xt715d8ngd9m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt715d8ngd9m/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1959-10-28 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 28, 1959 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, October 28, 1959 1959 1959-10-28 2020 true xt715d8ngd9m section xt715d8ngd9m mear, :arn ; »ns Lnd ‘ Lone ' rst ?ith- Jitions ' :udent 2ssity Ld he should :ntary zlygons under- ‘ re of v r times enciem, :udent ible ; .n mm acome LCSo 1566 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING, OCTOBER 28, 1959 The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall. Wednesday. October 28. at 4:00 P. M. with 47 members present. President Dickey presided. Roll was not taken since the meeting was called at a time when many of the Faculty members were scheduled for classes. The minutes of October 12 were read and approved. Names of candidates for degrees whose work was completed August 3, were presented by the Dean of Admissions and Registrar, who certified that all had completed their requirements and had been recommended by their respective Deans. An explanation was made that the special meet- ing was called because of the requests of students who desired approval of degrees in order to hold positions they had secured. Dean Spivey asked if the names of the candidates for degrees approved at this meet— ing would be included in the list of candidates in the June Commencement Program. It was the censensus that the names of the candidates for degrees in August and January should be included within the June Co— mmencement Program. The University Faculty approved a motion to recommend all candidates to the BOard of Trustees for the degrees indicated. GRADUATE SCHOOL Herman Everette Spivey. Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF EDUCATION NAME ADDRESS Paul Andrew Clark Winchester Dissertation: "An Emerging Church Sponsored College" Clyde Lynn Orr Frankfort Dissertation: "An Analytical Study of the Conference of Presidents of Negro Land—Grant Colleges" CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Jerry Eugene Berger Chemistry Owensville, Moo Dissertationg"Investigations of the Physical Chemistry of Some LeSSaCommon NonaAqueous Solvents" Harvey Berlin Psychology Lexington Dissertation: ”An Experimental Investigation of Sensory Deprivation and Its Effects on Closure" Edward McKenzie Coffman History Lexington Dissertation: "The Hilt of the SwordneMarch, Chief 0f Staff, 1918" Joseph John Duetsch Psychology Lexington Dissertation: "The Influence of Set UpOn the Retention of V rhal Material" Chester Lee Miracle Maihematics Barbourville Dissertation: "The Gibbs Phenomenon for the Taylor Transform and‘é", (if! Transform of the Sequence of Partia Sums of a Fourier Series" 1567 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING OCTOBER 28, 1959 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS ‘ Robert Bennett Tucker Psychology Lexington \ Dissertation: "The Combining of Separate Learning ’ Experiences in Probable-Cue Judgments" f Joe Warren Vaughn Chemistry Otterbein, Ind. Y Dissertation: "Solubility and Conductance Studies of Typical Symmetrical and UnSymmetrical Electrolytes in N—Methylacetamide at 40 o C" CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS James Paul Akin French Paintsville Paul Albert Crawley Anthropology Louisville William Jerome Crouch English ‘ TuscalOOSa, Alae 7 ‘Lyman Russell Dale Physical Education Shelbyville Glenn Urey Dorroh. Jrg Physical Education Lexington ClOyd Herbert Finch, JroHistory Lexington Edward Earl Gibbons English Columbus, Ga. Martha Viola Gray Anthropology Louisville Cann Martin Isaacs Political Science Toymost f William Henry Livings, Jr.Physica1 Education Lexington Thomas John McCrystal Psychology Lexington John Richard McWilliams PsychOIOgy Liberty, Ind. Ballard Jewell Moore Physical Education Lexington Cecil Eugene Neff, Jr. Physical Education Eaton, O. Albert Doc Nutgrass, Jr History Cynthiana K John Wesley Shelton Physical Education Port Arthur. Texas Melissa Annette Tatman French Lexington CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OE MASTER OF SCIENCE NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Hira Lall Baisya Physics India ; Truman Rai Bryant Botany Lexington Frederick Gerald Cox Geography JonanCy Mary Ellen Curtin Psychology Lexington Wallace Douglas Dawson Jr. Zoology Midway William Robert Elsaesser Physics Cincinnati. 