xt70zp3vww0m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vww0m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-08-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, August 28, 1989 1989 1989-08-28 2020 true xt70zp3vww0m section xt70zp3vww0m  


Kentucky Kernel


Establehed 1894

Low tax burden
handicaps state,
commission finds

Associated Press

LOUISVILLE, Ky. ~ Kentucki-
ans pay a smaller share of their
wealth in taxes than individuals
and businesses in most other
states, according to a study by the
Advisory Commission on Inter-gov-
ernmental Relations.

The commission, a bipartisan
group of federal, state and local
government officials and private
citizens, has developed a widely
used system for comparing the
ability of states to tax their citizens
and businesses.

Kentucky’s wealth, or ability to
pay taxes, ranks near the bottom.
Yet despite that handicap, the com-
monwealth makes less effort to tax
its available resources than all but
14 states. The state’s tax effort
ranks 37th, according to the study,
which compares tax burdens in the
50 states and the District of Colum—

“We have historically resisted
taxes," said state Sen. Michael R.
Moloney, D-Lexington, chairman of
the Senate Appropriations and Rev-
enue Committee.

Most states had a broad-based
tax increase during the 1980s, but
Kentucky did not. Moloney said.

“Mississippi did; Arkansas did;
Alabama did; both the Carolinas
(didl p states that some people
think we can look down our noses
at," he said.

Yet many Kentuckians. including

Gov. Wallace Wilkinson, persist in
believing they are taxed to the

“Our willingness to tax out-
weighs our capacity to tax,” Wil-
kinson said in his State of the Com-
monwealth address in January
1988. He argued that Kentuckians'
income was too low to afford a tax

In his budget speech a week
later, Wilkinson said that in the
previous 20 years the sales tax,
gasoline tax and corporate taxes
had all been raised, and the sever-
ance tax had been started. “We’ve
taxed and taxed, and we‘re still be-
hind," he said.

He has not backed away from
those statements, although he has
said he would support a tax in»
crease if it's needed for education.

The property tax is probably the
most reviled of all Kentucky taxes,
yet the study, published earlier this
year and based on 1985-86 tax rec-
eipts, shows that Kentucky relies
less on that source of revenue than
all but seven states.

Kentucky also raises less than
the national average from the gen-
eral sales tax and selective sales
taxes on items such as alcoholic
beverages, cigarettes and wa-
gering on horse races.

But the study probably under-
states Kentucky's current situation
regarding selective sales taxes be-
cause it doesn’t include the 1986 in-
crease in the state gas tax.

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Monday, August 28, 1 989



handed out

Executive Editor

Student tickets for UK’s season
opener against Indiana Universi-
ty will be available beginning
8am. Wednesday.

Ticket distribution orginally
was Tuesday, Sept. 5, but because
of the Labor Day holiday and the
excitement about this year’s sea-
son, ticket officials deCided to
move the data up six days.

“It makes no sense to lose a
day," said Rodney Stiles, student
affairs officer. “We‘re ready to
go down here, and we’re itching
to start selling these things."

Stiles said he thinks that dis-
tributing the tickets early will
benefit students and the ticket of-

“It’s no sense to put too much
strain on the ticket office to sell
leftover tickets to the public," he
said. “It only gives them two
days to sell them if we waited to
Tuesday. It also gives the stu-
dents two weeks to make plans."

Distribution is from 8 am. until
4 pm. Tickets are distributed on
a first-come-first-serve basis at
the ticket windows outside Memo-
rial Coliseum.

“Priority seating,“ sections 208
and 210, will be distributed that
evening from 6 until 7 pm.


Football tickets to be distributed early

Campus Side



Press Box Side


Student tickets usually are dis-
tributed the Monday before each
UK home game.

A student can get one ticket
with their validated student ID or
a class schedule for the first
game. They can pick up another

student’s ticket with that person's
student ID.
Guest tickets will go on sale at
9 am. Thursday. Side-line seats
cost $15 and end—zone seats cost
\cc ”('KIZTS. HaJ page


guests swap
sides for ’89

Executive Editor

UK students will see L'K foot-
ball games at Commonwealth
Stadium from a different perspec
tive this season.

