xt70zp3vwt9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vwt9s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-04-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1980 1980 1980-04-17 2020 true xt70zp3vwt9s section xt70zp3vwt9s I
.- voi. i.xxu. No. to K 2 r 2 l ”"5""! 0' lifntuck.)
Thursday. April 17. I980 an independent student newspaper ""'"2"’"- “much
= \
. f - 3 ge s . ml ion rom
. I A if, . ' 'i ' ' f I ff I '
. to raise acu ty, sta sa aries
at :g ‘ '4
" ‘ % ~ 4 ‘ By MARK GREEN The CHE “’30 approved renovation enough. “'6 (‘HF C“PMS the
33 33 3333333 3 $3 x,3 g Associate Edam funding/or (In Funkltouur Building. $672.567alloted for UK "faculty. main
’3 ' ’33 ' = 33,. 33 33 3 3 3 3.33 43 3 3 3 see story 0,, page 8. campus" salaries to put them on sche-
, g4 ./ 3333 A 3; % . FRANKFORT Stop worrying 3 3 3 33 . dule to reach benchmark median level
3 .. 3 4 3 . . 3 that UK is falling behind academically $5.7 million pie. The Kentucky by the July. I982
. 4' _ .3 ., a '33 3 ductoloss offaculty. Salaries‘ recently Teachers: Retirement System is to get 3'l'hc measure passed the (HF. des-
,/ “‘ .. , 4 ‘ lagging behind Other benchmark insti- 5'“ m"“°"- “”6 3500-000.” (1454- We .P'OW from Mum» See I'm-
3' '4 4.3.333 3% 7%? .3" Z 33 . 3 tutions. are on the rise. nated for state schools experiencmg a verSity President Constantine W.
3 333 ,7; 4 33 3 33% :le 3333/”, 333%; 343., 333 33 33/ 3 The state Councilon Higher Educa- loss of tuition monies due to enrol-4 Curtis. “it appearsthatan inequitable
3 -. 33 7,5,0 "’5" A/mfifi a f’ 33 4 A .2 “4% , tion yesterday took action which they lmen3t drops. However. enrollments dlstribution has occured.“ he said.
3_1. 332/ 333M....333.3 ,4 3 _ hope will putUKfacultysalaries atthe arent expected to drop very much. became methods used to compute the
@3333 3, jade; 1" N, 3.3; . 3. “benchmark" median level by the end and in the case that the tuition reserve need for staff salary increases at UK
4, 3 ’ ' ' ' -’ , 4 of the ”30.1982 biennium. pool is3not needed, UK would receive and l.' of l. were different from those
4. 3 4 33 3. 3- 3 33g Benchmarks are schools of similar an additional $33l.500. 3 used at the regional universities.
' , fix; 43 3 4-- . ~ 3 , 3 3 3 size in surrounding states with similar As the CHE3‘s recommendation now Staff (service employees) salaries at
‘ ‘4 , ,4444 A, /-3-_. programs. UK's benchmarks include stands. UK Will get the following dol» the regional schools were compared to
/ " ., A ‘ fZ/fl/fi University of Tennessee, Ohio State lar amounts: state workers‘ salaries. while [K and
' _ 3 ,,.,/ 3 University. University of lndiana and Faculty l' of 1. compared their stati‘sziiaries to
j, 1' ' 3 ‘ it; 4 University of North Carolina. Main campus . . . . . . . . $672,567 those of local workers in Lexington
' ' 33 . “97/ 43 9‘3.”- 3 The CHE passed a recommendation Community colleges . . 3402.496 and Louisville. 3 3
/ . = $4 33 3' .3. 433’” for the distribution of $35.7 million Staff. . _ - - . . 3- . . . . . . . . Sl.l99.olo l' K President ()us A. Singlctury
. [14% ,4, 333333 3 43.3.3333 44444 33 3 3% appropriated by the legislature for (3o-op extenston agents. . 524136.285 argued against any changes inthe pro-
/4, 333 33 3 33 3 33 - 3 g . faculty and staff salary “catch-up“ at The faculty funds are in addition to posed distribution because the money
, 3 _3 . 3 3 3 . 33 state institutions. Funds w'illalso goto a presently eXIsting pool of money had been appropriated by the legisla-
../,,,,,4 33 3 4 i .333 3.41% , ' ~ " - 3 3 4; ’7 34/23 bring salaries at the University of allotcd for cost-of-living and merit ture. which has completed work for
u ., . Q 3,4 34,43 3 3 3 33 3 '3 Louisville, Eastern Kentucky Univer— raises. According to Edward Carter. this session. Any effort to change the
3 3 4 .4 $4 3% 333 ' 3_ 33 _* 3, ' 3 4 4 4 4 " ' /° sity. Western Kentucky Unlygrsity3 who works in the UK administration distribution at this point. he said.
4/ .. 4 . . . . ~ . ”W Kentucky State University and Mur- on the University budget. the eXisting “would bea move to take money from
3.) 5”" l-ADD/Kflml 5"“ ray State Universny up to benchmark pool figured to give each faculty one institution and distribute itamong
, Joe 8.? levels member an average 7.5 percent raise, the others."
There are separate benchmarks for The CHF. Carter said. estimates He was backed up fully by l' of l
(hid in the {K Wildcat mascotcostume.Tom Scally.ttn torial Coliseum last night. However. the judges picked U of l. and for the “regional“ that benchmark salaries will rise by 7 President James (E Miller and tacitly
economics sophomore. competed against five other con- business and economics junior Ralph McBarron to fill universities. percent each year. a figure the l'ni\er- by WKl' President Donald Zacharias
3 testants forthe job as the 1980-8! feline mascot atMem- this furry suit for next year. See story below. L'K will get a 52.520964 slice ofthe sity privately feels might not be high The CH F. sided with Singletary.
In academic affairs, undergraduate studm
7 ' d ' ' t t' // acancies ‘
3 By JOHN HARDIN fith Dye. assistant to the dean of for leaving formed to fill the dean and assistantto lht‘ ““001 within the (30"985- changes.“ Sexton “"""'3""' however.
Stiili writer undergraduate studies. lelt earlier this “I had been dean of undergraduate the dean positions in undergraduate 2) faculty of thC department. speculate on the P"“"‘"""35 0' 5“"
semester to accept positions on the studies for nine years.“ he said. and studies. Dye said. 3) dean of undergraduate studies. changes taking place.

