xt718911p06d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911p06d/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19100413 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1910-04-dec13. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1910-04-dec13. 1910 2011 true xt718911p06d section xt718911p06d MIAUUTS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSDe r 1 The Board of Trustees of the State University met in semi-annual session on Tuesday, December 13, 1910. Present: Governor Yillson, Superintendent Regenstein, Judge Barker, Messrs. Tibbis Carpenter, Claude B. Terrell, Cassius to. Clay , Richard C. Stoll, Charles B. Nichols, James K. Patterson, Acting President vhlite, Thomas L. Edelen. Absent: Messrs. William H. Cox, Denny P. Smith, Hywel Davies, Louis L. Walker, Richard N. iathen, Tohn B. Atkinson, Tames 'S. Turner. Governor Wilison in the chair. Upon motion made and duly seconded, Ivr. Clay was elected Chairman pro tem of the meeting. President Emeritus Patterson made the following statement to the Board: "A few days ago MSr. R. C. Stoll, a member of this Board, informed me by a special messenger that a rumor was current that the Calvert property fronting 101 feet on Limestone Street and lying between the property known as Patterson Hall and the recent purchase made from the MICLaughlin heirs,had been sold to one Mr. Cropper, for the purpose of erecting a laundry thereon. He requested that I should send Prof. W. K. Patterson to Mirs. Calvert to ascertain the truth of the rumor. This I did. In conversation with IMtrs. Calvert, she informed him that she considered the property as good as sold, that the man had agreed to give her $5100. for it and would return on the Monday following (December 5th), to complete the transaction. She stated, however, that he had not returned, that she had entered into no written obligation to convey the property, that no money had passed be- tween the parties, and that she therefore considered herself free to entertain any alternative proposition. After some conversation, she agreed to give him an option for the University for one week on the basis of.5250. On his return he reported the result of the conversation to me. December 13, 1910 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TAUSTMS - "1Next morning by telephone I requested Mr. Stoll to prepare the option, if he concurred in the propriety and expediency of purchasing the property at that figure. He expressed his gratification and willingness, but said that he had to go to Frankfort and suggested that I call up Mir. Nichols, Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee. In conversation with Mr. Nichols, he concurred entirely in the desirability of securing the property and suggested that Mr. Clay be consulted. I requested him then to consult Mr. Clay and report the result to me. Ir. Clay's opinion agreeing with the other members consulted, I then requested Tudge Lafferty to prepare the option. Prof. W. K. Patterson took the papers to Mirs. Calvert and obtained her signature to an option of ten days, on a basis of $5200. instead of $5250,, the con- dition which she had made upon the previous day. "We now have an opportunity of acquiring for the University the piece of prop- erty intervening between Patterson Hall and Winslow Street, and coming into posses- sion of the entire frontage on Limestone Street from the property owned by Mrs. Woolley, and making it, except for the intervention of Winslow Street, a part of the larger property on which the University buildings now stand. I respectfully urge the completion of the transaction thus auspiciously begun. If we allow this property to slip from us now, the probability is that a serious inconvenience will be established in our immediate neighborhood, of wnich we could not rid ourselves except at great additional expense in the future. "The thanks of the Board of Trustees are due to Mir. Richard C. Stoll and to his brother John, through whom the intelligence was first obtained. "Respectfully submitted, James K. Patterson." The option was then read to the Board, which is as follows: "THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into this 8th.day of December, 1910, by and between Rebecca Calvert of Lexington, Kentucky, party of the first part, and Augustus E. Willson, Henry S. Barker, Tibbis Carpenter, William H. Cox, Denny P. December 13, 1910 MtJNUS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Smith, Claude B. Terrell, Cassius a. Clay, H1ywel Davies, Richard C. Stoll, Louis L. Walker, Richard N. .,Tathen, John B. Atkinson, Thomas L. Edelen, Charles D. Nichols, James K. Patterson, Tames W. Turner, and Ellsmorth Regenstein, Trustees of the State University of Kentucky, parties of the second part; WITNESSETH: That the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Five Dollars, ($5.00) cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby agree that she will, for a period of ten days