Last season students sat on the.
northeast side of the stadium and
visitors sat on the southeast For
this season the two \t't‘flons were

“It is something that I‘ve
wanted to do for the past couple
of years. ' said Rodney Stiles, stu-
dent aft‘airs organizer "I never
understood why our students
were so far away from the
team "

Last year's loss against the
University of Alabama streg-
thened Stiles poSition After the
Wildcats gave up 24 points in the
fourth quarter to the (‘rimson
Tide. Alabama fans verbally ha-
rassed [K as they left the field

"Last year, after the Alabama
game, that was the turning point
right there. The final score
tells the whole story sometimes.
but sometimes. it doesn't.” Stiles
said "You can win all the battles
and still lose the war That is
kind of what happened "

Stiles said he hopes that the
new seating arrangement will


\t-i sit iiixrs' it... mil


Local organizations hope to revitalize student volunteerism

Special Projects Writer

In an effort to create a stronger
link between UK and the Lexington
community, several groups and in-
dividuals at UK are coordinating
the establishment of a campus vol-
unteer center to channel the talents
and energy of UK students into
community service programs.

Although there have been scat-
tered efforts in the past to involve
students in community service, a
renewed enthusiasm over the past
several months has prompted the
initiation of different avenues
through which UK students can
find ways to volunteer in the com-

Linda Harvey, a community
service leader and director of Lex-
Care, of which many Lexington so-
cial agencies are a part, said al-
though she hasn't seen a real
commitment for volunteer action

from UK in recent years, “I‘m be-
ginning to see that now.”

Among the several activities cur.
rently underway is Campus Com-
munity Outreach, a program that
serves as a clearinghouse between
UK and public-service agencies in
Lexington. Organizers of CCO have
been organizing it since last year,
and they already have set aside an
office in the Matthews Building for
a new volunteer coordinator, They
began accepting applications for
the position this week and hope to
have someone in charge of the pro-
gram by October.

“It would be nice to develop a
spirit of volunteerism around the
University," said Louise Stone, di-
rector of Experiential Education
and one of CCO's organizers.

Stone said she hopes CCO and the
volunteer coordinator will act as a
“catalyst to capture the energy“ of
student volunteers by making con-
tacts with service agencies and


“Volunteerism is a growing effort across the
nation, and . . . I would love to see it take off


Kim Fowler,

SGA Special Concerns director

providing information to students
on what types of volunteer work
needs to be done in the community.

Harvey. a UK graduate. estab-
lished a student-volunteer program
through the Newman Center in the
late 1960s, and UK used its own vol-
unteer a program. but both faded
because of lack of interest or
funds. Harvey said.

But now the tide seems to be
turning the other way.

Stone said she hopes by the end
of the semester to have a steady



CLEANING House: Three men clean the mornings UK'S season Opener is Saturday.
stands of Commonwealth Stadium Saturday Sept889ainst|ndiana University—


STEVE “MRS/Kernel Stan




lONS Miami Sound Machine

searches for their roots.

See page 3.

process by which interested stu-
dents can find ways to volunteer. to
find funding for the volunteer coor<
dinator and to work out the net-
working between the other activ
ities going on around campus to
promote student volunteerism

For instance. the Student (iot-
eriiment Association has begun to
address community service
through a new student voluntec~
rism organization under its Special
Concerns committee.

Kim Fowler. Special Concerns di~

rector. said she learned this sum.
iiier about community-service pro-
grams iii place at other
uiiiverstties around the country

“.'oluiileerisni is a growing eff
tort across the nation. and l just
wanted to do something here about
it." she said. "I would love to see it
takeoff here "

Matt Steinberg, \\h()m Fowler
asked to lead the SGA student vols
uiiteerism program. said the pro
grams plans are SlIIlllal‘ to those
of (.‘t‘() J to act as a place where
students can go to find out where
they may volunteer their services.

Steinberg said he wants to en-
courage students to \oiunteer in
such areas as counseling "at risk“
middle and high school students
.\ ho want to drop out of school. \‘lS’
imig senior citizen homes. and
helping blood drives.

