xt70zp3vts8m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vts8m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19380506  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May  6, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, May  6, 1938 1938 2013 true xt70zp3vts8m section xt70zp3vts8m The ECentucicy



We Stand Corrected
Numbers of students are up in
rmt about the (3.00 fee which the
constitution in last issue's Kernel
slated would be charged for membership in the Kentucky Student
Union. For the benefit of those who
read the document, the fee will not
be over S2.00. The mistake was made
and we sincerely
regret the error. We were unable
to finish printing the constitution
in this Issue because of the plentiful ads.



Z 246






Awards For Btst CoIIeire Paper, Editorial, Etc., Will
Be Made


Over Half Of Total Number
Of Tickets For Dance Are
Sold; Sale Stops

Soap's Oa
certain comparative anatomy
class is studying cats and making
group demonstrations with the animals. The other day. at the beginning of the class, the professor sur-

$2.00 AT DOOR

George Hall And Dolly Dawn
Are To Be Featured
At Hop

prised all concerned by officiously
seating himself at the front table,
spreading his fingers flat on the
wood and crying "Bring on the
meat!" This same instructor, who is
rapidly becoming known for his
sense of humor, uses a unique system of calling attention to tardiness. The door is locked after the
bell rings and each student who
enters after this time sees a large
mark placed on the board under the
caption -- In the Caboose."

With over half of the total number of tickets printed for the ODK
Engineer's ball taken by students,
the sale of ducats swings into its
final week today, according to Berkeley Benneson, president of ODK
Friday. May 13. will mark the
closing of the advance sale which
offers admission to couple or stag
to the annual affair for $1.50. All
tickets sold at the door mill cost

American CansUUitioa
A notice comes from the Law College that there still are several hundred copies of the Constitution for
distribution to the student body, and
those who desire may obtain copies
from Dean Evans' office. The documents are in small, compact form
and can easily be put in one's pocket It wouldn't hurt some of us to
learn a bit about the Constitution

$2 00.

George Hall and his orchestra
with Dolly Dawn, blues singer, will
be featured at the dance. The group
comes direct from New York where
It has played at the Hotel Taft foi
the last five years.
The featured maestro has played
over the Columbia Broadcasting
networks more than any other band
leader, his schedule at times calling
for as many as 11 broadcasts weekly. He has also made shorts for
Paramount studios.
Dolly Dawn is widely known for
her recordings on mechanical music machines and is heard over CBS
three times a week on 80 to 100 stations. She will vocalize swing, blues,
and novelty numbers.
The ball will foUow the official
dedication of the new structure.
The building mill be open during
the remainder of the year.

D Yoa Want It?
There are definite rules concerning University standings but quite
a number of different considerations enter into the matter and to
adequately explain the entire system would require too much space.
The Registrar's office would be glad
to clear up the uncertainty for R. S.
and any others who might be in
idoubt. if enough students are ln- -

13. in the University Commons.
The program will feature as prin-


And At Laxi
Advertising and more advertising.
The editorial staff is almost aflame
and Uie only way we can console
ourselves is to sav "At least we have
the front page." John Ed Pearce
has threatened to roll himself thru
the press because his column had to
be left out. Didi Castle and Lama-soare not so happy either, over
the strenuous cutting of their copy.
All of the stories, again, had to be
slashed until barely the headlines
are left but we hope It will improve
next time. Relax and enjoy the May
Day festivities, and so to press at
10 o'clock.


Fourth Hour
Classes Excused
For Convo



Creason Comes Acrow
'Dear Mr. Editor: Allow me to
send more bouquets the way of
your staff. I thought that when
George Kerler was supplanted as
Sports Editor of The Kernel that
our day of good columning
Gay with
but along came Man-ia good job and now Joe Creason is
carrying on the good work. I think
that' a few roses should be sent his
way for a swell job. His story in
Tuesday's paper on the Intramural
track problem was one of the best
I have ever read. For once I found
a story that had some constructive,
not destructive, criticism. Again my
on picking a fine
sports editor." r. A. C. Well, we
complaints, too.
print the

