xt70zp3vwr6x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vwr6x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1958 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 1958 Vol.25 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, December 1958 Vol.25 No.3 1958 2019 true xt70zp3vwr6x section xt70zp3vwr6x ' ’ fi':’:':{:1;:.:.§:_ ,.-1-':.:{:3".l§'/i;
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,st where Published In the Interest of IQommumty Journalism . . . Of, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers
many an t I v
efore he W V ‘ IV. .I' ,“Y‘dia -; .I , —, . . . .
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niversify of Kentucky Kentucky's Showcase: The Old Mill In Wayne County
. NY exington

E! ——_—— " ? DECEM
! V » nsur
! '
' our
I; What IS The ‘
!! The value
E! I ‘ ‘ e different
argest oman s u
!!1 It the [ma
!!! 5, 10 or 2
H: e. No one
+ In entuc
t 2. Dcpreci
H y . the value
1! 1‘ - owable ta)
!! ! ‘ )eriod of y
!}! ’ : still peo
! ! . ount of t]
!? 415,300 Women Who Save Trading Stamps :. Market
!I ich you c
i ? Are The Largest “Woman’s Club” ”m Kentucky. re §°1d in
I netlmes i1]
1 ance.
l. Present
azing sum
! tuild your
:1 ' Every day about 415,800 Kentucky ing is enormously good for business :eb‘i‘glsfllffi;gl
! { women make it a point to shop where in our state. this basis.
! .
I i r i s m . This lar . ‘- Present
‘ they get t ad ng ta p S ge Last year, for example, tradmg the amoul
t t: ‘ group of smart, thrifty Kentucky . deductio
! 5 ~ , , , companies purchased $1,064,000
!! t shoppers, w1th their common Interest mm, ar
!, , tr d'n stam s can be tho ht of worth of products from Kentucky :6 of main
_ !‘ t 1n a 1 g“ p ’, ,, _ ug manufacturers. Making these things :11,“ has 1’
! ~ as a huge woman s club w1th mem— . . lvmg at th
! , prov1ded ]ObS for 268 Kentucky peo- megs.
, bershlp throughout the state. ple S & H Redemption Stores pay P
j} ! ‘ ' 7 - res
3! ‘ . “ ,, in local rent and taxes, em lo man ; 11 ,
!! ! Of course thlS club woman gets g p y y Olu (, )0“
a ‘? _ more. raxe on
!! ! wonderful things for her home and f It is w
!! 1 family through such favorites as S & H In the light of these facts it would 1:13:20?
!! ! Green Stamps. Through her thrift seem that not only Kentucky women, 6t us tat
!!! and diligence she provides “extras” but everybody in the state can be 36:51:31
! I for her famil . And althou h she ma thankful that the tradin stam is a lay that t
1 y y y g p g .
§ ‘ seldom think about it, her active sav- part of our way of life. C0:I:l::1(::ff
z‘ ! ssuming j
1 ! ding in 1
Z ! ‘ ! ‘ This message is published as public information rochTZflmlj
1 by THE SPERRY AND HUTCHINSON Company, orig- gaging“!
‘ inator 62 years ago of S & H Green Stamps. it new at
I ‘ multiplie
‘0 60, so to f
_ roximatel}
‘ 1 . t 55111116 yOI
1 st of $20,
. p ‘ tld cost to
! I l - ll l-Iw

