xt70zp3vt865_47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. January-June 1911 text January-June 1911 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_8/Folder_6/16338.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_47 xt70zp3vt865 D . d - WH E E L E R
. Attnmm; at 173111
94:37:? COMM‘ES‘ONEP a PECE V7?
Ian. 6t? 1911.
Hon Ioseph F. Usrkirs

Vy T‘eur Si 1‘: -

SCme days ago I wrote you in rerard to Plaim of Warren
V. Week for advertisirp in the Prestonshurr Hearald, which Claim as
I havehere to fore wrote you belongs to me, I am neodinr this money
and realy thought at the time I boupht it would he paid at once,
I eyrect to pay you for your trouble in Collectinr it, and it
would be a great favor to me if you would push the matter, Pleas see
to it at once aid see if parties aim to pay it.

Pleas let me hear from you at your earliest Converiance.
Yours Very Hespectfuly.
fl}. X7 9/
\1; ,r /. /
,9le . in]. (creaky--.

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;, \~LAW DEPARTMENT “’ «L,;."

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 (3. FL [DIF4ICH<
' LOCK BOX 452
HUNTINGTON,W.VA. Jan‘ 15: 1911'
Mr. Walter S. Harkins,
A/c The Bank Josephine,
Dear Sir:

The Hanover Oil & Gas Co. has requested me to make settlement
with The Bank Josephine for the $1,000.00 note,endorsed by Mr.fi.fl.01erk
anfl myself.which becomes due on the 17th of the present month. They de—
sire to pay 12% of the note, ($120.00) certified check for which is here-
with enclosed; To give new note of $880.00iwith interost,endorsed by
Mr. Clerk and myself; To deposit with you as collateral security for the
note, Bond #114 of the Hanover Oil E Gas Co. for $1,000.00; an& get the
signature of the President ana Cashier of the Bank to the enclosed agree~
ment. Your consent to this arrangement will delay the payment of the note
until the first of January, next. I consiier the security Una enéorse—
ments ample protection for the debt,and your acceptance of the proposition
will be considered a personal favor which I will greatly appreciate.

If agreeable,pleasc return the old note,and sign an& return the on—
closed agreement.
Your? very truly.

 r, ‘~ - 15"!”
can}. J.." J .4 =_.La
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Jan. 11.3, 1911.
“Cr. '31. 7?. :3:.riiri‘i,
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I :::1 in rec-rip: 03‘ ,-<.~'.11' 11m): oi' 373.11. 12,, (ii'l‘llT'ifiv'JQflf' L0 us
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1" {33.70.00, 3' 3.5213- T.'I:'..;f I, 35725.1, 11:71:3Q 73;: 7'11’5':(L‘>‘-.’r.33_‘ 19.3.]. LL 3",:3 (3.,
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‘v,"u‘.'.icm.:.1 Think, Y’ifi'i:;1rirg§, 1921-, on. 7'") T‘. 3“- ‘ .23". (’1 IMH.
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T3?123'.’.1.3i3:"fi323, fins: endmfsef r3 mail; «‘20:: 22.21; mi", :3::1e=»~.::,n::, hf"
TEr. T. T. ’Tlurf: :=.'-.:r’ 30123232311“. 1222 are 3.1.30 ..‘.:L'uerziized ".c» :3in u
cz'23"".i:zi:7. ‘i'sz’iZZ-EJ.‘ 17::3 rend “,Z‘. enclosed .'.?',..I;", (:1; use -‘.?’.51.£:t“.;'"i-.“S(3 it, we
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You will *32'c’sfzz331y Vocal]. 'fL'Emt the 1103;.- 2115.; Luca Tiirjl‘ us
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Venous: {2.1.}. i": fi—m; ’30. ~ 3:35. a l 23:; :::A~;.is;h:!‘;:iion ion,
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-.. Clerk. 1‘. seams to ‘32; that the 110.2: is ".212: 11'1‘30 oi go axe-11‘
'—:.::"3. “in. Clark, ”31d it the mots,- 323:.3.«.3..ed 73221073.»? "23.1
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013’ T‘EiTICViBl“ Oil it fins 60., and "1);; you and 7:12: ::‘::., I” that
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TISCU‘J’SLLET‘f _;)z=.;~.-3“;5 ;'-.:‘ME. I " ":3 ;:.'{:;:1,1v;,-:Ls .‘Lth‘: ‘0: :.:<:-. .'.; 3321‘s
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tau-2 111;" fits-$11,211 £316: (1:11 1 :i:-:.='vw’i‘,i<::1r; «131" :He 1.921.333 2:.: '11.: )r:"=::*i.:.‘od
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77315) Wizfa‘vgf:;._‘j‘.= 17:.1";1..f—; '{1 claw: 213- ”,ftg, _~«~'j\:)._)=§,\_‘.{.'.zn.

:‘T'I‘i‘n' 1.431.714, ‘fi‘i‘vii‘lij'
l‘fop Tim “2', “'.. "Id-lizar.

.Trmuwrw f‘r“, 1911
71". 1701061: ". LI:!.;";.LJ'1:,
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Tram" {3’7r:v—- I ‘.'.fl”0‘(",~." to "12??? "TC-"117.77 »af"'r,fi~1;~:~_y, 1 "‘. Leo
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for 131143 first of Farah, and 310 i7:1°"=t€“5i ~71“ Jihat "on. 603171 vmw :rérfzf-zz»::"zrr~~‘1', flew
you will not 001‘: ider "my data or any trwrms.

Unrlmrs‘imnd, I ‘:;):77‘103 iflfi‘ 51.11 0;) ...:s w [satizlgmaz1, and 95:00:31: to "(W
tr‘~!tecl. as 3.;ii'31’ltlf}"’191'1. Ti” 0‘7011; :.1.:10 totes due, 11» (71".; 1.0.4 T will (grillint
it, but I gala/mgr; my (.02 cmllbuz. 3.102;! ~77",".17011t extcfz'xsixic 1:? fig”. tiom. I“? fine-1‘9.
211‘s: no traces (Lie, I will be, quicker and 1:00:00 (.‘.rilltirvg' than an; V’m 370.1; m-l: to
$33 that fact, when I become aC€.§_1.LIZlYl+'\l "'71“1 (L35 'L (.11-11 chm‘r (11;: “1711072093910
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meeting“; the 001:,an F:w"i.gt:—.>. 0 0911 do can ‘7th- p';“-7 tar—1'15 “"‘E'i.+"T’_. *5 ":70“ Wrrfi.
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 Feb. 6, 1911.
I fir. Westfall Wheeler, _
Clerk, Land Department,
Frankfort, Ky.
Dear Sir:—

. I herewith encloae to you copy of order or Fleyfl County
Court, survey, affidavit 0f U. G. Layne, formerly aeputy aurveyor
of Floyd County, R. B. Clark, present surveyor of Floyd Ccunty, '
and J. W. Weddington, in re application or J. W. Weddington for
patent, together with chfick ibr $ $.00 covwring filing fuua
thereof. Please file the same,z1nd in due course we will be
pleased £0 have the pafisnt issued in favor of fir. thdington and
forwarded to us for delivery to him.

At the time the survey was made fir. Weddingtnn paid the
aurveynr the necessary fees for securing a patent to the land
and fiuppomed that patent had been issued until a uhorfi time ago

‘ when we were making an abstract of his title hcfnre purcbuaing
a part of his land. So far as I have been able to find there
are no othar survaa covering the prep rty and it has hann sup-
posed by GVEryone interested that he had patent covering the

Very truly yours,

 I v»; ’52»:
_;§{i”“.'"".?}T"T’TJ' ‘- : """’ " _ .
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