mation of German effort for the application and the extension of science, the Imperial Test- ·‘A lll
ing Office, in new and magnifficent buildings near Berlin, with many laboratories and il 
experts, for testing, at small expense to manufacturers and inventors, materials, machinery  
»· and processes in all the branches of industrial art. In that Testing Otiice German thor  
· oughness has provided all facilities and appliances for every kind of scientific experimenta— E
tion and research.——Amazing results for a small country of meager resources.—EDUcAT10Nl  
"'.l`o-day in industrial production Germany stands in the front rank of the nations,  
'   and in the applications of science she clearly leads them all."—I·I. S. Pritchett, Presi—  
dent of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "
* At Brockhaus's, Leipzig, in 1868, I was told that they printed books in 33 languages. ,,
T'l`he University of Berlin had, in 1904, 13,782 students. E,
In 1900, Kentucky had 12.8 illiterates in each 1000 white persons of IO years or more, a
percentage greater than that of any other State except Tennessee. the Carolinas, Alabama
_ and Louisiana, and 18 times as great as that of the German Empire. But our inferiority to ,
ii l Germany in education is immeasurably greater than this difference of mere illiteracy l
  implies, for even the best educated portions of the American people have relatively few
'li men of great learning or knowledge, while the Germans have many, far more in fact than _
any other people ever had. _
y [ " De l‘audace, et encore de l`audace, et toujours de l‘audace !" cried Danton at a crisis -‘
A ’{ in the French Revolution. "Schools, and again schools, and always schools" should, in our
crisis, be the incessant demand of every Kentuckian, man or woman, who desires the
supreme welfare of the State; who is ashamed that Kentucky continues to be disgraced by
. ignorance, and by its concomitants, poverty. lawlessness, vice and crime; and who would
4 have the State to stand in knowledge not, as now, sixth from the bottom ofthe roll of States, ll.
but near the top, as the peer of the proudest and most enlightened of her sister common-
wealtlis. _ `
Kentucky needs 1500 lirst·rate common schools, zoo first·rate high schools, and, to _
crown all, a university as good as Virginia's or )lissouri’s, as good as Michigan's or Wiscon-  
sin‘s, and she cannot have the lowest of these classes of schools without both the others,
for the State that neglects higher education necessarily makes poor provision for lower.
And these sorely needed schools will be the result, not of occasional and spasniodic effort
but of slow and steady evolution. All the conferences and conventions, all the speeches
and resolutions from now till the crack of doom will avail little unless they are followed up
with persistent appeals to the people, by tongue and pen, county by county, and man by •
i • man, till Kentuckians learn the lesson taught by Germans, and that lesson is that the path
to true national grandeur lies through great knowledge faithfully applied, and moreover l
that the income from education vastly exceeds the outlay for it, N. `
l l I
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