An unusual chain of events has Council on Higher qucationaml Asa ielt‘i- f ‘tm‘ ' * thought a change was A search committee has also been and 8'”- Sa'd Stephenson.“l ”33"} don‘t 4
resulted in numerous changesinadmi- psychologist with Comprehensiyc tmporiani Also. he said. the position lormed to find a replacement for 4) dean of the graduate school if see that there‘s a massiye shift taking
instrative personnel inthe areas ofaca- Care in Lexington. respectively. with Appalachian Studies gave him Cochran. who will be forced to retire imolved with the graduate program. place."
dcmic affairs and undergraduate Acting Dean Dr. Charles Rouell the opportunity for research and next year at the mandatory retirement Acting appointments at UK are for According to Chapman. in an insti-
studies. currently heads undergraduate studies teaching in his area of interest. age of 65, a maximum of one year. but can be tution the size and complexity of the

four posts have already been and Dr. William Hutchings replaced Dye said of his leaving: “It was According to UK administrative extended after a satisfactory review. UK. will!" change 0’“ change '” W"
yacated and l cwis Cochran. vice pres- Dye. louise Stone assumes the duties really a chance for a better position. regulations. search committes are to "A“ that shuffling can make a big '9" “WM be difficult. ”3 “0' impossi- '

' idcnt of academic affairs. is also of acting head of experiential l‘mapsychologisthercatComprehen- provideadyiceforappointmentsofthc difference." said Sexton. “When the ble. to accomplish. Basicallyhe said.
/ resigning. effective fall l980. education. sl‘»C Care.“ln his position at [K hcdid chiefadministrativeofficers ofalledu- vice president retires, ”1'5 gives the "K would continue to function as "
Among those leaving have been Dr. “I would say that this many (posi- not get to actively practice his training cational units of the l‘niverSity. For institution the option of making some has in the past.
John Stephenson, who left the posi- tion changes) occurring at one time in psychology. deans of colleges. search committees ‘
' ‘ tion of dean of undergraduate Studies was just an incident.“ said Dr. James Sexton is on a leayeofabsencefroni are appointéd by the president after ' ' D .
. 3 last year. and Dr. Mike Nichols. for- Chapman. assistant to the vice [K to assumethejobofdeputyexecu- consultation with the appropriate vice 2 magaZIneS coverlng LK
' merly of a faculty development post. president. tive director for planning and policy president and Senate Council. ‘
Stephenson and Nichols still remain at Stephenson. the first and. until last studies at CHF. in l‘rankfort. He has For chairmen of academic depart- ' ' h ‘ '
l'K. moying over to the Appalachian year. the only dean of undergraduate been given the option of returning to ments. search committees are but StUdent Interest IS low
Center. studies at UK. moved on to become lTK should he choose to. appointed by deans of the colleges
‘ Bob Sexton. head of the Office of head of the Appalachian Center. Search committees are required to after consultation of: By BARBARA WARD
Experiential l-ducation. and Dr. Grit- Stephenson cited two main reasons find replacements and have been I) the associate dean or director of Stat! writer
House bill stiffening Oda 3 A lack ofinterest in3the annual Little Kentucky Derby bicycle and rollcrskab
ing contests is becoming “really embarrassing" and has led the Student Center
_ . Board to extend the deadline for entries until today. said Sharon Schracgle.
penaiities for pot use state The source also said the U.S.governmenthastolditsallies chairman of the I980 LKD.
. that lranshould haw amplelime by mid-Maymrcspondto The apparent student apathy is particularly confusing given that this wee—
kllled in legislature CLYDE DANIEL GRAHAM rs quoted in court records ”'9 “3mm"? Carterordered '35' week. Wh'c" '“C'wa ”"3 kend's events will be covered by New week and NuIthc/l magazines. Schraegle
as telling a friend that he killed Kentucky State lroopcr severing 0’ diplomatic relations “"h the Tehran regime. said.
. 3 :3 Fddie Harris because “the policeman was trying to rough . . , . . 3 3 Response to most of the programsthus far has been fairly good. but it is hoped
33333::‘3'343‘RTHA 3* ARD h"'” “9-“ 3 AMMOR B3A3NKRED3LC EDits pr'me'end'ngrélclé- students will get involved in the festivities and programs planned for this
in a statement lilcd in l'.S, Distr.ct Court. Ronald Durrall tcrday '9' the “m time this yearand 50"“ economists said weekend.
,3 he General Assembly has failed 30 :igtrfri': 8.1")“th kmmg ”mm “hm the No me! I" i‘i'rtmgfjciii'; $2351.21.1:113:33: interest m“ mn‘ len hot air balloons have been registered to competcin the race tomorrow atl
oycrride (ioy. John Y. Brown‘s vetoof inc e33 ‘ehsdoo mg 33 3 3 3 . 3 3 3 . (‘hase Manhattan Bank lowered the prime me the pm. at the field between Mcholasville Road and thc3( ommonwealth Stadium.

