xt70zp3vt865_81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46.dao.xml unknown 14 Cubic Feet 31 boxes archival material 63m46 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Harkins Family papers Mineral rights -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Law reports, digests, etc. -- Kentucky. Mining leases -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Practice of law -- Kentucky. Bankers -- Kentucky. Banks and banking -- Kentucky -- Prestonsburg. Coal trade -- Kentucky -- Floyd County -- History. Lawyers -- Kentucky. January-May 1920 text January-May 1920 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt865/data/63m46/Box_12/Folder_6/0001.pdf section false xt70zp3vt865_81 xt70zp3vt865 i» a”, _.‘ 3' .. I, , , _ ' - -, '1 \~ . ’
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Dear Doctorz- ’
, _, . YOur letter received and noted. Please say.tn 3?. new“
man that Wootie does not want to be bothered at this time rel°
’~ ative to a sale of the houfie in Inysvilie, on accaunt of Kath“
er's condition. That When conditions are such that she feels
she can give proper atiention and cauviderhtian to.tne swme,
she will thm: ‘13": willing: to (awe Him and disscuss the mafia?
' with him, Mai: is; :23 t. willing “to ‘20 so at this time. “Suez idea
\ , is to play him in amen a may as FOL Tn lfit Him entirely fifit ’
' away Frsrjz the :;:‘oJ-mszzytion, but It firm: {SJ-nglfi fine 21*sz aim no
3 7 specific 2:311:20uragegéernt taut size is {go 1m: t9. make-2 the iracie.
. I have bi.~"»:'1 rml'r to ”my“: 91:1. Maris 333:1? ”7:392: in '
suck: a WLX Marv? on: $391,115" 'ikzlc 53-193 "In? ' Fai":,<'< (""10 'mid.
V witnin Sii'i‘ff day's L‘:‘*o::‘: ’“c';=_‘.C.y, «my (“:.Vi: sigma-".1 001153515611 to that
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I can 0 crew ,, 11a, .x a’ i, from new; if not, fix-g. Z k :9 ".._‘c'y
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 h .
iRalph 133. fihummag, E. 913.
(final mines
firkemllr. Ky.
"r a (7." 1
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.1 2_ . . .1 . “fif‘AlZlo;
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.1355: Tfr.‘sai>glgis;
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nefardln; arullacle 1Anu shat do“ fUlf -
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- ., -. ~, l,r“_;-:r~, .V, .,,—‘,‘.V
L‘s'f are waftle.a stxwzli m; 9E or ulblv: ,nio.- Emu
‘.'VK-‘V’ ‘¢ ’ - . E c s w . 1'3M1‘
' " ' ‘7 ”\n-‘wzx 7 - \—, ."p-ly'lx'r ~,-"y'\ \ ’5
that sulflclent RCTcxflo can qu o,s,ln;a lci y (ML
1 V 1‘ ,.‘:
~ ’ ‘ ~ ‘~ ' '3 -: ’ r "a C‘L“"’;"i row: *' gm .:;; 133‘,“
ani saws ourooses,uhloh Jou Wssnus Ms u_u rill
U - ‘ - . x l . __
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ne“*asarr Lo us, s I would do” airs so incoris.i
- so 4 id . ,.‘

.,. ‘_ . . E n o.w r,fi_mE r,wi
1m? 3011 0r0n031110n,icnu1r1n) a l ibe Lxu,hiiuule,
,‘U‘ . .' 7 I - ,E .._n . i - . 1_. ,5.,E,‘
which dil no; REVe 1“1}: nJIiRCc f1,th,/At