0. Jerry Porter King Mathematics Murray Thomas Edsel Newman Zoology Louellen Logan Reid Patterson Geology New Orleans, La. James Walter Wilson Anatomy and PhysiOIOgy Masonic Home CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE ' NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Gerald W. Brown Dairying Martin, Tenn. James Albert Burrus Poultry Husbandry Lebanon. 0. Hubert W.Davis Horticulture London Carroll Edmond Graves Dairying Winchester. 0. xas 1568 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING OCTOBER 28. 1959 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE N IE MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS Jerome E. Lawson Agriculture Extension Corbin Leo Aloysius Link Agronomy Princeton William Edwin Moss Dairying Versailles Walter Ray Prince Poultry Husbandry Cody Kuanang Tung Agricultural Economics Taiwan Henry Russell Wilson Poultry Husbandry Webbville CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING NAME Robert LeOn Florence ADDRESS Lexington CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING NAME Doyle Ross Dingus _ CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE CF MA ENGINEERING NAME Donald Lee Harrod ADDRESS Martin IN METALLURGICAL ADDRESS Lexington CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION NAME Anita Claire Allen Jeroline Ann Baker Lou Will Barnett Ann Kazee Best Norris Gene Best Joe Daniel Bishop Michael Wallace Buice Sylvia Fraim Burnette Helen Buza Doris Elouise Cave Andrew Frederic Chaky James Franklin Chandler Lucile Turney Clay Robert Norris Cocanougher Dale Smith Combs Barbara Purcell Corley David Clark Cottrell Mabel Ruth Criswell Marjorie Ann Davis Joseph Robert Donovan George Henry Edmondson James Robert Etherton Mary Kathryn Faw Betty Bishop FeatherstOn EliZabeth Cleary Fickes ADDRESS Bardstcwn Frankfort Harrodsburg Frankfort Frankfort Danville Fayetteville. N.C. Alva Jefferson, 0. Munfordville Lexington Paintsville Paris Lexington Carr Creek Nicholasville Georgetown Cynthiana Lexington Shelbyville Covington Pensacola. Flag Lexington Paris Tampa, Fla. 1569 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING OCTOBER 28, 1959 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION [ NAME Finnell Lambert Fields Stanley Fizer WiltOn Hope Fuller Thelma Breckenridge Garner Joan Rosalee Goldsmith Betty Louise Gullady Floyd Robert Hall Patsy Pauline Hamilton Alice Gillespie Hammons Henry Norman Hardin Charles Robert Harris Minor Ronald Haycraft Charles Hayden Hooper Albert Lincoln Isham Sutoh Jaroensuk Elizabeth Brewer Jayne Agnes Burnette Johnson Hazel Warner Johnson Roger H. Jones Ercie Thomas Judd Edsel Lo Karrick Mary Alice Leslie Valinda Elizabeth Lewis Mallie Moss Lobb Martha Jean Lockhart Sarah McQueen Marion Cornett Martin Mary Anne Martin Dorcas Elkins Metts Wilma Justine Mobley Julia Montgomery Monroe Hazel Dawn Moseley Joseph Junior Mullins Marjorie Ruddle Norfleet Moses Carroll Orem John Milton Owen Mary Kennon Potts Alice Elenora Preston Lydia Chenault Pride Boyd Andra Purdom Ada Mary Pyle Charles Herbert Reedy Theodore Reed Renaker Ruby Engleman Riffe Robert Lever Robertson Maxine Gilbert Schenks Dean LeROy Schryer Gladys Shepherd David Allen Shipp Gordon Edwin Simpson Charles Leland Smith Nannie Letton Steele Susan Jane Stiles James Mansfield Stodghill ADDRESS Brooksville Cynthiana Lexington Lexington Louisville I Winchester 1 Pikeville Somerset Lexington Dania, Fla. Hopkinsville Louisville Rockmart, Ga. Washington C. H. 0 Thailand Ashland Ashland Wilmore Lexington Beattyville Owingsville Prestonsburg Lexington Louisville Lexington Mt. Sterling Manchester Morehead f Lexington Ashland Falmouth So. Fort Mitchen Lexington Lexington Campbellsburg Fort Mitchell Vaughns Mill Paintsville Charlotte. N. C. Lexington Lexington ; Kings Mountain Berry Danville Springfield Ft. Lauderaale.Fm Lexington 5 Mt. Olivet Versailles Florence Nicholasville Paris Lexington Waddy “( chell H00. MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING OCTOBER 28. 