' . .. . 4 ' p0 m a numemu” u“ WM" (”“hdm '0 ”Mn“ . . . _ S hr'e le said but added not enou h eo le have si ncd u to be members of

x a billthat would ban stiffened the first death. but Durall's statement 13‘ the first account of what interest charged to its best corporate customers from 20 C f1 8 ~ 3 83 P P g P 3
offense penalties for persons caught (iraham said led to the .hhhhhg percent to 19.75 percent. It was the first reduction for that tht.‘ SIX-person balloon crews. Experience is not necessary because a meeting is
using or Selling marijuana in The staremeni WM tiled m Chnnwhhn Nth the federal bank since Nov. 27. l979. Some smaller banksreducedtheir held before the balloons take off to describe their operation. Schracgle said.

' Kentuckv. Indictment against Durall. .12. and two itthcrmcn accused 0i Pm!” fate ‘0 as low as “‘75 percent. 3 3 Other events planned for tomorrow afternoon at the field include an arts and

House. Bill MI was sent to commit- failing. to report a crime [he crime the\ allegedly did not “there '3“ "rung C9nfirma‘10" W" the economy '5 'n 3 crafts show. a bluegrass music festival, frisbee throwing. water balloon tossing
tee Tuesday by the 56mm killing any report was (iraham‘s interstate flight to avoid prosecution Scar?” ”'2': lb)av3Id(3J:tnes. dnzif’mm'gtlm': the Wall and a body painting contest. 3 3
possibility it had ofmmihgupfm con- the three men hayc pleaded innocent ‘ m“ "m "3 3 u 3',” " ‘3"5'0" , °;'p,°"' ”'3 030““: The highlight ofthe week s events. the 24th annual LKD men s bicycle race.

- . - - mam repom Show“ Mam" dec'mcs 'n '"dus‘r'a' pmduc Will be at noon Saturda at the UK track. A new event, the Roller-Debutante
sideration before thecnd ofthcleglsla- GENE BRANDT-INBI'RG. commissioner of the state tron. retail sales and housing starts. - ' ' y f ] h h ' d 4 k I“
"V9 term Wh'Ch ended yesterday. Bureau of Surface Mining Reclamation and linforcement. A recession is expected to reduce the demand for bor- Stakes m Wh'Ch any intercslcd cma ew 0 as registere may raceons ates. w'

”it? bill would hth.‘ required first- last year ordered I} ManmCounty strip mince Clit'd [or any rowed money and therefore lower interest rates. begin at 6 pm on CilftOD ClI’CiC. . ,,
time offenders to serve one third of violations that could belount'. accordingtoa former bureau I really “9‘” people “.n“ tum 0"" for the party after the rpm" skating race.
their sentence bcfore becoming eligible official world Schracgle said. “There Will be lots of musrc and Stewart 5 Will be awarding two
for parole. probation or early dismis- Nevard Wells. the office‘s former senior inspector. said he 50“ Of $50 gift “mi-'93!“ It should be a '0' of fun.