. . . amount. 11 Mr. Jones’ $100,000 building is
n5 u re nce S peCIa I '51- Expla I nS totally destroyed and his policy is $80,000,
the claim payment is $80,000. If the insur-
ance remains $80,000, but the building has
I P t 1.. Pl I. P i, 1.. increased in value to $160,000, claim pay~
0U r rln lng an r0 eC Ion nient would still be $80,000 on a total loss.
If the co-insurance clause is not complied
The value of a property can be defined in (Note: This article is a digest of an with, you and you only will take the beating
‘ e different ways. address by Verne O. Christinson, an in- in case of a disastrous fire.
1. Original Asset Value. This would repre- surance specialist, at a Montana Me- In closing, let me leave these thoughts
it the total cost of property over a period chanical conference.) with you:
5, 10 or 20 years as it grew to its present ——-———————— 1. Have one competent agent handle your
e. No one ever thinks 01" this as the basis What Co-Insurance Means insurance problems.
~insurance amounts. The co-insurance clause is an agreement 2. Have a complete insurance analysis
2. Depreciated Book Value. This would between the insurance company and the made up. '
the value reduced by depreciation factors property owner. The property owner agrees 3. 1f the handling agent cannot make an
owable taxwise. Some are written off over to carry insurance on his building and equip- appraisal of your building property and,
)eriod of years. Strange as it may be, there ment and stock equal to a stipulated pen “'lth your help, of the furniture, fixtures and
1 Still people who would use this as the centage on the actual cash value of the prop- machinery Of your plant, get a qualified
ount of their insurance. erty—usually 70% to 100%. The insurance engineer or contractor or hire an appraisal
5. Marisa Vélhlfh ThiS iS the amount company agrees to allow a reduced rate for company to come In and get the values
icli you could get for the property, if it the insurance. right! .
l‘C 501d in El relatively ShOl‘t time. This iS The rate 01 reduction varies with the 4 If you deSire to have your insurance
aetimes illogically used as a basis for in- stipulated percentage. It allows you to save “'“tteh bx various agents, have the handling
ance. money on premiums to the extent of getting agent deSignate the amounts YO“ W15h to
1. Present Replacement Value. This is the more coverage for the money. eaCh one Of them' .
azing sum which you would insure for to Assuming you have an 80% Average If you ever have aidisastrous fire. or other
Iuild your plant as it stands today at cur- Clause on a Class ”C" building: in this par- type 0t 1055! Wlth thls type Of an insurance
. tbuilding and equipment costs. More and ticular area you would receive a 35% dis- program you ShOUId come 01” 0“ “’1’-
[8111855 re insurance programs are being placed count for the fire and other coverages on _o__
this basis. the contents you would receive a 20% dis- T ,
. Present “insurable value." This would count. lemg Up Bundles
fading the amount of present replacement values H inltarry 90% to value you WOUId save . Replying to a question regarding the tie-
34 000 deduction [01. age, wear, and than ob- an additional amount of the rate of 5.%.or mg of copies of newspapers by means of a
’ ascence, and other factors, considering the you WOUId have a d‘SCOUht Off the building bundle tier when they are mailed Singly as
