-:Y AT LAW, ’
TAZEWELL. VA. Jan. 2 1907.
fiHMWUMBig Sandy Ceal and Coke Ccmpany -‘-- leases —-~——~
Walter S. Harkins, Esq.,
Prestcnsburg, Ky.
Dear Sir:--
The Beard of Directors cf this company at a meetng
. held tc act upen matters and suggesticns contained in ynur letter
of recent date upon the subject cf making leases for mining cf COal
and manufacturing ef coke upcn its properties, were unanimcusly cf
the epinien that such leases should be made, and that diligent ef-
forts shnuld be used in that direction, provided the same could
be cbtained upen the fullcwing revalties and tenus, te-wit:-

. (1) Leases to be mzde in blecks cf 500 to 1000 acres, and such
blocks to be laid off with reference to the streams, and ether
topographical conditions, and te be laid off 50 teat other adjain-
ing properties wculd not be rendered inaccessible for leases,
and for mining and removing coal to market.

(2) Right cf way by railway or otherwise to be reserved
ever leased premises to reach its other or adjoining properties

, for mining fir removing coal from such other lands, and improve-
‘\ ments nade on leased premises to be s acnstructed as net to

interfere with the most reasenable and practicable route icr rail-
way to such adjoining properties.

(5) Leases to be made upen royalty of 8 cents per ton of
2000 pounds, payable quarterly, minimum royalty of 93.00 per acre

 ._ . ‘t , ‘.
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A'I'TUMNI‘IY A'l' I1A\\'.

w. s. H. #2 .

after tie first year. Royalty to be paid on the coal actually

mined the first year.
, (4) Royalty of 12 cents per ton of 2000 pounds on all coke

manufactured from coal mined on the leased premises.

(5) Acreage of tracts given and stated in deeds of con-
veyance to the company for its said preperties. and for the pur—
pose of lease, tn be m.ken as correct, with the right however to
lessee to make resurvey at his own expense during tma first year,
by competant Surveyor to he agreed upon between the lessor and lessee.

(6) In the event that part of a tract only is included in

' the lease, the line or lines of subdivision of such tract to be run
and areas thereof included in lease to be ascertained by platting.

(3) The contract or deed lease to contain the usual cove-

. ' hints.fcund in mining leases of die Pocahontas Coal and Cfike
Cempany in the “lat Top Coal Field,
We enclose you statement of preperties of the campany
‘ Wlfil reference to the streams, and would be glad if you would have
Mr. Weldingtsn to make a sketch of these properties, so thm; we may
determine how these properties sheuld be laid off into blocks.

xix is the Kristen sf 8x 9K hay that ik? afifinefikififi
slang the KXRRK and nhflh? mafia an aaawmmalhnanun xxmuxdxhexknmmx
11He-reifsnd11a1nd--1£il.l.e.r .pI‘ operties-.on.-Ahhn.t.t1101L::;ek..in.-annthel:.1l.aas€ -... .

 . .. " 5 . ‘. ‘.

It is the cpinicn nf Mr. S. D. May, whcse infmxmaticn
while quite limited, is much better than other Directors of the
Cempany, tha; flue prnperties cf the cempany may pcssibly be Tlccked
for leases as follcwsz-

(l) Twwn Branch properties, James Cueley tract,nn Bull
Creek, Middle Creek properties and adjeining properties on
Bull Creek.

(2) The properties on file West side of Town Branch, Jim
Cooley tract, l;ddle Creek preperties and adjoining properties
on Bull Creek.

‘ (3) The properties on East side cf Tenn Branch and the adjuin—

ing properties en Bull Creek.

(4) The preperties on Abbott Creek.

(5) The properties on River, Southeast side cf Stevens
Branch, Stevens Branch being a tributary 0f the River.

(6) The preperties On River and Stevens, nerthwest cf Stevens
Branch and on little Paint Creek .

(7) The follewing preperties an Bull Cr ek, to-wit Dotson
Calhcun, and A.J.Wright, which can he reached frum t}e meuth wf
Bull Creek.

It is however, the impression 0f Mr. May that the Turner
Branham property adjoins the Calhoun property, and if so, it may be
pcssible and practicable tn mine the ccal frcm the head of ann Eranclr

however, he is of the opinion that it w‘uld he more practicable to

 . '. . " ‘.
" H.1LAIA\1

W M, #4 .
mine the Bull Creek preperties mentisned by read from bis mo th
of the Creek.

. It is his impression that the Wallen Troperties adjoin
the Fiddle Cr? k properties and the Cieley tract. If so, the coal
in these might he mined from Town Branch or Tiddle Cr ek.

, If you can haye hr. Weddingtan tc make us a pencil
sketch if the tracts mentinned showing the continuity cf the tracts
we could then better determine haw to block these properties.

Our people are anxious that yvu do nvt lose the cppirtu-
nity of making a judicious lease sf any if these properties to
a good lessee, and we have therefore gone quite fule into this
matter that ypu may be in positisn to take the initiative-Jiti ‘uur
New Jersey 11,5811.

Mr. May had 1yite a conference with Mr. T. P. Trigg at
Abingdan, Va., last Saturday, and Mr. Trigg talked as though he and
his as sciates weuld take a lease ef she tswn Branch preperties,
Middle Creek properties and adjrinin; properties on Bull Cr eek.

We do not own a great deal sf the property on the east
side of town Branch, and if it xxxxxxanx is impertant to reserve
fer develepement any preperty we may have on Bull Crn k it
should he dime.

The matter of lease will be Gikfifl up with Mr. Trigg
from fiiis place so seen as you and Er. Weddington iurnish us with
sketches requested.

.‘.'I‘TH RN IC Y A’l‘ LA H',
SUI-Ll EC'I‘ - %IA-S .
In making sketch, it is desired that yhu ShUW therecn '
the intervening preperties cf others that would solidify cur
several parcels; fur instance, the Kigh fierris properties lie en
the River in front cf our liddle Creek prayert4es and Jim C Gley
'tract. This shculd be Shawn en fi1e sketch.
The Jim Banks preperties lie between the C uley tract
and certain cf our Bull Crack prcperties. We enly cite :hese tracts
to shew ycu that we want these intervening tracts shcwn en file
sketch, and we feel satisfied that Mr. Wed ingtcn‘s thcrcugh
knowledge and infcrmaticn 0f the land will enable him te dc this
quite easily and promptly. '
Your prcmpt attentien to these matters will Le
appreciated. ’
Veurs truly,

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