xt70zp3vwv50 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vwv50/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1984-03-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 16, 1984 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 16, 1984 1984 1984-03-16 2020 true xt70zp3vwv50 section xt70zp3vwv50  

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 136


University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Established 1894

Independent Since 197] Friday, March H), 1984


Former Gov. Brown will run for U.S. Senate

lb [‘1\ ICKI‘HI'I .I \H H “lull ll
:\.\\Isl.itil l‘lililtvt

l“[{.\\Klv“ll)\l l‘ot‘tiit‘t' 11m

John Y ’.i*i»,-.i. i-titli-it iiioiiths oi
~tivi'tiialiiit .ituf illillkllldllllll §ester
da} ti). :oi'iiiaii; annotation: hi~ can
itidnm Hit 'ltt‘ lieriimtgitic nonii
ii.i".ot;'iitt..-l s

\T .i vi ;i ll. lilt‘\\ iiiiiti-i‘etii-e it. the
Mitiito.‘ ltii'iimla lli'w. renewed liis
ttiti'titiiiiis lt‘flitli‘illi; 'llt' tiiuoiiiiiig
lltlt' to: ”it ‘t‘il' li'wl l”. i'wilt't‘lli
llii‘illli'tt'l.' \\.;:'w l’i‘t lliltlllit‘\

7',ti','fi~ l

\ 1' xi

promoter is


next Hefner

l‘»\ l ltlk kllthlltllt\
l‘v '~"'v:


~ {.Kv .tfml 'litt‘fi
-f .‘li.t' jt‘:it|ll
't '.L'ot. \.i.tl
i‘ .c \\ltt‘l

. I .ti lt‘\
"‘ lid“
. .zm .1 find
an I oi.i [llt‘\ .tt‘“
lil,:' ”’1 lt'l't'l ll'Iill.
l l.t.\s.'i'i.ili~
;t.:tt:oitwi the; t‘t‘

. 'l.t‘ ‘ ltissitiii'e

ltmetttnte ~.; ' ‘ t' ':n- etiii oi
ts Hui: 'ltt'ti J, ,. {It .l ( leo‘ll‘iillt‘
.n .lit' \t'.1l \llt‘\t3§ ll: .wiili‘. liti'
t‘lJlltlldlt Iii. 'tie ittt.il:l:t‘.ilit)tis lIlll
s.itt‘. :' 'Aoinii tu- stilllwilit‘ \xho has .i
good [I‘l‘tlli.l.l'\ and is well i‘oitiitt
t'tl \Iill‘it't lit' .:?«,t‘ 7H dt'i .iltitiL’ “l'lE




Irish eyes will \mllt' upon Lexington

tomorrow for the celebration of St.
Patrick's [)at. for a list of this
weekend's actixities, see PASTIMES.

The Bet (‘nts slugged their way to a
\ictory over Southeastern Massachu-
setts yesterday at Shively Field. For
detalls m the game. see SPORTS.
page 6,



Warmer temperatures WI“ remain in

the state today. The high will be
near 58 degrees with partly cloudy
skies. Tonight will be mostly cloudy
with a low near 35 degrees. Tomor-
row there is a slight chance of rain
with the highs again reaching the
upper SOs.




Ht- s.iitl hi- was ~ itkzi...‘ Hittilit o! Httiltllestoti said Brown s ill\v)l\t‘ wit. 'rir setui‘ir i
ttce lit-cause it ll}: Illt‘ .\lt.t' !:.. trit'lll guarantees an e\pt‘!isi\e tit'. .iZt-s Hittite“

sttite lllt‘tllll to lllt' rli'i‘l lit‘ lt't i-ti'l‘. lliitl"~ battle
tlt‘t'itlt‘tl "All.“ 1 .mn'u: t». "r. John \ has
the rest ill lit} hie

Lllllllli.lt‘4l It‘slilll‘tt“

and .«ill tilnllttbl} spend .\l‘i.tt't",t‘l '

