xt70zp3vt954 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vt954/data/mets.xml Clarke, firm, booksellers (Cincinnati) 18761893 books b92-261-31827007v2 English Robert Clarke & Co., : Cincinnati, Ohio : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. America Bibliography Catalogs. Catalogs, Booksellers'. Bibliotheca Americana : catalogue of a valuable collection of books and pamphlets relating to America ; with a descriptive list of Robert Clarke & Co's historical publications. (vol. 2) text Bibliotheca Americana : catalogue of a valuable collection of books and pamphlets relating to America ; with a descriptive list of Robert Clarke & Co's historical publications. (vol. 2) 1876 2002 true xt70zp3vt954 section xt70zp3vt954 BIBLIOTHECA AMERICANA, 1878. CATALOGUE OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS RELATING TO AMERICA. WITH A DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF ROBERT CLARKE & CO'S HISTORICAL PUBLICATIONS. FOR SALE BY ROBERT CLARKE & CO. CINCIN N ATI. X 878. This page in the original text is blank. The flattering reception and liberal patronage accorded to our Americana Catalogue of 1876, has induced us to issue this still larger one. It differs from the last in being roughly classified, which will slake it more convenient for reference. This Catalogue represents perhaps the largest and most varied collection of books of this class, in booksellers hands, in this country or Europe. It is a record of our stock at the time the manuscript was completed-three month ago. Some books have, of course, been sold in the intervening time, while many others not in the Catalogue have been added. It exhibits, however, the character and variety of our usual stock. While we have in many cases duplicates, yet, of a large number we have only single copies; to secure these early orders are desirable. Libraries, private buyers, and the trade, will find it to their advan- tage to send to us their list of books wanted, whether they are in this catalogue or not, as we have especial advantages for the collection of rare books in this class. Letters of inquiry meet with prompt attention. ROBERT. CLARKE & CO. CINCLNNATI, March 1, 1878. INDEX. Alabama ......................................... Alaska ............................................... America Pre-Columbian........................ America generally . American Antiquities...................... Arctic ................ ..... Arizona............... . . Arkansas . . - .............. Bibliography ....... ............................. Biography ........... ................................ British America............................... California......................................... Canada ........ .................. Central America.................................. Central West...................................... Colorado ............................................. Confederate Publications ..................... Connecticut....... ............ Dakota ....................................... Delaware ......................................... District of Columbia............................. Far West............................................ Florida ............................................... Freemasonry ...................................... Genealogy .. ..... ................. Geological Reports .............................. Georgia .. .................. Idaho ........................ ... ...... Illinois.. ................................... Indian Territory.................................. Indiana. -- ................................... Indians.............................................. Iowa ............................................... Kansas ............................................... Kentucky .. ............ ............. Louisiana...................................... Maine ............................................... Maryland......................................... Massachusetts .............. ...................... Mexico .............................................. Mexican War..................................... 44 44 I 2 158 25 1 44 45 222 I82 147 45 147 154 48 54 40 54 58 58 59 59 62 208 249 64 65 65 67 67 158 69 70 71 73 74 76 78 152 18 Michigan ........... .............-.-.92 Minnesota. ...................................... 93 Miscellaneous........ - - 238 Mississippi ...................................... 95 Missouri. 95 Montana ........... . .-... 96 Mormons............................................ 137 Nebraska .......... - 96 Nevada .96 New Enland .96 New Hampshire . 99 New Jersey .101 New Mexico .104 New York .104 North Carolina. ! 13 Ohio .114 Oregon .12 2 Pennsylvania...................................... 123 Periodicals .......................................... 236 Rebellion ...................................... 19 Religious Communities. 22 9 Rhode Island .132 Scientific............................................ 249 Slavery .225 South America .155 South Carolina .133 Southern States........... , 134 Tennessee .135 Texas .135 Travels .. 174 Trials................................................ 232 United States generally......................... 2 Utah and the Mormons .137 Vermont .......,.......................... 139 Virginia............................................. 140 War of 1812 .......... ..................... 16 Washington Territory . ........................ 144 i West Indies ........... .............. 151 West Virginia_ . ........................ 144 Wisconsin........... .... 144 Wyoming Territory....................... 147 CATALOGUE or A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, RELATING TO AMERICA. FOR SALE BY ROBERT CLARKE & CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. AMERICA-Pre-Columbian. Sce a/so No-.. 2040, Dc Ctosta; 26;10, Elliot; 3484), H,,m--nett. 1 Anderson (R. B.) America not discovered by Ctolumbw. An Historical Sketch of the Disc.,ery of America by toe Norsenmen in thte T.nth Century. 12mo. cloth, pp. 120. Chicago, 1877. 1 00 2 Beamish (N. L.) The Discovery of Amer- ica by the Northmen in the Tenth Century, and Notices of the Early Settlements of the Irish in the Western Hemisphere. Maps. 8vo. cloth, pp. 239. London, 1841. 2 50 3 Belknap (Jeremy). A Dis.course intended to C.'iGrnenorate the Dkiscoery of America by C'irit-,pher Colutmbus, to which are added an Examination of the Pretensions of Mar- tin 13,1saim t., a Discovery of America prior to that of Columbus, with a Chronological detail of all the Discoveries made in the Filtc-,nth Cntury: On the Question, whether the 7lney-bee is a Native of Alner- ica, and on the Color of the Native Ameri- cans. 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 132. Boston, 1 792. 1 so 4 Bowen (Benj. F.) America Discovered by the WXelsh in 1170 A. D. 12mo. cloth, pp. 184. Philadelphia, 1876. 1 25 6 Davis (Ak.) Antiquities of America. The Fir.t Ilolabitants of Central America, and the Dicovcry of New England by the North- mem Five Hundred Years before Columbua. Bv,,. paper, pp. 32. Boston, 1848. 75 6 Davis (A.) A Lecture on the Discovery of America by the Northmen Five Hundred Years before Columbus. 8vo. paper, pp. 23, New York, 1839. 50 7 De Costa (B. F.) Notes on a Review of 'The Pre-Columbisa Discovery of America by the Northmen " in the North American Review for July [18693. 12mo. paper, un- cut, pp. 14. Charlestown, 1869. 