Sal. Current state law allows judges‘ was given a list of the mines and told “tocheck them out and IRAS HAS [TNTIL MID.MAY to end the deadlock over 3 The party will be from 6 to 9 pm. at Clifton Circle Park and persons may reg-
discretion in punishment for first-time write them up for anything we would come up with" the US- Embassy “0598“ 9" {30¢ POSSIMC military PTCS- ister for the gift certificates at Stewart S.
offenders. Stat; recdords shtzjwdoperatthrs :‘rihlti Ir3asisei3‘e3n3i3it ihcmrnhes sure. a senterl’i oll'icial STd yestePrda3y. But in Lehgan it

. . contri utc to can I atcsol crt an crry i c raver.w o “asannouncc t at encw ranian ariamcnt.w tc isto

ln yetoing the bill. Brown said the “as tormer (ioy, Julian (arroli‘c acknowledged iii-\Drllt‘ in decrde the hostages' rate. may not even be elected by then. New Cheerleaders maSCOt Chosen
penalties for first-time offenders were the Democratic prrman A key Iranian leader. Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti. I
too stringent and the one-third 56““ Brandenburg dfnlt‘d'iht‘ charge and added that the L‘Il~ told reporters in Tehran the parliamentary debate would

‘ encc rcqurrement before parole con- aiions “had nothing to do with campaign contributions I take place “perhaps in June or July." By CHRIS CAMERON
sideration would overcrowd state have never considered who the operators supported in the The Boston Globe reported the Carter administration has Report"
prisons. primary. nor did l care...l selected them as the worst \'lt)la- Informed its allies and lran‘that it is prepared to clamp a
(38:2:33lt3i3ll333r33l3ilhh (31:;3peazsg3dealitilhz 10“ as represented '0 me by 1:16 tntpccllon rt‘PoH‘ fllecbltgclltzcdewizlrzp hit'ahyeriic.“ no breakinthe hostage sta- Several hundred spectators kept latchours Monday and luesday evenings as
Senate b3 Brown. would have made "anon White House press seem“), Jody POM” described the 11:13:: 3:58:0an competed for positions on the l2-mcmber Wildcat cheer-

. re on as “inaccurate" and said no decision on such a mil— ‘ . .
2:33:22 aolcmgr; L'lfillguificrrssfg PRESIDENT (‘ARTER may order further retaliatory 3333p” mm, “hm hm, taken or communicated." The 23 females hopefuls were Judged Monday night. After more than fiyc
-' , moves against Iran in early at tonight. but a.“ not consider hours of cheers. stunts and dancrng. l2 finalists were chosen to compete Tucs—
to five years and fines up3t0 $5.000. military action in free Americans held hostage In lehran day. when l4 males were also to bejudged.
Possession of more than five pounds until after mld-Mr’t), a top aide said yesterday weama' After nearly seven hours of competition. the results were announced at |.30
would carry sentences up to l’) years The aide. who asked not to be quoted by name. indicated am. yesterday. The top six female finalists were: Barbara Betts. education
Md fines UP ‘0 SIG/000 ”‘3‘ a Can" annount‘s‘menl 03 "C“ cconomtc and dip!“ WE CAN EXPECT sunny skies and warmer tempera- sophomore; Paula Sumner. education senior; Sandra Burton. arts and sciences

Current state law makes no distinc- matrc sanctions would come soon perhaps In time for a tures today. the highs will be in the low to mid 60s. It wrllbe junior; Jennifer Parks, arts and sciences sophomore; Mona Wilson. education
tron between the amounts of mari- nationally broadcast news conference tentatively scheduled mostly cloudy tonight with a slight chace of showers. The junior; and l.eslie Davis. communications sophomore3
iuana an offender is caught wrth and '0' '“n'g'” '0‘“ ""“l'h' 5"°""' b‘ "' 'h‘ “PP" 305 '0 '0‘” ‘0‘ The top six male vote~getters were. Jeff lr‘ossett. arts and sciences iunior;

