xt715d8ng95m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt715d8ng95m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-07-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 25, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 25, 1991 1991 1991-07-25 2020 true xt715d8ng95m section xt715d8ng95m  


Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCIV, No.164

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Maggid prepared to lead
research, graduate studies

Only woman VP
UK’s ’first choice’

Staff Writer


Like newlyweds, Linda Mag-
gid and her job as vice president
for Research and Graduate Stud—
ies are in their “honeymoon peri-

But as Maggid learns about her
new duties and adjusts to life at
UK. she is looking to the future
with excitement.

According to Maggid, research
and graduate studies is “where
the action is.“

“There are a lot of exciting
things going on (in research and
graduate studies),"said Maggid.
who became liK's otily woman
V‘lCC picsltlc‘lll when she assumed
her posinonluly i.

“There are a lot of opponuni-
ties for what we call multi-
disciplinary groups of laculi‘y and
students. These are disciplines
which are changing the way we
teach «7 our knowledge of those
disciplines is changing. The way
we do research. the kind of in-
strumean we use is changing.

“It's an exciting time to have
this kind of leadership position."

In addition to overseeing UK‘s

research and graduate school
programs, Maggid Will be in
charge of the Office of Sponsor
Programs Development, which

helps faculty get grants and con-
tracts. And she will head the Of-
fice of Sponsor Projects Admin-
isuation, which assists faculty
once they receive their contracts.

Maggid also will serve on UK
President Charles Wethington's

As UK‘s only woman vice
president. she is the University‘s
top—ranking woman administra-
tor. But Maggid said she does
not feel a particular responsibili-
ty to serve a role model for wom~
en at UK.

Her responsibility to women is
“no tttorc than I feel to any other
indivtdual at UK," Maggid said,

Because of this, she said her
commitment is to serve as a role
model for everyone in the l K

Last October, a L'nncrsily task
force reported that women ent»
ployces face a “hostile" environ
ment at UK that helps foster genr
der-based job discnmination.

The committee found that
women are concentrated in the
lowest-level, lowestrpaymg Jobs
at UK and that women do not
rise through the academic and
administrative ranks.

But UK has since implemented

a number of programs designed
to eliminate gender-based dis.
crimination, and Wethington said
that Maggid‘s appointment is a
sign that UK is committed to

Wethington said he was
“pleased" to employ the first
women vice presrdent at UK but
he made it clear Maggid was
hired for her qualifications rather
than her gender.

“She competed for this posi~
tion in every way." said Weth-
ington, who added that Maggid
was the “first choice" for the job.

“(She) demonstrated the kinds
of leadership qualities we were
interested in."

Maggid said her knowledge of
the different fields plus her back-
ground as a physical chemist \Hll
help her lead UK's research and
graduate programs.

"l have a good knowledge of
important issues Ill lt‘st‘dltll and
graduate studies," Maggid said. “
l have a very strong academic
background, and l have a good
national and intemational reputa-
tion as a physical chemist."

Maggid. a native of Omaha.
Nebraska, attended Ricc Uniycr
sity in Houston, Texas where she
received a bachelor‘s degree in

See MAGGID. Page 3

Independent since 1971

July 25, 1991



L__ ___.._ .

GREG new”; Eva"

Linda Maggid. UK's top ranking woman administrator. Siltd it is an
an “exciting time" to lead research and graduate programs

UK dental graduate suspended after AIDS scare

Arts Editor


The Georgia Board of Dentist
ry temporarily suspended the llr
cense of a 1989 UK College of
Dentistry graduate last week be»
cause of a report that he has

Officials at the College of Den~
Ustry have not verified whether
Ronal Marasco has AIDS, nor do
they know if he can’ied the
AIDS-causing vtnrs when he
treated patients as a student at

But according to a Georgia
newspaper report. Marasco test
ed positive for the AIDSrcausing
virus. HIV, about two years ago,
The report also said Marasco has
experienced two episodes of
mental dysfunction in the last
nine months.

During at least one of these ep~
isodes. Marasco experienced dis
orientation while pcrfonning ln‘
vasive dental procedures, the
report said.

Marasco. 27. has pracUced in
Savannah and Pembroke, (ia.
Since graduating from UK.

Followmg the announcement

by the tieorgia
board. UK Col
lege of Dentist-
ry olficials con
tacted the «W
patients that
Marusco. 27.
treated while at
MARASCO the University
Although the
risk of contracting AIDS front a
health care worker is low, UK is
taking precautionary measures to
assure fonner patients of Maras
co of their safety.