give to the parties of the second part the right and privilege to purchase the premises upon which she now resides on South Limestone Street, Lexington, Ky., and lying between the University property, Patterson Hall, on the north and the McLaughlin lot re- cently purchased on the south; "That said purchase, if made, shall be for the sun of Five Thousand, Two Hun- dred Dollars, ($5200.), cash in hand paid, when a deed of conveyance is made. This sale to include all of the property in that connection which she owns, or to which she has any right in any way whatever, other than personal property. Said prop- erty shall also be transferred free from all encumbrances and taxes. "If second parties elect to buy said property, first party will furnish an abstract of title and warrant same. Second parties may elect at any time within the period of ten days to take said property at said price, and immediately after such election, first party will have the deed made and delivered and will give possession on or before the day of "It is agreed that this shall be a binding contract from this date, if signed by the first party and by lames G. iWhite, Acting President of the said State Univer- sity. ",Given under our hands this the day and date first above written. (Signed) Mrs. Rebecca Calvert James G. White, Acting President of the State University of Kentucky. Attest: Jalter K. Patterson~tt December 13, 1910 MINUTES OF T1E BOARD OF TRUSTES - DEcember 13, 1910 motion made and duly seconded that the University accept the option to buy the Calvert property and that President Emeritus Patterson, Mr. Nichols and Judge Lafferty be appointed a commnittee to complete the transaction. On roll-call said motion was unanimously carried. President Emeritus Patterson then presented the following resolution: 1=31MEAS through the good offices of Superintendent Regenstein and the liberal- ity of the General Board of Education, of which Dr. Wallace Buttrick is Secretary, an Inspector and Supervisor of Schools for Secondary Education in Kentucky has been appointed by the General Board; "AND 1MMEAS one of the conditions attaching to the appointment is that the official so appointed shall have headquarters at one of the colleges or univer- sities of the State, that he shall be intimately identified with the institution selected for headquarters, that he shall be recognized as a professor therein and as a member of the general faculty of the university or college; "AnD VDREAS the State Superintendent and the General Board of Education prefer that the headquarters of the appointee be the State University and that he be iden- tified with the State University; "AND W1BE9EAS a further condition of appointment and residence is that the University or College selected for headquarters shall pay the travelling expenses of the appointee of the Board of Education, the said Board providing the salary, viz: $3,000.; "TIMREFO1E, RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees of the State University accept with thanks the overture of the General Board of Education and agree to pay the travelling expenses of the appointee, to provide headquarters and an office for his use, elect him Professor of Secondary Education in the Department of Education, and recognize him as a member of the general faculty of the University. MINUTES OF DES BOARD OF TRUSTEES - "RESOLVED further that the Board of Trustees of the State University thank Superintendent Regenstein for his good offices in procuring the appointment of Prof. McHenry Rhoads, late Superintendent of the city schools of Owensboro, Kentucky, to the office of Supervisor and Inspector of Secondary Schools by the General Board of Education; AND RESOLVED further that the Board of Trustees of the State University thank Dr. Wallace Buttrick and through him the General Board of Education for the compli- ment of selecting the State University of Kentucky as the headquarters of the Super- visor and Inspector of Secondary Schools for the Commonwealth, and pledge their co- operation with Prof. Rhoads and the General Board of Education to realize the benef- icent results contemplated by his appointment." . The foregoing resolution, being duly seconded, on roll-call was unanimously carried. Mr. Regenstein made a motion that a committee be appointed to reorganize the Department of Education and the Academy, inasmuch as Prof. Phoads' work will be with the secondary schools of the State, this committee to be appointed with instructions to report to the Executive Committee, with power to act on the part of the Executive Committee. Said motion, being duly seconded, was carried unanimously. On motion duly seconded and carried, it was resolved that said committee should consist of Mr. Regenstein, Chairman, Tudge Barker end Prof. White. Mr. -Stoll stated that at the June meeting, Prof. 1-hitets salary was made tM3,000. per year, while he was Acting President, and that when Judge Barker took his seat, it