I 28 smra coLLEcE on xunrncxv.
The Department is well supplied with the commoner forms of chemical lc
apparatus and chemicals. In addition to these it owns several of the more tl
expensive pieces of apparatus, such as several delicate balances for analyt. ‘ u
ical work; a grand model Bunsen & Kirchoif spectroscope; platinum appa- u
ratus; a glass model ice-machine. These will be added to from time to time, S
as the needs of the Department demand and the resources of the institution 6
permit; as it is now, however, the equipment is such as readily to enable ’
the student to obtain at first hand a good working knowledge of the prin- tl
ciples of chemical science. yr
counsrs IN CHEMISTRY. fil
The Chemical course is one of the several scientific courses oiiered by E
the College. It is offered with the view of preparing the student forlifo A 1,
work in Chemistry, or of fitting him for the study of medicine and kindred 0
professions. To the accomplishment of this purpose the following course S,
of study, extending over a period of four years, has been adopted. U
The hrst year is devoted to the study of English, German, Physiology, if
Free-hand Drawing, and Mathematics, including Plane Geometry, Trigo- U
nometry, and Algebra. The second year to German, Physics, Botany, Y
Chemistry, and Mathematics, including Solid and Analytical Geometry and “
Calculus. The third year to Theoretical Chemistry, English, Calculus, 1*
French, and laboratory work on the Chemistry of the metals and on Quali- ti
tative Analysis, Mineralogy, and Blow-pipe Analysis. The fourth year to S
Quantitative Analysis, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Reading on advanced d
topics, and to Chemical Research, History and Political Economy, Logic Y
and Mental Philosophy. F'
For further information as to requirements, the Schedule may be cou- U
sulted, page 59. b
The study of Chemistry proper, as outlined in the above, is suilicient iu _,,
its scope to bring the student into close contact with the great fundamental H
truths of the science. `
The course in General Chemistry, extending through the second and
third terms of the second year, consists of lectures and recitations live times
. weekly on the non»metals and their compounds and the simpler laws of t
chemical change. The lectures are illustrated by experiments; the labora-
tory work is carefully directed, and the student receives every possible n
encouragement to do creditable work. / t~
In the third year the study of Chemistry consists of laboratory work
and Theoretical Chemistry. The study of Theoretical Chemistry, con- c
sisting of lectures recitations, a11d readings five times weekly throughout r
the year, is intended to acquaint the student with the greatest generaliza- . i
tions and theories of modern chemistry and their historical development. t
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