1959 1570 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION N Al'IE Mary Matt Strong Sarah Hanson Swinford Edward Dodd Taylor Helen June Toomey Dean Owens Turnipseed Thomas Lee Undike, Jr. Wanda Grain Vice Roland Ray Vorhees Elizabeth Wyatt Ward Laura Mildred Weddle Leo Franklin Weddle June Bartel West Nancy Williams West Shirley Rogers Withrow Ethel Little Wolfford ADDRESS Lexington Cynthiana Nicholasville Falmouth Maysville Maysville Tlemingsburg Dayton, 0. Lexington Somerset Somerset Ludlow Lexington Paris Grayson CANDIDATES NOR THE DEGREE O? MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION NI \iE Helen Ketner Bishop Herbert Bruce, Jr. William Nelson Cherry Walter Earl Cooper Bessie Langford Covington Evelyn Greenwade Ensor Leila Carlisle Hammons Harold H. Hardison Glynna Jean Hays Floyd To Hensley, Jr. Hazel Irene Hill Wilma Clupper Holland Pauline Stone Jones Albert Charles Lee Lois Lindsey Maynard Edith Hensley Merritt Edgar Louis Mills Willis Green Moremen Mary Dentoa Pierce Patricia Carol Porier Risse Layne Sharpton Wilburn Sirls Lucile Riley Stiles Donnalie Stratton Gilmer Haydon Thomas William Lloyd Wells ADDRESS Lawrenceburg Versailles Hopkinsville Campbellsville Waco Mt. Sterling Stanford Columbia, TennQ Irvine Campbellsville PrestOnsburg Bowling Green Carlisle Williamsburg Leitchfield Tollesboro Bowling Green Brandenburg Albany Lexington Valley Station Calhoun Munfordville Meta Henderson Auxier CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION NAME John William Collis Edith Prewitt Conyers Walter Malcolm Campbell Thomas John Evans Horace Hansborough Seay. Jr. ADDRESS Winchester Morehead Toledo, 0. Lexington Louisville MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING OCTOBER 28, 1959 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PUBLIC HEALTH NAME ADDRESS ? James William HendersOn. Jr. New Castle ? Garland Edward Pendergraph Louisville 3 Clay Eddie Simpson, Jr. Lexington ylg 1 B‘Nw : CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER or SCIENCE IN LIBRARY SCIENCE ' NAME ADDRESS Hilda Fay Arnold Drakesboro Irene Daughtrey Gullette Gary, Ind. P Ramona Virginia Jones Tyner ‘ Frances Newell Milward Lexington NanCy Bach Pillon Jackson Robert Jackson Wallace Prestonsburg CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC NAME ADDRESS Gypsy Floyd John Lexington CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF SPECIALIST IN EDUCATION NAME ADDRESS Amanda Campbell Corbin COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCLS Martin Marshall White, Dean { [ CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS 1 NAME MAJOR SUBJECT ADDRESS John Leslie Arnett Political Science Lexington Oscar Thomas Atkins History Williamson,W.Va William Irvin Bubenzer Arts—Law Covington Joseph Daniel Chandler History Versailles Robert Trabue Davis Radio Arts Lexington Louise Gray Evans Sociology Frankfort Mary Anne Gaffney Psychology Atlanta, Ga. Jack Edward Gallagher Radio Arts Lexington May Beam Noe Grider Social Work Springfield ; Ethel Pauline Catron Henderson Geography Lexington Frederick Deith Hille Botany Henderson Thomas Robertson Huffman, Jr. Art Lexington Frank Wayne Leeper Topical FieldamReligious Aspects of Culture Owensboro Thomas Proctor Lewis History Lexington / _ ‘ George Lanier McCombs ArtSmLaw Munfordville §§:E3 John Robert Morgan ArtSaLaM Emmalena {1 George Kenneth Oberhausen Political Science Pensacola, Fla f , Randall Jackson Proffitt Radio Arts Pulaski, Va Marilyn Ann Reeder Sociology Louisville Dorothy Jane Roberts History Erlanger I Elmer Bernard Schoenbachler Artsnfiedicine Louisville MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING OCTOBER 28, 1959 EH ‘ CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OT BACHELOR OF ARTS ‘ NAME MAJOR SUBJEC ADDRESS ' Burke Benson Terrell Arts»Law Paducah J Ada Burgin Tussey English Somerset ; Jo Ann Range Walden Music Winchester ( Isaac Emmitt Watson CANDIDATES FOR THE NAME James Lloyd Allison Freddie Thomas Clements Joseph Norwocd Grain Jess Morrell Dishman rg James Davis Duke Donald Clay Haney Robert Jerome Levin Jack Wilson Liddle John Alan Meyer Samuel Eugene Naive ION ' Shird Robinson Patricia Ann Scott Roy Elmer Smith Political Science Mt. Sterling DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE MAJOR SUBJECT Mathematics Anatomy and Physiology Psychology Topical Fieldn-ArtSn Medicine Public Health ané