He said he also wants to promote

the program. Habitats for Humani-
t). through which volunteers build

homes for the homeless HI} chm tit-
also hopes to bring iormer l‘t'vm
dent Jimmy t'ai‘ter. an act's...
member of the national organize.
tioii to campus to speak about the
"l'w talked to some people .\l'
far. and every single one of (hot:
want to help. ‘he \aitl
Fowler said that despite the .ip
Parent similarities bemeen 'lll
SGA and (It) programs. she hopes
"to coordinate our activities wit.
an} other groups on caiizpus in
volved in \ olunteerisn‘i '
t‘ommunities in l'nity. which was
formed hf. ('ampus Ministries
about tvw years ago. is one sort:
group that already Il£l> been duh-'1}
channeling student tolunteers iii‘:
the Lexmgton community
Joyce Poole. a lA‘XlllgUMl 'l‘tiw-
logical Seriiinary \Iullt‘lll and \I‘tl
dent adviser to t‘ommunities
lfiiity. said she has made contact:
with sen-rill >(K'liil ngt’llt'lt’.\ Isist
\j: (iRUl P‘. l‘d\K its.

Keeping the extra pounds off
can be difficult while at UK

Staff Writer

UK psychologist Janet Coffey
hears the term “freshman 15" a lot
from UK women.

“Among the people who come to
me with eating disorders, a lot say
they came to college and gained
the ‘freshman 15,‘ panicked and
tried to lose it," said Coffey, who
works at the UK Counseling and
Testing Center

Elizabeth Schwartz, an English
sophomore from Nashville, Tenn,
said she believes the fear of gain-
ing weight among UK women is a
big problem.

“I think a lot of people are wor-
ried about it." Schwartz said. “I
think girls are really caught up in
their appearance. and they're very
consciencious of their weight. I was
worried about it, and I still am."

Lisa DeHaven. an English senior
from Hardinsburg, Ky., said gain-
ing weight is one of freshmen‘s big~
gest fears because everyone talks
about it so much.

“I think when you get here (to

SP 011T S

l'Ki. it's all you hear about." De—
Haven said.

The term “freshman 15" refers
to the weight many freshman
woemn gain during their first year
in college. Most gain about 15

While some try to aVOId. they say
it can be difficult to stay fit while
in college.

“I said I wasn't going to gain
weight, but I still did,“ said Jan-
uary Price. a communications
sophomore from Morehead, Ky.

Although the term haunts some
freshmen girls, many UK women
said freshman aren‘t the only ones
concerned about gaining weight
during college,

Heather Martin, a senior from
Lexington, said she wasn't con-
cerned about gaining weight when
she was a freshman.

"I'm more concerned about it
now than I was then," she said

(the of the reasons women gain
weight during college is stress, Cof-
fey said.

“Exams. being away from home.
and having to grow up“ add to the
stress. she said

Lori liyiin. an undeclared fresh-
man from Woodbury. Minn. said
she isn‘t worried about the fresh-
man 13 but the "freshman 50 be-
cause when I get a lot of home
work. I get nervous and I eat "

other freshmen gain weight be
cause some have trouble adjusting
to a new style of food. (‘offey said

“For the most part. restaurant
cooking is so much higher in fat"
than homecooked food. Coffey

Coffey said am neii who are ‘on
corned about gaining weight should
try to eat vegetables salads. baked
potatoes, low-fat yogurt. chicken.
fruit. skim milk. bagels. plain spa-
ghetti with vegetables and baked

Things to avmd include hamburg
ers. hot dogs, potato chips. ice
cream. pizza and french fries. she

Garlan Smith. an undeclared
freshman from Clarksville, Tenn.
said being on your own for the first
time makes it difficult to reSist

“It's just hard because you go

Sec I'K. Page 4

FBI Pete Rose probe dropped,
paper reports.
See page 5.



2 — Kentucky Kernel, Monday, August 28, 1989







lnforrnatlon on this calendar of events Is collected and coordinated through

the Student Center Activities Office. 203/204 Student Center, University of Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor; with
editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of expression. For student organi-
zations or University Departments to make entries on the calendar. 0 Campus
Calendar form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activities Office,

DEADLINE: Forms will be accepted no later than the Monday preceding the

publication date.