itucky :e of maintenance. rate 0f 40%, and Oh the furniture, hXtUTES, second class matter, Edwin A. Riley, Director
things This has been the most common basis for mac/lgnery and stock an addItIOhal amount 0f the Postal Serv1ces DiViSion has issued
iving at the amount of insurance for your 0f J/o or a total discount 0f 25%» the following:
y peO- iness. To further explain the Co-Insurance “When copies of a newspaper are mailed
5, pay- Present Replacement Cost 32:]:leorA:::;:siq:31;::eés1:12;:$133531; :1;eg they mustlbe enclosed in indiVidual
. . , .ppers or enie opes as prescribed by Sec.
1 many lould you tell me how much insurance for his printing plant valued at $100,000. T0 126.1221 of the Postal Manual. This has been
have on your building, who writes it. get 21 10W premium rate, he insures it for a requirement for many years. The use of
7 it is written? When was the last ap- $80,000 under the 80% Co-Insurance Clause. string to keep a COPY folded or rolled is not
isal on the building? When was the last Six months later, a fire causes a loss of authorized in lieu Of a wrapper or envelope
WOUld made on the equipment and machinery? $40,000. Since Mr. Jones has COleiEd With for a copy mailed singly. However, when
Iomen, et us take a Class “C" building con- the trio—insurance requirements, his $401000 there are more than five copies in a mailing
cted in 1940, at a COSt Of $20,000 com- 13 mld 1“ fun» [or local delivery, or for delivery at the same
an be 6, CXCIUdiDg land and architect’s {665- Five years have passed. A $40’000 fire OC‘ post office, or [or delivery in the same state,
1p is a lay that building would cost, to replace curs. The building has increased in value they are not required to be enclosed in in-
} approximately $557200: as 0t March 1, to $160 000- Under the 80% Co-Insurance dividual wrappers or envelopes, provided
cost multiplier being 2.76. Clause, his insurance should have been in- such copies are securely wrapped in packages
ssuming you bUht the same type 0t creased to 90070 0t $160000, or $128000 Bht or tied in bundles, labeled for the particular
ding in 1948 for $20,000) it ‘VOhld COSt Mh Jones did NOT increase his POhCY and post office or the particular state in accord-
roximately $28,400 today t0 replace new, is Still carrying “0000' Since Mr. Jones has ance with Sec. 126.134 of the Postal Manual.
. cost factor of 1.42. not complied with the Co-Insurance require— In these mailings, the individual copies may
ssuming you furnished your Printing "isms, his insurance is $80000/ $12841“): or be tied by means of a bundle tier if the pub-
it new at a cost of $20,000 in 1940, the five—eighths of what it should be. So the in- lisher so desires.”
multiplier of today for printing plants surance company pays only five-eighths of
60, so to furnish it new today would cost the $40,000 1058, 01‘ $25,000. _—._—
rox1mately $42,000. . _ Total Destruction There are 1,755 daily newspapers in the
ssume you furnished it new in 1948 at U. S., servmg Virtually every City, town and
»st of $20,000. The factor being 1.42, it When there is total destruction, an insur— hamlet on the map, and offering community
41d cost today approximately $28,400. ance policy never pays more than its face impact no other medium can match.
K ,_______