We Want Potters
AlUxuch a few posters have been
received in the Keep-Of- f
contest, we feel that more students
are interested in winning the $5.00
so the deadline is extended to next
Wednesday. The posters do not have
to be ornate or elaborate, and It's a
pretty easy may of winning that


ciple speaker Mrs. George E. Smith!,
instructor in the English department, songs of the Woman's Glee
Club followed by group singing, and
awards will be given to outstanding
women students.
The following organizations will
make awards: Alpha Gamma Delta,
cup to the outstanding freshman
girl: Cwens. sophomore women's
honorary will announce its new
members: Mortar Board, senior women's honorary will present awards
to freshman girls with a 3 standto the
ing, and present book-engirls in Patterson hall who have kept
the neatest room during the year;
Phi Beta, scholastic award in the
form of full membership; Phi
Omicron, honorary home economics organization, will anounce
new members; and Theta Sigma Phi
omens journalism honorary, will
present a cup to the freshman girl
in journalism
with the highest
The Y. W. C. A. and A W. 3
officers will be introduced, WAA will
present a cup to the most outstandpresent
ing member; and AWS
scholastic awards to two junior women.

Lrssoa In Spelling
Here's one on a certain English
professor. At an English meeting not
so very long ago. this Instructor was
trying to spell the name of a drink
of the West Indies. A colored maid
was standing behind him and after
he had stumbled and strained at
the problem for for a few minutes.
he said simply, "It is spelled
D a I q u a r i " And they make
us spell 95 out of 100 correctly.





Dr. Carsie Hammond, head of the
Agriculture Education department,
gave the commencement address at
Vine Grove high school on May I.

Delegate From 'Bluegrass'
To Go To Rhododendron
Show In N. C.

will be held at 7 o'clock Friday night,

terested. we will devote some space
in our regular columns for a full

Granted A Fellowship
Ram Milner. senior in Uie College
of Law, has been granted a fellowship for graduate study at the University of Michigan. Milner was recently elected to membership in the
Order of the Coif, national honorary
legal fraternity.

Croft To Represent
Kentucky In Festival

Woman's Banquet
Will Be Held In
Commons Friday


News Item
Note: Again we print more news
items for which no space was left
in the rest of the paper.


Mildred Croft. Crofton. Delta
Delta Delta, has been selected as
Kentucky sponsor to the 11th annual Rhododendron Festiva of Western North Carolina, and Jeanne
Barker, Louisville. Alpha Gamma
Delta, will represent the University
In the Mountain Laurel Festival at
Pineville. May
Miss Croft, sponsor of Pershing
Rifles and attendant to the
beauty queen, mas chosen
from three girls recommended by
Dean Sarah G. Blanding. She will
be a guest of honor at a series of
luncheons, dances, and the annual
Rhododendrqn Ball, at the festivities from June 8.
Miss Barker, queen of May Day
festivities today, was also an attendant to the beauty queen and first
battalion sponsor of the R.O.T.C.
Her appointment came from the
office of Pres. Frank L. McVey.
She will be a participant in a
contest entered by girls from all
The annual Woman's Banquet, to Kentucky colleges through which
the Kentucky Mountain Laurel
be given in cooperation with the Queen is named.

I'nirersity Standing
-During the past year, especially,
the University faculty has "cracked
down' on the requirement that all
students eligible for honors on the
campus must have a certain standing. I would like to know just what
is meant by a University standing.
-Borne say that a 1" standing from
the previous semester is necessary
for an honor. Others say that it
means a "C standing for the entire
time a student has spent at the
University. Does it mean a student
has to pass twelve hours with a "C
averaee for all of the subjects, or
does it mean passing
of the subjects carried during the
semester? An explanation and specific rules on this matter are certainly needed." R. S.

'Makes Commencement




Health Department
To Hear Dr. Reekie
University Group to Sponsor
Second Round Table

All classes will be excused


a. m. today in observance of

the annual May Day ssrvices.
Other classes will be resumed
Saturday, according to a notice
from the office of Leo M. Chamberlain, registrar.

Block And Bridle

Judging Contest
To Be Held Today

in the annual Southeastern conference Judging contest, sponsored by
the Kentucky chapter of Block and
Bridle, to be held at 7:30 a. m., today at Uie University.
The competing teams are North
Carolina. 'Virginia. Tennessee. University of Mississippi, Berea. Louisiana State, Southwestern Louisiana
Institute, and the University of
Carl Camenisch, superintendent
of the contest, announced that following the contest, which will end
at 3 p. m Friday, the visitors will
be taken on a tour of the leading
livestock farms of the Bluegrass. Ira
Dryman. manager of Dixiana Farm
will be the principal speaker at a
banquet, given by Block and Bridle,
at 6:30 p. m., at the University
The winning team will receive a
trophy and the first, second .and
third high men of Uie contest will
be given keys. Keys will also be
presented to the high man of each
class of livestock.
The awards will be presented at
the banquet.