00ther (through 8/31)‘ M.l. King Library
tours; Free: King South Lobby; 1 pm. and 3
pm; Call 7-8397

’Other: Hospice Volunteers —- Training
Program; Lexington Public Library; 7-9 p m ;
Call 233-6890

00ther: UK Hospital's Aeromedical
Service: Second Anniversary — Open House;
Helipad; 1O a.m.-6 pm; Call 233-6363

0 lntramurals: Entry deadline for Tug-O-
War: Free; Seaton Center Room 145. Call 7-


~Academics: Last day to enter an
organized class for the 1989 Fall Semester

0Academics: Last day to officially
withdraw from the University or reduce
course load and receive an 80 percent

0Concerts: Art a la Carte — TR. Williams,
folk (bring your lunch!); Free; ArtsPIace;

OExhibits (through 10/22): Bluegrass
Collectors — Works of Art from Private
Collections in Central Kentucky; Free; UK Art
Museum; Tuesdays—Sundays,Noon-5 pm;
Call 7-571 6

0 Exhibits (through 10/22): “The Joys of
the Seasons"; Free; UK Art Museum;
Tuesdays-Sundays. Noon-5 pm; Call 7-

0Meetings: Student Activities Board Travel
Committee; Free; Student Center Room 1 13;
6 pm; Call 7-8867



00ther: UK College of Dentistry —— An
Academic Convocation: Memorial Hall; 2
pm: Call 233-6363


'Other: Hospice Volunteers — Training
Program; Lexington Public Library; 7-9 pm;
Call 233-6890

Olntramurals: Entry deadline for Flag
Footbali (sign-up only at managers’ meeting
—— 5 pm. Worsham Theatre); Free; Seaton
Center Room 145: Call 7-3928



0Academics: Deadline for international
students to submit 1990 Spring Semester
application and necessary supporting

0 Exhibits (through 9118): Bob Carden.
Carl Piwinski, Mary Rezny -— Collage"
Drawings/Photos; Free; ArtsPIace Gallery;
Call for times — 255-2951



OSports: Volleyball — Kentucky Kick-Off
Klassic, Eastern Kentucky vs. Lauisville, UK
vs, Morehead; Call 7-3838




OSports; Volleyball — Kentucky Kick-Off
Klassic Consolation and Finals. Call 7-3838






0 Academics. Labor Day — Academic

'Sports; Student Football Ticket
Distribution for UK vs. Indiana; Free with
UKID; Memorial Coliseum: 9 a m.-4 pm; Call
7- 1 818





special events





0 Academics — 8/ 29: Last day to enter an
organized class for the 1 989 Fall Semester

0Academics — 8/ 29: Last day to officially
withdraw from the University or reduce
course load and receive an 80 percent

OAcademics — 9/1 : Deadline for
international students to submit 1 990 Spring
Semester application and necessary
supporting documents

0Academics — 9/4: Labor Day —-
Academic Holiday

00ther — 8/28-8/31: M.l. King Library
tours; Free; King South Lobby; 1 pm. and 3
pm; Call 7-8397

00ther — 8/ 28: Hospice Volunteers —
Training Program; Lexington Public Library;
7-9 pm; Call 233-6890

'Other — 8/ 28: UK Hospital's
Aeromedical Service: Second Anniversary —
Open House; Helipad; 10 a.m.-6 pm; Call

00ther — 8/30: UK College of Dentistry
— An Academic Convocation; Memorial Hall;
2 pm; Call 233-6363

00ther — 8/31 : Hospice Volunteers ——
Training Program; Lexington Public Library;
7-9 pm; Call 233-6890









°Concerts — 8/29: Art a la Carte — TH.
Williams, folk (bring your lunchl); Free;
ArtsPIace; Noon-1 pm; Call 255-2951

°Exhibits — 8/29-10/22: Bluegrass
Collectors — Works of Art from Private
Collections in Central Kentucky; Free; UK Art
Museum; Tuesdays-Sundays,Noon-5 pm;
Call 7-571 6

°Exhibits — 8/29-10/22: “The Joys of
the Seasons"; Free; UK Art Museum;
Tuesdays-Sundays, Noon-5 p.m.; Cali 7-
571 6

