xt712j686565 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt712j686565/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1934 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.5 n.1, October-November, 1934 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.5 n.1, October-November, 1934 1934 1934 2020 true xt712j686565 section xt712j686565  


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Volume 5 October-November 1934 Na. 1


Annual Proceedings


I Am Education

BEAR THE TORCH that enlightfens the world, fires
the imagination of man, feeds the flame of genius.
I give wings in dreams and mlghr’oo hand and brain.




From out the deep shadows of the past I come, wearing
the sun of struggle and the stripes of tail, but bearing
in triumph the wisdnm of all ages. Man, because of me, holds
dominion over earth, air and sea; it is for him I leash the
lightning, plumb the deep and shackle the ether.

I am the patient of progress, creator of culture, molder
of My Philosophy, An and Science are tools in my hunt
I banish ignorance, discourage vice, disarm anarchy.

The school is my workship; here i stir ambitions, slim.
“late ideals, forge the keys that open the door 00 opportunity;
I am the source of inspiration; the aid of aspiration . . .

I Am Irrelictible Powell











’ ‘ KWfiIFV-Vi






The Kentucky State

Industrial College
Frankfort, Kentucky


% Year of Service To Negro Youth

A Progressive State Supported


For Full Particulars Address

R. B. ATWOOD, President




 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association
Vol. V. October-November, 1934 ' No. 1

Published 'by the Kentucky Negro Educational Association
Editorial Ofiice at 1926 W. Madison Street
Louisville, Kentucky

Atwood S. Wilson, Executive Secretary, Louisville; Managing Editor.
R. B. Atwood, Frankfort. President of K. N. E. A.

Bond of Director:
W. S. Blanton,'Frankfoit

I. L. Bean, Versailles
I“. A. Taylor, Louisville

S. L. linker, Owens'boro

Published Bimonthly during the school yen: October, December,
February uni April

Hmhmhip'ln the K. N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes subsuiption h
the Journal

Rites for Advertising space mailed on request
Present Circulation, 2,000 copies. .1934 K. N. E. A. Membership, 1140



Officers for 1934435 .
The President’s Letter
Editorial Comment ............... ‘. ......... ..
K. N. E. A. Annual Session, 1934 .......
Secretary-Treasurer’s Financial Report. .
Fundamentals in the Education of Negoes . ..
K. N. E. A. Kuflinge ...... y ........... ,. ..
1934 K. N. E. A. Membership by Counties .
K. N. E. A. Honor Roll for 1934 . .‘ ........
The American School ............ \ .............. l ............ 82



 K. N. E- A. OFFICERS For 1934—35


.. . . . .Frankfon
. .Versaflles
. .Louisville
. . .Owens'boru


R. B Atwood, Chairman Ex-Oflf‘lcio. . ........ . .
W. .s. Blanton, (Tenn Expires, 1936). . . .. . . ..
J. L. Bean, (Term Expires, 1933) .
E. A. Taylor, (Term Expires, 1935) .
s. L. Barker, (Tenn Expires, 1935).







R. B. Atwood, President ......... . .
Atwood iS. Wilsnn, Secretary-Treasurer
Miss L. V. Ranels, Assistant Secretary. .
G. W. Parks, Historian .............. v .



. . .Riclunond
Mrs. Ellen L. Taylm‘, First VicfiPresident. . ..... Louisville


E. T. Buford, Second Vice—President. . . . . . . . .Bawling Green
T R Bailey, High School and College Dept. W. K. I. C” . . . .Paducah





Mrs. L. H. Smith, Elementary Education Department. . .Lexington
Miss R. L Carpen'ter, Music Department . .. . . .Louisville
Mrs. Blanche Elliott, Primary Department. . . . . . .Greenvl'lle
Whitney Young, Vocational Education Department. . . .i Lincoln Ridge

. .Louisville
. A . . .Lnnjsville

W. H. Eonse, Principals’ Conference.
H. A. Kean, Athletic Department...
Miss A. M. Emanuel, Foreign Language Department.
Mrs. M. L. Copeland Rural Schoal Department.

Miss Ouida Wilson, Art Department ...... . ..