Dairy Club To Hear
Senator P. Gaines

Independents Win






Becker, Noted Writer,
Is Quest Speaker In
Browsing Room





author, journalist, and editor of the

New York Herald Sunday magazine,
mill speak at 9 a. m. today, in the
department of library science on
"The Festival of Children's Books."
In recognition
of the Children
Spring Festival.
Following her lecture on "Thf
Romance of Reading" yesterday afternoon in the browsing room of the
University library. Mrs. Becker was
guest at a tea in the staff room oi
the library. Last night she was guest
of honor at a community diner at
the University. Her subject wa
"The New Books."
Editor of the magazine "Scholastic." Mrs. Becker conducts tht
"Reader's Guide" column In the New
York Herald Tribune's Sunday magazine.
Her published
works include:
"Adventures in Reading," and "Under Twenty." The Golden Tales,"
a series of reeional anthnlndea was
I edited
and compiled by her.

Derby. Saturday, May 7 with new
formations, displays and such numbers as "Pony Boy" and "The Old
Gray Mare."
The ninety members of the band
will leave at 8 o'clock Saturday
morning for Churchill Downs and
will be accompanied by Betty
sponsor; Berkley Benneson.
drum major; and Bruce Sullivan,
assistant drum major, according to
an announcement made yesterday
by John Lewis, director.
Last year the band won first
place in a competitive march during
the Derby festival and was awarded
a gold cup.
Bands from Indiana University,
University of Louisville. St. Xavier
high school and Uie Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company will
also play for the Derby. The bands
will be conducted in several mass
numbers by John Lewis. Alternating
with performances in separate units
and in mass, Uie bands will play at
intervals throughout the day.

Sophomore Group
Holds Initiation
Kevs, sophomore honorary organization,
held annual initiation
ceremonies and election of officers
at a dinner on May 1 at the Lafayette hotel.
Initiates are Gene Rldell. Phi Delta Theta: Frank O'Brien. Phi Sigma
Kappa. Samuel Pole, PI Kappa Alpha: Sinclair Raynor. Delta Chi:
John Conrad. Phi Kappa Tau:
Samuel Simonton. Lamba Chi Alpha: William Garland, Sigma Phi
Epsilon: Charles Bruce. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Howard Davis, Kappa
Sigma; Roy C. Wayne. Kappa Alpha? and John Chappell, Triangle.
Officers for next year are John
Chappell. president; Samuel Pole,
vice president; John Conrad, treasurer; and Charles Bruce, secretary.

Dr. Palmer Heads
Sociological Tour
Headed by Dr. Vivien Palmer, associate professor of sociology, several University faculty members
have completed a Kentucky social
service trip through the eastern
section of the state.
A social study was made of the
section by the faculty members
also attended the first annual conference of University of Kentucky
listening center directors at Gander.
The Pine Mountain settlement
school was visited Thursday morning and the night spent at Hazard.
Later the teachers inspected the
Frontier Nursing Service Hospital
at Hyden and later the Nursing
Center at Redbird. Friday afternoon
they attended a session of the listening center meeting. Saturday
speat at the saa cuulerence.




6, 1938


Coronation Of May Queen,
Float Parade Will Follow
Convo In Today's Festival
SuKy May Day Spring Formal
Will Be Last Dance To