0 Exhibits — 9/1-9/18: Bob Carden, Carl
Piwinski, Mary Rezny — Collage/
Drawings/Photos; Free; ArtsPIace Gallery;
Call for times -- 255-2951

weekly events




'Other: UK Judo Club (no experience
required. men and women welcome); Free;
Alumni Gym Balcony; 5-6:30 pm; Call 268-


OMeetings: UK Water Ski Club; Student
Center Room 228:7 p.m.; Call 252-4900

00ther: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center
Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50-7 pm; Call 255-

OReIigious: Tuesday Night Together; Free;
Baptist Student Union (429 Columbia Ave);
7:30 pm; Call 7-3989

OReligious: Tuesday Evening Fellowship
(Meal and Program); 412 Rose St; 6 pm;
Call 254-1881


'Other: Aerobics; Free; Newman Center
Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50-7 pm; Call 255-

OOther: UK Judo Club (no experience
required, men and women welcome); Free;
Alumni Gym Biacony: 5-6:30 pm; Call 268-

OReiigious: Holy Eucharist; Free; St.
Augustine's Chapel; 5:30 pm: Call 254-


00ther: Aerobics; Free: Newman Center
Rooms 1 and 2; 5:50-7 pm; Call 255-

OReiigious: Thursday Night Live: Free;
502 Columbia Ave; 7:30 pm; Call 233-


No listings


No listings


OReligiouS: Holy Eucharist; Free; St.
Augustine’s Chapel; 10:30 am, 5:30 pm;
Call 254-3726

OReligious: Collegiate Worship Service;
Free; 502 Columbia Ave; 11 am; Call 233-


. $59-29- .

















0 Meetings — 8/ 29: Student Activities
Board Travel Committee; Free; Student
Center Room 113:6 pm; Call 7-8867





Ointramurals — 8/28: Entry deadline for
Tug-O-War; Free; Seaton Center Room 145;
Call 7-3928

Ointramurals — 8/31 : Entry deadline for
Flag Football (sign-up only at managers‘
meeting —— 5 pm, Worsham Theatre); Free;
Seaton Center Room 145; Call 7-3928

°Sports — 9/2. Volleyball — Kentucky
Kick-Off Klassic. Eastern Kentucky vs.
Louisville, UK vs. Morehead; Call 7-3838

OSports — 9/3: Volleyball — Kentucky
Kick-Off Klassic Consolation and Finals; Call

OSports — 9/4: Student Footbali Ticket
Distribution for UK vs. lndiana: Free with
UKID; Memorial Coliseum; 9 a.m,-4 pm; Call












Kentucky Kernel, Monday, August 28, 1989 — 3

Kip Bowmar
Arts Editor


Miami Sound Machine move closer to their Latin roots

Associated Press

NEW YORK — Being on the road
is nothing new for Gloria Estefan,
who was just a baby when her fam-
ily fled from Cuba.

For 10
years, she and
Miami Sound
M a c h i n e
toured the
world, attract- ~ It
ing millions of 9 .
listeners with E7
the sounds of
salsa, samba
33?}, a gm- ESTEFAN
of hit singles, including “Rhythm
Is Gonna Get You” and the No. 1
“Anything for You," the schedule
moves at the pace of their hottest



But they do take a breather on
occasion, to sing a slow song on
stage, enjoy the sunshine of their
adopted city or record another

“We tried to arrange the album
the way we try to do a show," Es-
tefan said of their new record,
“Cuts Both Ways," a collection of
dance songs and ballads.

“You try to get a feeling. We
really focused on how we could
make the people relax, have mo—
ments in the show to settle back
and then build it to a party atmo

Miami Sound Machine has decid-
ed to step back a bit on “(hits Both
Ways," performing two songs in
Spanish and adding a stronger
Latin beat.


(’9 $99 academic year

I /
. $69 a semester
"is TV i 7





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“We felt freer on this record. The Latin music is
interwoven into our songs a lot more."

Gloria Estefan,
Miami Sound Machine


“This band has spent two years
touring together," said Estefan,
whose husband, Emilio, founded
the group and now produces their

"All the songs are ours, it was
arranged by us, it was co-produced
by Emilio and two of the guys in
the band. It was the first time we
had the opportunity to do that.