The college has set up a toll
free number that Morasco's for

mcr patients may call to get in
fonnation and arrange for HIV

Thtny'seven mdrvrduals who
were treated by Marasto have re
sponded to the notification and
expressed wishes to retene HIV
testing, UK offit ials said.

HIV testing has already been
conducted on about half ot the
i7. and none were found to tarry
the Virus. Dr David Nash. dean
of the UK Dental School said

UK officials do not think that
this incident should haxe a nega

See DENTIST Page 4


UK official opposes
changes to state's
open-records law.
Story. page 6.

SPORTS .................. 7
DIVERSIONS .......... 9
VIEWPOINT ............. 10

CLASSIFIEDS ......... 11




 2 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 25, 1991




regulation of sexual activity

Staff Writer


Slightly more than 80 percent
of Kentuckians believe the state
should not regulate in-home sex—
ual activity between consenting
adults. according to a poll re

leased by UK Thursday.

The 25th Biannual Poll of Ken-
tuckians, which has been con‘
ducted twice a year since 1979,
also found that 37 percent of
Kentuckians view unemployment
as the greatest problem facing the
state while almost 28 percent



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said poor education was the
biggest concern.

The survey. conducted by
phone in the fall and spring of
each year. has “provided an accu-
rate picture of how people are
thinking about issues," said Mark
Berger, acting director of the UK
Survey Research Center, which
conducts the polls.

Questions are selected for the
survey by a committee of UK fa~
culty, Berger said.

Organizations also may pay to
have a question included in the

The survey of 646 Kentuckians
18 and older, found that:

65.4 percent said Gov. Wal~
lace Wilkinson is doing a good

-78.l percent said President
Bush is doing a good job.

-62.2 percent support education
refomt in the state.

«14.1 percent said that econom—
ic conditions have gotten worse
in the past year.

Berger said the Survey Re-
search Center plans to compile
the past 25 polls and examine
long-term trends.

“In this way it will be possible
to get a handle on various
things." Berger said. “This Will
be useful in guiding policy mak-
ers in future decisions."

The Survey Research Center
conducts the only non‘profit, bl'
annual statewide poll in Ken~




A grant of almost half a million dollars will help launch a UK
program to provide support for families of people with disabili-

The UK interdisciplinary Human Development Institute re-
ceived a $483,815 grant form the Kentucky Developmental Dis-
abilities Planning Cormcil to create a model program for a Fami~
ly/Commum‘ty Support Network.

”the institute will receive 596.763 annually for up to five


Two UK College of Phannacy researchers developed a new ft- g
bet-optic probe for use in the detection and study of atheroscler—

For their discovery, Robert Lodder and Lisa Cassis were
awarded 525.000 in the 1990 18M Supercomputing Competi-
tion. Their “camera” is the first to record near-infrared spectra
from living arteries.

“IBM is proud to honor these outstanding scientists,” said Judi
Streepey, IBM account executive for Kentucky. “'I‘heir accom-
plishments reaffirm the significance of the University of Ken.
lucky and IBM’s patmcrship.”




Kentucky Kernel


Editorial Board
Dale Greer Editor in Chief
Mary Madden Managing Editor
Kip Bowmar Senior Staff Writer
Victoria Martin Senior Staff Writer
Kenn Minter Staff Artist
Jerry Voigt Staff Artist





Kentucky Kernel






News Conference of the Air

“The Future of
Kentucky's Educational Television”

7:30 p.m. Sunday

WUKY 91.3

Guest: Len Press,
retiring Executive Director of KET

Student Reporters:
Marta Lukjan, Michael Eaves, Will Daley






Dale Greer

Mary Madden
Tyrone Johnston
Bobby Klng

Kyle Foster
Greg Eans

Mike Agin

Jett Kuerzl
Robin Jones

Editor in Chief
Managing Editor
Design EditOr
Sports Editor

Arts Editor

Photo Editor

Advertismg Director
Production Manager
Newsroom Phone

lllc‘ Kcntutky Kcmt‘l is published on class days during tht‘ aca-
demic year and m‘ckly during the eight-week summer session.

’lhtrtlrt‘laxs postage paid at Lenngton. KY 405] I. Mailed sub-
.\Cf|[)ll()ll rates are $40 per year.

The Kcrncl I\ printed at the l cungton Herald-Letitia. Matti 84
Midland, lxxrngton, KY

(‘orrcxpontlcncc should be addressed to the Kentucky Kemet
Room 03‘ Joumalism Building. l'nivcrsity of Kentucky, Lexmgton.
KY 40506403.