Hatikwi ‘w. t..~ .\::~- l'ri\.‘..s l.tt\t‘\ lltl(l(llt'\ll)lls.ii(l

lieorgi- their '.\o l'll‘itllt'l. .iiiit i-I!.ii

t.iti;;l\ iiwiiitwt's ifiimtrz Iii-sirtteii
‘ ‘li‘t‘\lstil‘. said

name; either ill
a»: through tho-
ifiut‘t-sstu- “(1}

the i.ist tom waits ii‘ wiH‘lti'i! .t\ ..
io\i'.itt.i1t ‘.\"!. Ytii “at. .i:.it Nit-1 tn-
liiiil lh‘t‘l. lmi‘i'il t 'tii 'Ht'i trinifltts

sztii'e he let' ottwv

lliiitrtii-stnz saw: ltiw.’ \ rift i'tv' ::,iiltziniilionaire

\s tor lil~ own tinatiiiiig Hint

\M- hate title-tithi'r
hand or pledged 'r.
prtmat'j. it‘ .i ‘.t-tj.
However he \tlll:

he would he llllillilt‘ to matiti 'ltt'

tortiiet' eov'f‘tt‘” -" terms

itit‘i‘lit'li-H him" I‘ will?" lLiow: ’lt‘t'ltlt‘s to put his own tit

‘ .. 'timwai 'hi-iitie
'.\i .it't'ilm'i‘ll ill‘- lll‘i‘iil“'

\tlli .1 't'it'lll.‘llt " ., .r‘ " the 'i.is'c «littei‘ence tit-twee; 'rn

lll\ “itsllilig'til i’

‘.w tiii-i: iii\ol\es 1;: years of exper

we thin .iliv ., : :. i-iii~-‘.i.'he\eti.ite llLl(lillt‘\ltil.\t.‘.

Ila-it's 'ti t“.t"’

l'v’t .xtie: ’. . V ' ‘ . 'w-Y'I'i" titt'tmt't‘tt

the question .s .tliivt‘. o! it ~


to extx-rieiiii

=.iii.tr.i‘.c:. 'n-"er .tltll‘ ti\ lt'ttitl'tiittit‘ti' m. 'i: " :~' -. ' - - , . H ill\\ MRH‘H \


SGA grant allows
students to attend
Atlanta conference


LT] celebrates birthday
and planned expansions



Slapped wrist

Nit-xv; l Vic i. ‘ Rn \t:\ci~. hoth business \g‘tlit‘f’»




”an \k‘d Ul'i

kappa lfitlt‘“ ' ' . t c ‘xw l’ti: \tgs git iipt

or .i ictmintn


Sit—per karate

L oca/ experts offer oriental ‘art‘ with accent ()I/ integrity, patience and MW

ll) thl in] \‘ l‘ l'l l H \til-lt
Statt \\t‘i'i*i‘

bin The -v\\!.rl i: s it the spirits t t‘lllt‘l has seen the
commerct innit sin i' itiiowii tot its at" in the
Mist l.lt'k\\ltti'lw "l s'igwi r..ii‘.i'e

"It used to he .i" .i:' Iii-.t- toii fake art lessons.’ he

But according ~.. Hm l'. vim-tit tears: taekwondo has
been C(lllllllt’rt'lulii’t‘tl tn ti} ti} lllillil schools that
teach the sport |ll4‘l' 'V‘~\

xii-1 ’lt 1t '.


\ HI tvll lll


\1l91llllll- ti. l'





\‘L‘ls fit

list i‘. i ;[

an“ aura": urn-ii - :- win-n.


ie director of “Chariots of l’ire" captures this epic adventure
oi‘a it an caught between two dii