 1 . _
1 1
11 1
1 Sunday Editors Attack 1e||ing y
Newspapers Must Educate Odd-Shaped Advertisements -0 you,
1 A resolution by American Assn. of& Followin
1 1 “All I know is what I read in the papers.” our concept of education, the purpose was and Feature Editors recently COHdemihich migl
111 Will Rogers had a habit of getting at the there. Then, as now, newspapers were writ- “unfair t0 UCWShaPt-‘TS and their mu need
1 1 roots of things in a few words. The quota- ten for their readers. what was called odd-shaped advertiseortance a
1 tion above is subject to many interpretations, The role of the newspaper has changed Wthh 566k to steal a magazme pageh an Adv:
11 but the most obvious is that newspapers are through the years. With the advent of radio ing only 60% t0 70% 0f the Space.” R 1, The r
1: practically the only source of information and television, timeliness ceased to be a fac- t10n was introduced by Cary Robertsonim that is
11 for most adults. tor to be considered by the printed media. day editor of Louisville Couriervjournhd advert
11 The average age at which classroom train- Rather, the emphasis is now on giving the It declared further: . . by makingle home.
11 ing ends is 18, but a diploma does not end complete picture, backgrounded, and inter- possible to use the remaining news $1112. Newsp
11 an individual’s desire or capacity for learn- preted. The electronic media evolved, and the page) attractively, the buyer of suimparativ
111 ing. Every spring sees a sizeable number of remained, as an entertainment media, and vertising i5 defeating his own ends iiiange—tlié
11 graduation speakers mention the fact that those in the industry are the first to admit tually driving readers away from his 3 Nearl
111 ”education is only the beginning,” or “now that their news coverage is meant to be to Others which contain something concentri
11 you have the tools, and it is time for you to swift—and brief. seeing and reading. Furthermore, [hilt overex‘I
go forth and learn." Although the American press has yet to erShiP 0f the entire SBCtiOfl is b01111tl_ts
This issue contains a report on a workshop realize its full educational potential, those alfected in the worst possible way. ' '
1 devoted to the use of newspapers in the who wish to control and shape a society have Finally, this grouP denies the claim4' The n1
‘ schools. This sort of program is important, been quick to employ newspapers as one of made that well advertising may as “:pth m t
1 not only for its immediate educational value, their most powerful tools. Hitler and Goeb- swallowed quietly because all otherrtually ex
1 i but also because of the reading habits and bels had all too great success with their “edu- papers are accepting it. On the (market.
1 basic curiosity it instills during the forma cation for death” through the Nazi Ministry newspapers in some of our larger5' Pegp 16
1 tive years. Education is a continuing pro~ of Propaganda and Public Enlightment. The nCWSpaper groups and nationally syinde real y ,t
cess, and the newspaper is perhaps the best Soviet Union, through Pravda and Tass, has newspaper magazines have already PhenTthieyr
1 medium for use in both the formal atmos- complete control over the reading matter, barriers against such unacceptable ad1 ' l :m
1 phere of. the schools and the informal learn— and thus the day-to-day education, of the ers are in the process of doing so. ll’efsite :i
1 ing processes of the work-a—day world. Russian people. that still other publishers should coin Peeroiile
Among other things, the newspaper is an Newspapers exist because people want to putting up a solid front against fooueinentsI—s
1 educational institution. As such, it often know what’s going 011- They’re interested in croachments Of this type; and thaleir news
: i wields more influence in the lives and minds the newsworthy affairs of the man across the tisers, advertising agencies and advt8 Ever pi
3 1 of the people than the most honored univer- street, the government, and the people in representatives, on their part, ShOUiformatihn