Phone. (606) 257-287l.






Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 25, 1991 - 3


1 Harris pleased with first year at

Staff Writer


July 30 will mark the first anni.
versary that I. John Harris 111 has
been with UK as dean of the Col-
lege of Education.

His position is unique because
he is UK‘s first black dean.

But Harris, 4-1. does not see
that as a big deal.

“It's not much different than
being the dean of any son," said
Harris. who also was the first
black dean at Cleveland State
University before he came to UK.

What Harris does see as signifi-
cant is the Kentucky Education
Reform Act and the possibilities
it has created. Harris said the act
gives the state an opportunity to
show its “prowess“ in the field of

The importance of education
can‘t be underestimated. Harris
said. After economic considera-
tions. education is the major cri—
teria that corporations focus on
when they are looking for a state
in which to relocate. he said.

Not only do they want an edu-
cated population working for
them, but they also want to be in
an area where they can look out
for the best interests of their chil-
dren's and employees' educa-

“Fdiication in this state is so
important that I don't think that
any business organization. gov-
ernment, community or educa-
tional agency can go without
saying again and again that edu»
cation is the most important in—
dustry in the commonwealth of
Kentucky," Harris said.

“Everything is predicated on
what happens to our youngsters
when they go through the system
of education in the Common—

Harris said he is excited about
the role that the College of Edu~
cation will take in the reform pro»

ln response to the reform act.
the college has already changed
its curriculum for the preparation
of teachers, superintendents.
principals and other school ad»

And Harris has made other
changes, including the appoint—
ment of a strategic planning com-
mittee and an Increase in effons
in recruiting new faculty mem-

Harris said he wants to make
the College of Education the U m-
versity‘s role model for demon-
strating the best teaching practic-
es on campus.

“As a college of education we
must be the academic epicenter
for demonstrating the best teach-
ing practices anywhere in the
University. If we can‘t do it, then
who can?

“That is our chosen mission r~
that is our discipline.“

Harris describes his stay at UK
as being “refreshing.“ He said he
was happy to “return to a pre»
miere institution."

He earned his master's degree
from the University of Michigan
and stayed there to complete a
doctorate in educational adminisv
tration and supervision in 1972.
Harris came to UK after teaching
stints at Penn State University,
Indiana University and Cleveland
State University.

Because UK is a Camegie I
Research Institution, Harris
poian out that this puts the
school in company with other
prestigious universities such as
Harvard, Stanford and Yale uni-

And while Harris is pleased to
be at UK. where he has the po~
tential to help shape the state‘s

5 donate land to UK
for college in London

Assoclated Press


LONDON, Ky. 77— Five area
residents offered to donate l00
acres of land to the University of
Kentucky for a community col—

“It’s a nice gesture on their
part.“ Ken James, chairman of
the Southern Regional Communi—
ty College Committee. said Mon-

The prospective donors are
laurel Circuit Judge Charles R.
Luker, Melvin Vaugh. Baxter
Bledsoc, and brothers Cloyd and
Glenn House. The committee
made the announcement at its

monthly meeting.

UK announced a proposal last
year to incorporate London‘s Sue
Bennett College into the 14-
school community college sys»
tem. The school's board of trus-
tees initially approved of the idea
but rejected the merger in Janu-
ary after officials from the Unit-
ed Methodist Church objected,

The church owns the two-year
school's buildings and grounds.

The land offered Monday sits
in a hilly area outside the city
limits, between the Daniel Boone
Parkway and old US. 25. James

See LONDON. Page 5

future education system, he also
has other things on his mind he
sides the Kentucky Education Re-
form Act,

Harris said, for example. that
L'K should prepare its students
for social changes that Will occur
in the near future. ()ne change
Will be the fact that many gradu»
ates will be working With people
from different races, sexes and
socio-economic backgrounds.
Harris said.
work force at US. corporations
in the future, Harris said students
should to be exposed to diffenng
points of view while in college.
This Will better prepare them for
the future world of work, Harris

“Here we are probably the
most advanced nation in the
world, but we only demand that
students take English as a lan»
guage," Harris said. “So how do
we communicate With these other
publics ten years down the road if
we are not eqmpping our pearls
to CXlSl wholeheartedly in that fu-
ture world?"