E. W. Whitsside, First District... ... . . i . ....Paducoli
W. o. Nuckols, Second District. Providence
H. E. Goodloe, Third District.. Russellviile
R. L. Dowery, Fourth District. . .. .. .Elizahethtown
Miss Hattie Daniel, Fifth District ..Lauisvflle
H. R. Merry, sixth District. . .Covington
J. L. Bean, Seventh District. -. Versailles
I. w. Bate, Eighth District. , . .Dznville
W. E. Newsome, Ninth Distiict .,..Cynflliana
Roy Higgins, Tenth District . . ..Vir-co
W. L. Shohs, Eleventh District ..................... ...Ml'dd1esbom


 The President’s Letter

My Fellow Teachers:

As we enter upon the 1934-35 school term, may I call your all-en-
tioll to an accomplishment which. causes us to rejoice. I refer to the
new school code.

The 1934 General Assembly has Written into the organic laws of
lthe State a school code that :is progressive and that furnishes the
foundation upon which the State can new build a public educational
system. Prepared by men of the teaching profession, and other citizens
interested in use schools, Hie new school code is fair in all groups and
is destined to lift education in Kentucky out of the lowly rank of
42nd place and place her among the leading states of the Union.

The 1934 Legislature provided a larger measure of support for
schools than had been provided in previous years. In order that
educational opportunities may he more completely equalized for every
child, however, :the State must yel; provide a larger measure of support.

Conceived Iin the spirit of justice and fairness 00 all, the school
code is yet to be interpreted in the same spirit so as to bring to all ,
the benefits intended by in; authors. I urge all beachers and especially
all principals to secure 5. copy of file new school laws and become ~
well acquainted with the provisions contained therein. With this ac~
compljshment in the background. let us realize our added responsibili’vy';
let us enter upon our work this year determined that each child com-
ing into our care shall receive the fullest measure of educational

Very truly yours,

R. B ATWOOD, President, K. N. E A.
NOTE: Plan new to Attend the Annual Seuinn of the K. N. E. A

at Louisville
APRIL 10, ll, 12 AND 13, 1935


Editorial Comments

m w 1*

In keeping with the theory that education is growth, may we
observe the activity of the Federal Government in providing dnnds
for the education of adults and for the preschool child in the form
of nursery schools.

The K. N. E. A., ever on the alert to did its teachers, has learned
that this work is to ‘be carried on again this year Last year, adult
education classes gave employment to more than 100 teachers of our
group. Much good work was done by these teachers in training our
adult population to read and Write. Hundreds of our aged citizens
learned to write their names and to read their Bibles for the first
time in life. Thus, they were led out of the darkness of illiteracy
to the light of intelligence.

Unemployed teachers, principals, ministers, leaders should join
hands in urging the local authorities that these programs be continued
and that our adult citizens attend the classes in large numbers. The
teachers are paid by the Federal Government. The place of meeting
is provided locally.

Get in touch with the superintendent of your local schools or
Mrl Homer W. Nichols, Director of Special Education, Frankfort,
Kentucky and start the Work in your community.




The National Conference on Fundamental Problems in the Edu-
cation of Negroes met in Washington, D. 0., May 9—12, 1934. The
conference received a special message from the President of the
United States and was addressed by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt as well
as Secretary Ickes, Commissioner Zook, Honorable Oscar L. Chapman,
and the Assistant Secretary of the Interior and other leaders of
National importance.

The climax of the conference was the adoption on the last day
of the charter known as the “Fundamentals in the Education of
Negroes" and which is intended to serve as a guide to those working
in this field. These fundamentals are being printed in large poster
dorm, beautifully decorated and on heavy paper. In addition to the
Fundamental Principles there will be printed in one corner of the
Iposter the letter of greeting which President Roosevelt sent to the
conference, and in another corner the ofiicial seal of the President.
This poster will 'be similar to the Children’s Charter and should be
displayed on the walls of every Negro school room, Moreover, every
ofice occupied by persons having any inteuest in Negro education and
Negro life should possess one of the posters. It will sell for only
ten cents and may be purchased at a twenty-five per cent reduction


 in quantities of a hundred or more,

Members of the K. N. E. A. will want to help in disseminating
information concerning this .poster and in urging its purchase. The
entire matter is in charge of Dr. Ambrose Caliver, Senior Specialist,
U. S., Department of Interior.