Jeanne Barker, Alpha Gam,


Will Be Crowned Queen
B Betty Bewlay,
Chi Omega


Be Held


Hop To

Floats Are To Be Assembled

Feature Pledging Of
New Members To
Pep Club

Formal pledging ceremonies for
Suky, pep organization, will be held
at the Suky May Day spring formal,
as the last dance in the Alumni
Gymnasium from 9 to 12 tonight
Garth House and his orchestra will
Jeanne Barker. May Queen, will
pin ribbons on new members as
they march past the throne through
an aisle formed by old Suky members.
A special
for pledges
and actives of Suky and their dates
will be played.
. The 14 students to be pledged are:
Emily Clay, Crittenden, Alpha Xi
Delta: Ann. Harding Davis, Paris,
Chi Omega: Blllie Jackson. Lexington, Chi Omega; Mary Kirk wood
Snyder. Lexington, Alpha Xi Delta;
and Kathryn Byrd Roszcll, Lexington. Delta Delta Delta.
Evelyn Warren. Lexington. Delta
Zeta; Geraldine Stapelton, Lexington. Kappa Delta; William Elder.
Lexington. Alpha Tau Omega; Sam
Ewing, Louisville, Pi Kappa Alpha;
Bobby Rice, Lexington, PI Kappa
Alpha; Sam Pole. Washington. D.
C, PI Kappa Alpha: Weldon Cob-iFrankfort. Kappa Alpha: and
Jake Greenwell, Shelbylvllle, Kappa
Prizes for the best floats in this
afternoon's May Day parade will be
presented by Gene Warren. President of Suky. Silver platters In
large and small sizes will be presented as first and second prizes
for fraternities and sororities, while
the best float entered by an honorary organization will win a silver

Featured By

American Drama Of
Old West

'Of Human Hearts." a great American drama of the old western
frontier starring James Stewart.
Walter Huston. Beulah Bondi. and
Ann Rutherford, opens tonight's
college night program at a local

Number two feature yields Claire
Trevor as a fugitive radio star who
masquerades as a country girl. The
film, filled with romance and gaiety, is titled 'Big Time Girl" and
Includes Donald Woods In the cast
In addition to the full length
flickers, the program- boasts of a
cartoon billed "Trailer Life" and a
novelty short headed "Not So
The usual coupon which will admit one or two stifdents for the
matinee price of 16 cents each until
8 o'clock tonight appears elsewhere
In today's Kernel.

Kentucky Golfers
Lose To Xavier


Courtesy Lexington Herald
Alpha Gamma Delta

Power Pritchard Collects
On Kernel Slogan Contest

Kernel Staff
Meeting Is

There will be no Kernel staff
meeting today, as previously
slated, due to May Day activities and the K. I. P. A. meeting
at Transylvania College.
All staff members interested in
attending the convention are
asked to see the editor before
noon today. Regular meetings of
the staff will be resumed oil Friday, May 13.

Tat Tennis Squad

Nips All Opponents
On Northern Foray


Daeniiold K


tributions. That the campus is rap-Idus
indicated by the increased competition and by the fact that every
entry was a serious attempt to win.
Second honors went to Mariam
Oardhouse, a sophomore in the
Commerce college, who advised In
behalf of the blue grass: "Look out!
I'm Just a young blade!"
Entries may be written on the
coupon which can be. found elsewhere in today's sheet. They should
be deposited in the box located in
the University Station for that purpose. Winning slogans are judged
on the basis of originality, cleverness, and pertinence to Uie subject.
They may be rhymed or unrhymed
but should not exceed two lines In



Confederate Squad
Will Strut Its Stuff
For Derby Crowds
Fred Flowers, cadet general in
command of the Confederate drill
squad, will lead his grey clad warriors through an exhibition drill to
be given Saturday, May 7. at Churchill Downs just preceeding the
running of the 74th Kentucky Der-

p. m.

Betty Bewlay. maid of honor, will
perform official crowning ceremon- Continued on Page Four)

Johnston Installed
As AWS President
In Annual Ritual
Annual installation of officers of
the Association of Women Students
was held at 5 p. m. Wednesday.
May 4. in Patterson haL The hous
"residents of sororities and residence halls were also installed.
Those Installed were Ruth JohnMary Ann Stilt,
Leslie Lee Jones,
secretary: Susan Clay, treasurer:
and Mary Elizabeth Kcppius. Y W
ston, president;

C. A.




History Honorary
Holds Initiation







president and

House presidents Include: Virginia
Ferguson. Alpha Xi Delta: Mollie
Acree, Alpha Gamma Delta: Ida
Jean Phillips. Chi Omega: Mary
Jane Braly. Kappa Delta: Charlotte
PercivaL Delta Zeta; Hattie Richie.
Zeta Tau Alpha; Genevieve Montgomery. Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Mary K. Boland. Delta Delta Delta:
Alpha Delta
Janet te Rennaker.
Theta and Frances Yuong, Patterson halL