Harris said there are a lot of op—
portunities for growth by current-
ly underrepresented groups at
UK. He said that UK President
Charles Wethington and Chancel»
lot for the Lexington Campus
Robert Hemenway are doing a
good job of bringing members of
these groups into the University
community as students, faculty
and adiiiiiiistiators,

He cited the fact that the posi~
tions of the vice president of re»
search and graduate studies and
vice chancellor of minority at“
fairs are both held by women.

And Harris said the University





GREG EANS Kernel S'a"

In addition to education reform, Cotlege of Educatlon Dean J
John Harris is concerned about cultural diversiy.

has taken very [\Mllnc‘ steps iii
stamping out racism on campus,
especially through its use of catn-
pus workshops.

But he said the issue of racism
should be an ongoing SUbJL‘L‘I of
discussion between faculty and


“lf we don't do everything to
galvani/e ours its an .icadciiiit
community then we're going to
maintain our weaknesses. lt
gives everyone an opportunity to
work hand in glove." Harris said.


Continued from Page 1

She went to graduate school for
one year at Rice and then trans
ferred to the University of Ten
nessee at Knoxville where her
husband took a faculty position in
the chemistry department.

She eamed her doctorate from
the University of Tennessee in
1973 and joined the faculty of the
chemisz department in the same

Maggid worked at the liniver
sity Tennessee last year as a pro.
fessor in chemistry and as execur
tive assistant to the chancellor.
She was also the associative dean
for research in the College of
Liberal Arts from fall l987 to
spring l990.

Maggid said this background
has given her the experience she
needs to excel in her new )ob at

“I know the day to day re

search enterprise. what it takes to
identify funding sources. what it
takes to administer your grants
once you’ve got the money," she

Maggid also bclicves she has
the personal attributes to lead



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DUTCH (Pom "

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lfK‘s research and graduate pro
grams into the next decade

”I think people think l haxe .i
lot of energy." she said. “I may
be a good balance between the
detail side of the rob and lx‘ing
able to look at the big picture."

Bargain N n n. u.‘ . ~_' All sup, 3‘ 00


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 4 - Summer Kentuckv Kernel, Thursday. July 25, 1991

UK professor chosen for new OSU position

Assoclated Press


UK engineering mathematics and
mechanical engineering professor
has been hired for the new posi-
tion of provost and vice president

of academic affairs at Oklahoma
State University.

The regents governing Oklaho-
ma State selected Ray M. Bowen
on Friday to be the first provost
at the university. Bowen is cur-
rently the deputy assistant direc-
tor of the National Science Foun-

dation in Washington, DC.

He will be paid $140,000 annu-
ally at Oklahoma State. the same
he was paid at the science foun-
dation. He also will be a tenured
professor of mechanical engineer-

“In search of the first provost

at OSU, we were hopeful that we
could find a nationally recog-
nized scholar and academician,“
university President John Camp-
bell said Friday.

“We did it. Dr. Bowen brings
national visibility through his ef~
fective work with the National

Science Foundation, academic
credentials through his highly
productive career as a teacher-
researcher at one of the nation‘s
most distinguished and respected
universities. Rice University, and
a wealth of administrative experi-

Agencies revise AIDS guidelines for health care

Arts Editor


The US. Department of Health

and Human Services and the Cen—
ters for Disease Control have an-
nounced an update on their four-
year~old AIDS guidelines for
health care workers.










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The new guidelines. announced
July 15, recommend that health
care workers infected with the
AIDS-causing virus. HIV, should
not perform “exposure-prone"
medical procedures.

Exposure-prone procedures are
those in which the worker might
be cut or injured and his or her
blood contact a patient‘s body
caVity. Gynecological exams,
heart surgery, root canals and

tooth extractions are examples of

these high-risk procedures.

According to the CDC. the
odds of contracting HIV from an
HIV-posmve dentist are between
I in 263,000 and I in 2.6 million.
The odds of contracting HIV
from an HIV-positive surgeon are
between I in 42,000 and l in
417,000 Transmissions occur
during exposure-prone proce—

The new guidelines call for
“enhanced teaching and scrupu-
lous use" of the Universal I’re~
cautions. which include the rise
ol sterile gloves, protective bar»
riers and care in the use of dispo-
sal of needles and other sharp in—

“These Universal Precautions
guard the patient, and they guard
against the health care worker be‘
coming infected and becoming a
potential transmitter to other pa‘
tients." said Dr. James 0. Mason.













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HHS assistant secretary. All
health care workers testing posi-
tive with HIV must undergo
“counsel from an expert review
panel" before continuing to per-
form exposure—prone procedures
under the new guidelines.