A discussion of these fundamentals should be included in your
activities during American Education Week. Further literature will
'be available concerning the American Education Week activities at a
later date The Fundamentals of Negro Education will he found



Each year the teachers of Kentucky are called unon to show their
professional spirit by supporting the one organization that champions
their rights and the cause of Negro Education in Kentucky. The efiorts
of the K. N. E. A. and the K. E. A. are largely responsible for the
recent enacting of the legislation that permitted the state per capita
of $11.60 for the schools of this state.

Because of these 'organizations our teachers may look forward
with more assurance to receiving their salaries regularly and in full.
These organizations cannot continue the work which they are doing
without the support of every teacher in Kentucky.

At this time of the school year teachers should think about en-
rollment in: the K. N. E. A. for 1934~35. Already some teachers have
paid the membership fee of one dollar for this year. These loyal
teachers who have already enrolled for 1934—35 are doing the
organization a special service. They are making their dollars more
valuable vhy enrolling at a time when funds are needed to publish the
K. N. E. A. Journal and carry on the work of the organization during
the year.

Principals and sumerintendents are urged to collect one dollar
from each of their teachers and send the fees to A. S. Wilson, Secretary—
Treasurer of the K. N. E. A. SchooLe that enroll 100 per cent of. the
teaching staff will receive an Honor Roll Certificate.

Earth colored teacher in Kentucky should Show a professional
spirit and give evidence of interest in our Negro youth by enrollment
in the K. N. E. A. Last year we enrolled 1140. CAN WE NOT DO




The Annual State Spelling Bee will be on Friday morning of the
K. N. E. A. meeting in the Elementary School Department. Twelve
prizes Will be awarded, the first four being prizes of $10.00, $5.00,
$3.00, and $2.00, and the remainder being dictionaries. The Louisville
CourierJournal has agreed to donate ten dollars and eight dictionaries
for prizes in the K. N. E. A. spelling Bee. Local elimination contests
will be held throughout the State and the winners will be in Louisville
for the finale, The K. 1!. E. A. Convention will be held April 10—13,


 K. N. E. A. Annual Session 1934

The K. N. E. A. held its 58th
annual session April 15, 19, 20
and 21 in Louisville. The general
theme of the Association was,
“Meeting the Emergency in the
Eduoation of the Negro."

The first session was held Wed-
nesday, April 13, at 8:15 P. M.,
with the K. N. E. A. Officers and
Directors seated on the rostrum,
and Mrs. Fannie H. White, Fm
Vice President, presiding. The
Girls’ Glee Club of Central High
School directed by Miss Nannie
G. Board. sang “The Glow-
wom” by Lisker, after which in.
vocation wss givenluy Rev. Frank
M. Reid, Pastor of Quinn Chapel
A. M. E. Church.

The Welcome Address was de-
livered by Mrs. Mayne 5. Morris,
Principal Jefietsolklacob School,
Jeflerson County, Kentucky. Mrs.

Mon-is very beautifully set forth"

the objectives of the educators:

“It is grand to feel that you as
educators are a necessary part of
the divine plan of creation~thai
everyone, no matter how nnmhle
of origin, or meek of spirit is
placed upon earth in a. particular
sphere for a definite purpose, with
an individual mission. That mis-
sion is “Go ye into all the world,
teach hays and girls whatsoever
things are honest, whatsoever
things are good, whatsoever thing.-
are right, whatsoever things are
true, whatsoever are lovely, these
things and help make the world a
lbetter place to live."

The Girls' Quartette of Central
High School rendered the out-
standing composition Of‘FhilltlpS,
“Wake Up” after which the Re-

sponse to Welcome was given by
Mrs. Alice V. Weston, Lincoln
School, Paducah, Kentunky.

Mrs. Fannie H. White, First
Vice President of the K. N. E. A.
introduced the president of the
K. N. E. A., R. B. Atwood, Presi-
dent of K. S. I. C. who made the
President’s Annual Address. R.
B. Atwood vfith his tabulated
statistics, caused this session to
go on record as one of the best
informational sessions ever held.