A home economic teachers training conference, to study the problem of teacher education in home
economics, is now being conducted
at the University's
building under the direction of Rua
The Confederate drill squad will Van Horn. Washington,
accompany the first platoon,
agent for home economics educaC. Pershiny Rifles on their tion in Uie central region of Kentrip Thursday, May 6, to Bowling tucky.
Green where the carck Pershing
Riflemen will compete against the
winner of the third regimental drill
Seven members of Uie Norwwod
At Bowling Green, the ConfederMining and Metallurgy
ate drill squad will give an exhibi- branch of Uie American Institute
tion performance before leaving for of Mining and Metallurgical EnLouisville where they will appear at gineers, attended the National Coal
the Kentucky Colonel's banquet, to Miners convention Thursday. May
be held Thursday night May 5 in 5, in Cincinanti.
the Kentucky hotel.
The Confederate squad Is composed of a drummer, cadet Arthur
Dotsou; a fife player, cadet William
Merton; a flag bearer, cadet
and privates Roy W.
A. W Smith. James Taul
Edward Randall. William Boat. Albert Moffet Frank Davis, and J.ini'-- i
There will be an Important meeting f all fraternity president in
President MeVey'a oftlee, Tuesdar.
May in. at 7 o. m.

Wildcats, trading
net Irani in the Big 10 confrrrnce,
submersed Coach IL H, Downing'!
touring troup, 7 to 2, late yesterday
afternoon, t'aplain Evans krpi the
Kentucky 't'als from receiving
shutout in the singles by triumphing
over Fraehling in a brillian battle,
S 3,
Englrbardt and Ragland
thrir steady, pat-p- at
game, to win out over O'Nril and
In the double.
After three starts in a five match
Northern trip, the Wildcat tennis
team, following a
Spring initiation ceremonies of
win over the
potent Irish of Notre Dame Wednes- j Tau chapter of Phi Alpha Theta,
day afternoon in South Bend, post- itn,ivnai uviiutaiji humuijt 11 ttbel 1111 y3,
were held Tuesday afternoon. May
ed a clean slate in matches played in the Art Center.
so far on the tour.
Those initiated were Prof. Ellery
The opening meet on the crusade Lewis Hall, assistant professor of
as wrested from the University of history: William M. Baker, and Ray
Indiana squad Monday by the mar- Elizabeth Drane. Prof. J D. Williams, director of the University
gin of
Followed then a
rout of Purdue Tuesday and the high school, addressed members of
Notre Dame win.
Northwestern the organization at a banquet honwas listed for yesterday and Mich- oring the new members at the
igan State Saturday.

The University 'of Kentucky golf
team lost their second match of six
starts this season when they suffered a defeat from the hands of
Xavier Musketeers Wednesday afternoon. May 4, by a decision of
10 to 8 here at the Ashland Country
The summary:
Elsaes X 0
Robinsin K 3
Dannenhold Km, Beckman X m
Adams K 0
Ralson X 3
H. Beckman X 2S, Walton K 4
Robinson and Walton K 3, H. Beckman and Elsaes X 0.
Ralson and Beckman X 3, Adams

With all the color and pa sentry
of an Old English May Day festival, the crowning of Jeanne Barker.
Louisville, Alpha Gamma Delta, as
the 15th University May Queen, will
be held at 3:30 p. m. today on Stoll
Official festivities will begin at
at Memorial hall upon the dismis-1a. m. for Uie annual convocation
sal of classes for the rest of the
day. Pres. Prank L. McVey will
The Sullivan medallions will be
awarded to Uie outstanding senior
boy and girl and Kentucky citizen
for conspicioua service and high
Mortar Board .honorary leadership fraternity for senior women,
and Cwens. honorary sophomore
women's fraternity will pledge.
A $100 scholarship Is to be given
to James Robert Powers. Engineering. Pulton, and a scholarship plaque will be presented to Arthur L.
Meader. Arts and Sciences. Lexington, by Lamp and Cross, senior
They will be
men's honorary.
awarded to Uie freshmen for high
outstanding activities
and high ideals.
Following convocation there will
be a parade of floats entered by
fraternities, sororities, and honorary organizations, led by Uie University "Best Band In Dixie -Leaving the Administration building at 2 p. m.. Uie procession will
proceed down Limestone to Maxwell, from Maxwell to Broadway to
Main, down Main to Rose and then
to Stoll field. Floats must be at
the Administration building at 13"


College Nile Is


ing At 1:30 P. M.