However, the HHS said “cur-
rently available data provide no
basis" for barring HIV-infected
health care workers from practice
as long as they avoid “exposure
prone" procedures and comply
with recommendations for sterili-
zation and disinfection.

Tom Skinner, press agent for
the CDC. said he does not know
if the Georgia Board of Dentist-
ry‘s decision to suspend a den-
tist's license last week was a con»
tradiction of CDC guidelines.

Ronal Morasco, a 1989 UK
College of Dentistry graduate.
had his license suspended be
cause of a report that he has

In an effort to protect the pub
lie. the US. Senate voted. 81-18.
last week to send HIV-infected
doctors and nurses to Jail for up
to 10 years if they know they
have the AIDS vrrus and contin-
ue to treat patients without noti-
fying them.

The Senate also passed. 99—0, a
bipartisan measure that pressures
states to require health care
workers who perform exposure-

prone procedures
AIDS tests.

Kentucky Dental Association
President Dr. Fred Meece said
that anyone who is unable to per-
form dentistry because of any ill-
ness should not be allowed to
practice. But he called the pro-
posed legislation discriminatory.

“That‘s walking kind of a thin
line. A dentist cannot refuse to
see a person with AIDS because
that is discrimination but then
they (the Senate) turn around and
say its all right for (health care
workers) to be discriminated

Dr. DaVid Nash, UK College
of Dentistry dean, said UK’s ex-
isting precautions, such as sterili-
‘Iation. provide a safe environ-
ment for patients.

to undergo

“UK was one of the first col-
leges in the United States to use
steriIi/ation procedures and Uni-
versal Precautions. It is one of
the safest environments to have
dental work done in," Nash said.

Meece, who graduated from
the UK College of Dentistry in
I968, agreed with Nash.

“I think the dental school at
UK is one of the safest places to
have dental work done. I
wouldn‘t hesitate a second to sit
back down in a chair over there."



Continued from Page 1

live refiecuon upon the school.
Nash said Maraseo‘s former pa
tients who have been tested and
received their results have
praised the University for its han-
dling of a difficult situation.

“I have now talked personally
to most of the patients involved,"
Nash said. “They are concemed
but calm. Many have acknowl-
edged appreciation for the col
lege and the University for their
efforts in the situation.

“One patient said he wasn't
tonccmcd because he never saw
anyone (at the dental school)
without masks, gloves and glass-

Kentucky Dental Assocration
President Dr. Fred Meece said

however, that the incrdent and the
publicity it has generated could
harm UK‘s dentistry program.
Marasco‘s suspension has re-
ceived national attention.

”It‘s unfortunate that (people)
are relating this to the dental
school. and I think this wrll effect
the school." Meece said yester—

But Nash said he is certain that
no one could think badly of the
school because of the state-of-
the—an procedures being used and
the sensitive way UK has handled
the situation.

"I think the result Will be posi-
me. This has brought the discus-
sion (of AIDS and health care
workers) to a new level.

“We have dcmmstrated to our
patients and to central Kentucky
that we are a leader in doing the
right thing."




Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 25, 1991 -



L" (‘71


UK HomeCare
staff dedicated

Contributing Writer


There‘s no place like home. At
least. that‘s what the dedicated
team of UK‘s HomeCare nurses
seems to think.

These four full~time nurses
prOVide in-home care to patients
in 16 counties across Kentucky.
Susan Zator. director of UK
HomeCare, said that HomeCare
serves people of all ages and

“It’s not only for the poor. and,
on the other hand, it’s not for
everybody." said Zator. a regis-
tered nurse.

She said there is a common
misconception that home health
care programs only serve the eld-
erly. but UK‘s HomeCare pa-
tients range from infants to l02-

Patients must meet certain cri-
teria to be eligible for HomeCare
services. but no one is turned
away for financial reasons, Zator


“We are a nonprofit agency.
so we don't turn away patients
who can’t pay," she said.

Patients, however, must re-
ceive Medicaid or Medicare or
subscribe to some type of private
insurance plan.

“They must require skilled ser—
vice on an intermittent (non-
intensive) basis." she said.

Services provided by Home-
Care include physical, speech
and occupational therapy. as well
as nursing care and home health
aide services.

Zator and the other HomeCare
nurses seem to enjoy their work
and say they find it satisfying.