35 8 De Costa (1B. F.) The Pre-Columbian Disa covery of America by the N.rthmnen. Il- lustrated by Translations from the Icelandic S.agas. Edited with Notes and a General Introduction. 8vo. cloth, pp. 118. Albany, 18;8. 3 25 9 Leland (Chas. G.) Fusang. or the Diacov. ery of America by Chinese Buddhist Priests in the Fifth Century. 12mo. cloth, pp. 241. New York. 1875. 1 75 10 Rafn (Charles C.) America Disc.svered in the Tenth Century. 8vo. paper, pp. 32. New York, 1838. 7-. 11 Ratn (Charles C.) Antiquitates Ameri- canoe. Edidit Societatas Regia Ante-uario- run Septentrionalium. Studio et Opera Caroli Christiani Rafn. Large 4to -ellum, pp. 42+479 (6). Maps and fac-simile plates. Hafnis, Typis Officina Schultzianm [1845]. A fine, large copy. 16 00 12 Rafn (Charles C.) Supplement to the An- tiquitates Americanie, With two maps, and six plates of the old Stone Tosver at Nesv- port. R. I. 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 27. Co- penhagen, 1841. 1 75 13 Rafn (Charles C.) Memoire sur la De- couverte de LAnmerique au Duxieme Seicle, pp. 52; and, Rapport des seances annuelie de 1838, et de 1839, du Societe Royale des Antiquaires du Nord. 8vo. paper, uncut. Copenhagen, 1843. 1 50 14 Ratn (Charles C.) Memoire sur Ia De- couverte De L'Amerique au Dixieme Siecle. 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 47. Paris, 1838. 75 15 Smith (Joshua T.) The Discoverr Of America by the Northmen in the nsth America and United States. [IL CLARKU & Co. Century. With maps and plates. 12mo. new half calf, gilt top, uncut edges, pp. 344. London, 1839. 8 50 16 Another copy. Cloth. 2 75 17 Williams (John). Enquiry into the Truth of the Tradition ecncerning the Discovery of America by Prince Madog ab Owen Gwvnedd, about the Year 1170. 8So. old calf. London, 1791. 3 00 AMERICA AWD UNITED STATES. 18 Abbott (iacnhj. History of the Discovery of America. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth, pp. 288. -New York,' 1862. 1 2.5 19 Abbott (Jacob). History of the Northern Colonies. Illostrated. l2mo. cloth, pp.288. New York, 1862. 1 2.5 20 Abbott (J.acku). History of the Re-olt of the American Cotosicos. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth, pp. 288. New York, 1862. 1 2.5 21 Abbott lJ.Ncob) History of the War of the Revolution. Illustrated. 12no. cloth, pp. 288. New York, 1862. 1 2 22 Adams (John). A DefenFe of the C.nsti- tution of Government of the IUnited .tates of America 3 vo ls. 8vo. law sheep. Phil- adelphia, 1797. 5 00 23 Adams ;John). A Defense of the Con-ti- tution of Governmer.t of the United States of America. 8vo). new half calf, neat, pp. 392. London, 1787. 2 .50 24 All the Memorials of the Court.s of Great Britain and France relative to the Limits of the Territories .,f both Crowns in North America; and the light to the Neutral Islands in the West Indies. 4to. boards, edges entirely uncut, pp. 349-188. Hague. 1756. 6 50 25 Allen (Paul). A History of the American Revolutisn, comnprehending all the Principal Events, both in the Field and in the Cabi- net. 2 vols. Sv. old cait; binding cracked. Baltimore, 1811. 3 00 26 America. A collection of 190 Pamphlets relating_ to America, Historical, Biography ical, Statistical. and Miscellaneous, includ- ing a number of early printed Sermons, etc. No duplicates. A de-irable lot. 4 50 27 America. The Description of, and of Vir- ginia, Maryland. New England, New Neth- erlands, Jamnaica. Blarbado)es, Florida. and Carolina. Nu-m-re very curious maps. Oblong ln-o. Now half morocco. extra, gilt top [80 pp. extracted from an old book, bound in one volume]. (About 1675.) 