‘ 7". 7 r. 4'.‘ ,.
wilwaul; surl Go. 4
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In 0:4.r that no misunicrs Ending Llul EL
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arise lafier,ooss1~luEi ass ones Jon Juli m. 1 c ,
A I " 1...l\ ~W'n r :r’afl’f't‘:
spe:in the Lgrn: find ?Crbfi;a unisr which MOLU «rinse
‘77 HE ' s , ‘ -' .v—: u w ,. 11,. In V_.q J? ME», r:
>¢e “ 3e :1361111nx1,39ni ¥IJVLHbJ 'L, Luis lmui~Llu]. 0; Evil:
U L' ‘ 5 ~ < yr «L ‘imr ,q: *‘i ww Efi”a wfilC;
37Ar‘-)‘:VL1*':"}: 01‘ «‘_'Qi ‘u \1 LA .:; ) ubu' L4-,x.-- ”J .4., .2 >- , ..‘.
Air, or -s a i E , 1 1 > T ENEEE *“1ro
‘ L, H , ‘.np E H; \ fl” .,, E , E-_ 5.. -.
neplu allow me so examine ”rem uxorhw;u_u.: J
‘ ‘ " w ‘7 "‘ ' ~ 3 E E“ i (.1 t 1 fiz’ - ""' 4‘ ’71.”
e'rje,chsz if 1 i0 nod lini idem Us denim 71? If E
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- luv_ r Eur" 7.Lw , m E , J .U u“,u
LLUJLde,Ol insssisiiesor; ilo oil El- 701 f L flrfi’
" 'E - A , “u: ,_ . “1., my C ‘1 P” ,‘m’w,
I "11]. lfirwaiic»u:ld ~iuvigm: JOLIENJA it _cvwx, your it Let
iron en; oslljeflon. 1 . "1
'- o w ' . 1.' , ' n 'V ,' ' -, 7 . 7‘ «Y? 7E : 1A“ A |._
AILuT exfmlnSLion,1i E illa _ncn devil . ->
E’ ' - 1 r: I
W: :0? than erred e more ibu91lMa glen”.
V in H A v . T T
7 ,,-, _ n w Yr. HM. _‘_, ‘31.” 1,)
JitL g;st flJqu lOl “mil av LcJM,, Am
‘.’" 1" r f ‘.'- 17 r E'EEO‘EI'E‘J
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 ‘ f ‘"' ,2‘ '2 ' ‘ \ 1 7' ‘ . : *
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v“ I V . . i. -
. , , ) a ;
3 _ n i , 1 — Jan. 6, 1920. ' -
Mr. H. V. Snumway, , ‘ ‘ ‘
, « _ Bikeville,'Ky. - ‘ I '
‘ Dear Sir:- , ' ‘ ' I
' Your letter of January 4 is receiVed and noted. “ Q
‘ ’. _lu foplj to toe same 1 Dog to adviso that we have
avallaolv coal ior lease on haniels"cee«, arfiromating nod \ -
’ . , f > ..L a . ..: . t . . . .3 ‘ i ’ '. ” .. ~ ~
. proxlqual, aldb.73 acres, WHICH 15 desire; coulu be leases
. - to you or your_aaacciates at any time witnin thirty days from A 7
\ tnis'§°?3 on fine oaSIS of lo cts. arr ton of BCCC pounds, 1,
. and winimum royaltlea as iollowsz- for the firflt year, Oflly '
pay for mum so." 1. :13 1‘5 waned rmi shipped; for too you“; ' ‘
yen;,§_n1n1uu: pro tattoo of 11(,(t( tous; For too toiri yo r~
a rain; HER ,NTTZLfifith?i o*' liK‘g Li' Loin”, :uio ;fimr t}r' :;;::*o »
year an' seen ftfir tonregfirr a ileimun wroznotion of EtC,CCC . l
tons. * ‘ -
_ . 4 Amn-oxjnmts-ly 151:. :, art‘s o thiil »“p- ‘._)f’jr‘lj i” O‘VZlétii in »
fee. to! iuvro in finale an” Sufi5iui¢ui ourfnce HFPUHJ for anv
. Size planI-tnnt m got we nesiru: to us :Lwtailad.
- 1 nova uorhtc’ooe adxi“efi you no to to: more fir_\~~1 ~
w . ietalle of Ini“ g"o,o?ition ih my letter oi ;uL; g,oombar 7l,
1919, to unicw thio Imitev is qoéxlsuantdl.
_ alto Last wishes, ,
‘ 3 ~ > ’ I .
, - “ Very truly yours, '
- o
JDd. ' ' ,
i z , . f
‘ ,
x _ . ,
‘ r ‘ . ' J <
. r, . '. ,\ ~ ,
Ch > / I . I
x ‘ .. > ‘
l . V \ '
, - 1 . J
. ' . .' ' J ~ , . ’4
‘ I . . ‘ ’ V r \
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r -. ‘ \j /—- I ' ' \ ' ‘ W , I 1‘ ‘ A [k
. 3 3’ 3, \ l , ‘ .‘ A V _, ‘ 7’ . _ I . ’ ‘ - ' '