Hygiene Geology Anatomy and Physidlogy Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy and Physiology Psychology Zoology Zoology Chemistry ADDRESS Lexington Gratz Lexington Greensburg Hartford Ferguson Louisville Pineville Lexington Ravenna Virgie Burlington Corbin CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN JOURNALISM NAME Jean Weatherford McDaniel ADDRESS Barlow CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC 9 We Va NAME Margaret Cowgill Davis Leonard Brown Wolfe, Jro ADDRESS Lexington Lexington CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY ADDRESS Williamsburg 3-! a 2 NAME Shirley Ann Yancey COLLEGE OF COMMERCE Cecil Clayton Carpenter, Dean 1e CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Fla. IN COMMERCE a NAME I Joseph Leroy Amwake David Woolfolk Anderson ADDRESS Toronto. Canada Ashland 1573 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF NAME I John Joseph Avent III ,1 Paul Barnett John Stuart Baxter Donald Gordon Bennett Jerry Lee Bird Keith Davis Boone Milton Bradford Clark w;~’ Thomas Edward Collier ' §f Hi Cloya Douglas Eastham : 31% Ralph Wallace Estes it William Fulton Farmer, Jr. | i I Gene Paul Flynn William Ray Gilpin Robert G. Glass Walton Ray Haddix John Albert Halpin William Michael Henley Armer Guy Hisle William Goodwyn Holmes Charles Wendell Johnson Hubert Jack Johnson Dennis M. Kunkle Howell Todd Livesay, Jr. James B. Marshall James Franklin Miller Anthony Joseph Mitchell Martha Joline Nichols Jeremiah Beam Noe Geralfi Clay Pendleton Walter Henry Perkins Joe Glenn Revo Ronald Lee Rice Alvin Marrin Schickinger Henry Porch Stephens Charles Sydney Sutton ‘mi James Wallace Taylor ifl Thomas Todd Teeter l‘ Loren Thomas Terhune James McFarland Vioars Charles William Wilson NAME Joe Brown Adams Chester Lee Cole, Jr. David Lewis Fulkerson Hollis Bradley Hale MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING OCTOBER 28, 1959 SCIENCE IN COMMERCE ADDRESS Winchester 80. Fort Mitdmllfi Lexington Winnipeg. Canada Corbin Louisville Covington Lexington Jamestown Louisville Frankfort Lexington Pewee Valley Georgetown Albany Covington Louisville Mt. Sterling Ft. Thomas Lexington Chickamauga,Ga Beaver, Pa. Lexington Paducah Madisonville Louisville Huntington,W.Vm Springfield Lexington Louisville Greenville Ashland Valley Station Williamsburg Covington Pikeville Guthrie Lexington Lexington Shelbyville COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS Frank J. Welch, Dean CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE ADDRESS Madisonville Richmond Lexington Greenville L l i 1574 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING OCTOBER 28. 1959 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF S IENCE IN AGRICULTURE , NAME ADDRESS / Robert Grant Maddox Lexington tdmllf George Robert Mason Smithfield ‘ Thomas O. Nolan, Jra Danville anada ' ‘ Samuel Carpenter Planck Flemingsburg ? Kenneth Charles Weitkamp Lexington Dave Thomas Wright Gracey f CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME f ' ECONOMICS NAME ADDRESS , Barbara Ann Arnold Carlisle Madisonville 3y Patricia Simms Deaton Cynthiana f Martha Layne Hall - Shelbyville ‘ Dimple Thomaeon Summers Lexington 18 , COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING " Robert Ezekiel Shaver, Dean M Ga . » CANDIDATES I?‘OR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Le f NAME ADDRESS David Franklin Bittle Paducah .W.Vm 1 Walter Lane Cannon Kuttawa 1 Charles Christian Kunz Lexington Josaphat Louis Montgomery Owensboro CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING tion ; r8 ¢ NAME ADDRESS David Senior Bettinger Valley Station Herman Alfred Erhart, Jr. Jeffersontown Larry Edens Ferguson Burkesville \ Alfred Evert Jarf Chicago. Ill. ” John Thomas Kelly Kevil 9 William David Lambert. Ashland Freddie Gene Marshall Eddyville Jack Forrest Miller Monticello Benn S. Powell London Lanza Lee Schwall Covington Richard William Smith Sebree UEE Joel Norman Stallins ‘ Princeton 1e CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1575 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING OCTOBER 28, 1959 CANDIDATES FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING NAME ADDRESS Huey Frederick Anderson Neon John William Calvert Lexington Lionel Frais William