was to go back to $2500. He therefore moved that Prof. White be continued as December 13, 1910 MINUTES OF TEM BOARD OF TUSIESDe Vice-President of the institution, with a salary of 13000. a year. Said motion was seconded, and on roll-call was unanimously carried. President Emeritus Patterson presented the following resolution: ZEFM2EAS the Board of Trustees of the State University of Eentucky have heard with regret and sorrow of the serious illness of our former colleague, Judge Robert Lee Stout: "THMREFURE, RESOLVED that we place on record our high estimation of him as a public servant and a gentleman, and express to him our sincere sympathy in his illness, with the hope that a kind Providence will deal gently with him, assuage his pains and alleviate his malady, and that in the end he may be restored in per- fect health to his family, to the bench and to the state; "RESOLVED that our sympathies and best wishes go in full measure to his dis- tressed wife, the able and honored head of the Department of Physical Education for Women in the State University; "RESOLVED that these resolutions be placed upon the minutes of the Board and a copy sent to Mrs. Stout.?? The above resolution, being seconded, was unanimously adopted. The following report was then presented by President Emeritus Patterson: "To the members of the Board of Trustees, State University, Lexington, Eentucky. "Gentlemen: - -When in New York two or three weeks ago, I sought an interview with Mr. James Bertram, Private Secretary of Mr. Andrew Carnegie, who gave, as you are December 13, 1910 MlIUTES OF TE[ BOARD OF TRUSTEES - December 13, 1910 aware, the donation to the State University by which the library building was erected. I submitted to him the question whether book racks, tables, chairs and other articles of equipment of this character might be paid for out of the annual appropriation re- quired by lMr. Carnegie for the up-keep of the Library, and in order to bring the matter more definitely before him in a concrete form, I stated that material for the construction of six tables for the use of the library had been purchased and the tables made by the salaried carpenter employed by the State University, and asked him whether the expense incurred thereby could be legitimately paid out of the fund appropriated for the upkeep of the library. His answer was a decided negative. This I think ought to set the matter at rest. I think it not only just, but expedient, under existing conditions, that the State University keep absolutely good faith with Mr. Carnegie with reference to his gift and the conditions attaching thereto. Respectfully submitted. James K. Patterson." This communication was ordered to be received, filed and referred to the Executive Committee. Acting President 'Luite was then requested to read his semi-annual report to the Board, which is as follows: "Lexington, Ky., December 9, 1910. "To the Board of Trustees of the State University of Kentucky: t'Gentlemen:- In submitting to you my second Semi-annual Report, I will be brief. Inas- much as Judge Barker will in a few weeks enter upon his work as President of this institution, I am not expected to outline in this Report what I conceive should be his policy. In truth, I have during my administration attempted no radical changes, but I have endeavored to prepare the way as far as possible for a successful beginning MD=UTES OF THE BOARD OF 'MUST=E$ - of President Barker's administration. A cordial and friendly feeling exists among our professors and also among our students, and I have never known a more sympathetic feeling to exist between the professors and students than we have at present. The University opened September 8th with a somewhat larger attendance than in the year previous, most of the Departments sharing in the increase. While our attendance is somewhat larger than it was a year ago, I believe a proper following up of my correspondence of last summer will bring to us quite a number of desirable students. My experience, like that of others, is that the first letter often fails to bring the student, but a second or third letter accomp- lishes the desired result. Many of those to whom I wrote last summer and who are not with us now are probably at home; many others have probably gone to northern colleges and universities which find Kentucky a good field in vWich to solicit stu- dents. During the past six months I have learned something of the zeal and of the methods of other institutions in soliciting students in Kentucky, and I am fully satisfied that with the proper presentation of the advantages now being offered by this University to her sons and daughters, Kentucky will soon send us a thousand students more than we have at present. Our students for several years have organized themselves into Clubs more or less active in bring(ing) to the attention of their home district the advantages of this institution. At present we have two large Clubs, one