Continued on page 8 ' Continued on page it

-____.____ ___--__________________—__“—— .
l KENTUCKY Debbie \Iclhinicl
l mini, iii t lint Muli (Stun Kim Aubrey Thomas (‘lll’lt John ( lay Gary W
l er 2 Jay lone" Bob (‘ochnne hire-Hummer” hiluor .sliom h/ or “WW” “7 Ph‘WKWPhI'
l tiny “illis viiiiii lull’ [iii/on Paul Mann
l ‘IillldL‘lllt’ li/iiiu ('indy McGee S. 1'. Robinson 3,5." Rickard David Maynl'd ~
‘ Jacki Rudd 4\.\I\Ialll 4mm,“ 5pm,. 5.1””, Phil/U .‘llanager
1 simi- \liissey Lis- Dousnrd ('o/ii Edi/on inter/airliner“ [:JIIUI . r
l . . (“ii/w.“ [ill/l" Lililiiriul hlllor i
. editorials 8: comments
1 ________—.——-————-——~--—-— ___ mm .
' h h Id h th b d'
College coac es s on s ape more an o ies
"\siiitiinu isn‘t C\Cf\lllllil1, Y l’lc' 2 thing " l: the news " the excitement and monetary benefits eas- troling his players. As coach. Curcishould seeto it Character.
since I ttlllhllftll. ilie ngL‘Ylild mun o: no (.it. ;-. ll's ldilt' that these young players abide by the rules. He should Iloe PaternO. Penn State's headfootball coach. isa .I
But l’uelteis. h.id know ll wliu' sniieriwiii would I ls ieceiiiiy extended lootball coach Fran (‘urci‘s demand disclipine in his players. and work to the ful- prime example. Beyond Winning. Paterno has
do“. \prilh college sports “permit , -. i. inninici b\ ll\ e yetirs, lhis was a mistake. During lest to provide it. . emphasized the personal derelopmeIntIof his players
M“ l“... {mu Mml h hm m;- ..,I..I II'.f[s\ t iizci‘s scieii \Clll tenure. many UK football players Curc1 has not done this. He has given UK. and its through hard work.dedication, diSCipline and educa-
. mi.- who led hr. mm, mm dinnipiii, . . - t .i: d i c been i'lllll'llt‘tl.ltlltl some found guilty.ofcriminal fans. hope for better years on the old gridiron. But tion. Players and coaches alike look Up to him.
”mm mum nor pcremc me. how i... . .I -.i gII-it .v'lc‘llst‘s tine toimcr star player. Elmore Stephens over this hope hangs a black cloud. a cloud which Of course, no system is foolproof. ln fact, last sea-
' ' I,” Uni. Illllllltlt‘ w.iuld go “llllllilu nail.“ .\ mp .wlio \\.is .i stiirtiiig iiglit end and played briefly inthe questions CurCI's methods .. methods which produce son Paterno had manyIOf the same problems UK ts
eeruiited with team iecords .iiid llliitlc'\I \\ h. .1 :ii.‘ \l l l\\.!\ ttillHt‘lt‘tl its an accomplice toa murder. At good teams and attract crowds at the costofthe indi— now experiencmg With its players. Reportedly, how-
d.~..»i..piiieni .i: the llldnldllllls who pt}. .. «on: .s the same time iiiipioien rumors circulated about vidual player‘s and Kentucky‘s identity and ever. lI’ateIrno seriously considered resigning from his
i otteri tilt-gutted to the buck \Ctll po.iii-sli;it iiig .iiid other illegalactivitiesinvolvingthe pride. Identity and pride which are diminished coaching JOl'). feeling that maybe his philosophy was '
l.iL.-. liil !ll~.liil’rt iI the l‘nitersiti o: \c‘\\ slet \\ ildcuts. including the belief that another player was because UK football team members are ever becom— failing.Onthe other hand.Curciis given an extension.
lldsc‘n t titti'll'c“ slMWHl‘Igl} lliltl people lillsL' twins :or also ill\ill\c'cl in the murder case. l‘his same player ing stereotyped as animals and criminals through the with no mention of resignation. WhereIone sees fail-
eiiieriiig suite l‘ .i'tfieies .iiid eicii went .is 1m .2. toil; enioted weekend let llights to [as Vegas. actions of a few. ure. another sees success.
iiig .llltliilr’lllylllg g... '. lfilllsc‘flpls togtt . .itu 'l p1.i~.- l .ist ‘.L'tl' bi'oiight charges ofassault. rape and sod- The fact is. UK football players are students. Yet It‘s time UK became aware of its football status
e:s It s ll‘i.s '\It‘c scrupulous .lt'll'\.l_\ :iiat :. itill‘. .igiiiiist some players. lhe rape and sodomy because they play football. they are thrust into the among the people in the state andIat the school. UK