 r‘ I - V ‘ "
. \ ' - ~
, y . a ‘1
Jan. L‘. 19%. .
. . _
ur. It. '-'~. Snumway, s ,
Likeville, Ly. ‘
Dear I‘Lr. snu'nvnyz‘
~ ”uétnerz'in,‘ at“ recent, csnvvr'smign rolnfiVC to the
‘ prcp(r:i0“ o? thi“ wompnny, 1 L93 to PdViS? that we are Will-
im‘. :3 1 use ‘.'m: :que ta you :znh‘k your racsc\;iates 3* «my time
wituin t‘uin‘c; .._—«m from this "late‘, on 5m *‘ollowinfi 1::-sis:-
I r . .
. :zr;;.;.91 33x1, 1. ctn. tar ‘,nn {3’ rlt (1F immnu‘s. .
a the? 0091, I" ("I‘. ‘.’“ fan m‘" EMT f‘r‘uh'fi“.
‘ and 49:31?“ .1r711c5'in " Animizq 1"«v/fi1’i‘??—::‘ ”":p*' ’C‘rm fifl'tt _I,,-_».,-.
only jay.- '.:;c ‘.;m 73:.) Z '3 7",;71114' Jinn} "'.Yu‘ uhfimca; 52:" hrs
secuzy‘. Jr 3‘, : ,.i1;i pm “;*'t1ion 3f 317’v'i ‘:m ‘; 39',“ fine
third .12 v'r‘ a ,iqpnuu ~Jr-vur‘,n.’.1r\:'. :‘u‘ ‘,‘.” ”5.02"": 71;. *-\.' tun
fourtn y y“ :2. ,_:'2 ti.»‘r77r.«!3ftc»r‘, .'1' fi,i.'1;-r'¢ '.::‘n .:zlio". 0‘ 1‘1, "C
tons. ‘ '
' ‘- - ”’.‘VA (1::) J'I' \( v3 [(391 3"}, "1 ‘) ‘E‘UH (H'_ K" 2'. ‘..]. ‘
'.'/nigh ,‘.:-.V. ‘.:. 7. fim‘f't :1"”‘11‘.
‘.:?ry ‘.‘-"ml ' "‘.‘.I‘v,‘ .
( ~»' 3 , -_: {I ~‘«: , ."‘A‘.*_L”.
. I '
”.:-.w - fhn'y o'fvrnhoum
, k \ .>
, ‘ I I
n \)
.. . “
. \ ‘.
‘ z



January 15th 1920.
mornins & narnino, Attorney»,
fireotonoourg, Ky.

Gent lemen :-

We have made a useless efiort
to find out from octernor Morrow Wont dis—
yooitiOn has finally oeen nude with the
three noore boys. he did not answer our

Wi Ll you hind .Ly tune line matter
Hg with him and see if you 034 find out
anyt hing .

whanning you in advance, lam

Very truly yours
3 "\_.
1 ’9 a 3
{A33 j),

 v 5:21,} 5‘. 12" o
i r. A. . .JC manta,
x’reszth‘mtroit my} 21r=72‘:!],m;d
Iavixntion dompany , ‘
Cleavlamif 535.0-
mvar sir:

‘ In tne him unuey Illley of astern
bsntucky is the larnest fiwld of ni*h quality steau and
do .estio and “,,I-prod‘nct 00:11 in f. :9 world. Unis .‘?-}]v‘$'~_l" is
lac ted y: miles ky rail fram Waledo. Ir sucur? to A6 twat
your bouts gee a great deal of 00%},flafi 1; View if *4?
ljr“;,i'*ed rung. 1.2331; of con], availtnble,tue uwcwrtahlt“;of Liplivv“ry
aha tne cine? numernus uifficulties aiihndbnt and sgngequent
to nUWCnesing in in” oken market,if uculd be to your advautwme
to ncgrire fldd ogerate your owa co"1 properties.

1? not intreeted from this angle ymu
=eu1d most grobably be able to realiZe a v~ry substantial
profit from fine negotiation xf a sale of a Very auhstantial
acerage cf ‘nis property vaicn is available sud way 58
nc1uired at twig time. ~

i.e.uannah was only recently purunaeei
a very extensive acarage and a nunber of mines 40 $1193 east
ef tnie'goint 0n tne Lorfork and 'estern nailwuy.  ,y
e. ‘ _ g . ‘ *1 ~ , ,' 7, V7 _ _. ‘ , - a; ‘,’-5

 ','. x“ > 9 :I_- ,~f N; .' ‘ . ~ - ' p ‘ , , . ' , ‘ . , 1 ‘ L . .
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V ’ ‘§
11 at. L 53:111de 11? :2: my; Inn/Jilin“ .., , -
, , , . w
93155115,: a» {‘2 jbmoa"; 11mm ~
BAKE/113.": ultimo on . oldie .I_.Llr ALT.
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Having been requested to give an opin-
ion as to the extent and value of the holdings of Hon. Walter ‘
S. Harkins, and,moee eapecially,es to the titles held by him
in Eastern Kentucky, I beg to state that he is the owner of
large acreage of land underlain by rich deposits of coal,inclu-
ding the famous lehorn Seam, much of Which acreage is covered
with virgin forests.