. 1 sities. The combined enrollment of Iowa’s foreign lands. Most readers don't pick up a sider the self—defeating nature of the Linber of
1‘ f, 1 , 23 colleges and universities is less than the newspaper knowing that they’re going to be ads we so strongly object to." 9 Newspz
1 circulation of any of the state’s four largest educated by so doing. Nevertheless, most 0i —————-O—~—~———- peoples’ 1
1 daily newspapers. Even when those taking today’s newspapers contain lessoris ih ShCiOI' Post Card Billing Okay 10_ The p
. 11 1 correspondence courses or attending evening Ogl’: government and foreign affairs, busmess FOI’ CIassified Customers 3 spoken
1 i or extension division classes are considered, and economics, the arts, sc1ence, and the Eng- . . . ‘ -.
1‘1 1 - v - - - lish lan ua e. Post card billing for ClaSSlfied micause 1th
1 1 the total enrollment in Iowas institutions of g g _ . _ 11 P t l D t t iipre accur
1 higher learning is only two per cent of the The average Citizen hasn’t the time to read meets a os a epar men reqlibhding tha
1 combined circulations of Iowa’s newspapers. ah the b00k5 he might like t0 0“ the above 1‘5 a good CO“ and t‘me'5“{“$ 130551 11. The 1
1i . - - sub'ects. In most cases he robabl doesn’t seems to be PCiieCtiY PermiSSihie tou . .
1; ‘ This places a great burden of responSibil- i ’ p y card billin f iii—items n
‘ . want to read the books an wa —but he wants g or current accounts. .
l: 1 ity upon the shoulders of every editor and _ , . y_ y . . . where back t due zred With 2
1 . . . the information, and the information 15 di- paymen 5 are over
'1 publisher. The writing staff of a newspaper . , _ . (nest for a ment is made it isi .
11 b com ared to the facult of a gested in the newspaper. Most of what is in l . P Y : “1:2. News
1‘ i may well 6 p Y the reat libraries a eared at one time in t0 avmd any manner or method 0i F
1‘ i 1 university. Every issue of every newspaper g _ PP ’ in askin for 3a ment which mi ht reaches 1
1 1 1 . . . . some form in a news :1 er. g I V g
1‘ 1 i is the equivalent of a lecture sesSion in the _ f P P 1 . the card “ob'ectionable” in the o inmey.
1 1 if t 't has on the minds of some if not all, Mr. Citizen not only can t afford the time, 1 P13. News
1 6 cc 1 ’ , the Post Office De artment .
1 of the readers. but liasnt the money to spend on many _ HP - ' sition in
3 ' . . books. The newspaper is inexpensive and ‘ A POSt card biihng form describedfiause it is
_ Editors and. educators are really (iulte readily accessible. As a matter of fact, it was Southern Newspaper Publishers A5502 Ne
1 1 Similar: An 'CdltOI' might, be defined as one the expense and rarity of books that led to and in use by the GhitPOTt (MiSS') wicked if;
1 1 1 who disseminates facts, ind. an educator the development of moveable type, and thus ald, is headed “This Is Your BilF5 ThiiEri
‘ “one who brings outothe Significance 0.f the to the modern composing room. states: ”We thank you for giving usierests of i
1 1 facts.” The two definitions are readily inter— “All I know is what I read in the paper,” vilege of serving you and we hope [i6 The
changeable, for both newsman and teacher and what appears in the paper depends on ad has proven our slogan, ‘CIaSSifiCdere of bu
must interpret facts as well as present them. the skill and purposes of the editor and pub- the Daily Herald Bring Results’ isgs and tiir
‘ Education has had a part in the develop- lisher. One of those purposes should be to This ad contained words and i7 News
merit of today’s newspapers. The 19th cen- educate.—From the Iowa Publisher. ,.,.....times. Our charge is $..,..,... hrniittin i;
1 tury ”penny press” came as a result of the . _ that we can adequately take care Oil-m forgm'
. . mass of uneducated workers recruited by the Cork comes from the outer bark of a mendous volume of want ads withihiDr News‘
: Industrial Revolution. Although the boister- species of oak found in the Mediterranean mum of bookkeeping work, we resiall the If
ous papers of that era bear little relation to area. ask that this amount be remitted p!”
I - fl