Midge Cull, a registered nurse
who has been with HomeCare
since February. said she finds it
nice to see people in their own

Cull, who worked at the UK
Hospital for more than seven
years before becoming involved
with this program, said being a
HomeCare nurse is much more




HomeCare nurse Veronika Tobin assits patient Otho Hendron during a visit to his home. The UK
program has been in operation Since January 1986.

relaxed than being a hospital staff

HomeCare patient Alton
McGutre is a favorite of the nurs-
es. McGuire. 66, lives alone in a
small apanment on Winnie

Because his leg requtres fre—
quent medical attention. he is cur'
rently under the care of Home-

Care nurse Veronika Tobin.

McGuire said he and Tobin
have developed a friendship that
is very special to him. He has no
other close relatives that can help
him, so he relies solely on the
HomeCare nurses.

”She‘s fine. She's my stand-
by." McGuire said, smiling.

He pulled out an old photo al-

bum that included pictures he had
taken of Tobin.

“In case I get well, I want
something to remember her by."
McGuire said.

He said he I\ very satisfied
Will! the care he has received
from the nurses. who will stop by

See NURSE, Page 6



Assoclated Press


ester Institute of Technology has
hired the nation's largest public
relations firm to help its image in
the midst of a controversy over
the school’s ties to the CIA.

Hill and Knowlton will help
the college in communications
with news organizations and “in
broadening awareness of RIT‘s


Continued from Page 3

said he had gotten word out that
the committee was looking for
land and that the five approached

Susie Bullock. a former public
information director for Sue Ben‘
nett. said the committee was so-
liciting more such offers from
which UK would choose a site.

The location of a community
college in London would have to
be voted upon by the Kentucky
Council on Higher Education.
Bullock said the panel is due to
meet in November to consider the

None of the prospective donors
have ties to UK.

"We just wanted to do it for the
community." Glenn House said.


academic excellence," the school

“They are not directing us.
They are advising us," RIT
spokesman William McKee said.

The college has been embroiled

in controversy over its links to
the CIA since school President
M. Richard Rose disclosed carltcr
this year that he was spending a .l
l/Z-month sabbatical at the agen-
cy‘s headquarters in Langley, Va.

Subsequent media reports said
the school had extensive ties to
the agency. including more than
SI million in contracts and an
Officer—in-Residencc program.
and questioned ththt‘r the (‘IA

school hires PR firm after CIA controversy

had influenced the curriculum

The ncliintl has aopmnm: .r
committee of trustees, professors
and studcnts to renew its rcla

lionship with the CIA.



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 6 - Summer Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, July 25. 1991

Darsie advises no change in open-records law

Associated Press


FRANKFORT —— UK’s legal
counsel cautioned a legislative
task force against revising the
state‘s open-records law because
this might create more inconven-
ience for public institutions.

There are “lots of nuts” who
use the law to seek information
from the school and “these peo-
ple can drive you absolutely cra-
zy," John Darsie said.

The media believe “open
equals good. That, in my view, is

not necessarily so" Darsie testi—
fied Thursday before the Task
Force On Open Meetings and
Open Records.

The task force was formed by
the 1990 General Assembly to
suggest changes in the law after
several bills to strengthen it, in-
cluding two backed by the Ken»
tucky Press Association, failed.

Darsie said several of the pro-
posed changes being considered
by the task force were not needed
because they would impose hard-
ships on public agencies like UK.


Continued from 9396 5

whenever McGuire calls them.

Patients like McGuire do
not remain under HomeCare
forever. thorigh. The national
average for irrhotne care from
this kind of agency is 21 visits
per patient. But, because UK’s
HomeCate patients tend to be
younger than usual. their aver-


age nutnbe: of visits is in the

Zeta said that the agency’s
goat is not only to help the pa.
dents,bttt alsotogetthepa-
tieats‘ {amines and friends in-
volved in taking an active part
in caring for the patients.

Zator has been with UK
HomeCare since its beginning
in January 2986, and she said
she is very proud of the
progress it has made

For example, one change
would limit the preliminary docu-
ments that public agencies could
keep confidential. Darsie said this
would make it harder for agen-
cies to share advice before a final

jects editor for the Lexington
Herald-Leader, said the UK re-
quirement imposes hardships on
small newspapers outside Lex-
ington and that other public agen-
cies routinely accept open-


There are “lots of nuts" who use the
law to seek information from UK and
“these people can drive you abso-

lutely crazy.”

John Darsie,
UK Legal Counsel




Candidates seek reform in

Managing Ed/tor


Both the Democratic and Rc
pullii..u1 notion.“ in this tali -
gubernatorial clcction have called
tor at least some reform in the zip
poinuncnt of trustees to Ken
tucky Is state university boards.

As early as September