“We felt freer on this record. The
Latin music is interwoven into our
songs a lot more. One song, ‘Get on
Your Feet,‘ is not Latin at all but
has a Latin break in the middle.“

Estefan said she is concerned
over the increasing tendency to
refer to the group as "Gloria Este
fan and Miami Sound Machine," or
just “Gloria Estefan.“ She said she





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For more information, contact:
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has no desire to follow the path of
pop stars such as Diana Ross and
Deborah Harry, who left their
bands to pursue solo careers.

”If you were to pinpomt what
Miami Sound Machine is, it would
be Emilio," Estefan said "It was a
musical idea he had all along. The
only original member is me. The
sound that was produced in the stu-
dio was Emilio‘s . "

She grew up Glorita Fajardo, the
shy daughter of a former body
guard for the wife of deposed
Cuban dictator Fulgencm Batista
Music was a dream. she would
imagine herself on stage. dressed
in black.

Emilio Estefan was a popular
local musician, leader of the
“Miami Latin Boys.“ when he

helped Gloria and some friends pt.“
together a show for her parean

She was finishing high school arr»:
heard little of him until his ham
played at a wedding amended '
Gloria and her family

"I didn‘t want to go. my mothe'
dragged me.“ she recalled ‘l‘ho .
uere playing and he said 'l l‘t'
member you' and asked me to >31! t
some songs With the hand zit
hated to have anyone sit in "

Estefan can still remember in
date of their first concert. is ' _‘
19.73. when stage fright key u-
from domg little more lhti,’ a.»

I’op success started in t‘nl'i) W‘w
iii'h the ’lop 105mg]? “('onua at
hasnt let up Perseri'eraiuv

been llii‘ w rt-t. she said



In InterV'arsit}

On North and
Contact ~—

I As an
ll invited


We Study the Bih
standing the text for eurwi‘
interpretation. Stiltl'iill leaders lee-cr-
discussion grim;

Bryan Martin :2!
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but not just believe
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to pcrwrrill} Littler

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: the inxightx‘ or

i Ci'cryiite tire appreciated.
On Mondays. 'l‘uexdzi}.\. anal \Nt‘dl‘rz‘klm»

South (Iiiiipux:

3m: 69fo

l , .p. \t.,.

















or apply for executive
branch committees by
calling (606) 257-3191
(deadline 9/ 1)


or write :



/ Freshman Senator Elections
/ Freshman Representative Council

University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506-0030



The University of Kentucky
Student Government












 4 — Kentucky Kernel, Monday. Auguet28.1969

UK women concerned about weight

('onrmued from Page I

and buy junk food," Smith said.
“Your mom always tells you to eat
vegetables. It‘s hard when there‘s
nobody here to tell you that you're
eating too much iunk food."

And Laura Rasnick, a psycholo-
gy freshman from Woodbury.
Minn, said her meal card is a big
temptation to eat only junk food
and neglect more nutritious food.

But Angela Craig, a physical the-
rapy freshman from Versailles
Ky, said nutritious food is hard to
find at most UK restaurants.

“I’ve seen people in the past that
gained weight when they went to
college‘ Craig said. ‘It’s hard

not to gain weight) because
there 5 so many food places on
campus and so much junk food.‘

Coffey said freshmen who don‘t
develop an active social life also
can have weight problems, Coffey

Some women will sit in their
rooms and eat while they worry.
And as they gain weight, they don't
want to go out because they devel-
op a poor self-image, Coffey said.

Linda Gollihue, a special educa~


“It's hard (not to gain
weight) because
there's so many food
places on campus and
so much junk food."
Angela Craig,

tion senior from Grayson Ky., said
friends also can cause you to put
on a few extra pounds.

“When you have someone en-
couraging you to eat saying, ‘Let‘s
go do it,‘ you‘ll be more likely to
eat," Gollihue said.

When women realized they are
overweight, many try to take the
pounds off the wrong way, Coffey

Many try to lose the extra
pounds all at once, she said. Rath-
er than switching from junk food to
more nutritious food, many go on
very strict diets that often lead to
binging, which can lead to eating
disorders, she said.

Many women try to go on 1,000-
calorie diets, Coffey said, which
can cause health problems.