_ gises eol!ege sports .ird athletes. .i but! ii.iii e \w it s cllitlL‘L's were L‘\c’llllldllI\ dropped but (‘urci admitted limelight as representatives of UK . what they do should demand that Its coach.and intheendthe play-
. IigiI-i; grist»; h. .~;1ii..-tiii.vri.i lc';li'l‘,\\l[‘i\Ii‘ itl'litc’ls .il least some wrongdoing by suspending the players becomes everyone‘s business. And because of this. erS. have something beyond good records and big
.irvitd. \r-iz \sl‘it'l‘. it tilltnc‘ls crittstls. it \lL‘dlt‘s ioi one seat liil‘"tl0[lll \iolations,“Most recently.two Curci has an obligationto his players, students.andto crowds to ShOW for themselves. '
"lull; phoei. w t'it' charged with unlawful taking of motor- the school. to help guide and protect the studentathe- After all. team records and money don‘t do any-
i \‘i. .- t « '.‘.ii,';tltlll_ll p.lll.lL‘t‘.2 H11? nitrite. and ..le~. .ii 'lie .\e.iion (enter. letes as best he can. He has the obligation to help the thing for the student athlete after he graduates. but
'~.'.ti:‘i .iiiii u.) so lcli' \\ neii .. l‘cclll‘i. such .is iiiiouglioiit his shit at Kentucky. (‘urci has shown players develop into someone students can look upto Character is something he’ll always carry with him. ‘
, . . l is‘. 'ootb.i;. st:ii.id. continually tirids :ls pld‘. eis ":ii "nit lie is itiedtmhit' ot guiding and to a degree con- not only because ofathletic ability. butalso because of A real Winner doesn‘t have to Win to be a winner.
I I _
- Corporations place profits above people me 1980
b» ‘.R! 3. ti \Hl‘lll ll w... i...“ .1 m ~ - I,:. “WI -. lli oil supplies which mysteriously ML 5. ( / p.11 ‘
. :.i.. .it ~...:~ _: . II. ;‘ :..i . I ,I, disappeared immediately after the ' lg? 'A '«i .' ,5:
. - . . . . '.‘-i'.'l . 'is .«i \iaiciitci I...I.,..I1.I,I .1.» '..;.i . I .: “II“. goseiiiiiient biiclslcd into their . MN OFFICIALLY ”Kim; :m
I _ i...~d .» l' altos.» . .2. . no... tlt'lllllll(l\ for price increases and WWI“! . . :it77:2£73§:§!;5_‘3§f€v‘;=¢ Eii‘qi‘fty LI". "111'
' .- i . s. 1-.“ v. s . .,, . , ,. L. . . ;. I I Ic'siillitt’ ctiiill‘til. I fimtxfig‘fihtf‘fgygé'LV ‘fi’g‘fifi “‘7" (‘
. . , II . I . . I . . _s s . 0( or . . d . , . . _ - ":Izzflfifétaxffifilgsgd 93%;.)
.. . I .. y .l ".Jtl. .. . e _. .. .. lien: . pilltllltills an trade .issocia . WMT v‘it‘t‘i‘l‘iims‘x‘a‘itll’liy'w‘l‘ \Bfl/
. ‘ . ‘ - - . . i“ . -~—————--——.—~-»—~-—-——~— iioiis spend neitily one billion dollarsa . h f.“ "' ‘°' “3““ . ~ ’
. . II .- - \“.~’/ “I b
« _- , » . . . fig . . \edi on grassroots political lobbying. ll Cm MWNG \ fl . ,
. ~ . .— ; . .iisuz; i~i. ; .i Opln/On \\llL'lL‘it\ public interest and environ- ! h .
. . . . . . . .r ..IgI...I.. ..; lilt‘llllll lii'ms ill't.‘ able to spend less q’T m rim 41"“ gig“.
‘ It .
. r. .I. .‘ _ , “it: l'.:.l’i .: __._...__._._.___.__.._I——_—.. llltlll U 1 percent of that amount. I , \“ \
. » egc..‘..s W. i.i.issi.. .IIHI,..III supper; ...:‘.Ii_“.-.Ici.'i'.ai..:.I_i.. tlilk‘ll‘ii' lii oidct to combat this massive IRANIAN ' i .Q’,’ ' ‘ m
l ‘ ; . . ' . «w ii in . til ll \i""‘n‘d ‘l -' ' wi‘ Ll“: . .ibusc of corporate power. a broad AMB SS 9" . wk‘ *‘r 45“ r h
. .‘ v; u. ..; ..v_\Ii, slew ‘ '31s? "1‘s 1‘11"»-:'~ . ‘fi‘f‘iu‘is'i' coalition of labor.consumer. religious A AM... '> / ‘ _ /< A 'A aim QC" ..
. .. . ; I1. 3 2;.“- so..- .~ .' ,; s l ti' m. .i t i\ .l b. .iiid en‘.ironmentalgroups has bcgina -mWa i
' , ' , . . . - . . . . .. l '2 l V " '
. , -~ s . " lfiWLN saw W“
‘ ' smut. m' ‘itl‘i~ "l” . ‘ ' ‘fll- i.lt’so ct ortic: C Ci. ‘ i - ‘ no, ,I _ ~ . 's i, . ,
i' I '. »- ‘.gi.:.t;; . 'l or, ‘d’ll it"“il' “Wu" .~. ”Vim ll“ tion has designated April I7 as “Big ., a? 5&77/1“ ' @A’As I _ _ Ms ; fl.
. . . I. .r . i I n... “a; I, I‘ ll»‘- . it is.» i‘ «iii Hll\lllt‘\s Day“ to make the public ‘Z@_;‘ (W' ‘R‘fi