composed of the students from Louisville and the other known as the Jack- son Purchase Club. If my encouragement to the students in these Clubs is followed up as it should be, they will be of great service in bringing us well prepared students. While our enrollment is materially larger than it was a year ago, I feel that our chief cause for congratulation lies in the imporvement in the preparation of our new students. Professor Miller, the Chairman of our Accredited School Committee, tells me that nearly 60%g of our present Fresluman Class have entered with full credit December 13, 1910 MINUTES OF TE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - December 13, 1910 for High School work, wMhile last year the percentage was about 40 and the year previous even less. The enrollment in our Academy is less this year than former- ly, due, I believe largely to the increasing facilities for High School work now enjoyed by many of our cities and towns. I anticipate that the enrollment in our Freshman Class will grow larger and that in our Academy smaller year by year as the High Schools in the State grow in number and in strength. The appointment by the Rockefeller Educational Board of Superintendents Coates and McHenry Rhoads to look after the secondary school interests in our State will materially improve the out- look for good preparatory work in Kentucky. Notwithstanding the fact that High School work in Eentucky is better:than it was a few years ago, for the past two or three years I have noticed that we have, what it seems to me is an unduly large number of failures in our Freshman Class and that the students who fail as Freshmen do not return to College the next year. Several reasons for these failures suggest themselves, but in a matter which affects vitally the welfare of so many young men, I believe that a careful study of this problem should be made at once. I hope to give some attention to it when President Barker enters upon his duties with us. Our dormitories for young men, under the supervision of ,;,rs. IMarshall, while not as homelike as we desire, are more cleanly and more comfortable than they were a few years ago and are filled with county appointees. During the past summer, I wrote personal letters, besides sending the printed matter required by law, to near- every ly/ ounty Superintendent in the State. I wrote hundreds of letters also to pros- pective students and to their parents, setting forth the advantages offered by this institution and the very extraordinary privileges granted to appointees. Mr. 0. TW. Irvin, a Senior student, made quite a satisfactory canvass for students in the western portion of our state. The result of my correspondence and of !Mr. Irvin's canvass is that 99 counties of the State have representatives in our student body, leaving 20 counties unrepresented. Of the 99 counties, those outside of Fayette which MINUMES OF BME BOARD OF MRUSTEES have the largest representation are as follows:- Jefferson 38 Daviess 30 Kenton 21 Campbell 20 Woodford 17 Jessamine 14 Mason 13 Henderson 12 Graves 12 The 20 counties which have no representatives in our student body are chiefly in the eastern portion of the State. It is true that many of these counties have such poor schools that their students are not prepared for collegiate work, but I believe that we can and should do something to relieve this unfortunate condition. Our new Chemistry Building is nearly ready for occupancy and Dr. Maxson hopes to have everything in readiness for the students the first of January. Dr. Tuttle, our chief chemist, after a protracted illness from typhoid fever, hopes to resume his work in January. During Dr. Tuttleta illness, Dr. Maxson has had charge of the Department of Chemistry and, so far as I have been able to learn, he has handled the Department well. I may say in this connection that the instruction in all Departments of the University has been substantially as in other sessions. A more intimate association than formerly of the Experiment Station and the College of Agriculture was effected last July by the joint action of the Board of Control and the Executive Committee. Director M. A. Scovell of the Experiment Sta- tion was made Dean of the College of Agriculture. With Dr. Scovell the heads of the Departments in the Experiment Station became members of the University faculty. Al- though the University is embarrassed by the lack of money to properly equip this College, a growing interest in it is manifest among our students and I anticipate that in the no distant future it will be one of the largest and most popular Colleges of the University. In August, on the resignation of Mrs. Stout as Dean of Women, Miss Anna J. Hamilton of Louisville was by our Executive Committee elected Dean of Women and Assistant Professor of English, She entered upon the discharge of her duties at the beginning of the session in September and gives abundant evidence of great inter- est in