"Grass was made for cows.
Believe it or not the above sage
Lamp and Cross, senior men's
honorary leadership fraternity will suggestion, the brain child of "Pride
pledge fifteen Junior men at con- of Paris" Power Prlchard, took first
vocation at 11 a. m. today.
place In the Kernel's fourth
Those selected are : Wendell Bink-lecontest and won its
Fulton, Alpha Gamma Rho; originator $1.00 cash.
Walter Coe, Erlanger, Phi Kappr
The deadline for the poster conTau; Lawrence Garland. Lexington, test, held in conjunction with the
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; William Hall, slogan competition has been extendNicholasville, Phi Delta Theta; Her- ed until Wednesday. May II, in
bert Hillenmeyer, Lexington, Phi order to give contestants more time
Delta Theta; Fred Fischer, Louis- to prepare their entries. Five dollars
ville. Independent; Joe Johnson. in ca"sh will be awarded to Uie winClinton. Alpha Tau Omega: James ner of this competition, it was anPalmore, Frankfort, Sigma Chi; nounced by the contest editor.
Albert Moffett, Lexington. Kappa
Nearly doubling Tuesday's record
Alpha; Tom Patterson, Bardwell. number of slogans, today's
Triangle; Sunny Parrish. Lexington. mounted to approximately offerings50 conPhi Delta Theta; R. W. Rudd, Hanson, Alpha Gamma Rho; Jack
Stone, Lexington. Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Bob Strohm. Chicago, 111.,
Triangle; and Jack Way, Carrollton,
Kappa Alpha.

Drama, Comedy
Make Up Program




Best Band In Dixie
Will Display Wares Lamp
And Cross
At Derby Festival To Pledge Fifteen
"The Best Band In Dixie," will
At Convocation
defend its tiUe at Uie Kentucky


Eight schools will be represented

Dr. D. A. Reekie, Louisville, member of Uie Kentucky State Health
department, will speak on "Means
of Evaluating the Effectiveness of
a Public Health Program" at the
second meeting of a series of four
round tables in room 201, Neville
hall, tonight at 7:00 o'clock.
Miss El ma Rood, director of public health nursing in the University's department of hygiene and
public health, will be in charge of
Uie meeting, which is sponsored by
Uie University public health nurFifth Annual Honor Banquet
sing department.
To Be Held In Commons
round table will be
The third
At 6:30 Tonight
held in room 1, F razee hall. May 12.
Mr. W. Gayle Starnes will give an
Senator P. B Gaines. Carrollton.
illustrated lecture on The Value
will be guest of honor at the fifth
of Films and Slides in a Community Health Program."
annual honor banquet sponsored by
the University Dairy Club at 6:30
tonight in the University Commons.
Senator Gaines, president of the
American Jersey Cattle Club, is the
owner of the 60 cow herd which
world's record In butter-fa- t
Capturing first place in both the holds the
men's and women's divisions of the
president of the
University's annual campus sing- Dairy P. Barnett,
Club, will preside at the baning contest, the independents car- quet and David Pettus, senior in the
ried off the cups awarded by ODK College of Agriculture, will present
campus leaders' honorary fraterni- to Dean Cooper a picture of Senaty, and Cwens. sophomore women's tor Gaines which is to be placed in
honorary society, Tuesday night the College of Agriculture Hall ol
May 4, in Memorial halL
Fame. About 25 dairy catle breedSingers representing
Delta Tau ers and creamery men will be prewon second place in the men's sent.
competition while Kappa Delta representatives took second honors iu
Uie women's group
Judges for the event were Willeni
The Peace Poster Exhibition, on
van de Wall, of the dopartm-n- t
of display in the library this week, is
Illuoiv i uui.ai
uicneiauil. sponsored by the United States Peace
managing editor of the Lexington Committee. Miss Harriet Hender-sho- t,
Leader, and John Lewis. Jr., Unichairman of the committee
versity band director.
Miss Mil- on exhibitions, was in charge. All
dred Lewis, of the music depart- - posters were done by members of
i nieiU, Cirec'.ea 'he tlngeis.
Uie YV.'CA and YMCA.