“It's better to go on 1,500-calorie
diets," she said. “When you go on
1,000-calorie diets, your metabo-
lism adjusts down and you can't
eat more than 1,000 calories later.
Therefore, you gain back the

Coffey said the rule of thumb is
”the faster you lose weight, the
faster you‘ll gain it back.“

Exercise is the best way to avoid
gaining weight while in college,
Coffey said. About 30 minutes of
continuous exercise each day is
needed to to keep the “freshman
15" off, she said. “Ten minutes (of
walking) between classes isn’t
enough, " she said.

Kristin Sheets, a dietetics sopho-
more from Gallipolis, Ohio, said
walking helped her keep from put-
ting on extra pounds during her
freshman year.

“I was never worried about it be-
cause I didn’t gain it because I
walked so much," she said. “When
you don’t have a car you‘re
stranded and you have to walk."

Contras to pressure Sandinistas

Associated Press

YAMALES, Honduras —— Thou-
sands of contra soldiers, disgusted
by weak and uncertain U.S. sup-
port, are preparing to defy a re-
gional peace accord and march
back into Nicaragua with their

“We will wait in the mountains
for the changes that (President
Daniel) Ortega has promised,"
contra chief of staff Israel Galea-
no. knovm as Commander Frank-
lin, said Saturday.

"We aren't going to launch offen-
sive operations because we don‘t
have enough supplies, but we will
defend ourselves if attacked," he
said in an interview with The Asso-
ciated Press.

Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista
government has promised demo-
cratic reforms and set an election

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for Feb. 25, 1990, in accordance
with an agreement signed by Cen-
tral American presidents on Aug. 7
in Tela, Honduras.

The accord also called for dis-
banding the Nicaraguan Resistance
army by Dec. 8, with a United Na-
tions team to observe the process.

“By the time the UN. gets here,
we’ll be gone,” said “Commander
Henry,” head of the rebel medical

Most of the army fighting to oust
the Sandinista government has
been camped in Honduras along
the Nicaraguan border since U.S.


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military aid was suspended a years
and-half ago.

The isolated camps are strung
out along the Yamales River valley
30 miles from the nearest paved

Weakened by desertions and
shortages of supplies, the army has
retained its integrity and spirit.

“We have too few bullets and too
much morale," Galeano said.

For some students though, gain-
ing weight was never a concern.

'I‘racie Thurston, a psychology
sophomore from Lexington said
she never took the “freshmen 15“

“When I heard about it, I thought
it was kind of a joke," Thurston
said. “We (my friends) just sat
around and joked about it. I still
don't think about it. It seems like
your eating habits are established
before you get to college.“

Lisa Kiefer, a fashion merchan—
dising freshman from Boca Raton,
Fla, said eating is the last thing on
her mind.

“I'm not worried about gaining it
because we've got aerobics up-
stairs and I've been eating good. I
forget to eat because I'm doing so
much all the time," Kiefer said.

Stephanie Kash, an elementary
education freshman from Winches-
ter, Ky., said gaining weight hasn’t
been a problem for her either

“It really hasn‘t been that hard
because lve been eating regular
meals like I always did ” Kash


Teens not


their diets, study says


oware of the effects of
terol on their health,
haven't made changes

and Nutrition may we: con-
ducted by Forecast for the
Home Economist magazine in
cooperation with Food A- Bever-
age Marketing and Food Proc~

vey’s respmdents said they are
aware of what serum cholesten
01 means to their health. Nearly
half of those surveyed report
that their knowledge of chm.
terol influences their food pur-
cs percent
said they prefer beef as a
and another

chases. However,

source of

12 percent said they prefer pork.

TheFifth Annual Teen Food


mum economics educators
who subscribe to Forecast mag-
azine. which is published by

Sixty-clam percent of those
W to the Teen Food
and Whoa may said Ital-
laa is their favorite ethnic food;
63 percent laid they prefer Mex-
ican; 4? meat choose Chinese.
Nearly Martha reported
that pohto chips are their fa-
vorite snack food; 72 percent
prefer ice cream; as percent

A recent nationwide survey of
5,000 yomgsters in grades 3—12,
conducted by Harris-Scholastic
Research for the Kellogg 00.,
showed that kids’ favorite res-
tamnt foods are foods that are
high in saturated fat and choles-
terol: human-gels, cheesebur-
gers, pizza and other meats.




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