After the address the audience
was thrilled with the rendition of
“Blue Danube Waltzes," two
pianos, composed Vby Strauss-
Schultz and played by Joenna
03m: and Johnnie Mitchell, stu-
dents at K. S. I. C. Frankfort.

Miss Jane Hunter, Secretary
Phyllis Wheatley Association, of
Cleveland, Ohio, as guest speaker,
delivered an address on “The
Value of a. Practical Education
for the Masses.” Miss Hunter

“Negroes will never come into

' own until they learn to
support their own institutions."

“The professional field is En-
tirely overacwded and I do not
want to tell you what is happen-
ing to the doctors, lawyers and
dentists. Negroes eat more ice
cream, chew more gum than any
other group. Why can’t we
manufacture ice cream, develop a

“Negroes must not only he
taught to pick cotton and plant
potatoes and cultivate them—a
dlifietent type of education is nec-
essary. We need more licensed
electricians, more interior decom-

 tors, more stemfitters."

“Service is the keynote of All
real success. We must educate
ourselves for greater service; for
more direct usefullness W our
fellow men. Let us not all try
to be teachers and preachers. We
must learn to till the soil, build
more houses, make more dresses
Then we will really be developing
and rendering a. greater service
to humanity.”

Thus, after announcements were
made and the benediction given
by Rev. W. P. Ofiutt, the session
adjourned to meet on the morrow.


Thursday Morning-9:15

This session opened with do.
votionnls. The Music, “America."

and the “Negro National Anthem”
were led by Miss Enriine Geode,.
director of Music, Jackson Junior
High School, Louisville.
Report of the Cont-ct. Ind Legis-
Iativa Committee

After the Educational Commis—
sion, created by the 1932 Ley's-
latute, had made its findings and
begun to organize them, it was
very necessary that they be inv
terprete'd to the people who were
to be served by them. The K.
E. A. appointed an interpreting
committee, appropriated funds
for its work and charged it with
the responsibility of working out
a. suitable program of getting the
people propel-IN informed. This
committee was composed of Mr.
Harper Gutton, Superintendent of
Madisonville Public Schools, chair-
man; D. Y. Dunn, Superintendent
of Fayette County schools; Su.
perintendent James H. Richmond.
Superintendent of Puh'ic Instr-no.
oion; P. H. Hopkins, Superinten-

dent of City Schools of Somersei,
and Honorable Houston Quinn, of
Louisville. Mr. It. K. Salyers was
elected Executive Secretary, with
headquarters in the Louisville K.
E. A. ofiioe, as a full time worker,
whose business it was to plan for
a state-wide organization. Presi-
dent R. B. Atwood of the K. N.
E. A. appointed a contact com-
mittee of twenty-five members,
charged with the task of explain~
ing to the masses the findings and
recommendations of the commis.

Our plan was to organize u
committee in every county and
district in the mate. This com»
mittee met in July, 1988 during
the N. A. ’l‘. C. S., at Central
High School in Louisville, and
planned to make an intensive edu.
cational campaign before the
meehing of the 1934 General As~

In cooperation with the K. E. A.
Interpreting Committee, the State
Department of Education, this,
committee set about to contact
every individual, group, or organ-
ization and to coordinate their
efforts, influence and activities in
the interest of a better educan
tional program for Kentucky.

The State Department of Edu»
cation gave us free access to all
the necessary literature for dis.
tribution. Your cmmitbee sent
this literature to every section of
our state, where any considerable
number of our people lived. The
chairman Sent out 300 circular
letters, 500 postal cards, and 200
personal letters in his elfort to
reach the leaders of our group in
every part of our state. The
committee suggested the following
set up as an organization to he
7 .

 used as a means of contacting:

‘1. State Central Contact Com-
mittee of Twenty-five members,
with headquarters at Frankfort,

2. Eleven district committees,
one in every congressional dis-
trict, as per the old plan of dis-

3. A county committee in
every county.

4. A city or town committee.

5‘ A college committee at each

6. All other established agen-
cles as P. T. A.’s, College Alumni
brganizations, women‘s c I u b s,
churches, ministers’ associations,
fraternal organizations and medi-
cal associations.