“He was nominated based on his








~ ”smith . th' _ ,. ,' .
\ ‘ my: research wlm Ii deals with aerosol
»: » cram "v clicmiylri' and physics. He qualified
‘:.s work was ~
for the a ward because he had
"s ' l b “c rcccli'cilliis PILI). wit/1m Ihelastslx
'i‘ii"‘.i "1i YIl'\l
t it .l‘t’dliy aml llaildemonstrated. . .
" ‘ 1. 1”" ““ potential for future accomplishmenI. "
i . .iii \i.it ‘
l it'l'tlst‘i .lllil
,L ; “N, Leonard Peters
L. i t chairman,
” ‘ chemical engineering department
. A ___
:--«-T I ~ ' . rt L iiczziand by undergraduates for tech
. s. 11.; ‘ i xi ; ht ‘so'lt'l‘ sail! l‘hc l'nited Slates do
. . \ ' \\l[t~ in its lit 'm't'W h; .eaitcl‘ship to stlslliilt t‘t'lllltlnllt'
is ‘es emu" ' ' i i. \t't’iil '\ so we tiiiist take steps to
. i \ wt iss xi ': 'i i ' .\e.l trained screntis‘ts and en
~~ . i win. »_ i-i's
i is‘ l‘r'ai' i. W. t‘ in» ii! Hay s research include prer
» s i '5: i. ‘im i ‘ .. vol-ins ant: :niestigatiiig thin film
wt 1» cu 'iiwsfis es. ,; .ndiisti’ial pollution "'l‘his re
, i st ' scari .si T how and where particles of
i can“ s m on , .ieposit in the human lung." ltay
'h. s. 'w-ois ‘\ sa t
in. rt. Ka t Lil‘i'tiiilnt .ippi'ovniateiy two to three months
_i- ", i" iii \t“.‘ \i .1 ”A -. 'i, t'HH‘l‘ rill lllt’ lxbsllllt’
:r. I..i‘ 1W" , ‘n ilt'tlllt'll lK‘t'nth‘ lli
y. L . i ‘ Drill-m .lci.r;e diiierciit terms


siaiieizis interested at taking

-"Yt“rl'.i‘t were gnen preliminary

Bay was nominated for the award by beonud Pot-I,
chairman of the chemical engineering departmun. "He
was nominated based on his research which deals with
aerosol chemistry and physics." Peters said. “He qual-
ified for the award because he had received his PhD.
within me last six years and had demonstrated past re-
search accomplishments. as well as potential for future

"To receive the award. Dr Ray's application had to
go through a two-tiered review process. “ Peters said.

In the first stage. a panel of established industrial and
academic researchers evaluated Ray. along with other
chemical engineers He was ranked high in his individu—
al discipline

In the second stage, Ray‘s application was put into a
pool of applicants from all fields of science and engi»
necring which a prestdential panel reviewed

"This was the only award given at (”K and in the
state oi Kentucky." said Ray Bowen. dean of the Col»
lege oi Engineering "It is an extremely important
honor ”

Ray plans to continue research in the field of aerosol
chemistry "1 want to buy some new equipment. recruit
some graduate students to help in research and work in
the theoretical area = of aerosol chemistry, where fund»
ing ior research is not readily available." he said

Ray initially will receiye 323.000 from the National
N‘lt‘nt't' Foundation The total he can receive is 5100000.
and the inundation will match any funds that [K can
solicit from private industry toward that amount

tests 'I‘hose w ho scored hest represented L'l‘l to Louis»

This is the second time .\lcll\'am has attended the na-
tional competition Last year l’lll. raised 31.400 to cover
her trip to San Francisco to represent Kentucky She
came home with the first place national award in the


\ e


-‘L\ i

s later. when he was returned to civilization, he would remain
uncertain as to which laws he should obey. . . those ofman. . .
or those oi‘the iungle.

Now. I l


it two tollowing a shipwreck otl‘thc west coast oi‘Africa, an infant
ie part ota tamilv oilipes who raised and protected him.



s ltc grew. he learned the laws oi‘the jungle and eventually Claimed



.oi‘d oi‘the Apes.


erent worlds.


H” l l‘til:\

1) it}-

l.i iRli (,1. l ill. Al’tis

\l‘ia. tu. |Hll\ st 1 Ill l'mtiiwl‘illl I-ll lll Iis








LA ‘ Sr Tr};












Alhlfo'o. 557 S limestone St. Classical music Saturday Irom 8:30 to 10
p m

Aurtln Clty Saloon, Woodhill Plaza. Greg Austin Band (country), tonight
and tomorrow lram 9 p m. to 1 am $3 cover per person, 55 lot couples.
I.C.'I, Corner ot Euclid and Limestone Echo (rock) tonight and tomorrow
trom9p m to 1 a m 31 cover

Bottom lino. 361 W Short St. Another Mule (rock), tonight and tomorrow
Irom9p m to 1 a in 52 cover

Iroodlng's, 1505 New Circle Road Doug Breeding and the LA. Band
1'country rock} tonight and tomorrow 9 p.m. ta 1 a m. 33 cover. Charlie's
Garage "rockj tomorrow lrorn 1 to 4 p.m., Daddys Car (roclrl tomorrow
tram A to 8 p in $2 cover tar both bands.