4 00 28 American Military Pocket Atlas; being an approved Collection of correct Maps, both General and Particular, of the British Colonies, especially those which now are, or probably may be, the Theater of War. Nu- merous maps. Svo. half bound. London [1776.] 6 00 29 American Progress. A National Mann&I of Facts and Figures, Historical, Biographih cal, Documentary, Statistical, Financial, and Political. 1492 to 1876. Edited by Iev. B. 0. Haven. 12mo. cloth, pp. 500. New York, 1876. 2 00 30 An Account of a Late Conference on the Occurrences in America. In a Letter to a Friend. 8vo. half bound, pp. 40. London, 1766. 1 75 31 An Account of the Conduct of the War in the Middle Colonies. Extrac ed frorm a late Author. 16mo. edges uncut, pp. .56. Londo)n, 1780. 1 00 :2 An American's Offering. A Recitative Ods on Events of Revolutionary Times. By a Mechanic. With Itistorical Notes. teo. paper. pp. 40. Philadelphia, 1819. ,0 .33 Ancient Right (The) of the English Na tin to the American Fishery. Map. 4ts. half bound, pp. 105. Lnndon, 1761j. 1 25 31 Anderson (Charles). An Oration on the Real Nature and Value of the American Revolution. Delivered in Cincinnati, July 4, 18.5.5. 8vo. paper, pp. 31. Cincinnati, 18;55. 50 3S5 Anderson (James). The Interest .f Great Britain with Regard to her Amc riean Colo- nies, considered. To which is addled an Appendix, containing the Outlines of a Plan for a General Pacification. 8vo. new half calf. pp. 136+36. London. 1782. 3 ,50 36 Andrews (John). Ilistory of the War with America. France. Spain,. arid lholland, commencing 1775, and ending 1793. Por- traits. maps, and charts. 4 -Is. So. fall bound. London, 1785. 8 00 37 Asmodee a New York. Revue Critique des Institutions, Politiques et Civiles, de L'Amerique, vie Publique et Privee. Mecsn, Coutumes, Anecdotes, 11 maneaqae5 etc. 8vo. sewed, uncut, pp. 503. Paris, 1868. 2 .50 38 Bancroft (George). History of the United States, from the l)isc-overy of the Amerlican Continent. 10 vols. 8vo. Bost.,n. 1870. Cloth, 2-5 00; Leather, 35 0 39 The same. The Centenary edition. Thoroughly revised, with Index. 12i0. 6 vols. Boston, 1876. Cloth, 1:3.,50; Half calf, 24 00 40 Barber (John W.) and Howe (Henry). Our Whole Country; or, The Past and Present of the United States. Historical and Descriptive. 600 engravings. 2 vols. 8Se. pp. 1496, roan. Cincinnati, 1861. 4 0 41 Another copy. 2 vols. in one. 2 75 42 Baring (Alexander). An Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council; and an Examination of the CO5 duct of Great Britain toward the Neutra Commerce of America. 8vo. paper, PP-. 179. London, 1808. 1 75 2 - - jCi(jC1sc ArI.] America and 43 Barnum (H. L.) The Spy Unmasked; or, Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, alias Harvey Birch, the Hero of M1r. Cooper's Tale of the Neutral Ground. Being an Authentic Ac- cowunt of the Secret Services which he ren- dered during the Revolution. (Taken from his own lips in short-hand.I Original edi- tion, 8vo. half mtor. extra, gilt edges. Por- trait and engravings. N. York 1828. 12 00 44 Bartlett (John R.) A History of the Destruction of His Britannic Majesty's Schooner Gasper, in Narragansett Bay, June 10, 1772; accompanied by the correspond- ence connected therewith, the action of the General Assembly of Rhode Island thereon, etc. 8vo. sewed, uncut edges, pp. 140. Pri- vately printed. Providence, 1861. 3 30 45 Bartlett (WV. II.) The History of the United States of North America; trom the Diicovery of the Western World to the Present Day. Continued by B. B. Wood- ward. P3 vub, imp. 8vo. new half morocco. gilt edges- New York, n. d. 21 00 46 Bean ('T. W.) WashingStoin at Valley Forge One Iftodred Years Ago; or. The Foot- prints of the Revolution, 1776-1876. With 6 maq-. 8vo. cloth, pp. 63. Norriitown, Pa.. 1877. 