' . . . . l" lit' to Win in.» - V131“ i: ‘ll‘mi' tl- Willi? hi il'li WW” more aware ol. in the words of Ralph 7‘- k I l‘ \md ’
. _ : Hui .:.i in ..: .; i‘~’.t‘”-li-i'~ i“ "ii l Ii‘i‘sl V41“ this: \itlei. “the corporate crime epidemic mil 8% ‘Il I l
- '. . .* -. . , .- e went: ’tsii "'ll‘s“ ”‘it' i ”WM" ‘ lulu-nil you tli.it is sweeping the country." yll ‘0! \ a , I I 1-. l
. . a: . ,II ‘. , I.I I. “mm to mine l“ \I lllt'IItlillllIl‘ \1!;>!ti?lll‘gtl\I~.il \iitL'dM lleieI iii lcungton. Big Business i’,fi'r’,,-f'~." l g" «r . fi“ I
. . ~ ‘ ... . '."._'i"i‘."‘~‘ls.‘".‘s~ l itlowlltfi-lllli'i‘ll situ’ilhhllllu’l t'l's" lint willbeobsericdthroughalorum (mu/“J! l\vj .I\-‘ _
it .t.:;. .~..llt.I"...'s its uh”- ...io-.. h l‘~ . \itiicli \siil iticludethe showingollilms 3 \~\\ t(&\\ l ‘I [i .I ”I II
- ' . _ III“ I.. .v..tr \mu .lii; y‘liislllt': it. .inti :si til .isbes de.iling with the power of multina- "‘I lir‘ I _,, ‘ . l .t‘
. . _ . :~ .IIII IIII,\.I\II..HI.I ios IDHNlilt‘s ti..- ll'fiilmv i:l.llt‘l\ iioii.il corporations. US. corporate a l r ’ ‘“ " ; ‘ We .
. . .. , . . ..,. .;: IMIII. II; <(lIlltllltlt‘.i(‘.s l'».' J Ilizl ‘ lli‘t' tliilllllllllltlll ol the Dominican Repub- . ‘ a 0 iv ' SMITH .
. ~ _ .‘ sitYIsL'l .itiil ow... list-.ists \ittiout'h in..indtlicillegalunion~bustingacti\- i . own. ~, 5’ i. . 1 I?
' . .. . .. . r iiiiii tug; tum ‘tie 'llt \l«'?l:~"sl‘i'l W‘Nii M‘s-sure in tilt ities oi the! l’ StevensCompany. The . U Q ‘~ ' ‘
' . .I .\ :.. ”ping-.- hi“ “oil-pine l'mw "er: 1* "wk/CU WINS ioiiiiii will be held at 7:30 pm. in 0’ ‘mp—
‘ .. .v , " ti tutti. 'e'.ti l I‘lil lh's‘ “‘3‘" ‘31» I‘m-V" ill» ~il‘;"“i'il Rooni llsl ol thc(‘lassroom Building.
. ‘ . '\‘ . : diet;.:.s.~si1te.d;d iii l’ll\ \ it'Vlis'wi‘I \ -”i ~."<‘*tl's'1's'\t'lt .iiitl is free and open to the public. . .
.-; . ..~ H...” s. on“... - \l‘ilL':i\.r?t .. . Us: {Limes triteflii Harp seals slaughtered _.
. -" :i ' : '~ sexeiu; “’7” “'3' l‘” " ‘ «Vii i‘l f (.‘reg \. (’ampbell is a Political . . l
. . . t- i . i1. .sfl .iiid eliildicii lt'l‘t'dls’ilh «irii‘niizi‘iw‘ out ..; "ciises Science senior. S ICIUben continues In canada
. ~ -———~—-————————————--———-————. ea 9
. ' Letter to the Editor An up-and-down effort to extricate huge fund or photos of the seals in ships quickly took their combined
1 “ the clubbed harp seals ofthe Canadian their native state. They believe that quoats 0f 66.500 seals bUt landsmen
E—RA rally here l Yll\L'l'\ll\ “i“ilt'” it! ‘\l'\lli :4 .it K lioinc. ll\ lll Selina‘s case. north follows “8‘ Strange and bbFEtal Canadian public 09ml” is moving were continuingtowhack away during
' . .. wow lt.l~ .iiis doubt about p in iii the l . \.“ grit: ll\.lll*l{t‘LI‘.'lls\ \s .i result ol the rchull‘ by the pattern eaCh spring the clu ers toward acceptance Ol Imany 0f the [hiSPr'nngeeks- .. .
. . ,II -. . m.- ”MIMI. II” M W. “MUM”. \Upmm (mm in the dissolution of arrive.the peltsaretakenr andthena pomts made by the anti-clubbers but Our biggest problem. reiterates
'V l. :i i' H ! \'Z.L“itllllc‘lll iii L’lidT‘tll- llizcll‘. iii N “s ‘l‘t \ l'll"l‘t . .»..it bet in iiri'igc Selina Klddllwarrln lost momenllrlly (“5“”de world goes Off that politicians are lagging behind l" Mouras, '5 pumng pressure on [he
‘ l f i I i" .‘ . . . . C . l . . - . . ..i i., . i l . i 4 i. .. . . i .I. .. .l - l. ‘0 P'Cl‘ Wildflowersand murmurabout tackling this highly controversial quota-setters at a time of year when
. .‘ . ' 's ~ . ~\ it" ~'i llit id“ to 'l ilu l .i_., mt \ «itw 'v i. ~ tlii lioiiit paidlorby herownearnings. forei n olic and the seals areforgot- . the blood fromthis ear hasdriedand
. I ‘ I .3 ‘»it t: i lllZi‘ui‘iiIllU \llittlltl lllt’ s‘tlsi‘ hlitlEIL'lll 5‘. \i'.iti.i \l..;:?ii, «ll ( lt‘itt’l} also. m turning away {his ten ffir Enotll/er . i ‘ k— . y I .
. .. , i. . ti . . i . . . . year. next years blood isnt running yet.