Cato LMNOP, 337 E Mam St. three bands will be lectured in tonights
grand opening Dementia Proecox Vale at Tears and Lead Pencil. Visual
atrocuties extraordinaire lDamust

Comolot Wort, 1761 Alexandria Drive. Raven (rock) tonight and tomor-
row 9 p m to 1 am 52 (over per person. $3 tor couples.

Chovy Chou Inn. Euclid Avenue Jo Turley (pop rock\ Wednesday
through Saturday 9pm to l a m

Cowboys, 1515 Russell Cove Road Uncle Lilah (country rock} Monday
thr0ugh Saturday 9 p.rn to l a m, 52 cover Friday and Saturday

Grlngo‘s, 225 Southland Drive Tommy Collett and Ritchie Sither (country
solt rock tonight and tomorrow 9pm. tol a.m.

Holl’l on tho llvor. Athens-Boonesboro Road. Andy Rocker 1contempo-
rary country} tonight and tomorrowep.m. to midnight

Hall's on Main, 735 E Main 51, Warren lulg and Kim Tollwer ,contempo-
rary‘ tonight and tomorrow at 8 p m

Hyatt Rogoncy Hotel, Lexmgton Center In Fun 5 Pub Hearthrob top 40,
tonight and tomorrow 9 p '11 to 1 a m In Roots Ed 80191 p1ano‘ o p m to
9 p m tonight amt tomorrow

JoHorson Davls Inn, High and Limestone streets Lush Pyle and the Car.
pets new wave- 'omght and tomorrow lrom 9 30 p m to l a m 52 caret.
Steve Lyon oriqiv‘o’ Monday ‘ram9 30p m to 1 a m No cover

Lynogh's, 5-30 Euwd Ave 1he Wild West Show folk 6 pm to 8 p m
tori-qh' 5 p m ’L- h o m tomorrow No cover tonight $1 tomorrow Tim
Lat-e Duo talk .o're'v country 9 30 p m to 1 a m tonight 52 (aver Mad
Cathorwe and the Moon Dog Pirates lolli 9 30p m to l a m 52 (Over

Radluon Plato Hotol, ‘41119 Center in Spirits Daddy 5 Cor ‘rock tonight
011d ton-01mm 9c nv '1‘ l o m







Against All Odds Mystery and intrigue at ancrent Chichen ltzo starring
Rachel r‘r‘ti’L‘. 11211 Bridges and James Woods ’Faymte Mall 2 4 3O 7 15
9 .15 Ncr'n Pork 2 35 4 45 7 2O 9 30 ll 40 KERNEL RATING 6

Blame It On Rlo on lather-daughter poors travel south in this comedy
starving Mmhoe Come Sou'hpark please call the theater tor ShOWIlmeS ,

Tho Buddy System Richard Dreytuss and Susan Sarandon star in this
inventiwc (1'r1u1\(e Faye'te Mali 130 335 540 745 950 and Turlland
Mall ' 30 3 35 S 40 7 45 9 50

Tho Drouor Albert aney and Tom Courtenay star in an intriguing laolr
behind the scenes at 1119 and relationships in a traditional touring stage
:ompam LO! ngtr‘n Mail 2 415 730 940 1145

Footloose The new 111d 1n town raises a ruckus at school in this adoles-
tent (ompdy Nerthpo'k l 35 3 40 5 45 7 50 9 55 ll 55 and South-
park prease (0’1 272 5M1 tor shew times 1KERNEL RATING 4,

Harry and Son Paul Newman and Robbie Benson are lather and son in
this comedy drama Southpark please call272-6211Ior show times},

too Plratol Crossroads 2 3.55. 545 7 35 935 1120' Northpark
205 355 350 735 9251120

loultor 13m Selleck in another action-packed adventure. .Crossroods
1 45 3 .10 5 35 7 45 0 40 11 35,)KERNEL RAttNG-é