75 47 Beaujour (Ice Chevalier Felix; De). Sketch of the ULnited States of North America. at the ,ommencement of the Nineteenth Cen- tiiry. froer 18')0 to 1810. Map. 8,. With num rotas tables. Calf, broken, pp. 363. Lond,1on. 1814. 2 00 48 An.,Bter copy, new half calf, neat. 3 00 49 Benedict (Erastus C.) The Beginning of Arerica. A Discourse before the New York li iitrical Semcietv. 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 61. New York, 184. 73j 60 Benson X Egberti. Vindication of the Cap- tors t Mlajor Andre. 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 81. N-w York, 1865. 1 23 61 Anther copy. Large paper (only 50 cop- ies I-rioted). 2 00 62 Bernaroi (Governor). Selected Letters on the brsrsls' and Govertnmentof America; and the P'riusso'pies of La- and Polity, applied to the A ,s.irican Colonies. 12mo. paper. pp. 8.3. L.srmdon, 1774. 1 00 83 Blake (J. L.) History of the American Revoution. Maps and Illustrations. l8ms. cloth. New York. 75 84 Blanchard (Claude). The Journal of Claude itlanchard, Commissioner of the French Auxiliary Army, sent to the United States in the American Revolution, 1780- 1783. Edited by William Duane. 4to. sewed, uncut, pp. 207. Albany, 1877. 2 00 66 Bloodgood (S. DeWitt). The Sexagenary; or, Reminiscences of the American Revolu- tion. Portraits. 8vo. cloth, pp. 234. Al- bany, 1866. 3 00 United States. 3 66 Blunt (Joseph). A Historical Sketch of the Formation of the Confederacy, particu- larly with reference to the Pros-incial Lim- its and the Jurisdiction of the General Gov- ernment over the Indian Tribes and the Pub- lie Territory. 8vo. boards, uncut, pp. 116. New York, 1825. 2 25 57 Bonner (John). A Child's History of the United States. A new edition, revised and brought down to the Close of the Rebellion and the Inauguration of President Johnson. 3 viuls. 16mo. cloth. New Y,srk. 3 78 58 Botta (Charles). History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. Trans. by G. A. Otis. 2 vets. 8vo. sheep, pp. 458-414. New Haven., n. d. 3 25 59 Another edition. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, un- cut. Boston, 1826. 4 00 60 Another edition. 3 vols. 8vo. full bound. Philadelphia, 1820. 5 00 61 Boucher (Jonathan.). A View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolu- tion, in Thirteen Discourses, preached in Amnerica, between the vears 1763 and 1778. 'With an Historical Pre face. Portrait. 8vo. boards., unlcut, pp. 596. London, 17i97. 3 00 62 Another copy. Poor binding. 2 00 63 Bradford (AldenJ. History of the Federal Government fr Fifty Years, 1788-1839. 8vo. cloth, pp. 490. Boston, 1840. 2 60 64 Bristed (.IJhn). America and her Re- ssurces; or, A View of the Co'mmercial, Finan, ial, Political, Mi)ral, and Religious Character of the American People. Svo. half bound. pp. 504. London, 1818. 1 76 65 Another edition. 8vo. half bound. New York. 1818. 1 76 66. Bromwell (William J.) History of Im- migratiosn to the United States, exhibiting the number, sex, age, occupation,. etc. 8vo. cloth, pp. 22.3. New York, 1836. 1 26 67 Brooke (H. K.) Annals of the Revolution; or, A History of the Dleans. 32i.,. boards, pp. 82. Curious engravings. Philadelphia, n. d. 76 68 [Buck (.J. S.) 1 The Chronicles of the Land of Col.m1 a. comm.-nly called Amer- ira, from the Landing of the tPilgrim Fa- thers to the Second Reign of Ulysses the I. A Period of Two Hundred ans Fifty-two Years. In which is given a short Account of the Settlement of the Country, Wars, etc.. in ancient form. IBy the Prophet James. 8vo. cloth, pp. 112. Milwaukee, i WVis., 1876. 1 50 69 Buckingham (J. S.) America. Hi.storical, Statistical, and Descriptive, 3 vsis. Eastern and Western States, 3 vols. Slave States, 2 vols. Canada, 1 vol. Together, 9 vols. 8vo. cloth. London. 