'7. . .I . . l va-...i.i kidilt\l.iriinittli \tw (lilcdlts .iii.i tlii \tl\\ legi; dl‘pc‘dl. the Supreme (ourt made “As longaswefollowthat pattern .. . . Th' ear we have sou ht to or anize
' i. ‘ w .1‘ ~.lc"ll| .it .i (L‘lllllllt’v llt'lciisc .intl lil‘...i:iiiii l ”ilk: .iuls1';Ii' iib\ioiis onccagainthat itawaitsratifi- . . . . ' oplnlon . IS y . . g g .
. " .' . i. . ’- . '5 ti.':. lit sl. lillr: lll’tllcltl lllt lllslit't's lit 'ilt' ‘l"t .i! xi"y .' NM? Il‘tirl t‘l lh ' l R .\ l)‘ 18 Sl' l ‘ ' l . 58351heAmmal Pl’OlCCllOlT lnSllIUlC 0f lnaway that WillkeeptheprOteStfiqw-
' i . . ' . - . .3 - l .‘iil\ll .ii \ppeiils iii in. jiltlL'lliL'll‘ .i; Illz‘ l . . -. -' .i i . lines its l: st 'n'tl )to ctilhiidetrgl::x America. "the annual massacre WI” ---———-——u . . . , mg' We “low that IthquIuota-setting \
. . I v. I . '. I \t.i.~sv“ ._.i~e the. .i “Mm .1 :» o. , .. :2.- no ilisttimiii'iiionhsii"suspeci“caie orv not be defeated. The clubbing comes Canada is suffering finanCiallyI far IcommImee thes to hideiftt can. rhea- I
5 . . . . II is. III .. II IIII IIII piiiicipiil eiwise IIIIIIIIIII IIIII IIIIII _ IIIIIIII "...s.’lc' . . g ,. up as a headline subject in March morethan herofficialscaretoadmitas mg with as little fanfare aSIPOSSIblC.
- . _ I . , _I. III II l lt \ l<.i‘ls iipt‘illllll the \m m “M llitti'll'st‘ld I‘IIIII '.‘il III lils l)r. \llie ('orhin Hixson because that s when the clubbers club a result“ of continUingI the seal- This. too. is wrong. lfCanadian news-
. .v I . z s. . I I I... III Regional ( onler< wite. IIIIIII uh. I IIII w 'e i. ._ IIIII Kentucky Division AAl'W resident but the protest, at that time. is clubbing. .. says API PreSident Belton poperdorn andthe TV poolee upthere
' . :- . , ‘~:i t"‘.~..l': \Nwmfln 0' mm Wt “I'm. MW. l";it' II in..- IIIM ‘ ’ .p ‘ already too lateto savethe l980 batch Mouras. They have erected a huge did noIrhmg more than lnSlSl that the
‘ ' ' of babies.“ ‘ super-structure of bureaucracy Just to committee argue out these quotas on
L " l' “Our protest must continue all the conduct and controlthe hunt andto television. the next time they sit down
*‘l ,; « way to the next quota-setting which try to put a lid on the notoriety. Since then we might see some movement
. -' . ' 1 . ,. . will occur sometime in the late fall of the facts are gruesome, their main way in saving the seals."
' ‘2 i ' " W, x next year. Oncethe quotas are set. the to limit press coverage has been that While clubbing-quotas plunged
,I. ' 1 ’ 1;, ,l v clubbers are never called off. We‘ve old standby don‘t let anybody seeit downward in the early [9705 atatime
. '5 _‘ ‘ i ‘. .. ’ . _“ l seen this happen for years now and and they might not report it.“ when the government‘s Committee on
.' -. ' . T‘l‘( DUDOHA' there is absolutely no deviation. . Mouras Isays (‘anada‘s financial Sealing had called for a moratorium
' > . "/i "if . . ’ ‘ ‘ “The seals the a bloody death in woes resulting from the hunt include lest the harp seals be killed offentirely.
. i ’ ,. . “Wt , .1 lTLL N6V$ BLw' March and April but their execu— the large number of Americans and the late 70; brought an upsurge inthe
. ' ' . . (LT ‘\ ' ' tion is arranged back in November or Europeans who have pledged them- quotas.
. ' ~ V " \ (N . December.“ selves not to become touuriststo (‘an- What do you do ifyou want to par-
‘ . i r; . .. t ’, 'I . ' . APl‘s observation team. which felt ada until the harp seal clubbing is ticipate in the effort to rouse Canadi- .
. . ;/ R 1 i I s . I . ",4— , .I‘lll‘ harassed this year by Canadian stopped. , ans to stoptheir government‘ssupport
. I A» ‘_ I; 'li \ ‘$r~‘5’ . _ u it. a authorities and their oIffICious attempt APl members are making a mam- ofthe hunt _. or to help reinforce the
. / AV- * : I351}: \ II {tilt 1&9. g.\ .t :93} to prevent animal-rights observers moth effort to ctrculate the organiza- current worldwide effort to have still
. . / / 4* ,_-i :5?! :5? \\ l iii , ‘Ir filth from Witnessing the s