Pououlon Another horror llicli. {Northparh 2 340 520 730 9.35
11 30 and lurl and l 45 3 45 5 30, 7'30 930.‘

Roar Wlndow Altred Hitchcock 5 classic tilm ol intrigue starring Jimmy
Stewa" Lard up With a broken leg Stewart turns his attention to the ac
110115 cl Ills neighbors and becomes convmced that one of them has com-
mitted murder .Lexlngton Mall 215. 4.30 7 45, 9-50 11 50.; KERNEL RAT-
lNG 1C

Splash. A boy lalls in love With a mermaid. 1Northparl< 130 335
540 745 945 1145 and Southpark please call 272-6211 tor show

Tonlr James Garner stars 1n the story at a man. a bay and a large
piece at war mochmery iNorthpark,1 15.3.25 5.30 7.40 9 50 ll 50.,

Torm at Endoorrnont Shirley Mactaine Debra Wiiigei and Jack Nich-
olson star in what could be the lmest American mane of the year. It is a
story at relationships and the tribulations at human existence. (Southpark,
please call the theater lor show timos.) KENNEL RATING, 9

Unfolthfully Your! Dudley Moores latest ollort as a musical conductor

with a lealous temper (Fayette Mall: 140, 3.40 540 7 40, 9.40.) KENNEL

At tho Kontuclry Thootor this woolrond: Today: »- 1-30 pm. "To Be
Or Not To Be ‘ 7 30 From Here To Eternity," 9:45 p.m., ’The Year OI
Living Dangerously Midnight ”Night OI The Living Dead]. Tomorrow «—
l 00 ‘Night CI The Living Dead, ‘ 3:00,"From Hora To Etornity,’ 5:15, "Tho
Year of Livmg Dangerously.” 7 30."HomrMitt,” 9:30, ”To Do Or Not To Be
Midnight The Rose ' Sunday —- 1:30. ~Liana," 3:30, "Hammett," 5:30,"Ta
Be Or Not To Be 9 45, Night 0t Tho living Dead."






Mont: ond Oultdorotorn oro flood opom at a this owning at the
Studio Playors on Boll Court. Tho production rum March 17, 10. 23-25. In.
31. Studont rates oro $3.50 with valid to. Rounattons con ho modo by
calling tho Studio Playors.

Tho Worshom Yhootor will In cloud this woolrond.





THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Friday, Morch 10,1984


Erin go crazy

L 0111/ 11111101112 holes prepare/"(1112111 1111/1111” St. [’111'11 1'. 1 L‘c’ilt’lh’11fu’1’f

111 \II \1 15111 1 ll
travar'w 1-,;- '

l'.1'.’ 1r. l. ' m'

'1‘1.’.1|' 'Y1‘1.1.'.l t" 'r "

f‘.-\\ 1111'.


IN‘t'Y' Iil'I‘Iv: ;;
I“T Illt 1111“ " 1‘ *. '1
I1-i\ 1:21.1112'1121'V

1111' E’..11;:.-- ' -' ~

11111th -. 11:1, .1 V l‘
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1 '1 ‘1 1 “ "
1.131“. \1‘" .'
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1 tyfr ,- ' I
1\ 1.1? vat»
.11 _1-' ; 1 1 1
1111' a 1 1 . - .
'11 1 I ' ,_l ’ 1 .
1 1.

:‘Eat‘ It’ is

KEHNPII. 1'1 \11 \11


In .1) 111 . 1-
.1111111. 11/\ 1--

E .' . w- . . _
111 "1. \1;. fl“. 1 .\

l‘t 1’11 ‘1 ._1',1 ; 1 ,
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1.11-1-1 \:1 111 ~ . '

\It‘n’l‘k {1‘1 ‘T'Ir 1111 .. «-

111:~ =1i.1- ~I111'112 fr LUM‘ '-

11111111‘» rwzivi- ' l\.:

111113‘1 .1~ ~11 11: 1.1-.1" La .'
111.11% -l11\ 11>»! .1~ ,1." . ;~ ' x 1‘
shimni 111 1-1 1- 1‘ 1 ~_.