13 85) 70 Bunker Hill. The Story told in Letters from the Battle-field, by IBritish Officers en- America and United States. [R. CLARKE & CO. gaged. With an Introduction and Sketch of the Battle, by Samuel Adams Drake, Au- tbor of "1 Old Landmark of Boston," etc.. with illustration of the Battle, from an old engraving never before published in this country. Svo. cloth. Boston, 1875. 1 00 71 Burgoyne (John). A Brief Examination of the Plan and Conduct of the Northern Expedition in America, in 1777: and of the Surrender of the Army tinder the Cor- mand of Lieutenant.-General Bur3voyne. 8vo. new half green calf, red title, gilt back and edges, pp. 52. London, 1779. ' 50 72 Burgoyne (John). A State of the Ex- pedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Comnons. bv Lieute-nant-General Burgonve. and verificd by Evidence, with a Collection of Authentic Diocuments. Map and Plan.s. 8Svo. full bound, pp. 191+109. London, 1780. 5 00 73 Another copy. New half morocco, gilt back and edges. A beautiful copy. 6 .50 74 Another edition. 4to. half bound, pp. 140 +6:3. Maps. Lo-ndon, 1780. 9 0( 75 Burgoyne (John). A Supplement to the State of the Expedition from Canada, con- taining General Burgoyne's Orders, re- specting the Principal Movements and Op- erations of the Army, to the Raising of the Siege of Ticonderoga. 4to. sewed. uncut edges, pp. 26. London, 1780. Reprinted. N. York, 1865. (Only 7.5 copies printed.) 2 2-5 76 Burgoyne (John). The Substance of Gen- eral Burgovne's Speeches upon Mr. Vyner's Maotiain, May 26, and upon M11r. Hartlev's lMotion. May 28, 1778. With an Appendix containing General Washing-ton's Letter to General 13Brgoyne. etc. 8vo. paper, pp. 42 +(6). London. 1778. 1 50 77 Burke (Edmund:.. An Account of the European Settlements in America. 2 vole. 8vo. calf, neat. London, 1760. 3 003 78 Other editions. 2 vole. London, 1757, 1766, 1770, 1808. 2 50 79 Bury (Viscount). Exodus of the Western Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut, pp. 483- 494. London, 186-5. 5 00 80 Calendar of Historical Manuscripts, relat- ing to the War of the revolution in the Office of the Secretary of State, Albany, -N. Y. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, pp. 682-49-5. Albany, 1868. 8 50 81 Candid and Impartial Narrative (A) of the Transactions of the Fleet under the Com- mand of Lord Howe, from the arrival of the Toulon Squadron on the Coast of America to the time of His Lordship's Departure for England. With Observations by an Offlier then serving in the Fleet. Map. 8vo. new half green calf, red title, gilt back and edges, pp. 58. London [1779]. 3 50 82 Cary (H. C.) and Los (J.) The Geography, History, and Statistics of America and the West Indies, exhibiting a correct Account of the Discovery, Settlement, etc. Illas. trated by maps, charts, and plates. 8bv. boards, uncut, pp. 477. London, 182:. 1 75 83 Carrey (Emile). Grandeur et Avenir des Etats-Unis. But de Cette Brochure dual- ites et Grandeur Nationale des Amcri-'ains des Etats-IUnis. etc. 8vo. paper, uncut endues pp. 48. Paris, 1863. 50 84 Carrington (H. B.) Battles of the Amer- ican Revolution. Historical and Military Criticism and Topographical Illustrafon. Royal 8vo.cloth, pp. 800. -N. Y., 1871. I8 00 85 Centennial Orations. Commemoratieeor the Opening Events of the Americ an lic- lution. Wi.h other pro.ceedings. 1874- 187T5. Portrait of Joseph Warren. 8v,. cL uncut edges, pp. 176. Boston. 1875. 2 00 i 86 Century (The) of Independence; Emi.rac- ing a Collection of the most Inpsrtant Dc. -nients and Statistics connected E ith the Political History of America. Al-s a Chronological Reesicord of the P rim" sil Events l'ro-,i its Discovery to the toscat Tinc, with liigraphicai and lfistsrical N.