xt718911pw2d_181 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027.dao.xml Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky--Commencement.. 3.55 Cubic feet 7 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes TThe collection of the University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations, dated 1880-2012 and with bulk dates 1920-1959 (3.2 cubic feet, 6 preservation boxes, 2 reference boxes, 9 volumes), documents ceremonies and extracurricular activities related to commencement celebrations. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky commencement programs and invitations Invitation cards. Pamphlets. Programs. UK Honors and Prizes Awarded 77th Annual Commencement program text UK Honors and Prizes Awarded 77th Annual Commencement program 2015 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt718911pw2d/data/2010ua027/2010ua027_p2/2010ua027_p2_7/2010ua027_p2_7_13/3303/3303.pdf 1944 June 2 1944 1944 June 2 section false xt718911pw2d_181 xt718911pw2d Wha Hnihzvsiig uf Zhniuzkg Q + g§mmm smh HEI/*2135 amavsheh jHHzmhzm uf tip: ®mh1mtimm (Elms @9 *; <~ §`2I¥2lTtQ~§£i12IIih Pmmml (llhmmemrcnwni Qfrihag, jjuuc 2, 194-4- Hzxiugtun, jicnhackg University of Kentucky Commencement Honors and Prizes June 2, `I944 GRADUATED WITH HIGH DISTINCTION ' Students are graduated "With High Distinction" who attain a standing of 2.6 or higher for at least three years of residence work. Lucille Eldridge Brown Charline Reid Lisanby Algernon Smith Dickson Mary Ann Macke Reid Burbus England Ellen Jane Purcell Ralph Lowell Gullett Gloria Jean Reid Mabel Claire Gumm Anita Mae Roos Helen Louise Harrison James Henry Saunders Frances Louise Jinkins Adalin Stern Barbara Kilpatrick Morrison Vincent Swift Dorothy Virginia Lipscomb Mary Norma Weatherspoon GRADUATED WITH DISTINCTION Students are graduated "With Distinction" who attain a standing of 2.4 to 2.6 for at least three years of residence work. Celia Bedermon Ralph Lyndon Hucaby Betty Edwards Bohannon Sarah Anna Margaret Mclnteer Richard Truman Centers Ruth Julia Robinette Constance Larsen Cole Anna Lea Schoulties George Freeman Gilbert Virginia Elizabeth Wesley Betty Lee Wilson THE ALGERNON SYDNEY SULLIVAN MEDALLIONS Established in 1927, by the New York Southern Society, awarded to a man and woman in the senior class ofthe University and to a citizen of Kentucny not connected with the University, who, because of the quality of their lives, are judged to be the appropriate recipients of this distinction. Alonzo Willard Fortune James Henry Saunders Helen Louise Harrison DEPARTMENTAL HONORS Honors in Bacteriology—Ruth Julia Robinette Honors in Music-—Mabel Claire Gumm and Anita Mae Roos Phi Beta Kappa Celia Bedermon Ellen Jane Purcell Richard Truman Centers Gloria Jean Reid Algernon Smith Dickson James Henry Saunders Ralph Lowell Gullett ,_ Adalin,Stern Helen Louise Harrison Morrison Vincent Swfit Frances Louise Jinkins Mary Norma Weatherspoon Mary Ann Macke Betty Lee Wilson Mortar Board Celia Bederman Ruth Claudine Mullinaux Helen Louise Harrison Anita Roos Martha Townsend Koppius Carolyn Spicer Virginia Louise Lipscomb Adalin Stern Sarah Anna Margaret Mclnteer Mary Norma Weatherspoon Virginia Elizabeth Wesley Chi Delta Phi . Lillian Eleanor Terry Mary Norma Weatherspoon Alpha Lambda Delta Award Helen Louise Harrison Judge Samuel M. Wilson Award Morrison Vincent Swift V College of Arts and Sciences Phi Beta Mildred lone Buchanan Janet Evangeline Palmer Mabel Claire Gumm Anita Mae Roos Kathleen Hagan Mary Eleanor Shaw Patricia Irwin Horkan Betsy Wynne Simpson Virginia Averie Long Dorothy Jacqueline Wiedeberg CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT Alpha Chi Sigma irvine Henry Neltner James Henry Saunders Theodore Albert White PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Sigma Pi Sigma Leland Royce Boyd » JOURNALISM DEPARTMENT Theta Sigma Phi Celia Bederman Florida Ridgway Garrison Betty Edwards Bohannon Mary Lyle Mulholland Mary Norma Weatherspoon College of Agriculture and Home Economics Danforth Fellowship Helen Louise Harrison Danforth Camp Award C Elizabeth Finn Hickman Charline Reid Lisanby Alpha Zeta Reid Burbus England · Phi Upsilon Omitron Cornell Award Charline Reid Lisanby .~ · » T Phi Upsilon Omicron Elizabeth Eloise Bennett Anna Lea Schoulties Edna McReynolds Griffith Lydo Mae Sutherland Myra Harris Mary Mason Taylor Elizabeth Finn Hickman Patricia Eloise Thornton Charline Reid Lisanby Hazel Ruth Weakley Frances Mae Owens Jean Douglas Whaley Mary Jane Riggs Jewell Marjorie Wilson College of Engineering The E. B. Ellis Prize Ralph Lyndon Hucoby ~ College of Law Order of the Coif Leo Emory Oxley lra G. Stephenson Kentucky Law Journal Ernest Ralph Gregory Leo Emory Oxley Ira G. Stephenson College of Education Kappa Delta Pi Alice Kathryn Anderson Dorothy Turner Martin Williamson Earl Buckler Charlotte Hunt Phelps Mary Mavis Cole Evo Dupuy Price Nell Baskett Dorsey lrene Bernice Solutsky Elizabeth Finn Hickman Seba Stomper Sloane Ruth Jewell Helen Jane Truby Barbara Kilpatrick Maryan Vogt Violet Dolores Mock Virginia Elizabeth Wesley Kappa Delta Pi Award to Outstanding Senior in the College of Education Virginia Elizabeth Wesley College of Commerce — Beta Gamma Sigma Ray Harlan Garrison William Weibel Hummel Dorothy Virginia Lipscomb Graduate School “ ‘ Fellowships Ancient Languages-—·Jac0b Harold Greenlee Education—Jeanne Carolyn Lowry PsychoIogy—Susanno Burton Reynolds Scholarships Education-Dorothy Turner Martin