'l’n‘u' l'.\ 1‘»1‘I1~ .1 :1.1-~'
natm 1ns1p 11 1111.1: 1111's . - .r. «v.
Ilkt‘ .l.11k>111' 111.1121 .1.'~1-..' -1- "rump-
t‘ur‘) strm” .1' . \ 1'.

kllVlk‘Il \ {llull'lln 111 11‘11”,
11lt‘dllllllt‘ 111111.11111':-11 1
lunk 111-1 1111\1' {111111.111 -. -.
.111 arnund 1111* 1111111: .~ ..

spout that points 1 1.. ‘ - "111 .r..1:
mum ‘11'.\ -1t 2111' ill'lfllilu.

“1‘ 1.11111,\ .1 1111111 .1’ Yliii 1‘ -. .1 .1 ‘1‘
"King 111 >1111111- 1-113 \tm \\ tun-1.1
Hats 5.11011 Dance :11 .1' ~..‘~-

h} 111.111-111111; the- ‘11111 .1" '.'.11
"11111111 111111111 IIlt‘lllt‘ .12.: ~1.1,~1.1-~


1.} I' l: -
l ni <
.‘,1 ‘1 s .l.’ \ t 2
\' ~ 7 g st' ‘ t I
. _ ‘1 It\ 1 1 _ -
1 ,. , . .1


KEIHI‘II, 11.11 I\ii 1




\ ':.111'\"‘ “i ‘1 x 1 . 1. ,
"i ll \Ui.’ 1111 ~ 1 1'
l.1‘l‘.;:l '1 ’i' i' 'f; s 1 1 1 .1.
1.1 -.' \ 1. 1‘1. 11-; . 1 :n t

t '— 1\t 1 ‘1‘ 1" ' 1 ‘, r
11' "1:74 1 ,

Ii ' .’~~ \111t~.-. 1 ' .
1.1. ‘ 1 1' l' '11' ' 1“.1'
;111.'111r11..1',11 '11 nurs‘ f ’1.» '1'-
~r‘1111111 ‘1111 .1t,it.1 ’1‘.\ -1: '.’11-'.":1":1
lilthH 11311.1(: {Hunt 1-11 1111' iii‘

51.111". '.1.‘.' ‘11-) ~‘.11:11>7'r


111112.1.1111tr'vitti‘tii-miut \11'1-1-1.

\Im: ii"".".t'!\ .111. 11‘.1.’11.1'\\ :11-
!1-: '111' 11-111 «.111 Hit. 11111» .~
11111- 2111111 "111 f‘w wn». win 1:


fine Michael Jackson mockery

...1 t 1 ~~- 1 111:1. 1111-

Farcical ‘Rosencrantz’ opens at Studio Players

11 thcati-r pr1111111‘ti11ns '1'f11‘1” ’111
intensm 111 thr-n‘ 1111‘1'1111"~ 111111.
'I‘11n1 Stoppards 1111111111 11111111

"Rascni'rantz 111111 (illlltlt‘lfslt't‘l‘. .1111

Dead, is sure to 111- .1 \11‘1.i,\l‘. 511111
pard s 1.11‘1311'111 and 11111-1. 11:1 1111- 11.111
pla} “11> 11111- 111 1111- tirmhtimt spots
111 1111‘ 19571111 si-asnr. 111‘. Hrrwlun}
and 1s uni, 01 11111 tint->2 1111115 111 1111-
modcrn cuntcinwrar) 11111.1'1':

Assuring .1 5111111 111.111 fur 511111-
pard as 1111c 111 1111- 1111151 British
playwrights «11 our 11.1) Rust-n
Want.) and (itiildcnstorn .11‘1- 111-.111
took Ne“ York 11} \tnrn. 11111111 ll
premiered in 19117

The plot" 111-11. 101 .\ ms! \111 11‘
essentially Shakospt'nrv \ 11.1111
lot," as seen through the- 111m 111
these two courtl} gt‘llllt‘ll‘it‘li This
description hardly (1111‘s the 111.1} 1th
tice, but it 5 less confusing

Opening tonight at Studm i’lawrs
on Bell Court. the production prom
1565 to be as outlandish and broad as
Stoppard intended it

Originally from Calcutta, Aw
Lawyer. the play's director i.\ a 111-
mmutive. black-haired. darkewd
bundle of energy