Attack telling Your Newspaper facts—soOindispensable to the life of the E
rertisements '0 Your Advertisers mmmuth- . . _ Don’t Give It Away!
. 19. More advertismg dollars are invested
inerican Assn. ofS Followmg are some “conversation bits” in newspapers than in radio, TV, magazines Norman Moore, publisher of the Los An-
recently COn-demihich might be helpful to you the next time and outdoor combined. geles News-Advertiser, says his newspaper
)CI‘S 'rlrld [h611‘ {bu need to convince SOIHCOIIC 0f the lln— 2O Surveys show that Of all items in the has had remarkable growth in classified ad.
,d-shaped advertisiortance and advantages of the Newspaper newspaper, advertising ranks first in inter- vertising and it was made possible “by not
1 magazme page 1;; an Advertising Medium: est among women. giving the advertiser everything he wants.”
70 0f the Spam" R 1. The newspaper is an advertising med- Moore reports that his newspaper has grown
by Cary RObertSOTim that is wanted—it is sought and paid for _____._____ ”from a paid volume of 16 columns of classi-
i11€ Courier-Journ'qd advertising in it is not an intruder in Stress Service Departments fied advertising to 63 columns.” Advertisers.
r: .' by makingle home. When was the last time your local appli» he believes, are prone to 35k for a IOt 0f
emaining news 51122. Newspaper circulation is known and is ance dealer ran an ad stressing his service credit and the ”lowest rate in the book and
Y) the buyer Ofsunnparfltlvely unaffected by daily or seasonal facilities? Wall Street Journal reports re- all sizes 0f tYPOEmPhY-n Moore‘s POIiCYi
5% his own ends flange—there's no “summer slump." tailers who sell appliances are doing more ”NewsAdvertiser rates are not low and cred-
:rs away fromOhisg. Nearly all of a newspaper's circulation for customers with fix-it problems. “That's it is limited to only commercial accounts,
)ntain something concentrated in its own market area—with— the word of the appliance men themselves. With nearly 40% 0f the classified volume be-
Furthermore, thilt overextending into less promising mar< And the growing number of appliance deal- ing cash—in-advance.
: section is boundits. ers who are making a concerted effort to im- “The News-Advertiser prints its classified
.t possible way. . 4. The newspaper provides penetration in prove their service report it’s doing a world section in solid six-point caps and lower case
p denies the Clalm:pth in the primary market by reaching 0f good for their sales and profits.” Some With exception 0f Automobiles and Help
,rertismg may as “rtually every family or consumer in that dealers are putting emphasis on speedier re— Wanted where lightfaces up to 48 points are
because all otherarket. pair service. Example: one owner installed accepted. 011‘ 0f seven pages 0f nine C01-
18 It- on the 6035 People read newspaper ads when they two-way radios in his service trucks so ”his umns each Sunday and Thursday, more than
10 0f ‘0‘“ larger ready to make a decision and to act— boys could get around from call to call six pages are in the uniform six point."
nd nationally Symdfen they're ready to buy. faster." He expects his ’58 profits to be "at Moore maintains: ”Don’t give it away»
es have alreilldy PG. The newspaper is convenient; it may be least 50% above 1957," as a result.
:15 :rfiaggipgtalaoe :finsulted at a time most convenient to every “x—
blishers should «ember 0f the family.
front against fool7' People like to read newspaper adver-
5 type; and thatements—surveys show 85% of people want .
a encies and advteir newspapers to contain advertismg.
'g . ‘ I8. Every issue of every newspaper contains
. the” part, Shouformation and features of interest to every
ing‘natureuof the tember of the family.
object to. 9. Newspaper reading is a habit and a part
_.'_”__~_ peoples’ daily routine. '
19 Okay 10. The printed word is more reliable than
:ustomers e spoken word and it cannot be refuted '
5 for classified adpause it is easily available for re-checking. ,
Department requirtor? accurate information is obtained by
time-saving possiblldmg than listening. ‘
1y permissible to ull. The newspaper is ideal for compari-
rrent accounts. Hfi—items in a newspaper may be easily com- ‘
ints are overdue ared With items offered in other newspaper ’ - . ' .
is made, it is im.5' _
ier or method ollg' Newspaper advertising isinexpenswe—
m which mighissescssss more known fsmshcs for less HEAVY HANGS THE OVERHEAD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
,, . -n y.
1:12:11! éfitlthe OP'lg, Newspaper advertising occupies top ..yvhenlinecasting equipmentis obsolete,outworn
ng form describedsmon ‘in- the minds of successful retailers Or. Inadequate! NOW IS the time to ask yourself: Am
er Publishers AssoZause 1t 15 so important. 1 Just getting along" With my present equipment?
vulfport (Miss) DalH' Newspaper advertismg results can be Am _l already paylngufor a new L'nOtype*'n ID“
This Is Your BilFCde quickly. . . ' profits—In work that couldn't be done"?
[on for giving us l5. The newspaper 15 edited to satisfy the Your Linotype Agency would be pleased to give you
in and we hope derests of every shopper. a thorough and honest appraisal of your composing
slogan, ‘Classifiedlfi' The newspaper prOVides an atmos- room and how it may be modernized tp deliver top
Bring Results’ is ere of huying action because of its local- effICIency—an-d peak profits. Some plain talk about
digs and timeliness. comfortable financmg, too.
words an Il7. Newspaper advertising is flexible, thus
iarge 15 09W Irmitting an advertiser to tailor his adver- .
ately take meeting for many Purposes. Mergenthaler Linotype Company
?f want ads WlthlS. Newspapers provide reliable coverage 29 Ryerson St., Brooklyn 5, N. Y. -
ing work, we refill all the news—not just the bare headline
at be remitted prfl
_ ‘_ _ nit , x