That the masses might be intelli.
gently informed about the find-
ings and recommendations of the
educational commission, this report
was widely distributed in bulletins
among teachers and patrons to be
studied by the social science
classes and discussed by various
organizations and groups with
special emphasis upon the funda-
mental topics as they affected the
school system as a whole, and as
they affected Negro Education.
Our K, N. E. A. Journal played
an important part as a publicity
agent among the teachers by carry-
ing in the October—November ls-
sue a list of nineteen suggested
topics ‘for discussion and an article
l”y our Kl Ni El Al President in
which he called attention to thefol-
lowing recommendations of inter-
?st to Negroes in the Gmnrnission’s

1. There should he created a
State Superintendent of Public In—
struction as Chairman and seven
representative laymen of the state

appointed by the Governor. This
board should have direction and
supervision of the common schools,
the colleges for Negroes, voca.
tional education and civilian re—

2. The Constitution should be
amended so that the reorganized
State Board of Education shall
appoint the chief state school of.-
ficer, who shall be known as
the Commissioner of Education,
and who shall serve as chief ex.
ecubive officer of the Board.

3. Each school district should
be governed by one board of edu-
cation and should provide school
service for all children residing
within its boundaries without re-
gcrd to nice or color.

4. For extensive areas where
there are but few colored children
consideration should be given to
the advisability of authorizing the
State Board of Educa'nion to as—
sign the control of school service
of these children to certain cen-
trally located school districts and
apportion flue costs equally.

5. The amount of agriculture
extension income apportioned sn-
nunlly to the Negro farm people
should be determined hy the per-
centage that the Colored rural
farm population is of the total
state rural farm population.

6. A study should be made to
ascertain the number of state col.
leges that should ‘rbe maintained
for colored people in Kentucky;
and in this study consideration
should be given to (a) vocational
and scholastic needs, (1:) the pop.
ulation to be served, (c) justice
as between white and colored
mums, and, ((1) economy in the
use of public moneys,

7. The curricular offerings o!

 the institutions ’of higher learning
in Kentucky should he so coordi»
named that their program in the
aggregate will constitute an ade-
quate but more economical system
of higher education.

8. If the plan of assigning
revenues from specific tax meas»
ures for educational support is
followed in the future, some deli-
nite longerun provision of this
sari“ ought to be made for the
maintenance of the two colleges
for Negroes.

9. A plan involving three parts
is recommended for partially
equalizing educational opportuni-

(a) Graded school districts
should be required to assume en-
tire financial responsibility for
Negro children residing within
their boundaries.

(h) Thenum-ber of school dis
tricts in the state shouldbe re-
duced, and the immediate plan in-
volving the program set out in
Chapter II, “Administrative On
ganization of the Puhlic Schools”

(c) The state share in flnanc~
ing education should be increased
and the local share correspondingly

10. That the preparation and
administration of the budgets and
salary schedules of all school dis.
tricts be supervised by the State
Board of Education through the
State Department of Education

11. That immediate" steps he
taken to put into operation a state
minimum salary schedule applying
to all school districts, each local
district being left free to supple-
ment the state minimum salary.

These recommendations have
been worked into a school code
and this code is now the law. So

it is now the duty of this organiza-
tion to cooperate with the K. E. A.
and our State Department of Eda.
cation in putting the law into ef-
feet and in making readjustment:
where they are necessary.

For the first time in the his-
tory of these two organizations tne
leading educators in both races
have Worked together for a com-
mon purpose—the improvement of
our school system. In continuing
this fine spirit of fellowship let
us remember that “United we
succeed, divided we fail’i
(Important features of the Ken-
tucky School Code published by
the Department of Education may
be obtained in Vol. II, March,

1934, No. 1).
This report as read by W. S.
Blanton, Chairman, Frankfort,

Kentucky, was adopted With ideas
suggested by Mr. W. H. Fouse in-

The annual report of the Sec-
retary-«Treasurer was given in
spectacular completeness by Prof.
A. S. Wilson, and placed in the
hands of the Auditing Committee.