Being an able lawyer his titles to these
properties have been carefully provided, and I consider them

Very reppectfully.

JOE-J. m [/5749 / ‘
M . Wfé"
/ t \\ /
// /

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nAMEs H KITCHEN, P955 DENT 13(‘01‘1 ()“‘\'l ”49- (WAN.
JOHN w KWCHEN, we: PPEexaiNY ‘.'Y:
dam p comm/LR sicnmwmgmwga MAN171«x\(:'1‘111u<:us AND DEALERS IN {_1/

'l‘l(}XI'l‘ Iii-\Idldlfl In ST‘\\'I‘] S, I!PL\])IN(} , I; I Y 31 1‘14} R . I \j”
(1]{()SS 'l‘ll‘JS ;\Nl) ’l‘lbll}l<]l{ l’l{()l)IT(1'l‘S
ASHLANI) . xxx.
Jan. 20th, 1920.
W. S. Harkins,
Prestonsburg, Ky.
Dear Sir:
W? are informed that you have
a boundary of timber in Floyd County
for sale. This being true, we would
be pleased to receive a description
of same together with your lowest cash
price and if it looks favorable; we
will send a man to look it over.
. Yours truly,
'p ~ _/ 51
‘ / / .
. \é/l/y ”Ct/4; ”7’, , ,
JPC-ELR ” Secy. Trees.
//7 / 7/ 7! 1," , ,/
/F%;{7Ze7 (,1 /{ {4,1 ( Zf ( 14411“ L / ‘5 fl/ ’L{r(j:71119’;‘7 ’,/‘

Mutavme One a months 0mm. .
251'. Md 33330331“. Vepfl‘e & 6311.1 We.
tar. Baum-«i stricken. Vice President,
311 ‘t’eet Chestnut street, ’ '
Lo nievine Ky. '
mrthering interview on the part of Hr. George ‘2. flood and myself
with you gentlemen on yeetemey relative tn the properties of the Panama-nee Oil
and. 36a Gauging, and. the mm 011 t: See Gunman, I beg to advise ee r0110":
1. pmwxum. all. my {his CWABI. this away is incorporated
mm the leave of the atate of solemn-e with an authorised capital of
$3,000,000; par value 510.00 per mare. There is issued an outstanding
157.906 share- or stock and due to he leaned, but not yet issued. 6,930
sham, making a total outstanding issue or capital Stock 164,336 abet-en. ,
This company owns approxhfizately 50,000 acres of leasee in the Beaver
Creek Distriet, approximately 80;; of tench ran for e longer term than
seven years. It also owns appruimtely 8,372 acre: in E‘mitley. Knox,
Laurel, Pulaski, Clay. Rockne-tie. Jackson and Leslie Counties. These
latter lease: were required true hr. ilobert 2.3. Nimble.
‘ In addition to the lessee mentioned, we have four producing
. well: which have opal flee of see or appruimtely 9.000.000 feet. The
reek preesure 350 to 550 pom. In addition we have lemme as our
properties where walls have been drilled for on and when at. film;
we domed. the outing we pulled and well. abandoned. me intonation
we have is tint the 0pm the of these three wane aggregate 8,000,000
met. . We have an 2:.-m1 mmfimef 10 inch pipe ehieh has been healed
to me right a: m and um? mo 4.000 me new in the railway v
yam at Painlevflle 5.7. Also a sufficient amount or rubber gamete
and circular eeplime for the pipe om mud. to Maggprmtely 6%;
, atlas o: ditdiing manhunt 75;; at the we» a: my er contract. with
price- from 23 to 50} per red pine actual (121mm. '
. We have contract with the Hope Engineering Germany to construct
this line on a coat plue mu; emanation being 6% but not to exceed in
the aggregate $30,000. we have contract with Joseph L. Bel-kin pursuant ‘
to vhi