Edward Grubbs William Clark Harlan Donald Lee Myers Jean Anthony Powell Loais Scoufis David Guy Snedaker James Storts Swann Louisville William Matthew Thompson Lebanon Han-Chang Yang Taiwan, China Lexington Tompkinsville Lexington Trenton, N.J° CANDIDATES EOE THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NAME ADDRESS William Albertus Abell Lebanon William Bradley Ball Smith Judson Roy Griffin II Bowling Green Charles Stanley Harlan Lexington William Howard Sumpter Loyall CANDIDATE FOR DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING NAME ADDRESS Leslie Bunyard Claxton Lexington CANDIDATE FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN MINING ENGINEERING NAME ADDRESS William Henry Harelson Climax; Coloo COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Lyman Vernon Ginger, Dean CANDIDATES FOR DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION NAME MAJOR OR AREAS ADDRESS Dorothy J, Angel Social Studies Princeton Barbara Luella Bedford History Jeffersonville LaVerne Skaggs Bell Billye Ann Bourne John Payton Boxley Lillian Slone Campbell Bobby C° Cantrell Elementary Education Cempbellsville Biological Sciences Nicholasville Geogranhy and Geology Hopkinsville Elementary Education Mousie Mathematics Lexington Brooklyn. N. Y, Birmingham. Ala New York, N. Y. “ ‘k‘“\y an On 113 116 la 1576 MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING OCTOBER 28, 1959 CANDIDATES FOR DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION NAME William Kirk Dawson, Jr. Ruth Rice Dean Ava Dean Eaton Anna Bizer Elam Flora Gay Evans Grace Bingham Ewen Mollie Jane Flora Virginia Whayne Florence Claude Andrew Fouse Anna B. Francis Katherine Scott Gaines Irene Taylor Galbraith Gladys P. Gilbert Lois Sue Godbey John Minor Griggs Norman Lee Eager James anmond Harper Barbara Faye Harrod Hazel Johnson Hieronymus Sarah Elizabeth Hodges Drucella Waddle Jordan Elizabeth Anne Kirtley Steve Louis Kochin Sue S. Lail Carolyn Lee Gladys Lawson Little Jo Ann Ramey Maggard Russell G. Mobley Carol Ann Moellendick Maudie Irene Morgan Ollie Irene Cornett Morgan Patricia Ann Palfrey Lorena Vivian Pfanstiel Charles Phillippi Katherine Ann Philliys Joann Fields Powell Lovel C. Reynolds Ralph Donald Roaden Mary Ann Luce Robinson Jonnie Jane Shackelford Joe Richard Shannon Grace Robinson Shearin Eddis Lee Smith John Lloyd Smith MAJOR OR AREAS Physical Education Elementary Education Business Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education ADDRESS Morganfield Nicholasville Lexington Lexington Louisville Lexington Myers Science, Home Economics Lexington Music Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Agriculture English Mathematics, English Special Education English and Art Elementary Education Elementary Education History Physical Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Music Speech and Drama Elementary Education Elementary Education English English Elementary Education Mathematics Physical Education Business Education Elementary Education Commerce English Physical Education Physical Education Elementary Education Elementary Education History and Political Science Elizabeth Buckingham Stafford Business Education Francis Asbury Stephens Linda Sue Stephens Linda Elizabeth Stoltz Elementary Education English English Jerry Greene Parker Strange Elementary Education Susan Graves Tebbs Dorothy Lee Trosper Elementary Education Elementary Education Lexington Brinkley Sadieville Brooksville Lawrenceburg Lexington Prestonsburg Lexington Ashland Lexington Winchester Greensburg Danville Owensboro Corbin Lexington WilliamstOWn Nicholasville Lexington Iexington Cavington Sawyer Hazard Prestonsburg Brooksville Somerset Monticello Sadieville Sassafras Corbin Beaver Dam Hazard Georgetown Danville Sassafras Lexington Mt. Sterling Pine Knob Prestonsburg Fern Creek Frankfort Winchester LexingtOn NAME Marilyn Lindsay Webb Donald Elmer Wilmhoff The Faculty adjourned at 4:10 P. M. , ,) '31 MAJOR OR AREAS Elementary Education Physical Education , / (- x i / MINUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY MEETING OCTOBER 28. 1959 :1 1 (:13 z CANDIDATES FOR DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS IN EDUCATION ADDRESS Lexington Erlanger 9 " L161" LEVY”? Charles F. Elton Secretary \1 u “)1 3I