- "'Cs. I Illo,-trulted. 12r-o. clothi ppI. 546. Ch('Iicago, 1M7. 2 IN) 87 Chalmers (George,. An Intrdl,'ti n ts the Historv of the Res-lt of theAmerica-i Colonies; be mng a C.'-mprc :li'ii X ' 'a- of its Origin, dein cr fram the State 1 ap, of Great Britain. 2 vDe. 8Xis. coth II 411, 376. Botn, 1845. 4 0) 88 Charleston. The Siege of Char- hby the British Fleet and Army, undeir t II', Gr- mand of Admiral Arbuthnot sled Sir liars Clinton, whir h terminited with tli ',;l- der of that Place on the 12th of Ats' 17cc). Portrait. 4to. cloth, pp. 224. Albmy, 1867. 3) I 89 Charters (The) of the following Provices of North America, viz,.' irini'ia Mary- land, Connecticut, Rhosde- Island lI csyl- vania, Mlassachusetts Bay, and Gcsr'ia To which is prefixed a faithful Narratire of the Proceedings of the North Americas CI lo- nies in consequence of the Late Sta-ep Act. Mlap. Small 4to. half bound. lldnt 1766;. Also, in the same volu-e, I hi b- jections to the Taxation of our AVuiericat Colonies by the Legislature of Griat Brit- ain, briefly considered. Small Ito. edges entirely uncut, pp. 20. London, 1765. 6 50 90 Clark (Thomas). Sketches of the Nasal History of the United States, frosi the Commencement of the RevolutioWiary Vir to the Present Time. 12mo. boards, uncut Philadelphia. 1813. 1 10 91 Cobbett (William). Forcupine' WVrbk Containing Various Writings and Selec- tions, exhibiting a Faithful Picture of the United States of America; of their Governl 4 CINCINNATI.] America and ments, Laws, Politics, and Resources; of the characters of their Presidents, Governors, L-gislators. etc., and of the Manners, Cus- to-. M1srals, Religion, and Vices of the Pp ,,cl, C orprising alo a Complete Series af lli'torical Documents and Remarks, fr,,m the end of the War in 178:3 to the Election f tie, President in March, 1801. 12 vols. 1, cloth. London, 1801. 1G 00 92 Coffin (C. C.) The Boys if '76. A His- tr of the Battles of the Revoluti-a. 1l- lrstriated. 8vo. cloth, pp. 398. New York. 1T,i. 3 00 93 Coles (Edward). History of the Ordi- ,isc of 1787. 8vo. paper. pp. 33. Phila- delphis, 1856. G0 94 Collins (S. It.) The Emigrants Guide to the United States of America. Map. 12,ine. boards, pp. 134. Hull, 1829. 1 0) 95 Considerations on the Measures Carrying On, sith respet to the British C.olnies in Nor,-th Amnlerica. 8vo. half morocco, pp. T3 New, York, 1774. 2 00 96 Constitution (The) of the United States, scitli the Fifteen Ametidnients, the Declara- tin of ftidependene, the Articles ,f Con- f'.ratiol and Washington's Farewell Ad- dr,.s. boo. paper, pp. 00. Cincinnati. 11 2;5 97 Constitutions of the Sixteen States which ccoipo-o the Confederited 'epublic of Arr. rii i to swhich are predx1ed the Declara- tin of lndlepeidence, A rtikccs of Confied- eration, etc., and the Constitution of the Vtiiied Stites, with all the A iendttient;. l 1-is. sheep, pp. 300. Boston, 1797. 1 00 98 Contest (The) in Anri(!ria betsve-n Great Britaih sand France. Gis-itg the Viesso and D.ions of the Frenc h, the Interests if Gnat lBritain, etc. By an Impartial hand [Dr. 1itchell]. l2mo. calf, pp. 244. Lin- der 1757. 2 00 99 Atlier copy. Half sheep. 2 00 18i Convention between the French Republic arid the United States of America. l;lmo. pal-lr, uncut, pp. 21. [Washington]. 101 Cooper (J. Fenimore). History of the ' -i s ,f the United States of America. (P , inueed to 1860, from the Author's Manu- Nprgts, and other authentic sources. Three Scale es in one. Portrait. 8vo. full bsund, Pp. 01, 248, 110. New York, 1866. 4 00 10" Cooper (J. Fenimore). History of the the United States of America. 