With the eye 01 a hank and a per-
fectionist‘s attention In detail. Law
yer moves quietly among the cast.
correcting mistakes. massaging
egos and readying the 0111er troupe
for opening night

(111Tt‘1;l1_\ .1 L‘l't‘dllH‘ 1111‘1'11111
\IE‘IH :\(I\L'l‘11>iliL‘. 121111111 \1111 11111.-
time trinitist} Ilt‘l'1lrll>lli' th>1!‘l‘,\

’I 11111- 111111 Stoppardx 1111111
1,.1'1111‘r \dlil. ".-\ll(l 11111121111; £11m
11:11.11: 111111111 111‘ 1121 1 ri-.1t1\1-11:111*

11111} in her 111111 111». 1.11111” has
11.111 1.1 wars 111 dimming 1-\p¢-r111n11
but still lt‘t‘b (‘\L'llt'(l 11 Mn .1 prudui
111m comes 1111 as planned

'1)ir1~.-ting 1s >11 trmtmting that 1
«111191111105 11111111” 1111} 1 $1.11 1111 :1
But 1111 the other 111111‘. per-1111.1 11.11".“
«11119 together .11111 «1111111: 1? gonn-
.1liw 1m stugc t‘\dt‘ll} 1111* pi.i_\
“right 1111ag1111-11 it 15 .111 Ulldt'M‘l'l
11111119 high

Finding time tnr both 111 her .1111»
has been a struggle. shr- said 11111
111w 111 her “ark helps her 111.1111,
mum in her schr-dulc

“(loud dirvctnrs 110011 .1 high 101 91
Ht commitment and 11 never-5.1141111
attitudc' Lamar 511111 “l'ntnrtii
natal) it's getting loughcr tn handle
both Jobs. so this is pr11hahl) m} last
directing 10b tor awhile 1 111.1111 it in
hvthobest "

"Rnsoncranti and (iuildcnstvrn
are Dead" opens tonight at 11 pm
The pla) continues triim March 17.
18. 23-2.’. 311111 Each pcrtormani'c
begins at 8 p m except for Sundays
which begins at '1 p rn


JA(I~TI\|R~ xpv-JT‘T'
Barry J. Williams and Greg Bryant portray Rmcncram/ and
(iuildensiern in “Rmencrantz and (iuildenstcrn are head"
which opens Ihh weekend at the Studio Players on Bell ('uurt

The show runs weekends through March .111











 4 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL Friday.M-rch16, 1984


Androw J. Oppn-nn

LInI 3. Kodak
Exocutwo Editor

Stephanie WoIInor
News Editor

Juno. A. StoII
Editorial Editor



Grammar murder is everyone’s business

a .. their crime Although misuse ot
'medta ts frowned upon today.
John the) realize that stalwart grant

martans cant hold out lorever
VOSKUHL The word data is used as a stngu
lI'H‘dtl~lt\|t'1l~~lh' lar noun all the tune no“, al
though the correct torm “as once
datum The murderers realize
that the same \Mll happen tor
'medta ‘ some da} "Hopefully "
the) sa) to themselves. "social
com entence \x'tll triumph

\'ottce the “ord hopetull} in
the last sentence or the previous
paragraph ll means. "it is
hoped Because it has this mean
leading mg :1 modifies the entire sen
-. mass noun tence “hat part ot speech ts this
reports \utt‘tl” It > not an .ttltu‘itu‘ Ut‘ .ttlr
\erh lo the best or m_\ knoul
edge. there tsn't men a special
name tor \\0l‘(l> that modtt) entire
sentences l suppose the) are
called Sllttpl} sentence mtxhhers

lion-lull}. as it appears lll
'ttoug‘t: :' ts The sentence above also is en
tered ;r. ilo‘hste' s tltcttonar}
‘Ilnl_\ the irrationall} large
amount or crtttcal ttre dram: t>_\
the altm'e meanmg oi iteperzaix
requires tts particular recognition
,tut' a - hehznd ‘hc :n a dictionary states Webster's

the mar ‘s‘xmaar use ot other adwrhs as
'net knou "3.". « ng' . ‘
‘ . .ls sentence modttters :s so

t‘ttltif'ntltttlat‘t‘ as '1‘ t‘\t';it- tttt tttt

'It't‘ '.\ liti't'\ t'l'