Awards for the best college paper,
editorial, news story, feature, sport
story and most effective ad will be
made at a banquet at 6.30 tonight,
convenconcluding the
tion of the Kentucky Intercollegiate
Press Association which will met
today at Transylvania College.
Election of officers for next year
will be held at a business meeting
at 2:30 p. m. in Sciencs Hall, and
the new constitution of the organization will be presented for approval at that time, according to an
made recently by
George Crenshaw, business manager of the Crimson, Transylvania
year book.
Delegates from the Kernel will
include L. T. Iglehart,
Ed Muehsler, managing editor; Leslie Lee Jones, associate editor; Jean McElroy, news editor;
Harry M. Smith, business manager;
and Ross J. Chepcletf, retired editor.






Dr. Leon Cohen, professor of Mathematics, will speak on "Ednra-tiona- l
Policy" before the American
Student Union at 7:30 o'clock Monday night in Room 210 McVey hill
Election of officers of Chi Delta
Phi will be held at 7.15 o clock
Monday. May 9. in the Reading
room of Boyd hall. All members
are urged to be present. Manuscripts for membership in the fraternity must be in by Saturdav,



* Page





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cittt utttrr

under th Art m Marrti 1,



National Advertising Senrice, Inc.
4IO Madison


E. H. NfrrHsi.r

eav McEiroy
HiRRY M. Smith

Managing Editor
Anj Editor
Business Manager

Rumsey Garrison
Leslie Lee Jones
Lotus Raynei
J. B. Faulkner
Sports Editor


is he seat of

It seems that the students at

practically no freak
No, we're not referring to
clubs on the campus.
and soap box
student strikes,
Happily. UK has left it for other colseeches.
leges to advance the cause of the "revolution.



con-ar- e



and Newcomb have been raising a bit of Cain on the Gulf Coast
and the officials are getting terrifically hot under the collar about it all.
According to the Chattanooga Free
Press the fair name of Tulane has
to be kept out of the mud and thereorBut we are sadly lacking in
fore an investigation is under way.
ganizations so prevalent in other schools.
As far as your snooper can see.
Yale has a Shirley Temple club. Members Kentucky is on a par with the
strictest girl's school as far as rules
sa. "If she can do that now, just wait until she are concerned .and is far more quiet
than any northern university and
grows up!"
many a Southern one. So all this
The Future Slackers of America has recently beefing about the younger generation of college students going
1 he idea is
been founded at Lehigh university.
straight to the dogs is slightly ex
that there won't lie any wars, if nobody goes aggerated in spile of popular belief
to the contrary.
It'g all a lot of
fight them. Wartime slackers are usually put

Htm torn.. N. Y.

ixris T. Iclf.hart






Who's wnoey



Society Editor in jail, but you can't put the whole world beSARAH RANSDELL
hind bars. For one reason there aren't enough
Circulation Manager
(prison) bars to go 'round and then, jails don't
run themselves wardens and guards are neres-sarv- .
Myer Godhelf
John Wilktrson
Al Wathen
In this rase the jailers would be slackers,
IiPe Allen Heine
Cecil Klttengw
league has chapters throughThe
Robert Cohen
Sam Ewlng
out the country. This organization has the uniREPORTERS
Louis Barker
Star Reporter versal support and cooperation of florists, of
IjM "ku
Mrv w. Christian Ororrc I Amasrui
huth Jru Lwt
Irvtn. Danzlrer
J Aim Cupill
Anthony Frna
Ambrose Aritaur
Aiipnby furwr
iltntu Woore
At Wichita university there is the Casanovas
of America. These fellows can't quite decide
VDDAY the snn- what they organized for, but it is something
about a parody of European politics.
University will crown
May we suggest an
club on
the fifteenth queen
May Day
of the Mav in cele- - this campus. After all, why not crown the four
bration of a custom instituted in 1924 for recog- or five girls that have yet to be made queen of
something or other? We should, strive to le
nition of the" most beautiful girl on the. campus
democratic, even in doling out crowns.
and her court.
Also a Society for the Protection and Care
This day of gaiety, starting with convocation
of Undernourished Elephants. One must conin Memorial Hall where the Sullivan Medallion serve wild life, must not one? What would colhonois are announced and honorary organiza- lege be without wild life?
tions hold pledging ceremonies, marks a tradim
tional ehibiiton of fellowship and genuine good
spi in.
Element Woman.
Observed as the perpetuation of a tradition Physical pioperties-Raih- er
pale in appearance;
begun by our forefathers, the program features
usually coated with dusky film of
the annual float parade that this year adheres
aborginal hue. Weight . . . varies
to the expression o