To add to the enjoyment of this
session musical numbers were ren<
dered by the Jackson Junior High
School Chorus, Miss Earline Good:

Mr. Paul Guthrie, Chairman of
the Auditing Committee submitted
the following report:

April IS, 1934i




 Cash balance brought

forward ,, .. ..... .i. 1 3 370.36
Cash Receipts April 15,

1933 to April 15, 1934 1033.86
Total Receipts and Cash

on Hand $1,404.22
Disbursements . . 1,375.43
Cash Balance, Apr. 1, 1934 28.79

As may he noted this report
concurs with the report of the
Secretary-Treasurer for this same
period of time; however, we were
unable to balance the said report
with the bank statements due to
the fact that the Secretary-Twas-
urer had failed to record properly
return checks on his records. The
bank statements have showed
$80.62 more than the treasurer’s
record, due to redeposits. These
redeposits were occasioned by re-
turn of some checks marked "lu-
suflicient funds”.

We take this opportunity to
publicly convey commendation to
the efforts of the Secretary—Trees»




1. We recommend that all re-
turn checks be recorded on the
credit side of the Cash Ledger as
Disbursements, in order that the
records of the Ledger and the
bank statements coincide.

2. We recommend that the
Board of Directors enact such
legislation that will provide sufli»
cient funds for the promotion of
the financial affairs of the organi‘
zation, so that the Secretary
Treasurer will not be compelled tn
use his personal funds for such

3, We recommend that an
Emergency Fund be created, out
of which emergency ossh disburse.
merits may he made, and that re.

ceipLs for expenditures of the same
be preserved by the seuetary to
be balanced over against said
emergency fund at the close of
the fiscal year, All other expendi-
tures must he paid by check.

4. After a conference with
bank oflicisls, we recommend that
the Board of Directors confer Witt!
said officials and amuse r(he Seer
waxy—Treasurer as to what dis»
position should be made or the
$1,014.63 on deposit at the Mu-
tual Standard Bank. The variation
in the bank balance and that 01
the Secretary-Treasurer’s report
is due to accumulative interest.

Respectfully submitted, '
P. L. Guthrie
J. D. Stewart

This report was unanimously



This committee ruled that First
and Second Vice Presidents, now
serving were according to the
Qonstitution, ineligible to succeed

The humiliating committee a!
the K. N. E. A. recommended the
following officers for 2rmther- year:

R. B. Atwood, President

Mrs. Ellen Taylor, First Vice~


E. '1‘. Buford, Second Vice—

A. s. Wilson, Secretary—Treas-
IXI‘E!‘ '

L. v. Ranels, Assistant Secretary
G. w. Parks, Historian
Boards of Directors for another
w. s. Brenton Frankfort
J. L. Bean, Versailles
Respectfully submitted,
w. s. Newsome. Chairman
H. E. Goodloe, Secretary


 The Report was adopted and
those officers nominated were
elected by acclimation and one
ballot cast for all.

After announcements, this ses-
sion adjourned.


Thursday Evening, 8 P.M.

Seated on the rostrum were past
presidents of the K. N. E. A. who
were presented by Prof. w. n,
Humphrey of Maysville. ExAPresi-
dent A. E. Mayzeek presided at
this session. Music was l‘enderud
by the Louisville Normal School
Glee Club, R. L. Carpenter, Di-
rector, end the invocation was
rendered by Rev, W. P. Ofintt,
Pastor of the Calvary Baptist
Church, Louisville
Music (a) “Jesus is Listening"

(b') “Steal Away”,
was beautifully rendered lhy the
Melody Quartette.

Announcements were given by
A. S. Wilson, Secretary—Treasur-
er of the K. N. E. A.

Mrs. Lucy Barth Smith, Lex.
ington, Kentucky introduced the
guest speaker or the evening,
Carter G. Woodson, Ph. D.,
President of Association of Negro
Life and History, Washington, D.

Dr. Woodson’s address was
rich in information, masterful in
delivery and more then inspiring.

Music was rendered by a chorus
of teachers from the Jefierso‘n
County Teachers Association, di»
mated by Mrs. Lavebta Smith, and
two spirituals,

(a) “Peter, Go Ring Them Bells”
(b) “Be Calm Jordan",

were rendered by the Melody
Quartette, after which additional
announcements, the benediction- by

Rev. Offutt and adjournment

took place.

Ends, Afternoon, 2:15 P. M.