Th K k P figfigfigfififigfigfig How Long Should ——

‘ . . P

e entuc y ress The Press extends its best greetings for Your Records Be Kept

‘ . _ _ this holiday season to you and yours with Business men often ask “how long 5i

5 Officml Publication heartiest wishes for your health, success and records be kept for reference or permi

3. Kentucky Press Assoc1ation, Inc. ‘ . . H .

‘ 3 Kentucky Press Service. Inc. piosperity in the new year to come. files? The Busmess Controller, an IN ‘

I, . . , ., blication su 'ests the followin sch

, Victor R. Portmann, Editor gfiwggfi‘gflwgfifififl pu ’ gg g a

. Perry J Ashley, Associate Editor 47: Ledgers: general ledger—permanent.

I . . Accounts Receivable Led ers: contra.

Member Killing A Small Town 1 .1 ,fi d r . g . F

‘ Kentucky Chamber of Commerce 1) ay, L 3551 e ’3 years, tranSient ClaSSi

1 Newspaper Managers Association An editorial in the neighboring town of 3 years; circulation—5 years; bad debt

" . Sustainingdvllember. _ Bascobel, \Visconsin, is worth reprinting: 0rds—25 years.

1] Nauonglssigfigrfi6:22:08th “Muscoda is one of the brightest little Accounts Payable Records: vouchei

‘ National Newspaper Promotion Association communities in southwestern Wisconsin. It years; voucher register—25 years.

Printed by The Kernel Press has a wide main street that much larger Cach Books: 25 years. .

‘ __________._———————— towns might envy, a beautiful white way Sales Journal: 10 years. AU

1 The Kentuchy P7955 14550550150" recognizes the system and modern, up-to-date business Check Registers: 10 years.

i (“Eda"gmal imprgtgnee oldthji sleiiifiiizttiiortimdi buildings. Payrolls: payroll sheets—permanent; RBI

‘ "T? 058 071 news a 875 an 5 u . .

1 public information. It stands for truth, fairness, ‘But the busmess .men of Muscoda are ployee earnings records—permanent;

jj ' accuracy, and decency in the presentation of domg a mighty poor Job of supporting their slips or cards—3 years; penSion record Ma

‘ . news. as set forth in the Canons of Journalism community newspaper, the Muscoda Pro- manent.

i It advocates strict ethical standards in its adver- gressive. Cancelled Checks: voucher checlu G

. . . . . ’

i tismg column. It op pm?“ the Publication of ”Much of the retail business around Mus— years; special checks (small amoui re

3 ‘ propaganda under the guise of news. It affirms _ _ ' b ' . hl d .

% the obligation of a newspaper to frank, honest coda IS Siphoned off by neighhoring Ric an years, payroll checks—5 years.

and fearless editorial expressions. It respects Center, a much larger shopping center. Like Advertising Records: original orders,

i‘ equality of opinion and the right of eilery in- many small communities, Muscoda will face display—6 months; original copy classifl O H

5 dw'dual ‘0 fpjirticczipatwr; :7 ”1;" C0";:“l:‘tl‘f’"“l a struggle for existence in the next 25 years. months; original Cash tickets—6 no

i guarantee 0 'ree 0771 0 18 T855. 3181/55 . . . . ,

l in the newspaper as a vital medium for civic, It will badly need a strong local newspaper daily lineage reports—2 years, monthly
economic, social, and cultural community de- to bind the area together. age reports—2 years; yearly lineage rep . C
velapment and progress. “Merchants who support out-of-town radio 10 years; marked papers—6 months; cot
_____________ stations and shopping guides aren’t helping with advertisers—5 years.