her work. December 13, 1910 MINUTES OF TEE BOARD OF 9MUSTES - The demand for our graduates as teachers has been far greater then we have been able to supply. As our High Schools increase in number and efficiency, the demand for well-trained teachers will become greater and greater. We cannot supply the demand now and the sad part of the story is that we are doing so little to re- lieve this unfortunate situation. The number of matriculates in our courses for teachers is slowly increasing and in these courses we have quite a number of bright young men and young women, but for the most part our young teachers are going to Ohio, Indiana and other northern states to acquire an education, and Superintendents and School Boards in some cities are sending to these states for their teachers. Only today I received a letter, which, omitting names, reads as follows:- "President of State College, Lexington, Kentucky. Dear Sir:- Has it been called to your attention that the Superintendent of City Schools of one of our largest cities ------shows favor to only Ohio educated teachers? If our own schools and colleges do not receive recognition, why shall we support them? We are preparing well-trained engineers and scientific investigators for Kentucky and for other states, but in the matter of training teachers, needed nowhere perhaps more than in Kentucky, we are lamentably deficient. The question asked by the writer just quoted must be answered. If we can give no satisfactory answer to the public, we will find it more and more difficult to satisfy our people that we deserve the appropriations the State is giving us. I have been studying this problem and I hope soon to offer to President Barker some sug- gestions as to how we may best serve our State in giving to it well-trained teachers for our High Schools. The grounds adjacent to the new Chemistry Building, the Civil and the Mining Engineering Buildings, have been graded as far as our means would permit, and a macadam roadway has been constructed leading to these buildings. December 13, 1910 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRJSDc1S Mr. D. C. Frazee's resignation as Business Agent, tendered to your Executive Committee during the latter part of the summer, was accepted and became effective October 1st. The offices of Business Agent and Comptroller were united under the charge of Judge Lafferty. He prepares a monthly statement of the financial con- dition of the institution and his books are now kept so that our exact financial condition can be easily determined at any time. IVle have, of course, not been able to pay off our outstanding obligations, but by close scrutiny of all requisitions for expenditures and the cutting out of all items unnecessary for maintaining the efficiency of our work, our expenses for the current year will, I believe, come with- in our income. Early in November, the heads of Departments at my request prepared a careful estimate or invoice of the value of books, furniture, apparatus, machinery, etc. in their keeping and belonging to the University. I have gone over most of these estimates very carefully and I believe that the following figures are trustworthy: Value of Buildings $550,000. Value of Grounds 225,000. Apparatus & Machinery 67,400. Furniture and Miscellanies 33,900. Library 34,700. Live Stock 10,000. Total $921,000. "For a detailed statement of the figures involved in this report see the separate sheet sent herewith.) These figures show that beginning with nothing in 1878 When the A. & M. Col- lege was by legislative act detached from Kentucky (now Transylvania) University, the material wealth accumulated by President Patterson's administration and bequeathed by it to President Barker's, is in round numbers nine hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Compared with the wealth of some of the larger Universities, ours is December 13, 1910 MIINMLES OF TEE BOARD OF TRUSD e small, but when we consider the fierce struggle for existence that President Pat- terson found it necessary to maintain for many years, we should feel proud of his success. With an earnest prayer that the closing years of the life our retiring Presi- dent may be his happiest, and that God may guide our incoming President and make his administration a great blessing to our State, I am Your obedient servant, (Signed) Tames G. White. Boun No. Agriculture 1264 Civil Engineering 150 Mechanical " 1200 Mining it 51 Law 2200 Dept. of Education 446 Academy 3 Anat. & Physiology 75 Chemistry 436 Domestic Science 30 English 212 Ent., Zool., Geol. 1202 Latin & Greek 55 History 70 Mathematics 94 Mod. Languag(e) 352 Physics 90 Phys. Edu. Dorms. & Adm. Offices Library 6967 University 14897 Expt. Stat. 4800 EAGENT OF Library 1 Volumes Value .$15O0. 350. 1200. 145. 4245. 325. 14. 300. 1200. 50. 350. 1200. 172. 35. 114. 400. 135. 10432. :$22167. 12500. STATE UNti VSITY. Furniture and Miscellanies $2700. 3300. 2950. 1440. 460. 1280. 570. 