I t’ti-dru h \lel/st l'c

lulltl \mkuhl

tut”..:nar medzun‘.
'o report that the
" e». .v. ‘\ t’lllt't‘t‘tl :t‘.
\ \. .\ t. acute

as a setgular \tortl

' ptt'puatrrh o! the word

. 'l).x'r‘l‘\

u‘x‘tit’es " Tl‘t‘ .tL‘t‘ttt'tes «it

v 't ‘ '
\.tt.«‘lt.\ .\

l‘t;' 'hts use ts not
l.\’§t’tl .l> lllt‘ llldh‘
anti 1s ukeh to

:: ut‘tttttg
.t. ‘he .llt'ltttll
wares about the En
’t‘mf ‘. . .lM‘ the “rim
a sittL‘lt' ohtect.
urns»; a stngu.ar
. :wtatlv a taE‘L‘t- titlm

' "t'lt‘t


;*'es..":t;“.. ' "

Please excuse me tor being trra
ttonal. but I thtnk adverbs have
come too far since the days when
i used them onl} to modify verbs
and adJeettves Adverbs no“ mod»
ll} enttre sentences the} are
drunk wtth po“ er

it is power that StK‘lt‘l} has been
happy to give them Grammar
\\ as not murdered tor the sake ot‘
malice it was murdered for the
sake or convenience

There are those \\ ho believe
that that‘s the ua} it should he
Rules ot gratnmar first in order
to tacthtate communtcatton The)
extst lor the sake ot convenience
Why shouldn't llte_\' he ohhterated
tor the sake ot comemence"

'l‘hat argument ma_\ be quite
\ahd on pragmatic grounds hut ll
lilliltrt’.\ the debt that our societ}
language l-anhsh is
it has heen 1n\ol\'ed ltt
poett‘) and prose tor
\\e ought to

ones tts
thousands ol tears
respect that

l realize that no language can
be static. hut the murder ot gram
mar is both lax) and pett} ane
grammar is dead. the language is
doomed to sulter aesthetical rigor





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Filing for SGA Elections

4:00 p.m.


All applications must be turned in

with a $5.00 cash deposit to the

SGA Secretary no later than 4:00 fiCAMBO'S

325 S. Lime
2 .


The new police recruits.
Call them slobs.
Call them jerks.
Call them gross.

Just don’t call them
_ when you’re in trouble.



What an Institution!

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‘ '~v 1~' NEAL ISRAEL .PAT PRtJFT- '-.-"'.I.t,:~ +-

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‘ g... .





Empty slogans

In response to Kevin Green‘s edr
tonal, published on March 7. l “ould
like to ask Mr Green whether he
has ever reall} analyzed the prtnr
ctple of "the greatest good for the
greatest number of people " All too
often. we accept slogans \t'tthout
reall_\ studying. because the} sound
good on the surface

Slogans are qutck. catch) and
seem to have a ring ot truth. yet tn
t‘ealtt}. they have no substance
(ireen states that "the greatest good
tor the greatest number ot twople'
is an absolute princtple \i'ehsters
(llk‘lltHldl‘) dettnes ahsolute as un
conditional, unqualified or pertect

"The greatest number“ seemingh
\xouid he synotnmous “1th 'the ma
torn} ” it so. then suppose that ue
could sho\\ that unempltnment
could he ehmtnated through geno
ctde ot lllllittt‘ll} groups. therein
ehmtnatmg the eeonmomtc ltahtltt)
and e\termtnate them tor "the
greatest good“ by some people“
Lest some accuse me ot using llll
possthh extreme examples let's
consider the Nan death camps the
murders ot 3.3 million Russian peo
ple in their own communist gm‘et‘t‘.
tttettt and those pt'tmtttu' \tlL'lt‘llt‘.\
\xhtclt abandoned their elderl_\ when
they became non producttte

ltn sure am tntelhgenf persot:
can see that the prohlett‘. .\ttlt Tltts
'pv'tnctpte ts .'s amlttgum l‘he tie
't‘l‘ltiltia'ittt‘. Ht 'llv’ greatest L'tittl:
.s 'r‘, the hantts of 'he o-xrs'ng punter
structure the hel