2 IN , hon. cloth, pp. 456-658. London, 3 50 103 \ other edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Paris 1819. 2 00 104 Cooper (J. Fenimore). Letter to his (Oar trynen. 8vo. paper, pp. 94. New York, 1884. 60 105 Cooper (Rev. Mr.) The History of North America, containing a Review of the Cus- toms and Mtanners of the Original Inhabit- ants. Numerous plates. 16.o. boards, pp. 184. London, 1789. 1 26 106 Cooper (Thomas). Some Information respecting America. Map. 8vo. calf. Lon- dsn, 1794. 1 76 107 Correspondence relating to the North American Biundary. In continuation of the Correspondence presented to both Ilmises of Parliament in 1838. Folio, paper, pp 16;7. 1 60 108 Coxe (Tench). A view of the United States of America, in a series of Papers written between the vears 1787 and 1794. Sro. sheep. Dublin, 1796. 2 00 109 Another edition. 8vo. sheep. Philadel- phia, 1794. 2 00 110 Coxe (William). Acciunt of the Rus- sian Discoveries between ASia and America. Mtaps and platen. 8vo. full bound, pp. 454. L.,idon, 1787. 3 25 111 Dana (E.) Description of the Principal Ro.ads and Roites, by Land and Water, thriugh the Territory of the United States. 12ins,. half m-rocco, tilt top, uncut edges, pp. 108. Cincinnati, 1819. 3 60 112 Dawson (Henry B.) The Assault on Stsn, Point by General Anthony Wayne, July i, 1779. With a Mep, Fac-similes, .nd Illustrative -Notes. Imp. 8-oo boards, -ncut. -iily 250 printed. Morrisiana, N. Y1., lA1. 7 00 113 Another copy. Half moroceo, extra gilt top, uncut edges. 8 50 114 Dawson (Hlenrv B.) Batthls of the United States by Sea and Land. enbracing those of the Revolutionary i!isd Indian Wars, War of 1812, and Mlexi.can War. Steel plates. 2 vols. 4to. half unoriseco, gilt edges. New York, 1858. 9 00 115. Davenport ( Bish.p). A History and New Gazetteer; or, Geographical Diction- iiry of North America and the West In- dies. Illustrated. 8vo. sheep, pp. 592. New York. 1842. 2 00 116 Davies (Charles). An Address on the Centennial Aniversarv of the Battle of Buiker Hill. 8vo. paper, pp. 23. New York, 187.5. 80 117 Denison (Mlary A.) The Days and Ways of the Cocked Hats: or, The Dawn of the Revolution. 12m-,. half calf, neat, pp. 383. New York, 1860. 2 25 118 De Pradt (31.) The Colonies, and the Present American Revolutiniss. Svo. new half calf, neat, pp. 501. London, 1817. 2 50 119 Detail (A) of Some Particular Services performed in America, during the years 1776, 1777, 1778, and 1779. Compiled from Journals and Original Papers taken from United States. 5 America and United Rates. the Journal kept on Board the Ship Rain- bow, commanded by Sir George Collier. 12mo. cloth, pp. 117. Printed for Ithiel Town. New York, 1835. 2 50 120 Detail and Conduct (The) of the Ameri- can War, under Generals Gage, Howe, Bur- goyne, and Vice-Admiral Lord Howe. With a Full and Correct State of the Evi- dence given before the House of Commons. and the Celdebrated Fugitive Piece-s The whole exhibiting a Complete History of the American Rebellion. 8vo. half bound, pp. 190. London, 1780. 4 50 121 De Tocqueville (Alexis). American In- stitutions, and their Influence. Translated by Henry Reeve, with Notes, etc., by Francis Bowen. 12mo. cloth, Boston. 1874. 1 50 122 De Tocqueville (Alexis). Democracy in America. Translated by Henry lece, and edited, with Notes, by Francis Bowen. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1876. 5 00 123 Another edition. Preface and Notes by John C. Spencer. 8vo. cloth, pp. 464. New York, 1838. 2 00 124 Deux-Ponts (William). My Campaigns in America: A Journal kept from 1780, 1781. Translated from the French Mftnu- script by Samuel A. Green. 8vn. paper, uncut edges, pp. 176. Boston, 1868.