Dean R. E. Clement, Presiding
A Band Concert was given by

Kentucky School for the Blind,

Otis Eades, Director:

(as) Overture Theme from Opera
land by George Bar-nerd

(17) Military Escort. (March) by
Harold Bennett

(c) Stars and Stripes Forever, by
Prior to’the addresses given

at the session Dean Clement re-

quested Prof. w. H. Perry, Jr.,

to give the report of the Resolu-

tions Committee



Louisville, Kentucky
April 19, 1934

Mr. President and Members of
the K. N. E. A

The Resolutions Committee of
this association respectfully sub—
mits the following report. We
have carefully considered all
resolutions presented to us, and
submit the following for your

1. A resolution addressed to_
the Kentucky Legislature, and
based on the report of the State
Central Contact Committee, mode
by its chairman, Prof. W. S.

WHEREAS, The 1934 session of
the General Assembly of Ken-
tucky shows that they sre deeply
interested in a program of edu-
cah'on to give the children in the
State an opportunity to prepare
for the citizenship they are to
assume: and

WHEREAS. The General Assem-



 bly passed ‘by an almost unam-
mous vote the new school code
recommended by the Educational
Commission and sponsored by the
Kentucky Education Association
and the Kentucky Negro Educa.
tion Association, thereby advanc-
ing the school system of the
some, a generation, rdierefore

BE IT RESOLVED: That we ex-
press to the memhers of the 1934
General Assembly individually and
collectively our deep appreciation

for the great service rendered
Kentucky‘s 720,000 school chil-
dren; and

WHEREAS, The new school cdde
did not contain any provision for
revenue and will not prevent a
collapse of Kentucky‘s schools un.
less the common school fund is
substantially increased, therefore
members of the General Assembly
be urged to raise by some appro»
priate taxation the mount of
money necessary to give to the
schools a state per cspics of
$12.00; and ' ‘

WHEREAS, The two state col-
leges for Negroes are sadly in
need of funds for the nroper
maintenance and operation, es
sential physical improvements and
additions in order to meet the
educational standards required of

That the General Assembly be

resnectfully requested to eppre.
priztte sums of monev to hath of
these colleees adequate to ac.
camclish with emciency the task
wlvir‘n they nre called upon to dc
bv thr- neople of the state.

2 A resolution, oresented b,
Prof. w H. Frmse. urgine a cer.
tain interpretation of a statement

included in the Kentucky School

“In as much. as item eleven of
the “Summary on Negro Educa-
tion" Page 28, touching Negro
colleges of the State seems to
rather lend itself to misinterpre-
tation as well as to incorrect in-
ference, we feel that this partic—
ular item deserves to be enlarged

when it says that two Negro
colleges are required to supply
educational facilities for six per-
cent of the state college enroll.
merit while at the same time, only
five white colleges are required to
supply 94 per cent. or the state
college enrollments, the condu-
sion naturally following this state.
ment is that the Negroes are not
justified in making or asking it)!
any more since they already have
too much for the services render~

This inference and conclusion
is not justified for two reasons:

(1) Because it does not take
into account the' fact that Large
numbers of Negroes seeking edu—
cation on a higher level than of-
fered in the Kentucky schools
fol' Negroes, hence are forced
to migrate to other states to se-
cure this education which is of-
fered the whites here in Ken.

(2) Because the word “col-
lege" is not a standardized term
and can easily become a source
of confusion. It is a well known
fact that the two so called Negro
“colleges" together do not have
the resources nor received
the apropl‘iations equal to that
given the smallest of the White
colleges. Therefore be it resolved
that this item be interpreted in


 mum tout wul emuoay the
thoughts outlined in the sugges-
mus given shove.

a. A I'eSUluuofl presented by
lvn-s. L. B. house, as follows: “In
as much as the National Associa-
olon of Colored Women has been
and is conducting an extensnve
program tor adult education and
more study of the child in the
home, Be it Resolved:

'lnat the teachers of Kentucky
endorse such a. movement and
pledge their cooperation and sup-

4. A resolution urged by the
yresem steamy-treasurer or

the association, Prof. A. S. Wu.

“Whereas section two of arti-
cle seven of the present constitu-
tion, adopt