xt70zp3vx08g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt70zp3vx08g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1981-04-28 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 28, 1981 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 28, 1981 1981 1981-04-28 2020 true xt70zp3vx08g section xt70zp3vx08g UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTO‘I. KENTUCKY 40506 UNIVERSITY SENATE COUNCIL IO ADMINISTRATION BUILDING April 14, 1981 MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the University Senate FROM: George Schwert, Chairman RE: Called Meeting of the Senate: April 28, 1981 A Medical Center Convocation is scheduled for Monday afternoon, April 27. Because this convocation is concerned with planning for the future of the Medical Center, it will involve a number of senators. It seems de- sirable to avoid a conflict with this convocation. Therefore, the next meet- ing of the Senate will be held at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, April 28, 1981 in room 102 of the Classroom Building. The agenda will include: 1) Action on the resolution proposed by the Senate Research Committee. (See attached) Action on the report of the Committee to Study the Organization and Committee structure of the Senate. (Circulated under date of April 3, 1981) The change in the Rules of the Senate which describes the duties of the Executive Secretary of the Senate Council. (See attached). Note: If you are unable to attend this meeting, please contact Ms. Iviartha Ferguson, Registrar's Office, 7—2958. Thank you. /cet AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTOV. KENTUCKY 40506 UNIVERSITY SENATE COUNCIL Io ADMINISTRATION BUILDING April 15, 1981 Members, University Senate University Senate Council AGENDA ITEM: University Senate Meeting, Tuesday, April 28, l 81. Proposal for a Repeat Option and computation of grade—point average for Graduate Students. Background: On the recommendation of the Graduate Faculty and after consideration by the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards, the Senate Council submits to the Senate the following additions to the Rules of the University Senate: 1) ”A student may repeat a graduate course and count only the second grade as part of the graduate grade—point average with the approval of the Graduate Dean. This action will be initiated by petition of the Director of Graduate Studies and may be done only once in a parti- cular degree program or in post-baccalaureate status. ” "If a graduate student changes programs, the graduate grade-point average of that student will be determined only on previously completed graduate work accepted by the new program and graduate work attempted after ac- ceptance into the program. When a student moves from post—baccalaureate status into a program, the graduate grade-point average includes only those hours transferred from the post-baccalaureate status to the program and those subsequently attempted for the program. When the repeat option has been exercised, only the second grade is to be considered in the grade—point average. " Rationale: The Graduate School requires an overall 3. O grade-point average on all work carrying graduate credit. These changes permit a student to recover from one calamitous event in a degree program. Note: If approved, the proposals will be codified by the Rules Committee. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY REPEAT OPTION FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS Original Modification ”A student may repeat a graduate course and count only the second grade as part of the graduate grade-point average. This action will be initiated by petition of the Director of Graduate Studies to the Graduate Dean, and may be done only once in a particular degree program or in post—baccalaurate status.” Suggested Additional Modification ”A student may repeat a graduate course and count only the second grade as part of the graduate grade~point average, with the approval of the Graduate Dean. This action will be initiated by petition of the Director of Graduate Studies and may be done only once.” COMPUTATION OF GRADUATE GRADE POINT AVERAGE Modification ”If a graduate student changes programs, the graduate grade—point average of that student will be determined only on previously completed graduate work accepted by the new program and graduate work attempted after acceptance into the program. When a student moves from post—baccalaureate status into a program, the graduate grade-point average includes only those hours transferred from the post—baccalaureate status to the program and those subsequently attempted for the program.” Suggested Modification "If a graduate student changes programs, the graduate grade—point average of that student will be determined only on previously completed graduate work accepted by the new program and graduate work attempted after acceptance into the program. When a student moves from post—baccalaureate status into a program, the graduate grade—point average includes only those hours transferred from the post-baccalaureate status to the program and those subsequently attempted for the program. When the repeat option has been exercised. only the second grade is to be considered in the grade—point average. Rationale Modification on Repeat Option for Graduate Students: the Committee felt that the words ”in a particular degree program” might permit students to repeat courses several times by shifting degree programs. Modification on Computation of Graduate Grade Point Averagg: the Committee felt that it should be made explicit that only the second grade is to be considered in the grade-point average.