Kentucky Press Association, Inc. the community, particularly when they per- Circulation: change orders, dail . C

l Martin Dyche, President mit their newspaper to come out week after months; ABC reports, daily—1 year;

‘ . Sentinel-Echo, London week WlthOUt enough advertismg to meet books—permanent; Circulation daily

‘ ‘ 1 Thomas L. Adams, Vice-President the payroll. They are hastening the day tickets—6 months; mail subscription or

' W “ i Herald-Leader, Lexmgton When the town Will dry up and they Will 2 years; carrier bond records—25 years . R

‘ i ‘ Victor R' Portmann, Secretary-Manager have to move their shelvin and crates of ' » 1 2 ' ‘d 'l

‘ University of Kentucky, Lexington ‘ d th 1 g rier note recorc 5" years, prepai car;

i . . . . - e to ome 0 er ocation. ‘ - - _ ., - __

?1 District Executive Committee p138 uc :rchants who bell ache about hvfi?’ lion‘s 3 years, draw books 1‘

- ;‘ Chairman, Paul Westpheling, Fulton County .ome m , y , isce aneous: pressroom reports—l . Al

:1 News, Fulton (First); Second, Larry Stone, Mes- fife-11‘ home town DEWSPaPCY S IaCk 0f Clrcula' paper consumption records—5 years; m1

1 , senger-Argus, Central City: Third, Basil P. tion don’t seem to realize that the newspaper sumption records—5 years; equipmen

;‘ y Caummisar, Courier-Journal, Louisville: Fourth, can’t build circulation without advertising counts—permanent; tax returns—perm! . N

‘; ‘ John B. Gaines, Park City News, Bowling Green; ‘ ort. A few of these chronic com lainers . ‘ . _ . . _

g i ‘ Fifth, Frank C. Bell, Trimble Democrat, Bed- slupp h h d' P .tpplaisa'ls permanent, aUdlt reports ‘1]

i! l ford: Sixth, George Trotter, Enterprise, Lebanon; ‘ 0“ t can? “mfg me“ an 156 to warrant nent; minute books—permanent; stock.

‘ 1‘ Seventh, W. Foster Adams, Citizen, Berea; 21 larger Circulation. —pernianent; insurance policies—3 year! 0 5']

‘13 j Eighth, George Joplin III, Commonwealth, Som- “We’re in favor of small towns, and it will expiration; bank reconciliations—10'

:3 erset: Ninth, Earl W. Kinner, Licking Valley be a sad thin for America when the are . . . . _

l i Courier, West Liberty; Tenth, S. C. Van Curon, B h gb. t t th . th t Y h building plans and SpfiClficathIlSIP 0 BF

i Enterprise, Harlan: State-At-Large, Fred J. gone. {It} 6 1t er ru ls a “m.” suc nent; correspondence, except admmisll

‘; '3 1 Burkhard, Casey County News, Liberty; State- communities carry the seed 0f the“ 0WD ——2 years; correspondence, administrafl

‘ i At-Large, Landon Wills, McLean County News destruction in the form of short-sighted busi— years; stockmom requisitions—l year;1i:

l Calhoun: Immediate Past Prestdent, Alfred S. ness men who won't support their home no] records—permanent; purchasel
Wathen, Jr., Kentucky Standard, Bardstown. . . . ,, .
. town institutions. (duplicate)—5 years; purchase recon
1 Kentucky Press Serv1ce, Inc. years A;
1 . . . . ‘
James M' \VllllS,PT651d;::ssenggr Brandenburg . . d The above schedule should be Cl
. i am 5 G. Wilson First VicePresident According to rep01 ts Of Richar G' Green, with Kentuck laws as some record THE
1 Je ’ NEAW h' tt' Pt t y
Log Cabin, Cynthiana as ington represen a we, 05 mas er have to be kept longer than recomni

, George M. Wilson, Second Vice-President General Summerfield recently wrote a House above.

, Breckinridge County Herald-News,Hardinsburg Post Office Committee that the within coun—

. Vicmr R‘ Portgaim’ §ecretarquarlzzage£ , ty rate structure should be re-examined. He '———‘.—‘—" 424 ‘

. "menu” of Aentuc y, exington said the free-in-county privilege has re- Despite increased competition forP‘

‘ . Board Of Directors mained for 75 years; that an eval