390. 500. 160. 50. 2080. 208. 84. 215, 3240. 350. 2800. 2655. 25432. 8500. Apparatus and Machinery $1900. 4000. 23550. 4400. 52. 2500. 5200. 355. 50. 3770. 40. 1045. 5500. 2800. %p55162. Livestock 12250. 10000 Upon motion, seconded the appropriate committee. and carried unanimously, this report was referred to I - _ 11-. - - - - - - - - - - - December 13, 191:0 .L10ato, Z{ --o~bb 7v @;5Y;5a: . :9-6741.z. .510000. Minutes OF TE BOARD OF TRUSTEES A motion was made, seconded and unanimously carried that all committees appointed at the June meeting be continued until the next June meeting. 'The minutes of the last meeting of the Board were then read by the Secretary, and on motion were approved as read. The Secretary read the minutes of the by President Emeritus Patterson that these Motion lost for want of a second. Mr. Regenstein moved that the minutes unanimously carried. Motion made and carried to adjourn to Executive Comittee. A motion was made minutes be referred to a committee. stand approved as read. Seconded and meet again at 7.15 P.M. The Board of Trustees convened at 8 P.M. Present: Supt. Regenstein, Judge Barker, Messrs. Tibbis Carpenter, Claude B. Terrell, Cassius M. Clay, Richard C. Stoll, Charles B. Nichols, Thomas L. Edelen, James K. Patterson, Acting President White. Absent: Messrs. William H. Cox, Denny P. Smith, Hywel Davies, Louis L. Walker, Richard N. Wathen, John B. Atkinson, James W-1. Turner, Augustus E. Willson. Mr. Clay in the chair. Mo. Stoll nominated Judge Lafferty as Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Seconded and unanimously carried. Decefaber 13, 1910 MINUTES OF EBOARD OF TRUSD b Acting President White offered for the consideration of the Board the minutes of the faculty. He called attention to the fact that last June three young men of the Senior Class were not allovwed to graduate on account of unfinished work, that Prof. Rowe had presented their names to the faculty at a recent meeting and the faculty now recommended that the Board confer the degree of Bachelor of Civil En- gineering on John Stanley Dawson, Sherman Harry Stivers and James William Waller. He therefore moved that these degrees be granted. Said motion being seconded, it was unanimously carried. The following resolution, offered by Prof. White, was duly seconded and unani- mously carried: 'RESOLVED that a committee composed of the Deans of this University prepare rules and regulations for the University and that said rules and regulations be- come operative when approved by President Barker and the Executive Committee. Vice-President White was appointed chairman of this Committee. On motion duly seconded, the minutes of the faculty were referred to the appropriate committee. The Acting President then stated that Miss Chinn had been appointed by the Executive Committee as Instructor in Domestic Science, at a salary of '800., to take the place of Miss Marshall, this appointment being made subject to the approval of the Board. On motion said appointment was ratified by this Board. December 13, 1910 MAfNUTS OF TIM' BOARD CF TRUSTEES Acting President White made a statement to the Board embodying the substance of the following letter from the Commandant: "Lexington, Ky., Nov. 30, 1910. "To the Board of Trustees, Kentucky State University. ?tCentlemen: "It is my purpose to respectfully draw your attention to a matter that is of vital importance to the military work in this institution. Wheat I refer to is the question of instruction in rifle practice, and the absolute lack of facilities for carrying on such instruction at this institution. "It is hardly necessary for me to expatiate on the necessity for the dissemi- nation of a knowledge of rifle shooting among our citizens. Battles of the present day are largely, if not entirely, decided by rifle fire. The policy of this country always has been, and probably always will be, to depend upon its citizen soldiery for its defense. This citizen soldiery will be largely composed of infantry armed with the rifle. The efficacy of this rifle fire will decide our future battles. Ergo: The issue of our future wars will depend upon the degree of instruction of our citizens in the use of the rifle. "There is no question as to the truth of the foregoing statements. The logic is not only sound; but is borne out by the facts of history. The United States won its independence with the rifle and has since maintained that independence with the rifle. The magnificent fight made by the Boers was only rendered possible by their ability as rifle shots. In everything else they were far outclassed. They represented about the state of development current in this country in frontier days. Every man was a marksman in those times. "The past tense is used here advisedly. Wife once prided ourselves on being a nation of sharpshooters. That is now a hollow boast. We have long ago grown away from this fact as a present truth. I have had eight years experience on the